Jan. 7, 2012 e-edition

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Saturday Jan. 7,


50 cents

Daily Corinthian Vol. 116, No. 6

Partly sunny Today




• Corinth, Mississippi • 16 pages • 1 section

Fiber optic project begins Monday BY JEBB JOHNSTON jjohnston@dailycorinthian.com

Telepak is expected to begin placing fiber optic lines in two areas of Corinth on Monday. Some disruption of traffic is possible, according to city officials. The work is beginning in two areas — beginning at a cell tower near Gateway and heading up Shiloh Road to a tower near Henderson Road, and beginning just west of the Magnolia

Project will enable C Spire to launch 4G mobile broadband service in Corinth Regional Health Center and heading along Alcorn Drive. The contractor and street department will be working together to minimize traffic disruptions. Weather permitting, the

work is expected to be complete in three months. Officials have said the project will enable C Spire to launch 4G mobile broadband service in Corinth. The city recently completed a

lengthy process of hammering out a contract for construction stipulations and a franchise agreement. In other updates before the Board of Mayor and Aldermen this week, Police Chief David Lan-

caster informed the board that his department is purchasing fitness equipment for a workout area at the new justice center location. Using funds from a seized vehicle, the department is purchasing almost $5,000 in equipment. The department also needs a treadmill if anyone has one to donate, the chief said. An officers association is also contributing. The new equipment is expected to arrive in about six weeks.

Marching in the state capital House honors county’s oldest citizen Evetts Carpenter discusses upcoming state issues BY BOBBY J. SMITH bjsmith@dailycorinthian.com

participate in Bryant’s parade by the inaugural committee. “Our students are excited about the opportunity to represent our school and community in the pa-

A trio of local state representatives originated a House resolution honoring a man believed to be Alcorn County’s oldest citizen. A delegation comprised of district 1 Rep. Lester “Bubba” Carpenter, district 2 Rep. Nick Bain and district 3 Rep. Tracy Arnold asked the House to approve a resolution honoring Alcorn County’s Earskin Evetts, who will turn 106 on Monday. “I didn’t realize we had a person that old in Alcorn County,” said Carpenter. “Nick Earskin Evetts will be honored said we need to do by the Mississippi House as something. Tracy the Alcorn County resident joined in with us. We turns 106 years old Monday. all as a delegation He is believed to be Alcorn went in and asked the County’s oldest citizen. House members to do a resolution which basically honors somebody in our community.”

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Please see CARPENTER | 2

Photo by Kim Jobe / Corinth School District

The Corinth High School Band marches down Fillmore Street during November’s Veterans Day Parade.

Governor’s parade invites Corinth High band BY KIM JOBE Corinth School District

The Corinth High School Band will play a part in Mississippi Gov.-elect Phil Bryant’s upcoming inauguration. The Warrior musical group is one of three bands chosen to represent North Mississippi in Bryant’s Inaugural Parade that will kick-off in downtown Jackson at 2 p.m. Tuesday. The parade is open to the public. The route will crisscross downtown Jackson and end at the Mississippi State Fairgrounds. “I wanted this parade to capture the theme of my inauguration, ‘Rising Together,’ by show-

“Our students are excited about the opportunity to represent our school and community in the parade. They understand this is quite an honor and are working every day in preparation for it.” Bruce Dobbs Corinth High School Band director casing bands from all regions of the state” said Bryant. “More than 20 bands have been picked to play in the parade and as you can imagine, the selection process was not easy.” The CHS Band was invited to

Storm chaser shares photos during gallery exhibit BY JEBB JOHNSTON jjohnston@dailycorinthian.com

Most people run from tornadoes, but Lynda Whitfield is one of those who gives chase. “I was terrified of storms when I was growing up,” said Whitfield. “I guess you get older and confront your fears.” An avid painter in the past, she is now often behind the camera, seeking art in rotating wall clouds while dodging hail stones. Whitfield has taken some 4,000 photos on a number of storm-chasing “vacations.” A selection of her work is the featured exhibit for January at the Corinth Artist Guild Gallery, which hosts an opening reception with Whitfield on Sunday from 2 until 4 p.m. Selections are for sale with all proceeds benefiting the guild. Whitfield estimates she has seen 10 tornadoes since her first chase in 2009. She had a lively day during this past spring’s historic tornado outbreak on April 27 as she stalked storms with a professional chaser based in Alabama. They positioned themselves near Cullman, Ala., preparing to head north or south, depending on how the day’s storms developed.

Staff photo by Jebb Johnston

Please see WHITFIELD | 2

Lynda Whitfield has been pursuing tornadic storms since 2009 in search of striking photos. The Corinth Artist Guild Gallery is featuring her work during January, and an opening reception is Sunday from 2 until 4 p.m.

Index Stocks........7 Classified......14 Comics...... 13 Wisdom...... 12

Weather........5 Obituaries........ 3 Opinion........4 Sports 10-11

On this day in history 150 years ago “Our Col. Wirt Adams proposed yesterday to bet Twenty Thousand Dollars that peace would be made in Twenty days.” — Pvt. Joel Rivers, Adams Mississippi Cavalry. (Editor’s note: I hope he took the bet, peace was still several years away.)

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