How can those who have received Self-realization on Akram path know whether or not they are progressing? Param Pujya Dada Bhagwan answers this in just one sentence, “See whether interference (dakho) arises within you or not.” Everywhere one looks, people only continue to interfere. Then, how can one’s progress happen? Everyone has come together due to bondage of attachment-abhorrence created in past life & everyone has certainly brought his own karmic account. Then why should one interfere in it & spoil things for himself? Do not find faults in others because the person who is clashing with you is doing so due to effect of interference (dakhal) done by you in past. If a person does dakhal, you should endure it. If you happen to do dakhal, then you should confess, apologize & resolve to not repeat that mistake. Current compilation of Dadavani will help followers to progress on the path to liberation by helping them recognize dakho-dakhal that happens in worldly life & thus avoid dakho.