HxRefactored 2017 Day 1: Purpose Driven Design, Health Equity, and the Clinician Experience

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HxRefactored 2017 Day 1: Purpose Driven Design, Health Equity, and the Clinician Experience  JUNE 22ND, 2017


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Welcome to Medgadget‘s coverage of HxRefactored taking

place this week in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Now in its seventh year, HxRefactored, a Health 2.o and Mad*Pow event collaboration, brings together healthcare designers, practitioners, and technologists to learn about and discuss opportunities to improve health experiences through human centered design and technology. Over the event’s couple of days, HxRefactored is bringing together a combination of keynote speakers and breakout sessions to dive into the creative intersection of healthcare and design thinking.

Matthew Holt Earlier this morning, prior to the formal event kickoff, attendees had a chance to hit the ground running by participating in pre-conference workshops on topics such as Behavior Change Design for Healthy Aging and Discovering Unmet Needs and New Solutions through Participatory Design. Amy Cueva, Founder and CEO of Mad*Pow, and Matthew Holt, Co-Chairman of Health 2.0, launched HxRefactored from the main stage with a sampling of what attendees will be exposed to over the next couple days. Additionally, for all of those who missed the announcement, Matthew reminded attendees of Health 2.0’s recent acquisition by HIMSS while Amy spoke about Mad*Pow’s Center for Health Experience Design, which is currently in the process of onboarding new individual and organization members to the group.

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Amy Cueva With the scene set, Amy gave the first keynote of the event on purpose driven design. While human centered design is important and appropriate in the context of healthcare where the patient should be the center of clinical systems and workflows, Amy believes that, by itself, human centered design is insufficient to achieve better outcomes. Purpose driven design is also necessary as a complement to human centered strategies and it already has a proven, incentivizing track record. Amy quoted sources which have shown that the top 50 purpose driven businesses consistently outperform the S&P 500. Olga Elizarova and Samantha Depsey from Mad*Pow followed the opening keynote with a presentation highlighting health inequities. Data presented on the rates of premature death and homicide, as well as the percentage of families below the poverty line, and of adults with diabetes in Boston near MBTA public transit stops all showed evidence of the quote from Melody Goodman (NYU) that a “zip code is a better predictor of your health than your genetic code.� The conclusion drawn is that healthcare solutions serving patients should be designed from a point of view that is neither too broad (i.e. the state or city) nor too narrow (i.e. the individual). Instead, healthcare design should be at the level of the community and take into account the health inequities that exist at the community level, such as poverty, education, and violence. Three examples of projects that have taken this approach include Participatory City in the UK, and Harlem Children’s Zone and Way to Wellville in the US. Despite these examples of success, Olga and Samantha identified that the challenges in the way of designing with health equity in mind include a lack of financial incentives in fee-forservice payment models, long term ROI cycles that are not attractive to investment, and gaps in knowledge about when, where, and how best to implement these types of programs.

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Aneesh Chopra Aneesh Chopra, CEO of NavHealth and former CTO of the United States, followed on the main stage with a call to action around bringing open data to life for patient care. While there has been a significant effort around solutions that benefit patients, Aneesh stressed the importance of innovations which also enhance the capability of the provider. Two case studies in the Million Hearts program and Hackensack Meridian Health emphasized his point. The Million Hearts program, which is now in a payment trial, has already shown great opportunities to improve patient heart health through provider incentives. However, providers currently use a risk calculator, which can be downloaded to a mobile phone, to determine a patient’s ability to participate and derive value from the program. While current policy creates incentives to facilitate integrations that support the patient, an integration in this use case would make participation even easier for the provider. At Hackensack, hospital leadership invested in building mobile connected technologies on top of existing technology systems. Since Hackensack built the new technology themselves, the result is a successful model for how provider networks can make it easy for internal and external technologies to be used to engage both patients and providers, despite the fact that current regulations only focus on the patient.

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Matt Park Matt Park, VP of North American Sales for dacadoo, followed Aneesh to talk about dacadoo’s technology and patented Health Score. dacadoo, a Zurich-based company, offers a digital health platform that evaluates hundreds of data points related to an individual’s lifestyle, mind, and body to come up with a real-time Health Score between 1 and 1000. Immediate feedback informs users about changes to their score, why their score is changing, and what the change represents. Scores are based on the validated Metric Health Model and can be used to predict disease and mortality risk along with basic health and wellness. Health insurers, pharmaceutical companies, life insurance businesses, and corporate wellness programs all can benefit from deploying the dacadoo platform. Tomorrow, Medgadget will be sitting down with dacadoo to take a deeper dive into the company’s technology platform, current use cases, and future plans. Closing the opening session on the main stage were Omar Ishaq and Saad Mir from the Human Theater Project, an initiative to humanize patients by giving them cameras to document their experiences in the clinical system. The duo shared emotional pictures and stories from some of their patients. After evolving the project for the past few years, Omar and Saad plan to continue to grow the effort with the goal to be a modality for patients to control their healthcare experience and drive clinical innovation. Following talks on the main stage, attendees had the option to join a number of breakout sessions on topics ranging from wearables and sensors to designing for mental health. One session, Improving the Clinician Experience, brought together a range of technologists, providers, and healthcare executives to discuss ongoing changes to how clinicians engage with and deploy care to patients. One panelist, Alex Tam, Head of Design at Augmentix, spoke about his company’s Google Glass technology that allows clinicians wearing Glass to be able to significantly decrease time spend on clinical documentation from 17 hours down to two hours per week. Augmentix allows a scribe to receive the live Glass feed and document the clinical encounter on behalf of the clinician while pulling up necessary documentation, visible to the clinician in the Glass screen, as needed. The decrease in documentation time correlates to an increase in the time clinicians are now able to spend on sustained, meaningful engagement with patients. Augmentix is next looking at how to reduce clinical time spent on administrative efforts through automation of standard tasks and machine learning tools, further increasing the time clinicians can devote to patients. Jen Cardello, Head of Design Platforms for athenahealth, spoke on the panel about her company’s strategy building and coordinating design teams, the culmination of which is the Forge Design System. A technology for architecting and managing collaborative design resources that will be released as an internal beta at athenahealth this year, with plans for a broader unveiling in the future. Forge is one of many steps athenahealth is taking to being the platform for healthcare on par with what Salesforce and Intuit have achieved for customer relationship management and payroll management respectively.

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Following the panel session, Medgadget had a chance to sit down and take a deeper dive with two of this breakout session’s panelists: Roy Smythe, CMO of Healthcare Informatics at Philips, and Dr. Julie Rish, Director of Patient Experience Best Practices at Cleveland Clinic. Check out these interviews in Medgadget’s upcoming extended coverage of HxRefactored. A series of short sessions back on the main stage closed the first day of HxRefactored. At the conference last year, the US Department of Health and Human Services sponsored a design challenge to improve the medical billing processes. The winners of last year’s design challenge, announced last fall, were shared at this year’s conference. RedNet won the award for the easiest bill to implement given the current system, while Sequence won the award for the bill with the most transformative approach.

Jody Holtzman What better way to follow a previous design competition than to launch a new one?! This year, HxRefactored and AARP are collaborating to launch the Caregiver Quality of Life Challenge to create innovative solutions that (1) help in the identification of caregivers and address their level of caregiver burden, (2) find resources to ease caregiver burdens, and (3) connect with others to build and strengthen caregiver support systems. Jody Holtzman, SVP of Strategy and Innovation made the announcement while sharing some poignant statistics about caregivers, such as the fact that over 40 million Americans provide 37 billion hours of unpaid care. The goal of the program is to change the lives of a group of people currently relegated to the shadows, but who contribute to families and communities in ways that are not discussed or acknowledged. The deadline to submit for the design challenge is September 5th, 2017, and the winners will be announced at the Health 2.0 event

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in the first week of October. First, second, and third prizes include $10k, $7k, and $3k cash awards respectively.

Jennifer Lannon Another short announcement followed on the availability of “.health” domains by Jennifer Lannon, Director of Brand Development at dothealth, the company managing the new domain space. Updating data that the market has been using since 2012, Jennifer shared some consumer health statistics from a larger 2017 Consumer Health Online report coming out later this year. Today, 85% of people use a smartphone or tablet to search for health information, 63% have a health app on their phone, and, relevant for new domain owners, people are 1.5x more likely to click on a “.health” than a “.com” domain when searching for health information. Industry access to “.health” domains begins next month on July 20th with general availability beginning December 5th of this year. The energetic Casey Quinlan closed the final session of the day with a Jeopardy/Price is Right mash-up highlighting the almost game show-like way in which healthcare costs are incurred and exponentially accumulate over time for sick patients. With that, the first day of HxRefactored comes to a close. Stay tuned for Day 2 coverage of the event and a sit down interview with dacadoo. Also be sure to check out Medgadget‘s interviews with two of today’s breakout session panelists.

Link: HxRefactored homepage…

Michael Batista Michael Batista is a Baltimore-based editor motivated by disruptive innovation at the intersection of technology and healthcare. He holds a dual B.S. in materials and bioengineering from MIT and conducted graduate work in biomedical engineering at Johns Hopkins in the Center for Bioengineering Innovation and Design. At Johns Hopkins, Michael was involved in early stage medical technology development before diving into the world of digital healthcare. Since 2014, he has been the CEO of the digital health startup, Quantified Care (https://www.quantifiedcare.com/).

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