1996 March 19 (24 years old)
+81 080 3268 5980(JP)
6-29-11, Hatanodai, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo, JAPAN
Japanese Native Speaker, English

VectorWorks, Sketchup, Revit, Vray, Rhinocerous, Microsoft Office
Illustrator, Photoshop, Indesign, Premiere, AfterEfects, QGIS
Tokyo Institute of Technology, The School of Engineering
2014 Apr − 2018 Mar
Tokyo Institute of Technology, The School of Environment and Society
Department of Architecture and Building Engineering
Yoshiharu TSUKAMOTO Labratory
2018 Apr − 2021Mar
Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, The School of Architecture
Urbanism and Landscape
Urbanism & Societal Change
2019 Sep − 2020 Aug
Yoshio TANIGUCHI Architectural Design Institute
2015 Aug − 2016 Oct
Born in Hokkaido , Japan
Start Sho-dō
Start Painting
Move to Tokyo
Start Bachelor Course
Graduation Bachelor
Start Master Course
Study Abroad
Graduation Master

Make Shopping Great Again

Team work of 2 people / Research, Design, Drawings, Film, Model MasterPlan & Conversion / Shopping Mall, Public Space, Agriculture, etc
Kolding, Eastern Jutland, Denmark
The second semester of Urbanism and Societal Change during Spring 2020 will involve an exploration of the ‘East Jutland Million City’ which has materialised during recent decades along the E45 highway between Randers and Kolding, as a counterpoint to the nation’s leading growth region of Greater Copenhagen. Emerging as a function of more developed infrastructural conditions and associated mobility pa erns, this urban system is formed from a diffuse network of interconnected towns and cities, with interrelations de ned more through a factor of time rather than distance. The diffuse nature of this horizontal metropolitan system opens up an ambiguous territory of interpretation and operation between urban and rural conditions of different qualities and densities. Whereas Copenhagen developed through the famous regional planning gure of the Fingerplan and subsequent regional planning frameworks, the East Jutland case has developed without coordinated regional planning, largely off the mental map of its inhabitants.The semester will explore the possible relevance of a coherent regional planning strategy and vision, in a contrasted historical and socio-spatial context, and based on a different set of conditions and challenges to those of the original Fingerplan. Would an East Jutland million-person city require a similar scale and identi ability of urban guration as that of Copenhagen’s hand, or would other scales, registers or logics of territorial coherency or coordination be more appropriate? How might these approaches be informed by social, political, economic, cultural, environmental, geographical, and technological contingencies of the site? And what might the relationship be between a larger regional framework strategy or vision, and the spatial and atmospheric conditions of specific local contexts?

-Consumer Urbanism-
Are infrastructures of mass consumption sustainable? Not only in resource use but challenging the commercial viability and urban life in the historical centers.

Source:Dansk Statistik
Shopping Center Old City Center
| Research | Evidence of shopping has been confirmed since 7,000 BC, and its form has changed many times to this day. Also, the role that accompanies shopping has changed. It became a forum for speech in the ancient Greek Agora, a doorway to the world at the Paris World's Fair, and an entertainment director at a huge shopping mall in the United States. There is no doubt that the building technologies such as large glass ceilings, escalators, and air conditioners made these possible. However, online shopping, which has emerged since the end of the 20th century, threatens the history of those shopping spaces, and is growing to make old city centers, let alone even the latest building types, shopping centers useless.These shopping spaces will have to take advantage of their spatial characteristics and take the path of coexistence with online shopping. With the development of receipt prediction technology and distribution network, the shopping mall will be a huge air-conditioned box that has lost its role as a warehouse, and the old city center will attract people with its lovely streets.
Climate is a fundamental issue when stock is no longer needed, as the availability of outdoor public spaces in high latitude nations varies drastically from season to season. This shows that the two centers can work together due to their opposite climatic characteristics. In the summer the shopping center lends seasonally to other tenants such as indoor farming while the old city center's outdoor market is functioning, and in the winter the city center is possible to lend seasonally to tenants such as offices by utilizing the train inter-network while the shopping center functions as a public space.

Commercial area
Other built area

| Project | According to the population forecast, the project targets 2038, when the working-age population ratio will be about half of the population, which is the same as just before the Industrial Revolution. (The fertility rate surged after 1840, and the total fertility rate fell below 2.0 in 1973. That is, 2038 is the year when the last baby boomers will be 65 years old, exceeding the working-age, and the aging society will complete the aging. It will be an index for the future society.)
In the regional scale,The expansion of modern production power has brought about a disorderly expansion of the city since the demolition of the city walls, and has made a big change in the landscape. It is a single agricultural production based on Ricardo's principle of comparative advantage for export. Large-scale farming of pig forage crops and global-scale structures such as processing factories lined up along the highway are far from the countryside we envision. Diversity of products and local production for local consumption are obvious as conditions for "prosperity without growth" in 2038, and a review of the distribution system is indispensable for that. Therefore, we propose to recentralize the commercial area and use the railway network for intercity logistics. Expressways, on the other hand, are responsible for logistics on a local scale and are a means of transporting diverse crops to nearby consumption areas. Bi-Central City, a two-core city created by these infrastructures, can be described as a egg and bacon in which the two protagonists coexist, if you compare it to "The City as an Egg" by Cedric Price.
Commercial area
Other built area
Shopping center
Historic city center
Logistics point
Natural landscape Agriculture

Renovation of Existing Shopping Center

Seamless Mobility & Seamless Energy
GroupeWork of 3 people / Design, Drawing Section, Model Renovation / Station and Plaza
Ōtsuka, Tokyo, Japan
It is said that the world electricity demand will increase by around 80% by the year 2040. The question arises whether our society can continue being only the consumers of energy as it is now. If the station can turn into a device that can convert the kinetic energy of the daily user into electrical energy, what kind of station would it look like?
Otsuka station is the only transit station of Yamanote line to the Toden Arakawa line. A wide and convenient South Exit Plaza, together with the trains, taxi and bus stops installed at the north exit, a bicycle parking lot in the basement and the option of walking, in total there are six options of mobility in this transit station. Due to this abundance of potential in the types of mobility along with the exploration of the “seamless mobility” concept, the station is suitable to conduct the experiment of the diversity in energy.
First, to smoothen the transit process physically, existing landings and stops were connected with the shortest distance. A staircase was created to connect the closest edge of Yamanote line platform with the Toden platform. The embankment next to the Toden platform was expanded to make the bus stop for the south exit and the taxi stop at the north entrance close to each other. The design also proposes to eliminate the fences and steps of South Exit Plaza, set back the façade wall line of the station
building and expand the semi-outdoor space. Assuming that the ticket gate will be gateless, this intervention will create a continuous square where people can freely walk around.
Next, this physical transfer space was overlapped with an energy conversion device. By embedding the piezoelectric panels along the flow line of people approaching the Yamanote line, the panel will change the movement of people coming by foot to electricity. Electric bicycles capable of generating electricity are introduced to harness the movement of people by bicycle to produce more energy. Even the bikes inside the gym inside the station building are used to generate electricity. Solar panels are placed on the canopy roof of the entrance of the underground bicycle parking space to turn sunlight into electricity. The collected electricity is stored in a large batteries prepared when excavating the embankment. The signage is distributed in a way that makes the energy transformation visible by placing it where people can see it.
The amount of electricity generated during each person’s daily life changes and differs. What if the electricity can turn into money as well? The day where amount of exercise to maintain one’s health could determine one’s journey with the Yamanote line should not be too far.

Producing City -Post Crisis Urbanism-
2019 Aug - Oct
Team of 2 people / Research, Design, Drawings, Model
MasterPlan & Renovation / Urban agriculture, Phytremediation, Biogas Plant, etc

Valby, Copenhagen, Denmark
"Previsioning Post-Crisis Urbanisms"

This semester we will explore the possibilities for a range of alternative urbanisms and architectures - re- hearsing coherent socio-spatial propositions that might be deployed in the aftermath of the next global financial crisis, and the associated systemic crisis of societal organization and urban development.Students will be required to explore how arguments for such propositions could be articulated, disseminated and turned into spatial projects. Background investigations will address relevant historical moments of crisis, societal transformation and experimentation, as well as important relevant cases of transformative architecture and urbanism. The course will travel to a recent post-crisis site – Greece – in order to observe, interpret and gain inspiration from the societal and spatial transformations occurring over more than a decade.While Greece will be the setting of the study tour – as a site of spatial and organizational post-crisis –the site of the semesters project interventions will be local: Copenhagen, where we will work with familiar sites, conditions and local experts. The work will be conducted in dialogue with relevant public and private sector actors as well as theorists in the field.
Valby is one of the areas where land use changes radicaly. The primary industry from 12th to 18th century, the secondary industry occurred after the industrial revolution in 19th century, and the tertiary industry in 21th that is transforming by the housing finance. The global economy has changed the structure of the industry and boosted profitability per area in Valby , but at the same time increased social costs such as environmental pollution, unemployed and immigrants. When we face any crises, public work for reducing social costs as "Green New Deal" will be necessary to maintain the society. Can we redefine the industry in terms of resource distribution and build an inclusive city?
Finger Plan 1947

-The last site under planed
“Cobe's design studio has been named winner of the architectural competition for a new headquarters for FLSmidth, the industrial giant said in a press release.
The development project also involves the establishment of housing on part of FLSmidth's current area.”
-A potential of extending the railways
The site is on the same level of existing railways, so there used to be a branch of the freight track.
It has a potential of using and extending the line for S-train with time sharing technologies.
-The last site under planed
“Cobe's design studio has been named winner of the architectural competition for a new headquarters for FLSmidth, the industrial giant said in a press release.
“Cobe's design studio has been named winner of the architectural competition for a new headquarters for FLSmidth, the industrial giant said in a press release.

The development project also involves the establishment of housing on part of FLSmidth's current area.”
The development project also involves the establishment of housing on part of FLSmidth's current area.”
-A potential of extending the railways
-A potential of extending the railways

The site is on the same level of existing railways, so there used to be a branch of the freight track.
The site is on the same level of existing railways, so there used to be a branch of the freight track.
It has a potential of using and extending the line for S-train with time sharing technologies.
It has a potential of using and extending the line for S-train with time sharing technologies.

Dive into the City

Shaping activity and health-enhancing physical environments for multi generations : This design studio class has as its objective to produce ideas that will increase the use of urban spaces in Tokyo. The project has three scales: 1. Ward, 2 public space, and 3. elements. It is essential to explain each of these three scales in the presentation. At a site in Jiyugaoka we encourage you to come up with ideas and suggestions that will improve public space for an aging population. For example, students include intergenerational activities, urban gardening, body cultural activities or other catalysts for activity promoting activities.
René KURAL[Adjunct Prof./KADK]This is a proposal of a pool that calls up the lost hydrophilic space and the history of the land.
The green road along which the site faces is a large-scale boardwalk established on the culvert of the Kujinjutsu Bridge, which continues until it joins Shimukawa from Jodoji. Before the landfill was done in the 1960 's, this one belt was a wide valley, and the Kaguya Fuda pond, which existed in the north of Pleasure Temple, had been growing nicely, which is certified as a flower of the Setagaya Ward. In the background such as infrastructure improvement and expansion of residential areas the landscape in paddy fields has been hidden. There is a hydrophilic space as symbol of ① the Nekojarashi park in former site of Kuhonbutsu pond . It impresses the relationship with water at the beginning of the green road. The houses built at the edge of ③ the Joshin temple cemetery still have their water countermeasure still in place, creating a monumental landscape with the green in the precincts.
Such a connection exists spreading in the tributary area of the Kuhonbutsu River and never be conscious of daily life. This architecture reveals such a connection and it has significance to people to experience. Although it is a green road with a potential to connect bustle slowly, it is cut by ③ Oimachi Line, and the city event such as the Goddess Festival etc. has a structure that makes it difficult to spread out the boundary line here. The site is a place where ④ Hira street from the green road and the station meet, considering the way of building that satisfies the requirement as a margin sometimes while taking the relationship between the commercial area and the residential area.
People who visit here experience with layers of fascinating water, learning, hidden cities. It is the inheritance of memory that reconstructs fragmentary landscapes, spinning a story to the future of the region.
museum box

shaft box

circulation device box

light box

Composition and water flow

First floor plan S=1:200
Second floor plan S=1:200
reinforced concrete outside insulation rockwool t=40mm
adhesive mortar t=3mm

NOIM birds nest 12×30mm

precast concrete panel brasting t=20mm
Structure diagram

浮いたボックスによって空間が緩やかに分節される。柱 や梁型のでない空間を実現するため壁式構造を選択し、 片足ボックスのオーバーラップ空間とした。ボックスは 1つだと倒れてしまうが、交互に配置をすることによっ て屋根の水平剛性を介して支え合う構造となる。

| Type / Program |
| Site Location |
House Pechka
2015 June - 2015 July
Individual Work
New Construction / Private Holiday House
Biei, Hokkaido, Japan
| Brief | Designing a Villa : Two topics of research were assigned: firstly, the relationship between housing types such as a townhouse, courtyard house, etc. and their construction system. Secondly, it included an analysis of the chosen site focusing on how to interpret and adopt the surrounding conditions.

It is private house locates on a hillside with forest behind, there is an open yard in front of the house that local children could gather and play here.
Residential space and workshop is connected by wooden scissor truss, and the heating method is adopting traditional Russian heating system ”Petitka”, which is burning the firewood and slowly heating up the room, the various thermal condition provides for activity within one day’s time span.

Movie : STAIR


Bachelor & Master Thesis
2017 Sep - 2018 Feb
Individual Work, Bachelor Graduation Thesis
"Architectural expression of the view at the international tourist hotel"

International Tourist Hotel 1945-2018 / Window Design

Individual Work, Master Graduation Thesis
"The Dawn and Transition of Balconies in Apartment Buildings in Copenhagen"
Balcony / Crisis / Apartment Buildings
Research : Window Behaviorology

Group work of 5 people / Team leading (Measurement, Interview, Sketch,Photo)
Yoshiharu TSUKAMOTO Lab.

LIBRARY IN RØDOVRE(1969) Rødovre, Denmark
Rødovre Municipal Library. The horizontal reading room has several courtyards where you can read outside. The full-height fixed windows are continuous, and there are open doors at various places, but they are not suitable for ventilation, so they have ventilation windows built into them. When you pull the string attached to the side, the twin windows slide and air can be taken in, and there is no fear that insects come in because the insect net is inside. When it goes out to the courtyard, it has a distinctive Jacobsen's garden design with plants growing from removed grid pavements.
Exhibition : Asatte no Eki
Groupwork of 8 people / Design the Funiture, Layout Exhibition Space Railway Museum, Omiya, Saitama, Japan

Movie : STAIR

2018 May
Group work of 6 people / Scenario Writer & Video Editor Tokyo
| Brief | In this studio, we strongly re-think about the meaning of architectural elements. Each group focus on one element of architecture (column, roof, floor, wall, window, stair…) and research and extract every aspects and characteristics(external/internal characteristics, elemental/ relational characteristics). Final presentation will be put out to the five minuts film.
Taishin SHIOZAKI[Associate Prof.]Film available here: https://youtu.be/nA70IWrzmmM
This is a five-minute film about the recognition of the stairs around us. There are elements of architecture that are recognized as "rhythm" with repetition. The rhythm of the space created by the pillars and the rhythm of the elevation created by the windows. However, a single set of stair by itself, is already contain it own rhythm. Stairs often have nuance of time flow, as they connect lower place to higher place allowing people to move in elevation. looking at the stairs in the city from this viewpoint, we found the "affordances" of various stairs that are much more than the function of going up and down. In this film, we describe how various actors in the city spend their time on the stage of stairs.
