ColorBlind Session issue
didn’t write
the first editorial,
not about to
start now.
Said Reinis and Daniels two weeks after the session.
Brought to you by: Editors: Reinis Tutāns & Daniels Griņevičs Journalists: Alise Golovacka Gatis Bērziņš Judīte Petroviča Julia Pustovoitova Klāvs Galenieks Weronika Czerny Edgars Spudiņš (Journalist X) Video-Editor: Anna-Helena Saarso Foreign Reporter: Tetiana Korniichuk Special thanks to: Annika Ader
Virgo For you a day without a light will be, you know – night. Stop fighting for your dreams, you’ll have a bigger chance for accomplishing your goals with eyes shut than in reality. Pisces You might sit on a chair this month, in the best case you’ll sit on the one that is not living, breathing or pooping. You’ll will be distancing from most of your friends, if you decide to move to Antarctica. Libra This month you’ll definitely fall in love, but there is only a slight chance that the love is going to be two sided, for the one-siders there is good and bad news. In the best scenario you’re going to fall in love with an humanlike creature in the worst with something lifeless. Gemini You are going to meet a person that is similar to you maybe not appearancewise or characterwise, but most definitely organwise. There is a great chance of you having similar hair colour, though the tone and hair type will differ in most cases.
Sagittarius There is an 80 % chance that you’ll see unicorn this month... in your dreams. There is increased chance that someone has recently started stalking and following you even at the places you wouldn’t expect... on Twitter or Foursquare.
Scorpio If due to overworking, lack of sleep, aimless existence you feel more and more depressed... get over it and stop whining. If you feel like you cannot win your fight with tiredness, take example from Honey Boo Boo child – GoGo juice (mix of Mountain Dew, 5 Hour Energy + variety of energy drink)
Session Horoscope
Aries You will definitely meet a new friend or see a new face this month. Must take caution on everything that is going on Facebook – someone unfriending you – might mean falling of in near future. You’ll feel as if the life is getting more and more light-filled, but maybe that’s due to days stretching longer. You’ll feel as if the life is getting more and more colour-filled, but maybe that’s just due to snow melting.
Leo You might meet a wild animal or maybe a cat, but be careful as it might bite you... or maybe not. Make your flaws into your strengths e.g. instead of saying that you act stupidly because you’re not smart – state that you Taurus act foolishly in order Someone will tell you that you are interesting and life without to pressurise others you would be like, you know – one possibly valuable person. into doing all of your There is great possibility of someone liking you... on Facebook. works. Aquarius Capricorn Cancer Today you might fall or break It’s quite possible that This month will be good something valuable... or may- this month you’ll visit for shopping – you might be not. You must avoid mov- a food store, one public buy something in sale, ing too rapidly as it might restroom and the biggest you might get a coupon leave serious injuries for the workaholics even their or if not that you’ll most people you’re surrounding. workplace. If you feel as definitely see something Stairs are your worst enemy, if the people around you with reduced price. You if inability to move from have only hearts made of have a good chance of getfloor to floor seriously con- stone – stop examining ting hotter this season, if cerns you, do a barrel roll to another persons’ echo- you will turn up heating cardiogram. ease your pain. of your house too much.
2. Paula and Sigita - Homeless
3. Signe - That’s an easy one, if people count sheep then sheep count people
5. Sallija - Because the micro part comes from a computer detail and soft as software
1. Never have you ever? 2. If a turtle does not have his shell do you call him stripped bare naked or homeless? 3. If sheep can’t sleep what do they count? 4. If corn is used to make corn oil how do you make baby oil? 5. If Microsoft is big then why isn’t it called Macrosoft? 6. I want some free porn. Tell me the sites, would you?
6. Jānis, Valdis, Ernests - Guys started to giggle and blush and few minutes later they answered that they know 10 million sites, unfortunately is the only one they shared with us
4. Endija - You just chop up the babies and use the leftovers to make the baby oil
1. Edgars Never have I ever been touched by a hand of a 110 year old man
Concentration in ENVI The committee of Environment, chaired by Diana and Dominic, had been discussing the usage of the genetically modified organisms among the Europe. Since this is a very controversial topic, they have a hard task tocomplete in proving that it is not as harmful for both people and the environment as thought. Despite the difficulities, they manage to cooperate with each other at a really high level. Having observed their work for a few hours, I have reached a conclusion that ENVI committee is filled with people full of patience and calmness. During 3 days as an ENVI journalist, I found out that ENVI delegates are not just intelligent people-they are also really passionate. About various things. Pavlo, for instance, has got a quite extraordinary hobby-collecting white socks. I am not really sure wether this is an obsession about white colour, socks or having everything perfectry suited. He stated that the reason for having his awkward passion is saving time in the mornings- he wakes up and randomly picks a sock instead of wasting his precious minutes on trying to find the-other-sock-fromthe-pair. Nevertheless, the ENVI delegates have one shared passion, a true one. Eating. When they see food , they literally get crazy. The temperature is immediatly rising and they behave asi f they were going on a bare hunt. Some pictures was taken in order to use as a proof. What is really intriguing about ENVI is the way they run small debates in their team. The discussion and work goes pretty smooth, they easily manage to go from one pointo to the another. What is actually an unusual thing to occur during EYP session is the fact that I have never seen EVIers having a serious wordfight. Not even a foam battle! Well then, I quess we all should congratulate them on the loads of patience they carry in their hears and on the ability to compromise as well.
Putting a lot of attention to their behavior and personality characteristics, I prepared a small introduction of the most visible ENVI delegates. I shall probably start with decribing the person who I consider to be an unofficial leader of the group. The characteristic feature of her you will probably immediatly notice is beautiful, dark, extremely-long hair. The talking is obviously about our girl from Belerus, who described herself as „Nice Natalie”. Natallia Khenkina is exceedingly energetic and has 1000 ideas for a minute. Looking at her while working I got the image of a person who knows exactly how to achieve the goals she set her mind on. You’d better remember her name, because onetime you may hear about her on the television. Another inetersting name to know is Pavlo Shevchenko. He is really good at transformating the ideas he has got in his head ito the words. He is also probably the most environmentally aware delegate of ENVI. Last, but not the least, person mentioned in the article is Toms Kerpe. He became very engaged in a conversation about the deliciousness of McDonald’s products. One of his famous quotes: „Hamburgers? Well, I actually care about the meat, not the bread. It has to be tasty and have the best possible quality.” The advice for Toms is that next time when he goes to McDonald’s, he should probably order a hamburger without a burger, just meat. Summing up, the ENVI committee contains 8 miscellanous people. They are all assidious and hard-working. I don’t worry about how they wiļl do at the GA- I know they will manage to gather you votes in favor.
By Weronika Czerny
Parents of LVRS’13 Idea of headorganising (HO) a session originated in Juris’ mind as he sought for a good closure of his EYP career. Juris felt as if it was necessary to find a person who could contribute new ideas, therefore by not hesitating too much he decided to cooperate with Laura, whom he had met recently as a journalist in a previous regional session. Basis of Juris decision was a bit of an instantaneous thought, but as is was driven by personal sympathy, it definitely laid a foundation for successful cooperation. Laura agreed to hold HO position even without previous organisational experience, which she gained later on in the Riga Regional Session 2013. She decided to agree to Juris offer seeing it as an opportunity for personal growth and a chance to gain a baggage of knowledge from an experienced EYPer. Despite not actually knowing what she had signed up for, her expectations of the workload were met and she could say that the great demands of this high position were no obstacle for her. Franky at times she felt as if she is being thrown in cold water and tested over and over, as there were many genuinely demanding tasks that Juris couldn’t do himself remotely, as he was in Erasmus exchange in Italy. HOs were willing to make this session special by ensuring that not only result – the session – but also the work process – session organisation – was pleasing for all the participants. One of the hardest things during the work was balancing between school and organisational work and ensuring smooth communication between all of the organisers despite being a long distance apart one from the other. Key of the success was definitely a great organisational team which ensured that even at crisis situation – refuse to hold session in Valmiera – was handled with ease as backup plans were implemented beforehand. If you wondered how sessions theme – the dance – came to be – it was a vision by both of the HOs as dancing has been a long time passion for both Laura and Juris plus the topic had become increasingly relevant as the Grand Song and Dance festival is going to be held – Summer 2013.
Reflections of the successful organisational work were seen in all corners of session – ranging from chocolatefilled tables in the coffee breaks to the marvellous Euroconcert which left the spectators not only with eargasms form the stunning angellike voices but also with eyegasms form jaw-droppingly funny performances both form delegates and officials. By Gatis Bērziņš
Femmily FEMM. The true fighters for women rights. FEMM itself is a great example of their resolution’s aims – a committee consisting of 9 women and 3 men still has nbreakable spirit, great ideas and an unbelievable creed in breaking the stereotypes against women in modern day’s labour market. But the fact that women can be great leaders and influence to others doesn’t mean they have become less feminine. With such female prevalence in the committee, there is no way you are not going to catch some chick fight scenes or talks about chocolate. Even in the committee work, the matter on father always being away from the mother and newborn is described as ‘’Yo, honey, I can’t do this on my own!’’. And childcare can be a struggle everyday, but as for push ups – for women that is as easy as a cake as for men. Solutions also include some very girly points, for instance, everyone really liked the idea of making a club where women would gather to drink tea and just talk. Doesn’t really work in favour for the women rights, but who cares, girls just want to have fun. But the lovely chairs of FEMM – Kristīne and Mike together with the male side of the committee are keeping the girls on the ground and in at least a bit more serious and relevant mind-set. With this kind of balance in the committee, they had a lot of fun. I am truly happy that I got the chance to work with FEMM. With the love they got from their chairs, they were a true FEMMily for the whole session. SWAG
By Alise Golovacka
BECON Although in EYP, every committee has a journalist representing the delegates in the social portals, as well as ensuring their participation in various session video clips; this committee article will differ from the others. This is a special message for ECON, from a person you got to know as a delegate, the same person, who in the end revealed his true role in the session – journalist. A project like this might be the first one of its kind in all of EYP history. But the message I want to get across is linked with something else, something that lies closer to my heart. So here goes a personal message to each of you, you nutters! Mischa – Are you serious? Such combination of dancing talent and the ability of making every sentence into a real story is a winning combination that should be preserved. Man, when you’re reading this give the page a small five for how awesome you are. Ieva – Ieva, a.k.a. one of the cutest parts of the portable monster. I know that I didn’t get to know you enough. The moments where you opened up, like the “Abigail” game, are making me think that there is an awesome person that just needs to unwind and open a bit. Beāte – Brave Beāte, it is a privilege to know
you. Never have I ever heard such logical explanation of the places in the Abigail game. Liene – It’s like someone in the coffee break already said, a small person with a big heart. It’s nice to know a fine dancing and a feisty lady such as you. Ilze – I’m glad that you vere a part of this committee as it definately made ECON more diverse. I Just hope that you stay unique in your own way, never take compromises about who you are, and follow your heart. Līza – You are definately a person who is not afraid to state her opinion. For real, you are a good example of a healthy, self - confident and a smart person, it’s just feels like a genius. Daniels – Nice critical thinking and awesome dancing, one of the best combination a person can have, in my opinion. Ilvija – You are so awesome! I seriously didn’t think I would meet a fellow improviser at an EYP event. Just keep carrying on and I’m sure we’ll meet somewhere, whether it’s the stage or EYP. Looking forward to it! Guys, I love all of you and hope that we’ll meet again in the near future. Hugs, and wishing to experience more musical lines, Edgars Spudiņš
Thinking outside During the time spent at the EYP sessions, delegates are expected to be able to come up with lots of imaginative ideas in a short time. This basically means they have to be as inventive as possible. I am pretty confident each one of you has at least once been in a situation in which nothing productive comes out of the committee members mouths any more. The silence appears and seems to be getting persistent. You get this feeling there is still a lot to say about the topic, but your mind is somehow blocked. The question is-how to get the resourcefulness back? You have all probably heard that term: „Think Outside The Box”, but do you actually know how to do it? „Thinking Outside The Box” is basically the
opposite of going for the most obvious reason or solution. Actually, it links up with thinking unconventionally. One of the well-working ways to help you to think differently is listening to music. It is a scientifically proven fact that music stimulates more parts of the brain than any other human function. It is also very useful in recalling the body-mind connection. Fellow delegate, try to find some space, put the headphones on and start the therapy. The other possible solution of our tiny potential problem is trying to go the exact opposite side. It may seem strange at first, but it actually is used to define something you have to do by specifying the for-sure wrong path to follow. Believe it or not, thinking of things in terms of opposites can help you get a clearer, more precise picture of what you really need to do, thereby helping you accomplish your goal a little bit
the box faster and without wasting too much time. Other good way could be working backwards. It crashes the brain’s usual conception of casualty. You can specialize yourself in backwards planning, it is simple. All you have to do is to first keep on mind the aim you wish to achieve and then consider the steps you need to take so as to reach your goal. And obviously, the order of those little things has to be backwards as well. Next possibility is inviting randomness. That can help to move beyond everyday patterns of thinking. You do it by speaking up every single time a thought comes to your mind. Any thought. It might be something ingenious, but it may also be making no sense at a fist sight. In the end, every idea you have brain-
stormed will end up being somehow beneficial. If all of the abovementioned strategies don’t work for you, there is one special left, but it includes being very courageous. Take a shower in a freezing-cold water (which is not such hard thing to do at the place we are currently staying in). It will work as a quick energizer. There is also some kind of weird psychic link between showering and creativity. While taking a cold shower you are someway forced to think of totally different things than a couple of minūtes ago. Conclusion: it leaves an open door for creativity.
By Weronika Czerny
Tale of the ITRErians As the light blue layer around the Mother Earth was getting more and more overcast and the comforting sunrays were being replaced by thick, pitch-black mass of pollution the mightiest of the explorers decided to unite for once as to find the root of this evil proceeding and revitalise the contamination fatigued planet. The explorers were unfamiliar with each other therefore they demanded for two of the best guides on the soil of this Earth who would not only lead their way to the source of contamination but also ensure that from set of unique personalities they turned into one devoted team – indeed soon after they found what their desired. Let’s just say that the explorers were surprised a bit about the way the guides decided to pave the path of fulfilling their grand objective. First they demanded to introduce one another by bragging about things they loved to do. Then they were pressured into having a snowball fight between themselves as to be prepared for the humongous battle that could take place when the source of the dark mass covering the sky will be found. Simultaneously they were trained in multitasking as while fighting they also needed to find out one’s favourite film character, country and celebrity they aspire to be. Next of they were headed towards a forest where a massive pillar of smoke was rising into the atmosphere. First they had to cross a bridge a thin wooden bridge hanging high above a swamp filled with starving alligators. They had to
cross the bridge in order of their names alphabetically, but as simple as it sounds during the crossing two of the bridges planks broke almost providing a chance for the craving mammals to fill up their guts. For the successfully accomplished task the guides promoted all of the explorers to a higher class – soldiers. Proud for the achievements the soldiers decided to award themselves by creating their own flag showcasing their beliefs about the ways of saving the fragile planet e.g. increased usage of renewable energy sources, safe nuclear energy etc. In the middle of the forest there was a small factory though with unusually giant chimney from which the black smoke painted the blue layer above us dark. To get into this building they had to go through a small opening by passing one another in a laying position with their hands. When all of them were inside they encountered the evilest creatures of the entire pollution squirrel. Only way of stopping it from contaminating Earths’ atmosphere was making it giggle. After a few rounds the soldiers finally triumphed over the rebellious creature by saying ‘honey, tell me that you love me’ and adding few goofy sound. Right after the squirrel blew up taking with it the dark mass of clouds. Once again the day was saved by the courageous soldiers and their keen guides who instead of utilising fists chose to use friendship, determination and goofiness to fight not only the problems that concern solely themselves, but also the whole universe. By Gatis Bērziņš
joined by chance
stayed for a reason
Once upon a time the universe gave me the chance to meet our Honourable Mr. President – Dominic Degen; he made a huge impact on me and my involvement in EYP. Now he might be doing the same for you. Here you have a chance to know more about your president, just read on… When was your first EYP session? Whom do passport on boarder security checkpoints. you consider your EYP father/mother? Any siblings? Imagine the situation: you are chairing a committee, according to the schedule you have a - My kick-off session was in 2007, never 30-minute coffee break, at some point you rethought I’d say it out loud, but that was an ab- alize you are starving and almost falling asleep solute accident. The girl from my school can- in front of the delegates. What will you choose, celled her participation, and in a short notice, eating or sleeping? my teacher replaced her with my candidacy. My first chair was brilliant Gillian O’Halloran, but - Most probably I would divide my time as folif we are speaking about EYP fathers/mothers lowing: 5 minutes – smoking break, 20 minas the people who inspire and change lives my utes – power nap, 5 minutes – smoking. choice is obvious - Dominik Drašnar. How do you like LVRS’13 so far? What was the weirdest place you had to sleep during the session? - Awesome: well-organised, amazing CJOJ team, smart delegates and Siberian weather - Bunkers. Participants of the Switzerland usu- conditions. ally spend their sleepless nights in bunkers. It was built long time ago as the shelter from the Any kind of advice for our delegates on how nuclear waste and war. to live after the session? What do you like the most about your coun- - Of course we all had 3 beautiful days in Smiltry? If you could have changed it which one tene, but that is not the reason to fall into dewould it be? pression or cry, your EYP life is just getting started. Stay in touch with your fellow del- I love Switzerland because you don’t have to egates and CJOs, join into the development spend time queuing in the line as you do in of your National Committee, there’s nothing Eastern European countries. better than EYP, join in! If you could change the country of residence Imagine that the girl which Dominic mentiowhere would you live? nes in the beginning of the interview would have agreed to go to the session, and Dominic If there would be possibility to choose an- would not have gotten that first experience, other country I would prefer Norway as it is this would have meant losing the most exmore expensive than Switzerland or Lichten- traordinary, awesome, incredible, awe-inspirstein because you can fool people with your ing person..
By Julia Pustovoitova
EYPer Roles Yes, every human being in the world is different and somehow special. Every single person’s fingerprints are unique. You can do the research and try to seek for other person with at least similar ones to yours, but any searching will end up being fruitless. On the globe there live miscellaneous ‘kinds of human’, we differ in many areas – starting from the religion we believe in, through our political preferences, ending with different food that we like. Confirmation of the abovementioned thesis can easily be observed during EYP sessions. Nevertheless, from all the EYP events I participated in, I figured there is actually something that links us togetherwe share the same personality types. Giving the case a little thought, I managed to distinguish 4 main categories:
The Doer
A person who is a doer lives in a world of action. Doers tend to focus on tasks. They like to have things done and mostly, they prefer to do it just by themselves as they believe they will manage to do it better than the others. They are resourceful and have the unique ability to solve the problems very fast. On one hand, they are natural leaders and want everyone to follow their steps but on the other, they don’t accept other persons’ perspective and point of view. They persist in sticking to their own ideas. A life of a typical doer seems to be going in a very fast line. However, they have some weaknesses. One of them is patience, or more specifically, lack of it. They expect everything to be moving really fast, they never stop for anyone or anything. What counts the most is to have the task done and the goal achieved.
The duty fulfiller
A duty fulfiller described in 3 adjectives: responsible, practical, realistically thinking. They are great at accomplishing aims, however, they never add anything to the task by themselves. What they prefer is to have a complete and detailed list of things that need to be done. They complete them one by one, sticking tightly to the plan. Innovations and spontaneous ideas are not for them. They are logical, loyal, determined, focused on their goal.
The inspirer
An inspirer is basically the soul of the committee. Inspirers cheer people up and are extremely experienced in motivating people. Whenever they enter the room, they seem to bring energy. They will, for sure, be the first ones to initiate any kind of change or innovation. They stimulate other members of the team through their never-going-away enthusiasm. The inspirers are also very considerate - they are willing to help you any time you need. Regardless of many advantages, there is only one thing which is rather sad. Unfortunately, they are very idealistic and often are dissapointed with the performance of others.
The executive
Executives are assertive, decisive and really energetic. If there is dirty work to do, they accept the challenge willingly. They like obstacles, as they are passionate about solving things quickly. Furthermore, they sometimes are even excessively straightforward. The courage they have often makes them natural leaders. Another important fact about them is that when they are in the middle of the working process and solving problems, they put all the emotions away. It is not that their hearts are made of stones, but they are just used to dividing personal life and work. Executives can as well overwhelm others with their particular desire to create a new world, according to their own, specific vision. The bad thing: they can sometimes be boorish, offensive and arrogant.
The Committee on Great Teamwork
The wonderful Committee on Foreign Affairs (AFET) is discussing a topic about how the EU shall act in order to enhance the political situation and ensure the civil rights in Belarussia. As important as this topic is, so shall be the delegates, but are they, really? They all might be so confident about their topic during the Committee work, but the thing that shakes their confidence and really makes them blush are questions like ‘Have you ever been in love?’ and ‘Do you like boys?’. This is the Committee where everyone is friends with each other and fun is the second name used to describe it.
in the Committee .. wait, was this the Committee on Foreign Affairs? Ausma Cīrulniece is the newest addition to the Committee since she joined us a little bit later than needed, because she was having one of her many subject olympiads. Furthermore, there is another star in the Committee – Eva Bērziņa. A girl which can do the „Cup song” and after yesterday evening there shall be no doubt that she is amazing! And now it is time for the inspiring boys, who really do care about their wonderful girls. As Dāvids, the kind heart, said, „Do not put yourselves down. It is our job to do that!”. His companion is Gustavs Gerkens a.k.a the one who sees the topA Committee with nine incredebly ic as selling a commercial. beautiful girls and two hilarious boys. Paula Betija Antenišķe – the rocker of And last but not least – my dear, dear the Committee. After her performance Committee – THANK YOU VERY, during the Euroconcert there is no VERY MUCH for our wonderful codoubt that there is an enormous, wild operation during the session. I hope heart under her leather jacket. The next that you enjoyed the session as much as beautiful lady in the Committee is Sigita I did! I really love your work and team Zvejniece – the speaker of the Commit- spirit! tee. A rapper in heart and that is probably why she never runs out of words By Judīte Petroviča to say... like ever. Dare to stop her, shall you? Sabīne Gasanova and Agnese Tirša are the smiles of AFET. If there is a face for each Committee then you now where to find AFET’s smile! Katarzyna Golazewska is the only foreign
-In the ECON committee room lives UnderTheTable man. If you haven’t heard about him, stories tell – he comes out at night and eats your feet. Some of the committee members even think, that the girl, who left the session a day earlier, left just because she saw the UnderTheTable man and got too scared.
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On the first day I found a delegate that owns a twitter yo mama jokes account. Sadly, the delegate – Austris, didn’t tell me how to find this marvellous place on the Internet. These are just few of them: -Yo mama so fat, when she walks past the TV, I miss a whole season of the series I was watching. -Yo mama so fat, her blood type is Nutella. -Yo mama so fat her boobs look like coconuts. -Yo mama so old she has a bible with an autograph. -Yo mama so old she has a black and white memory. -The Russian mojito is just vodka with dill. - 3 politicians from different countries (Norway, Estonia and Latvia) visit each other in their summer houses. First they go to Norway. Estonian and Latvian politicians are very surprised of the size of the house and want to know where he got the money. The Norwegian leads to a window and says: ‘’Do you see that road? It had to be 24 lanes wide, but is only 12 lanes wide. See what I did there?’’ Next they visit the Estonian politician and again the other two are very surprised of the mansions size and cost. Estonian leads them to a window and says: ‘’Do you see this road? It had to be 24 lanes wide, but is only 6. See what I did there?’’ Finally they go to Latvian politicians’ house. The other two politicians are really, really surprised of the size and cost. Latvian leads him to a window and says: ‘There had to be road, but there isn’t. See what I did there?’ (Kristīne, CRIM) By Alise Lolovacka
Hello, you have reached the LVRS’13 EYP poem service. I you feel that you’d like to read a deep confession about EYP - read poem number one, for a light poetry with no deeper meaning - read poem number two. Is EYP all about just being the person with the most eloquent mouth? To me EYP is so much more It is ethereal, impossible to obtain in a facility that resembles any store I’ve been in EYP for about two years In different occurrences had I never had experienced such a legion It has been my utmost supporter, allowing me to conquer my fears I can honestly say, Thanks to EYP I know more about the people from different geographical regions. To me, the EYP is about meeting the youth from different cultures, Getting to know more about them, the time they have spent Feeling the “United in diversity” Also I’m very passionate about sharing these so called talents that I have it’s not linked with sculptures. A particular thing is beat boxing, my mouth talent. Not only this - EYP has helped me to choose my University. I think that you can learn from my ways. I hope that it might help you in the rainiest days. As Paulo Coelho once said : Open up to the world, and the world opens up to you So open up to EYP and who knows, you’ll be the next person chairing or writing something similar to this using Courier New.
EYP is Eat Your Potato More rich than the skin of alligato’ Sessions in overall are a good thing To put this in the words of Crazy frog – ding ding EYP is Empty Your Pockets Use more energy than my electricity sockets If you end up lost check your hair for an answer And do it in rhythm ‘because rhythm is a dancer EYP are the Elephants You Pet Big and leaves your hand in sweat Almost feels like being in a park “Oink oink,” says the doctor Spark To conclude, EYP is End Your Poem It’s time to realize I’m not Sacha Baron Koen However, for sweeter taste I still give you a quick one - Knock knock. -Who’s there -It’s the police. -Phew, I thought it was a Pokémon.
By Edgars Spudiņš
Saturday morning gave us bright, sun-beam filled warmth, welcoming delegates to Smiltene - place filled with smiling, happy people. You would notice that wrinkles around everyones’ eyes seem to hold lot more than just joy about you arrivals. They are thrilled about everything you will learn and experience here. „What is going to happen, what is this actually about?” Questions arises. Then comes first introductions, committee room, Opening ceremony, Stan and Dana, name games, water bottles and tennis balls, Abigails and Johns... Step by step the picture got some colors, shapes, characters, e m o tions. Yet no one still knows what is behind the curtain. Six different people gathered to create a team. Six different people gathered to find a solution to one of the greatest struggles of modern society. How to increase level of tolerance towards lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender communities in countries which still refuses to accept freedom of sexuality. Through g a m e s and tasks you built a team. Through Euroconcert you showed it to everyone (I think Edgars was wrong about beatbox in Ancient Egypt, you managed better to join pyramids and cats). Through Committee work you excercised strength of your unity. Some of you with previous EYP experience, like Marija, some of you first time here. All of you with dreams and goals, for example, Ernests focused to science, Annija to be proffessional basketball player, Sallija - to be superhero octopus (don’t ask, no idea how that turned up). Having delegates from Riga plus Dārta - local represantitive from Smiltene and Elizaveta providing others with stories from Ukraine. You are different from eachother. That increases value of every idea you have in common. GA seemed to come as the master task. Between the Bible and Ukranian government, arguments about LGBTs showing off or raising awareness, there was path to be found. With tolerance to any comment and question, ready to explain your views and stand for yourselves, you made us feel proud to be your fellow EYP’ers. „Why not to stop this once and for all, so that everyone can be equal?” /heard during GA/
From the C to the U, from the L to the T
By Klāvs Galenieks
Culture is all about diversity
Kristaps Kovalevskis WInners of Name: the City of residence: Tirza, Gulbene region, Latvia dance Age: 21 years EYP age: 5 years competition Studies: physics
Name: Guna Vugule City of residence: Gaigalava, Rezeknes region, Latvia Age: 18 years EYP age: 3 years Studies: at gymnasium Relationship status: single How long have you been dancing? - I’ve been dancing since I was 5 years old mostly national folk dance. I constantly participate in balls. When and where did you meet Kristaps? - I guess it was LNC’11, I was a delegate, but I don’t remember which exactly role Kristaps had as an official, maybe chair, don’t know. And we have never spoken before. Was it the first time you were dancing together? - Yes. Have you already eaten all the kinder surprises? - I gave 2 kinders to Ukrainian pair and the rest was “killed” by me. Whom do you consider as your dancing idol? - Juris Gogulis
Work: sales manager on laboratory equipment Relationship status: in a relationship How long have you been dancing? - 17 years: folk dances from the age of 4, till 14 years old - Latina dances, since 16 years old I participate in balls at least once per month When and where did you meet Guna? - It was LNC’11: she was a delegate and I was a chair, but we have never spoken to each other before, till yesterday of course. Was it the first time you were dancing together? - Yes. We rehearsed for 10 minutes before the competition. Have you already eaten all the kinder surprises? - Almost, only 1 left. Whom do you consider as your dancing idol? - Just myself.
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People, spirit, equality, rights, passion, contribution, teamwork, values, opinion, talent, independence, skills, cooperation, leadership, experience, decisions, brightness, awareness, dreams, believes, dares, trust… The list of words may never end, these are the things that you, my dearest CRIMers, have shown during those 3 unforgettable days in Smiltene. The session is over but the post event emotions and memories keep overwhelming me. You have been fighting for the good cause of solving the drugs issues. The resolution that you wrote is the emerge of all hard work that you put, some may liked it, some may not, but do not forget the time that you have spent together, the powerful ideas that you had, the experience that you gained, and the answer to the most important question what EYP means to you. I’m sure that all of you have found it, and each and every ones is different. Darlings next you will find some responses to the questions I asked you during the GA, don’t forget about those feeling that will reflect the moment you will read it. “The chairs were serious and funny at the same time, and that’s the point” – Eva Kozlovska - such a tender and delicate personality. “Thinking so much is not my thing though” – Alex Anderson - don’t underestimate and believe in your strength. “I have got a lot of pleasure, have met a lot of cute people and have become extremely eager to take part in many sessions that will follow. Thanks a lot to everyone for making these three days so cool” – Oksana Antonchik – the strong Eastern European girl, knows how to stand up for herself. “The best evening event was Euroconcert – so many funny and creative participants” – Austris Cirulnieks – hilarious and smart, motivating and initiative. “Everything was awesome. Chairs - DABEST. Lovely and friendly” - Kate Jansone – positive and open, trusty and enthusiastic.
“The best poems I have ever heard. Thank you Chair” - Kristine Menese – thinks outside the box and just awe-inspiring. Let’s not forget about 2 more people who unfortunately could not make it to the GA because but we love and remember them: Misha Yakovenko – crazy Ukrainian soul, smiley and optimistic, and Evelīne Avlasina – kind and passionate, sociable and sincere. And last but not least our lovely chairs, Maris Rutkis and Dora Al Saadi, I have prepared something special for you. I asked you to name 3 advantages of each other, and now the truth will be revealed. Maris about Dora: “1. She is Swedish. 2. She is incredibly good at thinking on her feet and adapting to any situation. 3. She endured my presence without punching me. ” Dora about Maris: “1. He believes in his delegates. 2. He is eager to learn. 3. He is cheerful.” Thank you very much for your energy and inspiration. Stay as awesome as you are, get more involved into EYP and I’m sure will see you again very soon.
By Julia Pustovoitova
Detective noir part 2 It all started with some classical soviet teambuilding... Ahh, Soviet teambuilding. Only those with strong guts could survive it. I still remember that my committee member wasn’t able to finish the ‘vodka game’. Mischa, that was his name, asked if I could help him. I knew I had no other choice - saying ‘no’ to free vodka would raise too much suspicion. So I agreed. The rest was a blur. I vaguely remember something from that day, something about a hammer and a red bear. Or a bear with a red hammer. Nevermind. I fully came to my senses only on the first coffee break the following day. I felt a sense of danger. Have I missed something crucial? Has the assasin made his move? – Those were the first thoughts to pop in my mind. And then I saw her... I was just sitting down cup of coffee, when by. Her hair seemed of silk and her little flame inside name was Anastament I saw her, I I couldn’t think killer left my foshot. I went we talked for a she asked me take a walk
and drinking my she walked to be made eyes had that them. Her sija. The mowas stunned. straight, the cus by a longup to her, and while. Then, if I’d be glad to together.
Oh, If only you were there to see how my heart was pounding at the moment. We walked. And talked. It seemed like paradise, she was the One, I was almost completely sure. We arranged to meet up the following night for the SSP dance competition. Come to think of that, it has been one of the merriest moments in my life.
After the coffee break all of the participants had to take part in a SSP tradition, classic even. Going on a bear hunt. And no, it’s not that soft stuff, you are doing in EYP, it’s an actual bear hunt. So, we took our shotguns, strapped on some grenades and went on to the forest. Few minutes later, we stumbled upon a cave, the surrounding scene led to believe that there was a bear sleeping inside. I took a look back and saw Her. She I knew that I had to go inside the thing, I know, but at the time it I went inside, ready to face whatside. Yet, I was not ready from a They had blocked the cave. I heard that I am an assasin designated to Dimitriy Konstantinovich Degen. So, there you are, Mr. Assasin ic. I should actually say ing his target for me. Still, it seemed unreal to After long thoughts, straw – I had taken an ‘Wunderkind’ from drank it. Next thing ready riding the bear full speed ahead to get I rushed in the ror. My girl was lying was the killer.
looked at me with smiling eyes and cave first to prove my worth. Silly seemed crucial. ever threat might be lurking instab from behind. I looked back. a male voice from outside. It said murder the session’s president, – I thought to myself, - Ironhim ‘thank you’ for showsettle all of this properly. I finally took the last unknown liquid, labeled the session’s kitchen. I you know, I was alunder the moonlight to the place in time. hall,and saw the hordead on the floor. So
In the night, the killfor Dimitriy and shot take to allow Dimihimself...
er had mistaken her her, enough of a mistriy to kill the killer
I’m sorry, this is too a drink and a cigar, me.
much for me, I need you’ll have to excuse
By Edgars Spudiņš (Journalist X)
Let’s have a KIKI
The room that everyone’s been talking about, the room where the magic happens and where a spy’s been hiding. It is nowhere else than in the.. MEDIA ROOM! It is hard to believe that anyone might say: „Wait, what’s the media room?”, but if anyone is then you shall give that person this article.
‘We got this!’ and everything went on! We love them so much that we even made a song for them. Our VERY talented team members Edgars and Klāvs were the ones to compose the lyrics, Alise was the one to play flute and our super-talented video-editor Anna was the one to make sure that the song and video looks great altogether! (If you missed it, Our magnificent team is created visit our facebook or twitter pages to from 2 editors, 7 journalists, a video find it!) editor and a foreign reporter. The media team arrived on the session a Now it’s time to get to know our day earlier as you may now and ever team-member a little bit better. Jusince has been working really hard, lia Pustovoitova is the crazy, smiley however, you might not have seen ukrainian. The one which has evthe hard work ... yet. erything - from delicious ukrainian candies to toiletries which she can Let me begin by introducing you to always lend you. Edgars Spudiņš is our amazing, awesome, crazy edi- the member who doesn’t ask for furtors once again – Daniels and Reinis. ther comments. He is the rhyme, the Throughout the session they were beat.. and the spy of our team.. The the ones that made everything hap- tiny, always positive flute player is pen, kept us positive and even in Alise Golovacka a.k.a the girl behind times when it seemed to better go your challenges. home rather than go hard they said:
behind the screen. None of the incredebly cool session videos could have been made without her. She is a workacholic and knows her duties very well. Note from Weronika: It is indispensable to mention one more special person. It’s our increadible journalist - Judīte Petroviča, who is too modest to carry writing about herself. Having decided to help her a bit, I just want to say that she is probably the most devoted-to-thejob person I have ever met. She presents the type of person who will never fall asleep until managing to do everything she is responsible for. She also has a very beautiful, warm heart and pays a lot of attention to other people. Without her, the Media Team’s work would not be even half as productive as it is. From twitter and facebook updates to coffee break and Euroconcert performances, we have all tried to do our best to make this session unforgettable to you!
Let’s have a KIKI
Weronika Czerny is a harmonious half-polish, half-american journo. By attending the session and being a journo she is actually stepping closer to one of her dreams – becoming a journalist in real-life. Gatis Bērziņš is the tall, blond, funny guy who has been working REALLY, REALLY hard on your session horoscopes. Talking to the stars is not so easy, you know? Therefore please, please appreciate his hard work and don’t you dare to say that the horoscopes are false! Klāvs Galenieks is the M-A-R-V-E-L-O-U-S dancer. You might remember him after his heartstriking moves during the media team Euroconcert performance as well as his unbeatable moves during yesterday’s dance contest! Our foreign journo is Tetiana Korniichuk. We feel very, very sorry that due to various unfortunate reasons she could not make it to the session, however, we could not let go of such a talented journalist and that is why our editors gave her the chance to express herself in the paper anyways. Anna-Helena Saarso is the brain
ties and
Chuck Bass, described as a modern day dandy, is a caracter of a popular tv-series ´Gossip Girl´. Besides being played by an incredibly handsome actor Ed Westwick, he has influenced male fashion more than one could think. Having a signature silk scarf is not something for everyday men but he made it iconic. Also, thanks to him, men have more choices of colorful dress-shirts, cuts of suits and, of course, interesting bow-ties.
scotch-drinking men of class like James Dean or Frank Sinatra, whose image played a huge role in their success. It is apparent that people like it and welcome it. Gangnam Style would not be as suceessful, if they would have danced in potato bags. Formal clothing is not the only way for men to look more interesting and good-looking. Kanye West is not only a pioneer in the hiphop scene because of his music but of his sense of style aswell. From leather skirts to the famous Maison Martin Margiela diamond masks on stage, he is setting a new path for succesful men.
Another advocate of class is the legendary Barney Stinson. Mr. Stinson reminds us the importance and power of a well-fitted suit. Evidence of a James-Bond-like, well dressed man trend is also represented in the new album of Justin Timberlake and the new im- Fashion is not a crime! So do not hide, it´s age he has adapted. It is no coinsidence that your time to shine! By Annika Ader Suit and Tie resembles the cigar-smoking,
Farewell The session is over and leaves you with a sweet aftertaste of your recent achievements. It might seem that these were just another three days of your life (though no one will argue that these were really awesome three days), but there is more. Without even knowing it you stepped over a threshold of a new world that may soon become your new home. When thinking about future, one of the most important things you’ll seek is an opportunity, a chance, and right now you are given one. No matter who you want to become or where you want to live, there is always something you can learn from EYP that will help you in future. You’ve been to ceremonies, you’ve heard the speeches. But even if you are not planning to start career in politics, you already know that there is more in EYP than just debating. You learn. You learn how to work effectively and time-efficiently while still having a good time. You enjoy your life, no matter if you work or party. You work in a team and day by day you teach yourself to be tolerant, to hear other opinion and make most of what your team can produce. You seize your chances. You see the opportunities, and now you have more that you could ever want. Go on. Apply. Travel. See the world, meet people, get to know what can be different, what changes you can make or how can you
make you city, country, Europe and world a better place. Organize. Inspire others with your ideas and make them reality together. You already know something about teamwork, so use this knowledge to shape something of your own. Chair. Inspire others, listen, teach. Become responsible for another people and show them that they are also worth something. Unveil their potential so they could continue their journey knowing a little more about themselves. Journo. Express yourself, put your thoughts and ideas into words. Record the sweetest moments that will forever stay in everyone’s hearts. Keep in touch. You meet so many amazing, talented and honest people at sessions that you don’t want to miss them in your life. Just remember that in modern world distance is nothing, no matter where your true friend lives you can be close. Whatever are the talents you possess, you can develop them here. Try, make mistakes, try again and improve. Bring on your ideas. Shape your personality, learn from others, teach others, exchange your knowledge and experience. This is your chance to start living your life the way you want to, among people who also seek to unleash their abilities. Seize the opportunity to become a part of the greatest family of young, inspired and energetic. EYP is indeed worth falling in love with.
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