16 February 2014 By Ralf-Gordon Jahns http://research2guidance.com/health-scores-the-business-of-apps-that-aggregates-health-and-fitnessdata-into-one-score-interview-with-peter-ohnemus-ceo-and-founder-of-dacadoo/
Health scores: The business of apps that aggregates health and fitness data into one score. Interview with Peter Ohnemus, CEO and founder of Dacadoo. Health and fitness tracking apps became one of the most talked app categories in the app economy. They track steps, the consumed or burnt calories, glucose level, blood pressure and anything else that can be measured by sensors or connected to an app. Health scoring apps aggregate health and fitness tracking data into one score, i.e. they use an algorithms to calculate e.g. activities, body information and personal moods into one number (see graph). Dacadoo has been one of the first companies that offered a health scoring system. Peter Ohnemus is the CEO and founder of Dacadoo. In the following interview Peter Ohnemus explains the concept and business model behind Dacadoo and shares his view on the main drivers and barriers of the mHealth app market.
Interview research2guidance (r2g): Mr. Ohnemus, can you please exp- To ease data input our users are able to automatically connect lain what Dacodoo does? with more than 30 sensors to platform like Fitbit, Withings, Jawbone, Polar, etc. Peter Ohnemus, Dacadoo: We basically provide a health score in real-time on your smartphone on a scale between 1 (bad) The data is encrypted with a 256 key and we also run our own and 1,000 (good). This health score is based on how you feel, social network platform to prevent security issues coming from the activities you do and other medical factors. By monitoring public social networks. your health score over time you can see what impact it has to e.g. walk more, eat healthier or just to be more positive. You r2g: When did you start your business? can compare and share your score with others if you like. Eventually you’ll find out what is good for you and what brings you Peter Ohnemus: Dacadoo AG was founded in 2010. In the closer to your health goals. beginning we put a lot of effort in developing the Health Score algorithm. All together we spend over 3.5 years in research and We did a lot of research for our Health Score algorithm. It is development. In 2012 we started to license our product to our backed by 80 million man years of clinical data. first customer a British healthcare operator. The next deal was made with a German health insurance company at the end of Our complete platform service offering combines mobile tech- 2012. We are now also working together with a German mobinologies, social networking and gamification elements to ease le operator and started to partner with companies in the USA, daily usage. The reporting views of Dacadoo show a detailed Australia, Russia and Japan. overview of the user’s health score and helps to understand the key influencers that affect it. r2g: What is your business model? Page 1