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Misanthrope n
For the last two days, hopefuls have auditioned for OSU Theatre’s spring play, ‘The Misanthrope’ By Katherine Choi
Misanthrope Auditions held: Feb. 18 and 19 Show dates: May 9-11 at 7:30 p.m., May 17-18 at 2 p.m. Where: Withycombe main stage
The Daily Barometer
verse, which can be a challenge for actors With scripts in hand, students and commu- when trying not to fall into the repetitive nity members alike put on the faces of several rhythm of verse. different characters yesterday at Withycombe “I’ll be looking for individuals who want Hall, filling the stage with dramatic tones and to explore the physicality that supports the gestures. style of the play,” Ivey said. “Also, an actor Auditions for “The Misanthrope” were should be aware that the audition begins the held at 6:30 p.m. on Feb. 18 and 19. The play moment they enter the theater. Their behavpremieres in May. ior and interactions are observed.” Mishele Mennett, a dance and pilates Ivey is casting seven males and four instructor, tried to relate to her desired char- females for the play. acter by connecting the character to her own For OSU student Ciana Ginochio, “The personal experiences. Misanthrope” could be her “I’ve spent most of my second play. Last spring, life on the stage,” Mennett Ginochio was in the play I’ll be looking for said. “And I always thought, “Paradise,” as the character when I retire from dancing, individuals who Angelina. I’ll try to get into community is hoping to get theater.” want to explore castGinochio as Célimène, the center If Mennett is cast for the of attention and object of play, she plans to prepare by the physicality that desire for several men. But going through the details of supports the style Ginochio said she would be the script and personalities happy with any role. of the characters. of the play. While individuals like “I’ll probably read the Mennett enjoy being on entire play several times, stage, Ginochio wants to Tinamarie Ivey and analyze each characemploy theater arts as a Director of “The Misanthrope” ter, since they all create an method of improving her interlocking web,” Mennett said. “You have to understand all of the other public speaking skills. “I thought that [the play] would help me characters, even if you don’t talk to them.” Molière, a French dramatist and writer of loosen up and get better at public speaking,” the play, satirizes the hypocrisies of French Ginochio said. aristocratic society. “The Misanthrope” is a Audition callbacks will be held today, where play about exaggerated social courtesies, the Ivey will narrow down the possibilities for character Alcest’s refusal to conform. casting. “In short, Alceste takes himself far too seri“During callbacks I get a chance to see how ously and gives those who would be insulted actors work together and which characters by his rejection cause to file suit,” said the are best suited for the actors,” Ivey said. play’s director Tinamarie Ivey. “In some ways, “The Misanthrope” will show at 7:30 p.m. you might think that Alceste is holding his on May 9-11 and 17-18, and at 2 p.m. on May integrity to a higher standard than his peers, 19 at the Withycombe Hall main stage. but in reality, he is creating more problems for himself than needed.” Katherine Choi, news reporter “The Misanthrope” is written in rhyming
emma-kate schaake
Caleb Lewis, a junior in political science, new media communications and theater major spends part of his audition for “The Misanthrope” alongside Mishele Mennett, a zumba, ballet and pilates instructor at OSU. The play will premiere in May.
Emma-Kate Schaake
emma kate schaake
Irene Drage reads on the Withycombe main stage. Drage is a senior in English.
As a freshman, Jesslyn Gillespie, English major, auditions for “The Misanthrope.”
Valuing culture, equality, solidarity OSU to offer course on hemp n
Jesseanne Pope discusses her experience with social justice By Kate Virden The Daily Barometer
Most have heard the term “social justice” before but may not realize how important it is for the health and wellbeing of our diverse campus. Social justice refers to equality and solidarity found in society. Jesseanne Pope, a junior majoring in student affairs with a focus on social justice, has experience with this topic in her role as community relations facilitator. As a live-in social justice and diversity educator in the Oregon State University residence halls, she has spent this year interacting with new students, encouraging campus involvement and promoting informative events about social justice, diversity and identity. Pope’s enthusiastic interest in social justice issues began through the lens of women’s issues, such as reproductive rights, equal pay and sexual violence. “I value humanity and think that most people nowadays have drifted far from the core meaning of humanity,”
Pope said. Pope recently attended the Social Justice Real Justice Conference from Feb. 14-16 at the University of Oregon. According to the website, the conference had goals to “promote personal growth, leadership development, cultural pluralism, community education, positive social change and the ending of human oppression by exploring ways to mobilize and organize.” Students led the conference with a focus on leadership and cultural openness. Additionally, the conference focused on issues related to women, ethnicity and LGBT rights. Pope mentioned how environment and climate change relate to social justice. Apartheid, the separation of people based solely on skin color in South Africa from 1948-1994, is one example of environmental racism. She also made the connection between oppression and degradation of the environment by explaining how poverty-stricken communities suffer most from chemical waste. The Social Justice Real Justice Conference featured several public speakers, including acclaimed Princeton professor and actor Cornel
West, known for his role in “The Matrix.” The key point Pope took away from West’s presentation is the necessity of understanding that people cannot fight just one kind of oppression, but have to fight them all because they are all interrelated. West expressed the need to start organizing for social justice to prevent the oppression of others. “I can’t understand how I am oppressed until I understand my privilege, and that’s what I’m doing social justice work for,” Pope said. “I want to be an educated ally to those who are oppressed.” Oregon State University has many opportunities for people to get involved in issues they care about. Pope’s advice for someone interested in social justice is to get involved with groups on campus like the Cultural Resource Center, but most importantly take the initiative to learn about an issue he or she is passionate about and take the time to better understand their surrounding world. Kate Virden, news reporter
College of Forestry to offer first course on hemp, its many industrial uses By Don Iler The Daily Barometer
Oregon State University will be offering the first course in industrial hemp beginning spring term. The course will be offered online and is the first of its kind in the world. The three-credit course, WSE 266, is being offered by the College of Forestry’s department of wood science and engineering and will be coordinated by Anndrea Hermann, an instructor in the college. “It’s an up and coming crop in the United States and we are going to need professionals coming out of academia who are experts in multiple areas,” Hermann said. Cultivation of hemp is currently illegal in the United States, although importation of it is legal. Hemp is a non-psychoactive relative of cannabis sativa indica or marijuana, and can be used for a variety of purposes. Hemp was once widely grown in the United States but has been banned by the federal government for more
than 50 years. Hermann said hemp can be used in a variety of different applications, from making paper and textiles to food products and biofuels, and the industry stands to grow in the near future. Sales of hemp products exceeded $452 million last year according to the Hemp Industries Association. Hermann said a variety of students would benefit from the class, anyone from food science students to those interested in fashion and textiles. The class will look at the historical and political context of hemp, both in the United States and internationally. It will also look at the growing and industrial applications of hemp. Currently there are two bills in the U.S. Congress to make cultivation of hemp legal again. The Industrial Hemp Farming Act of 2013, HR 525, is currently going through the House and has 28 co-sponsors. There is also a companion bill going through the Senate — S 359. Registration for spring term begins Feb. 24. Don Iler, editor-in-chief
On Twitter: @doniler