Artikel NZZ-am-Sonntag 29.06.2014
Gesellschaft “Vermessung des Ichs”
Kalorien, Schritte, Schlaf, soziale Kontakte – eine wachsende Zahl von Menschen quantifiziert jeden noch so kleinen Schritt im Leben mithilfe von Apss
“Self-Tracking” by NZZ am Sonntag
The Swiss sunday newspaper NZZ am Sonntag published an article on Self-Tracking in June 2014 including dacadoo as a practical example. Hereafter find the free translation of the original article that was written in German:
Calories, steps, sleep, social contacts – a growing number of people quantifies every little step in their life with the help of apps and electronic gadgets. They aim to be more productive and happier with this. But, can they still relax?
… Optimism also reigns at dacadoo, the Swiss market leader in self-tracking. Yago Veith, Head of Digital Marketing, a tall man with Hipster full beard welcomes me in his office in Zurich Seefeld. The walls are plastered with screenshots of charts and graphs, box