2014 Daffodil Festival Royal Court
Petrice Bokako
Sydney Brown
Stephanie Jackson-Buena
Ji Larson
Kiasa Sims
Connie Smith
Clover Park High School
2014 Daffodil Queen - Marissa Modestowicz Emerald Ridge High School
Emily Saito
Eatonville High School
Sarah Schroeder Wilson High School
Chief Leschi High School
Andrea Seaton
Cascade Christian High School
Emerald Ridge High School
Rogers High School
Lincoln High School
Spanaway Lake High School
Each of these ladies were selected from their respective high schools as official Ambassadors of Pierce County serving more than 5,800 hours of community service at over 250 appearances.
Kaetlynn Brown
Megan Chabot
Emily Cook
Caiti Driscoll
Delaney Fry
Lydia Mangan
Kayla McElligott
Johnl Milhans
Casey Park
Sidney Riess
Kasey Temple
Nina Thach
Haley Theriault
Kim White
KayLee Wiest
Sumner High School
Henry Foss High School
Franklin Pierce High School
Bethel High School
Fife High School
Mt. Tahoma High School
Orting High School
Lakes High School
Bonney Lake High School
Curtis High School
Graham-Kapowsin High School
Puyallup High School
Stadium High School
White River High School
Washington High School
S4 • Daffodil Festival, 2014
Special Daffodil Festival Insert
Daffodil Royalty getting a photo with men and women in the National Guard at Camp Murray. The Daffodil Festival has a growing relationship with the military after the inagural Celebrating Military Service parade last August.
A look inside a busy week with 32 appearances across the county Royalty responsibilites include much more than wearing a yellow dress and waving in parades. BY SAVANNAH FRY You know the Princesses from their many appearances around the county, but very few ever get to see exactly how much they contribute to the community. Far more than just a yellow dress and a shiny crown, these young ladies work hard far beyond the regular tasks of a senior in high school, through developing leadership and fostering community throughout Pierce County. One of the best examples of the teamwork and tenacity of these Queen Marissa takes some extra time to read a story.
young ladies is especially present in the week immediately following the Daffodil Festival Coronation, which found Marissa Modestowicz crowned Queen for the current festival year, on March 7th. By the very next day, Queen Marissa was already hard at work, even though the celebrating had just barely ended. Newspaper interviews, dress fittings, and a meeting with Congressman Denny Heck were all complete before lunch. “I was still in complete shock the day after Coronation,” she explained. “I stayed up until 3:00 am because I was so happy.” That Saturday evening found Queen Marissa and several more of her Princess counterparts at the Mt. View Fundraising Dinner and Auction, mingling with guests and selling raffle tickets to benefit the Mt. View Community Center, which provides services for more than 8,500 East Pierce County youth, families, and seniors. Even the celebrating from the night before couldn’t prepare the new monarch for the attention she was now receiving. “Going to the auctions was a little different… Guests would come up to me and tell me they saw me on TV or read about me in the newspaper.” Monday marked an especially important public appearance, as the Princesses made their way to Olympia, to spend time with Governor Jay Inslee, Senators, their district representatives, and learn more about their local government.
For many, this quickly became a very special learning experience of goverment and their importance as Ambassadors. “I loved going to the Capitol!” said Emily Saito, of Eatonville High School, “It was great to meet the people who represent our districts.” Kasey Temple, from Franklin Pierce, loved seeing the relationship between Daffodil and our local government. “It was absolutely incredible to meet the people who run our state and country, and actually very humbling to see how much they love and appreciate the Daffodil Festival.” Instead of calling it a day after making the tour through the Capitol and meeting most of the local
government’s key players, the Royal Court instead paid a visit to the Washington National Guard to meet with military personnel. For Puyallup High School’s Daffodil Princess, Kim White, this outing was especially important, as she had taken part in the Daffodil Festival “Celebrating Military Service” Parade last year, and gained a new appreciation for the efforts of the armed forces, especially those in our community. “Going to the parade last year really helped me understand how important it is for your community to acknowledge and celebrate all the sacrifices that every member of our military makes. Knowing this, going
Daffodil Princess introduce themselves to Govenor Inslee in his office earlier in the month.
into the National Guard, was such a blessing, because I really feel like through the Daffodil Festival, these men and women are getting their recognition in front of the whole community, who appreciate them as much as the Festival does.” On Tuesday, the Princesses had yet another full day, starting with the Multicare Adult Day Center in the morning, a community-based program which provides care for adults who need extra attention when taking care of themselves. Haley Theriault, from Bonney Lake High School, describes how she “spent the afternoon talking with this lady named Gloria.” “She just talked about her life… it was really special for me to be a part of that!” Sarah Schroeder, from Wilson High School, found the experience very rewarding. “I would say that I was looking forward to spending time with the elderly…and it exceeded my expectations. I absolutely had a blast. It was an amazing opportunity to make an impact on them, and I could tell that our attendance made their week. It was phenomenal.” That afternoon found them branching out once again; this time, to meet with fellow local philanthropists at local Kiwanis and Eagles clubs, in Tacoma and Eatonville. Wednesday was the day of the Royalty Scholarship Luncheon, an event put on every year by the Daffodil Festival Scholarship Foundation, who provide the individual scholarships for the Royal Court every year, a small reward for the amount of work these Princesses are doing. In the afternoon came time for taking this year’s Royalty Formal Portraits, the Chinese pagoda at Reconciliation Park on Ruston serving as this year’s backdrop. However, despite the luncheons in their honor, or the official photo shoot, and other such exciting developments in the previous day, Thursday was the one that proved a miracle on the Royalty’s schedule… they actually got to return to school! For Delaney Fry, Stadium, that becomes a reward in itself. “It’s funny, really… It’s senior year and I always joke around that I don’t want to go to school, but then you’re gone for so long because of the Daffodil events that you really realize how much you love it!” Her absences for Princess duties have really put an emphasis on how much she appreciates her education. “I get to see my friends and I have this awesome support system of teachers who always encourage me to do my best. I think school is sometimes something people take for granted, and Daffodil has definitely made me appreciate it more.”
Princess Kasey warms up to a young boy doing crafts.
Kasey Temple, from Franklin Pierce, acknowledges that her support structure is imperative to maintaining a good academic track during her Princess reign. “It’s unfortunate to have to miss class occasionally, but my friends are always willing to lend me their notes and my teachers are always willing to help me catch up before or after school! Building a strong network of people who will help and support you is of the utmost importance in handling all of this.” However, right as the end bell rang, they were all back in Princess mode, ready to visit local Boys and Girls Clubs around Pierce County. For Kim White, of Puyallup, this is one of the best kinds of Princess appearances, because it allows for them to really get to know the children they’re interacting with. “It’s not just a one-time event. Every other week we get to go and keep in touch with all of the kids we continue to meet and have previously met. It’s nice to really get to know the kids on a more personal level, that way we can really create those meaningful connections and continue to help create success in their future.” Friday was yet another day spent at school, while it also saw the Princesses of the Sumner and Puyallup School Districts go in for the State of Education address by their school superintendants. Throughout Saturday morning and afternoon, the Royal Court participated in one of their favorite events, in reading at 25 libraries across Pierce County with their fans, rounding out an eventful week by spending it with some of those who appreciate them most. With everything they’ve done so far, and everything they’re going to be doing, their total number of appearances reaches to about a whopping 250 for 2014’s Royal Court, with approximately 6,000 hours of community service for the Court as a whole.
Special Daffodil Festival Insert Sarah Schroeder, from Wilson, thinks back on that week with fondness, but acknowledges that they aren’t out of it just yet. “We were extremely busy! We are extremely busy! It is of course very fun having a busy schedule, running from appearance to appearance, meeting dozens of people daily, but it does take a lot in order to keep up with schoolwork, relationships with friends and family, and extracurricular activities.” How has the schedule impacted her particularly? “It’s taught me a lot about priorities!” Nina Thach, from Mt. Tahoma, has a lot on her plate as well, but is determined not to let any of her passions go unsupported. “It took a lot of time management and scheduling, and so far everything is going smoothly. It’s really emphasized the fact that anything is possible as long as one is determined to keep at it. Being a Princess has impacted my schedule a lot, but it’s also what makes me persevere through my other tasks.” Ji Larson, from Lincoln, agrees. “Scheduling isn’t that bad if you don’t make it complicated… It isn’t hard to juggle these duties; they’re all one and the same to me. I’ve had to stop doing Key Club due to Daffodil, but I am more involved in my community than I’ve ever been.” Andi Seaton, Cascade Christian, finds that some reevaluating had to be done, but she’s happy with the support she has for Daffodil. “In the past couple of months, school, family and Daffodil have become my top priorities… thankfully I have friends who encourage me and are completely understanding of my crazy schedule. They know it’s only temporary and I will be back to my normal eventually.” Kasey Temple, Franklin Pierce, acknowledges that the challenge is well worth the reward. “Sometimes getting everything done means sacrificing sleep or doing something fun, but it’s worth it to be a part of this program.” Princess Kim gets a hug from a thankful student at an elementary school.
Daffodil Festival, 2014 • S5
Daffodil Festival, 2014 • S7
Special Daffodil Festival Insert
The Daffodil 5k Challenge Four Races. Four Cities. One Day.
A new race that is as unique as the Daffodil Parade BY SAVANNAH FRY Long has the Daffodil Festival prided itself on its community-oriented parade, which winds its way through four different cities in Pierce County for the past 81 years. With the 5K Challenge, there’s a way you can make that journey yourself, and even take your own place in the Parade itself, too! “The Daffodil 5K Challenge,” as it says on the event’s website, “is a race for our community to come together and get active.” Sponsored by Nike, South Sound Running, and the YMCA Organizations of Pierce and Kitsap Counties, all proceeds from the event go towards the YMCA Teen Late Nite Program, which encourages the development of high school teens in our communities by providing a safe environment, adult involvement, and engaging activities. The Daffodil Grand Floral Parade itself is a unique parade, in that it combines four events in four different cities into one major community-wide celebration that takes place over the course of one day every Spring, as it has been doing for over 80 years. Similarly, the Daffodil 5K Challenge winds through those same four cities, all in one day, as well, utilizing each of the parade routes in Tacoma,
Princess Sarah models the Nike Dri-Fit race shirt.
The reaction at the Queen’s Coronation when each Princess was awarded a new Microsoft Surface tablet during their reign. Each tablet was personalized with daffodils.
Puyallup, Sumner, and Orting, as means of conducting four individual 5K races. The Challenge part, therefore, is up to you. You can walk one race, or run through all four, for the ultimate Daffodil Challenge. Take part in the challenge, and stick around for the celebration itself. The Daffodil 5K Challenge is meant to bring the community to take part in fitness together, and the Challenge is up to you. Registration for each race prior to the racing events themselves are $35 each, or $80 for all four races, and includes a Nike Dri-Fit tee shirt. There is also a team relay option available, for all four races with one person running each, for $125. Race day registration itself will be available for two hours prior to each event’s start time, however, shirts are not guaranteed. You can also register your team at two of sponsor South Sound Running’s locations, in Tacoma and Puyallup, up until April 4th The final awards ceremony for the event will be held in Orting after the final leg of the Challenge. All Challenge racers will be awarded a medal by Daffodil Festival Princesses at the finish line, and will have the opportunity to march in the Orting Parade behind the Daffodil Festival traveling float. All ages are encouraged to participate in this community event, with separate categories allotted for 15 years and under, 16-19, 20-24, and every five years through 70 and up. Register your team and find out more ways you can participate in the Daffodil Festival 5K Challenge at www.daffodil5kchallenge.com.
New perks that come with being a Princess BY SAVANNAH FRY The Daffodil Festival Royal Court consistently has a lot on their plate each year, juggling public appearances, school work, extracurricular activities, and all the fun of their senior year of high school. Running between City Council appearances and track practices, taking care of homework and volunteering hours, however, can be a bit of a strain on their organizational skills. With this particular Princess Problem in mind, Microsoft awarded 25 Surface tablets, personalized for the Royal Court, to this year’s crop of Daffodil Princesses during their reign. Each Microsoft Surface came fully equipped with Microsoft software, such as Office and Powerpoint. They had also already been personalized to the individual user name of “Daffodil Princess,” and the display background shows a field of daffodils.
The gift of the new technology has certainly been garnering some rave reviews from their Royal recipients. Sarah Schroeder, from Wilson High School, says she loves her new Surface. “It has been such a blessing throughout this busy time! It makes my scheduling so much easier and my homework a breeze. It’s helped so much!” Kaetlynn Brown, from Sumner, agrees. “I love it! It’s been so helpful with schoolwork… they’ve been the best! It’s so easy to use in class and it’s made my senior year much less stressful.” Ji Larson, from Lincoln, loves the usability. “I love how light and portable they are! They are so much better than lugging around a 5 pound laptop… I am constantly finding myself doing homework on the go and between appearances.” Nina Thach, from Mt. Tahoma, concurs. “It’s easy to take anywhere and the calendar tools and sticky
notes really keep me up-to-date on events and tasks that still have to be done. If they ever need me as a covergirl for the Surfaces, I would love to help.” Kayla McElligot, from Fife, finds that the new technology has quickly become a part of her standard homework lineup. “I’ve written up so many chemistry lab write-ups and AP Government papers that I’ve lost count.” Megan Chabot, from Bethel High School, “As Princesses, we miss our fair share of school days, and even though it’s for a great cause, we still have to get back into the reality of school work. Knowing that I have a reliable computer to help, makes me so grateful. That surprise was very humbling and we can’t show Microsoft our gratitude enough!” 2014 has marked a year of new friendships for the Daffodil Festival, as the Microsoft partnership is one of many unique connections forged with Pacific Northwest sponsors this year.
Nike partners with Daffodil Festival BY SAVANNAH FRY Over the last three years, Daffodil Festival Royalty have increased the number of appearances to include Boys and Girls Clubs, YMCAs, elementary schools and more. Pierce County’s kids know to look for these young ladies and their bright yellow gowns, spreading sunshine wherever they go. While more than one Princess in the past has been unafraid to play basketball in their dresses, sometimes, a wardrobe change is necessary to really connect with their community, especially the children they interact with across the County. “We definitely had a need for active wear. Nike and South Sound Running are both big supporters of community events. It is a great fit,”
said Steve James, the Daffodil Festival’s Executive Director. This focus on fun and fitness in the community makes for a perfect partnership with Nike, one of the primary sponsors for the inaugural Daffodil Festival 5K Challenge, as a part of the Grand Floral Parade this April 5th. “We can’t thank Nike and South Sound Running enough for not only a sponsorship, but recognizing the importance of the Daffodil Festival to the community that they also serve,” James said. The Northwest-grown fitness juggernaut donated the Prin-
cess’ casual wear for this year, with running shoes and shirts in a brighter yellow hue, as well as athletic pants and a matching jacket, ensuring that these Daffodil Royals get more opportunities to play.
S8 • Daffodil Festival, 2014
Special Daffodil Festival Insert
In their own words...
A brief sampling of insights from the Daffodil Royalty The Daffodil Festival will become the most influential service and leadership development organization while serving as Ambassadors of Pierce County.
The younger generations have the self-taught image that princesses are just pretty and wear big dresses, but when I explain to them how being a princess means being kind and respectful they become so excited because they realize that we are just like them and that they have the potential to be amazing leaders one day. Watching their eyes light up with hope and joy is one of the best parts about being a Daffodil Princess! Princess Sidney, White River Going to the elementary schools has been one of my favorite experiences. The opportunity to be able to play, interact, and hopefully inspire them is a huge honor. These children actually teach me many things, and I love that I am able to spread the festival’s message and positivity to the younger generations! Princess Connie, Spanaway Lake
The Daffodil Festival Vision Statement I aim to go to every new event planning on it being my new favorite experience. However, I really adored bowling at the Spanapark Lions fundraiser. It was just uninhibited fun where I learned so much about some really outstanding volunteers in the area I would have never met before. Princess Casey, Graham-Kapowsin
A few people ask me why we do so much and if I get tired of it, but I don’t. I love it so much and it’s rewarding to serve in so many ways. Princess Lydia, Foss
It’s an honor to be a representative of their community. It really is a joy to be out and serve all of them in all forms whether it be reading to children at Libraries or seeing everyone at South Hill Mall. Without them this wonderful festival wouldn’t be possible. Princess Ji, Lincoln
While I was at [an] elementary school, I noticed a little girl sitting with her teachers. She was in a wheelchair but had been moved to sit on the bench with the teachers, one on each side of her. I knew something must have been up, so I walked over during the assembly and introduced myself. She was shy but the teacher asked if I could help in her classroom specifically after the assembly. I walked into the classroom and girl was so excited to see me and wanted to take a picture. I did, and then continued to work with some of the other students. The para-educator that works with the girl came up to me a little while later and asked if I could come out into the hall. I said ok, having no idea what was going on. The girl had gotten out of her wheelchair and was using a walker, a yellow walker, the same color as my dress. She wanted a picture without her wheelchair. I pointed out that her walker matched my dress and told her that meant she must be a daffodil princess too. I have never seen a child smile bigger or brighter than that girl that day. Princess Andrea, Cascade Christian
Spending time at the Boys and Girls Clubs has definitely been my favorite appearance. The first time when we walked through the door, every head in the room turned and everything got really quiet, but a moment later all of the kids were literally running at us, the little girls were claiming us as “their princess” and it was just such a humbling moment. Princess Kaetlynn, Sumner Each of the Princesses are amazing and true friends. We have all become sisters. Each are very sincere and have loving hearts for our community. Princess Kiasa, Emerald Ridge Being a Princess is not always a dress and a pretty face. It’s about honor, happiness and pure kindness for everyone. We are only 1 in a million that are looking for change. We want to set an example for everyone around us especially our younger generation. As role models we want to promote education because behind all the dress and frills, we are students, we are athletes, and essentially we are normal people, wanting to relate to others about change in ourselves. Princess Nina, Mt. Tahoma
2014 Daffodil Festival Theme
Daffodil Festival, 2014 • S9
Special Daffodil Festival Insert
Grand Marshal and Community Grand Marshal are the authority in gardening MEDIA: Daffodil Festival builds with a strong media partner in KING 5 Television BY SAVANNAH FRY The Daffodil Festival is practically synonymous with springtime in Pierce County, and nothing gets in touch with the historical roots of those fantastic flowers than the 81st Festival theme, “Ready, Set, Grow.” So for a floral festival, who better to serve as Grand Marshall of the 81st Parade than the king of flowers in the Northwest himself, Ciscoe Morris, from KING 5’s “Gardening with Ciscoe”! W h e n asked about his level of excitement for the parade, Ciscoe said, “I don’t know that I will be able to stop smiling for a month! This is going to be fantastic.” Morris is well-known in local media, through his popular gardening segments on KING 5 and his weekly show “Gardening with Ciscoe,” as well as other appearances on television with New Day Northwest, and in print, in the Thursday edition of the Seattle Times. His gardening book, Ask Ciscoe, is also a top-selling gardening book nationwide. Ciscoe and longtime fans of his gardening finesse will be happy to see what the enthusiastic television host makes of this bumper crop of Daffodils, from the head of the parade. COMMUNITY GRAND MARSHAL The Daffodil Festival will continue it tradition of honoring a Community Grand Marshal in the 2014 Parade. A Community Grand Marshal primarily works or lives in Pierce County and has a significant contribution to the community. Ed Hume is celebrating his 57th year as a gardening personality. His weekly television show is the longest continu-
Enjoy the 81st Annual Daffodil Parade on the streets of Puyallup and in the comfort of your home. ous-running gardening television show in North America and possibly in the World. Ed Hume is the CEO of Ed Hume Seeds and is located in Puyallup where they have sold seeds and garden products since 1977. His participation in the Parade is a great way to honor the man who at one time had a weekly television show “Gardening in America” that was seen in approximately 50 million homes across the United States and in Japan. Currently his weekly program is seen on KONG TV in Seattle, channels 6/16. A CONTINUING PARTNERSHIP Morris’ appearance will be another in a long line of partnerships between the Daffodil Festival and KING 5, with the local news provider serving as official broadcasting sponsor of the Grand Floral Parade, in an exclusive partnership that found its roots for the first time this past year. The 80th Annual Parade marked not only a hallmark year for the festival in terms of history, but also in terms of viewing public: reaching past the average 100,000 people that line the parade route every year (give or take a few, given the fickle weather conditions of a Washington spring) into homes across the county. This year’s televised event will be hosted by the on-site talent of Festival mainstay and KING 5 sports
Saturday, April 5th 7:30PM - 9:00PM Hosted by: Meeghan Black and Kim Holcomb anchor, Chris Egan, as well as KING 5 Evening Magazine’s new host Kim Holcomb. The Pa rade will be filmed during the second of the four legs of the parade in downtown Puyallup along South Meridian. The later airing time of the Grand Floral Parade allows the parade’s participants and spectators to return home from the parade route, and watch the fun all over again. The partnership with KING 5 expanded the audience of the Grand Floral Parade significantly, and provided the opportunity for the Daffodil Festival to better promote the community it represents. The Parade airs on KONG 6/16 on Saturday April 5th from 7:30 to 9:00 PM.
Celebrating Military Service Parade now a summer fixture for Tacoma
BY SAVANNAH FRY The folks of Pierce County have always been known for loving a good parade, as the annual turnout for the Daffodil Festival Grand Floral Parade proves every spring. However, this past August 24th, 2013, Pacific Avenue in Downtown Tacoma found itself host to a different kind of parade, as the Daffodil Festival’s inaugural “Celebrating Military Service” Parade marched, rolled, trotted, and rode in what was the area’s first all military parade in the past 50 years. Pierce County is home to Joint Base LewisMcCord, one of the largest joint bases in the country, and to have that many military personnel in such a close proximity going widely unrecognized, made for the advantageous decision to honor them on one special day during the summer, with their own community-wide celebration. JBLM houses more than 44,000 active military personnel on base, making it one of the largest employers in the county, as well. More than 100,000 people make up the base population, and in addition to the large number of veteran’s organization that also make up part of our community, the military population in Pierce County is a grand one. Last year’s parade featured participants from almost every branch of military and historical organizations you could name, including the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard, Air Force Reserves, Army National Guard, Navy Reserves, Washington Air National Guard, Canadian Regiments, Veterans of Foreign Wars, and American Legion. While no tanks took part in the display, as they might have caused damage to Pacific Avenue, the military came in full force with their own means of transportation, including Historical Vehicles, Military Vehicles, Mounted Units, Strykers, and more. The Daffodil Festival Queen’s Float, which provides transportation for the Royal Court each year, in-
stead served as a means of conveying injured veterans, honoring the Warrior Transition Battalion, a different kind of community leader than the float’s traditional occupants. In total, over 65 organizations were represented in the day’s festivities, bringing together an impressively diverse and varied group of military branches, communities, and families – from Buffalo Soldiers on horseback to Mothers of Faller Soldiers - to share in a celebration of how much Pierce County has to be proud of, in its military history and future. The event was put on by The Daffodil Festival in conjunction with the City of Tacoma. FROM ONE YEAR TO A TRADITION This upcoming summer will once again see Downtown Tacoma playing host to the same celebration of military members and those who love them in Pierce County, with the 2nd Annual “Celebrating Military Service” Parade taking place on August 16th. Executive Director of the Daffodil Festival, Steve James said, “The people of Pierce County have spoken and said they wanted to see a second military parade this year. It was actually the response from the military that convinced me that we needed to make this a yearly fixture in Tacoma. The participation, appreciation and unity from the participants was nothing short of inspiring.” James continued, “This year all of our efforts will be toward getting more people to give up an August evening and show these heroes what honor looks like with 20,000 people standing on the streets thanking them for their service.”
Daffodil Festival, 2014 • S11
Special Daffodil Festival Insert
Talented illustrator needed for a Daffodil Festival children’s book The Daffodil Festival is looking for an illustrator for their newest 2015 Princess, Daphnie, in her debut story, Daphnie the Daffodil Princess! Daphnie is a shy, precocious seven-year-old princess, on her quest through to find new friends after her older sister, Regina, goes away to college. Through exploring the reaches of her kingdom for someone new to play with, she begins to find confidence in herself, and it is only then that she discovers the true magic of a daffodil. The story is written, but the Daffodil Festival needs someone to create the girl and her world. Entering the contest requires no professional experience, just an original and creative design depicting a castle scene, with Daphnie prominently displayed, portraying what you think our new princess might look like.
The objective of the competition is to select an illustrator for Daphnie’s first adventure, based around a selected original design produced by a member the very community the Daffodil Festival celebrates. Amateur enthusiasts, high school artists, and professional illustrators alike are all invited to participate in this competition, as long as they are above the basic entry age of 18. A great artist can come from anywhere, especially anywhere in Pierce County! Contest specifications and further information is available now at www.thedaffodilfestival.org. Look for Daphnie to make her Daffodil debut sometime next festival season!
Daffodil Festival Sponsors Emerald Queen Hotel & Casino . Heritage Bank . Puget Sound Energy KING 5 Televison . Washington State Fair . Nike South Sound Running . Microsoft Pierce County . City of Tacoma . City of Puyallup . City of Fife City of Sumner . City of Orting Additional Sponsors Adriatic Grill . Nordstrom . Knutson Farms . Sound Transit Port of Tacoma . Tacoma Weekly Educators of the Year Sponsors Lexus of Tacoma in Fife . Pierce County Mustang Club Organizational Partners Boys and Girls Clubs of South Puget Sound . Pierce County Library . Tacoma Library . YMCA of Pierce and Kitsap Counties . Puyallup Library . Emergency Food Network . Pierce County Parks . TacomaPierce County Chapliancy . Pierce County Fire . United Way
Thank you to our Facilty Sponsors for the Daffodil Parade
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