Volume CXVI No. 55
Lecturer discusses sex in Europe
By Kimberly Wilson Campus Correspondent
RECKLESS GENTS AND HORSE LINCOLN make students laugh Improv groups perform at the U. FOCUS/ page 7
Friday, November 12, 2010
Dagmar Herzog presented the lecture: “Sexuality in Europe: A Twentieth-Century History” in the Biology Physics building Thursday. Herzog is a Daniel Rose Faculty Scholar and a professor of history at the Graduate Center, City University of New York. Herzog has writtenon topics such as the histories of sexuality and gender, theology and religion and Jewish-Christian relations and Holocaust memory. She has edited anthologies on sexuality in the Third Reich and sexuality
in 20th century Austria. Herzog’s lecture focused on the 20th century, or as Herzog calls, “the century of sex.” “Sex is so interwoven with economics, religion, and politics,” Herzog said. “There are many ways one can tell the story of sex through the past 100 years.” Herzog discussed many aspects of sexuality in Europe during the 20th century, including backlash against liberalization, sexual ambivalences and the struggle between religion and politics concerning sexuality. Her lecture also addressed how market forces and techno-
logical advances play a large role in shaping Europe’s views on sexuality, and how these views on sexuality have changed over time. The lecture was followed by a question and answer session. One attendee asked, “How did European families feel about premarital sex?” “Pre-marital sex, as well as extra-marital sex, is common in Europe,” Herzog said. “It is expected that a large percentage of teenagers will have pre-marital sex, and it is not kept a secret that this occurs.” An attendee questioned how
LILIAN DUREY/The Daily Campus
Prof. Herzog discusses sexualiwty in Europe at the Biology/Physics building Thursday afternoon.
Students react to Gov. election » HERZOG, page 2
MSA holds Haji dinner
By Keriana Kachmar Senior Staff Writer
BACK IN THE THICK OF IT UConn beats Pitt, now one game back in the Big East. SPORTS/ page 14 EDITORIAL: ELECTION MISTAKES NEED BIPARTISAN REVIEW Mistakes in election were unacceptable.
COMMENTARY/page 4 INSIDE NEWS: SOME U.S. REBUILDING MONEY IS FINALLY HEADED TO HATI U.S. will transfer $120 million to Hati Restoration Fund. NEWS/ page 2
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The Daily Campus 11 Dog Lane Storrs, CT 06268 Box U-4189
By Hina Samnani Staff Writer
On Monday, nearly a week after Election Day, Republican gubernatorial candidate Tom Foley conceded to Democratic candidate Dan Malloy. The election was marked by confusion and controversy when Bridgeport officials did not have enough ballots for the voter turnout. Students were split on the topic – some convinced that the election was fair while others were not so sure. John Peters, a 3rd-semester biology major, was happy with the results. “It was pretty crazy with the almost-recount,” Peters said. “It was pretty surprising that it came down to such few votes. [The Bridgeport incident] really shouldn’t have happened. They should have been more prepared for the voter turnout, especially for big election like the governor, but things do go wrong and they handled it well.” Austin Longendyke, 3rdsemester American studies major, thought that the Bridgeport incident took away from the integrity of the election. “It’s odd that photocopied ballots were counted, while thousands of absentee ballots are discounted every election because of signing them improperly or sealing them incorrectly,” Longendyke said. “It’s also suspicious that another bag of Bridgeport ballots was
» STUDENTS page 2
Dan Malloy, who won the Connecticut governor’s race, finishes a news conference at the Capitol in Hartford, Conn., Monday.
Foxwoods gets new CEO HARTFORD (AP) — The new chief executive of Foxwoods Resort Casino’s parent company said Thursday he will renegotiate debt and work with new partners as the eastern Connecticut hotel and casino looks to boost revenue and profit. Scott Butera, whose appointment as head of Mashantucket Pequot Gaming Enterprises was announced Thursday, said in an interview he will look to establish relationships with partners to be more competitive. He did not identify possible partners. “We can work with other partners to bring new life to the property and morph into something more competitive,” he said. The Mashantucket Pequot Indians, who run the casino, announced in August a deal with music company Live Nation that gives Foxwoods
the naming rights to the former Hilton Theater — now Foxwoods Theater — on 42nd Street in New York. The Foxwoods brand will be used on all exterior and interior signs. That’s the kind of deal Foxwoods will consider to extend its brand, Butera said. In addition, arrangements with other related businesses can be “quite profitable,” he said. Revenue for fiscal 2009-10 fell 8 percent from the previous year, to $652.2 million from $708.6 million. Foxwoods and neighboring Mohegan Sun are seeking ways to draw customers despite the weak recovery from the recession. The two casinos face the prospect of greater competition from New York and Massachusetts. State lawmakers in Massachusetts failed to agree on legislation this year that would permit casinos, but
Scott Butera answers questions during a news conference announcing his appointment as the new president and chief executive officer of Foxwoods Thursday.
the issue will be back on the agenda in 2011. And the Shinnecocks, a small Indian tribe on New York’s Long
Island, won a decades-long fight this year for federal recognition, bringing it one step closer to opening a casino.
As Ramadan, the Muslim holy month of fasting, has receded into the summer and out of the academic year, the Muslim Students Association (MSA) transformed their annual “Ramadan Awareness Dinner” into the first ever “Hajj Awareness Dinner” that took place last night in the Rome Ballroom. Hajj, the Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca, is an obligation that every Muslim must complete. The MSA discussed the importance of this pilgrimage to a diverse audience at their awareness dinner. The Hajj pilgrimage takes place annually this time of the year. Muslims from all over the world come together to worship in Mecca. “It’s this unity.” Zabihullah Mamum, a 5th-semester management information systems major and the president of the MSA, said. “Everyone wears the same clothes, does the same things and travels in groups. It creates this Muslim community.” The guest speaker, Dr. Shadee Elmasry, a graduate student at Yale University, talked about the origins of this pilgrimage. “Hajj is not a Muhammad tradition, like Ramadan,” Elmasry explained. “Hajj was founded by Abraham, the father of the prophets. When we contemplate and think about Abraham, we think about all of the prophets.” He further explained the main reason why Muslims perform Hajj. Hajj is the dikhr, or remembrance, of our faith—and that is why it starts with Abraham,” Elmasry said. The advisor of the club and the dean of the computer science and engineering department, Dr. Reda Ammar, thanked the audience for coming to the dinner. “We, Muslims have become integrated into this community— the UConn community—and I thank UConn for that,” he said. Laura Reynolds, a 5th-semester communications major, came to the Hajj Awareness Dinner mainly to learn about this UConn tradition. “When you submerge yourself in another culture you really get to learn how other people live and how they view life,” she said. “It was both enjoyable and entertaining. More people should go out and try experiencing something new, they may learn something.” The dinner commenced with a question-and-answer portion and a performance of Islamic poetry by a member of the club.
What’s on at UConn this weekend... Friday Climate Change Lecture 2 – 3 p.m. Hollister Hall, EcoHouse Listen to Dr. Bruce Kahn, a director for Deutsche Bank’s Climate Change Advisors, discuss investment outcomes for scarce resources.
Saturday Ludacris 8 – 10 p.m. Jorgensen See Luda perform in SUBOG’s fall concert at Jorgensen.
Sunday “Wooden Sword” 3 – 5 p.m. Nafe Katter Theatre Experience this opera, which is based on a fourteenth-century Afghan story. Admisson is $7.50 for students.
Sunday UConn Polo 2 – 5 p.m. Horsebarn Hill Arena Watch the UConn men take on Cornell. - JAY POLANSKY