SonntagsBlick Magazin Nr. 44: Press Review: 4th November 2012
Here is a brief summary of the Sonntags Blick article in English. The article offers a good overview of the Quantified Self movement – as seen through the QUENTIQ Health Platform. QUENTIQ’s Product Manager and triathlon champion (!) Lucia Thalman is in the spotlight alongside the views of three very different QUENTIQ Health Platform enthusiasts!
The new measurement of human – Digi-Run
To feel the own pulse after an endurance run was yesterday. Today leisure athletes monitor athletes their bodies and performance with smart phones and digital measuring devices. The total self-control is the new health trend in the Internet age.
The mobile phone is my fitness trainer
How well did I sleep? What is my resting heart rate? How many calories did I burn already today? Enthusiast of the “Quantified Self” movement constantly want to know, where they stand – the monitoring of body and soul, will make them healthy and happier.