Why we need a health score - corporatewellnessmagazine

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Crossing the Well-being Chasm: Why we Need a Health Score by Matt Park

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The Well-being Chasm If we look at “engagement” in well-being as a journey – from initial engagement, to crossing the chasm, to complete “ownership” of one’s own health, then it would help us understand what needs to happen at different stages of the journey, as well as how a new tool could help keep employees on the right path across the chasm. There are three stages of this journey: 1) Understanding your health; 2) Improving your health; 3) Owning your health. Understanding Your Health – Part of the problem is that health is incredibly complex. Even though the focus on holistic health has increased and the direct impact to one’s health from exercise, sleep, nutrition, stress and mental well-being are no secret, it is almost impossible converted by Web2PDFConvert.com

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