021612 Corinth E-Edition

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Thursday Feb. 16,


50 cents

Daily Corinthian Vol. 116, No. 40

Mostly cloudy Today




• Corinth, Mississippi • 16 pages • 1 section

‘No mo’: Tax service shuts Corinth office

Getting close to the goal

BY JEBB JOHNSTON jjohnston@dailycorinthian.com

The Corinth branch of a tax preparation service has apparently closed its doors, leaving some customers wondering when or if they will get their income tax refunds. Police Chief David Lancaster said his department began to get complaints about Mo Money Taxes on South Harper Road last week. “These are people who filed their tax returns with Mo Money and then didn’t get their refund checks,” he said. Detective Capt. Ralph Dance said people have also complained about exorbitant fees. He has taken eight to 10 complaints about the business. “They would tell people their check was coming back in so many days, but people were not getting their checks,” said

Dance. The business was apparently open as recently as late last week but, by Monday, there was a note on the door saying the business was closed for the season. Meredith Key, a customer of the Corinth branch of Mo Money Taxes, said her tax refund is in limbo and it is causing a hardship because her husband was laid off and her work hours have been cut. “The IRS is telling me there is nothing they can do because they’ve deposited the money into their account,” she said. “Now I don’t know if I’m ever going to get it.” She said she and some other customers waited for someone to show up at the business Saturday from the morning until 2 Please see TAX | 3

School district eyes key building projects BY JEBB JOHNSTON jjohnston@dailycorinthian.com

Staff photo by Steve Beavers

Pizza Inn owner Steve Henson shows Ruby and Christopher Patterson how the pizzas are cut at the business. A fundraiser to help transport local special-needs children to Disney World will be held tonight at Pizza Inn from 5-8 p.m. Organizer Havis Hurley says the children will receive 15 percent of what is taken in during 5-8 p.m. and all tips. Thus far, $19,200 has been raised to take around 40 children and adults to Disney on May 26.

The Corinth School District is beginning to move toward a new round of building projects focused on improvements at the high school and middle school campuses. The district’s board of trustees agreed on Monday to apply to the Mississippi Department of Education for qualified school construction bond funding that remains available from the federal stimulus programs. Board members planned to tour facilities this week to get a look at possible projects as they prepare

to formulate a priority list. The district seeks up to $5 million and has a list of projects totaling an estimated $6.2 million. “We have the ability to repay it without any type of tax increase,” said Superintendent Lee Childress. “It’s definitely something I think we should consider.” Board members received a list of possible projects to consider, and Childress emphasized that probably not every item on the list would be completed. All of the previous bond issue and qualified school construcPlease see PROJECTS | 3

Legislator connects Cook-off looking for some local chili favorites with people through Internet, Facebook BY MARK BOEHLER


BY BRANT SAPPINGTON bsappington@ dailycorinthian.com

A new legislator is taking advantage of technology to better connect with his constituents. District 3 State Rep. Tracy Arnold has established himself on the Internet with a website and a Facebook page that allow him to communicate and share information with the people of the district. The website, at www.williamtracyarnold.com, contains a variety of information about his background and his positions on the issues. It also includes a link to e-mail him with questions and concerns.

A local group of volunteers hopes this year’s Easter holiday weekend traditions around the dinner table will include a Southwestern flair. The fifth annual Crossroads Chili Cook-Off, which crowns official International Chili Society sanctioned Mississippi state champions in several categories, will be held Easter weekend this year. The popular event will be held from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday, April 7 at the Corinth Depot in downtown Corinth in conjunction with the Green Market’s fourth season. “This won’t happen every year,” said cook-off organizer Steve Knight about the event being held on Easter weekend. “We won’t face the situation for several more years.” The Green Market is traditionally held the first Saturday each month outside of cold winter months. When its event committee decided to not change the

Arnold said he’s particularly proud of the Facebook page, which can be found by logging into the popular social networking site and searching for William Tracy Arnold. The page allows him to share information and photos and to receive messages from those in the district who may have questions or concerns. “It’s just a better way to hear the voice of the people in District 3,” he said. Arnold represents most of Prentiss County and south Alcorn County, including the Rienzi area. Arnold said it’s important to him to understand what Please see ARNOLD | 2

Index Stocks........7 Classified......14 Comics...... 12 Wisdom...... 11

Weather........5 Obituaries........ 3 Opinion........4 Sports........8

date, the chili cook-off committee decided to hold the event on the same date despite conflicts some people may have. The April 6-7 weekend will also be full of activities at Shiloh National Military Park in conjunction with the 150th anniversary

of the two-day Civil War battle fought there. Although the chili cook-off is expecting a slight drop off in the number of sanctioned teams from out of state coming to comPlease see COOK-OFF | 2

On this day in history 150 years ago The Confederate stronghold at Fort Donelson surrenders to Gen. U.S. Grant in the first major battlefield loss by the Confederacy. Gen. Simon B. Buckner, a pre-war friend of Grant, was forced to give up 15,000 men and over 100 pieces of artillery.

Feb ru a ry 24, 2012 • CROSSROADS ARENA • 8:00 a.m.—12:00 p.m. This event is provided to you at no charge by Magnolia Regional Health Center, but reservations are required. SEATING IS LIMITED. To register, call 662.293.1200, or register online at www.MRHC.org.

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