Rakuten invests in dacadoo | greater zurich area - 2017

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Rakuten invests in dacadoo | Greater Zurich Area



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Rakuten invests in dacadoo 07/24/2017


Zurich – Rakuten, a Japanese internet services provider, has invested in the Zurich-based start-up company dacadoo. dacadoo produces an app that helps users improve their health. dacadoo (https://www.dacadoo.com/) has designed an app that supports individuals and employees in valuing and improving their physical condition in real time. It uses online games and other motivation techniques to drive users to remain active and to lead a healthy lifestyle. Now, dacadoo has closed a capital increase with Rakuten Capital (https://capital.rakuten.com/) as the main investor, a statement announced. It added that Michael Piechalak of Rakuten Capital would join dacadoo’s administrative board. The statement has not disclosed how much money the internet service provider has invested in dacadoo. “We are pleased to be working with dacadoo. The company has an innovative approach, because it uses technology to motivate users to achieve improved health outcomes while supporting insurers and health service providers with valuable data, which can lead to significant cost reductions,” commented managing partner of Rakuten Capital, Oskar Mielczarek de la Miel, in the statement.

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