031814 daily corinthian e edition

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Today: 32-page Special Edition

Tuesday March 18, 2014 50 cents



Smith. preserves history, transforms today’s cuisine.

Old Tishomingo Courthouse provides glimpse into past.

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Daily Corinthian Vol. 118, No. 65

Mostly sunny Today




20% chance of rain

• Corinth, Mississippi • 32 pages • 3 sections

Board questioned on procedures BY JEBB JOHNSTON jjohnston@dailycorinthian.com

After being ruled “out of order” in the board’s prior meeting, Tax Collector Larry Ross on Monday had some questions on meeting procedure for the Alcorn County Board of Supervisors.

During a discussion on March 3 of selling the county-owned Forrest School Road property that was previously targeted as a rubbish site, Board President Lowell Hinton did not allow Ross to speak when Ross asked to address the matter.

“I want some clarification on procedures and policies so that we’ll be able to be on the same page,” said Ross. A comment was made during the March 3 discussion about a tax reduction by the prior board. “Believing that the floor was

still open for discussion by the public,” said Ross, “I raised my hand and asked to address that point because I was at that meeting in 2007 as a citizen and not a tax collector when those taxes were reduced … Lowell, I ask you, you ruled me

out of order because I was not on the agenda and asked me to sit down. I would like to ask you, Lowell, how could I have been on the agenda to speak to something that was not on the Please see SUPERVISORS | 6A

Sales near 5,000 for Gilbert concert BY STEVE BEAVERS sbeavers@dailycorinthian.com

Staff photo by Zack Steen

The owners of six horses have agreed to release the animals to foster care.

Six horses released into foster care BY ZACK STEEN zsteen@dailycorinthian.com

Six horses sharing a pasture with a horse which had to be euthanized last week will soon have new homes. “My number one priority is the well being of the horses,” said Certified Horse Trainer Ricky Rogers. “The owner has agreed to release the six horses to foster care that remain on the Box Chapel Road property.” One week ago photos of what appeared to be a mistreated horse went viral. The photos showed the horse’s rib cage and hip bones. Outraged citizens began voicing their concern for the health of the animal.

The Corinth Police Department, Corinth-Alcorn Animal Shelter, Humane Society of Mississippi and PETA all pitched in to try to save the 24-year-old horse. A controversial TV news clip aired showing the horse active and standing. Less than an hour after the clip aired, the horse knelt to the ground, never to stand again. Local vet Dr. Matt McGee of Corinth Animal Care Center volunteered his services Wednesday to medicate the horse. He advised the owners to continue to nurse the horse with senior feed, hay and neutralized water. Ultimately the horse the cur-

rent owners had named Strawberry, was euthanized late Thursday. After outcries from countless local residents, results are finally happening on a case some still believe involved animal cruelty. Rogers, owner of SonShine Ranch, LLC in Iuka, was on the scene Monday with Chris Smith and Sandee Collier, the owners of the horses that remain on the property. “I have personally made an inspection of all six remaining horses owned by Mr. Smith. I found none of them are in any immediate danger. I feel like Please see HORSES | 3A

Brantley Gilbert is going to “Let It Ride” at the Crossroads Arena. The Academy of Country Music Awards 2013 Top New Male Artist is making Corinth a stop during his “Let It Ride” tour on March 29. Gilbert, along with specials guests Thomas Rhett and Eric Paslay, are set to perform an 8 p.m. show at the multi-purpose facility. “We are at 4,809 and still selling every minute,” said Crossroads Arena General manager Tammy Genovese of the tickets already sold. “It is going to be an exciting show and I can’t wait.”

Photo courtesy of Taste of Country

Brantley Gilbert will be appearing at the Crossroads Arena on March 29. Tickets for the show are $24.75, $29.75 and $37 along with a processing fee. Born in Jefferson, Ga., the 29-year-old country and country rock performer dePlease see GILBERT | 6A

Northeast hosting Spring Job Fair BY KIMBERLY SHELTON kshelton@dailycorinthian.com

Attention all businesses, Northeast Mississippi Community College is proud to present the NEMCC Spring 2014 Job Fair. The event will take place on April 24 from 11 a.m to 1:30 p.m. in the Bonner Arnold Coliseum. “As the economy contin-

ues to recover, the job fair provides employers with the opportunity to efficiently network with NEMCC students and alumni in order to attract qualified candidates for employment,” said Counselor, Carrie J. Cobb, M.Ed. “Additional incentives to attend include collaboration and Please see JOBS | 6A

MRHC offers new treatment option for PAD patients Laser atherectomy procedure removes artery blockages to restore blood flow to the legs BY STEVE BEAVERS sbeavers@dailycorinthian.com

Magnolia Regional Health Center has announced a new treatment option for those suffering from peripheral artery disease. The hospital becomes the first in the area to use the excimer laser technology of the

Spectranetics Corporation to eliminate artery blockages and restore blood flow in the legs of patients with PAD. “Patients should not be subjected to a life-altering ampu-

tation procedure when a minimally invasive option exists to restore blood flow to the legs and feet,” said Dr. Nelaman Selvaraj, DO,RPVI. “The Spectranetics laser atherectomy procedure may help improve quality of life for many patients.” Laser atherectomy, a minimally invasive procedure, uses

Index Stocks......8A Classified......4B Comics......3B State......5A

Weather....10A Obituaries......6A Opinion......4A Sports....12A

“cool” excimer laser technology similar to that used in LASIK for eye surgery, producing pulsed bursts of UV light energy that vaporizes arterial blockages. The treatment may aid in limb salvage and improve patient well-being. An alternative procedure, open surgical bypass, requires general anesthe-

sia during surgery and requires a much longer recovery period. Laser atherectomy typically takes only a couple of hours and the patient can usually go home within a day. The typical patient is back on his feet and able to resume normal activities Please see MRHC | 6A

On this day in history 150 years ago President Lincoln expresses gratitude at the Sanitary Commission Fair: “If all that has been said by orators and poets since the creation of the world in praise of women applied to the women of America, it would not do them justice for their conduct during this war.”

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