David Villegas work samples
3 Agent Based Modeling Additive manufacturing mETAL PROTOTYPING TIMBER construction EARTH CONSTRUCTION STEEL CONSTRUCTION New OrganismTarawain the city Continous Formations Bruzzano Urban Market From the Ground Up Two Walls
4 Organism in the city AGENT BASED MODELING research based design 2022 Barcelona,Individual Catalunya
CycleGAN was used as a tool to generate a speculative urban intervention. A possible solution for a city in dire need of green areas. The first step was to create a Data set of imagery to Train the GAN. The first dataset was produced from a high-quality satellite image of the selected urban area. The image was trimmed and divide using a Processing script. The second dataset was generated from a microscopic image of Chloroplas as the reference for a greener more fluid city configuration. + 550 - 650 kg/ year650 - 750 kg/year750 - 850 kg/year Organism in the city/ Barcelona Organism in the city / Barcelona
The highest pollution touristic spots in Barcelona were mapped using GIS software to analyze AIRBNB’s public record data. A spot in the middle of the old town stood out with one of the highest waste rates. The area is also a transportation hub for the city since there is both a subway station and a bus station connecting to the rest of the metropolis. What could be done to turn waste into an asset for the city?
Garbage produced per year.
Satellite Image. Reference data set A. Reference data set B.
The highest values were selected to generate. The points were then used to create a surface, that would then be turned into a relaxed mesh using Kangaroo. MesoInput scale. Output
The datasets are fed into the GAN to be analyzed by the algorithm. Once trained the algorithm will start a series of iterations that results in a new image that blends both inputs. The resulting image opens the possibility for a new, more organic, urban configuration. How to design an intervention that grows and adapts to the changing circustances of the city?
The computational design was used to generate a shape and a structure that responds to the specific physical conditions of the site.
First, a Python script was written to visualize the sun hours percentage for the chosen site. Once the final canopy was generated, the area was analyzed again to confirm the decrease in solar radiation.
Research/ 2022 David Villegas / Portfolio
Solar radiation analysis Area of action Canopy form finding
Wolff’s law explains that every change in the form and functions of bones is followed by certain definite changes in their structure.
Structural Analysis
A structural analysis using Millipede showed the bending moment in the mesh, carrying its own weight. Understanding the structure as a dynamic system, Wolff’s Law was an inspiration to create a reactive structural system that would adapt to the forces generated on the surface.
Due to processing power limitations, a small area of the structure was selected as a test for the generation of the structure. The areas with a larger bending moment are highlighted in the red. The data from this analysis was collected and fed into a C# script. Components defining different behaviours for autonomous agents were created using C#. The environment of the agents was the selected mesh. There were three behaviours given to the agents. minimum separation, atraction to the stress areas and voronoi cell interconectivity. The agents are distributed in response to the stresses gathered from Millipede. At the end of the simulation, a pattern that represents the most efficient structure is achieved, Organism in the city/ Barcelona Organism in the city / Barcelona
A bacterial membrane can decompose the organic waste from the city and create a mesh that reacts to the changing conditions of the site. This membrane is then placed on top of the structural skeleton.
The final structure is a living organism that feeds from the outputs of the city, creating a metabolic system that grows and adapts to its surroundings. Taking inspiration from nature for an efficient solution and using climatic conditions as parameters for form finding. With slight variations, this type of intervention could help to create more livable cities in various contexts. Giving a local touch to innovative technologies.
The prototype structure was constructed using resin 3d printing with biodegradable composites and kombucha bacterial fermentation as the chemical process to produce the membrane.
Final Structural Sytem
Research/ 2022 David Villegas / Portfolio
Organic Waste
A 3d printed structure can then be printed following the pattern and using recycled plastic gathered from the public system as the main additive material.
10 New Tarawa ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING workshop Collaboration2020with Paula Castel, Esra Yaman, Nicole Cardona & Afreen Alli Tarawa, Kiribati
12 New Tarawa / Kiribati Located in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, Kiribati is an island nation facing first-hand the fight against rising sea levels. The best predictions say that by 2050, 95% of the island will disappear. A vision for a 3D printed architecture. What can architecture do to give hope to the people of CreatingKiribati? a floating module that can adapt to the tide. A school to teach the next generation of kiribatians, the first generations of survivors. Repetitions and expansion will enable the creation of new land for the people of Kiribati. A place in which innovation and tradition meet to thrive 2020 2030 2050 Flood figthers / WASP Workshop / 2020
13 2.- Arrival of 3d printers 3.-Print the first pieces 4.- Complete module 1.- Roof Structure The first step is the construction of a roof using local techniques and materials. This roof will work as a cover for the 3D printers. The printers will arrive in a standard container and will be mounted on the pillars of the roof Thestructure.module is built in different pieces to maintain finalmoveanadvantageandThestructure.thedimensionsmanageablewithinpreviouslybuiltpiecesareplacedassembledtakingofwateraselementtoloadandthepiecestotheirlocation. Recycled plastic PET fillament printed deck Workshop / 2020 David Villegas / Portfolio
14 Infill trials for the main module in clay. David Villegas / Portfolio 17/7/22, https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1XVTmArfWU5k574sjf4asQkuW98Y1ohfAd 1 1 17/7/22, https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1XVTmArfWU5k574sjf4asQkuW98Y17/7/22,https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1XVTmArfWU5k574sjf4asQkuW98Y11ohfAd 1 1 17/7/22, 11:21 IMG_7301.HEIC https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1XVTmArfWU5k574sjf4asQkuW98Y No. 2 No. 3 No. No.14 Printing MaterialIsolationStrenghtPrintingMaterialIsolationStrenghtPrintingMaterialIsolationStrenghtPrintingMaterialIsolationStrenghtspeedvolumespeedvolumespeedvolumespeedvolume New Tarawa/ Kiribati
David Villegas / Portfolio Workshop / 2020 Workshop / 2020
16 Continous CollaborationFormationswithPaula CastelBarcelona,professionalCatalunya METAL PROROTYPING
Continous Formations / Barcelona Continous Formations / Barcelona Prototypes Resin
18 2.- 3d 1.-4.-3.-ResinmodelingprintingNaturaladittionStudyingnature
Starting from the smallest scale with which the human body can interact. We are investigating triply periodic minimal surfaces and the potential of these structures on a larger scale. The designs are modeled in 3D and adapted with the mathematical equations of the minimum surfaces. The model is then cut and ready to be printed. Using a resin 3D printer, the parts are produced with soybean oilbased resin. Dip parts in alcohol, UV Thecure.process is then completed with the addition of a handcrafted item made from locally sourced natural materials. In this case, sap from the pine trees in the area. The sap is collected, cleaned and placed by hand on each of the pieces. prototype
Casted silver pieces
Final silver piece
19 2.- Negative mold 3.-Silver adittion 1.- Castable resin print Printing the models in castable wax resin. Using microfusion methods, a negative plaster mold is created that is suitable for receiving molten metal. .930 Sterling silver is used to fill the mold. Then it is cleaned, polished and sanded impurities by hand to reach the final product.
The final micro fusion process keeps the fidelity of the original prototype, thus maintaining the complexity of the geometry and even the pattern generated during the 3d printing process. This type of production opens up the possibility of a cheaper and faster workflow to create complex geometries in metal from a standard 3d printed model.
David Villegas / Portfolio Professional / 2022
20 Bruzzano Urban Market Collaboration with Giulia Lodetti & Paride Zambelli Milan, Italy TIMBER CONSTRUCTION
22 6x Unit BUM / Milan BUM / Milan
The involvement of the neighbors in the project from the first stages of production was a priority. The proposal for the construction of the module begins with a furniture design and carpentry workshop, so that future market vendors can give each module their own touch.
24 25 Bruzzano Urban Market / AMDL Circle En construcción / 2021 Professional / 2021 Growth process, day 2 Growth process, day 18 David Villegas / Portfolio
24 From the Ground Up Marsassoum,Individual Senegal EARTH CONSTRUCTION
Definición del espacio Las paredes curvas semiabiertas en el perímetro del sitio permiten la interacción de los peatones como bancos con sombra. Preservar el verde Huertos entre aulas como fuente de alimento y con fines educativos para los estudiantes. Nodo social Los espacios flexibles dentro y alrededor del sitio permiten la reunión de la comunidad fuera del horario escolar.
the ground up / Mención honorífica 8
From the ground up / Marsassoum From the ground up / Marsassoum 8
From the ground up / Mención honorífica Basic The proposal aims to honor the beautiful moracean tree which gives shadow and seats in the middle of the plot. Circular modules are placed at the boundaries. The intermediate space generate a more fluid circulation The entrances are aligned to the central tree, giving more importance to the center playground. Elements The tree
The project gives primary importance to the pedestrian flows. The shapes of the project encourage exploration and interaction within the users of the school. Each threshold creates a situation for children to wander and discover. The project gives primary importance to the pedestrian flows. The shapes of the project encourage exploration and interaction within the users of the school. Each threshold creates a situation for children to wander and discover. The project gives primary importance to the pedestrian flows. The shapes of the project encourage exploration and interaction within the users of the school. Each threshold creates situation for children to wander and discover.
Elementos Módulos circulares se separan del límite; los espacios intermedios permiten circulaciónunamás fluida. Básico La propuesta tiene como objetivo honrar el hermoso árbol de moráceas que da sombra y se sienta en el medio del sitio. El árbol Las entradas de los módulos están alineadas con el tronco del árbol, dando más importancia al patio de juegos.
Definición del espacio Las paredes curvas semiabiertas en el perímetro del sitio permiten la interacción de los peatones como bancos con sombra. Preservar el verde Huertos entre aulas como fuente de alimento y con fines educativos para los estudiantes. Nodo social Los espacios flexibles dentro y alrededor del sitio permiten la reunión de la comunidad fuera del horario escolar.
From the ground up / Mención honorífica 8explorationprojecttheprimaryThewithinschool.createsachildrentodiscover.
From the ground up / Mención honorífica Competición 8primarya Definición del espacio Las paredes curvas semiabiertas en el perímetro del sitio permiten la interacción de los peatones como bancos con sombra. Preservar el verde Huertos entre aulas como fuente de alimento y con fines educativos para los estudiantes. Nodo social Los espacios flexibles dentro y alrededor del sitio permiten la reunión de la comunidad fuera del horario escolar.
From the ground up / Bambú, neumáticos reciclados y super adobe NoviembreSenegal 2020 Competición - Mención honorífica colaboración con Paula Castel
Módulos circulares se separan del límite; los espacios intermedios permiten circulaciónunamás fluida. el hermoso árbol de moráceas que da sombra y se sienta en el medio del sitio. Las entradas de los módulos están alineadas con el tronco del árbol, dando más importancia al patio de juegos.
La propuesta tiene como objetivo honrar
Definición del espacio Las paredes curvas semiabiertas en el perímetro del sitio permiten la interacción de los peatones como bancos con sombra. Preservar el verde Huertos entre aulas como fuente de alimento y con fines educativos para los estudiantes. Nodo social Los espacios flexibles dentro y alrededor del sitio permiten la reunión de la comunidad fuera del horario escolar.
Competition / 2021 David Villegas / Portfolio
From the ground up / Mención honorífica
The curved semi open walls in the perimeter allowe for interaction pockets for the pedestrian. Orchids in between the clasrooms function both as open air educations spaces and food supply for the school. The flexible and open areas both inside and outside create a gathering spot for the community Social linkthe greenSpace definition
Competición / 2020 From the ground up se replantea la importancia de la escuela no solo como un lugar para aprender, pero también como un faro de comunidad, un lugar para reunirse y conectarse. 9 1. entrada 6. sanitarios 2. patio de juegos 7. huertos 3. pozo 8. oficinas 4. salónes 9. biblioteca 5. cocina 10. corral A - A’ 0 2 5m Competición / 2020 9 1. entrada 6. sanitarios 2. patio de juegos 7. huertos 3. pozo 8. oficinas 4. salónes 9. biblioteca 5. cocina 10. corral A - A’ 0 2 5m Competición / 2020 9 1. entrada 6. sanitarios 2. patio de juegos 7. huertos 3. pozo 8. oficinas 4. salónes 9. biblioteca 5. cocina 10. corral A - A’ 0 2 5m Competición / 2020 Módulos circulares se separan del límite; los espacios intermedios permiten circulaciónunamás fluida. La propuesta tiene como objetivo honrar el hermoso árbol de moráceas que da sombra y se sienta en el medio del sitio. Las entradas de los módulos están alineadas con el tronco del árbol, dando más importancia al patio de juegos. From the ground up / Mención honorífica Competición 8 Módulos circulares se separan del límite; los espacios intermedios permiten circulaciónunamás fluida. La propuesta tiene como objetivo honrar el hermoso árbol de moráceas que da sombra y se sienta en el medio del sitio. Las entradas de los módulos están alineadas con el tronco del árbol, dando más importancia al patio de juegos. From the ground up / Mención honorífica Competición 8explorationprimarywithinschool.createsato
28 22 9 1. entrada 6. sanitarios 2. patio de juegos 7. huertos 3. pozo 8. oficinas 4. salónes 9. biblioteca 5. cocina 10. corral A - A’ A A’ 0 2 5m Competición / 2020 Looking at real conditions from a different perspective, starting from a place of abundance and adapting to the local conditions in the best possible way. Entrance LibraryOfficeOrchidsBathroomsCorralKitchenClassroomsWellPlayground From the ground up / Marsassoum From the ground up / Marsassoum 10
Competition / 2021 David Villegas / Portfolio tela de resistentealgodónalagua ProcesoAxonometría 1.- deencorteselsentidolas estructura de neumáticossuperbambúadobereciclados From the ground up / Mención honorífica Competición / 2020 From the Ground Up rethinks the importance of school not only as a place for children to learn, but also as a beacon of community, a place to meet and connect.
30 Two CDMX,IndividualWallsMexico STEEL CONSTRUCTION
32 70 s s s Dos bardas / En construcción Profesional / 2021 Planta de acceso Primer piso Segundo piso Azotea 72 73 Dos bardas / En construcción Profesional / 2021 Corte transversal BUM / Milan Continous Formations / Barcelona Section A -A’ Groun Floor First Floor Second Floor
33 75 Dos bardas / En construcción 3.- Perfil de acero IR 355.6 x 171.45 mm. Unida a viga principal con perfil LI 203 x 13 mm y pernos. 4.- Mensula de apoyo, solera cal. 14 soldada a perfil de acero IR 355.6 x 171.45 mm. 1.- Canceleria de hierro com puesta por calza de apoyo con holgura para vidirio de 5mm en ambos lados, sellador, soldada a perfil PTR de 4x4” 2.- Entrepiso 15 cm, capa de compresión de 63 mm (2 1/2”) con malla electrosoldad 6 - 6 - 10 - 10, losacero 63 mm (2 1/2”) con conectores de corte de 1/2” de diametro x 2” de largo 1 2 34 construcciónxviga203x 13 mm solera electrosoldadapoyocomacerocal.IRcon5mmensoldadade(21/2”)6-6mm(2decorte2”de 1 2 34 76 Dos bardas / En construcción Profesional / 2021 Professional / 2021 David Villegas / ConstructionConstructionPortfolioDetailprocess January 2021
34 Thank you. +34david.villegasrdz@gmail.com605268437