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Following a passion for politics n

Victoria Redman, junior, interns with Ron Wyden, plans for a political position down the line By Kate Virden

The Daily Barometer

Emma-Kate Schaake


Victoria Redman, a junior majoring in political science, is running for ASOSU vice president.

Washington D.C. is not only the nation’s capital but also an excellent place to gain internship experience and learn about the United States government. Victoria Redman, a junior majoring in political science at Oregon State University, spent her winter term in D.C. interning with Oregon Senator Ron Wyden. “It was a once in a lifetime opportunity that gave me invaluable leadership experience in government, and I would recommend an internship like this to anyone,” Redman said. Wyden, impressed by Redman’s knowledge of his Student Right to Know Before You Go Act, personally offered her the internship. This act promotes transparency for students to understand what they are in for when going to attend state universities. Wyden’s act focused on transparency between universities and prospective students regarding features like graduation rates and costs of attendance. Five other interns worked closely with her, but she was the only one currently attending a university, giving her an edge in experience when she enters the professional world. Redman worked with Wyden’s intelligence team and learned about the United States’ drone policy. Redman spent 11 weeks learning about the federal legislative process. During her time

Pints, peddling, perusing n

Pacific Cycle Pub brings unique group cycling, touring experience to Corvallis By Jack Lammers The Daily Barometer

Most people will say bicycling and alcohol do not mix. Pacific Cycle Pub, now operating in Corvallis, has taken an approach to prove otherwise. “We just got up and running,” said Daniel Schlesnger, the owner of Pacific Cycle Pub. “We think this could be a great feature for people either with or without alcohol.” The bicycle has five seats on each side of a bar, with an operator controlling the direction in the middle. The bar feature will not be put into use while the bike bar operates, Schlesinger said. Each city has different allowances for the use of alcohol while operating a bicycle. For instance, while Bend allows passengers to drink alcohol while the bike bar operates, the Corvallis bike bar

there, she was also able to personally view the presidential inauguration, Hillary Clinton’s hearing on Benghazi, assault weapon ban hearings and conferences across the D.C. area. Returning from D.C. gave Redman the spark to discover her passions. “If you have the drive and ambition, go for it,” Redman said. Redman is dedicated to building strong relationships, educating and engaging students in current issues, helping and serving, and making a difference through her strong leadership skills. “Making a difference is what drives all politicians,” Redman said. “They know they have the capability to make an effective change.” In five to 10 years, Redman sees herself graduated from OSU and in a public policy or law enforcement career that gives opportunity to witness firsthand the betterment of a community. “I don’t want a desk job. I want to be doing and changing things,” Redman said. Redman is actively involved in many organizations at OSU such as Team Liberation, which facilitates safe places to find solutions to social conflicts, the Student Incidental Fees Committee, which appropriates and allocates funds for all student organizations on campus and the Associated Students of Oregon State University. She has campaigned about the importance for the student body to vote and has lobbied against privatizing OSU. Redman is running for ASOSU Vice President with her campaign partner, Brett Deedon. The two plan to serve the student See Redman | page 2

Japanese Culture Night

Presidential and speaker of the house candidates square off in MU Journey room The Daily Barometer

Primary elections for the Associated Students of Oregon State University begin tomorrow night at 10 p.m., and candidates will be squaring off against each other in a debate today. The debate will take place in the Memorial Union Journey Room at 11 a.m. All candidates are expected to show up for the debate. Candidates were also required to turn in their statements and platforms by last Friday. During the debate, each of the candidates will be allowed to answer a question, with time allotted for candidates to rebut the others’ statements. According to Dan Cushing, ASOSU vice president and chairman of the elections committee, the debate will be different from last year’s in order to ensure that, because of the large number of candidates, each of them will have enough time. Also today, the judicial council will hear Nick Rosoff’s appeal of the election committee’s sanctions at 6 p.m. Rosoff was not permitted to begin campaigning until April 6 at 7 a.m. There are six tickets running for president and vice president and five running for speaker of the house. The two largest vote-gatherers from the primary election advance to the general election, which takes place April 21-26. More information about elections can be found at asosu.oregonstate. edu/elections.

New editor, business manager selected for 2013-14 The Daily Barometer

On Twitter @jacklammers news@dailybarometer.com

hannah gustin



The Daily Barometer

Jack Lammers, news editor

The Pacific Cycle Pub now operates in Corvallis, operating group tours around the city.

Election debate today at 11


will not allow the same feature. “We didn’t bother with getting permission from the city,” Schlesinger said. “The distance between each pub is close enough that drinking while on the bike shouldn’t be an issue.” The tours visit Block 15, Flat Tail, McMenamins and Sky High Brewing. Schlesinger hopes the bike bar allows people a chance for teambuilding. “Our goals are broad right now,” Schlesinger said. “We are open to taking people around to different pubs around the city and using the bike for other purposes, like showing prospective students and their families around campus.” The Pacific Cycle Pub offers tours weekdays from 4:30-6:30 p.m. and 7:00-9:00 p.m. and two-hour tours on Saturday and Sunday beginning at 12 p.m. and ending at 9:30 p.m. Tours cost $300 and can be scheduled at pacificpubcycle.com.

courtesy of pacific cycle pub

Three falls on bars doom gymnastics, don’t advance to


The turnout for the Japanese Culture Night led to a line of attendees stretching from Memorial Union ballroom into the main entryway of the MU. The event included booths featured Japanese cuisine and booths including a J-pop music, manga and games. “I was the most pleased with the guests and being able to see all of their happy faces,” said Monica Chankdep of the Japanese Student Association.

The Student Media Committee has selected the business manager and editor-in-chief for the 2013-2014 school year for The Daily Barometer. Warner Strausbaugh will serve as editor-in-chief and Jack Dillon will serve as business manager for the school year. Strausbaugh, a senior in political science, has worked at the Barometer since the fall of 2010. He is currently serving as managing editor and has worked as a sports editor, news reporter and sports writer at the Barometer. He is a native of Eugene, Ore., and is an avid fan of the Oakland Athletics. Strausbaugh was recently selected as an intern for the Charles Snowden Program for Excellence in Journalism and will be working for the summer at the East Oregonian in Pendleton, Ore. Besides writing, he has taken photographs, made podcasts and co-hosted a radio show about sports last year for KBVR-FM. “I’m excited and honored for the opportunity to take over as editorin-chief this fall. I’ve learned a lot working for Don Iler and Brandon Southward, our current and former editors-in-chief, and will strive to continue to uphold their legacy,” Strausbaugh said. Jack Dillon is a fourth year finance See BAROMETER| page 2

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