Infinite Attributes of the Gnani Purush

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DADAVANI Infinite Attributes of the Gnani Purush

Editor : Deepak Desai

November 2008 Vol. : 4, Issue : 1 Conti. Issue No.: 37

EDITORIAL Liberation (moksha) is extremely easy however, it is extremely rare and thus difficult to meet a Gnani Purush who has the spiritual energy to liberate another human being. Even more difficult, a hundred times over, is one’s ability to recognize a Gnani. One can recognize the Gnani from His vitarag absolutely unattached, speech. There is no other mode or measure in this kaal—current era of the time cycle characterized by lack of unity in thoughts, speech and acts, for liberation and therefore the Gnani Purush has to be recognized through His attributes. But how can an ordinary person identify such a Gnani who is the abode of infinite attributes? The Gnani has the dazzling majesty of the Sun God, the coolness of the Moon, the depth and serenity of the ocean, and stillness and steadfastness of the mountain of Meru. The Gnani has infinite compassion; He is the abode of compassion. The Gnani is above all duality. In the Gnani’s eyes flows an endless stream of the elixir of the eternal. There is a childlike innocence and guilelessness in the Gnani. Gnani’s straightforwardness is the highest in the world. He resides in the total egoless state. He is completely free from insistence. He remains constantly in the state of the Self (swaparinati) that is why He would have mukta haasya (the laughter of the liberated state). The Gnani Purush does not have any ‘I-ness’ (potapanu), He is beyond respect-insult, and is without ‘my-ness’ (mamata). He has no ownership of mind-speech-action. He is straightforward, fearless, nirgranth free from tubers which generate passions of pride, anger, deceit and greed. The Gnani Purush is beyond renunciation or acquisition. The Gnani Purush is the one, who has continuous focused awareness of the Self upayog, He does not have any desires, no doership garva, he has no wallowing in worldly pleasures garavata, no obstinacy, and is beyond the effect of pain or pleasure. The Gnani has no dehabhiman pride of the worldly body. He is free from insistence niragrahi. The Gnani Purush has many such attributes. He is the Self-realized liberated Soul and so He is capable and competent to liberate countless others. If one comes to the Gnani with only two things; ‘ultimate humility’ and ‘I don’t know anything’, he will sure be able to swim across the ocean of lives—attain liberation. Only the Gnani Purush is called an ‘Aptapurush’ (trustworthy in all respects, not only in worldly matters but also in the path of liberation, until one reaches the ultimate destination) in the world. Until one becomes familiar with the Self and becomes established as the Self, the Gnani Purush verily is the Self of the one on the path of liberation. The Gnani Purush is the embodiment of the liberator in the world. At lotus feet of the Gnani Purush lies liberation. If one meets the Gnani and attains His grace and blessings then liberation is easy and inevitable. We are filled with extreme wonder on the occasion of such a personification of world’s salvation, the highly revered Gnani Purush Dadashri’s 101st birthday celebration, that the world has been given this spiritual vision and knowledge of such a matchless Gnani. Let us begin to make the spiritual effort with deep inner intent that such qualities of the Gnani Purush express in us too. In addition to this let us pray for all who have been left out without this Gnan, by being a part of the Gnani Purush Dadashri’s highest continuous intent of salvation of the world that, “May the whole world attain this wonderful Gnan-Self knowledge!” ~Deepak Desai Subscription :

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Infinite Attributes of the Gnani Purush Introduction of the Gnani Purush Questioner: It says in scriptures that if you want to attain Atma—the Self then go to the Gnani, so how can one identify such a competent Gnani who can help one to attain the Self? What unique qualities and virtues does the Gnani have? Dadashri: Gnani Purush is possible to identify very easily. His fragrance is

possible to identify. His aura is of very different kind. His speech is unique. One can know from His words. Oh, one can know just by looking at His eyes. Apart from this, Gnani has so much assurance, tremendous trust! And each and every word of the Gnani is in the form of a scripture. The conduct of the Gnani, his speech and his humility are such that they win over your mind. So the Gnani has very many attributes. The Gnani Purush does not have even a drop of intellect. The Gnani is abuddha (without any use of intellect). Now how many people are there who do not have a drop of intellect? On rare occasion one is born, and at that time people attain salvation-ultimate liberation. Due to his presence hundreds and thousands of people can swim across the ocean of worldly life to attain liberation.

The Gnani, without ‘I-ness’ One whose ‘I-ness’ is gone becomes the supreme Self What has Shrimad Rajchandra said about a Gnani Purush? The Gnani Purush is the One who does not have even the slightest inclination (spruha). He has no beggary of any kind. He has no beggary for giving updesh (spiritual discourse); He has no beggary for disciples. He has no beggary to change anyone for the better. He has no garva or garavata (no doership or wallowing in worldly pleasures); no ‘Iness’ (potapanu). All the above are inherent in ‘I-ness’. In this world there is not a single man that does not have a sense of ‘I-ness’. It is a different matter when we talk about the universe; there we have the Tirthankars. But as far as this world is concerned, there is no one without ‘I-ness’. Only those who have fallen short of attaining the Tirthankara lineage are free of ‘I-ness’ in this world. 2

Before Gnan I could not tolerate ‘I-ness’ for even a moment. Pain or pleasure, both were like poison. This ‘I-ness’ potapanu vanished with the attainment of Gnan.

After the departure of the ego ahamkar, the ‘I-ness’ leaves. Otherwise, the ego is not such that it will leave. This ‘Ambalal Muljibhai Patel’, has let go of his ‘I-ness’ and surrendered everything only to the Lord. The Lord now takes care of everything for A. M. Patel, and He does take care of everything, does He not? God takes care of the one whose ‘I-ness’ goes away, so then, where is the problem? Do I have any such problems? Let Lord Krishna ride the horses (the five senses), ‘we’ simply have to ‘keep seeing’ from within. So when will God take care of everything? When You let go of your ‘I-ness’. That is why Krupadudev has said, ‘bhagwat, bhagwat nu sambhadi leshey – God will take care of the one who has become God.’ To become God, one has to leave the ‘I-ness’. It is not God’s responsibility as long as the ‘I-ness’ prevails. And when the ‘Iness’ is gone, God is completely responsible. It will take a long time for the ‘I-ness’ (aapopu) to depart. To begin with, at least settle everything with equanimity with everyone around you. There is no difference between the ‘I-ness’ leaving and becoming God. God took on the responsibility when ‘our’ ‘I-ness’ eventually left. ‘We’ do not have any responsibility anymore. He took on ‘our’ responsibility when the ‘I-ness’ left. Now ‘we’ do not have any burden on ‘us’ and that is why ‘we’ are moving about in all this leisure. And really ‘we’ have attained this state after searching for many past lives whereas You have attained it in no time and so You should take full benefit of it. Ultimately, Your work will get done when the ‘I-ness’ goes away. Nothing remains except the absolute Soul, when ‘I-ness’ goes away. Attributes of the one who has no ‘I-ness’ The one you see sitting in front of you is a ‘public trust’ called A. M. Patel. And people take him to satsang wherever they can, whenever the circumstance arises because there is no sense of ‘I-ness’ within ‘us’. I will go wherever they carry ‘us’. Often there are many things ‘we’ do not want to eat and yet we do, there are times ‘we’ do not want to drink and yet ‘we’ do. ‘We’ even do other things that ‘we’ do not want to. ‘We’ do not have a say in these matters. It is all mandatory (farajiyat). ‘We’ will drink 3 your tea to give you encouragement. Even if the tea is too strong and it

does not suit the prakruti, ‘we’ will still drink it because it will make you happy that ‘Dada drank my tea’. That is why ‘we’ will drink it. It is like this, I am subservient (aadhin) to everyone. What is the reason behind this? It is because there is no ‘I-ness’ (potapanu). Therefore, I am absolutely subservient to the circumstances. I am also subservient to all of you. Subservient means a completely egoless state! To be subservient (aadhinta) is a very good thing. ‘We’ do whatever the person who is with ‘us’ tells ‘us’ to do. ‘We’ do not have any opinions. If ‘we’ feel that there is weakness in what he is saying, ‘we’ will tell him, ‘brother, do it this way.’ After that, ‘we’ remain subservient. Naturalness is attained as the last remnant of the ego leaves This is ‘our’ naturalness (sahajikata). There is never any problem in the state of naturalness. There is never any interference, of any kind at all. If you say it is this way, then so be it and if you say it is that way, then so be it. There is no remnant of potapanu (last traces of discharge ego). And you on the other hand are not the kind to let go of this ‘potapanu’, are you? To me if someone says, ‘we are going by car’ then it is fine and again tomorrow if he says, ‘we will have to go by train,’ then that is fine too. There is never a ‘no’. ‘We’ (referring to the Gnani Purush and the fully enlightened Lord within) have no objection at all. ‘We’ have no opinion. This is naturalness. Naturalness is to follow the lead of the opinion of others; it is to do according to the wishes of others. ‘We’ are always in the state of naturalness. This naturalness is continuous. There is not a single moment out of naturalness. ‘We’ remain as nature keeps ‘us’, because the ego-less state has been attained. How can you become spontaneous (sahaj) with even the slightest existence of ‘Iness’? When one gives up the last remnants of the ego (potapanu) he becomes natural. When one attains naturalness (sahaj state) he can continuously remain in the awareness as the Self (atma upayog). ‘I-ness’ melts as karma are cleared The actions of the Gnani Purush are constantly according to the unfolding of His karma (the Gnani’s actions are udaya aadhin), without any I-ness in it. The circumstances around arise, come together, and unfold as scientific circumstantial evidences and the Gnani follows them. 4

If someone comes here to discuss something complex regarding

satsang or any other topics, it is fine if the discussion continues for an hour and half. There will be no dakhodakhal (interference and its effects), from ‘us’. Elsewhere when that happens, it may even result in matabhed (separation due to difference in opinions). ‘We’ have no dakhodakhal. A task of one hundred hours will be accomplished by ‘us’ within an hour! But there will be no dakhodakhal. This is because ‘we’ do not have any ‘I-ness’. Questioner: If the Gnanis follow the

course of the unfolding of their karma, then how is it for others? Dadashri: Theirs too is dependent on their unfolding karma, but the difference

is that they have ‘I-ness’ in it. Everyone’s ‘I-ness’ is there when the karma unfolds. But it will continue to go down after attaining Gnan. It will not increase. It will go down until it ends completely. ‘We’ too have unfolding karma, but there is no ‘I-ness’. Speech without ownership is the sign of the Gnani Entire ‘I-ness’ (potapanu) gradually melts down to zero after attaining Gnan. One is considered a Gnani when it goes down to zero. Then his speech (vani) will change. Vani flows only after potapanu leaves. By whatever proportion the ‘I-ness’ goes away, that much speech will arise, and that speech is correct. ‘I’ and ‘I-ness’ are different Questioner: Ahampanu—I am, the belief of ‘I’, the current belief and potapanu (‘I-ness’), are these two same or different? Dadashri: Aham—‘I am’ is simply a belief whereas ‘I-ness’ (potapanu) exists in

conduct vartan. That which is in conduct persists whereas that which is in belief tends to go away. The hoonpanu-ahampanu—‘I am’ that was believed leaves, but thereafter there is that which persists in conduct, does it not? ‘I’ is adjustable everywhere. Potapanu ‘I-ness’ will not adjust everywhere. ‘Iness’ can only adjust to ‘I-ness’. It cannot adjust with anything else. Therefore ‘I’ and ‘I-ness’, both are very different things. ‘We’ do not have any ‘I-ness’ (potapanu). Your ‘I-ness’ has started to leave after attaining this Gnan. Questioner: Dada, in ignorant state when I was doing devotional worship; believed such I-ness as a virtue. So now how may I become free from that? Dadashri: Who is the one who became established with that belief?


Questioner: Potey—‘I am’. Dadashri: That I am potey is verily potapanu ‘I-ness’, it is ahamkar— exercising ego. Hoon—I, is not potapanu-‘I-ness’. Potey ‘I am’ is potapanu. For example watch the role of ‘I’. When a policeman asks me, ‘why did you turn this car this way? What is your name?’ Then I say, ‘write down, I am A. M. Patel.’ He asks me, ‘sir, where do you live?’ Then I say, ‘I am from Bhadran.’ He asks, ‘what is your cast?’ I say, ‘I am Patel.’ What will I say? My ‘I’ became adjustable. That ‘I’ can even say ‘I am Dada Bhagwan’ today, in some situations, where I can; otherwise I say, ‘I am A. M. Patel.’ Otherwise I can say even I am a contractor. When I visit Hiraba’s town then people call me ‘fuva’ (father’s sister’s husband) at that time ‘I am fuva, yes, correct.’ Isn’t it? Some will say fuva, some will say banevi (sister’s husband), some will say mama (mother’s brother), someone will say kaka (uncle, father’s brother), everywhere adjustable. How beautiful this ‘I’ must be! And if ‘potey’—I am, was such that could become adjustable then it would have been very nice, would it not? However one behaves everywhere else with potapanu ‘I-ness’— belief as the worldly ‘I’.

Due to lack of understanding of this ‘I—hoon’, one makes false claims at other locations. That is why vikalp ‘I am Chandulal’ arose. And so the entire world of vikalp is called potapanu ‘I-ness’. Questioner: Is it because of ‘I—hoon’ that one becomes entrenched in ‘I-ness’ potapanu? Is it the ‘I’ that makes us believe in this ‘I-ness’? Dadashri: ‘I’ is a different thing. To impose ‘I’ at the wrong location; ‘use’ of the ‘I’ at the wrong place, gives rise to ‘I-ness’ potapanu. Questioner: Dada, please explain by giving an example. I did not understand

how the ‘I—hoon’ and the ‘I-ness—potapanu’ are different? Dadashri: It is the same as the example I gave you. To impose ‘I’ at any location, in any thing, that ‘I am this, I am this, I am that’ and ‘You’ are not that, yet ‘You’ say that ‘I am this’ so ‘I’ asserted at the wrong place, gives rise to ‘I-ness’. Now ‘I—hoon’ is not doing this. But the assertion ‘I am this or that’ gives rise to ‘I-ness potapanu.’ Hence the ‘I-ness’ arises to the ‘one’ who makes the false accusation. 6

Questioner: Who makes this assertion? Dadashri: That is verily within. That is called ignorance agnan. Now

what is that agnan? It is the thing that arises even before ‘I—hoon’ (first wrong belief in the relative realm), the thing that imposes ‘I’ is verily agnan ignorance and if it leaves the assertion of ‘I’ then everything goes away. The assertion of ‘I’ leaves, ‘I’ became Shuddhatma—pure Soul, and for such a one the ego is gone. Questioner: Did it leave because I took Dada’s Gnan? Dadashri: It is an easy thing when he stopped asserting, is it not? Where then is the difficulty? Questioner: So when you give Gnan, do you make it such that one forsakes

the assertion? Dadashri: Then only it will leave, otherwise not!

Non-Doer Not ‘our’ authority Questioner: You give Gnan on certain days, at certain time. What is the reason

behind this? Dadashri: That authority is not in my hand. When

scientific circumstantial evidences come together, then the work happens. I am only an evidence-in the-process (nimit). I do not have authority in my hand, nor is it in your hand. When all circumstances arise then the work will be done. If I were the doer then I would ask you all to sit for Gnan (Gnan Vidhi) tomorrow. But I am not the doer. The Gnani Purush is a nimit therefore He is not a doer. That is why He can do everything whatsoever. He is not a doer. He can do as a nimit whatever He wants. Questioner: Does it mean that someone else has authority over you, someone gives you inspiration? Dadashri: The authority, which is there over you, is over me too. There is no other authority. The authority over this body, and all that, is not my authority. I have no authority over this body complex. My authority-domain satta is only to know and see, and be the knower-seer gnata-drashta and remain in absolute bliss and thus get out from the worldly puzzles gradually. People are trapped in the puzzle. I too am trapped and you are trapped too. But you are bound within, so all daylong you suffer from upadhi effects of that which happens 7 around you. And I am free from within.

The Gnani is constantly in the State of The Self Questioner: Dada, whenever we see you, you always appear free.

You are always in a good mood. What is the reason behind it? Dadashri: Not even for a moment am I in the state of parparinati (state of the non-Self, ‘I am Chandulal’). I am always in swaparinati—‘I am the Self.’ If ‘parparinati—I am Ambalal’ were to stay within me for even an hour then you would see a change on my face. The Gnani never has parparinati—state of the non-Self.

‘I’ am constantly in the state of the Self, day or night. The speech, conduct and humility are such that they win over the minds of others. There is no trace of adverse internal meditation that hurts the self (artadhyan) or of adverse internal meditation that hurts the self and others (raudradhyan). And with the total dissolution of the ego, and the resultant tension-free state, the constant liberating laughter (mukta haasya) is clearly evident to all. It is a wonder of this world that he remains constantly in the swaparinati state. Writers of the Hindu scriptures have given a very high state to anyone who comes into swaparinati—I am the Self, even for a second. Krupadudev Shrimad Rajchandra has said that the Gnani Purush is the embodiment of the absolute enlightened Self dehadhari parmatma. Therefore it is said, why search for God? Search out a Gnani Purush who has a physical embodied form. Who is considered the embodiment of the absolute Self? It is the one who has no parparinati; who is constantly in swaparinati. Only two kinds of internal states parinati exist, one is swaparinati and the other is parparinati. The term parinati cannot be used for anything else. A non-Self-realized person (agnani) would have parparinati; the Gnani is in the state of swaparinati. The Lord has called swaparinati, moksha. The purusharth-internal effort to remain as the Self The Lord was always in swaparinati. I too remain in swaparinati. We do not consider parparinam (results-effect of the non-Self) to be ours. So that you too can remain in the state of swaparinati, I am telling you to maintain a worldly relation with Chandulal your relative self. Whether you are able to maintain a worldly relationship vyavahar with others or not, what does it matter? 8

The one who does not like the effects of the non-Self parparinam, finds them useless and does not consider them his own; that in itself is the presence of the Self. That is the swaparinam—result as the Self.

Gnani has no superior Only the Gnani Purush does not need a superior. What is its reason? The Gnani does not have swachhand to be guided by the will of the self. The Gnani is constantly in swaparinati the state of the Self, therefore He does not need any superior. How long does a person need a superior? As long as a person commits mistakes a superior is necessary. Once the mistakes stop happening, the superior becomes unnecessary. This Ambalal may have made some mistakes, but as a Gnani ‘our’ mistake will not happen.

Constant awareness against mistakes Does not protect mistakes Everyone in this world seeks to rid himself of anger, pride, deceit and greed. No one wishes to have any of these. These are your archenemies. Despite knowing this, people continue to nurture their faults and make them stronger. In not being able to see your own faults, you continue to sustain them. When a mistake arises, I know what perpetuates it. At times, a person would approach me and ask me in the satsang, how I had the audacity to call myself a Gnani when I could not even get rid of my habit of drinking tea. I would admit to him that it was an obvious weakness on my part, which I had been aware of for a long time. If I were to tell him that the Gnanis are impervious to everything worldly, the tea would have immediately realized that it had been granted an additional longevity of twenty years, because its master is kind and would protect it in any way that he could. I am very shrewd and have never protected any of my mistakes. The knower of the subtler and subtlest mistakes Gnani Purush does not have visible and grossly apparent (sthool) mistakes, and neither does he have subtle (sookshma) ones. ‘The Gnani’ has subtler (sookshmatar) and subtlest (sookshmatam) mistakes of which ‘we’ remain as gnata and drashta (knower and seer). ‘We’ will give you definitions of these mistakes. What is a gross mistake? It is a mistake, which any one with awareness would recognize. Subtle mistakes are those that only five people from the twenty-five thousand sitting here would recognize. ‘We’ too would know that a mistake occurred. The subtle mistakes can also be recognized through the intellect (buddhi). The subtler and subtlest mistakes can only be identified in advanced stages of Gnan. Human beings cannot see these subtler and subtlest 9 mistakes. The celestial beings can see them if they look through

knowledge beyond the senses (avadhignan). However, these mistakes do not harm anyone. These mistakes still remain within me (Gnani) and that too because of the peculiarity of this current time cycle. Superior even of the superior The more of your mistakes you are able to ‘see’, the more you become their master. The one who has no mistakes, has no superior above him. I have no master over me and that is why I am the master of all masters. I do not have any overt or gross mistakes and the subtle mistakes too are gone. I have only the subtler and the subtlest mistakes, of which I remain the absolute knower and the seer. Lord Mahavir too did the same. Only when no trace of any attachment (raag) remains, can one see these subtler and the subtlest mistakes. ‘We’ have very subtler and the subtlest mistakes, which do not hurt anyone to the slightest extent. Even the subtlest mistake will not escape my vision. None of you would know that I made a mistake. Open to Sky People ask me why I need to disclose my faults openly and what benefit is there in doing so. I tell them that I do it to encourage you all to follow suit. How can you not find courage from what I say? Whenever you disclose your faults, your mind gets exposed and thereafter it will live in fear of being caught. Thereafter it will live in fear of you because it knows you will expose it. Your mind will think of you as a naïve person who has a tendency to divulge everything. I have told (my mind) that I will divulge everything and open everything to the sky. And that is when all my faults disappeared. Faults come to an end in this way. If the Gnani Purush were to have faults, then how can it be possible for the world to become faultless?

No garva, No garavata No doership (garva)


Now what does it mean when people say, ‘The Gnani Purush does not have garva?’ No matter how much peace the Gnani Purush gives to others, he does not have a sense of, ‘I am giving him peace, I am doing it.’ He knows that He is merely a nimit an evidence in the vast scheme of the all that happens, in the process and that He is merely unlocking the door of inner bliss in the receiver.

Therefore He (the Gnani) does not have garva doership of anything because when there is no ego at all, how can there be any garva? There is garva when the ego is present. And garvaras means to claim ‘I did such a great job! I did it so well’. He enjoys the sweetness from saying, ‘how wonderful a job’ about a task he accomplishes. ‘We’ do not have that garva. ‘We’ do not have any sense of, ‘I performed this action or I did this.’ The Gnani has no garavata Questioner: The Gnani has no garavata (wallowing in worldly pleasures). Please explain the word garavata in detail. Dadashri: It is a different thing. Humans have garavata and so do cows and buffalos. All humans, even our mahatmas, have garavata. Even now people are immersed in garavata.

Now what is garavata? If you want to personally witness garavata let me give you an analogy. Usually there are ditches of polluted water near factories. These ditches are full of wastewater from the factories. Because of the salt in the water, the soil in the ditch breaks down to mud. There is a small amount of pitch-black water and mud about two feet deep. In order to escape the hot summer sun, the water buffalos look for trees or other things to cool down. Water buffalos are more warm-blooded than the cows therefore they cannot tolerate as much sun. Cows and goats can tolerate it. So a water buffalo looks to see ‘is there a cool place anywhere?’ Don’t people do the same too? They look for an air-conditioned room. So when the buffalo sees water in the ditch, she goes in and when she finds mud in there, she makes herself comfortable in the ditch. When the owner sees her sitting in the ditch, he wonders how she is ever going to come out. He brings her some hay and tries to entice her, standing at the edge of the ditch, ‘Come get it, come and get it.’ The buffalo raises her ears, looks at him and turns her head away but she will not get up. She will not move away from this garavata! She does not budge. She will not pay attention to anything because the pleasure she feels in the ditch is not to be found anywhere else. That is why she will not come out of the mud. She will look but she will not budge. She thinks to herself, ‘Who would leave such pleasure?’ This verily is garavata. This is called the pleasure of garavata. This is how everyone in the world takes pleasure, it is the garavata of the worldly life. They will not come out of it. Men and women do not budge at all! How can they when


they believe the worldly life to be the ‘fridge’ just as the water buffalo does? One can understand garavata only when the Gnani explains it. So, understand the exact meaning of what Krupadudev Shrimad Rajchandra is saying. This analogy of the coolness of mud in the ditch is given as a comparison with the coolness people have found in the garavata being stuck in the pleasures of the worldly life. Many Sat Purush – enlightened beings and Gnanis – have said thus but people continue to sit in the garavata of the worldly life, they give mere lip service to spiritual talks and remain sitting in the ‘fridge’. See the garavata! The buffalo’s garavata is mud and the human’s garavata is this worldly life. Buffalos have garavata of only certain places but humans have garavata of women, air-conditioners etc! A father will smile ear to ear because he thinks, ‘I have three sons so I will have three daughter-in-laws. I want to build three homes for them.’ All such garavata arises. Just as the water buffalo sits in the smelly ditch, the whole world is stuck in garavata. People sit in the stench - nothing but the stench of sexual and sensual pleasures. In order to indulge in the stench of such pleasures, they will put up with bitterness of quarrels. People are stuck in pleasure seeking garavata from looks and beauty, sex, tastes, illusion and greed and this is why they do not like to come out of it. The Gnani Purush is not in such garavata. He does not remain in the ‘fridge’ anywhere. Even if you seat Him in a ‘fridge’ or in a warm place, He will come out of it. He does not have such garavata. Without complacency No complacency (unmattata) in the Gnani Questioner: The Gnani Purush has no unmattata, so what does unmattata (smug, self righteous with inflated pride) mean? Dadashri: What kind of an ego do people have? If we see a person passing

by, he walks in a straightforward manner. He is spontaneous, natural and is walking along in a very orderly fashion. As he passes by again we notice a change in him. His face has a different expression; he appears smug and self-satisfied. We can see that the man has changed; there has been an ‘effect’ on him of some kind.


So we say to him, ‘Come in, come and have some tea.’ We offer him tea, not for his air of superiority but to inquire into his changed disposition. He believes we are offering him tea because of his superior stand. We

give him tea and ask him, ‘Where did you go?’ He will reply smugly, ‘I needed to collect the five thousand rupees from him, now I have them.’ He gets five thousand rupees in his pocket and he becomes self-satisfied (unmattata). He now has the disease of swelling with pride–unmattata. So the ‘eggplant’ becomes ‘tight’, otherwise the ‘eggplant’ becomes limp. Now if a person has unmattata with just five thousand rupees, then as far as the Gnani Purush is concerned, the Lord of three worlds is pleased with Him. So tell me, how much ‘unmattata’ will He be in? And yet there is none. Is that not a wonder? But no, that is precisely where true laghuta –humility, lies. ‘We’ are like a little child.

Beyond respect and insult The fear of an insult is weakness What do ‘we’ say? It is not a problem if you do not like being insulted but you should not harbor beggary or a desire for respect. A Gnani Purush does not have any concern with respect or insults. The pleasure derived from respect maan is vishaya sukha pleasure that is, subjective and temporary, object related, dependant on external factors. As long as one has a fear of being insulted, it can be said that one has not attained any gnan (knowledge). The only thing worth attaining, is the knowledge of the vitarag Lords; the Gnan. Nothing else is needed. Questioner: But do we not have to get rid of this weakness of fearing insults? Dadashri: That will go down, as you keep ‘eating’-suffering the insults-

disrespect upmaan. Whatever you have dished out will be returned. The problem lies in the beggary for respect. Questioner: What does it mean to be constantly preoccupied (laksha) with

the feeling of not wanting to be insulted-slighted? Dadashri: Such a laksha where one is constantly concerned-preoccupied

about not being insulted is verily the beggary for respect. Otherwise, charitra mohaniya illusionary conduct is discharging moha illusion; it comes and leaves. The Self has nothing to do with it. The Self: insult or respect? Therefore, respect and disrespect is all the beggary of the pudgal – the non-Self complex, the relative self. If someone were to slap ‘us’, ‘we’ do not have any problem with that.


Questioner: All these talks about respect and insults, who is the one

that becomes aware of it; it is not the body, it is the soul, the self, is it not? Dadashri: The Atma (the Self) does not have respect or disrespect. The

Self is not a beggar that it has anything to do with respect or disrespect. The Self is the emperor of the entire universe; it is the Lord of the Universe. When you regard the person insulting you as someone who obliges you; then your desire for respect (maan) will end. Who is to be insulted? ‘Ambalal Muljibhai’ (File 1 - reader to insert their names here – the relative self); ‘Insult him as much as you want. What relation do I have with him? He is ‘our’ neighbor.’ If he is hurt and cries, I will pacify him.

Without ‘my-ness’ – mamata Not even a trace of mamata ‘my-ness’ People of this world cannot be free from expectations; there is always some expectation. This Gnani is without any expectation (nirpeksha). He has no ‘my-ness’ mamata or mamatva such as ‘this is my body, my mind, my chit, this is mine or that is mine’. He has no such ‘my-ness’ mamata and that is why this is a wonderful Vignan – active spiritual science. Questioner: To sustain one’s worldly life

interaction one has to do something; no? Dadashri: Yes, that is verily mamata. Where there is the worldly ‘I’ potey, there verily is ‘myness’ mamata. ‘We’ do not have that whatsoever!

I did not have mamata even in childhood. The ego was there. There was no mamata for anything from childhood onwards! Do you understand the meaning of ‘my-ness’ mamata? You do not even know what ‘my-ness’ mamata you have! And then later on, a time will come when people will say that this person does not have any mamata ‘myness’. The world is as it is. The mirror 14 will reflect whatever the face looks like; will reflect the exact image of

what is in front of it. Is there any fault of the mirror in this? What do you say? Your mamata has decreased a lot from the point of view of the worldly folks. Compared to even these sadhus—those who have renounced the world in the traditional Kramik path—you have much less mamata! Nothing remains at all. However the original ‘my-ness’ mamata, remains like the one gold coin, which you held on to while emptying away the entire bagful, does it not? As long as there is such seed of mamata ‘my-ness’, it will sprout again; there is no telling when it will sprout into a tree. ‘We’ had gone to Surat. There in Kosmada ‘we’ met an ascetic who was a great renunciant. He practiced renunciation with strict discipline. Many people would come to do his darshan view with devotion; that was the kind of man he was. He told everyone, ‘Come look! Look! Who is this Dada? If ever I have seen a man completely free of my-ness mamata, He is the one. He is completely free from mamatva internal and external ‘my-ness’. I have met some two hundred or so saints and very religious men but I have not seen a single saint who is without my-ness. Everyone I met had at least some ‘my-ness’ or the other, whereas this Dada is the only man without any ‘my-ness’ that I have seen in my life.’ ‘We’ understood that this ascetic was truly blessed that he could see this and knew how to ‘see’ this in the spiritual path. I can say this because I knew that there was absolutely no mamatva; ‘my-ness’ in me; there was no ‘my-ness’ from a very young age. Therefore, there is no one in this world without mamata ‘my-ness’. A purush spiritual being without mamata ‘my-ness’ is indeed a purush without ahamkar ego of doership. You do not have to look for ego where there is no myness. Ownership without attachment Just as you play a role of a king and say ‘this is my queen’ in a drama and after the play is over, if you ask her, ‘let’s go home’, will she come with you? She will not, will she? This is how all this has happened. How is the ownership in a drama? Authority of ownership maliki without my-ness mamata! You will display to the world and even say, ‘this is my queen Pingda and this and that,’ however it will be without my-ness. No hook, free. The Gnani Purush may have all authority of ownership maliki but it is devoid of mamatva my15 ness! You have to learn this by ‘seeing’ it.

Dramatic my-ness This world is a drama. The world is the drama itself. This drama has been done. One plays a role in a drama and does the my-ness mamata in it. ‘This is mine and this is yours!’ There is no harm in saying ‘mine’ but speak dramatically—as if it is a role in a play. Really speaking there is nothing to do. Everything is verily a play. The whole day I keep playing a drama only! What does a drama mean? I remain the ‘seer’. I remain separate in this. I have some attachment with some sixty thousand mahatmas the enlightened followers of the Akram Vignani Dadashri, but what is it like? It may be like ‘my-ness’ mamata, however it is dramatic!

The Gnani is absolutely separate from the body complex Experience of samadhi in the state of the Self ‘Chandulal’ (File # 1) and ‘Atma—the Self,’ are absolutely separate, and they show their separate properties and functions. If one understands this from the Gnani, then one’s worldly duties function with great ease and ‘this—the inner scientific spiritual progress’ also continues in a good way. The Gnanis too eat-drink, take a shower-bathe do everything. They do all daily routine chores just like you do, but they do with the awareness that ‘I am not the doer’. And in the ignorant state the awareness ‘I am the doer’ is there. So the difference is in awareness only. Nothing creates obstacles for me. Whatever I wear, whatever I have, none of that is an obstacle for me. Yet if someone were to take my clothes off, snatch them off even then I do not have any problem and if they command me to wear them again, then also there is no problem. I do not have any problem in this. Whichever way the karma unfolds its effect (udayakarma), this body moves accordingly. And I am the knower-seer (gnata-drashta) of that. This body is my neighbor, totally a neighbor. ‘Chandulal’ is the means to identify the self in worldly interaction, there is no harm in that. If someone were to ask me, ‘what is your name?’ Then I would say, ‘Ambalal.’ But ‘I’ never believe myself that ‘I am Ambalal’ not even in my dream. I am in the awareness of the Self (swa-bhaan), in the state of the Self (swa-swaroop); therefore I am in constant samadhi (oneness with pure Self). Reverting to the state of the Self, further expresses the state of Godhood parmatmapanu and thereby the energy of the absolute Self expresses. Beyond pleasure and pain 16

Questioner: Can one decrease the four aghati—that which cannot

be destroyed—karma namely ayushya karma (lifespan-determining karma), vedaniya (karma of pain and pleasure suffering), naamroop (name and form determining karma), gotra (worldly status determining karma) by doing self analysis? Dadashri: One can decrease them in the sense that one is unaffected by them, like pleasure shata would not ‘touch-affect’ as pleasure, and ashata pain will not affect as pain. When we have shata vedaniya—that which brings pleasure, we keep our Gnan present and say that ‘this pleasure is not mine’ so that that ghost of pleasure will not enter and if it is very hot outside then ‘we’ will say ‘this is not ‘our’ effect’. Either with shata or ashata ‘that result (effect) is not mine’, such awareness will arise promptly in our Gnan.

When eating the juicy pulp of a mango, there is the awareness that, ‘this effect—pleasure taste—is not mine’. The taste that arises gives rise to shata vedaniya suffering of pleasure to ‘it—the non-Self complex.’ The Tirthankars—fully enlightened Beings, will never become one with the sufferer of the taste, not even for a second, not in anything whatsoever! So the Soul—the Self is avyaabaadha swaroop beyond pain or pleasure; neither the receiver nor the giver of pain or pleasure. That which bothers to the slightest extent the avyaabaadha-ness is all the part of and at the expense of the non-Self. When the slightest effect is experienced then speaking—affirming, ‘this is of the non-Self, not mine, not mine’ will immediately give rise to the separation of the Self from the non-Self. The one who is avyaabaadha swaroop—the unaffected one—never forsakes His state for even a second. Beyond the suffering of pain Questioner: You are saying that you have not suffered pain dukha of any kind in last twenty-six years, so there has not been an unfolding effect of ashata vedaniya pain suffering karma and the unfolding effect of shata vedaniya pleasure suffering karma is going on. Further ahead you may get ashata vedaniya karma come in to effect, can this happen? Dadashri: I do know ashata vedaniya too. However, ashata vedaniya has not arisen. When a fracture happened to this hip, all the doctors got together and seeing me they said, ‘we see this bliss anand on your face; are you not hurting? You are tolerating so much.’ I told them, ‘I do not have even a trace of tolerance. Tolerance is the attribute of egoism.’ ‘We’ do not have the slightest egoism. The lifeless (discharge) egoism is working for me, not live (charge) egoism. This 17 eating-drinking, all work keeps happening through lifeless (discharge) ego.

Free from suffering The Gnani does not experience any pain because he does not have ego. As long as experience of the Self is aspashta hazy, one suffers the pain, meaning he is in the attempts to remain the knower-seer of the toothache. Whereas the Gnani, who has spashta clear experience of the Self, does not suffer pain, he is simply the knower of the pain. The one who is Self-realized does not suffer the toothache but he continues to be bothered by it. His bliss of the Self is obstructed whereas my bliss is not obstructed. It continues to flow. People think that this Dada is suffering pain but I am free from any effects of the vedaniya suffering karma! It is considered suffering in worldly view. The Self and the non-Self Except the Self-Atma everything is subject to rot and decay. The Self never decomposes. When one becomes the Self, the work of human life gets done. One needs to become the Self, nothing else. The body may be slashed or whatever may happen to it, You do not want to become the body-self. If one enters in the parkshetra—the non-Self location, then the world will feel bitter like a poison. Now You should tell the body, ‘if you want to leave then leave, I will stay in my home.’ You should not worry too much about it. One has kept doing the delivery— pampering the body like the care given to a newborn infant—for infinite life times. Surrender the body of one life to the Gnani Purush, and if there is no further pampering, then the work is done. I have not pampered this body for even a second. We do not know even for a second of the sense that ‘this body is mine’. After the manifestation of this Gnan, this body is not ‘ours’, it is of the non-Self. This property of the non-Self will not remain in our hand and we do not even want it. That which is of the Self, is one’s own, that which is of the non-Self, is of the non-Self. Gnani’s love for the body How much love do I have for this body? Through the medium of this body I attained moksha. My salvation kalyan has been accomplished. Now the love for it is solely for the purpose of salvation of the world, not an iota more. That too ‘we’ put up with this body, as one would with a neighbor. The domain-authority over this body is not ‘ours’ at all. Whoever has any authority and claim over it, will take that much from it. We have to consider this body as a friend, and get ‘our’ work done. Otherwise there is no telling what can happen to this body. Nothing can happen to the realm of the Self (Shuddhatma-pure Soul). The body 18 through which we will attain liberation is very strong, the body through which

there will be nirvana (final emancipation) is called charam sharira (The last body that the Atma has before liberation moksha; the ultimate body). The body is also burdensome for the Gnani Questioner: We attained moksha, what does it mean? Did the work of Atma—the Self finish here? Dadashri: The work of the Self has been done all along. It is the one who was

in bondage who became free. The one who was suffering, he was in the bondage, his suffering is gone, and he became free. The ego which was separated from Atma—Self, that ego got dissolved in the Self swaroop. Therefore the work is done. The suffering of pain was his because he had separated. He had created the separation due to lack of understanding. He had created the judai separation and bheda divisiveness. People gave a name to him, ‘you are ‘Chandulal’ so ‘potey—the I’ became one absorbed with tanmayakar with the name. That is why the separation happened. Later because he attained Gnan—Self-knowledge he instantly became one with the Self ekakar. So ‘his’ work finishedaccomplished. The Self is avinashi eternal-indestructible. Its work has indeed been accomplished. But, when can ‘he—the bound self’ become free from this world? When the divisive intellect (bheda buddhi) gets fractured then ‘he—I with wrong belief’ becomes free. Questioner: What would ‘He’ do after becoming free? Dadashri: Then ‘He’ has attained siddha gati (gone to the location where all

liberated Souls exist). There is constant absolute bliss there. As long as there is a body, the burden will remain. There is a burden of this body indeed. The body which is not meant for suffering pleasure, that body is burdensome for the Gnani. There is no choice at all. As long as the discharge process has a limit-end point, there is no liberation from the body.

Beyond any sense of ownership Any wealth in the relative realm, for anyone is limited, it is never complete. Even if one has very little, the real wealth within is equivalent to the wealth of an emperor. I have no ownership over any worldly wealth. Hiraba— Dadashri’s wife, is the owner, not me. I am not the owner of this mind. I am not the owner of this speech.


I am not the owner of this body. I am the Lord of this universe and yet I have no ownership of any ‘plot—space’ anywhere. I—the Self have enough energy to make this universe tremble, but Ambalal Muljibhai—the self, does not have the energy to break even a papad (lentil wafer)! Not the owner of even the body The Gnani Purush does not need anything. Why would he have a need for anything when he is the Lord of the entire universe? He, who is never the owner of his body, even for a moment, owns the whole universe. The gurus you see outside have some desire, either for fame and recognition or pride, whereas the Gnani does not have any desire whatsoever. He does not even need the garlands you put around his neck. On the contrary, he feels its burden and at times there are insects in the flowers. Why would he want all that? This is all for you. If you have a need to do so (garland the Gnani), then do it because it will get rid of any worldly obstacle you may have; doing so will make your burden of a mountain appear like a mole hill. I am not the doer of it; I am just a nimit. When the Gnani Purush walks into your life, it will make everything wonderful for you; however he is merely instrumental in the process. The zero state of the Gnani Purush ‘We’ are allowed to have extra pride abhimaan for having attained the status of the Lord of the whole universe and yet ‘we’ have less abhimaan than even a young child. ‘We’ do not have an ego ahamkar at all. ‘We’ would not be able to attain all this if ‘we’ had ego. The one who has no ownership of the body, the mind, the speech; he becomes the owner of the entire universe. I am the Lord of the universe wielding no ownership or authority because ‘I’ am pure consciousness in the manifest human form.

Straight-straightness Moksha is straight for the straightforward person The Lord says that a person who is straight (sarad) and without guile will attain moksha. The one who is not straight (asarad) will not make any progress on this path. Questioner: It appears that we will find everything wherever we go 20

but there is a lack of straightness (asarad) there. Dadashri: There is no straightness to be found. The following

qualities are not found anywhere. You do not see spontaneous forgiveness (sahaj kshama) anywhere. If you say something to someone, he cannot refrain from making a mental note (nondha) of it; he will remember it for months on end. Not keeping a note is called natural forgiveness (sahaj kshama). Then what is next? Then there is the quality of being harsh or callous (kathor). There are all kinds of harshness. Then there is all kind of insistence (aagraha). A person with these qualities will not have any straightness (saradata) in him and so no matter how hard one tries to change him, he will not change. He has no humility (namrata), in addition to lacking straightness. You will need topmost straightness. Then you need topmost humility. What is namrata (humility)? It is to bow completely before the other person begins to bow. It is to bow to the one who is rigid and inflexible. This is a sign that one will attain moksha. What is the nature of a human being? If someone is being rigid and inflexible, he too will become rigid and inflexible; he will react in the same manner. People become inflexible with the one who refuses to give in. Then one should not have any greed (lobha) whatsoever. Greed holds people back from making any spiritual progress. That is why the Lord has said for people to go on pilgrimage and other such activities and spend money. The tuber of greed will decrease as you spend money. Otherwise, greed will continue to increase like the ‘push of 99’ (if a person has 99 rupees, he will be pushed by his greed to save one more rupee so he can have one hundred rupees). Therefore, one’s inner intent should be to have no need or want for any worldly thing. When all the ‘ghosts’ of kashayas i.e. the inner enemies of anger, pride, deceit and greed, leave and you become straight, then you will attain moksha. Gnani is always straightforward Questioner: Generally where there is excess intellect (buddhi), there is lack of

straightforwardness saradata. And where there is lack of straightforwardness, there is lot of divisiveness. Dadashri: If there is excess intellect, it will destroy straightforwardness. I had less intellect from the beginning that is why I benefited well. I was very straightforward from the beginning. It has been twenty-six years since I have attained Gnan. The seventy-sixth year just started. After Gnan the state of oneness Abhedata with all simply exists vartey. Who creates this division? Intellect! This is mine and this is yours! 21

I do not have the slightest separation with the entire world. If they have divisiveness with me, then it is not their fault. It is their divisive intellect (bheda buddhi). Intellect creates divisions. And I have vyavahar—interaction with only the Atma—the Self. As a lot of worldly respect is gained, a spiritually elevated person will become more humble; his ego will not be evident, he will not be inflexible. Egoistic inflexibility (akadai) is a characteristic of an inferior human being. When a person attains this spiritual knowledge but still exhibits inflexibility, then he is an inferior human being. How can one have this Gnan and continue to remain rigid and inflexible? If someone were to tell us, ‘Dada, bow down to all these people’, then I would do so and I would do it five times over. ‘We’ would bow down to even a servant. ‘We’ have ways to bow down in any manner that is necessary. So you must have humility. Complete humility! The one who completely ‘dissolves in water’ (becomes completely egoless) will be blessed with the ultimate. If a lump (ego) remains in water, it means it has not completely dissolved and so it will just keep going round and round. Obstinate people will simply keep wandering round and round, life after life.

No obstinacy The Gnani, straight in every way What does the world do? It keeps beating him to the point where he straightens up. But there is no choice except to straighten up sooner or later, is there? Obstinacy will leave on its own once you have a bitter experience. There exists endless obstinacy. One has never met anyone to straighten him out in any of his previous lives. He would not wander in this manner had he met someone. So everything happens, but he does not remain straight. Who can be called a Gnani Purush? It is the one who is straight in every way. He is straight while insulting and straight while being insulted. However, when He does insult, He does not truly insult because He is straight to begin with, so how can He? ‘We’ have become frank and guileless right from the start.


There is no stubbornness in ‘us’. If someone were to show us ‘our’ mistake, ‘we’ would accept it immediately. ‘We’ would tell him, “Yes sir, ‘we’ thank you for showing ‘us’ our mistake.” You should be thankful to the

other person that he pointed out your mistake, which you could not see yourself. If someone writes ‘Dada is a thief’ on my back, then the fault is mine, because who has time to waste writing such things? And why did they write this only on my back? So, ‘we’ would immediately accept it and settle the matter. It is because you have not settled your mistakes in the past life that the same mistakes keep coming over and over. You do not know how to settle your mistakes and so you make five more in the process of getting rid of one mistake. Obstinacy is the only obstacle Do I have any problems, now that I have become straight? I have become straight as a result of taking so many beatings over countless past lives. Now there is no obstinacy at all left in me. If you tell ‘us’ “Let us go down stairs”, then ‘we’ will come with you. ‘We’ do not have any obstinacy (aadayee) whatsoever. Someone may say, ‘You are like this’ or ‘you are like that.’ He is saying it to the ‘one’ who is that way. I would not tell that man he is wrong. I will even understand to whom he is addressing. He is not saying it to ‘me’ he is saying it to my ‘neighbor’ (File #1). Questioner: Who is your neighbor? Dadashri: This ‘A. M. Patel’ is the first neighbor.

I had seen a lot of obstinacy in me. I became a Gnani after all the obstinacy went away. When no obstinacy aadayee remains within, then realize that you have become a Gnani. The greater the buddhi (intellect), the greater is one’s obstinacy. Those who have samaj - right understanding, are less obstinate. Nature of obstinacy Questioner: How should I understand the nature of obstinacy (aadayee)? Dadashri: It is when one does not accept that which his heart accepts, and

acts according to his own opinion and understanding. ‘We’ do not say anything to anyone or pressure anyone, and if ‘we’ ever do and even then he does not accept it, then is that not his aadayee obstinacy? Is that not acting according to his own opinion and will? Should he not be following the 23 Agna (directive) of the Gnani?

Questioner: Really speaking, we

have to follow the Agnas of the Gnani. Dadashri: Aadayee obstinacy is prevalent. Wherever it is, the worldly problems have arisen because of aadayee. Only ‘we’ are devoid of such obstinacy. ‘We’ have come to zero obstinacy. If someone pressures us by saying, ‘You will have to do things this way otherwise we will go on a fast,’ then in order to prevent them from undergoing the pain and the trouble of fasting, ‘we’ would tell him, “‘We’ will do it but do not go on a fast.” Questioner: Is that not called obstinacy? Dadashri: No, obstinacy (aadayee) is to maintain, ‘We will go on a fast.’ This

is where the whole world is stuck. Questioner: Is it not aadayee when a person does not follow your directions? Dadashri: That is indeed an aadayee, what else? Is Dadaji likely to tell you to do anything otherwise? He would only say something if it is for your own benefit. Therefore, you should not be obstinate where Dadaji is concerned.

You will have to get rid of your obstinacy (aadayee), will you not? How long can you go on being obstinate and inflexible? You will realize your obstinacy when some day it surfaces from within. Another way to realize your obstinacy is when you come to the Gnani Purush; you will be surprised to learn how much obstinacy remains within you. One becomes a God when he sees his own obstinacy.

Niragrahi: Free from insistence Beyond grasping of anything (graha) – persistence of insistence (aagraha) There is no such thing as the truth (satya) in this relative world. The real (sat) is eternal (avinashi). There is no other sat. It cannot exist in the relative realm. Everything else is relative and prone to come to an end (vinashi). And yet look how people hang on to it with obstinacy! It is also wrong (asatya) to hang on to the truth (satya). To hang on to the truth’s tail (insist on the truth) is in itself untruth (asatya). To become insistent is to ruin everything. 24

Whereas ‘we’ do not have any grasping of anything (graha) or persistence of insistence (aagraha). There is not the slightest insistence of ‘it has to be this way’ in any matter, not even for a second. Not even

for a second will ‘we’ say, ‘this is right, this is true.’ There is not the slightest insistence of even ‘This Gnan has manifest.’ If you say, ‘that is incorrect’, even then there is no insistence on ‘our’ part. Whatever comes through your vision (drashti) is correct.

Nirbhaya: Beyond fear The one with the truth has nothing to fear For a Gnani, everything is natural. When you offer him a cloth to cover and sit, he will sit with the cover; and if you dress him in women’s clothes then he will wear those too. And if you take his cloth off then also it is all right. Hence, there is quite a difference between a yogi—one seeking union with God, and a Gnani. The Gnani is fearless. Why do ‘we—the Gnani’ not have fear? The reason is that we are totally correct. Why should the one who is correct have any fear in this world? Who will have fear? The one who has deceit will feel the fear, otherwise why will one have to fear in this world? Why this fright? I used to have unnecessary fear bhadakat before. Later then, I investigated on this that nothing has dropped-collapsed at all; the fear was for no reason. Thereafter I told Ambalalbhai, not ‘Dada Bhagwan—the fully manifested Lord within’ that, ‘nothing has ever dropped, why do you keep having fear for no reason? You were harboring extra fear bhadakat until now; has anything major happened?’ Then he replied, ‘no, nothing has collapsed.’ Then I said, ‘then why do you keep having fear for no reason? Nothing is going to fall, ‘You’ yourself verily are God. Why do you have to have, oh, this will happen, or that will happen?’ What is the need for that? You do not have any son or daughter, why do you worry so much? What would be your condition if you had sons or daughters? You do not have any and yet you worry. You do not want money, houses, cars, then why are you afraid that income-tax people will follow you or do something to you? If something will fall then it will be this wall, what else is going to happen? From now onwards never say that, ‘something bad will happen.’ Why do you need to afraid of anything at all?’ What has one who is correct to fear? One has to become a vitarag (absolutely free from attachment), then


fear will leave, otherwise fear will continue to exist in this world. Everybody will feel fear. If someone has made a new scientific invention and it is set up in the next room at night and if that thing makes a strange sound then you would have the fear of a ghost and you will not sleep the whole night. You will continue to feel much fear and fright. Now how long can you afford this? If you were passing through a dark street at night and some person is just coming from the opposite side then you will feel in your mind that this man may rob me. You do not get such thoughts, do you? Questioner: As long as one feels such fear, it is confirmed that the goal of liberation is very far away. Dadashri: True, but what if someone gets rid of that fear for you? Has anyone

ever removed your fear? The fear cannot be annihilated by just anyone. The fear will leave through the direct grace of the Gnani Purush, within whom the absolute Self has manifested.

Speech, conduct and humility that wins everyone The Gnani, wins everyone is the Soul of pure love Questioner: How are the speech, conduct and humility of the Gnani Purush? Dadashri: All these are such that win over your mind. All these captivate and

please your mind. The Gnani’s humility is of a different order. His speech is also of a different order-level. His conduct is without egoism. It is very rare to find such egoless conduct. “Jena vani, vartan ne vinaya chhe manohar prem-atma.” “The One whose speech, conduct and humility win everyone is the Soul of pure love.” First, one must have the speech, then the conduct and then humility; all three must win over people’s minds. The conduct of the Gnani, his speech and his humility are such that they win your mind. Even though the Gnani is so elevated, his humility is matchless. So what is it that wins others’ minds? All these, the speech, the conduct and the humility, all are manohar they win over the minds of all. And once the mind has been captured, where lies the need to capture anything else of the other person?


A person is appealing because of humility (vinaya). Now if he says rudely that ‘I am a collector’ and ‘I am this and that’ then people will say, ‘he is mad, crazy’. It is not

worth to be arrogant in anything in this worldly life. One attains a little reputation, becomes a collector or an officer, and he walks with smug arrogance. That is all rude arrogance. The Gnani Purush is never rude. Humility is a high state in spiritual and worldly evolution. Moksha– liberation is attained with absolute humility otherwise, one cannot attain moksha. Then the speech should be like that only. What is the use of that speech which hurts someone? We speak here and it will hurt to a person sitting in the next room. He would say rather than this you better of throwing a stone at me. Do people not say like this? People prefer stones rather than this hurtful speech. The wound of stone will heal, but wounds caused by words do not heal. So it is very difficult to bring forth the high quality speech. Even sadhus-hermits will not know such speech. They will talk very nice with other people. However they will behave totally different way towards their disciples. When they get angry towards their disciples, they speak harsh and hurtful words. So the speech should be such that will not hurt anyone in the family or out there in the relative world. If someone were to hurt one person in the family then can he not hurt more people? So he has the stock—karma effect from past life—for sure. We do not need such stock at all. The Gnani Purush does not have such stock. People try to speak a lot but cannot speak right. They try to speak right but again they end up in a fiasco with the wrong speech. Questioner: Why does that happen? Dadashri: It is not under our control. It is a record. The way you had taped this record in your past life that is how it will play and the Gnani Purush is now here having cleansed that record over and over again in the past lives. The Gnani Purush has brought forth such a beautiful record (speech) that it accomplishes the salvation of the world. Questioner: You talked about the speech, now please talk about conduct

(vartan). Dadashri: Many people may have good conduct. On what basis does

the conduct exist? One’s conduct depends on what has he seen. One learns to behave as he sees in his home. The children learn from the family members; if they watched two-four people walked a way with


contempt and rude behavior, they will do the same. They learn from what they see. They had seen this behavior. And these little children come and bow down to me, they watch others doing this and then they do the darshan exactly that way. One cannot learn conduct if you were to teach him, he can learn by watching others. One can learn by watching. So if you watch the Gnani’s worldly actions, if you watch the Gnani’s conduct then such conduct will come to you too. But if you have not met a Gnani, have met only worthless stupid people, then how can you learn conduct? Then one will behave foolishly. It is very rare to meet a Gnani Purush, is it not? Therefore it is written hundred times that it is rare, rare, rare, rare to find a Gnani Purush, this is how it has been written; that such state is rare a hundred times. And Kaviraj Navneet has sung in hymns that it is very difficult to find such a Purush in Satyug—time cycle of oneness in thoughts, speech and actions; such a Purush is never to be found. The fact that Gnani Purush is in such kalikaal— current era of the time cycle characterized by lack of unity in thoughts, speech and acts and that is a wonder too. Moksha is inevitable at the location where there is the one, whose speech, conduct and humility are manohar—that which wins the mind. One cannot attain moksha if there is the slightest violence (himsa) or partiality in speech. Our speech is impartial, so this speech does not hurt anyone in the slightest. Our conduct is such that will win over your mind. Humility is very elevated. Our dravya—effect, worldly expression through thoughts, speech and acts; is also pure. There is no action about which one can talk negatively. All the actions are such that they win over your mind. None of them give any reason to others for any kind of criticism. And then only it is possible for the world to be free. The speech of a Gnani answers all questions The one, whose speech is suitable to old, young, women and children alike, is called a Gnani. Where there is a Gnani, there is no controversy or need for any discussion (vaad). Where there is no dispute (vivaad) or agreement (samvaad) there is the Gnani. Out there our people have been pressured into a psychological effect that, ‘one must not speak up like this.’ And I am asking you to speak even then you are not speaking here. If you say anything 28 elsewhere then people will break your head, people are like that. People

of India are asking such questions that it can give you a headache; they are such intellectual experts. They are very astute in asking questions. The questions would arise in proportion to the amount of intellect that has increased. One understands through intellect that ‘what I see through intellect is correct’. Is there any thing in this that you can understand? So everything will change. So dharma bhavna deep inner intent of following religion will increase significantly due to attraction. Now it will increase more. Those questions, which have been asked to ‘us’, did not arise in old times at all. Now people say that the religion did exist in the past, and now there is no religion. However there was no religion in old times at all. I have been ‘seeing’ this for the past seventy-seven years. At this time only I see people have more brilliant brains. The intellect may have turned wrong but it has become developed. And in those times the intellect was not developed, was it? If you ask then an answer will come forth. They would not ask at all. Now a lot of people are asking questions. Thousands of questions had been asked. And I had given the answers. So ask me everything you want to know and if you want, I will give you the experience of the Self; this experience comprises the essence of all scriptures, including the 48 Agams of the Lord Mahavir, the sacred Jain scripture.

Inclined (Saspruha) – Disinclined (Nispruha) Sat Purush is he who… Krupadudev Shrimad Rajchandra has said that a Sat Purush is the one who has continuous awareness (upayog) of the Self. Therefore, the one, who never misses his upayog, not even for a second, is called Sat Purush. Then he is the one whose speech is not found in scriptures; it is a speech that has never been heard before and it is a speech that gives experience. His words can create new scriptures. A person can attain liberation if he hears just one word of the one who has a constant awareness as the Self, day and night, because it has vachanbud energy in speech; in it. He does not have any inner inclination-desire spruha whatsoever; such is his is hidden conduct. There are infinite other such virtues besides these. That is where you can find a Sat Purush. Questioner: Does spruha mean desire? Dadashri: Spruha does not mean only one kind of desire; it means

all kinds of desires. It is called spruha when a person has a desire to enjoy all kinds of temporary happiness.


Gnani is inclined for the Self and disinclined for the non-Self Questioner: Is Gnani disinclined nispruha? Dadashri: Gnani is not disinclined nispruha. There are many persons

who are nispruha disinclined. They say, ‘I do not want anything’, but that disinclination is through the medium of ego. The Gnani Purush is inclined saspruha and disinclined nispruha which means he has no inclination for worldly pleasures and he has inclination for the Self in all. The Gnani Purush is saspruha-nispruha. The Lord was saspruha-nispruha. The Lord’s disciples have become nispruha. One should take action, adjust as the necessity arises. Questioner: How are you saspruha-nispruha? I did not understand. Dadashri: ‘We’ are desire-less (nispruhi-completely

disinclined) towards worldly intents and desirous (saspruhi-completely inclined) towards the intents of the Soul. And what is a Gnani Purush like? He has spruha i.e. he has acquisitiveness and inclination for the Self in you and is interested in your salvation. He is nispruha – non-acquisitive and non-inclined in your worldly matters. He does not want anything worldly. His only inclination (spruha) is how salvation can be attained for all. Yet, he is not completely without inclination (nispruha). This means ‘we’, the Gnani Purush is nispruha-saspruha; which is a state of being non-acquisitive towards the non-Self, and acquisitive of the Self. What does this mean? Neither that shore nor this shore; neither at the shore of the non-Self nor at the shore of the absolute Self – that is where ‘we’ are at. Therefore, ‘we’ are nispruha towards your relative self and saspruha towards your real Self. Therefore even if you were to swear at ‘us’ or insult us, ‘we’ keep spruha (inclination) for You. ‘We’ place an inner protection even for the unfortunate person that does wrong by ‘us’. The Laughter of the Liberated State The laughter that is liberating is the link to bliss There is no laughter at any place in the world like a Gnani Purush. It is the laughter of the liberated state (mukta haasya), this laughter is without tension. There is not a single human being in the world who has a liberating laughter. The tension free laughter of the Gnani Purush can forget all the miseries of the opposite person. The moment of mere darshan of the Gnani makes him forget his miseries and at that time he feels the joy. The whole link of miseries, breaks. 30

It is only when the world appears as flawless, can one have the

laughter of the liberated state (mukta haasya); otherwise it is impossible to see such a look on anyone’s face. Such radiance will not manifest, even if just one person is seen as being at fault. With such a face, one can bring salvation to the world. Even if you were to do darshan of such a face, salvation will be yours. You too will have to come to this state. Everything will fall into place then. Personality alone is not enough; one’s real conduct plays a very important role. Real conduct is totally different from relative worldly conduct. Real conduct is the constant and continuous awareness of the Self and experience of the flawless state of all living beings. That is why it is written in the scriptures that a Gnani Purush can hold the world on his fingertips because his conduct has tremendous power. Compassion Showers boundless compassion I have infinite compassion. In my eyes, everyone is flawless because I do not see any faults in anyone. I have made my vision flawless and see the entire world as being flawless. Seeing through elemental vision no one is at fault, the circumstances are thus. One needs to become an embodiment of compassion karunya murti in this world. If one becomes an embodiment of compassion then moksha comes in front of you, you do not have to go look for it. That is why the Gnani feels compassion towards everyone and wants people to become free from their miseries; the Gnani wants them to encounter an event that will set them free. Gnani’s compassion! Absolute humility even against insolence Questioner: Dada, what is the difference between humility (vinaya) and

absolute humility (param vinaya)? Dadashri: A tremendous difference. Param vinaya will not arise in anyone at all. It arises only after attaining the knowledge of the Self and with that, one will not feel separation from anyone. The vision becomes that of one-ness-without division abheda, the intellect becomes that of one-ness. As long as there is vinaya humility, there is always the feeling of ‘my Lord and I are separate’. However, that vinaya will take one to param absolute vinaya humility. This vinaya is one of the ‘stations’ on the path.

Gnani Purush does not keep a note of your lack of humility. You should understand where to show humility and where not to. I recognize your mistake but I cannot make a note of any lack of humility on your part; how


can I in this dusham kaal current time cycle? One has to make a note of nonhumility in the fourth Ara section of the time cycle. Today, we have to let go. On the contrary, we have to bless the one who is arrogant and insolent! One goes through immense misery because he is on the wrong path. While taking the wrong path he incurs additional liability for his actions. So ‘we’ feel compassion. ‘We’ do not need anything from this world. ‘We’ have come here to turn people around.

Pure love Pure love verily is God Only the love of the Gnani Purush is worth observing! Today there are some fifty thousand people here, and all feel his love equally. Such a love attracts everyone, the learned as well as the illiterate, the young and the old. Such a love accommodates everyone. It even attracts the children who come and sit here and they do not want to leave because the atmosphere is so beautiful. All of them are living with that love. Questioner: That is very difficult! Dadashri: But that love has manifest

within me. So many people live solely on this love of mine. They are constantly with ‘Dada, nothing but Dada’. They are not bothered even if they get nothing to eat. Love is such a thing. Their sins are completely destroyed with this very love. Otherwise how else were they going to wash away their sins in this era of the current time cycle? The pure love that you see of the Gnani Purush, the love that you see clearly, is itself the Divine Lord in human form. The pure love that you can see, the one that neither increases nor decreases, the love that remains constant, is the absolute Self. The Lord in human form is clearly visible through His love. Gnan is the invisible, subtle form of the Lord, which takes some time to understand. So there is no need to look for pure love outside in the world. Outside, all you have is infatuation and attraction. The love that does not increase or decrease is the divine pure love of The Lord.

Abhedata : Oneness Oneness with the entire universe 32

Here there is oneness (abheda bhaav). You and I are all one. I do not feel separate from any of you. And even with the fifty thousand people here, there is no sense of separation (judai) with anyone of them. Neither is there any

separation with the rest of the world. You are the one who has separation. So to begin with, I remain one (abheda) with all these fifty thousand mahatmas here, and secondarily I remain one with the whole world. I do not have any separation (judai) with anyone anywhere. Therefore, this is the primary oneness (Abhedata) and the other is the secondary oneness. I do not want anything else. I do not have any intellect (buddhi) and that is why I feel oneness with everyone. I feel like everything is mine. Separation occurs in the presence of the intellect, so how can there be any separation when there is no intellect? Intellect creates division (bheda); it shows ‘this is mine and that is yours’ and that is division. How can this division of ‘yours’ and ‘mine’ exist when there is no intellect? This divisive intellect (bheda buddhi) that has arisen is the one that shows, ‘I am separate from this person’. True method for attaining oneness It is my love that grabs you. Real love touches the whole world. Where can you find love? Love is found wherever there is oneness. So when can one attain oneness with the world? It is when one becomes the embodiment of love that oneness with the whole world is attained. There you see only love. When you become the embodiment of love, others will experience oneness with you. Everyone has attained oneness with me in this manner. This method is being opened up to everyone. The reason behind why you see faults in others is that your vision is unnatural and imperfect. It is a vision that is tainted with the intellect. The intellect always creates differences. It creates a division of ‘me’ and ‘you’ and ‘mine’ and ‘yours’. As long as you see faults in others, you have attained nothing. I feel no separation with anyone. I feel one with everyone. The person whose vision becomes one with the world, is God.

Sahajata : naturalness The matchless naturalness of Dada The entire day you can observe his naturalness. How natural! How pure and spontaneous! How pure are the intents of the ego less state! You get to see the state devoid of intellect. These two are very rare; one never gets to see the state devoid of the ego and the intellect. Wherever you look you will see the people with intellect. Their words are filled with ego and arrogance. 33 When they talk, they talk with puffed up nose (arrogance). Nothing is

natural in them. Even when you try to take their picture their noses are high in the air with ego. And if a photographer happens to see me, he will take a picture even if he didn’t want to. He will say, ‘Here is a man who is natural and spontaneous and without any air of egoism.’ A photograph of the stiff puffed nose is never natural. ‘We’ are always in the state of naturalness, whenever you see ‘us’, ‘we’ are the same natural state. There is no change in our naturalness. And then only the naturalness of mind, speech and actions arises. That is the result of the knowing and seeing. The naturalness comes forth as the dehadhyas—‘I am this body’, begins to leave. When the naturalness takes hold then one has attained the goal, because the Self verily is natural and naturalness of these—the mind, speech and acts are now attained. Natural state of the Self is the last state, the natural state. Natural bliss is effortless bliss.

Shilvaan The qualities of a shilvaan Questioner: I want to know what are the attributes of shilvaan inner strength

of character? Dadashri: A shilvaan would have morality, sincerity, brahmacharya celibacy in

thoughts, speech and acts, in addition to natural humility. Natural means he does not have to make an effort. Such a shilvaan would not even have a thought about woman-sexuality. He will talk to another person with simple and natural humility. Then he would have natural straightforwardness. He does not have to make an effort for this. As you direct him, he will follow. He is naturally content. If we give him a plate with a little rice and kadhee (soup dish made from yogurt) he will not even raise his head (ego). Natural contentment! His forgiveness would also be natural. His acquisition and renunciation is natural and effortless. The path of liberation rests on the foundation of conduct charitra. To uphold charitra (brahmacharya) with the support of the Gnani Purush is the greatest thing in this world. The conduct of the ‘Gnani Purush’ is supreme, even a thought of a sexual nature does not arise in front of Him (within and around).


Brahmacharya is not the only thing is called conduct (charitra). Conduct is called when he is a shilvaan. So there is a great importance of shil (Inner energies of the Self; the state of being free from any

kashaya—anger, pride, deceit and greed, and being free from vishaya—sexuality in any manner). Brahmacharya is encompassed in shil, however along with brahmacharya this many qualities should be there. That means a shilvaan should have following qualities, no one should get hurt through his speech, no one should get hurt in the slightest through his conduct, his mind should not have any bad thought about others. Who is said to be a charitravan? The one who does not hurt anyone through anger, does not hurt anyone through greed, does not hurt anyone through pride, does not hurt anyone through deceit, he is said to be a charitravan. Such a charitravan is invaluable. One is miserable because he has created his own bankruptcy. Do not people declare bankruptcy? One comes to ruination and bankruptcy via anger, greed, pride and deceit, and thereafter charitra—continence with lack of kashaya—gets destroyed. If one does not invite ruin by any means then he is called a charitravan, he is called a shilvaan. Just by looking at shilvaan one would feel the bliss anand. Questioner: But would that shilvaan person attain moksha? Dadashri: Only such a person, a shilvaan, can bestow moksha to another!

Unique-unparalleled The Gnani can never be compared The Gnani Purush is considered a wonder of the world. It is very rare to find a Gnani Purush. The Gnani is considered matchless, one of a kind (ajod). You will not find two Gnanis. This is because the Gnani’s ego has reached the level of zero. The Gnani cannot be compared with anybody. The Gnani is unparalleled. There is no comparison. One should not compare the Gnani with anybody. When one compares the Gnani Purush with anyone else, the Gnani Purush does not lose anything, however there is a great loss for the one who compares. This is because no one has become a jeweler. So he says that diamond is also good and a piece of glass is also good. Thus he becomes responsible. The Gnani Purush is a savior. He is the bestower of moksha (mokshdata). The Gnani has attained salvation and he brings about the salvation of many. The Gnani who gives you moksha within an hour, who will you compare Him with? The Gnani’s speech is incomparable too. Every word is such that it encompasses all the scriptures. The Gnani’s conduct is also matchless. Every thing of a Gnani is unparalleled. If we find such a Gnani then our work—goal of human life—is done. Otherwise it is impossible. ~Jai Sat Chit Anand.


Spiritual Discourses and Gnanvidhi in the presence of Atmagnani Pujya Deepakbhai Trimandir Adalaj 22-23 November (Sat-Sun) 4-30 pm to 6-30 pm 2 December (Tue) 8-30 pm to 10-30 pm

Spiritual Discourses Special Bhakti on the Occassion Pujya Niruma's 65th Birthday 13 December (Sat) 4-30 pm to 6-30 pm Spiritual Discourse 14 December (Sun) 3-30 pm to 7-00 pm Gnanvidhi (Self-realisation Experiment) 21-28 December 9-30 am to 12 pm, Spiritual Retreat (In Gujarati) 4-30 pm to 6-30 pm Sub.- Apatvani - 5 & 6 (Guj.) 29 December (Mon) 8-30 pm to 10-30 pm Special Bhakti on the occassion of Foundation day of Trimandir Adalaj 31 December (Wed) 10 pm to 12 am Special Bhakti on the eve of New year 2009 Note : If you want accommodation for above program, pl. register your name on (079) 39830400.

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