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Ambassador title bestowed to the Daffodil Royalty LEADERSHIP: Daffodil Royalty named Official Ambassadors of Pierce County for their service within and representation throughout the region. BY MEREDITH LAWRENCE
Establishing ambassadors of Pierce County
Last year, the Daffodil Festival began an effort to revive the festival by reaching further out into the community to connect with it through community service and the princesses became the unofficial ambassadors of the community, appearing at hundreds of events. This year, the thousands of hours of community services were recognized when this year’s princesses and all future princesses were named the Official Ambassadors of Pierce County by the Pierce County Council and County Executive. “This honor has special meaning because most simply think of our Grand Floral Parade as our contribution to the community and miss our greatest impact, as ambassadors. This resolution provides a title and value to the work these high school girls perform each year,” said Daffodil Festival Executive Director Steve James. The official resolution was passed in a council meeting on Tuesday, Jan. 31, 2012 and was read aloud to the princesses by Councilman Rick Talbert at this year’s Princess Promenade. “They do so much to promote the community of Pierce County, not only within Pierce County, but throughout Washington and the rest of the Northwest,” said Councilman Stan Flemming. Because of volunteerism and goodwill that the festival exercises throughout this work, it seemed appropriate to recognize the work and the princesses who do the work. “By giving them the official recognition, we are formally recognizing the organization and the work that they do,” Flemming said. Over the course of the Daffodil Festival season, the princesses make hundreds of appearances and put in thousands of hours of community service at organizations like the Pierce County Libraries, Boys and Girls Clubs and the Point Defiance
Zoo and Aquarium. Being named official Ambassadors of Pierce County brings legitimacy and visibility to the work that the princesses do. “Now the festival isn’t minimized to one day, it is truly highlighted for four to five months,” James said. The change started 16 months ago when the members of the Daffodil Festival made a conscious effort to become more important to and in Pierce County. Like any good ambassador the members of the festival, and the princesses themselves, set about proving themselves to be valuable community assets through community appearances. This year, they presented the results to Pierce County Council and city officials and were met with overwhelming support, which was sealed by the official title. “Having the executives and Council support the Daffodil Royalty has opened up new doors within governmental departments and increased our stature as a worthwhile and growing community service organization,” James said. Not only does the Daffodil Festival seek to serve the community, but in particular it aims to inspire the next generation. “Last year’s Royal Court spent 55 percent of their appearance time teaching, serving and inspiring children, and 63 percent of their time this year,” James said. The Festival aims to touch all corners of the county spreading goodwill to its citizens and to make an impact on both young and older, making the festival relevant to all age groups and economic divisions. “As we continue with our efforts with our partner non-profits, civic and charitable organizations, schools, business partners, and other community outreach events, we will become vitally important. Then, we will travel and serve our community to extend goodwill to the 2 dozen communities outside of Pierce County that we travel to each year,” James said. The title of Official Ambassadors of Pierce County is a critical step, one which will not only recognize the princesses’ hard work, but will pave the way toward James’ goal of continuing to expand the festival’s sphere of influence and enable the princesses to do even more good work in the future.
Special Daffodil Festival Insert
Monday, March 26, 2012
It’s not so easy being a princess. Sure, there’s the sparkling tiaras, and beautiful dresses, but we also miss out on certain other activities. For example, study time. That’s all I could think about, as I sat in the first few minutes of my AP Chemistry class this morning. We had attended three Daffodil events in the past week, and visited three libraries on Saturday, but I had still found some time to peruse my textbook. Even so, as I wrote up balanced equations and converted from grams to moles, I would have liked a little more time. But my return to my other classes was more triumphant, and even while toting four separate textbooks, my mind kept returning to serene moments spent this past weekend with other kinds of books, as well as the kids who love to read them. This past Saturday I and two other princesses visited the Fife, Kobetich, and Mottet libraries. At the Fife library, a little girl had felt comfortable enough, sitting by me on a green couch, while Delaney read Mr. Gumpy’s Outing on her other side, to lean over and rest her head on my shoulder. As she smiled up at me, and I smiled down at her, I couldn’t help but think about the amount of trust established simply by a sparkly yellow dress and a friendly smile. This has been the work of the Daffodil Festival, building up this much trust with the community! At Mottet, our final library for the day, a little girl shyly introduced herself to me as Savannah. She smiled sweetly as I proudly pronounced us name-twins, and the grin repeated itself every time I glanced up at her from my reading.
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
I have always enjoyed the opportunity to give back to the amazing community to which I belong. In fact, this year, I am the secretary of our school’s branch of National Honor Society. However, this morning’s before-school meeting was the first that I had been able to attend in two weeks due to Daffodil commitments. I wasn’t sure how my team members would react to my absence. Thankfully, my fears were unfounded. They forgave me quickly, and I immediately jumped in to final plans for our upcoming events. Later, walking down to the first period AP English class that I share with some of the cabinet members, I appreciated the chance to talk to these friends. Being able to chat with them this morning about what’s been going on in their lives recently made me realize how much more difficult it is to have that opportunity. We are all so busy that the time we have together before and after school, during passing periods and common classes, and lunchtime, is made more precious because the brief amount of time we see each other that day, may be the only time we have to talk all week. Daffodil events and car rides allow me to spend time with new princess friends and chaperones, but I want to hang on to the old ones as well. They’re the ones who have supported me throughout this whole process, by attending my Daffodil candidate selection, Promenade, and even Coronation, not to mention providing me with homework help for the days when I’m away from school. They’re also the ones who sit patiently in the basement-level bathroom, assisting with princess prep.
Wednesday, March 28th, 2012
I’ll be the first person to admit that busy days have never been my forte. The term “creature of habit” may once have been applied to me. However, if anything could turn this mindset around, it would be the Daffodil Festival. This morning, the five Daffodil Princesses of Tacoma – Foss’ Queen Sarah, Wilson’s Princess Nicole, Mt. Tahoma’s Princess Brianne, Lincoln’s Princess Quennie, and I – all met at 9 a.m. at Bates Technical College, to film a TV show segment for our Tacoma Public School District. Initially, I was nervous about the idea of appearing on television, but after a chat with my father, I was more prepared for what I would face. When we arrived on set this morning, I was calm, collected, and relaxed, and ready to get to work. Brief comments we had made in conversations beforehand, like about when children ask us whether we have a real castle, were brought up again in our interview questions, and we knew how to answer them. Soon enough, the interview was over, and we were all leaving to return to school. The second half of school flew by, and then, before I could even blink, it was off to another Daffodil event, only this one at the Al Davies Boys and Girls Club in Tacoma. This has consistently been one of my favorite appearances, simply because of the chance to really get to know the kids there. On our first trip to the Club, back in February, one of the children had asked for the autographs of all the Princesses. After signing scraps of paper for almost everyone in the area, we stopped, and asked for their autographs as well. They were clearly confused. We were Princesses, so of course they needed our sig-
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natures… but why theirs? We said that our autographs would give them the chance to remember us, and their autographs would help us always remember them. The smiles that lit up their faces as they scrambled to find even more scraps of paper were priceless, and the knowledge that we helped children recognize their own importance, even for only that second, was very moving. Then – wouldn’t you know it – I made the mistake of blinking again, and my mom was shuffling me into the backseat of the van, so I could make a quick change into the dress and heels I had chosen to wear for my Honor Society Induction. Now, it’s almost midnight, and I have at least a half an hour’s worth of homework to look forward to in the morning, as well as a Daffodil luncheon with the Tacoma 8 Rotary tomorrow afternoon. As I said before, busy days never were my strongest suit, but with the Daffodil Festival, I’ve loved it with every hurried step. I’m trying my best not to blink now, because soon enough, I’m afraid the trip will be over.
Thursday, March 29th, 2012
Today, the princesses went to represent the Daffodil Festival, as well as our communities, at a luncheon with the Rotary 8 Club of Tacoma. We had been to many luncheons before, with local Kiwanis and Rotary groups; however, this one was remarkably different. Held at the Temple Theater, this event was probably the largest attendance we had seen, and included many important names and faces from my own hometown! As my escort for the afternoon, I had the luck of being chosen by Bill Baarsma, himself a Stadium graduate, and a former mayor of Tacoma. The Daffodil Festival offers us Princesses so many amazing opportunities, and meeting influential people in the city and county that I call home is definitely one of them. Every new person we meet, and no matter what role they play in our community, allows another door to open, and another connection to be made. That’s one of the key words I use to describe what being a Daffodil Princess is all about: connection. It’s the connections you forge with everyone you meet as soon as you put on that tiara, whether it’s the children at the libraries we visit, or the adults we’re able to sit down and have a conversation with at the luncheons. Every bond you form with someone is another link in the chain that bonds Pierce County together through the Daffodil Festival. While there certainly wasn’t enough time to connect to every person in the room, I did my best to leave a positive impression on those I did get the chance to meet.
Friday, March 30, 2012
It may sometimes seem like the life of a Daffodil Princess is all hard work, but that’s not necessarily true. Sure, there are missed days of school, and we spend our weekends interacting with the community rather than, say, going to the movies or the mall, but in everything we do, there is a distinct mark of camaraderie and friendship. As we make headway into the busiest time of the Daffodil season, I don’t have to remind myself that this is a great experience, and that my memories will last forever… in fact, I’m almost too busy having fun to be able to jot it all down! -- continued on S9
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Festival building a strong foundation of community-minded sponsors BY MEREDITH LAWRENCE For the princesses of the Daffodil Festival, it is essential to build community partnerships and to give back to the community. This service extends even to the Festival’s sponsors, who on the surface may only be there to support the festival. But, more often than not, the princesses are able to give back to their sponsors as well, by appearing at events like grand openings, fundraisers and luncheons. “The Daffodil Festival is an awesome community event and heritage that brings the community together like no other event,” said Randy Johnson, owner of Apple Physical Therapy, a sponsor of the Daffodil Festival. In the previous few years the princesses have become increasingly visible in the community, representing Pierce County at hundreds of events throughout the festival season. In the past two years they have appeared frequently at community organizations like the boys and girls clubs and libraries throughout the county. “We were really impressed with the new direction the festival is going, with the girls and their community service,” said Yvonne Brown, vice president and marketing manager of Valley Bank. As a community organization, it is really important to support other organizations that are active in the same community, Brown said. And, said Johnson, not only is the festival a part of the community, but it also highlights some of the best aspects of the community. “It’s a way of promoting our communities and the assets that we have, with agricul-
ture and daffodils,” he said. Not only do sponsors get to use the princesses to promote their own organizations and benefit from the festival’s promotion and support of the community, but they also appreciate that the festival brings in outside tourism, said Karen LaFlamme, public relations counsel for the Puyallup Fair and Events Center. Like the festival, the Fair is a community-oriented organization, which LaFlamme said is important to recognize and support. “It draws people in from the outside and showcases the community,” she said. And, as an added benefit, the Grand Floral Parade happens right before the Spring Fair, and it reminds people to attend. “Because we participate in the parade, it’s a reminder that the Spring Fair is coming; the festival really kicks off and leads into the Spring Fair,” LaFlamme said. And sometimes, the relationship comes full circle, when interactions with sponsors end up providing the princesses with valuable connections and networking opportunities. The Emerald Queen Hotel and Casino and Korum Automotive Group are sponsors for the 2012 Daffodil Festival. The Emerald Queen Hotel and Casino is the presenting sponsor of the Grand Floral Parade. They were featured with Valley Bank on the 20 billboards that were showcased throughout Pierce County. Sponsorship opportunities are available for the 2013 Daffodil Festival. Contact Steve James at daffodilfestival@gmail.com for more information.
2012 Daffodil Festival Sponsors
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Inspiring the next generation of role models
With our deepest gratitude... In a volunteer organization like the Daffodil Festival, thousands of hours are spent putting the festival together. This list isn’t an attempt to be complete and wouldn’t possibly include everyone deserving of our gratitude.
Sponsors Pierce County Mustang Club Jaguar of Fife Lexus of Tacoma at Fife Sylvan Learning Centers
King Alfred - $1,000 Donors Fred & Vicki Borovich Theresa Kist Glenn & Carol Whaley
Festival Sponsors
Golden Daffodil - $200 Donors Wesley & Ellen Davis Don & Denise Gallion Knutson Farms Bill Lewis Sherri Martin Nicholson’s Pharmacy David Olson Gary & Sharon Phillips Puyallup Elks Lodge #1450 Sharon Wessenberg
Emerald Queen Hotel & Casino Valley Bank Apple Physical Therapy Korum Automotive Group Puyallup Fair and Spring Fair
Event Sponsors Lexus of Tacoma Jaguar of Fife Sound Transit
Daffodil Princesses Alisa Linke and Sienna Talbert stop and pose with some kids at the Henry T. Schatz Hope Center in Tacoma.
MENTORSHIP: Princesses are role models and help inspire at the Boys and Girls Clubs of South Puget Sound Throughout the Daffodil Festival season, the princesses take on many responsibilities, but one of their most important and rewarding experiences is when they get to function as role models for the children of Pierce County. Bi-weekly, throughout the spring, the princesses appear at area Boys & Girls Clubs to help children with homework and to engage them in activities. “It was so much fun, I had a couple little shadows that wouldn’t leave my side … I wish we could go there every week,” said Princess Carly Lange of Sumner High School. When she visited with children at the Boys & Girls Clubs of South Puget Sound, Al Davies Branch, the children finished their homework, and then Lange, who is an athlete (she plays volleyball and basketball for her high school), got to play games with the children.
Municipality Sponsors City of Tacoma City of Puyallup City of Lakewood City of Sumner City of Fife City of Orting Pierce County
In-Kind Donors
Princess Emily celebrates a victory at the Lakewood Branch. Princesses volunteer their time as mentors, tutors, listeners, and all-around cheerleaders to the hundreds of kids at the Boys & Girls Clubs in Pierce County.
“I even got to go in and race some of the children,” she said. For Lange, being a role model for the children was a wonderful experience, because, she said, all children need role models to look up to and it was great to get to be that person. And, said Lakewood Branch Program Director Juan Madera, even if they connect with just a few children, it makes a difference. “They’ve been a great influence, especially to our younger members who are female,” said Kyle Eggenberger, Program Director for the Al Davies Branch in Tacoma. Additionally, he said, the children got to hear about what the princesses are doing in their lives and where they are going to college.
“It’s had a real impact on our younger girls because they see that they can achieve that as well,” Eggenberger said. Hearing about what the princesses are doing in school and making a connection with the princesses, provides the children with an example to follow, Madera said. And for the princesses it is a chance to really interact with some younger community members. “These are all very real kids, ones whom I have had the great chance of meeting and whose wonder at interacting with a real princess I will never forget,” said Stadium High School Princess Savannah Fry.
Fife Sand and Gravel Pierce County Mustang Club Petersen Bros. Inc. Net Venture Spartan Agency Kiros Diamond Specialty The Tux Shop South Hill Mall Port of Tacoma Pierce County Fair Pierce County Parks Sharon McGavick Conference Center
Director of Royalty Karen Baskett
Royalty Chaperones Debbie Cooley Sue Dellinger Maili Dellinger Amy Evers Barb Franks Violet Guadiz June Guimond Terese High Tristin James Sandy James Sherri Martin Shannon Parker Linda Robertson Judy Smith Anitra Sudderth
Royalty & Event Sponsors
Clan Gordon Pipe Band Kerry Yanasak Maria Valenzuela Melinda Colby Media Partners Washington Floral Tacoma Weekly Knutson Farms Movin’ 92.5 Johnson Cox Printing TV Tacoma Laurel Creek Manor News Tribune Orting Bakery Susan McGuire Partner Organizations Orting Eagles Pierce County Fire Departments Puyallup Tribe of Indians Pierce County Libraries Tacoma Yacht Club Shipmates Boys & Girls Clubs South Hill Mall of South Puget Sound A Formal Choice YMCA of Pierce and Kitsap Counties Scott & Sue Dellinger Emergency Food Network Tacoma Public Library World Vision
Behind every Princess is a dedicated Chaperone The Festival’s Chaperones are true servants and passionately devoted to their girls. PROFILE: Anitra Sudderth BY MEREDITH LAWRENCE The role of Daffodil Princess Chaperone is a busy and time consuming one and for Chaperone Anitra Sudderth, it’s been full of surprises. But, so far, they’ve all been good surprises. Sudderth joined the festival last year as a chaperone and since then has been hard at work looking out for the princesses and learning a thing or two about dedication along the way. “I had no idea how busy the girls are,” she said. Sudderth herself was runner up for Sumner Princess years ago, and when she and her husband retired and moved back to the area, they remembered the festival and went looking for ways to get involved. Although she was slightly reluctant to become a chaperone, because she had never worked with high school students, Sudderth agreed and eagerly adopted her new title. “All my anxieties were eradicated within the first week … it’s been a most rewarding experience,” she said. But, Sudderth wasn’t totally unprepared. Before she retired, she taught elementary school in San Jose, California. “I am accustomed to helping children be the best that they can be,” she said. And so, in the end, it has been an easy transition. But, while she finds it enormously fulfilling to work with the girls and help them reach their fullest potential, she has been even more amazed by how much the girls do for each other. The type of girl who becomes a Chaperone Anitra Sudderth joins the kids during arts and crafts at a Boys & Girls Club.
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Princess Life, from page S5 After school got out, I headed home and directly started to prepare for the dinner at the Tacoma Yacht Club taking place a few hours later. I had been looking forward to this event all week, partly because it was a chance to hang out with my fellow Princesses a bit more, as well as taking time to talk to more kids at the little Princess Tea beforehand. One of the skills I’ve definitely gained through Daffodil is the ability to talk to people more easily and readily, and I always welcome another chance to put that new-found skill to the test.
Saturday, March 31st, 2012
Chaperones join the Princesses for a picture after a busy event at the South Hill Mall.
princess, she said, is naturally somewhat competitive, but they are all so supportive of each other, congratulating and helping as needed. “That part was the most heartwarming to see,” she said. In particular, Sudderth recalls a time last year, when she picked up one of the girls for an event in Olympia and the princess wasn’t in the right outfit, because of a miscommunication. Upon realizing this the princess felt terrible. “I told her these things are bound to happen, it’s okay, we will start again tomorrow,” Sudderth said. The girl’s mother got her to Olympia on her own. “When she got out of the car, the girls all hugged her. They just swooped around her and just enveloped her. And that was the end of it, the rest of the day was great for her.” Sudderth recalled. For Sudderth, watching the girls come together to comfort their fellow princess was incredible. And she said, watching the princesses grow and come into their own over the course of the festival, both through their interactions with each other and festival members, and through their interactions with the community, is a delight. Although the girls come to the Daffodil Festival as extremely accomplished young ladies, with many impressive academic and extracurricular achievements, they become even more polished through the festival. “Daffodil just puts the frosting on the cake,” Sudderth said. In particular, she said, she sees the number of speaking opportunities that the princesses encounter to be especially instrumental in preparing them for the future. These speaking skills will put the girls at ease in any social situation, from college to
job interviews. Recently, Sudderth watched the girls at a Rotary event at the Puyallup Fairgrounds. When the princesses were brought onto stage and Puyallup Princess Megan Gimmestad was handed the microphone, Sudderth was nervous, but Princess Megan was prepared. “She was awesome,” Sudderth said. “I think these opportunities of always having to be ready, knowing you may be called upon to speak, are just great. They’re always thinking, always prepared to be on.”
Anitra with Princess Morgan after an Orting event.
When she isn’t busy with the Daffodil Festival, Sudderth enjoys quilting, gardening, traveling and visiting with family. She is happy to be back in the Puyallup Valley and to be part of the festival, one of the valley’s oldest traditions. “I am amazed by all the love and dedication that goes into helping the girls,” she said. The Daffodil Festival would like to continue adding well qualified ladies that have a heart to serve future Daffodil Princesses. Any interested parties can call the office or send an email to daffodilchaperones@gmail.com to be considered.
As Daffodil Festival Princesses, we are given the opportunity to work with a variety of people. We meet with children at our visits to Pierce County Libraries and the Boys and Girls Clubs, and we meet with adults when we are guests to Rotary and Kiwanis functions. However, Saturday morning, we got the chance to interact with the community a little differently… it was time, of course, for the Most Magnificent Mutt Show. After we crowned Jake, a sweet and friendly golden retriever as the Most Magnificent Mutt in the show, we piled back into our chaperones’ cars and got on our way to the big Float Unveiling Party. This would be our first opportunity to see the Festival’s traveling float – which represents our Festival theme, and is what we ride on in all of our out-of-town events. All morning, we Princesses had joked about how the Daffodilians had warned our parents about possible tears at the unveiling; but, as the garage door was lifted up, and we were able to see the lighted, swirling butterflies and huge wishing well, over-flowing with daffodils that decorated the float, I don’t think that a single one of us had dry eyes. We surged forward, and - partying to the music that would be accompanying our ride on the float our Queen, Sarah, climbed onto her position in the middle, with two girls stationed on both sides, and we all started to dance. Just about four months ago, back in December, we had all officially gathered together for the first time at Parent Orientation and Princess Practice, and now, we were more than simply just a group of girls who had met by chance. We were a sisterhood, bonded together by one of the most amazing organizations any one of us had ever experienced. What we went through, we went through together, and no one else can say that they had the adventures that we did.
That float, and that message – Don’t Stop Believing! – means so much to us, simply because, we didn’t. We didn’t stop believing, didn’t stop throwing coins into that wishing well, and look how far it got us.
Sunday, April 1st, 2012
It may be April Fool’s Day, but being a Princess is no joking matter. We can be serious, and today, we were serious about having fun. Today we attended a Lions Club bowling event. What followed were four hours alternating between embarrassing ourselves with gutter balls, and happily achieving successes with strikes. The event was attended by people of all ages, and we got the opportunity to interact with the Spanaway community and to represent our Festival, still with the intent to have a lot of fun. That’s one of the aspects of being a Daffodil Princess that always strikes me as a perfect balance: have fun and enjoy yourself, but in doing so, brighten the world of those around you. By the time we were done, we were exhausted and happy, but it was time to go home. It had been a fun and fast-paced week, but now, we all needed a little rest. As I started to wind down, I began to think back on my busy week, and think of everyone who put in so much time and effort into making the whole Daffodil experience so enjoyable. Looking back, I see a wide assortment of people who make our job so easy: the Rotarians, who invite us to lunch, the librarians, who give us the opportunity to spread a love of learning, the children at the Boys and Girls clubs, who are so welcoming and ready to play, as well as the Yacht Club members, who recognize us for the work we do in the community… the list goes on. Not to mention the Daffodilians – our mentors, chaperones, and supervisors – who keep a watchful gaze on 23 active, happy Princesses, and one Queen. We may get the most attention, but that’s just because our tiaras are so sparkly. These wonderful people standing with us deserve so much credit, for all that they’re willing to do for us, the Festival, and our community. They deserve crowns of the sparkliest kind. This is truly why no one should ever stop believing, because if you have a dream, and wish for it hard enough, there will be a multitude of people willing to help make that dream come true. That is what they did for all of the Princesses who came before us, and for the many Princesses yet to come. I will forever be thankful that they did it for me.
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Heroes and Tiaras: Princesses supporting the Best
2012 Educators of the Year
A Daffodil Calendar that begins in April and features firefighters from Pierce County
Jaguar of Fife
FREE Kids Thursday!
Thurs, 4/19 ONLY • 2 pm - 10 pm
Kids ages 0 - 18 get FREE gate admission on Thursday (with a recommended non-perishable food donation for Puyallup Food Bank).
Pierce County Mustang Club
Educator of the Year and School Dannielle Hanson - Bethel Damon Delapp - Bonney Lake Lori Lidyard - Cascade Christian Cynthia Savini - Chief Leschi Lt. Col. Gary Roberts - Clover Park William Keller - Curtis Brandi Groce - Emerald Ridge Jeffery Howell - Fife Stephanie Bullard - Franklin Pierce Timothy Stave - Graham-Kapowsin Robert Yuong - Henry Foss Rich Kuras - Lakes SFC Donna Rayford - Lincoln Patricia Bieber - Mt. Tahoma Aaron Ruff - Orting Jamie Mooring - Puyallup Justin Wisness - Rogers Bernard Crouse - Spanaway Lake Connie Wyma - Stadium Bryan Slater - Sumner Katia Wheeler - Washington Sheryl Lathrop - White River Rob Judson - Wilson
BY MEREDITH LAWRENCE As part of their official role as Ambassadors of Pierce County, this year’s Daffodil Princesses are expanding the ways they partner with community organizations. Recently, the princesses joined Pierce County firefighters to make a community calendar, beginning a relationship between the two community organizations. “The fire department at South Pierce Fire and Rescue is about community and the Daffodil Festival is about community. It gives the girls great opportunities to get involved,” said Deputy Chief Chris Grant. Over the course of two days, the princesses visited 12 area fire stations and got a little taste of their fellow community organizations. Some princesses giggled nervously as they got to try on the fighters’ jackets, helmets and gear, and at one station even witnessed the hustle and bustle as the fighters got a call on a house fire and drove off, siren blaring.
Lexus of Tacoma
Deputy Chief Grant saw the princesses at the South Hill Mall and admired the energy and community spirit they exhibited, so when the proposal came that the fire stations and Daffodil Festival come together to make a calendar, he said it seemed like a perfect opportunity.
The Daffodil Calendars (April - March) will be available from various outlets. Check the Daffodil Festival website for more information. The cost is $20, and all proceeds benefit the Tacoma-Pierce County Chaplaincy Program.
urt yal Co 2012 Ro Greet Meet & 12 Daffodil Festival
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Experience music like never before at this FREE interactive feature exhibit!
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Daffodil Festival, 2012 • S11
Special Daffodil Festival Insert
A Committment to Education Trading the Daffodil yellow for World Vision orange SERVICE: Setting an example to serve the community and getting a perspective on the global vison BY MEREDITH LAWRENCE
Princesses Emily Moffitt and Mackenzie Glisson read to the kids at the Graham Library.
EDUCATION: Princesses encourage kids to read and promote education BY MEREDITH LAWRENCE One of the many ways the Daffodil Princesses reach out into the community during the Daffodil Festival is through the Pierce County Library Systems; the princesses pair up and appear at libraries throughout the county where they read and color with children. “The best part about reading to children at the library was their enthusiasm when we walked in. They were ready for us to read and very welcoming, even though we’re total strangers,” said Princess Sarah Karamoko of Henry Foss High School. For the princesses, reading to children is not only a chance to reach out to and interact with the youngest community members, but it is a chance to give parents a better understanding of the ways in which the Princess Jordan Zuniga reads at the South Hill Library.
In between public appearances and princess practice, the Daffodil Princesses have also been hard at work learning about the community they represent and giving back behind the scenes. On March 5th, the princesses spent the day learning about, and working with, locally based nonprofit, World Vision. World Vision works in community development and relief, both locally and internationally and is currently active in nearly 100 countries, said World Vision Tour Coordinator, Corri Lewis. “I really got to know more about the organization and all the amazing things they do; hearing and watching the stories of the children all over the world in situations that are basically killing them, it kind of broke my heart, I almost burst into tears a few times. I walked away from their headquarters wanting to sponsor one of those kids so, so bad,” said Princess Megan McBarron of White River High School. The princesses toured the World Vision headquarters in Federal Way before moving on to the Fife distri-
bution center where they got some hands-on experience, working with the school supplies that World Vision donates to area teachers at lowincome schools. “We just love the princesses out here because their hearts are not limited to learning, but they want to give back right away,” Lewis said. Lewis was very impressed, she said, with the immediate dedication the princesses showed to the organization and how eagerly they took to the menial tasks in the warehouse, genuinely interested in how that work was going to make a difference in the community. “They’re one of the few groups that comes repeatedly and is just ready to give back right away…their hearts are so ready for action and I think that gives them great direction,” Lewis said. Princess Emily unpacks a box of school supplies and loads the shelves for the teachers in need.
The Daffodil Royalty wear the World Vision signature orange for the day working in their Fife location. The location in Fife is one of seven hubs to distribute materials and school supplies to teachers in low-income areas.
Princess Morgan Butler-Koler reads to a packed house at the Orting Library.
Daffodil Festival serves the community. This interaction turned poignant for White River High School Princess Megan McBarron after she bonded with a little girl who she hoped to see at the upcoming Princess Tea and learned that she might not be able to come. When the girl and her mother turned up at the tea, through the work of McBarron’s chaperone, she was overjoyed. “I was standing in the front of Laurel Creek Manor greeting when I saw them drive up and I admit I actually ran after them I was so excited they had come,” McBarron said. Like McBarron, many princesses find that interacting with the children in the community is as rewarding an experience as it is a positive one for the children.
Queen Sarah working in the Fife Distribution Center
And, she said, she was thrilled to see the princesses really thinking about the work that they did with the organization. “I got questions like, ‘so how does what I’m doing right now make a difference,’” Lewis said. At the time, the princesses were putting erasers onto pencils that would later be available for teachers from low-income schools to pick up. Teachers from qualifying schools are allowed to visit World Vision twice a year and pick out school supplies to use in their classrooms. For the princesses it was rewarding to be able to understand exactly what their efforts were working toward and to be able to gain a greater understanding of such an important local organization. “It reminded me of how thankful I am for what I have and that giving back, when one is able to, is a must for my life,” said this year’s Queen, Sarah Karamoko.