Friday, November 19, 2010
Volume CXVI No. 60
Citizens of the world
‘merchants of bollywood’
Show brings taste of India to the Jorgensen.
UConn heads to Hawaii for Maui Invitational. SPORTS/ page 14 EDITORIAL: WE NEED MORE THAN NEW HAVEN’S ED. PROGRAM Money should be invested in high schools. COMMENTARY/page 4 INSIDE NEWS: CONNPIRG HOLDS FOOD DRIVE Food collected over Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week. NEWS/ page 2
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The Daily Campus 11 Dog Lane Storrs, CT 06268 Box U-4189
Sorority raises money to aid blind youth
By Alyssa Najm Campus Correspondent
FOCUS/ page 7
On Tuesday and Wednesday evenings the sisters of Delta Gamma organized a philanthropy activity to benefit legally blind children.
KELLY GANLEY/The Daily Campus
Jummy Aremu, a 3-rd semester economics major (left), Qiming Wang, a graduate student studying genetics (center) and Ariel Brand, a 3rd-semester English major, discuss citizenship.
Students, faculty, staff discuss global citizenship By Keriana Kachmar Senior Staff Writer Last night, students, faculty and staff gathered at Hillel House for the first Interactive Exchange on Global Citizenship and Service. The conversation was centered on what it means to do service and what it means to have global citizenship. When first entering the room, participants sat in small clusters and discussed the first few questions. After every few questions, everyone moved around to form new discus-
sion groups. The first cluster of questions addressed the definition of service. “We talked about two types of service – environmental service and educational service,” said Morad Behandish, a mechanical engineering graduate student from Iran. “It’s when you give something to society without getting anything back. But in reality, you do gain something, and, in the long term, society will grow. In general, communities in which people help each other have a higher survival rate.” Other questions addressed
what it means to be a global citizen, and how international initiatives such as the Peace Corps play a role in global citizenship. “We spoke about community service and how essential it is for one to grow into a global citizen. A lot of people are apathetic about community service and we discussed ways to get people involved and interested in community service, and global citizenship,” said Mario Moreno, a 1st-semester undecided major. The event began simply
» STUDENT, page 2
“Service events allow us to show a different side of sororities that most people don’t normally see. It is much different from our stereotypes,” -Amymarie Esposito, 7th-semester communicaitons major
The sisters pasted colorful miniature pom poms onto square foam cutouts with a letter from the Braille alphabet on each. These alphabet
cards will then be donated to a local blind center for young children who have lost their vision so that they can learn the Braille alphabet in a more interactive way. The Delta Gamma program is called Service for Sight. Each sister helped their sorority’s cause through a hands-on experience. Stephanie Davison, a 7thsemester nutritional science major, is the vice president of foundations of Delta Gamma. She organized this service project, and brought the sorority sisters together to support the cause. The sisters believe this is an exceptional opportunity to help others in the community. “Service events allow us to show a different side of sororities that most people don’t normally see. It is much different from our stereotypes,” said Becca Brooks, a 3rdsemester pre-elementary education major and second-year member of Delta Gamma. Newly initiated members Jamie Girolamo, a 1st-semester fine arts major, and Hayley Crombleholme, a 1st-semester history major, agreed that they feel fortunate to be a part of the sisterhood, especially during the upcoming holiday season. “Service events allow us to show a different side of sororities that most people don’t normally see,” said Amymarie Esposito, a 7th-semester communications major. “It is much different from our stereotypes.
Obituary: Jason USG senator discusses Proteau, 18, of Spring Weekend issue New Fairfield
By John Sherman Campus Correspondent
Jordan Hegel, McMahon’s Undergraduate Student Government senator, held an open meeting to discuss Spring Weekend Thursday night in the McMahon study lounge. Hegel invited members of university law enforcement and administration, as well as the entire student body, to hear suggestions on how to deal with the burdensome celebration. Fully realizing the complexity of the issue, Hegel designed the meeting so that all aspects of Spring Weekend could be examined. Once the meeting started, however, Hegel could only speak for himself. “I’m somewhat moderate on the issue,” Hegel said before addressing both the positive and negative characteristics of the three-day party. “It is a way for students to come together and see friends, it’s about decompressing before finals, it really just is an avenue for students to have fun. But it is getting out of
control.” Hegel pointedly addressed the passing of UConn student Jafar B. Karzoun, who was assaulted on Spring Weekend and later died from his injuries, to call to attention the seriousness of the issue. Although admittedly being without answers on how to fix Spring Weekend, Hegel, at the very least, had a noticeable sense of urgency. “The tragedy has already occurred,” Hegel said. “What we need to do is take ownership of [Spring Weekend]. I don’t know how to go about that, but we need to do something.” Hegel is an advocate of more university-sponsored events during Spring Weekend that may act as an alternative to the popular, unsanctioned offcampus events. Clive Richards, a 6th-semester political science major and USG vice president, attended the meeting to share his thoughts on Spring Weekend and to address what, year after year, seem to be futile attempts by university
officials to combat it. Providing a counterpoint to the university-sponsored events that Hegel would like to see more of, Richards issued his opinion of official university sponsored events: that they they don’t work. “They’ve tried that stuff in the past and no one shows up. I’ve had several conversations about this,” Richards said. “They’ve had good ideas, concerts that were either poorly attended or concerts that had great attendance. But people just go to the same things afterwards.” The meeting ended prematurely, but Hegel suggested that there would be more mto come. “The goal of this meeting was to start the conversation, to educate,” Hegel said. When asked about continuing his efforts to control Spring Weekend, Hegel made very clear that the conversation was far from over.
By Russell O’Brien Campus Correspondent On Oct. 30, UConn student Jason Proteau died in a car crash on Route 15 in North Haven. Proteau was an 18-year-old freshman from New Fairfield. He graduated from New Fairfield High School where he was a member of the Spanish Honor Society and the National Honor Society. He was interested in pursuing a degree in education at UConn. “He was a shy kid, but when he opened up he could be the funniest kid in the room,” said Matthew McCandless, a 1stsemester business major. “He was always a peacemaker.” McMandless played ice hockey with Proteau in high school, and went to the same church. McCandless said Proteau liked UConn, and planned to become a teacher after college. “I never really knew Jason personally, but I only ever heard great things about him,” said Tripp Johnson, another former
student at New Fairfield High School. “He was nice, caring, funny, compassionate, respectful. I never remember seeing him without a smile on his face either. He played hockey and watched ‘The Price is Right’ a lot.” “His death is a heartbreaking loss for his family and for our entire university community,” said university spokesperson Michael Kirk. According to an article in the Connecticut Post, on the day of the crash, Jason was traveling to meet family members at his grandmother's nursing home in Plymouth. Proteau's wake was held on Nov. 3, and his funeral was held on Nov. 4. According to the Connecticut Post, he is survived by his parents, Jacques and Kathy Proteau, and an older sister, Nicole, who is a student at Western Connecticut State University. Proteau’s family did not return a call asking for comment.
Here’s what’s on at UConn this weekend: Friday Physics Colloquium 4 – 5:30 p.m. Gant Science Complex, P-38 Harvard professor Subir Sachdev is scheduled to discuss “The Phase Diagrams of the High Temperature Superconductor.”
Friday Making Maps Online 4 – 5 p.m. Homer Babbidge Library The library is planning to host a workshop on online map making using ArcGIS.com in the undergraduate research classroom.
Saturday Ice Hockey Match 7 – 9 p.m. Mark Edward Freitas Ice Forum Watch the Huskies take on American International University.
Sunday Thanksgiving Recess Offically Begins Happy Thanksgiving UConn! -JAY POLANSKY