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The Daily Barometer



THURSDAY, MARCH 13, 2014 • VOL. CXVI, NO. 103

Emma-Kate Schaake


Justin McDaniels, a coordinator of the “I, Too, Am OSU” campaign, pumps up the crowd during the stop at the Asian Pacific Cultural Center during the solidarity march Wednesday.

Solidarity march raises awareness, joins community against hate By Emma-Kate Schaake THE DAILY BAROMETER


Emma-Kate Schaake


Junior Mimi Benafel marches and holds her sign with the others.

regon State University students, faculty and staff gathered at the Pride Center Wednesday afternoon for a march across campus, representing solidarity against discrimination. “This is the message we are trying to promote here, this is important to students,” said march coordinator Anderson DuBoise. “It’s a chance to change the culture of campus.” The march was organized in light of recent acts of racial discrimination on campus, including a note of hate speech delivered to the Women’s Center and racist graffiti on bathroom

Emma-Kate Schaake


Senior Melani Bates and junior Ish Guevara lead the march and chanters during the solidarity march Wednesday afternoon.

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walls. campus came to show their support. “We have to feel safe and validated in our “We need to recognize our actions and how community,” said Justin McDaniels, one of the we affect each other,” Benafel said. “Let’s always coordinators of the “I, Too, Am OSU” campaign. have this community backing us up.” “We call OSU home for four or more years.” The strong chants, like “We ,too, are OSU” The essence of a strong community is solidar- and “Ain’t no power like student power because ity between people of color, race, ethnicity and the student power don’t stop,” united voices and gender identity. turned heads. At campus cultural “I want to show support centers along the march, for the people of color starting at the Pride Center here, and send a mesand ending at the Native sage that racist acts and American Longhouse, comments are not what students shared stories we want at OSU,” said of their experiences with senior in sociology Kiah discrimination. McConnell. Stories of hateful speech, President Ed Ray was hurtful assumptions, among the chanting blocked opportunity and crowd. He said he was false belonging were comcompelled to support this mon at every stop. The stostudent movement. ries were met with cheers “I’m here because I of support, followed by a believe what they believe,” moment of silence at each Ray said. cultural center. “It’s good we are starting Ray said individuals this dialogue,” said junior in committing discriminapublic health and Women’s tory acts can’t be ignored, Center employee Mimi and they should never Benafel. “Now we can crebeen empowered. Emma-Kate Schaake | THE DAILY BAROMETER ate change.” “We can’t let idiots tell Several spoke of how President Ed Ray joined in the march us how to conduct ourmuch farther society and chants. selves,” Ray said. “We can’t should be from such acts just let it pass.” of discrimination in 2014. He supported the march and the represented “We shouldn’t let our colors tear us apart, unity of the OSU community. but let them blend into a beautiful rainbow,” “It’s a wonderful opportunity to be strong in Benafel said. the face of ugly, cowardly acts,” Ray said. The march was focused on solidarity against discrimination and people from all corners of See MARCH | page 4

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