Speech is a necessary medium to carry out worldly interactions with ease. As long as the spoken language remains in normality, it is beneficial to the self and to others. However if it goes out of normality then such speech becomes harmful to others and to the self too. Absolutely revered Dadashri has unfolded the science of the basis and reason for wrong or right speech. In the root cause there are the tubers of ego, moha, pride, greed, insistence and wanting to have it all according to his will; thus harmful speech comes forth on the basis of such mistakes within. One must be careful not to say words, which are so hurtful that it would break the heart of the listener, or cause severe hurt to his ego. If someone speaks words that are harsh and hurtful then one should improve the situation by speaking that which does not hurt anybody. If there is a right change in action, thoughts and speech; then one can become a paramatma (absolute Self); that much energy exists in a human being.