021112 Corinth E-Edition

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Saturday Feb. 11,


50 cents

Daily Corinthian Vol. 116, No. 36

Partly sunny Today




• Corinth, Mississippi • 16 pages • 1 section

Farmington’s 4-way stop begins Monday BY BOBBY J. SMITH bjsmith@dailycorinthian.com

Farmington town officials are urging drivers to exercise caution on Monday — the first day of operation for a new four-way stop. The four-way stop will be at the junction of County Road 200 and the new Kimberly-

Clark Road by Dollar General and Farmington Town Hall. “This is something new for Farmington,” said Mayor Dale Fortenberry. “We just want to ask everybody to be extremely careful at this four-way. It’s going to be new Monday and we don’t want to have any accidents if we can help it.”

A Farmington Police Department patrol car will sit at the intersection with its lights on during the day to draw attention to the new stop signs, the mayor said. Fortenberry pointed out that the Kimberly-Clark Road to U.S. Highway 72 will not be open to traffic on Monday, but the four-

way stop will be in place. The road construction in Farmington has been ongoing for approximately 18 months, the mayor said, and its completion has been “a long way coming.” While the project is not entirely finished, construction crews and town officials can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Giveaway promotes forestry importance BY STEVE BEAVERS sbeavers@dailycorinthian.com

When the weather permits, a team of contractors will finish the striping on the road project, Fortenberry said. He emphasized the need for drivers to be careful as the road work wraps up. “We want this to go smooth as possible,” he said, “and see if we can get through the next few months without any accidents.”

Wildlife Tasting Supper returns

The seed has been planted as agencies attempt to grow the importance of forestry in Alcorn County. Local forestry agencies handed out over 3,000 seedlings on court square Friday morning as part of Mississippi’s observance of Arbor Day. The Alcorn County Extension Service, Forestry Commission and the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service teamed to giveaway the trees free to the public on a first-come, firstserved format. “We couldn’t get the sacks open quick enough,” said Sandy Mitchell, district clerk for the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service. “When we pulled up they were standing around ready to get some trees.” According to Mitchell the giveaway consisted of 2,000 pine and another 1,200 oak trees. “We were real fortunate to get the oak,” added the district clerk. “Most people want them for shade.” Mitchell Forestry provided the oak while Anthony Bull supplied the pine seedlings. “This is a tremendous opportunity for homeowners to get some quality trees,” said Extension Service County Director Patrick Poindexter. “All the agencies look forward to working with one another and pro-

Staff photo by Steve Beavers

How many chances do you get to pay for supper with a plate of squirrel and dumplings? At the upcoming 2012 Wildlife Tasting Supper, participants are encouraged to do just that. One wildlife dish will get one person in free. Otherwise, admission is $8 for adults and $5 for youth under 12. Organized annually by local agriculture and forestry agencies, the Wildlife Tasting Supper will be held Tuesday, Feb. 28, at the Crossroads Arena. “We encourage all cooks and outdoor enthusiasts to participate in this event,” said Sandy Mitchell, the district clerk for the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service in Alcorn County. “This event is fun for the whole family.” At 5 p.m. the doors open and registration begins for the Dish Contest. The supper will begin at 6 p.m. Categories for the Wildlife Tasting Supper and Dish Contest are: Antlered (deer, elk, moose, etc.); Land Critter (rabbit, bear, opossum, raccoon,

Please see TREES | 2

Bob Stevens with the Mississippi Forestry Commission bags some seedlings during the tree giveaway on Friday.

Please see SUPPER | 3

BY BOBBY J. SMITH bjsmith@dailycorinthian.com

Leadership Alcorn class shows some heart toward Head Start BY JEBB JOHNSTON jjohnston@dailycorinthian.com

Staff photo by Jebb Johnston

Leadership Alcorn participant Kayla Marsh helps Head Start students Kenadee Eaton (left) and Sydnee Norman with crafts for Valentine’s Day.

Valentine’s Day arrived early Friday at Corinth Head Start as leadership program participants gave gifts of time and supplies to the center’s 60 children. Participants in The Alliance’s Leadership Alcorn program sat with the children to craft Valentine’s greetings and left behind a bounty of supplies such as scissors, construction paper, yarn, glue and tape for future projects.

“We’re just letting them know somebody else is here to help them in addition to the employees working here,” said Leadership Alcorn member Reid Bostick. The leadership group is lining up sponsors to help give the children some other activities this year. Bostick said the current Leadership Alcorn members chose to focus on children and seniors and are also planning a project with a local nursing home. The Head Start personnel were

happy to put the children in contact with professionals from the community. “Whenever we can have volunteers come into our center, it not only increases the children’s learning, but it also makes the community aware that we exist,” said Karen Cook, center administrator. “It has truly been a blessing for us to have this many volunteers in.” Please see HEAD START | 2

Council for Economic Education honors Alcorn Central’s Lambert Special to the Daily Corinthian

NEW YORK — The Council for Economic Education (CEE) recently awarded 10 educators from around the nation with top honors in the fields of economic and financial literacy education. “We are thrilled to honor these educators for their contributions,” said CEE President and CEO Nan J. Morrison. “Ed-

ucators are the people who pass on the importance of financial literacy and economic education to our nation’s future — our students.” The high school winner of the John Morton Excellence in the Teaching of Economics award was Connie H. Lambert of Alcorn Central High School. Lambert has served in various roles as an instructional

leader for 37 years. She received the Master Teacher of Economics through the Mississippi Council on Economic Education. She incorporates economic concepts across the curriculum and conducts workshops on economic education for teachers. Her award was based on her resume, administrative and student letters of recommendation and her origi-

Index Stocks........7 Classified......14 Comics...... 13 Wisdom...... 12

Weather........5 Obituaries........ 3 Opinion........4 Sports........8

nal lesson plan titled, “Recall Recoil: Ethics and Economics,” which focuses on the economic decision-making behind product recall and the consequences of that action. “The need to educate our students with a sound economic and financial understanding has never been greater. These Please see LAMBERT | 3

On this day in history 150 years ago Confederate forces abandon Bowling Green, Ky. Union activities around Forts Henry and Donelson makes occupation of the city untenable and only the huge fort at Columbus remains of the Kentucky defensive line.

Connie Lambert is the winner of the John Morton Excellence in the Teaching of Economics Award.

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