The Daily Barometer Feb. 4, 2013

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Student studies abroad in Tanzania, works at internship at game ranch in Zimbabwe



Out of Africa

Fee committee provisionally allots money to Memorial Union

By Don Iler

The Daily Barometer



The Daily Barometer

We had so much freedom to explore there. Dylan McDowell

Student, fisheries and wildlife and education

Contributed Photo

Dylan McDowell spent six months in Africa, the first three at an internship in Zimbabwe and the last three in Tanzania. He shown here at a secondary school near Mazumba, Tanzania in October 2012. McDowell got into a scrape that left him worried. The first part of his trip, he worked at a game ranch, Rosslyn Safaris, in Zimbabwe. While on a trip to Hwange National Park, he and the other intern he worked with encountered some elephants as they were driving around the park. “We waited for the elephants to cross the road because we knew you can’t come between an elephant and

her child,” McDowell said. When the pair thought the elephants were all across, the other intern, Austin Dulany, started moving the small Toyota pickup truck, only to see another baby elephant who hadn’t yet made it across. The mother elephant charged the truck, flapping its ears and blowing its trunk, but the truck stopped moving.

“I was driving and it started running at us and I stalled out,” Dulany said in an email. But Dulany was able to get the truck moving just in time, and the elephant missed the truck. Visitors came from around the world to hunt animals on the game ranch, which included leopSee Mcdowell | page 2

China Night brings dance, laughter, culture A melange of performing artists brought a taste of China to OSU with a crossover of traditional, modern entertainment

cultural events a good learning experience. “Chinese culture is often mistaken [for] others,” Li said. “It has a mix of older culture, as well as newer. While some customs stay the same, others change.” The performances began with an By Hannah Johnson introduction video of people sayThe Daily Barometer Performances of traditional and ing “Happy New Year” in Mandarin. modern dancing, other musical It became quite obvious when acts and a Kung Fu group from the someone was not pronouncing the University of Oregon filled LaSells phrase correctly because native Stewart Center on Saturday for Chinese speakers in the audience China Night 2013: The Year of the started to laugh. Before each new Snake. act, the masters of The night began ceremonies introwith people sharI like how this event duced the act both ing authentic Chinese food and brings together a wide in Chinese and transitioned to a range of people and not English. viewing of perforThe performancjust Chinese people. mances and musies began with some cal acts. dances bordering “I like how on the traditional Cheng Li this event brings side. They danced Co-president, Chinese Student Association together a wide with either fans or range of people flags in their hands. and not just Chinese people,” said With the first four performances, the Cheng Li, co-president of the dancers were accompanied by an Chinese Student Association. “It MC singing along with the routines. allows others to get involved and lets Following the introduction of the others experience Chinese culture.” MCs, another fan dance was done “I enjoy this big celebration of the Chinese New Year,” added Jindan by a group of small children smiling Chen, a volunteer for the Chinese and waving their green fans around Student Association. “Since my fam- as they pranced across the stage. ily isn’t here with me, it’s nice to Another dancing group performed a find a Chinese community here and jazz-themed dance routine. Not all the acts focused on dancshare the night with others.” According to Li, differences ing. A few performers sang for the between American culture and audience while playing guitars. other cultures make going to these See CHINA NIGHT | page 2


Vinay Bikkina




The Willamette Chinese School performs the Traditional Fan Dance during China Night on Saturday. Hong Li and Wei Wu choreographed the dance.

MU representatives presented packages to compensate for revenue loss, fund student media adviser position By Jack Lammers


On his penultimate day in Africa, Dylan McDowell thought he almost wasn’t going to get out of there. McDowell was trying to leave the island of Zanzibar to get back to the mainland of Tanzania, and a taxi driver had convinced him to buy a scalped ticket for the ferry to take him back. The scalped ticket would be cheaper, but McDowell, a junior double majoring in fisheries and wildlife sciences and education, was worried he wouldn’t make it through passport control since the ticket had another name on it. He also didn’t have enough money to buy another if this one didn’t work. As part of the ruse, he had to escort a woman wearing a black niqab through the passport control. She told him to hide his passport and to continue going through. “The entire time I was freaking out a little. I thought they were going to find out I wasn’t the guy whose name was printed on the ticket and I wasn’t going to get through and I was going to miss the last boat of the day and miss my flight back to the states the next morning,” McDowell said. With some reassurances from his cab driver, McDowell made it through and onto the boat, even if he got some curious looks from some customs officials. But this wasn’t the only time

Relocating the bookstore, constructing the new Student Experience Center to replace Snell Hall and revamping OSU Student Media all linger on the Memorial Union’s to-do list. On Saturday, the Student and Incidental Fees Committee heard and tentatively passed its budget proposal for the next fiscal year. Elected students make up the committee, which guides the budgeting process for student fees. The group sets fee levels for services, including ASOSU, Recreational Sports and, in this case, the Memorial Union. Their recommendations then go through ASOSU Congress before reaching OSU President Ed Ray for approval. The committee has already passed budgets for its own committee, Auxiliaries and Activities Business Center, Counseling and Psychological Services and Student Health Services. At Saturday’s presentation, Memorial Union President Michael Fashana de– scribed two budgets for the SIFC Summary board’s considMemorial Union acaeration. Michael demic year student fee 2014-15: $73.16 Henthorne, Summer fee 2015: Memorial Un– $69.86 ion director, Today’s meeting: Athfielded most letic budget of the quesLocation: Memorial tions after the Union journey room presentation. Time: 7:30 p.m. The committee passed the second budget with two additional funding requests termed “decision packages.” The first decision package requested $732,061 for the lost revenue from the bookstore. This funding would go into furnishings, fixtures and equipment to fill the Student Experience Center. Part of the remaining money would go to Student Media for new equipment. Fashana said much of Student Media’s equipment was donated in 1973. “This is the equivalent of using analog technology to complete our media outlets,” Fashana said. Without the passage of this package, the Student Experience Center would open as a nearly-empty facility. “We don’t want an empty space in the [Student Experience Center], as architects will tell you about new buildings,” Fashana said. The second package asked for an extension of the editorial content adviser position to provide guidance, training and feedback for student media programs. Without the package, the position would end this year. Costs include $49,440 salary and other payroll expenses of $32,104. Fashana made a case for the Memorial Union’s fiscal responsibility, including its ability to lower student fees over the past six years. The Memorial Union receives 47 percent of its budget from student fees. The rest comes from revenue. See SIFC | page 2

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