The Daily Campus Feb. 7

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Volume CXVII No. 86


Cultural centers offer scholarship opportunities By Samantha Ruggiero Campus Correspondent

THERE’S FEAST, THERE’s FAMINE Campus-wide event focuses on world hunger.

FOCUS/ page 7

Monday, February 7, 2011

Pursuing a higher education is certainly an expensive endeavor, but UConn’s cultural centers offer a diverse selection of scholarships for exceptional students. “We want to close the financial gaps to encourage students to succeed,” said Dr. Price, director of the H Fred Simons African American Cultural Center. “For some students, just a small amount of money

can go a long way.” The AACC, in conjunction with the African American Alumni Council will present their annual scholarship under the name of H. Fred Simons for the first time this year. In his honor, the AACC is looking for applicants that embody Simons’ legacy. “Simons is well-remembered as a leader who brought a small community together during a time of great unrest,” Price said. “Applicants should have a great character and have worked to enlarge and enrich

our community.” The application also requires a copy of the students’ official transcript, recommendation form and a 500-word essay. Students can download the application at The deadline is March 8. The Asian American Studies Institute’s Hira Jain Scholarship awards a minimum of $500 to “academically outstanding” UConn students. Application requirements include a 300-word essay and two letters of recommendation. For further information,

including a link to download the application, visit www. The deadline for applications is Feb. 16. The Women’s Center wishes to celebrate students who have tackled challenges concerning the welfare of women. The Women’s Center’s annual scholarship, 100 Years of Women, is open to UConn incoming freshmen, undergraduates and graduates. “Basically, we’re looking for students with a commitment to women’s issues as well as those who demonstrate

Writing Center wins award

merit and financial need,” said Kathy Fischer, associate director of the Women’s Center. Students interested should e-mail Stacey Musulin for the application packet and prepare two letters of recommendation. Completed applications must be sent by Feb. 25. Questions about financial aid and scholarships should contact the Office of Student Financial Aid Services or visit the office’s website.

Trustee Talk By Corey Schmitt Undergraduate Student Trustee By Adam Scianna Graduate Student Trustee

mitted a 30-page application to CCCC. “I just hoped for the best,” Deans said. The news came in the form of a press release from the National Council of Teachers of English. The certificate was awarded to two other programs, one at SUNY Binghamton and the other at Wheaton College. The CCCC wrote in the press release that “the Writing Center is running a rich, complex and ambitious program touching multiple aspects of students’ lives,” and the center is, “very busy, very diverse and very pro-active.” Between tutoring, grad

work, community outreach and partnerships with the library and the First Year Experience program, the Writing Center has exploded in recent years into an educational safety net that extends across the state. In the last three years, the Writing Center has helped publish over 60 articles of undergraduate, graduate and faculty research. “It’s a lot about working behind the scenes with departments and faculty,” Deans said. “Anywhere writing is concerned on campus we try to forge a true partnership.” The award represents a culmination of the program’s

achievements. “I think we’ve probably reached the capacity of what we can do; we’ve gotten busier and busier with tutoring,” Deans said. Tutoring is available at Homer Babbadge Library every day except Saturday, and at CLAS Monday through Thursday. The center also works with middle and high school students. “To get an external validation is one of the most rewarding things about this; in the field of writing study, it’s not political, its about merits,” Dean said.

group,” Jackson said. On why he chose to display his art at UConn, Jackson explained that his experience at UConn helped shape the way he viewed his identity. “It really gave me the passion to portray my history,” Jackson said. “I had so many great professors that challenged me.” Jackson was a former psychology major. “Black history is everyone’s history,” Jackson said. He pointed out that the traffic light and artificial heart were black inventions. These two particular contributions were portrayed in one of his pieces. The art will be displayed for the next week. The main ceremony for the kickoff of Black History Month was held in the Student Union Ballroom. It featured an introduction by Dr. Willena Kimpson Price, the director of the African American Cultural Center, and

several personal presentations on black history remembrance by student speakers “Black History is about the struggle, about where we have come today and what our hopes are for the future,” said Brian Burns, a 2nd-semester history major and one of the student speakers. “I learn not about some other war in a foreign land.” He also emphasized that even with a black president, there is still work to be done and it is up to the students to carry it out. “I was flattered when Dr. Price asked me to be a part of Black History Month,” Burns said. “I knew this is a very important event.” Lhens Vilson, another speaker, talked about how after all African Americans as a group have been through, it is only right that a month be set aside to remember black history. “It’s a celebration

because Martin Luther King’s dream came true,” Vilson said. “They really are our strength,” Price said about why studentled activities were the central events. “The students really have so much to say.” Entertainment was provided by student performers who sang and danced. The UConn Steel Pan Ensemble also performed. A dinner was held after the ceremony. Several student organizations, such as the Black Student Association, Brothers Reaching out to Society and Greek organizations tabled in the back. “We played for them at Quanza and it was such a great show and audience,” said Kathleen Fox, an 8th-semester communications and sociology double major. “Hopefully they’ll have us back as

Hey Huskies! Welcome back to another week here in beautiful Storrs. Well… at least what’s left of Storrs that can be seen after being ravaged by multiple snowstorms. I know both of us have not seen the inside of too many classrooms this week, and everyone at UConn (including the branch campus students) can relate to the sentiment of having probably watched several snow day movies and procrastinated doing our homework to the point where we all need yet another snow day to do it. This brings us to this week’s “Trustee Talk.” Did you know that every day on the Storrs campus alone there are about 1,200 class sections, according to information provided by President Austin’s Chief of Staff, Ron Schurin? This includes lectures, discussions, seminars, labs and practicums. On Jan. 18 (which was supposed to be our first day of classes for the semester), Jan. 27, Feb. 1 and 2, all classes were cancelled because of inclement weather. On Jan. 21, all morning classes were canceled and on Jan. 26 all evening classes were canceled. This means a grand total of about 5,600 class sections have been cancelled already this semester, and it’s only Feb. 7. As fun as snow days are, they have raised a lot of questions not only on an administrative level but also on the faculty and student levels as well. How are our classes affected? Is our syllabus just shortened? Do we need to catch up on what we missed on our own? What information am I responsible for when the exam comes around? These questions should be posed to your professors who should be able to answer them. Though university officials have thought about snow days in advance, we never really anticipated this of them would be necessary. We already have one “make-up day” worked in to the academic calendar on Saturday, March 26. It is on a weekend, but its use is at the discretion of the professor and department. After speaking with Chad Jens, an 8th-semester engineering student and the USG academic affairs chairman, he has informed us that he will be meeting with Vice President for Undergraduate Education Doug Cooper to discuss this issue and what the administration plans on doing to make sure that every student affected by the closings will get the most out of each of their classes. Chad also said there may

» ART, page 2

» SATURDAY, page 2


The Writing Center, located on the first floor of Homer Babbidge Library, is open every day except for Saturday. Tutors are also available in CLAS Monday through Thursday.

Universities pressured to keep grades high to help grads get jobs.

By Keelan Freitag Campus Correspondent

COMMENTARY/page 4 INSIDE NEWS: UCONN’S INMATE CONTRACT EYED FOR SAVINGS $100 million contract for health center to care for prisoners in danger. NEWS/ page 2

» weather MONDAY Chance of snow


High 32 Low 7

High 34 Low 7

» index Classifieds 3 Comics 5 Commentary 4 Crossword/Sudoku 5 Focus 7 InstantDaily 4 Sports 14

The Daily Campus 11 Dog Lane Storrs, CT 06268 Box U-4189


The Conference of College Composition and Communication (CCCC) announced in November that UConn’s Writing Center had won a Certificate of Excellence. English professor and Writing Center Director Tom Deans can barely wait to receive this award in Atlanta this April. UConn’s Writing Center began six years ago in an attempt to help students revise and edit their writing Deans said. In August, he and Associate Director Kathleen Tonry sub-

AACC kicks off Black History Month

By Russell O’Brien Staff Writer The African American Cultural Center held the opening ceremonies for Black History Month in the Student Union Ballroom Friday. Events included tabling by black student organizations, an art show and a ceremony and dinner. The art show featured art by Davis C. Jackson, a former UConn student. The show, titled “Elegant Identities,” featured artistic portrayals of prominent African American figures such as Alicia Keys, Jay Z and Marcus Garvey. Many paintings portrayed the African American community, its history and its contributions to society. Jackson focused on the life stories and personalities of the people he painted. “We are always evolving as a

What’s on at UConn today... Writing Center Workshop 5 to 7 p.m. Babbidge Electronic Classroom 1

Dairy Show Information Session 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. George White Room 209

The Writing Center’s grammar rodeo will highlight common grammatical errors.

Interested in participating in the UConn Dairy Show? Come to this informational session.

True Colors Conference Meeting 6 to 8 p.m. SU 403 This meeting is for anyone who wishes to volunteer at UConn’s True Colors Conference.

Among Men 7 to 8 p.m. SU 319 Discussion group for men who are or think they may be interested in other men. - JOE ADINOLFI

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