Gnanis and Tirthankara Lords saw the world as flawless, finished their worldly interactions, became free from the bondage of karma and thereafter they attained liberation. Akram Vignani Dadashri Himself too attained vitaragata—the absolute state of detachment, through this very path and He is telling all who want liberation to proceed along this path. In our daily worldly life interactions in the kashayas which are in the form of raag-dwesh – attachment-abhorrence arise; the root of insistence, opinion or faulty vision is there and because of this, experience of the bliss of the Self is obstructed. We have to resolve relative vyavahar worldly interaction, superfluously, dramatically, without hurting anybody, without creating interference with anybody, without creating clash with anybody by staying in the state of the Self. All that unfolds is temporary anyway and this inner vision is of the one who is permanent, the Self.