The Summer Baro, July 2017

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gust 21, 2017

PA G E 3 NEWS: Uber and Lyft to be introduced in the fall 4

FEATURE: Bard in the Quad 6

NEWS: MU president position considered for update 12

Community Calendar TUESDAY, AUG. 1 How the Ancient Greeks Used Eclipses to Measure Astronomical Distances

Oregon State University Ph.D. student Sarah Hagen will describe how eclipses were used by ancient Greek mathematicians to accurately measure the size and distance of the sun and the moon. Participants will learn how this was done and will leave with the knowledge to replicate it. No specific mathematical background is required. A limited quantity of eclipse glasses will be available. Located at the Corvallis-Benton County Public Library’s Main Meeting Room at 6:30 p.m.


NEWS: Ride booking services such as Uber and Lyft to come in the fall page FEATURE: Bard in the Quad puts new twist on Shakespearian comedy page FEATURE: Eclipse impacts on personal level, with stories from community page

4 6 9

NEWS: Tips on how to stay healthy in summer heat page NEWS: MU president’s role considered for change in title




NEWS: Oregon legislature’s efforts to reduce cost of textbooks page


SATURDAY, AUG. 5 All About Owls: Wildlife Wonders Summer Series

Come meet the various owls living at the Chintimini Wildlife Refuge and learn about their hunting and living habits, as well as conservation threats facing each species. This is a free event, but donations are welcome. Located at 311 NW Lewisburg Ave., where the event will be open from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

THURSDAY, AUG. 17 NASA Explains the Solar Eclipse 2017

Join NASA scientist Dorian Janney as she explains the upcoming eclipse, the science behind it and what community members can do to help NASA study the phenomenon. The event is free, but tickets are required. Tickets are available at The event will be at Austin Auditorium in the LaSells Stewart Center from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Letter from the Editor

Over this past month, our entire team of reporters, photographers and editorial staff have been working diligently to tell the most important, impactful stories we can. From the solar eclipse to campus arts and state politics, the dedication of our team—from new contributors to seasoned pros—has continued to impress me. In my letter from this year’s first summer issue, I told you I had the goal of presenting the most in-depth, well-written and accurate reporting for every student and community member we serve. I believe we have done our best to live up to that commitment, and I hope you agree. Sincerely, Joe Wolf

Submitting letters to the Editor

Letters to the editor are welcomed and will be printed on a first-received basis. Letters must be 300 words or fewer and include the author’s signature, academic major, class standing or job title, department name and phone number. Authors of e-mailed letters will receive a reply for the purpose of verification. Letters are subject to editing for space and clarity. The Baro reserves the right to refuse publication of any submissions. Each reader will be allowed one published letter per month.

E-mail: The Baro, 488 Student Experience Center 2251 SW Jefferson Way, Corvallis, OR 97331-1617

AUG. 19-21 OSU150 Space Grant Festival: A Total Eclipse Experience


This three-day festival on the Oregon State University campus will celebrate 150 years of Oregon State University and the August 21st solar eclipse with music, talks, concerts, movies and hands-on activities. Visit the OSU150 website for a full schedule of events.

SUNDAY, AUG. 20 Open Streets Corvallis

A mile of 11th Street and Taylor Avenue from Garfield Park to Franklin Square will be hosting a free street festival with vendors and various events and workshops, including Healthy Street demonstrations. The event is open to non-motorized traffic and will run from 12:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.


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@DailyBaro Please direct news tips to: 541-737-2231


Contact the editor: 541-737-3191



PHOTO CHIEF Zbigniew Sikora

COPY EDITOR Garrett Kitamura

COVER: Artist’s rendition of the eclipse. Illustration by Natalie Lutz.

The Barometer is published on Mondays, except holidays, during the academic school year and summer with additional content, including video, available online.

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On August 21, the eclipse’s path of totality (the shadow where the eclipse will be entirely visible) will pass through Corvallis.

One million people to visit Oregon for celestial spectacle Corvallis, OSU, state officials prepare for total solar eclipse By Erin Dose and Sydney Sullivan, News Contributors All eyes are on the sun. All movement on the Oregon State University campus slows to a halt, and the air is still and heavy. High above, the moment everyone has been waiting for arrives: the shadow of the moon almost completely obscures the sun, leaving only a fiery ring of light. An estimated one million visitors will travel to Oregon to witness a total solar eclipse on August 21. Linn and Benton counties alone may receive as many as 250,000 to 400,000 visitors, according to Randall Milstein, an astronomy professor at OSU and an astronomer-inresidence for the Oregon NASA Space Grant Consortium. For some people, this solar eclipse will be a once-in-a-lifetime event. According to Milstein, while there is an eclipse somewhere in the world approximately every 18 months, a total solar eclipse has not crossed the entirety of the contiguous United States since 1918. Unlike a partial eclipse, which only covers part of the sun, the

moon will completely block out the sun during the day, causing complete darkness, according to Milstein. The umbra—the densest part of the shadow cast on the Earth’s surface—is approximately 70 miles wide. The passage the umbra takes across the Earth’s surface is referred to as the ‘path of totality’ and is the only area in which a full solar eclipse can be seen, according to Milstein. In Corvallis, the eclipse will start at 9:05 a.m. and end at 11:37 a.m. The moment of totality will occur at 10:16 a.m. and last for one minute and 35 seconds, according to Milstein. In anticipation of the unprecedented number of people that will make the trip to Oregon to view the eclipse, the state, the city of Corvallis and OSU have been planning for over a year. According to Dave Thompson, the public information section manager for the Oregon Department of Transportation, most organizations have been working to prepare for the event by taking precautions similar

to those taken in preparing for a disaster. “Corvallis is well-organized. They’re well-practiced and preparing for this,” Thompson said. According to Patrick Rollens, the public information officer for Corvallis, this event will be a matter of concern for public safety. Tactics for ensuring safety during the event have been discussed throughout the last year and have predominantly focused on visitors who will attempt to travel the day of the eclipse, which could cause some serious problems with traffic, according to Rollens. “Arrive early, stay a little bit late, try and avoid being on the highway during those peak times,” Rollens said. According to Paula Negele, a public information officer for the Oregon Office of Emergency Management, the OEM has been planning for the event through meetings attended by emergency planners as well as local business owners and event coordinators. The emergency planners have been facilitating communication

between different government services and coordinating the logistics surrounding the visitors. Like the City of Corvallis, OSU also has an emergency preparedness department focusing on the large number of visitors coming for the eclipse. Michael Bamberger, the emergency preparedness manager at OSU, has been engaged with local planning for this event. According to Bamberger, OSU Public Safety and Oregon State Police will be fully staffed for this event and patrolling the campus to establish a higher level of safety. “OSU has experience coordinating large events that involve a portion or all of campus, and we have applied that planning and preparedness philosophy for the solar eclipse,” Bamberger said. Another large event coinciding with the eclipse is ‘OSU150 Space Grant Festival: A Total Eclipse Experience,’ the first of many

See Eclipse, Page 8

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Uber and Lyft to come to Corvallis in the fall AWARDWINNING CAMPUS N E W S PA P E R

ASOSU lobbies City Council to introduce ride booking services By Petar Jeknic, News Contributor

T he Barometer cov e rs l oc al news and bri ngs awarenes s t o i mportan t s t udent and com muni ty is s ue s. SU MMER ISSUES DIST RIBUTED MONTH LY Fo r more art i cl es and c o nt ent , c heck out: dailybarom e WEEKLY NEWSBLAST VIDEOS AT:

SU MMER ISSUE RE L E A SE S CH ED ULE: J une 26 J uly 31 A ugust 28 M o ve- in Issu e : Sept emb er 15 WA NT TO GET INVOLVED ? I f you’re intereste d i n Wr it i n g R epo rt i ng Phot o g raphy E d it i n g Cont a ct: Jo e Wol f baro.ed i tor@ o regons tate.e du


By the start of fall classes, students may be able to use ride booking services—also known as ride sharing apps—to travel in Corvallis. Companies like Uber and Lyft could help students arrive home safely, get around town or make it to class on time if the City of Corvallis approves a change in the city code. Ride booking companies use mobile apps to pair riders with drivers who contract with the company and use their own per-

sonal vehicles to take passengers to their destinations, according to Uber’s website. Nathan Hambley, Uber spokesperson for the Pacific Northwest, said Uber plans to work with city officials, the Associated Students of Oregon State University and Corvallis Mayor Biff Traber to bring ride booking to Corvallis. “Our hope is to launch service in Corvallis by the beginning of the OSU school year,” Hambley said in an email.

ASOSU has been leading an effort to introduce ride booking to campus for approximately a year, according to ASOSU President Simon Brundage. “ASOSU’s role in (this process) has been providing student testimony to the city council—myself included—and showing that students support a safe alternative to getting home,” Brundage said. Barbara Bull is the Corvallis City Council representative for Ward 4, which surrounds campus.

According to Bull, she would also like to see ride booking introduced by the fall. “We understand that there is interest, and so far we have only heard support from the community and we are not trying to slow it down. We’re working out details right now,” Bull said. “It’s just a matter of figuring out which rules to adopt for our community.”

See Ride booking, Page 5


An Uber vehicle parked on the side of the road near the Portland State University campus, awaiting a passenger that called it via the Uber phone app.




Third-year Portland State University marketing and design student Kenidee Massey Barner talking to a Lyft driver in downtown Portland. Lyft and ride booking rival Uber are working with the Corvallis City Council in order to operate in Corvallis as early as fall term 2017.

Ride booking

Continued from page 4 According to Corvallis City Attorney Jim Brewer, the municipal code already has regulations regarding taxi companies that apply to ride booking services. “(Ride booking) services have business models that don’t easily comply with our current regulations regarding background checks and insurance for each driver, meters in the cars, fixed rates posted in the car, 24-hour dispatcher services, etc.,” Brewer said in an email. Ride booking companies like Uber have not been able to operate in Corvallis because of these requirements in the Corvallis City Code, which were put into place before ride booking even existed, according to Hambley. “We’re expecting to work with Corvallis officials to propose changes to the city code designed to address the new ride sharing industry, which will enable us to operate in the city,” Hambley said via email. Uber and ASOSU both recognized the need for an update to the Corvallis City Code in

order to allow the company to operate in the city, according to Hambley. “We provided the mayor with a copy of the new ordinance that was recently unanimously adopted by the Salem City Council,” Hambley said via email. Brundage has also been working directly with the public affairs director of Uber, Jon Isaacs, to work with the the City Council to move them towards introducing ride booking services to Corvallis. “It’s an effort we’ll be pursuing this summer to get ride sharing to Corvallis before students get here in the fall. If not the fall, than winter,” Brundage said. Uber will provide customers with travel options for Beaver sporting events and opportunities for drivers to earn money, according to Hambley. “For riders, and especially OSU students, the arrival of Uber in Corvallis will mean greater access to an affordable, reliable and safe transportation option during the day and at night,” Hambley said. Students at OSU can already use ASOSU’s SafeRide service when they need a safe way to get home. However, SafeRide cannot drop

students off at commercial locations and it can become difficult for students to use at peak hours of operation—midnight to one in the morning—when the wait times can be as long as two hours, according to Brundage. “(Ride booking) provides more safe alternatives to students that will ultimately reduce wait times for SafeRide,” Brundage said. Beyond convenience, ride booking can be a safe alternative to driving drunk says Janelle Lawrence, the executive director of Oregon Impact, a non-profit organization that advocates for safe driving practices and educates drivers on the influence of intoxicants. “It is a great option compared to taking the risk of driving while intoxicated,” Lawrence said in an email. “You could lose your life or take someone else’s.” According to Lawrence, the best way to get home safely is to have a plan before going out and drinking. But for those who fail to make plans or lack a designated driver, ride booking can make a safe ride home easy to arrange. “If you have a designated driver, great. If you don’t, have a ride share app already on your phone so your ride is easy to arrange,” Lawrence said via email.







One of the features of the Bard in the Quad is live musical accompaniment. Andrew Schiek as Speed (left) and Matt Holland as Launce (right) perform on guitar and banjo during a rehearsal on Wednesday, July 19. The cast rehearses in the Memorial Union Quad, where they will perform the show eight times.

Bard in the Quad enters its twelfth year Summer Shakespearean tradition offers open, interactive experience By Garrett Kitamura, News Contributor For many, the name William Shakespeare can evoke images of Renaissance attire, British accents and choreographed swordplay. So when passing through the Memorial Union Quad on a summer afternoon, one might be surprised to find a Shakespearean performance being rehearsed with cowboy hats, country music and swing dancing. However, this seemingly unconventional scene is routine for the cast and crew of Bard in the Quad. An annual summer event sponsored by the University Theatre, Bard in the Quad has been entertaining Oregon State University students and community members alike with performances of Shakespeare’s classic plays for over ten years. For its 2017 performance, the University Theatre chose to produce a Wild West adaptation of one of Shakespeare’s early comedies: ‘The Two Gentlemen of Verona.’ Mike Stephens, a fifth-year student majoring in theater, is one of the performers who has dedicated his summer to rehearsing classic dialogue while mastering dance steps in cowboy boots. In addition to his love of theater, Stephens considers himself to be a huge fan of western films. “Out of the four years I’ve done (Bard in the Quad), this is probably the one I’m looking the 6 • DAILYBAROMETER.COM • MONTH OF JULY 2017

most forward to,” Stephens said. According to the University Theatre website, Bard in the Quad began in 2006. As an outdoor event with no assigned seating, attendees have the freedom to create their own viewing experience by picnicking on a blanket, lounging in a lawn chair or simply relaxing on the MU grass. Bard in the Quad was started by former OSU theater instructor Scott Palmer, according to Elizabeth Helmen, the current production director. “His vision of bringing outdoor summer theater to the Quad established a wonderful summer tradition for our students and the Corvallis community in general,” Helman said in an email. “I love being involved in Bard in the Quad. It’s hard work, but honestly the most fun way to spend a summer in Corvallis.” According to Helman, past Bard in the Quad productions have included ‘Julius Caesar,’ ‘Twelfth Night,’ ‘Macbeth,’ ‘The Comedy of Errors,’ ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ and ‘Love’s Labour’s Lost.’ Dr. Rebecca Olson, an associate professor of literature at OSU, specializes in Shakespeare studies and has attended several Bard in the Quad productions. She considers the-

ater to be a crucial part of the OSU campus and believes that Bard in the Quad in particular holds a special appeal. “People are drawn to the enthusiasm with which Bard in the Quad is carried out,” Olson said via email. “The people involved—both onstage and off—devote so much time and energy to art. It’s very inspiring and also infectious.” The inspiring and infectious elements of Bard in the Quad come from the work of staff members like Brian Greer, a fourth-year student majoring in theater arts. Greer has worked with Bard in the Quad since 2015, serving as the stage manager during his first year before becoming the production manager for the 2016 and 2017 performances. Greer believes that Shakespeare’s lasting appeal is due in part to the universal human elements underlying all of Shakespeare’s works. ‘The Two Gentlemen of Verona,’ with its themes of jealousy and newfound love, is no exception, according to Greer. “One character in particular—her name’s Julia—she disguises herself as a guy later in the show and is more or less a fly on the wall to everything that is happening, and she sees how her possible love interest is interacting

when she’s not around,” Greer said. “I think that’s something we would all love to be able to do at some time, is say, ‘You know, I’d like to see how my friend reacts when I’m not there.’” The task of conveying these themes falls on the shoulders of the cast and crew, who, according to Greer, are often a mix of current and past OSU students as well as high school students and other community members. Having been involved in past University Theatre mainstage performances, Greer said that Bard in the Quad gave him insight into the technical differences that come with working in an outdoor venue. “There is basically no offstage space. At any time, an audience member can see you. And so you have to be in-character for long, long periods,” Greer said. “People have to be looking at you and seeing, ‘Oh, that is the character of Proteus,’ not, ‘the actor Kyle.’” Since stepping into his role as a producer, Greer has been tasked with addressing the logistical challenges of taking what is normally an indoor performance and moving it to the wide open space of the MU Quad.

See Bard in the Quad, Page 7



(LEFT) Kyle Stockdall, a fourth-year student majoring in business management, gestures in one of his monologues during a rehearsal. Stockdall plays Proteus, the main character in ‘The Two Gentlemen of Verona’. (ABOVE) Bard in the Quad includes various dynamic dance routines. Sedona Garcia, playing Silvia, and Grace Klinges as an Outlaw, are carried by cast members in a lively dance. Sedona is a microbiology Ph.D. student and Klinges is a Spring 2017 theatre arts graduate.

Bard in the Quad Continued from page 6

“It presents a challenge both on the acting side and the technical side,” Greer said. “You have to put mics on people; you have to find the proper way to light everyone.” For Olson, the outdoor setting is just one of two major factors that draws her to Bard in the Quad. “As a Shakespeare professor, I get a special thrill when former or current students star in the productions. I hear them reading speeches in class—stumbling over words as we all do—and then, three years later, they’re centerstage,” Olson said via email. “It never gets old.” However, according to Olson, in addition to memorizing eloquent and complex dialogue, there is the task of interpreting Shakespeare’s written work and deciding how it will be portrayed as it moves from page to stage. “Shakespeare’s plays are very flexible: the scripts do not include many stage directions, and the characters are never all good or all bad,” Olson said in an email. “When I see live productions, I really look forward to those ambiguous moments. It’s always interesting to see how different productions go about them.” According to Helman, this ambiguity allowed Bard in the Quad producers to create an adaptation of ‘The Two Gentlemen of Verona’ with a melodramatic American Wild West setting. “This is one of Shakespeare’s earliest plays and the characters are so silly and ridiculous. They needed a silly and ridiculous world to play in,” Helman said in an email. According to Helman, a major aspect of Bard in the Quad’s history is having producers and actors who are open to change, innovation and new ideas.

“Every production has attempted to put a special perspective on these classic plays,” Helman said in an email. “Whether it’s the intense blood, guts and fight choreography we used in ‘Macbeth’ or collaborating with OSU’s Chamber Winds to include Felix Mendelssohn’s incidental music for ‘Midsummer Night’s Dream,’ we’re always trying find new ways to delight our audiences.” This spirit of innovation and the desire to appeal to audience members is apparent in the ways that actors and producers mix with attendees, according to Greer. “In a lot of ways, it’s very different than a standard stage play as well because people are allowed to take photographs. They are encouraged to interact with actors in some manner. Actors will go through the crowd, will go through the audience,” Greer said. Like the actors, the production team also has a higher-than-normal amount of interaction with audience members. Unlike an indoor performance, where the production crew is hidden from view, Bard in the Quad allows audience members to see the production team at work. “We’re just right out there, right in the middle of the audience. They can come by and stand a little bit behind us and look at what we’re doing,” Greer said. “So it’s just a great opportunity to see all aspects of theater and of what it takes to put on the show.” According the Helman, Bard in the Quad is one of the biggest events of the year for the University Theatre, and she attributes a large part of this success to the appeal of the outdoor setting. “We hear from families that come back year after year because they enjoy the atmosphere as much as the show itself,” Helman said via email. “It’s a unique venue and experience to be able to spread out a picnic and enjoy a little culture on a beautiful August night.”

Playbill The Memorial Union Quad, 2501 SW Jefferson Way, Corvallis OR


General Admission


Students and Seniors


Oregon State Students

August 3-6 & 10-13 7:30 p.m.

Box office opens and seating begins at 6:30 p.m. No late seating or late admission. Please bring blankets or lawn chairs and warm clothing. This year, Bard in the Quad has partnered with Heartland Human Society to feature an adoptable dog in the role of Crab for each performance. Heartland volunteers will join the cast and crew in promoting this organization’s work to care for homeless animals in Benton County. The Cast: OSU students Cheyenne Dickey (Antonia/Bandit), Matt Easdale (Bandit), Genesis Hansen (Julia), Kay Keegan (musician), Grace Klinges (Lucetta/Bandit), Mac Powers (musician), Mike Stephens (Duke of Milan), and Kyle Stockdall (Proteus). Stuart Ashenbrenner (Valentine), Sedona Garcia (Sylvia), Forest Gilpin (Thurio), Matt Holland (Launce), Emily Peters (Miss Kitty), and Andrew Schiek (Speed). Tickets : Or call the Theatre Arts Box Office at 541-737- 2784. DAS accommodations: contact Box Office Manager Marissa Solini, at (541)-737-2853. MONTH OF JULY 2017 • DAILYBAROMETER.COM • 7

COVER STORY munity awareness, according to Bamberger. “Drivers, bike riders and even walkers need to be alert as to where they are and where they are going. I want to see everyone take their time getting to their viewing spot so they can enjoy the totality at 10:16 a.m.,” Bamberger said in an email. While preparing for the eclipse, eye safety is a concern both Bamberger and many other members of the community are pushing. “Sunglasses do not provide enough protection. Specific solar viewing glasses can be purchased locally for $1 or $2 that allow the viewer to safely view the sun,” Bamberger said. According to Bamberger, he and others at OSU have been working to make this event as smooth as possible for community members and visitors. The OSU Emergency Management webpage also contains detailed information on viewing safety and traveling.


Continued from page 3 events that will occur over the course of the 2017-2018 academic year in celebration of OSU’s sesquicentennial. Attendees will have the option of renting residence hall rooms for the weekend of the eclipse. One-person rooms in Wilson Hall, Callahan Hall, McNary Hall and Finley Hall are available for $265 for the weekend, while two-person rooms are priced at $375. Family-option rooms offered in Tebeau Hall, the International Living-Learning Center and Halsell Hall have already sold out, according to the festival’s website. Some of the steps taken to avoid conflict at OSU-related events include established parking areas, prohibiting fires and spreading com-


A display of special eclipse-viewing glasses at WinCo, located in northern Corvallis. The glasses provide adequate protection for anyone wanting to view the eclipse.



Rush hour traffic passing across the one-lane bridge leading to Highway 34. The bridge is one of the main paths into Corvallis from I-5, and will see heavy blockage around the eclipse.

ODOT is a support agency for local transportation organizations, according to Thompson. Their focus will be on keeping travel efficient and coordinating any emergency service vehicle routes. “That many more cars will have more crashes. If you’re stuck in a car, what happens if there’s a wildfire?” Thompson said. “Our message is arrive early, stay put, leave late. Treat it as a couple-day event.” Because of the increased traffic across Oregon, ODOT staff are focusing their attention on multiple routes based on location and popularity. Major highways and freeways through the path of totality are likely to be busy, according to Thompson. “We’re very worried about I-5. We expect a lot of people coming from California and Washington,” Thompson said. “We’re

worried about (Interstate) 84, because it’s a route for big trucks and in the path of totality. So during the time of the eclipse, we’re worried about people stopping on the highway.” According to Thompson, ODOT is concerned about those who are not planning ahead. “It’s not just the highways, it’s the local roads as well,” Thompson said. “We’re asking everyday residents to be prepared for that. Local streets may be closed.” For those unable to avoid traveling, Richard Hoover, the public information officer for the Oregon Office of the State Fire Marshal and the State Police, urges travelers to plan ahead. The trip could be easier if travelers leave several days before and after the eclipse.

Supplies According to Hoover, planning ahead includes stocking up on supplies. Traffic could prevent people from leaving their homes. “Carry a first aid kit and any medications,” Hoover said. “The possibility exists—if you get stuck—that you’ll need these things.” Another concern, according to Thompson, are the potential shortages of valuable, everyday supplies. This includes gas, food and water. “If people do arrive ahead of time, they are going to have to gas up and go to the grocery store,” Thompson said. “Plan your shopping and your needs before that weekend.” According to Hoover, it is safest to stock up on supplies and stay in one place on the weekend of the eclipse. “There could be gas shortages. There could be shortages at your supermarket. Fuel up the Friday before, get food days before,” Hoover said. According to ‘Two Weeks Ready,’ an emergency preparedness organization, having foods that store well and are familiar could come in handy during food shortages and


other emergencies. The organization recommends having 3,000 calories available per adult each day. It’s important to have water available both in vehicles and inside homes, according to Negele. “There’s the potential for really hot weather and limited resources,” Negele said in an email. Having one gallon of water per person each day is ideal, according to ‘Two Weeks Ready.’ When sealed in an unopened container, water has an unlimited shelf life. In an emergency, clean water can be found in hot water tanks and toilet tanks. Despite the importance of planning ahead, safely viewing the eclipse will be the highlight of the weekend. “Our goals are twofold,” Negele said in an email. “To ensure the safety of lives, property and the environment, and do what we can to work with community members and visitors to ensure residents and visitors have a good time and come away with positive memories of the 2017 solar eclipse in Oregon.”


First year post-baccalaureate computer science student Joe Sullivan filling up his shopping cart at WinCo. Sullivan is among the many Corvallis residents that is planning on stocking up food for the eclipse.


OSU astronomy professor Randall Milstein demonstrates a telescope used to examine the sun’s surface (left) and solar binoculars (right).

Eclipse impacts on personal level Professors and community members share their stories By Sydney Sullivan, News Contributor

Richard Watson, who serves on the board of directors for an amateur astronomer’s club associated with the local Corvallis community, the Heart of the Valley Astronomers, has sought out four solar eclipses in his lifetime, traveling as far as Cabo San Lucas to see these spectacles. However, for the upcoming eclipse he will not have to leave his own home. “Let me put it this way, the fact that there’s an eclipse coming through here is a reason I moved to Corvallis,” Watson said. According to Watson, his hobby of astrophotography made him fascinated with objects that ‘come and go’. The solar eclipses he has experienced are over so quickly there is not a great deal of time to capture a desired picture, according to Watson. “How many pictures do you need of something that stays the same? Transient stuff you have to get a little bit more lucky,” Watson said. However, staying behind the camera is not always the best experience. According to Watson, during his first solar eclipse in Montana in 1979 he regretted spending too much fiddling with the camera since, even though the event may be a few minutes in some locations, it can feel like seconds. This brevity can leave a person wanting more, according to Watson. “The first words you speak after your first solar eclipse are ‘where’s the next one,’” Watson said. Tom Carrico, the head of the Heart of the Valley Astronomers, is helping the Corvallis community to prepare for these brief seconds of totality happening in August. Though retired from human resources a couple of years ago, planning for the solar eclipse has become more than just a part-time job. According to Carrico, lessons that the Heart of the Valley Astronomers teach at the Corvallis public library have been selling out in a matter of minutes.

“(The eclipse) goes through a bunch of cities, but nothing like Corvallis,” Carrico said. According to Carrico, this is because Corvallis is decidedly the intellectual center for the solar eclipse, and people are relying on groups like the Heart of the Valley Astronomers to educate them about the event. One of the professors Carrico has worked with closely is Julia Bradshaw, an assistant professor in the Arts Department at OSU. According to Bradshaw, she will be holding workshops to help people learn how to take pictures of the solar eclipse. One of the most crucial pieces of advice both Carrico and Bradshaw give to people during their workshops is eye safety. According to Carrico, even when looking at the sun with a camera there must be a special filter on the end of the lens in order to be safe for the human eye. Being aware the sun can harm eyes at all stages of the eclipse, except complete totality, is extremely important to understand, according to Carrico. However, more than anything, both Carrico and Bradshaw are excited for the solar eclipse. “I’m hoping this event will inspire people to think about our connection to the Cosmos and our connection to experiences greater than us,” Bradshaw said in an email. Bradshaw’s interest towards the eclipse came with the properties of light which she will be experimenting with in her photography during the eclipse’s totality. With a focus in astro photography Carrico is extremely excited to get a picture of this event however, he doesn’t want the focus of his attention to be on photography. “I’m not going to hover over the camera or the telescopes. I’m not gonna do anything like that. If it’s not automated I’m just gonna sit back with my Dr. Pepper and enjoy the eclipse,” Carrico said.

Being able to enjoy the eclipse simply by stepping out the front door is an experience many wish for, according to Carrico. That’s why, after multiple offers of location choices, he decided to simply stay at his home in Corvallis. “I think it’s just better to experience it in your backyard. I mean, how cool is that? You just roll out of bed, fall onto your deck, and there it is,” Carrico said. According to Carrico this will be his first total solar eclipse, even though he has seen many lunar eclipses and partial eclipses in his lifetime. In 1979, Randall Milstein, an astronomy professor at OSU, said he was able to witness a partial solar eclipse happen over the mainland United States while he was living in Michigan. “That’s the one thing I remember from seeing, not even a total eclipse, a partial eclipse in 1979, was that it was dead quiet. Everything just stopped. And that struck me as the most eerie thing,” Milstein said.

According to Milstein, the solar eclipse is an event some people have planned years, if not decades for. For some, the eclipse may be a very moving event, and people need to be polite and aware of others since some will be traveling across the globe to see this event, according to Milstein. Like Carrico and Bradshaw, Milstein is putting on workshops throughout Corvallis and other cities around the path of totality in order to remind everyone this event can be very lifealtering. According to Milstein, his workshops are intended to remind people totality will only be in Corvallis for a minute and 40 seconds and it will not be repeated. “There are people who witness a solar eclipse and laugh, other people will sob, or literally fall backwards on the ground and just sit there with their mouth open. Some people will sing or hum, or there will be just dead silence,” Milstein said.

Camping Aug 17th - Aug 22nd

Concert Aug 20th 4pm - 8pm

Details & Tickets: advance tickets required



Surviving the summer heat How to stay healthy, safe in rising temperatures By Caleb Chandler, News Contributor

As temperatures rise, the heat can lead to a variety of medical issues. Dehydration, heat exhaustion and heat stroke are all conditions that can adversely affect health, according to Connie Hume-Rodman, the director of Clinical Services at Oregon State University’s Student Health Services. “Dehydration is when the body does not have enough water,” Hume-Rodman said via email. “The more dehydrated you are, the more thirsty, lightheaded, weak or faint you are likely to feel.” In many cases, individuals do not feel thirsty until they are already dehydrated, according to the Mayo Clinic website. It is important to increase water intake in hot weather and when ill. Taking frequent breaks from exercise to rehydrate is a simple way to stay healthy, according Dr. Jeffrey Mull, the director of OSU Medical Services. “Hydrate before and during activity; wear light, breathable clothing; stay in the shade if at all possible,” Mull said in an email. “Avoid outdoor activity in extreme conditions.” If a person shows signs of any heat illness, getting them out of the sun and into a shaded

or cooler area is the best option, according to Mull. Offering cold fluids and removing excess clothing can also help someone suffering from a heat illness. Taking the individual in to receive professional medical attention is also important if their symptoms do not improve. “There is no set amount of water necessary for an individual,” Mull said via email. “It is best to be aware of the heat and drink fluids frequently instead of waiting until you feel thirsty.” If not properly treated, dehydration can lead to heat exhaustion, which can later lead to heat stroke, according to Hume-Rodman. When the body does not have enough water, it cannot properly regulate its core temperature through sweating. High core temperatures can lead to an array of problems, including damage to the brain and organs. “Heat stroke is heat exhaustion with neurological symptoms, such as confusion or seizure,” Hume-Rodman said via email. “To have heat stroke, by definition, the body’s core temperature is elevated due to getting overheated.” Early or mild heat exhaustion requires prompt action before it becomes serious,


OSU student Melinda Myers models the importance of using sunscreen. Sunscreen prevents skin damage from ultraviolet rays, according to the Mayo Clinic. 10 • DAILYBAROMETER.COM • MONTH OF JULY 2017

according to HumeRodman. Symptoms can include loss of consciousness, nausea, muscle cramps and a rapid heart rate. Medical attention should be sought if these symptoms persist. However, symptoms of heat stroke—confusion, seizure or loss of consciousness— require immediate medical attention. According to Jason Penry, the director of the OSU Per formance Lab and a senior instructor in kinesiology, individuals should re d u ce p hys i c a l activity in higher temperatures. The harder someone works physically, the more heat they will produce. Heat p ro d u c t i o n a n d heat loss perform a balancing act. In warm environments, heat production can outspeed heat loss, which leads to higher core temperatures within an individual’s body. “The prime method for cooling an individual in a warm environment is via evaporation of sweat, and a humid environment reduces the rate at which fluid can evaporate from the skin,” Penry said via email. MIRANDA GRACE CROWELL | ORANGE MEDIA NETWORK According to Myers rehydrates, a necessity in the summer heat. Penry, thinner individuals experience individuals in desert countries wearing lightheat loss more readily because their body colored, loose-fitting robes instead of walking type allows them to regulate body tempera- around with no clothes on: the robes help to ture more efficiently. For larger individuals, reduce the heat gain due to solar radiation,” however, physical movement can be parPenry said via email. ticularly stressful because of their lessened Certain pre-existing health problems or ability to lose heat, resulting in a net increase medications can also play a part in how severe in body temperature. Heat gain is not just an internal process. an individual will be affected by the heat, It can be worsened by external sources like according to Hume-Rodman. “Anyone with chronic health conditions solar radiation, according to Penry. Exercising should get more specific advice from their on a warm day—particularly a bright, sunny day—can cause an individual to experience clinician,” Hume-Rodman said. For more information on the topic of heatheat stress due to the increased absorption related illnesses or safety, you can visit Student of solar radiation. “This is one of the reasons that you see Health Services in the Plageman Building.


S UNDAY 6P M 10P M 11P M

Ins p i ra t i on Di s em i na t i on / / DJ P op R oc k s a n d Te q u i l a Mo cki n g N e rd Sum m ers k ool / / DJ SAVA G E Fi t f t h G ea r / / DJ C l utc h

M O NDAY 10A M 11A M 1P M 3P M 5P M 7P M 10P M

T he C entre of t he Wed g e / / DJ C a ta p hra c t M us i c a l O d y s s ey / / C od y s s eus G roov i n w i t h DJ K ool K a t / / DJ K ool K a t Tea T i me / / DJ C ha m omi l e C ha ri ots of C uri os i ty / / Sa m i A l -A b d R a b b uh Dos e of A l terna t i v e / / E ri n Da rk Tek / / DJ M A C E

10A M 3PM 6PM 9PM 11PM

C hi l l out / / DJ L i l Shoes N a t i v e Sound s / / Sk i nny B oy Fourt h Fl oor U nd erg round / / L i v e M us i c 2 0 1 7 : A L a v a r B urton O d y s s ey / / DJ G i z m o Bi mb o a n d D J Li z z l e T he M i d ni g ht Hour / / DJ M i d ni g ht


WEDN ES DAY 10A M 3P M 4P M 6P M 7P M 10P M 11P M

C a s p en’s Sum m er Show / / C a s p en G o C oa s ta l V i b es / / K ha l M e4 A G ood T i m e P ol a r A mp l i f i c a t i on / / DJ Wa l rus A l i t t l eb i tof t hi s a l i t t l eb i tof t ha t / / DJ Trey DJ O K P res ents / / DJ O K C ool C i ty R a d i o / / M ot hra c ra nk i n’ i t / / s a ff ron p a l a c e


N a t i v e Sound s / / Sk i nny B oy N ew G roov es / / Sp orty Sp i c e B i g T i me / / DJ R i nk ha l s B a s s C hec k / / K ha l M e4 A G ood T i me Hous e of Hous e / / DJ Trey Sp i c e of L i f e / / DJ M ug g l es


Don’t Drea m It, M eme It / / DJ Sta rna hel ena G ood M us i c / / DonJ on DeM a rc o a nd DJ R hond ev ous N ot Your Ty p i c a l B runc h Hour / / d j j ul es T he Wa v e / / DJ R i nk ha l s



Position in transition

Role of Memorial Union president comes under question By Avalon Kelly, News Contributor

In recent years, changes in the Memorial Union organization have raised questions regarding whether or not the title of MU president still fits the role. According to the MU website, the purpose of the MU is to act as a hub for the social side of the student experience by providing facilities, resources and events throughout the year. To keep the MU aligned with the student body it serves, the organization annually elects a student president who also oversees the MU Advisory Board. This year, however, the title has been placed under evaluation to determine if ‘board chair’ would be a better fit for the position.


“We’re looking into shifting the names just because there’s a shift in the organization, so a shift in the names should be good,” said current MU president, Angel Mandujano-Guevara. “Right now, though, my job entails providing leadership for programs and policies that go on in the MU, and keeping students at the center.” Mandujano-Guevara was selected to become the MU president in the spring of 2017. Mandujano-Guevara is a fourthyear student looking to complete a dual degree in English and education. Before entering his current role as MU President, Mandujano-Guevara worked with

Movimiento Estudiantil Chicanx de Aztlán (MEChA) de OSU at both the regional and national level. According to MandujanoGuevara, MEChA is a national student organization that promotes the history, culture and higher education for Chicanx youth. According to Mandujano-Guevara, he looks forward to applying his past experience in student engagement within the MU. “It’s been more of seeing what past presidents have done and seeing what I want to do,” Mandujano-Guevara said. “Really exploring what the position is, how it can be of use to the MU organization and how I can work with the directors to bring forth

more student representation or more student involvement within the MU.” This ability to connect with more students through the MU is one of the reasons Mandujano-Guevara was drawn to the position. According to Mandujano-Guevara, he had interacted with the previous MU president Rafid Chowdhury at several committee meetings and felt inspired to apply for the

See MU president Page 13


MU president

Continued from page 12 position when the opportunity arose. “I wanted to see the next step I could take to get involved on campus, increasing the scope of students I would eventually reach,” Mandujano-Guevara said. “I want to have a lot more connection with student and faculty programs—so being able to have partnerships with groups like the Faculty Senate and the different colleges.” Kent Sumner, the associate director of OSU’s Division of Student Affairs Communications, is one of the faculty members working with Mandujano-Guevara. Sumner has worked with the MU for over 20 years promoting and marketing events. He has also assisted past MU presidents with planning various activities throughout the year. “We interact with a lot of departments within Student Affairs, the MU being one of them,” Sumner said. “Over the years, I have worked with MU presidents as they have planned events or need help promoting services or activities.” During his time working with the MU, Sumner has witnessed a variety of changes. Groups that were initially extensions of the MU—the OSU Program Council; Orange Media Network, of which The Barometer is a part; and others—became independent entities. According to Sumner, this separation has allowed the MU administration, including the president and board, to focus their efforts on serving the student body. “The MU president was more involved in events that the OSU Program Council puts on, and OSUPC did not have its own director as it does now,” Sumner said. “There’s still that connection, though, because the director of OSUPC sits on the advisory board for the MU. So there’s still a tie in, there’s just better defined roles.”

One of the people within the MU helping to better define the president’s role is the MU Associate Director and Food Service Director Robyn Jones. Jones has worked within the organization for more than 20 years handling the retail side of food at OSU. Her position involves overseeing the dining retail facilities on campus that are not directly run by University Housing and Dining Services, and she has worked closely with past MU presidents to actualize their goals. Jones also participated in many of the MU Advisory Board meetings last year, where she was able to develop further insight into the shift in title. “This will be a year of inquiry for the MU Advisory Board,” Jones said in an email. “The board has been charged with determining the appropriate title based on the current needs of the organization—the requirements of the Student Incidental Fees Committee and duties required.” Changes like these have been sweeping all across campus in recent years, according to Sumner. He pointed towards an increasing student population as a cause for these shifts in administration within the MU and elsewhere. “To serve more students will few staff means they have to do their work differently and they have multiple roles,” Sumner said in an email. “Since students are filling more of the positions, including building and restaurant management, it also means that their roles have changed.” Some of the positions now filled by these students exist in the MU advisory board. Thirteen of the 19 members of the board are students, from the ASOSU president to MU student employees. Mandujano-Guevara said he looks forward to the opportunity to make both himself and the entire MU more accessible to students. “I don’t see it much as a change,” MandujanoGuevara said. “I see it as more of a developing and an ability to have a good representation of student life here on campus.”


(LEFT) MU president Angel Mandujano-Guevara posing for a photo in front of the Memorial Union. (TOP LEFT) Mandjuano-Guevara working on a laptop in his office. Mandujano-Guevara is a fourth-year english and education student. (TOP RIGHT) Robyn Jones, assistant director of Memorial Union Retail Food Service working at her desk in the Memorial Union, getting ready to check in with the managers at the restaurants on the OSU campus. (BOTTOM RIGHT) North Porch Cafe manager Shakoda Hill talking to Robyn Jones. As North Porch Cafe is located in the Memorial Union, it is Jones’ responsibility to oversee their operations. MONTH OF JULY 2017 • DAILYBAROMETER.COM • 13


Legislative efforts to bring down the cost of higher education Oregon House bill works to produce free, online textbooks By Sydney Sullivan, News Contributor At the conclusion of this year’s legislative session, the Oregon Legislative Assembly passed House Bill 2729 with the goal of saving students millions in textbook costs through the Oregon Open Educational Resource Program—a program overseen by the state’s Higher Education Coordinating Commission. According to the bill’s text, HB 2729 would appropriate $700,000 toward the Oregon OER Program, which creates educational resources that students can access at little to no cost. After having passed both the Oregon House and Senate, the bill is awaiting the signature of Gov. Kate Brown. However, the bill could go into effect without the governor’s signature if it is not vetoed within the 30 weekdays following the end of the legislative session on Friday, July 7. Rep. Gene Whisnant, a Republican representing District 53 in the Oregon House of Representatives, was a chief sponsor of HB 2729. According to Whisnant, the goal of the Oregon OER Program is to help lower some of the added costs that students incur when attending college, specifically textbooks. The original bill to fund the program was passed in 2015 and expired on July 1 of this year. “We need to continue this resource forever,” Whisnant said.


Oregon House District 53 Rep. Gene Whisnant posing for a portrait in 2015. Whisnant co-sponsored the Oregon OER program bill. According to Whisnant, the extension of the program would made it pos-


sible to continue providing students with 15 textbooks that cover general education courses such as basic math, science and writing. “There was no opposition to the bill. We just had to figure out how much money to get. So I had to work with the Higher Education Coordinating Commission to get a number as low as I could so we could fund it,” Whisnant said. “We did, and I’m very happy about it.” According to Lamar Wise, executive director of the Oregon Student Association, the extension of the Oregon OER Program is a great step in the process of making a difference for many college students, though there is work that needs to be done on individual levels before the program can have the impact that legislators hope it will. For example, professors will have to adopt open educational resources into their curriculum. Furthermore, some professors need to take advantage of the opportunity to create their own open educational resources through the program. According to Wise, there is still a long way to go in the process of making higher education less expensive for college students, but it is clear that the program is already making a difference. “Textbooks that have been developed

have saved students $4 million globally,” Wise said. At Oregon State University, Dianne Fisher, the director of Open Oregon State, also has the goal of making education less expensive for students through open educational resources. According to its webpage, Open Oregon State is an organization designed to establish an open educational resource with focus around open textbooks, reusable digital components and learning module development. “OSU’s Open Education Resource is making a major difference. Some students often decide whether or not to take a class based (on the) cost of the textbook,” Fisher said in an email. “Open textbooks and other no-cost materials are helping to break down barriers to graduation.” Sen. Arnie Roblan, a Democrat representing Oregon Senate District 5, carried HB 2729 in the Senate. He stressed the need for students to reach out and talk to lawmakers about what can be done to alleviate the burden of paying for higher education. “There are a lot of legislators who are really very open to having conversations with students and listening to their ideas. So all you have to do is pick up the phone and call,” Roblan said.

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It’s time for you to stand up for yourself. As a sweet Fire sign, you’re accustomed to taking care of everybody else. But the moon is showing you that some people are draining your energy. Don’t let a lover, family member or friend become a vampire.

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LEVEL 1 2 3 4

You’ve been going back and forth about a decision, but the full moon is prompting you to make a big move. Do something that allows you to feel happier, lighter and healthier. Don’t allow anything that is toxic to affect you.


J U LY 3 - J U LY 9 , 2 0 1 7

Mars in your sign is enhancing your emotional and sexual well-being. If you’re single, you could be enjoying lots of new lovers as you lure them back to your lair. If you’re in a relationship, you and your honey will feel more connected than ever. LEO: JULY 23 - AUG. 22

As communicator Mercury moves into your sign, you’ll find it easier to express yourself and to be appreciated for your fiery wit. You’ll want to hang out with intelligent and funny people. Don’t let dull folks or boring minds to hold you back.


VIRGO: AUG. 23 - SEPT. 22

A partnership is going through some changes, thanks to Venus. If you’re married or in a relationship, you’ll want to make sure that your needs are met. If you’re single, you’re focused on fixing professional relationships or friendships that have become unbalanced.

Venus is making your love life more interesting. If you’re single, you’ll suddenly find yourself involved with multiple flirtations. If you’re in a relationship, you and your sweetheart will enjoy a hotter, sexier vibe than you have in a long time.


LIBRA: SEPT. 23 - OCT. 23


Romantic relationships are taking up more of your time and attention. Venus will help you bring more pleasure and fun to your love life. A spirit of lightness and fun will permeate all your relationships, both personal and professional.

It’s hard for you to focus on your business, professional, and educational life right now, because Jupiter is making things difficult. You need to make decisions that will help you in the long run instead of just enjoying flirty fun in the moment.

SCORPIO: OCT. 24 - NOV. 21


Intensity planet Mars is heating things up. If you have a crush on somebody, you’ll make a big move and make your affections known. If you’re in a relationship, you could be contemplating a huge change such as getting married or having a kid.

As Mercury moves opposite your sign, you could feel like things are becoming truly bizarre in your personal life. You need to step back and just let things flow. Forcing things simply won’t work. Try to just have fun and appreciate the many blessings in your life.


Don’t sweat it if you aren’t getting along with your honey right now. Maybe your partner isn’t so good for you, and it’s time to make a change. Or perhaps this is just an opportunity to blow off some steam in a relationship that continues to evolve. Venus says chill out.


The sun is helping you out, making it easier for you to charm people, meet new friends and just generally have fun. You could be sorting out flirty emotions with multiple friends, without quite knowing what you want to experience with them.

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1 Pose in yoga studios 6 Personal histories 11 Belly 14 Bus stop 15 Portion out 16 Bear, in Barcelona 17 *Quick checkout choice 19 Rower’s blade 20 Wall St. index 21 Molecule part 22 Longtime first name in morning talk shows 24 Wide assortment 26 “Sure thing!” 27 Flowering shrubs associated with Augusta National Golf Club 30 Pocahontas’ husband John 31 Little women 32 Solo 34 Asian noodle soup 37 “__-dokey!” 38 Hollywood’s crème de la crème ... and where to find the ends of the answers to starred clues? 39 Raindrop sound 40 Part of LGBTQ 41 Desert plant used to make tequila 42 Resort island near Venezuela 43 Eyed wolfishly

45 Forest-scented cleaning product 47 Take the __: risk it 49 Not proficient in 50 Scoundrel 51 Surrealist Joan 52 Govt. workplace watchdog 56 “I figured it out!” 57 *Wedding gown attachment 60 Beaver’s creation 61 In a snit 62 High-end chocolatier 63 Dollar bill 64 Ease up 65 Soap units


1 Yemen port 2 Like hunks and knockouts 3 Cellphone downloads 4 “Honest, it’s true!” 5 Gobbled up 6 Macaroni side dish 7 Brass or bronze 8 Slender 9 Heavy weight 10 Like sealed medical supplies 11 *Social networking site with a math sign in its logo 12 Federal humanitarian org.

13 Upper body 18 “The Talk” co-host Gilbert 23 Tiny toymaker 25 High-__ graphics 26 Refuses to 27 Really excited 28 Virus of concern at the Rio Olympics 29 *”Want to try it?” 30 New Year’s Day floral procession 33 Actress Ullmann 35 Boxcar hopper 36 October birthstone 38 “The African Queen” screenwriter James 39 South African city where Mandela was inaugurated 41 Math with x’s 42 Santa __ winds 44 Bearded grassland grazer 46 Superstar 47 Madrid art museum 48 Actress Lindsay 49 Bathroom fixture 51 Actress Kunis of “Bad Moms” 53 Went under 54 __-and-seek 55 Picnic critters 58 Curved bone 59 Attention from Dr. Mom



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