Fall Term and New Beginnings | Sept. 19, 2022

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Continued on page 12


The Oregon State University president re affirmed the focus on the student and OSU as a land grant institution at a press conference on Monday Sept. 12.


Murthy also promised that she is deep ly concerned about the cost of tuition for OSU students, and will continue to seek more money from the state in order to offset rising costs. This statement comes after a decision by the OSU board of trustees to increase tuition by 4.5% for incoming fresh men and 3.5% for returning stu

Murthy assumed office on Friday Sept. 9, before which the university had been led by interim president Becky Johnson. Johnson re placed F. King Alexander, who was removed from office after his lax enforcement of sexual misconduct at Lousiana State University after a vote of no confidence by OSU.

Move-In COVID policies

“I think public higher ed ucation is an extraordinary set of institutions, in par ticular public land grant institutions, it is focused so broadly on Oregon’s popu lation,” Murthy said. “We are in every county in the

Continued on page 2



Jason Harvey will be taking over Chief Nick Hurley.

Murthy completed her Ph.D. in engineer ing in 1984 from the University of Minneso ta. Before this, she received a master’s degree from Washington State University after gradu ating from the In dian institute of technology Kan pur in Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India.As the first female dean at the University of California Los edMurthyAngeles,startawomen’s engineering program in order to im prove representhe tation of women in ingengineerandto build an computationalheatcludingresearchcationallsupportedwomeninvironmentenwhichwereinareasofeduandlife.Murthyhasmanyinterestsinnanoscaletransferandfluid


As a land grant insti tution, OSU was estab lished during the civil war to bring opportu nities to people living in the country, at a time when most uni versities were located in eastern cities, OSU became a center of learning less than 20 years after the establishment of Portland, the larg est city in the state.

As for her aims at OSU, Murthy has said that she intends to honor the mission of OSU as a land grant institution, to in crease graduation rates and to “build

The Corvallis Transit System just received a $2.6 million grant from the Federal Transit Administration to purchase two electric bus es and a dedicated charging depot. This year, Corvallis was the only city government within the state to receive a grant.

Jason Harvey: New Chief of Police CITY

option of transitioning to elec tric buses, the city switched fuel from biodies el to renewable diesel in 2019, which account ed for a large reduction in emissions from transit, Dybvad said.

With the allotment of money for two new buses, Corvallis will retire two old diesel bus es, furthering a city-wide commitment to sus tainability.

“The City has been working to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions since we first established goals focused on energy and ve hicle fuel emissions in 2011,” said Scott Dyb vad, sustainability coordinator for the city of Corvallis. “A shift to an electric bus fleet will not only further reduce emissions but also greatly improve local air quality, an important issue with two major highways going through downtown.”Priortothe

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There are a number of works in these and other related fields in which Murthy was named for her contributions.

The Morrill Act in 1862 allowed for uni versities to support people throughout the country, rather

Two new electric buses to cruise Corvallis by 2023, lowering carbon impact

Eventually, the city would like to convert the entire fleet to electric buses, said Timothy Bates, transit coordinator at CTS. By build ing a dedicated charging depot — located at CTS’s Public Works Facility in north east Cor vallis — all new buses will have a dedicated place to park for the night and recharge.

Residents can expect to see the first two

OSU asks students to get COVID tests before arriving on campus starting this fall 2022.

dynamics. More recently, her work focused on sub-micron thermal transport and multiscale multi-physics simulations of micro- and nano-electromechanical systems.

State University’s 16th president

to be

Jayathi Murthy greets guests on June during reception for selected Oregon with husband Sanjay Mathur in Center

her being

2 • DAILYBAROMETER.COM • SEPTEMBER 19, 2022 INDEX PHOTO CHIEF Ashton omn.photo@oregonstate.eduBisner CAMPUS EDITOR Hayden baro.news@oregonstate.eduLohr COPY EDITOR Adriana copy.news@oregonstate.eduGutierrez CITY EDITOR Sam baro.city@oregonstate.eduMisa EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Riley Le 541-737-3191baro.editor@oregonstate.eduCocq ASSISTANT EDITOR Lara baro.ed.asst@oregonstate.eduRivera The Barometer is published on the first Monday of every month during the academic school year, and publishes weekly news coverage and other content such as columns and videos on The Baro website at http://www. Theorangemedianetwork.com/daily_barometer/.Barometer,publishedforusebyOSUstudents, faculty and staff, is private property. A single copy of The Barometer is free from newsstands. Unauthorized removal of multiple copies will be considered theft and is prosecutable. Responsibility: The University Student Media Committee is charged with the general supervision of all student publications and broadcast media operated under its authority for the students and staff of Oregon State University on behalf of the Associated Students of OSU. Formal written complaints about The Barometer may be referred to the committee for investigation and disposition. After hearing all elements involved in a complaint, the committee will report its decision to all parties concerned. COVER: Jayathi Murthy pictured in the Student Experience Center Plaza on June 7 during a reception for her being selected to be Oregon State Univer sity’s 16th president. Murthy was unanimously elected by the OSU Board of Trustees on June 7, and began the position as president on Sept. 9, 2022. By. Jason May, OMN Photographer SOCIAL@DAILYBAROMETER@OMNSPORTS@DAILYBARO@OMNSPORTS@THEDAILYBARO@OMN_SPORTSFINDUSONMEDIA PRESIDENT MURTHY Continued on page 2 ASSISTANT SPORTS EDITOR Georgina baro.sports.asst@oregonstate.eduPaez SPORTS CHIEF Benjamin omn.sports@oregonstate.eduRabbino CREATIVE LEAD Alan omn.creative@oregonstate.eduNguyen MARKETING TEAM: Vanessa omn.marketing.lead@oregonstate.eduLopez SALES TEAM: Connor omn.ads1@oregonstate.eduBryson NEWS TIPS: 541-737-2231 TO PLACE AN AD CALL: 541-737-6373 BUSINESS: 541-737-2233 ON CAMPUS: SEC Fourth Floor Oregon State University


than just in eastern cities, and promoted op portunities for liberal arts and science edu cation. OSU was one of the nation’s first land grant

“OSU offers some of the strongest academ ic programs in the nation in numerous areas that are essential in today’s society and global economy,” Clark said. “This is a place where students want to be, it isn’t by chance, it is by the efforts of our faculty... We have worked very hard to be a welcoming place for all students and we will continue to work real hard to pro vide services for students to be successful.”

the Student Experience

Accordinguniversities.toSteve Clark, vice president of University Relations and Marketing, enjoyed immense stability under the 17 years of presi dency led by Edward Ray, who retired during the pandemic in June of 2020.

OSU is one of the few universities in the country that was able to maintain and even increase enrollment during the pandemic, and that has been attributed to the ecampus pro gram as well as OSU fostering an environment in which students seek to study and learn.


Plaza. Murthy’s position makes her the first female president as well as the first president of color at OSU.



“A transition for any university, public insti tution or even private institution provides new ideas for new thinking and the opportunity to continue to build on the strengths of that insti tution,” Clark said. “In OSU’s case, we are 154 years old and in that period there have been 15 other permanent presidents…that is not a lot of transition but what transition provides for is for OSU to build on its incredible strengths.”

OSU students will also receive messages from the university concerning the school’s response to COVID-19.

These at-home test kits can be found at the Plageman Building, the Memorial Union Info Desk, the Student Experience Center Info Desk and all dining centers across campus.

Last academic year, a hotel was specifically reserved to house students who tested positive at Reser last year. According to Marneli Pascacio, a customer service representative at University Housing and Dining Services, there’s a possibility that UHDS could take this action again this year.

At the beginning of the year, the federal government began a program that mailed out free at-home tests to households who signed up to receive them. The program was suspended on Sept. 2, but OSU students will still have free access to at-home tests and

other kinds of testing through OSU.


OSU will not be mandating COVID-19 testing before moving into the dorms, however students are advised to get vaccinated if they have not already and take an at-home COVID-19 test before move-in.

“There will be no ‘move-in testing’ this fall, but students are asked to take an at-home COVID-19 test prior to arrival on campus; if they test positive, delay comming to campus while following Oregon Health Authority isolation guidance.”

“There will be no ‘move-in testing’ this fall, but students are asked to take an at-home COVID-19 test prior to arrival on campus,” Clark said via an email. “And if they test positive, delay coming to campus while following Oregon Health Authority isolation guidance.”Whenstudents do arrive on campus and begin their academic journey, OSU will provide them support if they have any COVID-19 related concerns.

• OSU workers are required to show proof of vaccination, excepting medical reasons and ‘sincere’ religeous beliefs.


“Students moving into OSU residence halls will be asked to test for COVID-19 prior to arriving to our campuses in Corvallis and Bend, and if they test positive (they will) delay their arrival,” said Vice Provost of Student Affairs Dan Larson.

- Steve Clark, Vice president university relationsmarketing.and

• Masks are no longer required at OSU

“The university will continue to provide the university community with email updates and helpful health website information, including how students can continue to receive information and services from the SHC,” Clark said.

Classes will continue to be held on campus just as they were last term, but remote options may be available for those who contract COVID-19 throughout the year. According to Larson, professors will work with students to support their learning even if they cannot physically be in the classroom.

Sept. 17-20 marks the move-in period for incoming freshmen for the 2022-2023 academic year, and while students won’t have to wait in hour-long lines to get swabbed this fall, OSU still requires vaccination proof and a negative test for them to move in on time.

In addition, SHS’s website provide answers to FAQs about COVID, including information about what students need to do if they’ve tested positive or been exposed throughout the school year.


“Students who test positive will need to isolate per Oregon Health Authority guidelines and are advised to contact their teaching faculty to let them know they’ll not be able to attend class while infectious, and to work out arrangements to keep up with coursework, as they would with other illnesses,” Larson said.

Last September, Reser Stadium was filled with thousands of new Oregon State University students, not to watch Beavers football, but to take COVID-19 tests before moving into the dorms.

By HALEY STARK News Contributor

COVID-19 policies change for move-in

• Anyone testing positive is required to isolate for 5 days.

“While supplies last, OSU will continue to provide free at-home test kits at multiple locations on the Corvallis campus. As well, SHS will provide PCR diagnostic testing for symptomatic Corvallis-based students,” Clark said.

Beaver Booster Blitz Memorial Union 12 p.m.

Part-Time Job Fair

New DJ Orientation

Student Experience Center Plaza 11 a.m.

Womens Soccer vs. UCLA 12 p.m.

Virtual Event 12 a.m.

New Podcast Orientation Student Experience Center 4th floor Studio A 5-7 p.m.

Panhellenic Bid Day Memorial Union Ballrooom 5 p.m.

Bavers Break Fast Chintinimini Park 6 p.m.

Go Beavs! Go Greek! BBQ Memorial Union Quad 5 p.m.

Student Experience Center, 4th floor 5-7 p.m.

Getting A Dam Job: Resumes

Virtual Event 4 p.m.

Beaver Booster Blitz Memorial Union 12 p.m.

Virtual Career and Internship Fair (All Industries)

Panhellenic Formal Recruitment Registration Opens

4 • DAILYBAROMETER.COM • SEPTEMBER 19, 2022 CALENDAR SEPT-OCT 2022 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY 27 28 2 3 4 5 9 10 11 12 16 17 18 26 19 1825 19 20 21 23 24 25 26

Student Experience Center 4th floor Studio 5-7p.m.A

BEavers HERE NOW Memorial Union Room 13 5 p.m.

Beaver Booster Blitz Memorial Union 12 p.m.

CH2M Hill Alumni Center 11 a.m.

Fall Career and Internship Fair (All Industries)

Taco’Bout Trivia Newman Center Courtyard 6 p.m.

Orange Media Network Open House

Basic Needs Center Fall Welcome Party Basic Needs Center 4-8 p.m.

Beaver Booster Blitz Memorial Union 12 p.m.

Use Oregon State University’s Events Calendar in full



a QR code scanner or Snapchat to view

Beaver Bash: AfterGlow Student Experience Center Plaza 8 p.m.

2227 28 29

Most Oregon State University virtu al and in-person events require reg istration in order to attend or par ticipate. All July events and event descriptions, as well as registration information can be found on the OSU Events Calendar website or on the Oregon State University Alumni Association website.

29 30 OCTOBER 1 6 7 8 13 14 15 20

Memorial Union Ballroom 6 p.m.

Mens Soccer vs. Cal 6 p.m. vs.



Speed Friending

Corvallis Fall Festival Central Park 9 a.m. - Sept. 25 5 p.m.

Washington TBD Football vs. Colorado TBD

Womens Soccer vs. Washington 6 p.m.

Flynn Creek Circus Begins Avery Park 7 p.m.


Oktoberfest Common Fields 4p.m.- Oct. 8 10 p.m.

Volleyball vs. Arizona State 7 p.m.

Beaver Booster Blitz Memorial Union 12 p.m.

Beaver Community Fair Memorial Union Quad and Student Experience Center Plaza 12 p.m.

Football vs. USC 6:30 p.m.

“The space is huge, so we need people to fill it up really quickly,” Clarke said about the new SEC location.

Home is where old furniture is.

out of the pride center as a way to cross intersectionalities of queerness and other identities.

Monty shares that she is excited about being central to campus and having more access to other resources.

The pride center leaves its house for one year and a quarter to get renovated. Some of the Pride Center’s priorities are a larger kitchen that can serve as a place to eat at and expanded office space. As to for SOL, they are trying to encapsulate all the cultural centers to show the intersectionality through interior design.


As for the move, the UHDS as well as some of the staff helped with the move. Although Clarke does not feel like they are entirely moved until without all the posters being up, or every box being unpacked, he welcomes people to come to the Pride Center.

BOTTOM: The Pride & SOL center interior, photographed on September 9th.The new location has plenty of space for lounging as well as a library of books and board games.

Many describe the Pride Center as giving you a warm feeling walking in, others describe it as a home away from home.

The culture and community of the Pride Center that lived in the four rooms of the house where the Pride center was located is now at the Student Experience Center.

Clarke assures constituents and newcomers that the pride center will still have a washer and dryer once the construction at the Price Center’s house is done.


The Pride Center has resided in the A Avenue house since 2004, according to Monty.

Clarke said anyone is invited to the Pride Center. SOL caters and holds space more for BIPOC Queer folk, but anyone is welcome.

By LARA RIVERA Assistant Editor

The temporary move has allowed the Pride Center to connect more with other cultural centers. “It’s a great opportunity for us to reach out for support, such as laundry,” Clarke said.

TOP: The entrance to the Pride center, photographed on September 9th. The new temporary location for the Pride Center & SOL is in room 112 in the SEC.

Julian Clarke, Leadership liaison of the SOL and LGBTQ+ Multicultural initiative, wants to show the Pride Center more as a home. To create a home, Clarke yearns to create a culture of care and a sense of community.

SOL is an initiative that started in 2003

For more information about their hours, and events the Pride Center’s Instagram is @ osupridecenter. SOL’s Instagram is sol_qtpoc_ osu.“I think they saw it more as a house, and we want to show it more as a home,” Clarke said.

Marin Monteith, or Monty, the student leadership liaison at the Pride Center says the Pride Center is “a home away from home,” for a lot of students.

The pride center will be double the size, and include a new ramp, a wrap around porch, and separate sections for pride and SOL.

At the previous house SOL had its own division. Clarke says the SEC room is larger, but it is all consolidated into one space.


With more students coming the Pride Center is looking to expand the space and make it more accessible to people.

“It is a completely functional center though,” Clarke said.

The Pride Center will have a Welcome Week on Sep. 22 at the Brick Mall and Sep. 23 the Pride Center is hosting an Open House.

The renovation is funded by Diversity & Cultural Engagement, some donations and mostly the Pride Center’s Division budget.

The Pride Center: ‘Home away from home’

Padrow thinks that this increase in residents may make it easier for students to build their own communities amongst themselves.According to Buckley, there are a few reasons for this larger number of applicants and admits to the university. One being a continued momentum from the 2021-2022 year where students came to

According to Padrow the resident assistants, who live in halls to act as a resource for residents, have received mock situation and conversation training to prepare for this expected 10 to 20 student increase per resident assistant.

“We know from students who confirmed, put down a deposit, those who registered for orientation, and signed up for housing for freshman at least, all signs are looking real good and we are positive about that,” Buckley said.

According to Buckley, in past years the university would continue to accept students’ deposits and therefore commitment to come to campus beyond the May 1 deadline. This year however, the deadline to committee was cut off.

“This was the first year that we actually, on May 2, decided that we need to stop taking applications, stop taking deposits,

campus following the closure of campus pandemic. The other reason being changes to scholarship offerings.

As OSU has a first-year live on policy, this influx undoubtedly impacts the way campus residnce hall accommodations are offered.According to Emily Padrow, a third year OSU student and resident assistant in McNary Hall, the number of triple room accommodations rather than a more standard double room has grown.

“A lot of our growth on the Corvallis Ore. campus are non residents, some of that has to do with our offering of the western undergraduate exchange scholarship,” Buckley said. “So that has allowed students who may not have considered going out of their own state to be able to afford to come here.”OSU

“For McNary Hall 67% of our room are triples, so over half of our population will be in triples,” Padrow said. “We are expected if conflicts in room requests which will be hard to accommodate to because everywhere is full basically.”

OSU admits record number of students for fall 2022

While the university does not expect to have solid numbers for those enrolled until roughly four weeks into the fall term in their census, those admitted show an increase in students on campus nonetheless.

is also following a national trend where large, well known public universities have seen an increase in number of applicants.University admissions has planned to accommodate this trend, if it continues in the coming years by adding a waitlist portion to the admission process. The waitlist would allow the university to not make promises to students too soon and ensure they can accommodate.


“We are definitely expecting a record number of new incoming students this fall, and that is really growing on a trend that started last year,” said Noah Buckley, the director of undergraduate admissions.

because we are going to be full,” Buckley said. “We actually stopped much earlier than we would normally do. Normally we would allow applications well into the summer for freshmen, but this year we just didn’t have that opportunity.”

Oregon State University’s Corvallis Ore. campus expects to welcome a record number of students this fall, causing cramped on-campus housing.

“My biggest goal is to definitely create a big welcoming community within my floors,” Padrow said.

By RILEY Editor-in-ChiefLECOCQ

Welcome Center which will provide an additional tour spot for prospective new students and their families when visiting theAlongcampus.with this, the center will show an introduction to many excellent undergraduate and graduate degree programs that OSU has to offer.

Both Bettencourt and Rado spent time studying civil engineering at Oregon State


Fans can expect a new first-level section on the new side of Reser, called Beaver Street, which includes more restaurants and beverage locations inside the stadium rather than in the middle hallway area.


The second level will be the Club Level Section, the third level will be the Upper Concourse Level, and the fourth level is reserved for media and press box locations.

“By completing Reser now we ensure the long-term financial sustainability for the OSU Athletics Department and all student-athletes. Increased revenue will provide financial stability throughout OSU Athletics where 70% of the revenues required to operate 17 women’s and men’s varsity sports are generated from football and Reser Stadium activities,” said Oregon State V.P., Director of Athletics, Scott Barnes.Last week, members of the Daily Barometer were able to go inside the stadium and learn more about the stadium’s progress from the Project Manager for Oregon State University, Dale Bettencourt, and Project Superintendent, Mark Rado.

With the conclusion of the Reser Stadium arriving in August 2023, Beaver fans will have more to look forward to than an improved atmosphere, extending to a seamless stadium food experience. January 7, 2022, marked the first day of demolition at Reser Stadium in Corvallis, Oregon.

The main grandstands of the new west side of Reser Stadium during construction on Wednesday, September 7, 2022, in Corvallis, Oregon. The projected capacity of the new west side is anticipated to be around 8,500 seats.

With the two of them spending time inside of Reser Stadium during their college years, they shared excitement about getting the new side of Reser built before the next football season.

With the anticipated date of finish for the Reser Stadium construction to be August 3, both Bettencourt and Rado were pleased with the progress of the build and confident that it will be finished on time.

“Oh ya, this side is going to be cool. Being a Beaver fan gives me more motivation to get this done,” said Bettencourt.

Are there any challenges that will arise on site with the approaching Fall/Winter weather?


to campus, they will see the construction of the stadium and see the momentum of this program,” said Head Football Coach Jonathan Smith.

Having both Rado and Bettencourt together on the job site, it was a great opportunity to ask more questions about the difficulties or challenges through the building process.

Built into the southeast side of Reser Stadium will be a new Campus Wellness Clinic that will provide students, faculty, staff, and community members with yearround access to expanded health care and wellnessAccordingservices.to the Completing Reser Stadium website, “The clinic is anticipated to be a four-story building approximately 32,000 square feet. OSU and the healthcare partner will have shared spaces on the building’s first floor. The health care provider will lease the second floor, and OSU Student Health Services will occupy the third and fourth“Thisfloors.isagame changer for our football program. We want to show our recruits that Reser Stadium is intertwined within our community and campus every day of the year. As we bring families and recruits

and found themselves managing the largest construction on campus, with 125 total members working on the site.

Reser Stadium construction set to end Aug 3

The implosion brought many people to the site to watch it collapse, and since then, the community has only been able to track the progress of construction from the outside.The$161 million project marks a point in Oregon State history that will provide both entertainment and financial stability for years to Hoffmancome.has partnered with Oregon State University, Populous, and SRG Partnership to transform Oregon State University’s Reser Stadium into a national best-in-class football facility with year-round programs and facilities for all OSU students, faculty andThestaff.new stadium will feature a Student

“Definitely, with the weather changing we are trying to get everything closed in. We are lucky that with each level of the stadium going up, it covers the area below. But we need to make sure that we can get whatever we need to be covered before a drastic change,” said Bettencourt.

Have there been any delays or complications that have disrupted the construction process up to this point?

“Just waiting on the steel to be delivered, Hoffman does a good job making sure we’re staffed,” said Rado.

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“We are trying to keep it as a smaller venue, where the seats are going to be closer together,” said Rado. “Beaver Street will have a deeper concourse area than the other side of Reser, with hopes of fewer fans pushing and shoving others while walking, making it wide open for people to pass. While the restaurants that will be present are unknown currently, fans should rarely miss any big plays that occur when their fandom takes them to concessions.”

ABOVE: Richard Hayes, a union ironworker, prepares lead ropes as the crane lifts framing to the upper levels of the Reser Stadium renovation project.

On Sep 7, 2022 the construction site is bustling with activity as workers rush to meet the final deadline.


What is going to make Reser Stadium unique from the other stadiums in the Pac-12?


“We do not want people to feel like they are being spied on,” Anderson said. “[It is] important to me that the community knows that this is about safety.” Anderson explained the fatality of fast driving and that as the population of students at OSU rises, the rate of road collisions and traffic increases.Asfar as where the SpeedALERT 24 will be located, according to Anderson the trailer will be placed in many different locations on campus, mainly in areas where collisions are perpetual. Anderson said “we’re just trying to do our best to deploy our resources appropriately and where they’re needed, instead of just guessing.”

A consistently updating list of participating clubs is available on the BCF website.

There are advanced plans in effect for public safety, specifically regarding traffic control. The department introduces a new trailer technology to regulate and record data for speeds in curated areas of Shannoncampus.Anderson, Chief and Associate Vice President of Public Safety at OSU said her hope is that this new trailer will protect students and educate them on road safety.

The SpeedALERT 24 is easy to move around and the radar works automatically.

Oregon State University Associate Vice President for Public Safety/Chief of Police, Shanon Anderson (left) and Lieutenant Jim Yon in front of the new speed measuring sign outside of the public safety office on Sept. 6. The sign will be deployed on OSU campus to calm traffic and collect general traffic data.

By KATIE LIVERMORE News Contributor


“A lot of students most of the time don’t realize that [they] have access to CAPS, transportation services, and all of these other really cool services,” Pangan said. “Students don’t get exposure to that as much because a lot of the information that we try to pass on to them informing them about these clubs and services come in the form of brochures and

The Oregon State University Public Safety Department in Corvallis, Ore. has acquired a new portable radar message sign called the SpeedALERT 24 for fall term.

According to Anderson, the trailer has flashing lights that alert drivers of their speed, and the speed can be changed as needed.

The trailer will not be used to enforce road laws at least to begin the process, Anderson said. Instead, it will be used for applications such as traffic control, construction, collecting data, and even to write letters to students for educational purposes.

The annual 12th Beaver Community Fair returns on Sept. 30 from 12:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m., allowing students to gain familiarity with what their school and community has to offer.OSU

“If somebody hands you something, especially at one of these events, just take it,” Pangan said. “You’re better off getting a piece of information that you may or may not need than not getting a piece of information that you needed but never got.”

magazines.”BCFallows students to get an idea of what these clubs and services are about in person along with their peers, which Pangan believes creates a more engaging and lasting experience than a piece of paper they’ll likely throwPanganaway.emphasized that the event is a great way to build community, especially for freshmen and new students. According to him, the event helps them gain perspective about the size of the world and all the opportunities they have in front of them in college.

Paul Pangan compared the event to “going on a shopping spree,” and said that the event displays many of the organizations that students are paying for but often overlook.

By HALEY STARK News Contributor

OSU Public Safety Department Acquires New Device for Traffic Safety

Pangan encourages students who attend BCF to participate and open themselves to opportunities and experiences they may not have previously considered because it could aid them in the future.

Jim Yon, the Lieutenant of the OSU Public Safety Department said that the messages and alerts can be changed at the location of the department itself with wifi connection.

Program Council Event Specialist


According to the All Traffic Solutions website, the company from which the trailer originated, the SpeedALERT 24 signs “give drivers immediate feedback by displaying messages specific to their speed…or display dedicated messages… depending on your needs at the time.”

are different methods of traffic calmers such as speed bumps, traffic circles, and strategic parking of police vehicles in places where collisions occur

Over 200 booths representing Oregon State University clubs and local businesses will soon line the fields outside the Memorial Union and Student Experience Center Plaza in Corvallis, Ore.

The trailer is considered a traffic calmer; there

often.“Some drivers will slow down when they see the speed or the message,” Anderson said.

Photo courtesy of OSU Program Council depicting a past Beaver Community Fair. The beaver community fair features over 200 booths.

Preview: Beaver Community Fair

“It is a pilot program,” Hardison said. “If there are any other concerns that come up, we will retool and tailor it as we go, and then figure it

Local environmental organizations were another big contributor to the program.

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Launching Benton To Go has been a largely collaborative process. The idea initially came from Sally Starker, the owner of Ants on a Log Cafe.Starker’s restaurant already implemented a similar system with reusable glass bottles and jars for smoothies and food; expanding the program within the community was a logical next“Westep.started just in our own cafe doing that, but I really wanted to reach broader than that and to get the community and other restaurants involved and provide something that was easy for our customers to use, and a way to really educate as well,” Starker said.

By HALEY STARK News Contributor


Chef J.D. Monroe (left) with owner Waylon Pickett (right) displaying the Benton To Go box in front of Old World Deli

“So the options are, bring a container, get a container, bring a container, get a voucher, or bring a voucher and get a container;” Hardison said. “It’s just a circular economy, you can have one or the other.”

Benton To Go reusable container programlaunchesatninelocalrestaurants

UHDS General Manager Chris Anderson, who started the Eco2Go program, was credited by Starker as being one of the main sources of guidance for Benton To Go.

Emailout.”inquiries from other restaurants seeking to join Benton To Go indicate to Hardison that the program will continue to grow across Corvallis and the surrounding area of Benton County.

Benton To Go received funding from a variety of local donors, including grants from Benton County, Republic Services and Corvallis Odd Fellows.

After purchasing the container, typically in addition to a takeout meal, customers can then wash them out and bring them back to any of the participating restaurants. Here, they will be sterilized and the customer can receive another container or a voucher to receive one in the future.

and implementation of the containers.

Aug. 15 marked the launch of Benton To Go. For Old World Deli’s head chef J.D. Monroe and owner Waylon Pickett, the program has already been a success.


OSU University Housing and Dining Service’s Eco2Go and similar programs across Oregon were starting points for the design

Use a QR code scanner or Snapchat to view more informa tion on the Benton to Go program

Each container is made of recycled Bisphenol A-free plastic processed locally at Albany’s Atacama Manufacturing. Any damaged containers will be shipped back to Atacama and melted back down into new ones.

Partially inspired by Oregon State University’s Eco2Go program, Benton To Go’s new green reusable takeout boxes have arrived in select Corvallis and Philomath restaurants.Available for a one-time $7 purchase at any of the locations listed on the Corvallis Sustainability Coalition website, the program seeks to eliminate the waste of one-use takeout containers with a reusable option.

According to CSC Sustainability Outreach Specialist Jeanette Hardison, the steps to using the containers can be summed up by a simple mantra: “takeout, rinse, return.”

Starker started off by talking with Jennifer Brown at the Corvallis Environmental Center before eventually collaborating with Hardison and Annette Mills at CSC and Emily Daniel at First Alternative Co-op.

Whileone.”the initial reception has been positive, the restaurant does have one major wish for the program in the future.

The first committee meeting for Benton To Go was held last November, including the groups mentioned above along with the Benton County Health Department.

“We sold 15 of them in the first week. One woman came in and bought ten of them,” Monroe said. “So she just went and walked around to everyone who was in here and gave them

“One thing we’ve discussed is there’s only one size. So it’s a little hard to smush our sandwiches into them, so we’re hoping that if it catches on, there will become different sizes for different to-go orders,” Pickett said.

Starker also shared the wish to have a more diverse range of container sizes, and Hardison said that Benton To Go plans to take these requests into consideration over the next year as part of the program’s expansion efforts.

“The City has been working to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions since we first established goals focused on energy and ve hicle fuel emissions in 2011,” said Scott Dyb vad, sustainability coordinator for the city of Corvallis. “A shift to an electric bus fleet will not only further reduce emissions but also greatly improve local air quality, an important issue with two major highways going through downtown.”Priortothe option of transitioning to elec tric buses, the city switched fuel from biodies el to renewable diesel in 2019, which account ed for a large reduction in emissions from transit, Dybvad said.

of the Corvallis Buses that are planned to be replaced by EVs in

CTS Ridership fiscal




CTS’s service is funded by a transit operations fee, set at $3.44/month for a single-family household

year* *Night Owl and Philomath Connection not included in figures 2018: 1,077,609 2019: 931,985 2020: 455,007 2021: 701,807

With the allotment of money for two new buses, Corvallis will retire two old diesel bus es, furthering a city-wide commitment to sus tainability.

The Corvallis Transit System just received a $2.6 million grant from the Federal Transit Administration to purchase two electric bus es and a dedicated charging depot. This year, Corvallis was the only city government within the state to receive a grant.


NEW ELECTRIC BUSES Continued from page 1



In this image from Feb. 2022 is one the future by CTS.

Eventually, the city would like to convert the entire fleet to electric buses, said Timothy Bates, transit coordinator at CTS. By build ing a dedicated charging depot — located at CTS’s Public Works Facility in north east Cor vallis — all new buses will have a dedicated place to park for the night and recharge.

Residents can expect to see the first two new electric buses on the streets of Corvallis in March of 2023. This first pair had an atypi calWhenacquisition.thecity received CARES funding in 2021, they were able to allocate their annual appropriations from FTA to purchase the

The mantle will be officially passed down Dec.According30. to Hurley, the timing worked out for Hurley to be able to retire at a time when Harvey was well prepared to take the reins.

For those interested in an experience tailored to adults there is an additional showing exclusively for those who are 21+ on Oct. 1 at 8 p.m.. All of these showings will be taking place at 1200 Avery Park Drv., Corvallis.

Police chief of Corvallis to retire December, replacement to take over immediately after

Chief Harvey developed an interest in a career in law enforcement from having come from a family dedicated to the service and most specifically through the shared experiences he has with his step father.

In the interim between being appointed and officially taking on the role, Harvey will work closely with Hurley.

The transitionary period will last approximately five months from the time Harvey was appointed in mid-August to step into the role.

20 year old animal-free circus heads to Corvallis

Harvey has held multiple positions throughout his span of service.

Hurley has been on the force since 1995, when he started as a seasonal cadet with the Oregon State Police. Hurley served as the Chief of Police for the past two years.

“Running a police department is not a 9-to-5 job,” said Hurley. “I have enjoyed the challenge, the successes we have had and watching the staff around me develop and prepare to take on their next roles. I believe in giving the people around me the opportunity to fulfill the Appointedrole.”byCity Manager Mark Shepard, Harvey brings 25 years of experience to his new position where he is currently serving as a Captain of the Corvallis Police Department.

The show is about time, how it passes, changes and forms us into the people we become. It is an all-human experience, with no circus animals involved, so anyone worried about the ethics of circus animals need not be concerned.Thecast of the circus this year includes names such as aerial performer Alexis Hedrick, musician Jonathan Penalver, and knife thrower Tyler Beale, and the entire cast has collaborated on the development of their show.The show will also feature live and original music from Eric McFadden and Kate Vargas. They will be performing from Sept. 29 to Oct. 2 at various times.

“Personally and professionally it is an honor to be selected for the position,” said Harvey. “Professionally, I understand that the position comes with an enormous responsibility and commitment to serve.”

“This has allowed me to develop as a leader through increasing responsibility and experiences…I intend to build on his successes and continue moving the department in a positive direction.”

The website itself describes its show as “charmingly self-aware, raw, edgy, sometimes profound, and entirely family friendly.”

“Chief Hurley has been an amazing leader and mentor. He values transparency and community engagement between law enforcement and the public.” Harvey said.

Harvey’s previous positions include officer, detective, K-9 handler, sergeant and lieutenant.“These experiences have all prepared me to be chief,” said Harvey. “My biggest inspiration for seeking the position of chief is the opportunity to care for our staff and the community that the position will allow.”

Jason Harvey has been appointed the new Chief of Police in Corvallis, taking over for now retiring Chief Nick Hurley in late December 2022.


Tickets can be purchased in advance on their website, and “social bubble” seating is available.

“My parting advice to Captain Harvey would be to listen – to your staff, your community and your gut,” Hurley said. “Being the Chief doesn’t mean you always have the answer, but when you listen and process and critically think about how to respond based on our community’s and department’s values and principles, you will make the best decision because of it.”

For those with children ages 7-15, Flynn Creek will also be having a circus workshop on Oct. 1, from 10:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.


An aerial dancing member of the Flynn Creek Circus performs above an audience.

By CASSIDY HICKS News Contributor

By OLYVIA NEAL News Contributor

Prior to being appointed, Harvey has already been working directly under Hurley as the Captain of the community services division.

Use a QR code scanner or Snapchat to view more info on Flynn Creek Circus

Founded in 2002, the Flynn Creek Circus has been entertaining the pacific northwest for twenty years now. This September, the people of Corvallis have an opportunity to see their 2022 show.

According to Harvey, the responsibilities of the chief of police include many different competing interests and needs at the same time.“It is important to set a positive forward direction for the department that is in line with the values of the community we serve,” Harvey said.

Before serving the city of Corvallis through various positions at CPD, Harvey graduated from Portland State University with a degree in criminology and criminal justice. Harvey is also a graduate of the FBI Academy in Quantico, Va.


unexpected gets added or you have been juggling for a while and you start feeling exhausted? At that point you may end up losing your rhythm entirely and fail to get through your entire rotation of commitments.

self-care by getting in touch with your creative side. Then there is the fitness center where you can take care of your physical well-being by working out, playing various sports, or even rock climbing. All sorts of activities fall under the umbrella of self-care as long as they are healthy ways of managing your emotional, physical, and psychological well-being.


She is intimately familiar with what it takes to have multiple and sometimes conflicting commitments, much like students. She gave insight into what self-care looks like for her and how she maintains her health while juggling.“Recently, I have acquired a Life Coach who helps me define my priorities and create a healthy balance,” Cooper Griffin said. “There are a lot of things you can do to help yourself maintain a healthy balance in your life, some of which are maintaining a healthy diet, getting regular exercise, getting enough sleep,and taking time to myself when I need it. Also having friends and family who are supportive and cutting out negatives when I can: and writing is a big part of my self-care routine.”Manypeople, like Kimberly Cooper Griffin, seek outside help when trying to maintain a healthy self-care routine. Luckily at Oregon State University there are many available resources for students and faculty to take advantage of while on or off campus.

Cooper Griffin commented, “It’s helpful to turn to outside help sometimes because it can give you avenues to self-care you may not necessarily find on your own. And these are things like life coaches, therapists, dieticians, trainers, and specialized groups. When you

Being a student is a juggling act, you have all these engagements to maintain and may constantly be struggling to balance them all. Juggling is easy when you have energy and keep a manageable number of items in rotation but what happens when something

Personal health: The importance of self-care


Self-care may be different for everyone but it is essentially taking the time and effort to do something for yourself. For some people that looks like watching your favorite television show, playing video games, following a morning routine, getting your haircut, taking a nap, etc. but it is always going to be something that helps you maintain some form of personal health.

The Student Experience Center houses the craft center which is a great place to practice

belong to an organization such as a college, university, company, recreation center, and the like, it becomes easier to find these resources rather than doing it all on your own.”

to develop a self-care routine early is key. Once you have the habit down it becomes much easier to maintain when you could be struggling. Don’t let your commitments get ahead of you and try to implement at least one item of self-care a day.

It can be all too easy to get caught up in the day-to-day activities that demand your attention, like work, school, and your social life. However, it is important to take care of yourself by performing those necessary selfcare

Self-care is something that everyone talks about but almost never follows through on. Maintaining your well-being through self-care is undoubtedly one of the most important things you can do to keep yourself stable throughout the ups and downs of your life. As students it is even more important to maintain self care.

The Counseling and Psychological Services on the OSU website have excellent services and resources to look into, including crisis care, single session clinic, support and therapy groups, the mind spa and mindfulness meditation, short-term individual counseling, and many more.


Oleg Volkov, a mathematics and computer science major is pictured in Dixon Recreation Center on Sept. 5. Working out can be a great way to engage in self care and aid ones mental health.

Make your self-care activity enjoyable, the best self-care won’t feel like a chore and you may not even notice the practice as being beneficial in the moment but it will ultimately keep you stable in the long run.

There are so many things the OSU campus has to offer their students and faculty, and with a few deft searches of the OSU website you can find them.

Students are rarely ever just students, we often have multiple time commitments throughout any given day and priorities can sometimes be hard to manage. Self-care will frequently take a back seat to all those other things in life that get in the way.

It may feel impossible to get anything done while taking care of yourself; making self-care a routine can go a long way in being able to set and keep your priorities.

Inspiration is a core value, whether giving or looking for it, in everything I do. Making sure that I prioritize self-care enables me to be open to Kimberlyinspiration.”Cooper Griffin is the CEO of InkStacks, the Director of Education for the Golden Crown Literary Society, and a published author with Bold Strokes Books.

However, self-care is often what allows people to keep going even during the most stressful times. Self-care is maintaining a person’s psychological, emotional, and physical well-being and looks different for every person.

“As a person who wears many hats, including: CEO, educator, author, wife and mother, it is critical for me to be aware of how I am feeling and dealing with multiple stresses in a healthy way,” said Kimberly Cooper Griffin the CEO of Inkstacks. “Finding the right balance between work and life is very important and being in touch with self-care lets me know when I need to take a break.


YAYS & NAYS YAYS • 8 hours of Sunday Football • Scarf and hat weather • New year of the Ba rometer • Seeing old friends again • Thrifting and student disounts • Classes starting NAYS • Setting up canvas • Moving • Climate change • Shorter days • Spiders coming inside • Negativity • Monkeypox • Bad hair days The Barometer lists OSU’s favorite and least favorite things this month. ICOSAHEDRON: PRINTER-LUDE SEPTEMBER





Today is an 8 — Show respect and gain love. Pull together with a shared challenge. Invite participation. New facts dispel old fears. Revise team strategies for new conditions.


Today is an 8 — You can get the resources you need in the short term. Allow an insider advantage. Provide excellent service. Patiently navigate delays. Use your persuasive charms.

Today is a 7 — Collaborate around a challenge. Stay patient with your partner. Don’t say something you’d later regret. Focus on shared interests, passions and love to advance together.

Today is a 7 — Adapt a professional project around a breakdown or delay. Polish, beautify and refine. Take advantage of an unexpected opportunity. Keep communication channels open.

Today is an 8 — Deadlines or obligations may loom. Reduce distractions. Take advantage of a lucky break. Handle urgent matters first and then clean up later. Stay in communication.


Today is a 6 — Imagine perfection. Avoid crowds, noise or surprises. Peace and quiet gives you space to think. Consider plans and strategies. Go for what you love.

Today is an 8 — Avoid discussion as you manage shared motivates.Lovefundscurrent.abound.Misunderstandingsfinances.KeepaccountsGeneratethetocoverashortfall.inspiresand


LIBRA (SEPT. 23 - OCT. 22)

LEO (JULY 23 - AUG. 22)

16 • DAILYBAROMETER.COM • SEPTEMBER 19, 2022 CROSSWORD HOROSCOPE SUDOKU PUZZLES ACROSS 1 Roll for wrapping wounds 6 Leopard marking 10 Pioneering TV brand 13 __ jar: 3028between2726forces2221nickname19the17California16ofname1514preserverpreservesNovelistCalvinoLipbalmbrandwhoseisshortfor“evolutionsmooth”2000steendramasetin*Parklightrechargedbysun__City:DetroitWhat“meow”maymean*StreetfeaturethatdriverstoslowdownClarifyingwordsContentiousterritoryairplaneseatsRebukefromCaesar“Vayacon__” 31 Texas politician Beto 34 Defib expert 35 *Winter Olympics 38structureFrequently, in verse 40 Eyes, in slang 42 In short supply 43 Filmmaker Wachowski 44 Partygoer 47 Piglike forest dweller 50 *Program for aspiring 5452astronautsWowsEastCoast rte. 55 *Cube added to tea 57 Odometer reading 61 Flight safety org. 62 Little bits 63 Verdi composition 64 Hankering 65 Hive insects 66 Walk heavily, or a threeword hint to the answers to the starred clues DOWN 1 Clock setting in Eng. 2 Ooh and __ 3 Employ 4 Generation Z, colloquially 5 Convert into cipher 6 Hurricane, e.g. 7 Friend 8 German chancellor Scholz 9 Went wild on the dance floor 10 Aptly named novelist 2423singer22201814mecca12punctuation11CharlesPause-causingColoradosnowboarding“Thejury__”Ring-tailedprimateConan’sformernetwork“TheSweetestTaboo”SpruceoneselfupHamituponstage 25 Lima’s land 29 Actor Hanks 31 Tropicana products, for 32shortFluffy-eared marsupial 33 Zimbalist Jr. of old TV 35 Part of a pork rack 36 Barbie’s beau 37 Golden yrs. funds 39 U. of Maryland player 41 “My Fair Lady” role 42 Proof of purchase 44 Speaks hoarsely 45 Green prefix 46 Pays using an app 47 Scrumptious 48 Cause to chuckle 49 Solstice celebrator 51 Mountain lions 53 __ gin fizz 56 SLC athlete 58 Sign before Virgo 59 Verbal hesitation 60 Tree gunk MONDAY SEPTEMBER 19 TH , 2022

Today is a 9 — Take care of personal business. Avoid someone else’s argument. Keep your objective in mind. Draw upon hidden resources. Advance with charm and humor.

Today is a 7 — Do the homework to advance your investigation. Listen to intuition. Follow an irresistible thread. Expect traffic and delays. Lay low and plot your course.

Today is a 7 — Support family with a heregoodencouragementhighormisunderstandingchallenge,conflict.Taketheroad.Provideandadvice.Focusonandnow.Loveheals.




Today is a 7 — Prioritize health, work and fitness despite challenges. Take it slow for the tricky parts. Use gentle pressure rather than force. Maintain routines and practices.


Today is a 7 — Obstacles or misunderstandings could interrupt the fun. Keep it light. Listening is more powerful than speaking. Let others know they are seen and heard.Talk about love.


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