Volume CXVI No. 62
Neag named No. 1 for kinesiology
By Sabrina Herrera Campus Correspondent
Melinda Doolittle joins the Boston Pops Saturday at venue’s reopening. FOCUS/ page 7
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
UConn’s doctoral kinesiology program was recently ranked No. 1 in the nation by the National Academy of Kinesiology. UConn stood up against 66 other institutions that offer doctoral programs, including Penn State and Columbia, ranked No. 2 and No. 4 respectively. The school’s program specializes in two fields: exercise science and sports manage-
ment, emphasizing the physical and social aspects. This includes studies in environmental physiology, exercise nutrition, thermodynamics and heat training. Dr. Carl Maresh, professor and department head of Kinesiology, accredits much of the program’s success to their well-developed, tight-knit facuty. With world renowned names in the field, like Dr. William Kraemer and Dr. Linda Pescatello, and other what Dr.
Maresh calls “stategic highers”, the small faculty of eleven publishes an average of 80 separate research papers each year. Maresh said it’s not just the faculty’s results that help in the program’s success, but also that the team aims to work together, to both support and feed off each other. “We try to engender collaboration in our students and let them know that collaboration is the only way to be successful,” Maresh said.
Maresh said the staff’s willingness and like-mindedness also creates a motivating environment for their students. “It develops this ‘trickle down effect.” I can see the motivation trickle down to the program’s students, all the way down through to masters and undergraduate level students,” Maresh said. Applicants to the doctoral program, whether they are looking to go into academia, research or government cor-
ESPN figures tell success stories
Walker scores 30 in comeback 62-55 win. SPORTS/ page 14 EDITORIAL: OBAMAS NO DIFFERENT THAN THE REST OF US
COMMENTARY/page 4 INSIDE NEWS: A BIT MORE VITAMIN D IS GOOD, BUT NOT TOO MUCH People from ages 1 to 70 should get no more than 600 IUs a day. NEWS/ page 2
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The Daily Campus 11 Dog Lane Storrs, CT 06268 Box U-4189
JIM ANDERSON/The Daily Campus
John Minton, associate producer for Sunday NFL Countdown on ESPN, speaks at a panel on Tuesday. The panel, hosted by the UConn Sports Business Association, consisted of four current ESPN employees who shared stories of their journeys to these positions.
By Abigail Ferrucci Campus Correspondent For students who dream of one day working for ESPN, the biggest name in sports, the reality might be closer than they thought. The UConn Sport Business Association hosted four ESPN staffers for a panel at the ITE building Tuesday night. The panelists were SportsCenter producer Jon Lavoie, associate producer for Sunday NFL Countdown John Minton, coordinating producer Maureen Hassett-Lindsey and SportsCenter anchor Kevin Negandhi. Each of the panelists shared their stories about how they arrived at ESPN. Regardless of the path they took, their advice to students hoping to break into the world of sports
reporting was similar: it will take a lot of hard work and persistence. “I don’t know if it was actually my resume or just my constant pestering that finally got me a job interview with ESPN,” Lavoie. John Minton, one of the two alumni on the panel, said that he knew in high school that he wanted to work for ESPN. Throughout college, everything he did was strategically planned to help him attain his goal. “It was too easy to be average, there were too many other people who were exactly the same as me,” Minton said. “What is really important is that you are putting yourself out there to be in the best position to succeed.” The speakers wanted students to know that those who want to become involved in the sports business should not limit themselves.
Kevin Negandhi, the most notable panel member, admitted that his job isn’t all fun and games. “There are probably 5,000 people that work at ESPN, and I only know a few hundred of them. But everybody’s job is important,” Neghandi said. “I get all the attention, good or bad. Whether something is actually my fault or if someone screws up behind the scenes, people still think it is the anchor’s fault.” Lavoie said he hadn’t always known that he wanted to work in sports, and because of this he had to work even harder later on. “I didn’t take the proper steps at UConn, but [later] I was persistent and I worked hard,
» HOPEFUL, page 2
Retiring Chris Dodd delivers final Senate speech WASHINGTON (AP) — Retiring Sen. Chris Dodd thanked his colleagues, supporters and friends as he delivered his final speech on the Senate floor Tuesday, saying he will miss both the people and his work, and he urged Congress to find paths to bipartisanship. Dodd, whose personable style won him friends in both parties, noted it is common for retiring senators to say they will miss the people, but not the work. “You won’t hear that from me,” he said. “Most assuredly I will miss the people of the Senate. But I will miss the work, as well.” Dodd thanked the people of Connecticut for his three decades in the Senate. He is the state’s longest serving senator. “I owe an enormous debt of gratitude to the people of Connecticut whose confidence, patience, and spirit has given my life and its
work meaning,” Dodd said. Dodd drew hugs, a few tears and praise from colleagues on the crowded Senate floor, a departure from the chamber’s usual formality, as his wife and two young daughters looked on from the gallery. Speaking as the lame duck session of Congress wraps up, Dodd bemoaned the corrosive power of big money in Congress. “Our electoral system is a mess,” he said. “Powerful financial interests, free to throw money about with little transparency, have corrupted the basic principles underlying our representative democracy. And, as a result, our political system at the federal level is completely dysfunctional.” Dodd, 66, announced in January that he would not seek a sixth term. At the time, he was trailing former Republican Congressman Rob Simmons in the polls.
» DEPARTMENT, page 2
Union rallies for Pratt & Whitney jobs in Conn.
First family sets good example for the nation to follow.
porations, should expect a difficult application process. The doctoral kinesiology program is selective and accepts one-fifth of its applicants, none without an interview. Ninety-four percent of those accepted decide to attend. These two things, selectivity and yield, are just a fraction of what the NAK takes into accournt when ranking programs. The NAK also accounts for students’ Graduate Record
Retiring Sen. Christopher Dodd, D- Conn., looks over his farewell speech in his office on Capitol Hill in Washington on Tuesday.
EAST HARTFORD (AP) — Angry union workers at Pratt & Whitney in Connecticut rallied Tuesday, demanding job security as the jet engine maker says it will shut two plants when its labor contract expires Sunday. About 200 union members, blowing whistles and horns, gathered at the International Association of Machinists’ East Hartford office across the street from Pratt & Whitney’s corporate headquarters. “We need to draw the line and tell this company it’s time to make a commitment to growing jobs in Connecticut,” chief union negotiator James Parent told the crowd. Several workers and retirees wore stickers that said “strike.” But Parent said in an interview he will not predict whether the two sides will find a compromise or workers walk out if an agreement is not reached. The Machinists beat the subsidiary of United Technologies Corp. in federal court earlier this year, preventing it from shutting two engine repair shops in Connecticut and shipping 1,000 jobs to Columbus, Ga., Japan and Singapore. But the legal victory is good only as long as the union’s three-year contract with Pratt & Whitney is in force. Pratt & Whitney said on its website it has tentatively decided to shut the plants, subject to negotiations. It will not discuss contract talks, but has cited declining business and competition. “These conditions will not change without action,” the company said. Gradual improvements in the economy and the aviation industry require agility to remain competitive, Pratt & Whitney said. Since 1993 the contract has required the company to make every reasonable effort to keep work in Connecticut in consultation with the Machinists. Recent proposals by the company would end that, the Machinists said. “The ax could fall on any or all of us at any time,” the union told its members. Parent said he told the company that if it seeks to end the job security provisions, “you have a hell of a fight on your hands.” “It’s absolutely, totally unacceptable,” he said. “It is hard to see, based on this proposal, how we reach agreement.” The battle over jobs is not new. Pratt & Whitney currently has 3,700 employees, which is 2,000 fewer than it had 10 years ago. The last strike against Pratt & Whitney was an 11-day walkout in December 2001. In December 2004, Machinists avoided a strike by rejecting the union leadership’s recommendation against a proposed contract. Union officials faulted the agreement for, among other reasons, lacking guarantees of job security.
Here’s what’s on at UConn today... Online Silent Auction All Day Online and Depot Campus More than 100 items will be up for bid to benefit UConn’s Community School for the Arts’ scholarship fund. Visit www.csa.uconn.edu/auction
Computer Drive 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. S.U., Table by Theater Donate your working computers to Computers 4 Education who will refurbish the computers and send them to underprivileged institutions in Hartford.
Gingerbread House Registration 2 – 5 p.m. Student Union Hallway Support Habitat for Humanity by registering to enter a gingerbread house-building contest. The price for admission is $10 and the submission deadline is December 7.
ART4AIDS 7 – 8 p.m. Student Union, 310 Come to the art gallery to view pieces made by UConn students and staff in observance of the HIV/AIDS pandemic. -VICTORIA SMEY