In the land of Gujarat, residing in Bhadran,November 7th 1907 became very auspicious for the very noble, social and religious family of Shri Muljibhai Patel and his wife Zaverba. One divine Soul was born as a child in this family. Who can predict that secret indication of nature behind the arrival of this divine Soul Ambalal? Param Pujya Dadashri was born in his mother’s hometown Tarasali located near Vadodara-Baroda. Who would not be anxious to know about the childhood life of such a matchless Gnani Purush? Pujya Dadashri used to say that the Gnan, which manifested, is but natural but why did this not happen to anyone else? Why did it manifest in A.M. Patel only?What were the special attributes that formed the foundation on which his spiritual development unfolded so loftily into enlightenment? In addition if we study his life events minutely, we can see what kind of qualities he had and from this we can definitely comprehend that he was not an ordinary human being.