Shop in China's most concentrated Oil Painting Production & Wholesale Base,Buy Oil Paintings directly from Dafen village,Get High Quality handmade Reproductions, Custom/Commissioned Paintings,Original Paintings at unbeatable price. works with best and skilled artists and artist studios, and is an authorized distributor of a lot of Artwork brands here in the industry. Its unique artwork resource, combined with advanced quality control management, enables the most competitive prices. Additionally, makes a set of discount rules, whether you are a gallery owner, an art dealer, a Homedecor wholesaler or a drop shipper
Customer Service : service team works with the best team members including more than 60 senior artists which has been more than 15 years in this industry, We strive to answer any of your questions promptly within 24 hours before and after sales just to make sure that our customers, wholesalers or drop shippers not only buy from us smoothly, but also profitably and regularly, growing with us.
Art for project : We are the professional Oil Painting Manufactory and Supplier based in Dafen Oil Painting Village , China We offer over 60,000 pieces of categorized Reproductions, Decorative Paintings in High and Museum Quality, and Original Paintings created by our local artists as well. We sell Oil Paintings directly through Our Own Factory, Galleries in the village and Website. We are aiming to Promote Dafen Village 's Oil Painting to worldwide and satisfy customers with the Most Competitive Price, the Best Service, and the Punctual Delivery.
Oil Painting online:
Decorating the walls: Buy exclusive oil painting online from available at competitive prices.
Commission Artist :
Hogging the limelight like never before: Get a fabulous oil painting ordered from operated by a commission artist and support team.
Company : SHENZHEN DAFEN AND DECO CO., LTD. 3rd. Floor, NO. 247 Busha Road Dafen Art Village Longgang Shenzhen 518112 China (86) 755 28723729