Tuesday Feb. 14,
50 cents
Daily Corinthian Vol. 116, No. 38
Some sun Today
• Corinth, Mississippi • 16 pages • 1 section
District buys defibrillators BY JEBB JOHNSTON jjohnston@dailycorinthian.com
Trustees of the Corinth School District on Monday approved the purchase of automated external defibrillators to make the devices available on campuses throughout the district. While Magnolia Regional Health Center has said it will provide one to each school in response to a recent situation in which a student expe-
rienced cardiac arrest at a tennis practice, the school board authorized the superintendent to move forward with the purchase of an estimated 8 to 10 additional units. “We believe there is probably the need for us to have more than one per campus particularly because of the size of our campuses,” said Superintendent Lee Childress. AEDs are designed to be sim-
ple for anyone to use and are incorporated in many first aid and CPR classes. Prompt use of a defibrillator on a person experiencing cardiac arrest can greatly increase the possibility of survival. The hospital will provide training for school personnel in use of the devices. “My recommendation is that Please see DEFIBRILLATORS | 2
All you need is love ... and flowers ... and candy
Staff photo by Steve Beavers
Monday was the first day of a new four-way stop in Farmington.
Staff photo by Steve Beavers
Just For You Florist owner Becky Lattanzio (left) and Nancy Thrasher work on an arrangement for Valentine’s Day.
Farmington 4-way Florist: Don’t fall stop has no problems for ‘I don’t want first day on the job anything’ line BY STEVE BEAVERS
FARMINGTON — The first day of a new four-way stop saw no problems. “I’m real proud of the way everyone has paid attention,” said Mayor Dale Fortenberry. “Most everyone got the message and has been stopping.” The four-way stop is at the junction of County Road 200 and the new Kimberly-Clark Road that runs past Farmington Town Hall. A Farmington Police Department patrol car has been sitting at the intersection offand-on to remind drivers of the new stop signs.
“The car has been there in the morning and during schools hours in the afternoon when we have the most traffic,” said the mayor. Fortenberry says the patrol car will remain at the intersection during periods throughout the day for the rest of week. Although the KimberlyClark Road to U.S. Highway 72 was not open to traffic on Monday, the four-way stop was still in place. Road construction has been ongoing for 18 months in the town. When weather permits, a team of contractors will finish the striping on the road project.
BY STEVE BEAVERS sbeavers@dailycorinthian.com
The list is endless for men searching for the perfect Valentine’s Day gift. The only bad act of love is no act at all. “Women expect something on that day,” said Just For You Florist owner Becky Lattanzio. “Men shouldn’t fall for that line ‘I don’t want anything for Valentine’s Day.’” Lattanzio, who worked through most of the night on Monday, will be back at it early this morning filling orders. “The phone has been ringing all day,” she said Monday morning. “Most men wait until the last minute.” Please see VALENTINE’S | 2
Civil War Sesquicentennial Signature Event will be held at Pickwick park BY JEFF YORK For the Daily Corinthian
Shiloh National Military Park, a masterpiece of Civil War interpretation and preservation, will hold the 150th commemoration of its strategic battle during a series of events taking place March 29-April 8. The state’s 2012 Civil War Sesquicentennial Signature Event:
“Invasions by Rail and River: The Battle of Shiloh” will be held April 4-5 at Pickwick Landing State Park in Pickwick Dam. The Signature Event begins with the Looking Back project hosted by Tennessee State Library & Archives and also features a teacher’s workshop “Illuminating the Battle” hosted by Middle Tennessee State
University’s Center for Historic Preservation. There will be a red carpet film premiere of a state-of-the-art documentary The Story of Shiloh: Fiery Trial at 7 p.m. on April 4. Official Opening Ceremony will take place at 9 a.m. April 5 and will feature a forum with America’s foremost historians on the battle of Shiloh, living
Index Stocks........7 Classified......14 Comics...... 11 Wisdom...... 10
Weather........5 Obituaries........ 3 Opinion........4 Sports........8
history demonstrations, a special Sesquicentennial Civil War exhibit offering rare and unique artifacts from the Battle of Shiloh and a musical performance by The 52nd Regimental String Band. The event will kick off with the firing of an official Shiloh cannon at Pickwick Landing State Park. Co-chairs of the Tennessee
Civil War Sesquicentennial Commission, Commissioner Susan Whitaker, Tennessee Department of Tourist Development and Dr. Carroll Van West, director of MTSU Center for Historic Preservation and Tennessee Civil War National Heritage Area, will host the event.
On this day in history 150 years ago Two wooden and four ironclad gunboats commence a bombardment of Fort Donelson. Confederate artillery respond, causing the heavily damaged flotilla to withdraw. Despite the success, Confederate leaders make plans to abandon the fort.
Please see EVENT | 2