V G D R U V &URV Spring 2012
Inside today
The all new Crossroads magazine Spring edition
ner Business ow Jan Hurley hats wears many
Saturday March 24,
50 cents
Daily Corinthian Vol. 116, No. 72
Partly sunny Today
• Corinth, Mississippi • 16 pages • 1 section
Sales tax up; tourism tax down BY JEBB JOHNSTON jjohnston@dailycorinthian.com
Sales tax proceeds rose for a second consecutive month while tourism tax collections had a modest decrease in the latest results. Funds returned to municipali-
ties by the Mississippi Department of Revenue at mid-March reflect sales activity in local businesses during the month of January. Corinth’s share of sales tax revenue totaled $399,876,05, a 6 percent gain compared to the same month a year earlier, but the
overall trend of nearly flat results continues. The year-to-date total of $2.67 million is 1 percent ahead of the same point in the prior fiscal year. The city’s monthly result was on par with the state trend. Municipalities across the state received
a total of $28.79 million, a 7 percent gain in year-to-year comparisons. That was also reflected in the northeast region with nine of 11 municipalities posting gains. The 2 percent tourism tax on prepared food and lodging in Corinth generated $78,637.28,
down about $5,000, or 6 percent, from a year earlier. This month’s total is down from what was a record for the month a year earlier. For the year to date, the tourism tax has generated $497,700.58, Please see COLLECTIONS | 2A
Confederate soldiers will march to Shiloh BY JEBB JOHNSTON jjohnston@dailycorinthian.com
Staff photo by Steve Beavers
Eugene Thomas gives a friendly wave to passing motorists from his vegetable stand on Farmington Road.
Who’s the man behind the wave? BY STEVE BEAVERS sbeavers@dailycorinthian.com
FARMINGTON — Eugene Thomas doesn’t like sitting at home. The 72-year-old prefers to stay busy. Thomas does find something to do six days a week, peddling vegetables from a small table off
Farmington Road just West of Corinth. “I will be here until it gets so cold that I can’t stand it,” he said while giving his patented wave to passing motorists. Thomas and his wife, Jane, moved to the area from Starkville four years ago to be closer to their daughter, Teresa McIntosh, and
three grandchildren. For the past four years, the retired Methodist preacher and Holnam Cement Plant worker has assumed his usual spot near Jimmy Burcham’s shop on Farmington Road. His small table and truck are filled with Please see WAVE | 2A
Local residents can watch soldiers pack up and prepare to march to Shiloh on Thursday at the Corinth Civil War Interpretive Center. Breakfast is part of the event, as well. As part of the sesquicentennial anniversary commemoration of the Battle of Shiloh, a group of Confederate reenactors will set up camp on the bottom tier of the interpretive center grounds Wednesday evening. The camps will be open to the public from 6 until 8 p.m. The next morning, members of the public can have breakfast with the troops beginning at 7 a.m. The soldiers will begin their journey at 8 a.m. While there is a fee for the breakfast, the public is invited to view the event at no charge. Breakfast orders need to be placed with Museum Director Brandy Steen by Monday. The cost is $5 per person or free for children under 16 and $3 for people over 50. The cost is to be paid at the event. Steen is expecting much enthusiasm for the send-off. “It’s going to be a once in most of our lifetimes event,”
she said. Tourism Director Kristy White said more than 140 reenactors have signed on to participate. “This is an independent event not affiliated with either reenactment at Shiloh,” she said. “When they arrive at their destination, some will go to each reenactment, and some are not participating in the reenactments.” Following as closely as possible the route that soldiers actually took during the war, the reenactors will march from the interpretive center with a police escort, heading to Michie, Tenn., and then to Shiloh. The reenactors will receive ration bags containing two biscuits, two cornbread muffins, two corns on the cob, two apples, peanuts and about four pieces of cured pork. The breakfast includes one each of a biscuit, pastry and drink. Choose ham, sausage or bacon biscuit; honey bun, cherry/cream cheese Danish or cinnamon roll; and juice, coffee, water or Coke. (To place an order, contact the museum at 287-3120 or e-mail the order to director@crossroadsmuseum. com.)
Lone Star Rodeo: It’s a family business BY BOBBY J. SMITH bjsmith@dailycorinthian.com
It’s a Texas-sized show for the whole family. The Lone Star Rodeo continues at 7 p.m. tonight at Crossroads Arena. The Lone Star Rodeo Company is a family-oriented business that has provided “the best in western-style family entertainment” for 63 years. Lone Star Rodeo producer and owner Preston Fowlkes Jr. emphasized his rodeo is run by his family for other families.
“I’m the second generation Fowlkes in this rodeo. My son, Preston Fowlkes III, will take over when I quit doing it. We keep our family involved. My 4-year-old granddaughter Oralee rides a little red and white paint pony — it’s cute as a button,” said Fowlkes. “Her 9-yearold brother, Cutter Madison, drives steers and calves out.” Running a rodeo the family way has been part of Fowlkes’ life as long as he remembers. The company was founded by his father, Preston Fowlkes Sr., who
left the rodeo to his son upon his death in 1976. “I grew up in the rodeo. Ours is a family rodeo, so there won’t be anything said or done at this rodeo that would embarrass your family. I don’t put up with it,” he said. “You didn’t bring your family here to hear somebody be ugly.” The rodeo will feature bareback bronc riding, calf roping, cowgirl breakaway roping, steer wrestling, team roping, cowgirl
For Lone Star Rodeo Company owner and producer Presto n Fow lke s Jr., the rodeo business is a family business.
Please see RODEO | 2A
Index Stocks........7 Classified......14 Comics...... 13 Wisdom...... 12
Staff photo by Bobby J. Smith
Weather........5 Obituaries........ 3 Opinion........4 Sports...... 10
On this day in history 150 years ago Gen. A.S. Johnston arrives in Corinth and sets up his headquarters in The Rose Cottage, the home of Capt. William Inge. Gen. Earl Van Dorn is ordered to bring the Confederate Army of the West from Arkansas to Corinth.
To schedule an appointment, please call (662) 665-4660.