Daily 49er, May 9, 2018

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CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, LONG BEACH I mean, a lot of people were complaining about it but I don’t really care because I’m not really a big fan of Disneyland. I would’ve wanted more of like a spring concert, any rapper or DJ or something, because I’ve heard of schools getting a lot of different artists.”

VOL. LXVIX, ISSUE 79 | MAY 9, 2018

The only thing I would say is, if they’re going to do something like that in the future, be more organized.”

Jake Hesse, Freshman music major

Shane Nappi, Junior finance major

The publicity was absolutely terrible, because people probably wouldn’t have found out until last minute, until they see people lining up and saying, ‘What’s this about?’ I didn’t get an email or anything about it.”

Danny Hong, Junior chemistry major


Hunter Lee | Daily 49er

A crowd of students line the staircase by the USU extending back to the Prospector Pete statue in hopes of retrieving $10 Disneyland tickets on Monday. For the first time, ASI will host its Big Event at Disneyland on Friday where students will be able to receive free Long Beach merchandise.


A big apology for a Big Event ASI addresses disappointed students following Disney Day ticket sales. By Samantha Diaz Arts & Life Editor

Just one day after thousands of students lined up for hours in the hot sun for $10 Disneyland tickets, Associated Students Inc. broke the news that it would not be selling any additional tickets. “Our goal was to offer tickets to as many students as normally attend the Big Event concert, which in the last few years has been around 1,300 students,” the organization put on its account. “ASI was simply not as prepared as we should have been for the demand from thousands of interested students, and we take full responsibility for that. While additional tickets cannot be offered, we heard your concerns.” The apology comes after many students expressed dissatisfaction with the amount of tickets reserved for the first ever Long

Beach State ASI Disney Day — 1,000 for the population of almost 40,000. While the organization apologized, it also announced it would not be purchasing more tickets for this year’s event. The problem started Monday when a large crowd formed in the University Student Union Info & Ticket Center three hours before the official line was scheduled to start. At its longest, the line reached Prospector Pete’s statue, near the Liberal Arts buildings. “ASI had reviewed social media interactions (likes, comments, shares) and projected a few hundred students in line throughout the process of distributing tickets,” James Ahumada, ASI senior communications manager, said in an email. “That projection was clearly exceeded and made managing the line more difficult.” The day at Disneyland was meant to replace the annual Big Event concert, an event that is supplemented by student fees, which are rolled into tuition. Many disappointed students mentioned these fees as see DISNEY, page 2

A Statement on ASI Big Event 2018 Thank you to everyone who came to get tickets for ASI Day at Disney. We understand the process was not ideal and we deeply apologize for the inconvenience it caused. Our goal was to offer tickets to as many students as normally attend the Big Event concert, which in the last few years has been around 1,300 students. ASI was simply not as prepared as we should have been for the demand from thousands of interested students, and we take full responsibility for that. It quickly became clear that there was a much larger demand for Disneyland access than any program ASI has put on. While additional tickets cannot be offered, we heard your concerns. ASI is working on solutions to the problems that were communicated so they don’t happen at future events. Some have also asked why the ASI fee covered only a limited number of tickets. The ASI fee goes toward operating the ASI Recycling Center, the Isabel Patterson Child Development Center, and funds student organizations, scholarships, student employees, and student government operations. It also helps fund several major events, including Homecoming, the Belmont Shore Christmas Parade, and Week of Welcome. The Big Event is only one of many uses for the fee. We are sorry for any stress this situation caused students and we are committed to improving in the future. Courtesy of ASI

ASI released the above statement on Twitter in response to student questions and comments through social media.

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