"Gnani Purush Dadashri has seated the self in the state of pure Self (Shuddhatma) in just two hours through the unique method of the Gnan Vidhi and acquainted You with file number one, also called as ‘Chandubhai,Your closest file.Now, if You want to attain liberation in one more life, then maintain separation with ‘Chandubhai’. And for that He explains the science and art of conversing with file number one. He discovered that by conversing with file number one, while sitting in the seat of the Self, bliss is experienced. Then he adopted this process of conversing with file number one in his daily life, in his business, and then with any other thing! The purpose of the process of conversing is that it gives the exact result. When ‘One’ remains separate by conversing with file number one, the discharge parmanus (subatomic particles) become pure and get settled (nikal). Hence, that much karmic account is cleared!