081917 dc e edition

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Prentiss Co. Commission closes natural gas inquiry

McNairy Co. County approved for clean energy grant

Sports High school football kicks off new season

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Saturday Aug. 19,


75 cents

Daily Corinthian Vol. 121, No. 198

Staff photo by Mark Boehler

Alcorn County Sheriff Ben Caldwell stands watch over the Col. W.P. Rogers monument about 4:30 p.m. Friday at the Alcorn County Courthouse. Law enforcement agencies stood watch over the barricaded statue when an activist group threatened to take the Confederate monument down at 5 p.m. Friday.

Anti-monument group never shows By Jebb Johnston The likeness of a Confederate soldier quietly overlooking court square for more than 100 years probably got more attention on Friday than it has received since its ceremonial unveiling in August 1912.





20% chance of rain

• Corinth, Mississippi • 28 pages • Two sections

Taking a stand


Partly cloudy

The threat of an attempt to remove the statue led to a crowd of around 100 people assembling peacefully at court square around 5 p.m. in support of the statue, which was erected in honor of Colonel William P. Rogers. Many more people took a look as they drove around the

block. There did not appear to be anyone voicing opposition to the monument. A large law enforcement presence kept an eye on the crowd and the statue, which was surrounded by barricades marked Please see Monument | 2A

Businesses owners arrested for drug paraphernalia EASTVIEW, Tenn. — The McNairy County CounterDrug Unit have arrested two Eastview business owners for possession of drug paraphernalia. One of the owners is a Corinth resident. Twenty-six-year-old Omari Lufti Ali and 29-year-old Asam Ghanem were both taken into custody by the unit on Thursday, according to the Independent Appeal. Ali, owner of the Junction in Eastview, was charged with possession of drug paraphernalia. Ghanem, a clerk at the store, was charged with sale and delivery of drug paraphernalia. The Junction is located at 6745 Highway 45 in Eastview. Simple Pleasures owner Jessica Hancock was also arrested in a separate case on Thursday. The 31-year-old Hancock of 1401 Douglas Street in Corinth was charged with sale and delivery of drug paraphernalia, possession of drug paraphernalia and falsification of drug test. Simple Pleasures is located at 136 Synergy Drive in Eastview. “We have been getting complaints from people about drug paraphernalia being bought at the businesses,” said unit investigator Kim

Holley. Holley said both businesses had the drug paraphernalia in display cases. “They were selling it as novelty items,” added Holley. Whether or not an object is drug paraphernalia by Tennessee law is determined by some factors such as: • Statements by the owner or anyone in control of the object concerning its use. Example: An person admits the pipe found by the officer was used to smoke marijuana. • Instructions, oral or written, provided with the object concerning its use. • Descriptive materials accompanying the object that explain or depict its use. • The manner in which the object is displayed for sale. Example: Bongs are often sold in tobacco shops however typically it is made clear that their intended use is for tobacco or hookah. The unit sent an undercover informant with a audio video recording device at both businesses to purchase drug paraphernalia, according to the report. The informant asked for a weed grinder and weed pipe at the Junction. Please see Junction | 5A

Board discussion continues on student transfers BY ZACK STEEN


A lengthy discussion surrounding the student transfer policy highlighted a Monday night meeting of the Alcorn School District Board of Education. Attorney Arch Bullard offered an explanation of state

laws and how the district might revise their current policy in an effort to make it stricter. Superintendent Larry B. Mitchell and board member Mary Coleman want to see the “exceptional circumstances” reason stripped from the policy, while other board members think it should stay.

Bullard offered a compromise. “The statute allows for three exceptions and that’s it,” said Bullard. “There is some language in the statue that states students living in one district may be legally transferred to another school district by the mutual consent of the school

board of all school districts concerned.” He added, “There is a provision in the state statue that allows the board to find an exceptional circumstance without actually stating those exact words. The district’s policy doesn’t have to have that provision in it, but if you want to go

strictly by the statute and set out the three reasons that individuals shall be transferred and none others than you can put that in place.” State law says students can be transferred out of their home district only if a parent is a em-

Please see Transfers | 2A

CHS graduate to be inducted into Hall of Fame By L.A. Story lastory@dailycorinthian.com

COLUMBUS, Ohio — Former Corinthian Doris Durr Ross will be honored as an inductee into Tougaloo College National Alumni Association’s Hall of Fame. The induction ceremonies will take place at 7 p.m., Friday, Oct. 13 in at the Jackson Hilton, in Jackson, where Ross will be one of seven to be honored that evening. “I’m the second Corinth native to achieve this honor, following Dr. Roy L. Irons,” said

Dr. John Shipp, M.D.

Ross. “I feel so humbled to walk in his [Irons] footsteps. I wish my mom were here, but she’s resting in glory.” The Tougaloo alumni was born in Mt. Olive, but her family moved to Corinth when she was in the sixth grade. She is the eighth of 11 children. Her brother, Paul Durr, lives in Guys, Tenn., and her sister, Carolyn Barton lives in Corinth. Ross’ mother was the late Mrs. Laura Etta Durr Hampton, a Corinth civic leader who founded NAACP chapters in Corinth and Iuka. She was the

first African American woman to run for mayor when she ran against E.S. Bishop, who went on to win the election to become the first African American mayor elected in a white majority town. Ross said her mother suffered a stroke during the campaign. Ross attended Easom High School up to her junior year. Due to desegregation, she attended Corinth High School her senior year, graduating in 1970. She said it was hard going to a new school after being forced to go there, but she did participate

in activities there. After reading and inquiring about a Tougaloo brochure lying on the counter during her junior year, Ross said her homeroom teacher told her that she “need not concern herself with college because she needed to go to work after graduation to help her family.” In her senior year, she only applied to Tougaloo and was accepted and awarded an academic scholarship, work-study and grants which enabled her to enter TouPlease see Ross | 2A

Doris Durr Ross

25 years ago

10 years ago

Leon Frazier, James L. Horton and Elizabeth Whitehurst are named to the advisory board for Deposit Guaranty National Bank.

Corinth High School alumni renowned author and journalist Curtis Wilkie visits town to sign copies of his book “City Adrift.”

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2A • Daily Corinthian

Saturday, August 19, 2017

Payrolls improve, jobless rate rises

Monument Continued from 1A

“do not enter.” Among the people who came from out of town after learning about the threat by the group “Anonymous” was Wade Sockwell of Muscle Shoals, Alabama. Since the morning hours, he stood on the grounds holding a copy of the original Confederate national flag. “I’m strictly here for the preservation of history. That’s American history, too,” he said, indicating the monument. “If you take away historical things, you no longer have a common culture.” To remove the statue would be like ignoring a part of history, he believes. “To some, it’s a sign of racism, but it’s a sign of many, many things,” said Sockwell. “It’s a sign for state’s rights. It’s also a work of art. And it’s freedom of expression, as well.” He hoped to see the gathering remain peaceful. “I think there’s just too much division right now in this country,” he said. An SCV member from Ripley who asked to be identified only as “Gunner” walked around the block carrying a flag. “We’re just here to protect public property, and that’s all,” he said. “We’re not here to stir up any trouble or cause any problems.” He believes it’s important for people to be aware of the history associated with the monument. “They should be respected,” he said. “A lot of these statues, that’s the only memorial that a lot of those soldiers had.” Federal law enforcement advised the sheriff’s department and police department to regard the threat to the monument as credible. “We are taking that threat seriously,” said Sheriff Ben Caldwell. “We believe we live in a community where we all get along. We all work together, no matter our race or our background. We don’t believe anyone in our community would take part in this. However, we are concerned about individuals from outside our area.” The threat, which listed 11 monuments in several states, specified a time of 5 p.m. “We don’t want any problems in the city and county,” said Police Chief Ralph Dance. “We are going to sit there with it. We’re going to monitor it for the next day or so until we feel like this threat has passed. We’re going to pro-

Associated Press

JACKSON — Mississippi payrolls are climbing out of their post-recession hole, but a separate survey shows unemployment going the wrong way. July’s jobless rate rose to 5.2 percent, as a decline in Mississippians with jobs outstripped a shrinking labor force.

June’s unemployment rate was 5 percent. A year ago, Mississippi had 5.9 percent unemployment. Unemployed people rose by 2,000 to 67,000. Mississippi’s jobless rate tied for fifth-highest among states, with Alaska worst at 7 percent. The U.S. rate fell to 4.3 percent in July from June’s

4.3 percent. Mississippi payrolls rose to 1.15 million in July. That measure — many economists’ top labor market indicator — was above July 2016 and at its highest level since mid-2008. The U.S. Labor Department released figures Friday, adjusted to cancel out seasonal changes.

Staff photo by Mark Boehler

Wade Sockwell of Muscle Shoals, Ala., carries the first Confederate flag in downtown Corinth on Friday afternoon in support of history — not just Confederate history, he said, but all American history.

tect our property … These folks worked and paid for this property, and it’s going to be taken care of.” Anonymous is an activist group that has been associated with hacking activities and whose members are known to wear Guy Fawkes masks. A twitter hashtag [#DaytoDenounce] was promoting Friday as a day to take down Confederate statues. It is unknown why Corinth was targeted on the list of 11 locations, which included monuments in Arkansas, Alabama, Florida and other states. Local SCV member Bobby McDaniel was among those in the crowd as the 5 o’clock hour passed. He was skeptical that anyone would attempt to harm the statue amid such a scene. If I was going to come out to your house and I was going to steal your deep freeze,” he said, “would I tell you when I was coming?” The monument originally stood in the intersection of Waldron and Franklin Streets, about 500 feet from its current spot at the corner of court square. It was moved after the automobile became common and several collided with the monument. Rogers, a Texan, was buried at Battery Robinett, where he died during the second day of the Battle of Corinth on Oct. 4, 1862. In 1896, an association emerged with the goal of erecting a monument to Rogers. The local SCV group is named for the colonel.

Staff photo by Zack Steen

County school board members, including Daniel Cooper, listen to board attorney Arch Bullard break down the state-mandated student transfer statute.

Transfers Continued from 1A

ployee of the school district to which the student wishes to transfer, a student lives more than 30 miles from the student’s home district or siblings of the student attended another district prior to 1992. Currently the district policy gives the three state-mandated exceptions for transfer, as well as the exceptional circumstances reason. It states a student wishing to request transfer must first meet with their current principal before the principal meets with the superintendent. The superintendent then makes a

Ross Continued from 1A


Holiday Favorites What are your family’s traditional holiday recipes? Send us your favorites by September 18th. Mail The Daily Corinthian ATTN: Holiday Recipes PO Box 1800 Corinth, MS 38835 Email recipes@dailycorinthian.com

recommendation to the school board. “The decision has to come before the school board and once the decision is made, it is final,” Bullard said. “Otherwise, you can really craft the policy however you want it.” The current policy also requires that all pre-K students who request transfer must do so each year. Mitchell would like to see that enforced for all grades in an effort to keep track of students being allowed to exit the district each year. Bullard will make revisions to the policy and present it at the September board meeting for final approval.

galoo in the fall of 1970. After receiving a BA degree in English with cum laude honors in 1975, Ross entered graduate school at the University of Mississippi to study journalism. After a semester, she transferred to The Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio and met her husband-to-be during her first day on campus. Now divorced, they have a daughter, Negla Danielle, who is a “Friend of Tougaloo” through TCNAA and charter member and co-webmaster of the Ohio Tougaloo Alumni Chapter. Ross’ three grand-

children are Ross William (14), Negla Verniece “Verni” (4) and Michael Aviance “Avie” (3). “I went to Ohio to attend Ohio State University, but I met my husband-to-be and we made a life there and I never left,” she said. Eventually, Ross studied Christian Education part-time at Trinity Lutheran Seminary for two years before finally obtaining an MA in public policy and administration from Ohio State University. Ross spent 20 years working as an employment and training officer who planned, directed and coordinated programs to enhance the

Registration Opened Now Thru August 31st for Adult Night Classes at Alcorn Career and Technology Center 2101 Norman Road Corinth, MS 38834 (662) 286-7727

The following classes are open: Monday, August 21st Microsoft Office Applications 6:00 pm (CEU) Combination/Pipe Welding (2 nights/week) 5:30 pm Lawn/Garden Equipment Repair 6:00 Medical Terminology 6:00 pm Basic Carpentry 6:00 pm Tuesday, August 22nd Basic Welding 6:00 pm Basic Machine Shop 6:00 pm Introduction to Computers 4:00 pm Introduction to Sewing 6:00 pm Basic Photography 6:00 pm ATV Maintenance / Repair 6:00 pm Thursday, August 24th Introduction to Industrial Maintenance 6:00 pm Photoshop 6:00 pm Introduction to Spanish 6:00 pm (CEU) All classes meet one night a week for 12 weeks except where noted. Students may register prior to class start dates at the Alcorn Career and Technology Center or at the first class meeting. Call (662) 286-7727 or visit our website http://actc.alcorn.k12.ms.us for further information.

knowledge, skills and placement of unemployed youth and adults primarily through community action programming and the New York City Department of Employment. She also worked as a substitute teacher for the Department of Defense Dependent Schools in Wiesbaden, West Germany and as the first civilian hired as training standards officer for the Department of Army in Wiesbaden. Ross worked for the Ohio Department of Aging until she retired in 2013, after 20 years, culminating more than 40 years in the workforce. Although Ross manages serious chronic and debilitating medical conditions of diabetes and renal failure, dialysis treatments every other day and medical complications, she said she has learned not to take each day for granted and does not sweat the small stuff. She quoted the Bible scripture Isaiah 40:31 (NIV) as she said it helps to get her through: “But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” (Ross is also soliciting support for ads for the souvenir booklet and tickets to the event. For more information how to help support her, contact her on Facebook. Or visit: https://tcnaa.org/ genform/use/HallofFame/form1.html)

Saturday, August 19, 2017

Today in History Today is Saturday, Aug. 19, the 231st day of 2017. There are 134 days left in the year.

Today’s Highlight in History On August 19, 1942, during World War II, about 6,000 Canadian and British soldiers launched a disastrous raid against the Germans at Dieppe, France, suffering more than 50-percent casualties.

On this date In A.D. 14, Caesar Augustus, Rome’s first emperor, died at age 76 after a reign lasting four decades; he was succeeded by his stepson Tiberius. In 1812, the USS Constitution defeated the British frigate HMS Guerriere off Nova Scotia during the War of 1812, earning the nickname “Old Ironsides.� In 1814, during the War of 1812, British forces landed at Benedict, Maryland, with the objective of capturing Washington D.C. In 1934, a plebiscite in Germany approved the vesting of sole executive power in Adolf Hitler. In 1936, the first of a series of show trials orchestrated by Soviet leader Josef Stalin began in Moscow as 16 defendants faced charges of conspiring against the government (all were convicted and executed). In 1964, The Beatles opened their first fullfledged U.S. tour as they performed at San Francisco’s Cow Palace.


Daily Corinthian • 3A

Across the Region Booneville PSC inquiry closed into gas system No wrongdoing has been found by state regulators looking into some rates charged by the Booneville natural gas system. The Mississippi Public Service Commission has closed an inquiry into the system focused on rates charged to customers located outside of the city limits. Northern District Public Service Commissioner Brandon Presley said the city was found to be in compliance with a previous agreement regarding the rates charged to those customers. Mayor Chris Lindley said they’ve believed all along the city was complying with the agreement. “They found no wrongdoing on the part of the city of Booneville. The investigation is closed,â€? said Lindley. Presley said the commission had the public utilities staff review the rates and they determined the city was in compliance with the agreement regarding rates charged for natural gas services for those located beyond one mile of the city limits. He noted the commission does not have jurisdiction over the utility service within the city limits and within one mile of the city limits and therefore has no say in the rates charged by the city within that boundary. Â


County to receive clean energy grant SELMER, Tenn. â€” Governor Bill Haslam and Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation Commissioner Bob Martineau has announced that $1.9 million has been awarded to 24 communities for

clean energy projects, including 11 distressed counties. McNairy County will receive $172,000 as its share of the grant money from the state. The county will use their funding to improve efficiency of the McNairy County Justice Center, Jack McConnico Memorial Library, UT Martin Extension, County Annex Building, County Courthouse, and the Ag. Extension and Head Start Learning Center. McNairy County will also be able to upgrade lighting to LEDs and install a 50 kW solar project on the roof of the UT Martin Extension facility. Total annual savings is estimated at $52,957 with a wattage reduction of 70.3 percent and a combined payback of 3.1 years. “Clean Tennessee Energy Grants help our communities reduce costs, increase savings, waste less energy and promote clean air,� said Haslam. “I appreciate the efforts of these grant recipients whose work will continue to make Tennessee a great place to live, work and raise a family.� The Clean Tennessee Energy Grant (CTEG) program provides financial assistance to municipal governments, county governments, utility districts and other entities created by statute. Awarded projects have demonstrated a plan to reduce air emissions, improve energy efficiency and create cost savings. “We were pleased to offer this round of grant funding to communities that have not received support before or are identified as distressed by the Department of Economic and Community Development,� said Martineau. “From more cost-effective lighting systems to efficient heating and air units, these awards will enhance service to customers while minimizing operating costs for these entities, saving taxpayer dollars.,� he said.

Booneville Suspect charged in theft of truck BOONEVILLE — A suspect facing attempted murder charges in Alcorn County has been charged in connection with the theft of a pickup from a Booneville residence. Booneville Police have charged James Myers, 51, of 89 Mt. Pisgah Road, Enid, with felony taking of a motor vehicle, said Booneville Police Chief Michael Ramey. He is accused of taking a 2001 Chevrolet Silverado pickup from a residence at 214 Hollie Haven in Booneville June 20. The truck was recovered at a residence in Alcorn County. The police chief said Tuesday Myers has not been brought back to Prentiss County because he is being held in the Alcorn County jail on attempted murder charges. Myers is a suspect in the shooting of two people in Alcorn County July 29 that sent both to a Memphis hospital. Other recent felony arrests made by Booneville Police include: • Robert Lee Settles, 29, of 17 CR 1341, Booneville, burglary and larceny of a dwelling. He is accused of breaking into a residence on South Lake Street were coins and sterling silver were reported stolen. Some of the coins have been recovered. His bond was set at $10,000. • William Corey McKinney, 25, of 523 CR 1371, Booneville, grand larceny stemming from the theft of a Honda 600 motorcycle from a residence at 204 Jacinto Road. The motorcycle was recovered. His bond was set at $1,000. • Marcus Keith Allen, 29, of 300 Jackson St., Booneville, with felony eluding law enforcement along with several misde-

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meanor charges. Officers attempted to stop Allen Aug. 4 on the east side of town around Jackson Street where he fled from them and was later taken into custody on North College Street, said Ramey. His bond was set at $10,000.

Tupelo Supreme Court suspends judge for misconduct JACKSON — A judge in Mississippi will be suspended for ordering a man to serve six months in a county work center on a case that was appealed and resolved nearly 20 years prior. The Supreme Court of Mississippi issued its findings on Thursday in an 18-page report agreeing with the Mississippi Commission on Judicial Performance, which said the Lee County judge should be sanctioned, Northeast Mississippi Daily Journal reports . District 2 Justice Court Judge John Hoyt Sheffield engaged in judicial misconduct, the commission said in October 2016. James Kevin Harper was charged with DUI-second offense in May 1996, according to the commission’s recommendation. Four months later Sheffield sentenced Harper to a suspended six-month sentence and $600 fine. Harper appealed the case to County Court and was sentenced to a suspended 48 hours in jail and more than $1,000 in fines and court costs. In April 2013 Harper was brought before Sheffield again for a DUI arrest and ordered to serve the original six-month sentence. Sheffield was found to no longer have jurisdiction in the old charge and was also holding the case file at the time that had two documents showing the charge had been appealed.

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Reece Terry, publisher


We must avoid another like Charlottesville

Mark Boehler, editor

4 • Saturday, August 19, 2017

Corinth, Miss.


Does anybody in America truly want to repeat another horrific Charlottesville? I hope the answer is no but it seems there are different groups lusting for more of Charlottesville. Three people were killed and many others injured in a display of civil warfare reminiscent of what I used to watch on the evening news back in the ’60s. Are there hate groups in America? The answer is yes. Is there racism in America? The answer is yes. Is the solution to hate and racism violence? No. Hurting one another, cursing each other, violating each other and trying to kill each other comes from the basest and most depraved human beings. Where is the commonsense of what happened in Charlottesville, Virginia? There was no commonsense. How do we avoid another Charlottesville? Freedom of speech does not mean freedom of violence. Every group that protests in any community in the United States should first gain a permit from the local county or city government for a day and length of time with an exact location to hold the march or protest. The protest must be civil. Next, the group should be required to put up a deposit of cash. It takes money to clean up a town after hundreds or thousands of people have dropped their cigarette butts and pop cans everywhere. Tell all the local people that the protestors are coming and to leave town or find something else to do. In other words ignore them. The best way to kill anything is indifference. Indifference has been killing churches and marriages for many years now. Forbid another group to protest at the same time. Civil freedom of speech should mean I get a turn and then you get a turn. However national cable television news and Presidential debates have proven that there is little civility and manners in our nation anymore. People start talking and then opponents begin yelling trying to drown them out. Yelling at each other and throwing things and driving cars into crowds gains nothing but death, more hatred and more violence. A date and time set by the city and county gives local and state police the opportunity to organize in such a way to save lives. An event such as Charlottesville requires hundreds of state police people and maybe even the National Guard. Yes, this is tragic. When a group marched in Pikeville, Kentucky last April 29 no one was killed. Lots of words were hurled by the opposing groups but the community and the police kept the order. The groups came, the police made convincing barricades and lives were sparred. The Pikeville commissioners notably disallowed either of the groups to wear hoods or masks in their protesting. This is another good move that all city and county governments need to enforce in the future. When groups interrupt and act violently toward those speaking they should be hauled off to jail until somebody pays their fine to get them out. I was in the St. Louis airport the other day and there is a Freedom of Speech stand in the airport. People can stand at that location and give a speech. Nobody was giving one while I was there. Every community should protect freedom of speech. No one speaking and conducting him or herself in a civil manner should have to fear being assaulted or run over by a car. Those speaking should never be threatening to anyone physically nor should listeners be allowed to threaten the speaker. Where or how does violence resolve any issue? Unless of course people want another Civil War where hundreds of thousands of people were killed in order to get the point across. Is this what we want in America? Surely we do not want to go backwards to such a brutal and archaic time in our history? Violence will only provoke more violence and more hatred. We are a multicultural society. All colors and backgrounds live in America. The solution to our success is to quit biting and fighting each other and work together. Or, have we become just too barbaric? Glenn Mollette is a syndicated columnist and author of 12 books. He is read in all 50 states.

Prayer For Today My Father, keep me where my eyes may look expectantly toward the dawn, through the darkness. Take away everything that comes between me and the brightness of the morning. Amen.

A Verse To Share For in the gospel the righteousness of God is revealed — a righteousness that is by faith from first to last, just as it is written: “The righteous will live by faith.” — Romans 1:17

What identity politics hath wrought

There’s a whiff of Weimar in the air. During the years of the Weimar Republic (1919-33), Germany was threatened by Communist revolutionaries and Nazi uprisings. Foreign Minister Walter Rathenau was assassinated, and violent street fighting was commonplace. Then Adolf Hitler took power in 1933. America is nowhere near that point. But many surely agree with The American Interest’s Jason Willick, who wrote Sunday that “this latest round of deadly political violence has” him “more afraid for” the United States than he has “ever been before.” But as he pointed out, this political violence — identity politics violence is a more precise term — began well before Saturday’s horrifying events in Charlottesville, Virginia, and before the election of Donald Trump. Examples include the June 2015 murder by a white racist of black churchgoers in Charleston, South Carolina, and the July 2016 murder by a Black Lives Matter sympathizer of five police officers in Dallas. This year, we’ve seen a Republican congressional candidate shove a reporter in Montana and a Bernie Sanders booster shooting at a congressional Republican baseball practice and seriously wounding House Majority Whip Steve Scalise in Alexandria, Virginia. In Charlottesville, there were multiple bad actors. White nationalists and neoNazis uttering vile racism demonstrated against re-

moval of a Robert E. Lee statue. One drove a car into a crowd — killing one young woman Michael and injuring Barone about 20 others — a tactic Columnist of Islamic terrorists. Many so-called antifa (anti-fascist) counter-demonstrators, some disguised with masks, attacked the Lee statue supporters with deadly weapons. “The hard left seemed as hate-filled as alt-right,” tweeted New York Times reporter Sheryl Gay Stolberg from Charlottesville. “I saw club-wielding ‘antifa’ beating white nationalists being led out of the park.” As Stolberg noted, the police not only failed to separate the two groups but maneuvered them into direct and predictably violent confrontation. Antifa believe that hateful words are violence and that they’re entitled to be violent in response, as they have been on campuses from Berkeley to Middlebury -- a view profoundly at odds with the rule of law. “The result,” writes Peter Beinart in The Atlantic, “is a level of sustained political street warfare not seen in the U.S. since the 1960s,” led by a group that is “fundamentally authoritarian.” President Trump was widely criticized — by many conservatives, as well as liberals — for his Saturday statement condemn-

ing “this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides” without specifically denouncing white nationalism. Barack Obama faced much less criticism in July 2016 when he lamented the Dallas police murders but went on to decry “the racial disparities that exist in our criminal justice system.” On Monday, Trump, obviously under pressure, said: “Racism is evil. And those who cause violence in its name are criminals and thugs, including the KKK, neo-Nazis, white supremacists and other hate groups that are repugnant to everything we hold dear as Americans.” Then, in a Tuesday Trump Tower press availability, Trump defended his Saturday statement but was hectored by reporters for condemning the “alt-left” demonstrators and allowed himself to be drawn into a needless debate over the merits of Robert E. Lee and whether protesters will soon target George Washington and Thomas Jefferson. Gratuitously and apparently without evidence, he said there were “some very fine people” in both groups. Like Obama in 2016, Trump this week was (mostly) accurate. But both presidents made themselves vulnerable to the charge of sending dog whistles to favored groups -- playing identity politics. Both failed, to varying degrees and with varied responses, to deliver undiluted denunciations of criminal violence and bigotry.

What’s ironic is that the percentages of Americans who support white nationalism or antifa violence are in the low single digits. “Groups like the KKK,” reports political scientist Ashley Jardina on a 2016 survey of white Americans, “are deeply unpopular.” But Americans have grown increasingly accustomed to the view that your politics are determined by your racial, ethnic or gender identity. Politics is seen as a zero-sum battle for government favor. College and corporate leaders join in. Universities sponsor separate orientations, dormitories and commencements for identity groups. (Are separate drinking fountains next?) A corporate CEO fires an employee who has challenged the dogma that only invidious discrimination can explain gender percentages in job categories different from those of the larger population. America today is a long way from Weimar. But identity politics threatens to get us a little closer. Possible solution: Unequivocally condemn bigotry and violence and, in the fired Google engineer James Damore’s words, “treat people as individuals, not as just another member of their group.” Michael Barone is a senior political analyst for the Washington Examiner, resident fellow at the American Enterprise Institute and longtime co-author of The Almanac of American Politics.

50 years later, we struggle to face challenges BY DAVID HAMPTON Guest Columnist

Given the facts and the right information, people will do the right thing. I have often said this in speaking to students about the importance of good journalism — reporting that examines and analyzes and helps people reach logical and helpful solutions to the problems we all face. Yes, we differ, we debate, we filter things through our political leanings, but if we look at the facts and we keep our eyes on common goals, we can find solutions. That’s a pretty basic belief that underlies our democracy. We believe most people will support what is best for the common good. Don’t we? But in my more cynical moments, I have questioned whether given the facts, we will do the right thing. Or maybe, we just can’t hear through the noise of the nasty politics of the day, or see through the self-centered walls with which we surround ourselves. After all, as Paul Simon says, “A man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest.” What is disturbing is that the problems are still

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there and policies are being shaped that, I am afraid, not only fail to address them, but stand to make them worse. I was fortunate recently to be able to participate in a trip to the Mississippi Delta with Marian Wright Edelman, the founder and president of the Children’s Defense Fund. It was Ms. Edelman who, as a 26-year-old lawyer in 1967, challenged United States senators to get out of their offices and go see hunger and poverty for themselves. Sen. Robert F. Kennedy took her up on the offer. He came to the Mississippi Delta. He saw homes without food, kids eating scraps off the floor. The late Mississippi journalist Bill Minor said later he thought he had seen poverty, but he never forgot what he experienced that day. Bobby Kennedy couldn’t forget it either. It impacted him and ultimately influenced policy. Edelman and a group of journalists, health care professionals, elected officials and economic developers revisited the Delta recently. The group included wellknown Mississippi journal-

ists and authors Hodding Carter and Curtis Wilkie. In 1967, Carter covered the Kennedy visit for his family’s paper, the Delta DemocratTimes, and Wilkie for the Clarksdale Press Register. Remarkably, some elected officials in 1967 did not believe there were hungry children in America. Tragically, some elected officials today don’t seem to care. Food insecurity is only one problem in the Delta. It’s easy to look around the Delta and see problems of inadequate housing, people without jobs, and people struggling. Yes, there is some progress. The poverty rate that once was about 70 percent in 1967 now hovers around 30-40 percent in some Delta counties, which still is way too high. But, with all the facts, all the evidence, and all we see and know, somehow we can’t face it squarely and make the hard decisions to do what we all know should be done. We know that we should take care of children. We know that we should feed the hungry, take care of the elderly and provide opportunity and hope and life to those who don’t have it. We know we should in-

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sist on — pay for, tax for, volunteer for — good public schools. We should invest in programs and ideas that protect and educate and lift. We can disagree on how best to do that, but first we have to look and see the problems and not deny that they exist or that it is our problem. I always have to get past my cynical moments. People with the right information will do the right thing. But we need to look at facts and not allow weak political leadership and apathy to undo progress that has been made. Theologian John Westerhoff said effective prayer is the dedicated discipline of paying attention. I think that goes for effective public policy as well. In 1967, some came to see for themselves and acted on what they saw. We need to look around. We need to pay attention. David Hampton is former editorial director of The Clarion-Ledger. He now teaches journalism at Jackson State University and is a pastoral assistant at Wells United Methodist Church in Jackson. Email dhamp1@comcast.net

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Daily Corinthian • Saturday, August 19, 2017 • 5A

Deaths Carlton Brown

RIENZI — A celebration of life service for Carlton “Carl” Ralph Brown, 88, is set for 1 p.m. Sunday at New Hope Presbyterian Church in Biggersville. Visitation will follow the service. Mr. Brown, formerly of Rockford, Ill., died at 1:53 p.m. Thursday, August 17, 2017, in his home following cardiac arrest. Born Nov. 23, 1928, in Zion, Ill., son of Mabel (Neal) and Russel Brown, he was raised by his grandparents, Dale and Virginia Neal, of Zion, Ill. He graduated from Zion-Benton Township High School and, following Army service, 1946-48, he attended Lake Forest College. He married Betty Marlene Studebaker in Zion in 1951 and graduated from the University of Illinois with a degree in journalism in 1952. He then served two more years as an officer with the Army Signal Corps, his final assignment in Korea. His first newspaper job was with The Southern Illinoisan at Carbondale. A Rockford resident for 55 years, he was a reporter, editor and columnist for

The Rockford Morning Star, The Register-Republic and The Register Star. In the 1980’s, he was among those trained to convert the newspapers to computerization. He was a member of the founding board for Rockford’s Habitat for Humanity affiliate and was among those pounding nails in house number eight. He was a tutor in Rockford’s literacy program for 14 years. He was ordained deacon and elder of Third Presbyterian Church, where he taught in the church school. He is survived by his wife, Betty; sons Scott (Kris) Brown and William (Sarah) Brown and daughter Melanie (Edward) Kuligowski; eight grandchildren; 11 great-grandchildren; a sister, Donna (Dave) Jasper of Plano, Texas; and many nieces and nephews. Grandchildren include Jillian (Jake) Wolfe, Andrew Brown, R.J. (Heather) Kuligowski, Andrea (Bill) Rose, Karen Jo (Tom) Burbank, Sandra (Tony) Nguyen, Molly Brown and Liam Brown. Memorial Funeral Home has the arrangements. Online guestbook: memorialcorinth.com

Curtis Downs

Funeral services for Curtis Wayne Downs, 66, are set for 11 a.m. Saturday at Booneville Funeral Home Chapel with burial at Liberty Cemetery. Mr. Downs died Monday, Aug. 14, 2017, at Cornerstone Health and Rehabilitation in Corinth. He was born in Rienzi on March 11, 1951, he worked in construction as a carpenter. Survivors include his wife, Carolyn Tackett Downs; daughters Lisa Crum (Shelby) of Kossuth and Lori Downs of Booneville; brothers Randy Downs (Sandy), Jackie Downs and Danny Ray Downs, all of Corinth, Billy Downs (Phyllis) of Iuka, Junior Downs (Rochelle) and Buddy Downs of Booneville, Thomas Downs (Dorothy), Bo Downs (Liz) all of Rienzi; sisters Diane Russell (Eddie) and Carolyn Hall (Robert), both of Rienzi, and Cathy Fiveash (Rickey) of Walnut; grandchildren Hyvin Tutor and Jaycee Tutor of Kossuth, Tyler Downs (Kayla), and Justin Lambert, all of Booneville; and four greatgrandchildren.

He was preceded in death by his parents, Thomas Clifton and Evelyn Gist Downs. Shelby Crum and Tyler Downs will present the service.

Helen R. Newby

IUKA — Funeral services for Helen Ruth Newby, 73, are set for 1 p.m. Monday at Cutshall Funeral Home in Iuka. Visitation is Monday from 12 noon until 1 p.m. Ms. Newby died Wednesday, Aug. 16, 2017, at Tishomingo Manor Nursing Home in Iuka. Survivors include her sister, Mae Newby; cousins Mary Sockwell and Pam WatsonRogers; and a host of other cousins, nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her parents, Walter and Myrtle Newby, and her brother, Wiley Newby.

Rawlings Presley

Services for Rawlings Clair “Rali-Clair” Presley, infant daughter of Hershell Wayne and Amanda Lee Presley III, are set for 3 p.m. Sunday at Snowdown Church of Christ

with burial at Snowdown Church of Christ Cemetery. Visitation is one hour before the service. The infant was born Wednesday, Aug. 16, 2017, at North Mississippi Medical Center in Tupelo. In addition to her parents, survivors include a brother, Remington Gage Presley; a sister, Mattilin Nikole Presely; grandparents Wayne Jr. and Patricia Presley of Nettleton, Rickey Lee of Booneville and Sharon Lee of Rienzi; great-grandparents Eugene Johnson of Nettleton and Cullen Monroe Lee of Rienzi; aunt and uncle Jamie and Michelle Basden; and several cousins. She was preceded in death by an uncle, Matthew Lee; an aunt, Crystal Nicole Presley; great-grandparents Teresa Olene and Hershell Wayne Presley Sr., Flossie Janet Johnson, Mary Wilma Lee, Othella Kendrick Floyd and William Floyd. Jamie Basden and Mike Floyd will lead the service under the direction of Booneville Funeral Home.

Trump ousts chief strategist Bannon By JONATHAN LEMIRE and JILL COLVIN Associated Press

WASHINGTON — Steve Bannon, the blunt-spoken and divisive strategist who rose from Donald Trump’s conservative campaign to a top White House post, was pushed out by the president Friday, capping a turbulent seven months marked by the departure of much of Trump’s original senior staff. The former leader of conservative Breitbart News and a favorite in the farther-right portions of the Republican Party, Bannon had pushed Trump to follow through on some of his most contentious campaign

promises including his travel ban for some foreigners and his decision to pull out of the Paris climate change agreement. He returned to Breitbart News as executive chairman and chaired the Friday evening editorial meeting, the news site announced. Barely more than a half-year in, Trump now has forced out his hardline national security adviser, his chief of staff, his press secretary (whose last day will be Aug. 31) and two communications directors — in addition to the FBI director he inherited from Barack Obama. Bannon’s departure is especially significant since he was

California man dies in Spain truck attack By JOCELYN GECKER Associated Press

WALNUT CREEK, Calif. — California resident Jared Tucker and his new bride had just sent joyful pictures from their first trip to Europe, a vacation they’d saved for to celebrate their one-year anniversary. The last pictures arrived a day before tragedy struck. Tucker’s family in Northern California learned Friday that he was among those killed in a truck attack a day earlier in Barcelona, Spain, becoming the only known American fatality among 14 victims. Tucker’s father, Dan Tucker, stood outside his home in the San Francisco Bay Area town of Walnut Creek, scrolling through pictures on his phone in disbelief. One showed Jared frolicking in the ocean at a Barcelona beach, his arms raised above his head. Another shows Jared in sunglasses pretending to ride a statue of a lion. “That’s him just having a ball,” his father said, choking up as he looked at the pictures. “Everybody is just shocked. What are the chances? That one person in the whole United States is the victim of terrorists and it’s Jared.” Jared, 42, worked with his father in a family business remodeling swimming pools. He had “a magnetic personality and people loved him,” his dad said. He liked to fish, play golf and other sports and he was deeply in love with his wife, Heidi-NunesTucker, 40, a schoolteacher, his father said. Betty Needham, who works at one of the companies Daniel Tucker owns, said she’s known the younger Tucker for years. “Once you meet him, you’d never forget him.

He’s always got a smile on his face. He’s got a big smile and a big heart,” she said. “It’s a big loss here for us. He’s leaving a big hole here.” Jared’s sister, Tina Luke, told The Associated Press that Tucker and his wife had married a year ago and were celebrating their anniversary after having saved up for the trip. They spent about four days in Paris and were to have stayed in Barcelona another four days with plans to return home on Saturday, his father said. Nunes-Tucker was notified by the U.S. Consulate which first showed her pictures of the victims and then took her to see his body, Tucker’s father said. The couple lived in Lafayette, the town next to his parents, where friends gathered outside the home. A neighbor, Diana Gray, described them as a “very happy, loving” couple. Jared’s father said he had been through a broken marriage and tough times but he was so happy lately. “I’ve not seen him happier than he’s been this last year,” his father said softly.

viewed by many as Trump’s connection to his base of mostcommitted voters and the protector of the disruptive, conservative agenda that propelled the celebrity businessman to the White House. “It’s a tough pill to swallow if Steve is gone because you have a Republican West Wing that’s filled with generals and Democrats,” said former campaign strategist Sam Nunberg, shortly before the news of Bannon’s departure broke. “It would feel like the twilight zone.” From Breitbart, there was a dramatic one-word warning. “#WAR,” tweeted Joel B. Pollak, a senior editor at large at

the news site. Indeed, Bannon’s nationalistic, outsider conservatism served as a guiding force for Trump’s rise to office. He injected a dark populism into the campaign and sharpened its attacks on Democrat Hillary Clinton, encouraging Trump’s instinct to fight and counterpunch at every turn. When the release of a 2005 tape, in which Trump can be heard boasting about groping women, threatened to capsize the Republican’s campaign, Bannon attempted to turn the tables by gathering a group of women who accused Bill Clinton of sexual assault and trying to am-

bush the Democratic nominee at a general election debate. Without him, Trump’s agenda is left in the hands of more moderate advisers, including his son-in-law, his daughter and his economic adviser whom Bannon has slammed as “globalist.” But Bannon was also accused by many of his critics of leaking to reporters in a bid for self-promotion, and egging on Trump’s most damaging impulses. Trump spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders said Bannon and Chief of Staff John Kelly, only recently installed himself, had agreed that Friday would be Bannon’s last day.

Junction Continued from 1A

Once evidenced was obtained the Drug Unit returned to the Junction with a search warrant. “Both businesses were closed about 30 minutes while we could work without interruption,” said Holley. Among evidence collected at the Junction was: 125 glass pipes; two mini bongs; five bottles of UPass fetish urine; six bottles of fresh det; 15 big bongs; a gas mask; 20 marijuana grinders; 24 UTest THC; box of brass screens; 16 pipes in a plastic container; seven medium scales and four large scales. An informant asked for

and purchased a weed grinder and weed pipe at Simple Pleasures. Some of the evidence collected at the store included: 15 digital scales; five boxes of detox double; seven small weed grinders; six quick fix fake urine; three metal pipes and two long pipes. Those involved with the Junction investigation included: Sgt. Zach Bay, Lt. Brad Johnson and McNairy County Deputies Dustin Jaco and Dameon Blue. Deputy Larry Wilbanks, investigators Matt Rickman and J.P. Kellum, and the Narcotics Unit worked the Simple Pleasures case.

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Local 24 (:35) Castle “ResurCastle News rection” Princess Diana: Her Life -- Her Death -- The Truth Channel (:36) Blue Bloods “Right- Inside Edi3 Sat ing Wrongs” tion Dooney & Bourke PM Style With Shawn Killinger “Dooney” Today’s Top Tech 48 Hours Princess Diana: Her Life -- Her Death -- The Truth News (:35) PiYo (:05) Person of Interest Workout! “The Fix” (6:00) NASCAR Racing: Monster Energy Cup Series: Bass Pro Shops NRA News (:29) Saturday Night Live “Jimmy FalNight Race. (N) (L) lon; Harry Styles” Paid Pro- Never Fear Tai Cheng Darkspots CW30 News at 9 (N) Sports Sports Paid Pro- Modern gram Blast Stars gram Family America’s Funniest The $100,000 Pyramid 20/20: In an Instant News at Mike & (:05) Elementary “On Home Videos 10pm Molly the Line” (6:00) NASCAR Racing: Monster Energy Cup Series: Bass Pro Shops NRA News at (:29) Saturday Night Live “Jimmy FalNight Race. (N) (L) Ten lon; Harry Styles” (3:30) WKNO Favorities Favorities Blue Bloods “Dedication” Blue Bloods “New Rules” Blue Bloods “The Art EngageEngageEngageEngageof War” ment ment ment ment Classic Gospel As Time Waiting for The Coroner “Perfectly Miss Fisher’s Murder Austin City Limits “Don Goes By God Formed” Mysteries Henley” Lucifer “Homewrecker” Love Connection “Evan Fox 13 News--9PM (N) American Grit “Who’s Tosh.0 Tosh.0 ’n Hell” Got Grit?” Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU (6:00) MLB Baseball: Miami Marlins at New York PIX11 News at Ten (N) HoneyHoneyHoneyHoneyMets. (N) (L) mooners mooners mooners mooners } ›› The Mummy (99) A mummy seeks revenge (:05) } ›› The Mummy Returns (01) Two evil forces pursue } Mummy for a 3,000-year-old curse. the son of adventurer Rick O’Connell. Episodes Episodes Episodes Episodes Episodes Episodes Episodes Dice “AliDice Dice “Six mony” Grand” Insecure } ››› Nocturnal Animals (16, Suspense) Amy Game of Thrones “East- Ballers (:05) } ››› Nocturnal watch” Animals Adams, Jake Gyllenhaal. Catfish: The TV Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. } Jackass No. 2 2017 Little League World Series: Elimination, Boxing: Terrence Crawford vs. Julius Indongo. (N) (Live) SportsCenGame 12: Teams TBA. (N) (Live) ter Cops Celebrating 1,000 Gone: The Forgotten (:02) Cops } ››› Rush Hour (98, Action) Jackie Chan. Mismatched police episodes. (N) Women of Ohio partners seek a kidnapped girl. NCIS “Shell Shock, NCIS Ziva’s father visits. NCIS “Shiva” } ›› Shooter A wounded sniper plots revenge Part II” against those who betrayed him. Henry Danger Henry Danger Full H’se Full H’se Friends Friends Friends Friends Dirty Jobs Turning mo- Dirty Jobs “Bug DeDirty Jobs Mike travels (:01) Deadliest Catch (:01) Deadliest Catch lasses into rum. tective” to Hawaii. Live PD: Rewind (N) Live PD “Live PD -- 08.19.17” Riding along with law enforcement. (N) (L) Live PD “Live PD -08.19.17” World Poker BIG3 Basketball Three-on-three basketball featuring former NBA greats and Drag Racing players. To Be Announced (:02) } ››› Hustle & Flow (05) Beachfront Bargain Beachfront Bargain House Hunters Renova- House Hunters Beachfront Bargain Hunt: Renovation Hunt: Renovation tion (N) Hunters Int’l Hunt: Renovation (6:00) } Couples Retreat (09) } ››› Bridesmaids (11) Kristen Wiig, Maya Rudolph. Kylie The Cars That Made America: Enhanced (N) (:03) The Cars That Made America: Enhanced (N) Cars-America: Enhanced Tennis E:60 Baseball Tonight SportsCenter (N) SportCtr Boxing Say Yes: Say Yes: Say Yes: Say Yes: Say Yes: Say Yes: Say Yes: Say Yes: Say Yes: Say Yes: ATL ATL ATL ATL ATL ATL ATL ATL ATL ATL Worst Cooks in America Worst Cooks in America Worst Cooks in America Worst Cooks in America Worst Cooks in America } ››› True Grit (69) John Wayne, Glen Campbell. Bonanza Bonanza Stalked by My Doctor (15, Suspense) Eric Roberts, (:02) Stalked by My Doctor: The Return (16) Eric (:02) Stalked by My Brianna Chomer. Roberts, Claire Blackwelder. Doctor (15) In Touch Hour of Power Jeffress Graham Common Chord (13, Drama) One (5:00) } ››› Indepen- Halt and Catch Fire “So it Goes; Signal to Noise” (:06) Halt and Catch Fire Gordon celebrates a Gordon celebrates a milestone. milestone. dence Day (5:40) } ››› Monsters (:10) } ››› Big Hero 6 (14) Animated. A robotics prodigy un- (:25) } ›› Cars 2 (11) Voices of University covers a dangerous plot. Owen Wilson. } ››› The Manchurian Candidate Korean War hero’s com- } ››› Gaslight (44) A diabolical husband tries to } Private mander learns platoon was brainwashed. drive his wife insane. } ›› Eagle Eye (08, Action) Shia LaBeouf. Two strangers be- (:31) } ›› 3 Days to Kill, Action Kevin Costner. A dying agent come pawns of a mysterious woman. must accomplish one final mission. Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Full Frontal Wrecked People of Guest Book Theory Theory Theory Theory Theory Theory Earth Snap Snap Emogen Emogen Cash Cash Cash Cash FamFeud FamFeud Dragon Dragon Rick Rick Fam Guy Fam Guy Dragon Dragon Jojo Ghoul Golden Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond King King King King Drag Racing Monster Jam BIG3 Basketball Better Better } ››› Kingsman: The Secret Service (14, Action) Colin Firth. A dapper spy Snowfall “Cracking” Things Things takes a troubled youth under his wing. Uncharted Outdoors Wardens Dropped Gunny Stories Survival Holly Fishing Horse Race Gymnastics NASCAR Monster Auto Auctions Neighbor Neighbor Neighbor Neighbor Neighbor Neighbor Neighbor Neighbor Neighbor Neighbor Watters’ World (N) Justice Judge Greg Gutfeld Watters’ World Justice Judge Pit Bulls-Parole Pit Bulls-Parole Rescue Dog to Pit Bulls-Parole Rescue Dog to (6:00) Summer in the Eat, Play, Love Jen Lilley. A veterinarian secretly Golden Golden Golden Golden Vineyard (17) loves the owner of a dog shelter. Girls Girls Girls Girls Disney’s Descendants 2 The pressure to be perfect K.C. Under- K.C. Under- Bizaardvark Bizaardvark Stuck/ Bunk’d gets to be too much for Mal. cover cover Middle } ›››› Terminator 2: Judgment Day (91) Linda Hamilton Cyborgs battle } ››› Joy Ride (01) Two brothers incur the wrath of a psychotic truck driver. over a youth who holds the key to the future.

Coming Up In The Daily Corinthian In the final installment of his State of the Shelter series Staff Writer/Photographer Zack Steen shares simple ways people can help the local animal shelter help animals. Don’t miss it coming in this Sunday’s Daily Corinthian.

Husband gives up smoking, but his drinking persists

D E A R ABBY: I am married to a great guy. We’ve been together 27 years, so I know Abigail him well. recently Van Buren He stopped smoking afDear Abby ter 30 years of nicotine addiction. He did it cold turkey, and he’s been smoke-free for three months now. I’m proud of him and tell him so. The problem is, when he drinks he gets drunk -- which I’m used to -- but then he starts saying (sometimes belligerently) that he wants a cigarette badly. I don’t know how to respond to this. I continue praising him for quitting and point out the health benefits that are already obvious -- his breathing, returned senses, etc. -- but it’s getting old. Should I continue to say helpful things or just ignore him when he’s drunk? -- DUMBFOUNDED IN DALLAS DEAR DUMBFOUNDED: Try this. Tell him calmly that his craving for a cigarette is normal, particularly if he used to smoke while consuming alcohol. Reassure him that with time

the craving will lessen, and continue to reinforce that he did himself a huge favor by mustering up the willpower to quit. Tell him you know it wasn’t easy and that the longer he resists the urge for a nicotine fix, the easier it will be for him to stay smokefree. The fact that he becomes “belligerent” when he drinks should be a sign to you that he probably shouldn’t be drinking either. Instead of keeping him company when he’s in his cups, consider leaving to attend an Al-Anon meeting. It’s a supportive organization created for friends and family members who are affected by a loved one’s alcohol consumption. It isn’t difficult to find a meeting. Just go to al-anon.org.

DEAR ABBY: I was in a relationship with a man for a year and a half. We got along great. We never argued, and we had a healthy sexual relationship. You know the saying, “Actions speak louder than words”? All the actions were there -- he took me on amazing vacations, introduced me to all of his friends and family. But during all our time together, he never once expressed how he felt about me. He never even called me “Honey,” or “Babe.” About a month ago, I told him

how I felt. I came right out and asked if he loved me or had any kind of romantic feelings for me. He ignored my question! I guess he didn’t want to hurt me more by saying no. Two weeks later, he broke up with me. I have been divorced for five years, while he has never been married or had a live-in girlfriend. He said his reason for breaking up was he felt our relationship was good but not great (!) and he didn’t think it ever would be. This is painful, but I can’t help holding onto hope. Should I just give up and move on? -- GOOD, BUT NOT GREAT DEAR G.B.N.G.: Yes, for your own sake, you must. Give him credit for having been honest with you, but if after a year and a half he wasn’t able to summon up any romantic feelings for you, you must accept that it isn’t going to happen. Moving on may be painful for a while, but you will be doing yourself a big favor. Start now. Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Contact Dear Abby at www.DearAbby.com or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.

Horoscopes ARIES (March 21-April 19). There’s a difference between voluntary distractions and involuntary distractions. Television, refrigerator, social media -- these are voluntary. People are involuntary ones. Go where people are not, or you’ll get very little accomplished. TAURUS (April 20-May 20). You know what you want to do but have no idea how you’re going to do it. The library and the internet are excellent first stops. Also, start telling people. Everyone will want to help you today. GEMINI (May 21-June 21). You’re up to the challenge and ready for the responsibilities that go with it, but there’s only so much you can do alone. As you reach out for help, use your intuitive powers, but don’t forget to check credentials as well. CANCER (June 22-July 22). Your productivity will be impressive today as you follow this single suggestion: High-energy times are for creative and challenging work; low-energy times are for busy work. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). Your good intentions are there. Your

goals are sound. And your desire is strong. It’s still not going to work, though, unless you can back it up with a system. Your efforts are best put toward creating and testing your system. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). There’s quite a lot you’re not maximizing. You could be cashing in! You need to restructure. What makes it hard is that you haven’t put the correct value on what you have, what you know and who you are. Get outsider help. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). Some call it passion, but that’s too mystical a term for the simple cause and effect that’s really happening here. You find something to do that you seem to be winning at, and your desire to do it increases. Success is an energizer. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). If you want to better yourself (and who doesn’t?), there’s only about 7 billion hours’ worth of material available to you on the topic. You’ve a super talent for filtering the strategies that will work from the noise of general life.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). A funny dichotomy: On the one hand you’d like to feel very attractive. On the other hand, you don’t want people to actually be attracted to you, as that comes with its own set of problems. This is about self-love. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). The world is full of great ideas that aren’t worthy of your time. Why? Because they aren’t viable for you. It’s not about finding the best idea; it’s about working on what you can execute well. Focus all your energy on that. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Look for areas in which you might have a natural advantage. When you can apply your talent to a task or a relationship, you’ll get the success bump that leads to high energy and more winning. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). Timing plays the starring role. People tend to think of timing as being related to luck, but it’s often more of an experience and skill thing. Today you’ll experiment, work and practice so that you can get the timing right.

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RELEASE DATE– Saturday, August 19, 2017

Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Nichols Lewis




ACROSS 1 Bass-baritone role in an 1885 Savoy Theatre premiere 7 King Features Syndicate parent 13 Brown world? 15 “I have a bad feeling about this” 16 Strike a chord 18 There’s one right in front of you 19 MSN, for one 20 Wore with jaunty confidence 22 Scuttle 23 Most of a pool cue 26 11, at times: Abbr. 27 Cooked 28 Vital vessels 30 W-9 filers 33 Look for business? 35 Panasonic flatscreen 36 Welsh herder 38 Peruse, as a catalog 41 Majesty 44 Four-time WWE World Champion Brock __ 46 Wharf 47 Dressy accessory 49 Curling piece 50 Audible pauses 51 How cherries jubilee is served 54 Dungeons & Dragons bird 55 Shout on arrival 57 1984 Winter Olympics city 60 Strongly suggest 61 Alito and Thomas 62 Danny, vis-à-vis the “Bloodline” siblings 63 Sharp weapons DOWN 1 Best Supporting Actress two years after Whoopi

37 “Forget I said anything” 39 Downsizes 40 German royal house, 17141901 41 Knight aide 42 Buffet 43 Tied up 45 Scouting ops 48 Weird Al song that wonders,

“Tell me why I bid on Shatner’s old toupee” 51 Picked dos 52 Took off 53 Noteworthy times 56 Stretch (out) 58 Like 59 Politico with a father, brother and son named George

2 Exhibition with blades 3 ’90s loser to Deep Blue 4 Flap 5 Forest digs 6 “Rubáiyát” poet 7 Word before and after against 8 Israel’s Olmert 9 Sharp-edged tool 10 Nine Inch Nails founder Trent 11 Briny 12 Natural history museum attractions, briefly 14 School with trimesters called halves 17 Cheap opening 21 Bellyache 24 Kan. Army installation 25 Go up against 27 Turn off and then some 29 Cape Cod catch 31 Forensics ridge 32 Stallone roles, e.g. 34 Sitting Bull’s people










7 14

16 20



















50 55



38 42










15 17


08/19/17 8





45 49

53 57


54 58





By Matthew Sewell (c)2017 Tribune Content Agency, LLC


Dealing with money later in life WIZARD OF ID





Dear Annie: My husband and I are in our mid-80s. During our life together, we’ve rarely discussed money. But it seems that my husband has taken on a different view since we moved to a senior residence. He does not ever consider that seeing as we both share the expenses of living here, some money that comes to him should be shared with me. It is impossible to talk to him about it, as he gets very upset and defensive. I only want what I am entitled to. I am not a money grabber, but this is the mood that has taken over our daily lives. Something has to be done about his attitude and possessiveness in order for us to live peacefully and lovingly in our late years. Please help. — Sally Dear Sally: The fact that this was never an issue until now makes me think it has to do with your move to the senior residence. Perhaps after leaving your former home, your husband feels as if he gave up some control and controlling money is his way of coping — but that’s just speculation. The only way to know for sure why he’s acting this way is to ask. Using a gentle tone, ask why this is important to him. Explain where

Dear Annie you’re coming from and why this has been hurtful to you. Discuss any concerns that have been on both your minds about adjusting to the new living situation. Emphasize that you want to spend these years enjoying each other’s company. I truly believe this is nothing you two can’t solve using love and communication. Dear Annie: This is in regard to “Future Benefactor in North Carolina,” who wanted to divide her estate unevenly in accordance with each child’s financial state. I would like to share how that can actually work well. My husband has three siblings. One of the siblings had not managed to achieve financial stability. All of the money left over after funeral expenses went to the sibling with less, although it was not a large estate. The other siblings were fine with this. Depending on how the two wealthy children of “Future Benefactor” feel, this could work. On my side, one of my brothers was cut out because Mom was unhappy with him and he had cost

my parents some money in a financial deal. My brother never fought it. As the years have gone by since Mom’s death, he has struggled financially. I would have felt better if everything had been divided equally, even if he didn’t manage his inheritance well. It would have felt fairer. When my mother-inlaw’s estate was spilt unevenly to provide for the one with less, it worked for us. On my side, when it was divided unevenly to “get even,” it was sad. It all depends on motives and how the other parties feel about it. Our own children do not get along well. For this reason, our estate will be split evenly to prevent conflict. — Both a Beneficiary and a Benefactor Dear Both a Beneficiary and a Benefactor: It’s encouraging to hear about family members working together and helping one another out rather than tearing one another apart over an inheritance. Though I maintain that a good rule is to split the estate evenly among all your children, every family is different. Do what’s right for you and your children. Send your questions for Annie Lane to dearannie@ creators.com.

8 • Daily Corinthian


Saturday, August 19, 2017

Local Scores Biggersville 26 7 6 0 - 39 Middleton 0 0 6 13 - 19 Kossuth 7 0 10 0 17 Independence 0 0 0 0 0 1st Quarter - Matthew Bobo, 1-yard run; Andres Perez PAT 3rd Quarter - Bobo, 8-yard run; Perez, PAT 3rd Quarter - Perez, 26-yard field goal (K) Rushing - Kenner Mills, 9-45; Bobo 18-32, 2 TDs; Receiving - Taylor Weggman 1-1; Brett Hayden Benjamin 2-8, Garrett Youngblood 1-14, Ty Cooper 1-26 (K) Team - Rushing, 77; Passing 53; Total 132 Booneville 21 0 7 0 - 28 Mooreville 0 0 0 12 - 12 1st Quarter - (B) William Jackson, 3-yard run; Noah Sisk, PAT 1st Quarter - (B) Dallas Gamble, 15yard run; Sisk, PAT 1st Quarter - (B) Gamble, 16-yard pass to Jarius Crump; Sisk, PAT 3rd Quarter - (B) Gamble, 16-yard pass to Davien Price; Sisk, PAT 4th Quarter - (M) Mitchell Tharp 76yard run; PAT failed 4th Quarter - (M) Tharp 15-yard run; PAT Thasher 52; New Site 6 Thrasher 28 12 0 12 52 New Site 0 0 6 0 6 Shannon 28 Corinth 14 *No scoring information was reported at Selmer MC 7 26 7 25 - 65 FP 8 6 6 6 - 26 1st FP - TD run M- Lucas Hively 1 run 2nd Qtr. M - Kylin Wynn 26 run (Cole Miller kick) M - Wynn 9 (Miller kick) FP - Run M - Wynn 3 run (Miller kick) M - Michael Wilson 15 pass from Hively (kick failed) 3rd Qtr. M - Wynn 56 run (Miller kick) M - Mason Latham 11 pass from Hively 4th Qtr. FP - 23 yard pass M - Will Jones 14 pass from Hively (Miller kick) FP - 23 pass M - Vennie White 79 kickoff return (Miller kick) M - Michael Wilson 25 interception return (kick failed)

Photo by Kent Mohundro

Tishomingo County running back Tayvious Duckett eludes the outstretched arms of an Alcorn Central defender on his way to an 8-yard touchdown run in Friday night’s 35-13 Braves win at Golden Bear Field.

Feature Game: Braves run by Bears BY KENT MOHUNDRO kmohundro@dailycorinthian.com

Alcorn Central let a golden opportunity for a seasonopening win slip away quite literally Friday night as visiting Tishomingo County did it to them again. The Braves took advantage of four first half Golden Bear fumbles to establish a 28-7 halftime advantage on their way to a rather easy 35-13 win to open 2017 in style. New Tish County head coach Ray Weeks’ triple-option offense sliced and diced through the Golden Bear

defense all night although Central did manage to limit the damage over the final two quarters. The purple-andgold is still looking for its first win over the Braves. “It’s always good to get that first win and it’s great to be 1-0,” said Weeks in a jubilant Braves locker room. “We came out there and went up a couple of scores and they (Central) coughed it up a couple of times and we were able to take advantage of those mistakes.” Alcorn Central had its opportunities to put a pair of touchdowns on the board in

the first half but coughed the ball up both times, the second coming as it was nearing the red-zone on TC’s end of the field. Tishomingo County’s first scoring opportunity stalled and ended with no points as place kicker Coby Tapp was short on a 37-yard attempt. The Bears regained possession but immediately botched the snap and Tish County was in business inside the AC red zone. Braves running back Beau Ollivierre bulled in from the 11 for the first score of the contest. Tapp added the PAT and TC

led 7-0 with 2:47 remaining in the opening quarter. After a 50-yard kickoff return Central coughed it up again and the Braves made it pay quickly as Tayvious Duckett scored the first of his three touchdowns on a nine-yard run. Tapp added the kick and Tish County was up 14-0 with 7:28 left in the second. The Bears fumbled the kickoff setting the Braves up on their side of the field and less than two minutes later Duckett carved his way up the Please see FEATURE | 9

Local Schedule Monday, August 21 HS Softball Corinth @ Myrtle (V & JV), 5:30 Thrasher @ Kossuth (V & JV), 5

Tuesday, August 22 HS Volleyball Olive Branch @ Corinth, 6 Amory @ Kossuth, 5 Alcorn Central @ Biggersville, 5:30 Belmont @ Tishomingo County, 6 HS Softball Booneville @ Itawamba AHS (JV & V), 5 Corinth @ Mantachie (JV & V), 5:30 Kossuth @ Saltillo (JV & V), 5 Smithville @ Thrasher (V & JV), 5

Thursday, August 24 HS Softball Tishomingo County @ Booneville (V & JV), 5 Itawamba AHS @ Corinth (V & JV), 5:30

Shorts • Plaza Lanes announces the formation of their Fall leagues. The Thursday Morning Coffee League (ladies only) will begin August 17 beginning at 9 am. The Monday Night Major League (men and women) will begin August 21. The Thursday Night Rebel-Vol League (mixed) will begin August 24. The Tuesday Night Church League (men, women, youth) will begin September 5 and the Monday Night Youth League will begin September 11. All night league’s will begin at 6:30 p.m. There is room currently for individuals and/or teams in all leagues. Stop by Plaza Lanes on Shiloh Road in Corinth to sign up or for more details. • The 3rd Annual Laddy Aggie Softball Golf Tournament will be hosted at Hillandale golf course on Saturday, August 26. The four-man scramble will begin at 8:30 am and there will be multiple prizes and surprises. The tournament fee is $60 per person or $240 per team and all the proceeds will go towards paying on the fence and field maintenance.

Photo by Joel Counce

Biggersville’s Qua Davis returns the opening kickoff for a touchdown against visiting Middleton (TN) Friday night at the Lions Den. The home team built a 33-0 halftime lead en route to the big win on opening night.

Lions pound Middleton to open 2017 season BY JOEL COUNCE for the Daily Corinthian

The Biggersville Lions dominated the Middleton Tigers from the opening kick. Kick returner Qua Davis returned the opening kick 66 yards to give Biggersville the early 6-0 lead with 11:38 left in the first. The PAT failed. The Lions forced a fumble after a 46-yard pass and catch and started their second drive at their own two yard

line. Quarterback Quonn Davis ran back-to-back plays to complete the drive, covering 93 yards on the second carry to give Biggersville the 12-0 lead with 9:56 left in the quarter. The two point conversion attempt failed. Biggersville’s third scoring drive covered 59 yards in four plays, took 1:24 off the clock, ending with a Davis 25-yard touchdown run to give the Lions an 18-0 lead. The two

point conversion failed. The Lions struck again when Mayes returned a punt 60 yards to set up a 1-yard Davis touchdown run. Golden Butler ran in the two point conversion to give Biggersville a 26-0 lead. Mayes intercepted a pass and returned it 36 yards to give the Lions a 32-0 lead. Quinton Knight’s PAT gave Biggersville the 33-0 with 11:03 left in the half.

A promising second quarter drive ended with a Mayes 17-yard run before time expired. Middieton scored a touchdown in the third, but Davis returned the kickoff 98 yards to add the Lions final tally. The PAT failed. The Tigers added two more touchdowns in the final frame. The Lions travel to New Site to take on the Royals at 7 p.m. Friday.

Riley named new Bobcats head basketball coach BY JEFF YORK

for the Daily Corinthian

It is rare for a young coach to get to live their dream of their first job as a head coach at their alma mater. Stacy Riley got the news Tuesday that he will be the new boys head basketball coach at McNairy Central. His cell phone started buzzing minutes after the news was posted on the Bobcats’ page. Riley, a 2005 graduate of MCHS, has been the head coach at Selmer Middle School for five years and has won three county titles during that span. His 2014 team

won the TNT State Tournament. He played basketball and baseball at MCHS. “I’m really excited to get to coach at my alma mater with my first job as a high school coach,” said Riley. “It was my dream to get to coach at McNairy Central.” Coach Riley said he understood the players have had it hard with the coaching change and they would work through it together. “I know the players will have to go through a transition with a new coach,” said Riley. “It is never easy when a team has a new coach to

come in.” Riley had two separate coaches when he played basketball at McNairy Central. The biggest impact on Riley’s coaching philosophy was made by former Bobcats and current Dyersburg coach Blaine Mahaffey. “Coach Mahaffey taught me a great deal about basketball and I am going to use that coaching McNairy Central,” said Riley. “I am going to lean on him for advice. I will talk to other coaches as well because you can always learn something from older coaches that have done this

in the past.” Riley said he is not going to cut anyone on the team and they would have an open tryout later before practice begins on Nov. 1. “There is a lot of talent on the team and about 30 players,” said Riley. “We are going to work hard to build a team.” A new father of 2-monthold Jaxon Riley, the newly named coach said he intends to build a family atmosphere with the basketball Bobcats. Stacy and wife Betsy live Please see RILEY | 9

9 • Daily Corinthian


Wilkins returns as Rebels pad RB depth Associated Press

Doubt flooded into Jordan Wilkins’ head 11 days ago in practice when he made a cut during a drill, felt a sharp pain in his knee and limped off of the field. “Please don’t let it be bad,” Wilkins recalled thinking. “I’ve come a long way and trained my tail off. I was just hoping it wasn’t anything serious.” He was ineligible for the 2016 season and has been waiting for nearly a year now to get back into game action. Luckily for him, it was just a minor sprain and he’s since returned to practice. “I was a little stressed the last couple of days,” Wilkins said. “I am just happy to get back out there with the team and get rolling. i just cut and had a little sprain and a little bruising around my knee. That is all it was.” Wilkins rejoined a running back group that boasts four or five guys that will likely see carries in a game. Running backs coach Derrick Nix remembers how quickly injuries can tear into a depth chart and is pleased to have a stable of options to choose from. “After that first quarter last year against Florida State when Eric Swinney went down, all of a sudden we are down to the bottom of the deck on the depth chart,” Nix said. “I think it is a lot better. They’re all competing at a high level and pushing each other.” Nix has tried to implement a more physical mindset among his running backs in Phil

Longo’s system, with an emphasis on running downhill. “I think it is something we have always preached,” Nix said. “It has become more of a mindset now. It comes with time and more maturity.” If the Rebels were to play a game tomorrow, Nix said he felt comfortable playing four guys with Wilkins clearly being the starter. “I trust them assignment-wise and abilitywise,” Nix said. “I think the guys have proven in different scenarios that they can protect the football and protect the quarterback in the passing game.” Nix seemed confident in Wilkins’ ability to be a workhorse back with 20 carries a game if need be. Wilkins agreed. “I am definitely ready, Wilkins said. “This is what I have been trying to train my body and my mind more for about a year and a half now. I am ready to take whatever my role is and run with it.” Eugene Brazley, D’Vaughn Pennamon and D.K. Buford were the three guys Nix mentioned could go behind Wilkins, with Buford taking Swinney’s slot at the moment because he is dealing with a head injury. Nix described him as day-to-day. He pointed out there is no particular order among the three behind Wilkins and it is going to depend on the game and scenario as to who comes in behind him.


middle of the AC defense for a 33-yard touchdown run and with Tapp’s kick it was 21-0 Braves. The Bears did stop the bleeding temporarily when Kamron Rorie scored from nine yards out with 2:10 remaining before halftime and with the Kevin Hernandez PAT had trimmed the lead to 21-7. But TCHS wasn’t quite done and quickly scored before halftime when Ollivierre broke free up the middle with nothing but green grass in front of him and scored on a 64-yard run with 1:04 remaining in the second quarter to stake the Braves to a 28-7 halftime lead. Duckett scored Tish County’s only second half touchdown with a 20-yard run at the 7:00 mark of the third quarter. Will Ray added a late three-yard touchdown run with less than a minute left in the game for the final margin when the PAT was botched. For the contest Tishomingo County’s tripleoption offense produced 310 yards, all coming on the ground. Neither team completed a pass the entire night which might

be a first for these two teams. Duckett totalled 117 yards on 11 carries and three touchdowns while Ollivierre went for 111 on nine carries and a pair of scores. Alcorn Central wasn’t bad on offense and managed 264 total yards with 152 of those from Ray on 11 carries. If the Bears could have just hung onto the ball the game could have been much closer but turnovers ultimately did AC in on a humid night at Golden Bear Field. “Overall I was pleased with our effort,” said Weeks. “The line blocked well and our running backs Duckett and Ollivierre ran really well. Anytime you can go on the road and win opening night is huge and I’m just glad we got it done.” Tishomingo County improves to 1-0 and will begin their home slate next Friday by hosting McNairy Central. Alcorn Central is now 0-1 but will have a good opportunity to bounce back as they travel to Middleton (TN) next Friday. Golden Bear head coach Brandon Cherry was not available for comment.

Baseball AL STANDINGS East Division W L Pct GB 69 51 .575 — 65 55 .542 4 60 63 .488 10½ 59 62 .488 10½ 59 62 .488 10½ Central Division W L Pct GB Cleveland 66 53 .555 — Kansas City 61 59 .508 5½ Minnesota 60 59 .504 6 Detroit 53 67 .442 13½ Chicago 45 73 .381 20½ West Division W L Pct GB Houston 74 47 .612 — Los Angeles 62 59 .512 12 Seattle 61 61 .500 13½ Texas 60 60 .500 13½ Oakland 53 68 .438 21 Thursday’s Games Cleveland 9, Minnesota 3, 1st game Arizona 4, Houston 0 Toronto 5, Tampa Bay 3 Minnesota 4, Cleveland 2, 2nd game N.Y. Yankees 7, N.Y. Mets 5 Texas 9, Chicago White Sox 8 Friday’s Games Chicago Cubs 7, Toronto 4 Baltimore 9, L.A. Angels 7 Boston 9, N.Y. Yankees 6 L.A. Dodgers 8, Detroit 5 Seattle 7, Tampa Bay 1 Minnesota 10, Arizona 3 Houston 3, Oakland 1 Cleveland 10, Kansas City 1 Chicago White Sox at Texas (n) Today’s Games Toronto (Tepesch 1-2) at Chicago Cubs (Quintana 7-10), 1:20 p.m. L.A. Dodgers (Ryu 4-6) at Detroit (Fulmer 10-10), 3:05 p.m. Seattle (Miranda 7-6) at Tampa Bay (Odorizzi 6-6), 5:10 p.m. L.A. Angels (Ramirez 10-10) at Baltimore (Gausman 9-8), 6:05 p.m. Arizona (Greinke 14-5) at Minnesota (Berrios 10-5), 6:10 p.m. N.Y. Yankees (Sabathia 9-5) at Boston (Sale 14-4), 6:10 p.m. Oakland (Graveman 3-3) at Houston (McHugh 0-2), 6:10 p.m. Cleveland (Bauer 11-8) at Kansas City (Vargas 14-6), 6:15 p.m. Chicago White Sox (Holland 6-12) at Texas (Perez 7-10), 7:05 p.m. Sunday’s Games L.A. Dodgers at Detroit, 12:10 p.m. Seattle at Tampa Bay, 12:10 p.m. N.Y. Yankees at Boston, 12:30 p.m. L.A. Angels at Baltimore, 12:35 p.m. Arizona at Minnesota, 1:10 p.m. Oakland at Houston, 1:10 p.m. Cleveland at Kansas City, 1:15 p.m. Toronto at Chicago Cubs, 1:20 p.m. Chicago White Sox at Texas, 2:05 p.m. Boston New York Tampa Bay Toronto Baltimore


East Division W L Pct GB Washington 72 47 .605 — Miami 58 61 .487 14 Atlanta 54 65 .454 18 New York 53 66 .445 19 Philadelphia 43 76 .361 29 Central Division W L Pct GB Chicago 63 57 .525 — Milwaukee 63 59 .516 1 St. Louis 62 59 .512 1½ Pittsburgh 58 63 .479 5½ Cincinnati 51 71 .418 13 West Division W L Pct GB Los Angeles 85 34 .714 — Arizona 67 54 .554 19 Colorado 67 54 .554 19 San Diego 54 67 .446 32 San Francisco 49 74 .398 38 Thursday’s Games Arizona 4, Houston 0 Cincinnati 13, Chicago Cubs 10 Atlanta 10, Colorado 4 St. Louis 11, Pittsburgh 7 N.Y. Yankees 7, N.Y. Mets 5 Washington 2, San Diego 1 San Francisco 5, Philadelphia 4 Friday’s Games St. Louis 11, Pittsburgh 10 L.A. Dodgers 8, Detroit 5 Cincinnati 5, Atlanta 3 Minnesota 10, Arizona 3 Miami at N.Y. Mets (n) Milwaukee at Colorado (n) Washington at San Diego (n) Philadelphia at San Francisco (n) Today’s Games Toronto (Tepesch 1-2) at Chicago Cubs (Quintana 7-10), 1:20 p.m. L.A. Dodgers (Ryu 4-6) at Detroit (Fulmer 10-10), 3:05 p.m. St. Louis (Wacha 9-5) at Pittsburgh (Kuhl 5-8), 3:05 p.m. Arizona (Greinke 14-5) at Minnesota (Berrios 10-5), 6:10 p.m. Cincinnati (Stephenson 0-4) at Atlanta (Teheran 7-10), 6:10 p.m. Miami (Worley 2-2) at N.Y. Mets (Montero 1-8), 6:10 p.m. Milwaukee (Woodruff 1-1) at Colorado (Bettis 0-0), 7:10 p.m. Washington (Strasburg 10-3) at San Diego (Wood 2-4), 7:40 p.m. Philadelphia (Eickhoff 3-7) at San Francisco (Stratton 1-2), 8:05 p.m. Sunday’s Games L.A. Dodgers at Detroit, 12:10 p.m. Miami at N.Y. Mets, 12:10 p.m. Cincinnati at Atlanta, 12:35 p.m. Arizona at Minnesota, 1:10 p.m. Toronto at Chicago Cubs, 1:20 p.m. Milwaukee at Colorado, 2:10 p.m. Philadelphia at San Francisco, 3:05 p.m. Washington at San Diego, 3:40 p.m. St. Louis at Pittsburgh, 6:00 p.m.

Football NFL Preseason Saturday’s Games N.Y. Jets 7, Tennessee 3

L.A. Rams 13, Dallas 10 Arizona 20, Oakland 10 Sunday’s Games Detroit 24, Indianapolis 10 Seattle 48, L.A. Chargers 17 Thursday, Aug. 17 Philadelphia 20, Buffalo 16 Baltimore 31, Miami 7 Tampa Bay 12, Jacksonville 8 Friday, Aug. 18 Minnesota at Seattle (n) Saturday, Aug. 19 Carolina at Tennessee, 2 p.m. Kansas City at Cincinnati, 6 p.m. Indianapolis at Dallas, 6 p.m. Green Bay at Washington, 6:30 p.m. N.Y. Jets at Detroit, 6:30 p.m. New England at Houston, 7 p.m. L.A. Rams at Oakland, 9 p.m. Denver at San Francisco, 9 p.m. Chicago at Arizona, 9 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 20 Atlanta at Pittsburgh, 3 p.m. New Orleans at L.A. Chargers, 7 p.m. Monday, Aug. 21 N.Y. Giants at Cleveland, 7 p.m.

Golf Wyndham Championship Friday at Sedgefield Country Club Greensboro, N.C. Purse: $5.8 million Yardage: 7,130; Par: 70 (35-35) Second Round Ryan Armour 66-61—127 -13 Webb Simpson 63-64—127 -13 Henrik Stenson 62-66—128 -12 Vaughn Taylor 63-66—129 -11 Ollie Schniederjans 66-63—129 -11 Hunter Mahan 65-65—130 -10 Kevin Na 67-63—130 -10 Davis Love III 64-66—130 -10 Johnson Wagner 67-64—131 -9 Harold Varner III 63-68—131 -9 Sam Saunders 63-68—131 -9 Shane Lowry 67-64—131 -9 Anirban Lahiri 65-66—131 -9 Søren Kjeldsen 69-63—132 -8 Russell Knox 66-66—132 -8 Cameron Smith 63-69—132 -8 Ryan Moore 67-65—132 -8 Rick Lamb 64-68—132 -8 Ben Crane 69-64—133 -7 Brad Fritsch 67-66—133 -7 Steven Alker 68-65—133 -7 Richy Werenski 67-66—133 -7 Jason Dufner 67-66—133 -7 Matt Every 61-72—133 -7 Rory Sabbatini 65-68—133 -7 Tim Wilkinson 63-70—133 -7 Martin Flores 64-70—134 -6 Padraig Harrington 66-68—134 -6 Mark Hubbard 67-67—134 -6 Julián Etulain 68-66—134 -6 Lucas Glover 65-69—134 -6 Steven Bowditch 68-66—134 -6 Chad Campbell 67-67—134 -6 Mark Wilson 65-69—134 -6 Bobby Wyatt 66-68—134 -6 Dru Love 67-67—134 -6 Harris English 68-67—135 -5 K.J. Choi 68-67—135 -5 Bud Cauley 67-68—135 -5 Joel Dahmen 67-68—135 -5 David Hearn 67-68—135 -5 D.A. Points 69-66—135 -5 John Huh 68-67—135 -5 Jonathan Byrd 68-68—136 -4 Morgan Hoffmann 66-70—136 -4 Dicky Pride 66-70—136 -4 Tag Ridings 66-70—136 -4 Keegan Bradley 68-68—136 -4 Geoff Ogilvy 70-66—136 -4 Robert Streb 66-70—136 -4 Brian Gay 71-65—136 -4 Kevin Kisner 69-67—136 -4 Camilo Villegas 68-68—136 -4 Jonathan Randolph 66-70—136 -4 Andres Gonzales 70-66—136 -4 Ricky Barnes 69-67—136 -4 Chez Reavie 66-70—136 -4 J.J. Henry 66-70—136 -4 Nick Taylor 68-68—136 -4 Peter Malnati 71-65—136 -4 Stuart Appleby 68-68—136 -4 Spencer Levin 68-68—136 -4 Blayne Barber 69-67—136 -4 Brett Stegmaier 70-66—136 -4 J.T. Poston 67-69—136 -4

Transactions Friday’s Deals BASEBALL COMMISSIONER’S OFFICE — Suspended Baltimore OF Markel Jones (Aberdeen-NYP) 50 games, St. Louis C Tyler Lancaster (State College-NYP) 76 games and N.Y. Mets C Luis Lebron (GCL Mets) 25 games for violations of the Minor League Drug Prevention and Treatment Program. American League BALTIMORE ORIOLES — Optioned OF Joey Rickard to Norfolk (IL). Assigned SS Ruben Tejada outright to Norfolk. Reinstated SS Ryan Flaherty and OF Anthony Santander from the 60-day DL. CLEVELAND INDIANS — Recalled LHP Ryan Merritt from Columbus (IL). KANSAS CITY ROYALS — Placed RHP Joakim Soria on the 10-day DL. Recalled RHP Kevin McCarthy from Omaha (PCL). MINNESOTA TWINS — Optioned LHP Buddy Boshers and RHP Aaron Slegers to Rochester (IL). Placed DH Robbie Grossman on the 10-day DL. Recalled LHP Nik Turley and C Mitch Garver from Rochester. NEW YORK YANKEES — Sent 2B Starlin Castro to Scranton/Wilkes-Barre (IL) and DH Matt Holliday to Tampa (FSL) for rehab assignments. TEXAS RANGERS — Sent LHP Jake Diekman to Frisco (TL) for a rehab assignment. TORONTO BLUE JAYS — Sent C Luke Maile to Dunedin (FSL) for a rehab assignment. National League ARIZONA DIAMONDBACKS — Optioned LHP Anthony Banda to Reno (PCL). Reinstated OF David Peralta from paternity leave. Sent LHP Robbie Ray to Visalia (Cal) for a rehab assignment.


Saturday, August 19, 2017

Today’s Lineup

AUTO RACING Noon — (NBCSN) IndyCar Series, ABC Supply 500, qualifying, at Long Pond, Pa. 6 p.m. — (NBC) NASCAR, Monster Energy Cup Series, Bass Pro Shops NRA Night Race, at Bristol, Tenn. BASEBALL Noon — (ESPN) Little League World Series, elimination game, Mexico (Tamaulipas, Mexico) vs. Europe-Africa (Emilia, Italy), at Williamsport, Pa. 2 p.m. — (ABC) Little League World Series, elimination game, Mid-Atlantic (Jackson, N.J.) vs. Great Lakes (Grosse Pointe, Mich.), at Williamsport, Pa. 5 p.m. — (ESPN) Little League World Series, elimination game, Australia (Sydney)-Japan (Tokyo) loser vs. Asia-Pacific (Seoul, South Korea)-Caribbean (Santiago, Dominican Republic) loser, at Williamsport, Pa. 7 p.m. — (ESPN) Little League World Series, elimination game, Northwest (Walla Walla, Wash.)West (Rancho Santa Margarita, Calif.) loser vs. Southeast (Greenville, N.C.)-Midwest (Sioux Falls, S.D.) loser, at Williamsport, Pa. BOXING 9 p.m. — (ESPN) Terence Crawford vs. Julius Indongo, for Crawford’s WBO/WBC and Indongo’s IBF/WBA junior welterweight titles, at Lincoln, Neb. DRAG RACING 6 p.m. — (FS1) NHRA, Lucas Oil Nationals, qualifying, at Brainerd, Minn. (same-day tape) GOLF 4 a.m. — (GOLF) European PGA Tour, Saltire Energy Paul Lawrie Match Play, round of 16, at Bad Griesbach, Germany 7 a.m. — (GOLF) LPGA Tour & Ladies European Tour, Solheim Cup, Day 2, at Des Moines, Iowa 11 a.m. — (FOX) USGA, U.S. Amateur Championship, semifinals, at Pacific Palisades, Calif. 2 p.m. — (CBS) PGA Tour, Wyndham Championship, third round, at Greensboro, N.C. 3 p.m. — (NBC) LPGA Tour & Ladies European Tour, Solheim Cup, Day 2, at Des Moines, Iowa 3 p.m. — (GOLF) Champions Tour, Dick’s Sporting Goods Open, second round, at Endicott, N.Y. 2 a.m. — (GOLF) PGA Tour of Australasia & European PGA Tour, Fiji International, final round, at Natadola, Fiji (same-day tape) GYMNASTICS 8 p.m. — (NBCSN) P&G Championships, men’s events, at Anaheim, Calif. HORSE RACING 3 p.m. — (FS2) Saratoga Live, Alabama Stakes, at Saratoga Springs, N.Y. 7 p.m. — (NBCSN) Breeders’ Cup Challenge Series, Pacific Classic, at Del Mar, Calif. NFL FOOTBALL 2 p.m. — (NFL) Preseason, Carolina at Tennessee 6 p.m. — (NFL) Preseason, Indianapolis at Dallas 9 p.m. — (NFL) Preseason, Denver at San Francisco MLB BASEBALL 1 p.m. — (MLB) Toronto at Chicago Cubs 3 p.m. — (FS1) L.A. Dodgers at Detroit 6 p.m. — (MLB) Regional coverage, N.Y. Yankees at Boston OR Cleveland at Kansas City 9 p.m. — (MLB) Regional coverage, Washington at San Diego OR Milwaukee at Colorado (games joined in progress) MOTOR SPORTS 2 p.m. — (NBC) AMA Lucas Oil Pro Motocross, Budds Creek Nationals, at at Mechanicsville, Md. SOCCER 6:30 a.m. — (NBCSN) Premier League, Swansea City vs. Manchester United 8:30 a.m. — (FS1) Bundesliga, VfL Wolfsburg vs. Borussia Dortmund 9 a.m. — (NBCSN) Premier League, Liverpool vs. Crystal Palace 11:30 a.m. — (FS1) Bundesliga, Schalke vs. Leipzig 11:30 a.m. — (NBC) Premier League, Stoke City vs. Arsenal 2:30 p.m. — (LIFE) NWSL, Washington at North Carolina TENNIS 11 a.m. — (ESPN2) ATP World Tour & U.S. Open Series, Western & Southern Open, men’s first semifinal, at Cincinnati 6 p.m. — (ESPN2) ATP World Tour & U.S. Open Series, Western & Southern Open, men’s second semifinal, at Cincinnati WNBA BASKETBALL 7 p.m. — (NBA) Atlanta at Dallas


in Selmer. Riley is the fourth former Bobcat to coach the team. The others are Brian Brown, Randy Roten, and Steve Forsythe. Brown is the all-time leader in wins for a boys coach at MC. The interim status Riley was given does not faze the coach. He is aware that school officials will evaluate him in the spring about the job on a permanent basis. Coach Riley said it

would be to current assistants Tim Dancer and Clark Whitten whether they work as his assistants for him. He plans to continue as an assistant baseball coach at MCHS and will finish this football season out as head coach of the Selmer Lions. Riley will be the third boys basketball coach in a five-year span at MC. He hopes to stop the constant turnover by having a successful season.

Photo by Keith Jackson

Mills helps Aggies to opening win Kossuth junior running back Kenner Mills struggles for five of his 45 rushing yards Friday night as the Aggies used two Matthew Bobo rushing touchdowns and an Andreas Perez field goal to blank visiting Independence 17-0.

10A • Saturday, August 19, 2017 • Daily Corinthian

APOSTOLIC Jesus Christ Church of the Second Chance, 1206 Wood St., Corinth. Bishop Willie Davis. S.S 10am; Worship 11am; Wed. worship 7 pm. “We care and are in the neighborhood to be a service.� Christ Temple Church, Hwy. 72 W. in Walnut, MS. Rev. J.C. Hall, ; Clay Hall, Asst. Pastor. Services Sun. 10am & 6pm; Wed. 7:30pm Community Tabernacle, 18 CR 647, Kossuth, MS. Pastor: Kelley Zellner (662) 284-4602 Services Sun. 10am & 5 pm, Thurs. 7:00 pm Grace Apostolic Church, CR 473 on left off Hwy 45 S. approx 2 1/2 mi. S. of Biggersville, Bro. Charles Cooper, Pastor; Sun. Service 10am, Sun. Evening 6 pm; Wed. night 7 pm; 462-5374. Holy Assembly Apostolic Church of Jesus Christ, 201 Martin Luther King Dr., Booneville, MS; Pastor: Bishop Jimmy Gunn, Sr.; 1st Sun.: SS 10am, Worship 11:45am; 2nd Sun: Pastoral Day 11:45am; 3rd Sun: Missionary Serv. 11:45am; Wed. Bible Study 7pm Souls’ Harbor Apostolic Church, 26701 Hwy 15 S. A., Walnut, MS; Pastor: Rev. Jesse Cutrer; Service Times Sun 10am and 5pm, Wed 7pm ASSEMBLY OF GOD Canaan Assembly of God, 2306 E. Chambers Dr. 728-3363, Pastor Ricky & Sarah Peebles, Deaf Ministry: Michael Woods 728-0396. S.S. 9:30 am; Children’s Church 10:30 am; Worship 10:30 am & 6 pm; Wed. 7 pm. Christian Assembly of God, Hwy 2. S.S. 9:45am; Worship 10:45am & 6pm. Wed. Bible Study & Youth 7pm First Assembly of God, Jason Pellizzer, pastor, 310 Second St., S.S. 9:45am; Worship 10:45am & 6pm; Wed. 7pm

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BAPTIST Alcorn Baptist Church, CR 355 Kossuth, MS; Rev. Larry Gillard, Pastor, S.S. 9:30am; Worship 11am; Wed. Bible Study 6pm. Antioch Baptist Church, Galda Stricklen, pastor. S.S. 10am; Worship 11am & 6:30pm; Wed. 6:30pm. Antioch Baptist Church No. 2, County Rd. 518. Bro. David George, pastor. S.S. 9:45am,Worship 11:00am, D.T. 5:00pm-6:00pm, Wed. Service 6:30pm, Wed. Prayer Mtg.7:00pm, Sun Night Service DT 5pm, Preaching 5:45pm Bethlehem Baptist Church, S.S. 10am; Worship 11am, DT 5:30pm, Worship 6:30pm; Wed. Prayer 7pm; WMU 1st Sun. monthly 4pm; Brotherhood 1st Sun. monthly 7am; Youth Night Every 4th Wed. Biggersville First Baptist Church, S.S. 10am; Worship 11am & 7pm. Training Union 6pm, Wed. 7pm. Brush Creek Baptist Church, Off Hwy. 72 West. Bro. Cody Hill, pastor. S.S. 10am; Service 11am & 6pm, Wed. Service 6:30pm. Butler’s Chapel Baptist Church, Bro. Wayne McKee, Pastor. S.S. 10am; Worship 10:45am & 6pm DT 5:30pm; Wed. Service 7pm. Calvary Baptist Church, 501 Norman Rd. Hwy. 72 West (1 block South of Buck’s 66 Station). Bro. Joe Marsh, pastor. Morning Worship 9:45am, S.S. 10:45am, Wed Bible Study/Children-Youth Missions 6:30pm, Stump the Preacher 7pm Calvary Missionary Baptist Church, Burnsville. Bro. John Cain, Pastor. S.S. 10am; Worship 11am & 6pm; Wed. Prayer Meeting 7pm; Ladies’ Auxiliary 2nd & 4th Tuesday 6pm. Center Hill Baptist Church, Keith Driskell, pastor. S.S. 10am. Worship 10:55am & 6:30pm Church Training 6pm Prayer Mtg 7pm. Central Grove Baptist Church, County Road 614, Kossuth, MS, 287-4085. S.S. 10:15 am; Worship Service 11:00 am; Wednesday Night 6:30 pm, Bible Class and Usher Board Meeting immediately following Central Missionary Baptist Church, Central School Rd, Bro. Frank Wilson, pastor. S.S. 9:45am.; Worship 10:45 am & 6pm. Wed. Prayer Service 7pm Chewalla Baptist Church, Chewalla, TN. Richard Doyle, pastor, 239-9802 or 239-6222. S.S. 9 a.m., Worship 10 a.m. & 6:30 p.m., Discipleship 5:30 p.m.; Wed. Bible Study-Youth-Children 6:30 p.m. County Line Baptist Church, 8 CR 600, Walnut. Pastor, Dr. David Shepheard. Sunday School 10am, Morning Worship Service 11am Covenant Baptist Church, 6515 Hwy 57 E, Miche, TN; Pastor K. Brian Rainey Sun Worship 10am and 6pm, Wed. Night 7pm Crossroads Baptist Church, Salem Rd (CR 400), Warren Jones, pastor. S.S. 9:45am.; Worship 10:45 am & 6pm. Wed. Prayer Service 7pm Danville Baptist Church, Danville Rd., Pastor: Roger Wood. S.S.10am; Worship 11am & 5pm; Wed. Prayer 7pm. East Fifth Street Missionary Baptist Church, Rev. Richard Wade, pastor S.S. 9:30am. Worship 10:45am; Wed. bible study & prayer meeting 6pm. Choir Rehearsal Saturday 11am. East Corinth Baptist Church, 4303 Shiloh Road. 286-2094. Pastor Ralph Culp, S.S. 9:30am; Service 10:45am & 6:30pm. Wed.Service 6:30pm. Eastview Baptist Church, Ramer, TN. S.S. 10am; Worship 11am; Wed. Bible Study 7pm.; all youth organizations Wed. 7pm. Farmington Baptist Church, 84 CR 106A, Corinth. SS 10am, Worship 10:45am, Wednesday Awana, Youth & classes for all ages 6:15-7:30pm Fellowship Baptist Church, 1308 High School Rd., Selmer, TN. Pastor, Bro. J.D. Matlock. S.S. 10am; Serv. 11am & 6pm.; Wed. 7pm. First Baptist Church, Corinth, 501 Main. Rev. Dennis Smith, Pastor. Sun. Worship Service 8:20am;Bible Study 9:30am; Worship 10:45am & 7pm Youth Choir Rehearsal 4:45pm DT 5:30pm; Wed. Prayer Mtg. & Bible Study 6:30pm; Adult choir rhrsl. 7:30pm. First Baptist Church, Burnsville. S.S. 10-10:50am. Worship 11am & 6pm; DT 5:30pm; Wed.Bible Study 7pm. First Baptist Church, Michie, Tn. Pastor: Ben Martin; S.S. 10am; Sun. Morn. Worship 11am; Sun. Evening Worship 6:00pm; Wed. Night Discipleship Training 7pm. First Baptist Church of Counce, Counce, TN. Bro. Jimmy McChristial. S.S. 9am; Worship 10:15am & 6pm; Prayer Meeting Wed. 6:30pm. Friendship Community Church, CR 614, Corinth; Don Roseberry, Pastor; Early Morn Service 9:30am; S.S. 10:00 am; Worship 11:00am; Wed. night 6:30pm. Grace Community Church, 1527 Highway 72. Pastor: Bro. Tim Alvis, S.S. 9:30 a.m., Worship 10:30 a.m., Wed. Bible Study, 6 p.m. Glendale Baptist Church, US 72 East, Glen. Pastor: Bro. Jon Haimes, Minister of Music: Bro. Richard Yarber; Awana Program: Sunday Nights 5:30; S.S. 9:45am;Worship 11am & 6:30pm; Discipleship Training 5:30pm; Choir Practice: Sunday, Children & Youth 5pm, Adults: 7:30pm; Wed. Prayer Mtg. & Bible Study 7pm. Hinkle Baptist Church, Internim Pastor Paul Stacey. Min. of Music Beverly Castile, S.S. 9am; Worship 11am & 7pm; Church Training 6pm; Wed. 7pm. Holly Baptist Church, Holly Church Rd. Pastor, Bro. Thomas Magers. 8:45 am- Early Morning Worship, 10:00 am S.S., 11:00 am Late Worship, 6:00 pm Evening Worship, Wed. Service 6:30 pm Adult Prayer & Bible Study, Children & Youth Activities, www.hollybaptist.org Hopewell Missionary Baptist Church, Physical: 464 Hwy 356, Rienzi. Mailing: P.O. Box 129, Rienzi, 38865. Church: 662-350-0188, Life Center: 662-350-0064. Rev. Gabe Jolly III, Pastor; S.S. 9am; Children’s Church 10am; Worship 10am; Bible Study Wed 6:30pm; Communion 1st Sunday every three months; Meals on Wheels 1st Saturday of each month. Web: hopewellchurchrienzi.org Email: hopewellmbchurch@yahoo.com Facebook: Hopewell MB Church Jacinto Baptist Church, Ken White, Pastor. S.S. 10 am; Worship 11am & 6:30pm; Wed. service 6:30pm. Kemps Chapel Baptist Church, Bro. David Heg, pastor. Rt. 1, Rienzi. S.S. 10am; Whp 11am & 6:15pm; Church Trng. 5:30 pm; Wed. Bible Study. 7 pm. Kendrick Baptist Church, Kossuth First Baptist Church, 893 Hwy 2; Bro. Keith Fields, pastor. Sundays: 8:45am Contemporary Worship, 10am Sunday School, 11am Traditional Worship, 5pm Discipleship Training, 6pm Evening Worship. Wednesdays: 6:30pm Adult and Youth Bible Study and Team Kids Lakeview Missionary Baptist Church, Charles Martin, pastor. 5402 Shiloh Rd. 287-2177 S.S. 10am; Worship 11am& 6pm; Wed. Adult Bible Study, Youth Min. 7pm. Liberty Hill Baptist Church, S.S. 10am; Worship 11am & 5:00pm; Wed. 7:00 pm. Life-Gate Free Will Baptist, 375 CR 218. 662-665-1987 Little Flock Primitive Baptist Church, 4 mi. so. of Burnsville off Hwy. 365. Turn west at sign. Pastor: Elder Johnathan Wise. Sun. Bible Study 9:45 am; Worship 10:30am. Little Zion Missionary Baptist Church, 3395 N Polk St, Pastor - Christopher Traylor; Sunday School - 9am; Worship 10:15 am - Communion - 1st Sunday at 11am; Bible Study - Wednesday Night at 6:00 pm Lone Oak Baptist Church, Bro. Jay Knight, pastor. S.S. 10am; Worship 11am; Prayer Service 5pm; Wed. 7pm. Love Joy Baptist Church, on the Glen-Jacinto Road, Hwy 367. Pastor, Bro. David Robbins, S.S. 10am; Worship 11am & 6 pm. Macedonia Baptist Church, 715 Martin Luther King Dr.; Bro. Lawrence Morris. 9:30am; Worship 11am; Wed. Worship. 6pm Mason St. Luke Baptist Church, Pastor: Rev. Ricky Grigg; Mason St. Luke Rd. 287-1656. S.S. 9:45 am Worship 11am.; Wed. 6:30pm. McCalip Baptist Chapel, Rt.1 Pocahontas,TN Pastor, Rev. Johnny Sparks Services Sunday 11am & 6p.m. Michie Primitive Baptist Church, Michie Tenn. Pastor: Elder Ricky Taylor. Worship Service Sunday 10:30 am. Everyone is cordially invited. Mills Commuity Baptist Church, 397 CR 550 Rienzi, MS. Bro. Robby Johnson, pastor. S. S. 10am, Sun. Worship 11am & Sun. Night 5pm; Wed. Bible Stdy. 6:30pm New Covenant Baptist Church, 1402 E. 4th St., Pastor David Harris, pastor, Sunday School 9:45am; Worship 11am, Bible Study Wed 6:30 pm. New Lebanon Free Will Baptist Church, 1195 Hwy. 364, Cairo Community; Jack Whitley, Jr, pastor; 462-8069 or 462-7591; 10am S.S. for all ages; Worship, 11am Children’s Church, 5pm; Choir Practice, 6pm; Evening Worship, Wed. 7 pm Midweek Bible Study & Prayer Meeting, 7pm;Young People Bible Classes. North Corinth Baptist Church, 3311 N. Polk Street.Bro.. Bill Wages, pastor. S.S. 10am; Worship 11am & 6pm; Wed. 7pm 662-287-1984 Oakland Baptist Church, 1101 S. Harper Rd., Dr. Randy Bostick, Pastor. SS all ages 9am; Worship Serv. 10:15am & 6:20pm; Sun. Orchestra Reh. 4pm; Student Choir & Handbells 5pm; Children’s Choir (age 4-Grade 6) 5:15pm; Wed. AWANA clubs (during school year) 6pm; Prayer & Praise 6:30pm; Student “XTREME Life� Worship Service 6:45pm; “Life Institute� Small Group Classes 7pm; Sanctuary choir reh. 8:05pm 662-287-6200 Olive Hill West, Guys, TN; Pastor, Robert Huton;S.S. 10am; Worship 11 am & 6pm; Training 5:30; Wed. 7pm Pinecrest Baptist Church, 313 Pinecrest Rd., Corinth, Bro. Jeff Haney, pastor. S.S.9:30am; Worship 10:30am; Sun. Serv. 6:00pm; Wed. Worship Serv. 6:00pm Pleasant Grove Missionary Baptist Church,Inc., 1572 Wenasoga Rd, Corinth; Pastor Allen Watson. Sunday School - 9:45am; Worship Serv. - Sun

11am; Bible Class & Prayer Service-Wed 6pm; Every second Sunday 6PM (Need a ride to Church - Don Wallace 286-6588) Pleasant Grove M.B. Church, 470 County Road 8021 Rienzi; Pastor: Rev. Leroy Harris; Church office: 662-462-7339; Worship: 11am except 2nd Sunday when worship is 9am; Sunday school: 9:45-10:45am; Sunday fellowship breakfast begins January 11, 2015 from 7-8:45am. 2015 summer schedule: No Sunday School; Worship begins at 9am on Sunday Ramer Baptist Church, 3899 Hwy 57 W, Ramer, TN; Pastor: Bro. Joe Loncar; Church office: 731-645-5681; SS 9:45am, Morn. Worship 11am; Discipleship Training 6pm, Evening Worship 7pm; Wed. Family Supper 5:30pm, Mid-Week Prayer Service 6:30pm

Ridge Crest Baptist Church, 4176 CR 200, Corinth., Pastor: Harold King, Tel: 731-610-7303; SS: 10am; Worship 11am & 6pm; Wed. Serv. 6pm. Rienzi Baptist Church, 10 School St, Rienzi, MS; Pastor Titus Tyer S.S. 9:30am; Worship 10:30am & 6pm; Wed. 6:30pm Saint Luke Missionary Baptist Church, 140 Rd 418., Pastor, John Pams, Jr. ; S.S. 9am; Worship 10:30am; Wed. Bible Study 6:30pm St. Mark Baptist Church, 1105 White St. Kim Ratliff, Pastor, 662-287-6718, church phone 662-286-6260. S.S. 10am; Worship Service 11am; Wed. Prayer Service & Bible Study 6:30pm. Shady Grove Baptist Church, 19 CR 417, Bro. Jimmy Lancaster, Pastor, Bro. Tim Edwards, Youth Minister;. S.S. 10am; Worship 11am; Sun. Night Service 5pm; Wed. Prayer Service 7pm. Shiloh Baptist Church, U.S. 72 West. Rev. Phillip Caples, pastor S.S. 10am; Worship 11am & 7pm; Church Training 6pm; Wed. 7pm. South Corinth Baptist Church, 300 Miller Rd., Charles Stephenson, Pastor SS 10am; Worship Service 11am & 6pm, Wed. Prayer & Bible Study 6 pm St. Rest M.B. Church, Guys TN Avence Pitman, Jr., pastor. Sun.Worship 11am; S.S. 9:45am; Wed. Bible study 6:00pm. Strickland Baptist Church, 554 CR 306 Corinth, MS., SS 10am, Worship Service 11am, Sunday Night 6pm, Wed Night 7pm. Synagogue M.B. Church, 182 Hwy. 45, Rieniz, 462-3867 Steven W. Roberson, pastor. S.S. 10 am, Morning Worship & Praise 11 am, Community Bible Study (Tues.) 11 am, Evening Bible Study (Wed.) 7 p.m. Tate Baptist Church, 1201 N. Harper Rd. 286-2935; Mickey Trammel, pastor Sun.: SS 8:30am, 9:30am; Morn. Worship, Preschool Church; Children’s Worship (grades 1-4) 10:45am; Worship 6pm; Wed., Fellowship Meal 4:45 pm, Nursery, Mission Friends, Tater Chips (grades 1-4), Big House (grades 5-8), Youth (grades 9-12), Adult Bible Study/ Prayer 6 PM; Adult Choir Rehearsal 7 PM Tishomingo Chapel Baptist Church, 136 CR 634; Pastor: Cory Flanagin. S.S. 10am, Sun. Worship 11am, Discipleship Training 5pm, Worship 6pm, 4th Sunday Worship at 5pm, Wed. Bible Study 6:30 pm Trinity Baptist Church, Michie, Tenn., 901-239-2133, Pastor: Bro. George Kyle; S. S.10am; Sun. Worship 11am & 6:30pm; Prayer Service Wed. 6:30pm. Tuscumbia Baptist Church, S.S. 10am; Worship 11am & 7pm; Church Training 6pm; Prayer Service Wed. pm. Union Baptist Church, Rayborn Richardson, pastor. S.S. 10 am., Sunday service 11 a.m., Sunday evening service 6 p.m., Wed. evening worship 6 pm. Unity Baptist Church, 5 CR 408, Hwy. 45 South Biggersville. Excail Burleson, Pastor. S.S. 10 am; Worship 11 am & 6 pm; Wed. Bible Study 6:30 pm. Unity Baptist Church, 825 Unity Church Rd, Ramer, TN, Dr. Ronald Meeks, Pastor; Bro. Andrew Williams, Music Director; Jason Webb, Youth Minister; Janice Lawson, Pianist; Sunday: Men’s Prayer 9:45am; SS 10am, Morning Worship 11am, Evening Worship 6pm; Wed. AWANA-Prayer Meeting 6:30pm. West Corinth Baptist Church, 308 School St., Bro. Seth Kirkland, Pastor; Andy Reeves, Youth Pastor; Worship 9am & 6pm; S.S. 10am Wed Awana 6:30pm, Bible Study 6:45pm. Wheeler Grove Baptist Church, Kara Blackard, pastor. S.S. 9am. Worship Service10am & 6:30pm; Wed. prayer mtg. & classes 6:30pm.




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CATHOLIC CHURCH St. James Catholic Church, 3189 Harper Rd., 287-1051 - Office; 284-9300. Pastor: Fr. Mario Solorzano. Sun. Mass: 11 am in English and 1:30 pm in Spanish CHRISTIAN CHURCH Charity Christian Church, Jacinto. Minister, Bro. Travis Smith S.S. 10am;Worship 11am; Bible Study 5pm; Wed. 7pm. Guys Christian Church, Guys, Tenn. 38339. S.S. 10am; Worship 11am. Oak Hill Christian Church, Kendrick Rd. At Tn. Line, Frank Williams, Evangelist, Bible School 10am; Worship 11am & 5pm (Winter); 6pm (Summer) Salem Christian Church, 1030 CR 400, Dennis Smith, minister. SS 9 am, Morning Worship 10am, Evening Service 5pm (Standard time) 6pm (Daylight Saving time). Need a ride? - Bro. Smith at 662-396-4051 Waldron Street Christian Church, Chuck Hassell, Minister. S.S. 9:30am; Worship10:45am & 6pm; Youth Mtgs. 6 pm; Wed. 6pm. CHURCH OF CHRIST Acton Church of Christ, 3 miles north of Corinth city limits on Hwy. 22. Shawn Weaver, Minister; Michael Harvill, Youth Min. S.S. 10am; Worship 10:50am & 6 p.m; Wed. Bible Study 7:00pm. Berea Church of Christ, Guys, TN. Minister Will Luster. Sun. School 10am, Worship Service 11am. Central Church of Christ, 306 CR 318, Corinth, Don Bassett, Minister, Sun. Bible Study 9:30am; Sun. Worship 10:30am & 5p.m., Wed. Bible Study 6p.m. Clear Creek Church of Christ, Waukomis Lake Rd. Worship 9am & 5pm; Bible School 10am; Wed. 6:30pm. Danville Church of Christ, 287-0312, 481 CR 409. Tim Carothers, Minister. Corinth; Sunday Bible Study 10am; Worship 11am & 5pm; Wed. 7pm. East Corinth Church of Christ, 1801 Cruise Ronald Choate, Minister. S.S. 9:45 a.m. Worship 10:30am & 5pm;Wed. Bible Study 7pm. Foote Street Church of Christ, Red Swindle, Minister., Mason Cothren,

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Daily Corinthian • Saturday, August 19, 2017 • 11A

The Daily Corinthian Church Directory is made possible by these businesses who encourage all of us to attend worship services. Local church photos and information appear on these pages free of charge. Corrections, additions and photos can be emailed to design1@dailycorinthian.com. We need a photo of your church! Send church photos to design1@dailycorinthian.com.

Ludlam; 286-3298. S.S. 9:45 am (all ages); Fellowship 10:45am; Worship 11am (nursery provided). Mons: Boy Scouts 5pm; Witness/Evangelism work 6pm; Tues: Cub Scouts 5:30pm; Weds: Gather & Worship 5:30pm City Road Temple (C.M.E.) Church, Martin Luther King Dr., Rev. Jeffrey Freeman, S.S. 9 am; Worship 10:00 am; Wed. Youth Meeting 5 pm.; Wed. Bible Study 6:30 pm First United Methodist Church, Rev. Roger Shock, Pastor; Ken Lancaster, Music Dir.; S.S. 9am, Worship 10 am; Wed. Family Supper 5pm, Bible Study 6pm; Choir Practice 7pm (Televised Cablevision Channel 16) Wed. Worship Service; Haley Lowery, Family & Children’s Minister Gaines Chapel United Methodist Church, 1802 Hwy 72 W, Rev. Trey Lambert, Pastor, S.S. 9:45 am. Worship 10:45am & 6:30pm; Children’s Activities 5pm, Youth 6:30pm & Wed. Night Children/Youth Activities and Adult Bible Study 6:00pm Hopewell United Methodist Church, 4572 CR 200; Jonathan E Cagle, Pastor; SS 9 a.m.; Worship 10 a.m.; Sun night Bible Study 5 p.m. Indian Springs United Methodist Church, Rev. Richard C Wells, Jr. Pastor; Sun: SS 9am, Worship 10am; Youth 5pm; Worship 6:30 pm; Wed: Youth 5pm, Bible Study 6:30pm Kossuth United Methodist Church, Mark Nail, pastor, Sunday School 10:00 a.m., Worship Service 11am & 6pm. Mt. Moriah United Methodist Church, Meigg St., S.S. 9:30 a.m. Worship 10:30 a.m. Wed. night bible study 6 p.m. Children & Youth for Christ Sat. 9:30 a.m. Sapada Thomas Pastor. Mt. Pleasant Methodist Church, W.C. Alexander, pastor. S.S. 10:30am Worship Service 11am; Wed night prayer service 6pm; Wed night Christ’s Kids (age 3-12) 6pm. Oak Grove C.M.E. Church, Alcorn County Road 514, West of Biggersville, MS, Rev. Ida Price, Pastor Sunday School 9:30am, Worship services 10:45am, Bible Study Wed. Night 7pm Pickwick United Methodist Church, 10575 Hwy 57 So., Pickwick Dam, TN 731-689-5358, Worship Services: Sun 8 a.m. & 11 a.m., SS 10 a.m. Fraley’s Chapel Church of Christ, Minister, James Pasley. Bible Study Pleasant Hill United Methodist Church, Mark Nail, pastor, Sun 9:30am; Worship 10:30am & 5pm. Wed. Bible Study7pm. Services, Worship 9:15am, Sunday School 10:30am, Evening 5pm. Jacinto Church of Christ, 1290 Hwy 356, Rienzi, Jerry Childs, Minister, Saulter’s Chapel CME Church, Acton, TN; Rev.James Agnew, pastor. S.S. S.S. 10am; Worship 11am; Wed. Bible Study 6:30pm. 10 a.m. Service 11 a.m.; Bible Study, Wednesday 7:30 p.m. Auto Sales & Brokers Jerusalem Church of Christ, Farmington Rd. David Lynch, Minister. S.S. Shady Grove United Methodist Church, Rod Taylor, pastor, S.S. 10am; Church 10:45am; Sun. Bible Study & Worship, 5pm. 10 a.m. Worship 11 a.m., Sunday night 6:30, Wed night 6:30 Kossuth Church of Christ, Duane Estill, Minister, 287-8930. S.S. 10am; 1109 Highway 72 East Phone: 662-284-9860 Stantonville United Methodist Church, 8351 Hwy 142, Stantonville, TN; Corinth, MS 38834 Worship 11am & 6 pm; Wed. Bible Study 7pm. Cell: 662-816-3514 David Harstin, pastor, S.S.10 a.m. Worship 11 a.m. Globalautosales@comcast.net Meeks St. Church of Christ, 1201 Meeks St; Brian Meade, minister, Fax: 662-284-9858 New Hope Methodist Church, New Hope & Sticine Rd., Guys/Michie, TN; 287-2187 or 286-9660; S.S. 9am; Wed. 7pm. Pastor David Harstin; Services: Sun. Worship 10 am, S.S. 11 am, Wed. Meigg Street Church of Christ, 914 Meigg St. Will Luster, Jr., Bible Study 6:30 pm. Minister. S.S. 9:30 am; Worship Service 10:30am & 6pm; Wed. 7pm. New Hope Church of Christ, Glen, MS, Minister, Roy Cox .S.S. 9:30am; MORMON Worship Service 10:30am & 5pm; Wed. Bible Study 7pm. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Corinth Ward. Hwy. 2 North Rienzi Church of Christ, Located in Rienzi by Shell Station on 356 Old Worsham Bros. Building Sun, 9:00 a.m. til noon, Wed. 6:30 pm. Minister, Wade Davis, Sun. 10am, & 6pm., Wed. 7:00pm The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, 204 George E. Allen Dr. Booneville, MS. Services: Booneville Ward 9-12 am Wed 6:30 pm Northside Church of Christ, Harper Rd., Lennis Nowell, Minister. S.S. 9:45am; Worship 10:35am & 6pm; Wed. Bible Study 7pm. NON-DENOMINATIONAL Pleasant Grove Church of Christ, 123 CR 304, Doskie, MS, Craig Agape World Overcoming Christian Center, 1311 Lyons St. Pastor Doris Chandler, Minister-287-1001; S.S. 9:45am; Worship 10:45am. Day. S.S. 9:45 a.m. Corporate Worship 11:30 a.m., Tues. Night Prayer/Bible South Parkway Church of Christ, 501 S. Parkway St., Bro. Andrew Study 7pm Blackwell,Minister, S.S. 9:30am; Worship 10:30am & 6pm; Wed. 7pm. Brand New Life Church, 2079 Hwy 72 E, Corinth MS 38834 (in the old Strickland Church of Christ, Central Sch. Rd. at Hwy. 72 E., Brad Marty’s Steak house) Pastors John & Sally Wilbanks; Sunday Service 10:30am. Dillingham, Minister, S.S. 10am;Worship 10:45am & 5pm; Wed. 7pm. Ekklesia Ministries, 2066 Tate St, Corinth. Dr. Kobee Fitzgerald, pastor. Theo Church of Christ, Ron Adams, minister. Hwy. 72 W. Bible Sunday school 10 a.m. Sunday services 11 a.m. Tuesday bible study 7 p.m. Study 9am; Worship 10am & 5pm; Wed. Bible Study pm. Bethel Church, CR 654-A, Walnut (72W to Durhams Gro, left at store, Wenasoga Church of Christ, Worship Service 9am & follow signs), Sun. Morn 10am; Sun. Worship 5pm; Thurs. Service 6pm. 5pm; Bible Class 10am; Wed. 7pm. Brush Creek House of Prayer, 478 CR 600 (just out of Kossuth) Walnut, West Corinth Church of Christ, Hwy 45 No. at Henson Rd. Blake MS. Pastor Bro. Jeff and Sister Lisa Wilbanks. Nicholas, Minister S.S. 9:45am; Worship service 10:40am & 5pm; Wed 7pm. Burnsville Tabernacle Church, Bro. Sheldon Lambert, pastor. Sunday School 10a.m., Worship Service 11 a.m., Eve. Worship 5p.m., Wed Service 7 CHURCH OF GOD Corinth Church of God, 1703 Levee. Pastors: Bro. Al and Nancy Crawford. p.m. Church of the Crossroads, Hwy 72 E., Nelson Hight, pastor, 286-6838, 1st 1505 South Fulton Drive in Corinth S.S. 10 a.m. Worship services 11 a.m. Wed. Night Bible Study 7 p.m. Morn. Worship 8:30, 2nd Worship 10am, 3rd Worship 11:30am; SS 10 am & Church of God of Prophecy, Bell School Rd. S.S. 10 a.m. Worship Life Groups 5pm; Wed. 6:30 pm Life Groups & Childrens Services 662-287-2156 services 11 a.m. Wed. Night Bible Study 7 p.m. Pastor James Gray. Cicero AME Church, 420 Martin Luther King Dr., Corinth, MS 286-2310 S.S. Hilltop Church of God, 46 Hwy 356 - 603-4567, Pastor, David Basden, 9:30 am; Worship 11am & 7pm; Wed. Bible Study 7pm 662-462-7603 or 662-808-2669. SS 10am, Sun. Worship 10:45am, Sun. Even. City of Refuge, 300 Emmons Rd. & Hwy 64, Selmer, TN. 731-645-7053 or 5pm, Wed. 7pm. New Mission Church of God in Christ, 608 Wick St. Pastor Elder Yarbro. 731-610-1883. Pastor C. A. Jackson. Sun. Morn. 10am, Sun. Evening 6pm, Wed. Bible Study 7pm. S.S. 10 a.m. Sunday Worship 11 a.m., & 7 p.m. Wed. & Fri. 7pm. Christ Gospel Church, Junction 367 & 356, 1 1/2 miles east of Jacinto. New Life Church of God in Christ, 305 West View Dr., Pastor Elder James Dixon, pastor, S.S. 10 a.m. Sun 6:30 p.m. Wed 7 p.m. Fri Night 7 p.m. Willie Hoyle, 286-5301. Sun. Prayer 9:45 am, S.S. 10 am, Worship Church On Fire Dream Center, Intersection of Holt Ave. & Hwy 365 11:30 am, Thurs. Worship 7:30 pm, Wed. night worship services 7 pm, North, Burnsville. Michael Roberts, pastor, Sun. Morn. Worship 10am, YPWW 1st & 3rd Sunday 6 pm. 662-415-4890(cell) St. James Church of God in Christ, 1101 Gloster St. S.S. 10 a.m. City of Refuge Church, 706 School Street, Corinth, MS Worship Services 11:30 a.m.; Youth/Adult Bible Study Thurs. 7pm Pastor, Harvern Davis; Sun Prayer Service 10 am; Worship 10:30 am Pastor Elder Anthony Fox. Wednesday Service, 7 pm St. James Church of God in Christ-Ripley, 719 Ashland Rd, Ripley, MS, Cornerstone Christian Fellowship, 145 South. Services: Sun. 10am 662-837-9509; Sun. Worship Morning Glory 8am; SS 9am; Worship 11am; Youth and Home Meetings, Wednesday Night. Billy Joe Young, pastor. Thurday is Holy Ghost night 7pm; Superintendent Bernell Hoyle, Pastor. Cross Way Church, 3192 Kendrick Rd., Corinth. Services: Sun. sch. 9:15 Church of God of Union Assembly, 347 Hwy 2, (4 miles from Hwy 45 a.m.; Sun. worship 10 a.m.; Wed. Bible study, 7 p.m.; Haskell Sparks, pastor. bypass going East to 350), North Gospel Preaching and singing. Services 662-423-8767 Wed. 6:30 pm , Sun.Evening Service 6:30 pm, Sun. morning 10:30 am. FaithPointe Church, Lead Pastor, Mike Sweeney. 440 Hwy. 64 E. Everyone invited to come and worship with us. Pastor Brother David Adamsville, TN. Sun. 9 am SS,10:30 am Morn. Worship; Wed. Bible Study Our Family Serving Your Family, Bledsoe; 286-2909 or 287-3769 7 p.m. (all ages) Website: faithpointechurch.com The Church of God , Hwy 57, West of four-way in Michie, TN. Full Gospel House of Prayer, 2 miles S. of Hightown. Ancel Hancock, Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow Paster Joe McLemore, 731-926-5674. Minister, Jane Dillingham, Assoc., Serv every Mon. night 7pm Wings of Mercy Church, 1703 Levee St. (Just off 45 S. at Harper Exit). Foundation of Truth Christian Fellowship, 718 S. Tate St., Corinth, MS, Church: 287-4900; Pastor: James Tipton, Sunday Morn. 10:30am, Sunday Frederick C. Patterson Sr, pastor, S.S. 9:30 a.m. Worship Service 11 p.m. Evening 5:00pm, Wednesday Bible Study 7:00pm Wed. Bible Study 7 p.m. Frazier, Jones & Wooley Hungry Hearts Church, 717 Taylor Street, Corinth. Pastor: Edith Mosby. 613 Bunch St. • Corinth, MS • 662-286-2900 EPISCOPAL Sat. Service 10am St. Paul’s Episcopal, Hwy. 2 at N. Shiloh Rd. Rev. Ann B. Fraser, Priest; Kossuth Worship Center, Hwy. 2, Kossuth. Pastor Bro. Larry Murphy. S.S. 9:30am Holy Eucharist followed by Welcome & Coffee; 10:45am Sunday 10 a.m. Worship 11 a.m. & 6 p.m. Wed. Services 6:00 p.m. 287-5686 Life in the Word Fellowship Church, Pastor Merle Spearman. 706 School School. Nursery opens at 9:15am. St, Worship Sun. 10:30 am & 6:00 pm; Wed. 7:00 pm. Mt. Zion Church, Highway 365 N. of Burnsville. Pastor Billy Powers. FREE WILL BAPTIST Calvary Free Will Baptist Mission, Old Jacinto Supply Building, Jacinto. Worship Service 2 pm; Wed. Serv 7 pm. Open 8am-7pm Mon-Sat Mt. Carmel Community Church, 58 CR 713, Corinth. Mike Snyder, pastor. S.S. 10 am Worship 11 am & 5 pm Wed. Service 7 pm. Northface Clothing Sun worship 10am, Tues Bible Study 7:15pm, Tues Service 7:15pm Life Gate Free Will Baptist Church, 377 CR 218, Corinth, MS, Under Armour Clothing Mt. Carmel Non-Denominational Church, Wenasoga Rd. 462-8353, S.S. 10am, Worship Serv 10:45 am & 6 pm. Wed. Bible Study Pastor Bro. Jason Abbatoy. Sunday Morning Service 11:00 am 7pm. River of Life Worship Center, 2401 Hwy 72 E on Skylark Drive Sun. 10:30 Macedonia Freewill Baptist Church, 9 miles S. of Corinth on a.m. and 5:30 p.m.; Wed. 6 p.m.; Pastor Jacob Dawson CR 400. Sunday School 10 a.m.; Pastor: Rev. Nathaniel Bullard; Sun Rutherford Chapel, CR 755, Theo Community, Rev. Casey Rutherford, Worship 11 a.m& 6 pm; Wednesday 6 p.m. Pastor, Sun. 10:30 am Worship & 6 pm; Thurs. 7 p.m. 662-396-1967 Still Hope Ministries, Main St, Rienzi; Pastor: Bro. Chris Franks, 662-603 HOLINESS 3596. Services: Sun 2pm; Fri. 7pm. By Faith Holiness Church, 137 CR 430, Ritenzi, MS, 662-554-9897/462 The Anchor Holds Church, Hwy 348 of Blue Springs, MS. 662-869-5314, 7287; Pastor: Eddie Huggins; Sun 10am& 6pm; Thurs. 7pm Pastor Mike Sanders, Sun. School 9:30 a.m; Sun. Morning Worship 10:30 Theo Holiness Church, Hwy. 72 West, Corinth. Pastor: Rev. Ronald am; Sun. Evening Worship 5:00 p.m; Wed. Service 7:00 p.m; Nursery Wilbanks, Phone:662-223-5330; Senior Pastor: Rev. Rufus Barnes; SS Pre-Planned Funerals | Burial Insurance Provided For Ages 0-3; Children Church For Ages 4-10; Youth Program For 10am, Worship Service 11am, and 6:30 pm, Wed. Prayer Meeting 7 pm Ages 11-21; Anointed Choir and Worship Team True Holiness Church, 1223 Tate St, 287-5659 or 808-0347, Pastor: Willie Saffore; S.S. 10 am, Sun. Worship 11:30 am, Tues/Fri Prayer Service 9am; Triumph Church, Corner of Dunlap & King St. S.S. 10:00 a.m. Worship 11:30 a.m. Tuesday night worship 7:00 p.m. Prayer & Bible Band Wed. 7pm. Triumphs To The Church and Kingdom of God in Christ, Rev. Billy T., 2024 Hwy 72 East Annex Kirk, pastor S.S. of Wisdom 10 a.m. Regular Services 11:30 a.m. Tuesday & INDEPENDENT BAPTIST Corinth, MS 38834 Brigman Hill Baptist Church, Pastor Bob Harris, S.S. 10am; Sun Worship Thursday 7:30p.m. Word Outreach Ministries, Hwy. 45 North, MS-TN State Line. Pastor {662) 286-9500 11 am & 5 pm.; 7 mi. E. on Farmington Rd.; 256-503-7438 Elworth Mabry. Sun. Bible Study 10am, Worship 11am, Wed. 6:30pm. Grace Bible Baptist Church, Hwy. 145 No. Donald Sculley, pastor. 286-5760, S.S.10 a.m. Worship 11 a.m & 6 p.m. Wed. 7 p.m., Children’s PENTECOSTAL Bible Club 7 p.m. Calvary Apostolic Church, Larry W. McDonald, Pastor, 1622 Bunch St. Juliette Independent Missionary Baptist Church, Interim Pastor, Services Sun 10am & 6pm, Tues 7:30 pm For info. 287-3591. Harold Talley, S.S.10 a.m. Preaching 11 a.m. Evening Service 5 p.m. The Central Church, Central School Road. Terry Harmon II, Pastor. Sunday Maranatha Baptist Church, CR 106, Bro. Scotty Wood, Pastor. S.S.10 School 10 a.m., celebration service 11 a.m., Wednesday Bible Study and Kid a.m. Sun Worship 11am & 6pm; Wed. Bible Study 7:15 p.m. Central 7 p.m. Free meal, Wednesday, 6 p.m. Jones Chapel Free Will Baptist Church, S.S. 10 a.m. Sun. Worship Apostolic Life Tabernacle, Hwy. 45 S. Sunday Worship & S.S. 10 am & Services 11 a.m. & 5 p.m. Wed. Night Bible Study 7 p.m. 6 p.m. Thurs. Prayer Meeting 7:15pm Mike Brown, pastor. 287-4983. Strickland Baptist Church, 514 Strickland Rd., Glen MS 38846, Pastor Biggersville Pentecostal Church, U.S. 45 N., Biggersville. Rev. T.G, Ramsy, Harold Burcham; Sunday School 10 a.m.; Sunday Services 11 a.m& 6 pm; pastor. S.S. 10 a.m. Youth Services, Sunday 5 p.m. Evangelistic Wed. Bible Study 7 p.m. Service 6 p.m. Bible Study Wednesday 7 p.m. Burnsville United Pentecostal Church, Highway 72 West of Burnsville. L. INDEPENDENT FULL GOSPEL Rich, pastor. S.S. 10 am; Worship Service 11 am and 6:30 pm; Youth Harvest Church, 349 Hwy 45 S., Guys, TN. Pastor Roger Reece; Service 5:30 pm; Wed Prayer and Bible Study 7:15 pm. 731-239-2621. S.S. 10 a.m. Worship & Children’s Church 11am; Community Pentecostal Church, 401 CR 206, Walnut. (662) 224-4114. Evening Service 6 p.m., Wed. 7 p.m. Pastor: John M. Fuller. Sun. 2 p.m., Wed. prayer 6:30 p.m., Wed. bible study 7 p.m. INDEPENDENT METHODIST Counce, Tenn. First Pentecostal Church, State Route 57, Rev. G.R. Clausel Hill Independent Methodist Church, 8 miles S. of Burnsville, Miller, pastor. S.S. 10 a.m. Evening Worship 6 p.m. Wed 7 p.m. just off 365 in Cairo Community. Pastor, Gary Redd. S.S. 10 a.m. Morning Eastview United Pentecostal Church, Rev. Wayne Isbell, pastor. Worship 11:15 a.m. Evening Worship 5:00 p.m. Wed. Night Prayer 662-665-2334 (pastor) S.S. 10 am; Worship Service Meeting 6:45 p.m. 11am & 6pm; Wed. Bible Study 7:15 p.m. Chapel Hill Methodist Church, , 2 1/2 mi. W. of Burnsville. CR 944. Gospel Tabernacle, Glover Drive. Rev. Josh Hodum, pastor. S.S. 10 am Scotty McCay, pastor. S.S. 10 am, Sunday Worship, 11 am. & 5 pm. Worship 11am & 6pm; Wed. Service 7 p.m. Greater Life United Pentecostal Church, 750 Hwy. 45 S. Rev. Tommy Callahan, Pastor; SS 10am, Sun. Morn. Worship 11am, Sun. Even. Worship LUTHERAN 6pm; Wed. Night 7:15pm Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, Missouri Synod. 4203 Shiloh Rd. 287 1037, Divine Worship 10:00 a.m. Holy Communion celebrated on the first, Life Tabernacle Apostolic Pentecostal, 286-5317, Mathis Subd. Sunday Worship 10am&6:30pm;Wed. Bible Study 7 p.m. third and fifth Sunday. Christian Ed. 9 a.m. Mike Dixon, Pastor. Little Chapel Pentecostal Church, Canal St., Selmer, Tenn., Sun. Worship 10 am & 5 pm., Thurs. 7 p.m. Pastor: Lee Willis METHODIST Bethel United Methodist, Jerry Kelly, pastor. Worship 10 am S.S. 11 am Pleasant Hill Pentecostal Church, C.D. Kirk, pastor, Hwy. 2, S.S. 10am, Adult Worship 10am, Sun. Night Explosion 6pm & Box Chapel United Methodist Church, Anne Ferguson, Pastor 3310 CR 100 (Intersection of Kendrick & Box Chapel Road) S.S. 10:00 a.m. Worship Wed. night 7:30pm Rockhill Apostolic, 156 CR 157, 662-287-1089, Pastor Steve 11 am, Evening Worship 5 p.m. Wednesday Bible Study 6 p.m. Burnsville United Methodist Church, 118 Front St., Burnsville. 423-1758. Findley SS. 10am, Sun. Morn. 11am, Sun. Night 6pm, Wed night 7:15pm Sanctuary of Hope 1108 Proper St,, Sun. Worship 10 a.m. & 6pm; Wayne Napier, Pastor, S.S. 10 a.m. Worship 9 a.m. Thursday worship 7:30 p.m. “Where there’s breath, there’s hope.” Danville CME Methodist Church, Rev. James Agnew, Pastor, Sun. S.S. The Full Gospel Tabernacle of Jesus Christ, 37 CR 2350, 10 am, Worship Service 11 am, Bible classes Wed. night 6:30 to 7:30. Pastor Jesse Hisaw, 462-3541. Sun, 10am & 5pm; Wed. 7:30 pm. Christ United Methodist Church, 3161 Shiloh Rd. Pastor: Steven “Lud”

Waldron Street Christian Church

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Tobes Chapel Pentecostal Church, 520 CR 400, Pastor: Rev. J.C. Killough, SS. 10am, Sun. Worship 11am, Sun. Even. 5:30am, Wed. Bible Study 7pm, 462-8183. Walnut United Pentecostal Church, Hwy. 72 W. S.S. 10 am; Worship 11 am & 6 pm; Wed. Bible Study 7 pm. Rev. James Sims. West Corinth U.P.C., 5th & Nelson St., Rev. Merl Dixon, Minister, S.S. 10 am. Worship 11 am.; Prayer meeting 5:30 pm., Evang. Serv. 6 pm., Wed. 7 pm. Soul’s Harbor Apostolic Church, Walnut, Worship Sun. Services 10 a.m. & 6, Wed. 7:30 p.m., Rev. Jesse Cuter, pastor, Prayer Request, call 223-4003. Zion Pentecostal Church In Christ., 145 N. on Little Zion Rd. Bld 31, Rev. Allen Milam, Pastor, S.S. 10am. Worship 11am.; Evang. Service 6pm, Wed. 7pm. PRESBYTERIAN Covenant Presbyterian Church, Tennessee St. at North Parkway; S.S.10 am; Worship 11 am. 594-5067 or 210-2991. First Presbyterian Church, EPC, 919 Shiloh Rd., Rev. Waring Porter, Min. Gregg Parker, Director of Youth & Fellowship. S.S. 9:30 a.m.; Morning Worship 10:45; Fellowship 5 & 6 pm. Shiloh Cumberland Presbyterian Church, off U.S. 72 W. Rev. Brenda Laurence. S.S. 10 a.m. Worship 11 a.m. Bible Study 6 p.m. The New Hope Presbyterian Church, Biggersville. Nicholas B. Phillips, pastor; Sunday School for all ages 9:45 am Morning Worship 10:45 am. Trinity Presbyterian Church (PCA), 4175 No Harper Rd; Sun. Morn. Worship 9:30 am; Sunday school, 11:00 am, Wed. Bible study, 5:30 p.m., http://www.tpccorinth.org. SATURDAY SABBATH Hungry Hearts, 717 Taylor St. Corinth. 662-603-2764 ; Sat. 10 am Service SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST Seventh-day Adventist Church, 2150 Hwy.72 E., Sean Day, Minister. Sat. Services: Bible Study 10am-11:10, Worship 11:20am12:30pm; Prayer Meeting: Tuesday 7:00pm SOUTHERN BAPTIST Crossroads Church, 1020 CR 400 Salem Rd; Warren Jones, Pastor; Sun. -Bible Study 9 a.m., Worship/Preaching 10 a.m.

Victory Baptist Church, 9 CR 256., Alan Parker, Pastor. S.S. 9am; Worship 10am. Church Training 5:30pm; Worship 6:30pm; Wed. 6:30pm

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11.07 21.43 5.25 13.00 37.37 48.74 69.96 62.01 93.26 12.37 61.25 46.82 31.98 7.67 167.50 35.03 10.70 63.07 63.69 958.47 6.23 45.55 11.11 72.16 85.38 22.74 61.34 12.51 42.17 9.82 12.34 18.82 191.02 40.31 157.50 44.30 25.97 24.29 1.93 29.12 6.26 104.41 3.07 32.27 2.62 46.12 34.16 12.92 1.95 220.69 32.77 8.78 10.39 6.46 23.62 52.10 33.98 5.09 13.30 16.64 177.56 59.47 8.68 31.52 29.78 235.77 26.89 57.45 56.42 60.80 18.74 12.28 50.87 50.87 84.79 32.37 8.01 35.24 29.03 66.78 48.21 48.78 77.66 24.39 11.30 10.16 14.92 9.68 81.53 92.75 67.46 13.72 113.92 127.65 9.20 2.54 7.50 29.01 19.16 3.96 106.48 9.99 7.82 30.37 14.74 27.48 66.58 33.06 7.40 40.38 45.67 71.02 13.06 40.52 7.03 34.46 43.11 14.25 24.31 27.88 157.08 19.23 21.25 73.89 11.73 12.45 14.88 104.12 50.44 13.12 .57 9.67 35.69 15.84 80.87 117.31 .15 47.53 1.16 16.52 30.40 10.61 10.74 26.99 32.21 18.02 40.82 26.95 18.27 7.27 49.02 21.93 22.49 21.25 100.70 78.69 63.40 3.35 86.38 28.86 9.28




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Chg ExxonMbl 22 48.62 +.07 29 76.64 +.38 Oracle Facebook 35 167.41 +.50 PPG s 17 102.08 -.60 FairmSant dd 2.57 -.06 Pandora dd 8.27 -.22 +.06 FalconStor dd .25 +.06 ParsleyEn 89 24.79 +.40 +.04 FangHldg dd 3.40 +.04 PattUTI dd 15.63 +.19 -.01 Fastenal 22 40.68 -.93 PayPal n 47 59.44 +.15 -.15 FedExCp 17 206.00 +.63 PeabodyE n ... 27.21 -.73 -.23 FelCor 9 7.02 -.05 Penney 9 3.60 +.02 Eric M Rutledge, CFP®, -.55 FiatChrys ... 12.57 +.09 PepsiCo 24 117.60 -.79 +.11 FidNatInfo 23 89.83 +.26 PetrbrsA AAMS® ... 8.61 +.42 +.64 FifthThird 13 26.33 +.07 Petrobras ... 8.89 +.35 Financial Advisor +.41 58.com dd 53.26 -.23 Pfizer 13 32.67 -.28 1500 Harper Road Suit 1 +.03 FinLine 11 11.01 -.98 PhilipMor 24 115.33 -.60 +.39 FireEye dd 13.98 -.01 PhxNMda 35 4.50 +.56 Corinth, MS 38834 -.22 FstData n ... 17.81 +.24 PiperJaf 13 54.95 -.10 662-287-1409 -.62 FMajSilv g cc 6.43 -.12 PlainsAAP 15 19.01 -.13 Steven D Hefner, CFP® -.10 FirstEngy 12 32.83 +.18 PlatfmSpc 17 12.08 +.04 +3.58 Fitbit n dd 5.23 -.03 PlugPowr h dd 2.12 +.08 Financial Advisor +.36 Flex Ltd 15 15.52 -.29 Potash 22 17.23 -.05 413 Cruise Street -.03 FootLockr 7 34.38 -13.32 PS SrLoan q 23.05 +.01 +.87 FordM 11 10.56 -.08 PwShs QQQ q 141.23 Corinth, MS 38834 -.10 -.61 Fossil Grp 5 7.49 -.28 PrUltQQQ s q 60.48 -.16 662-287-4471 -2.10 FrptMcM dd 14.15 -.05 PrUltPQ s q 104.65 -.37 +.04 Frontr rs ... 13.56 -.25 PUVixST rs q 38.97 -2.18 Chris Marshall -.48 GATX 10 60.48 -.01 ProVixST rs q 44.19 -1.34 Financial Advisor -.15 GGP Inc 11 20.50 -.47 PrUCrude rs q 16.17 +1.05 +.16 Gap 11 22.65 -.03 ProShtVx s 401 E. Waldron Street q 70.66 +2.42 -.71 GenDynam 21 198.73 +.74 Corinth, MS 38834 ProctGam 24 92.47 +.40 -.34 GenElec 23 24.55 -.20 ProgsvCp 23 48.63 +.12 662-287-7885 -.33 GenMills 19 57.14 -.43 ProShSP rs q 33.41 +.06 +.22 GenMotors 5 34.83 -.17 PrUShSP rs q 50.40 +.19 +.45 Gerdau ... 3.52 +.04 PrUShDow q 11.47 +.08 -.01 GileadSci www.edwardjones.com 7 72.11 -.23 PUShtQQQ q 16.50 +.05 +.02 GlaxoSKln ... 38.75 -.30 PShtQQQ rs q 29.59 +.09 +.31 GluMobile dd 3.20 +.14 q 15.51 +.11 -.94 GoldFLtd ... 4.32 +.18 PUShtSPX 7.15 -.30 +.42 Goldcrp g 40 12.87 -.30 ProspctCap 7 Prudentl 10 101.95 +.04 Member SIPC -.36 GoldmanS 12 222.15 +.73 PulteGrp 15 25.28 -.16 +1.18 GoPro dd 9.05 -.27 +.53 GraphPkg 18 13.47 -.13 Q-R-S-T +.01 Groupon dd 3.99 +.14 QEP Res dd 7.44 +.32 -.08 GulfportE dd 12.17 +.30 Qualcom 18 51.92 -.35 +.04 HCP Inc 12 28.85 -.35 QuaCare ... 14.14 -.88 +.22 HP Inc 11 18.51 -.13 RLJ LodgT 8 19.61 -.09 -.27 Hallibrtn cc 38.99 +.30 After years of falling revenue and profit, Pfizer has University of Michigan’s Ross School of Business. 20 17.94 +.48 +.04 Hanesbds s 13 23.53 -.35 RangeRs finally stabilized and is starting to rebound. Read thinks Pfizer can win approval of up to 18 16 15.12 -1.26 -.83 HarmonyG ... 1.87 +.09 RegalEnt The biggest U.S. drugmaker’s sales peaked in new drugs and six near-copies of expensive, -.01 HartfdFn 17 55.56 -.04 RegionsFn 15 14.06 +.07 2011 at $67.4 billion, long after its 2000 stock high complex injectable drugs within five years. But cc 26.32 -.33 -.04 HeclaM 49 4.87 +.01 RiceEngy of $45. Shares plunged to $12 by 2009, but are up Gordon isn’t optimistic. 37 2.22 -.01 +.06 HertzGl ... 16.96 -1.55 RiteAid slightly this year. “He’s going to have to turn out a string of hits, 23 124.52 +1.63 +.35 Hess dd 38.45 +.08 RockColl CEO Ian Read recently not just promise them,” said 1.08 +.48 -.22 HP Ent n 19 17.18 -.12 Root9B hn ... said Pfizer won’t seek big Gordon. -.36 Hibbett 4 10.90 -.60 RossStrs s 19 59.02 +5.69 acquisitions — long its chief Gordon said Pfizer has 4 9.33 +.20 -.03 Hilton growth strategy — until he some drugs in testing that 27 61.06 +.24 Rowan RoyDShllA 83 54.65 +.15 could become big sellers, sees whether Congress +.07 Hologic 13 37.42 -.53 11 58.40 -.49 but likely will face heavy enacts tax reform. +.35 HomeDp 21 147.49 -2.18 RymanHP competition. Even if that happens, +.08 HonwllIntl 20 134.95 -.90 SM Energy dd 13.87 +.50 q 216.53 -1.28 “This is a pretty good Pfizer likely won’t get a big -.02 HopFedBc 26 14.06 +.06 SpdrDJIA wait-and-see stock,” he tax benefit with future q 122.30 -.19 +.30 HorizPhm dd 13.31 +.17 SpdrGold said. “I don’t see any acquisitions, said Erik +.48 HostHotls 10 17.43 -.49 SpdrEuro50 q 39.45 +.16 compelling reason to buy it Gordon, a professor and -.38 +.24 HuntBncsh 18 12.66 +.02 S&P500ETF q 242.71 today.” pharmaceuticals analyst at SpdrBiot s q 74.95 -.08 -.36 I-J-K-L SpdrS&PBk q 41.40 -.01 -.21 Ten-year indexed performance 71 5.70 +.03 SpdrShTHiY q 27.72 +.02 +.40 IAMGld g Convincing investors: Pfizer’s 150% ... 9.04 +.03 SpdrLehHY q 36.81 +.03 -.68 ICICI Bk revenue has been falling throughout 45 45.75 -.47 SpdrS&P RB q 51.69 +.09 -.04 IHS Mark the decade, hurt by generic ... 17.93 +.15 SpdrRetl s q 38.19 -.13 -.08 ING competition and other factors. That’s 100 q 12.37 -.02 SpdrOGEx -.42 iShGold q 29.46 +.36 S&P 500 been partly offset by repeated q 39.03 +.81 SRC Eng +.18 iShBrazil dd 7.67 +.01 Healthcare sector cost-cutting, but still dragged down q 41.49 +.14 STMicro +.25 iShEMU 50 35 16.59 profits. Now revenue and profit are q 30.64 +.17 SabraHltc +1.48 iShGerm 15 20.71 -.47 rising again, thanks to strong sales of q 24.03 +.02 SabreCorp 22 17.40 -.35 iSh HK -.22 key medicines, several recently q 67.45 +.68 Salesforce 87 90.76 0 -.55 iSh SKor -.12 launched drugs and the purchase of q 16.10 -.02 SallyBty Pfizer (PFE) -.36 iShSilver the world’s biggest maker of 11 17.93 -1.49 +.08 iShChinaLC q 42.01 +.09 Schlmbrg injectable drugs in 2015. 57 63.32 +.29 -.55 Schwab -50 +.23 iSCorSP500 q 244.25 27 39.51 -.16 ’08 ’09 ’10 ’11 ’12 ’13 ’14 ’15 ’16 ’17 q 43.67 +.37 SeadrillLtd -.45 iShEMkts 1 .28 +.00 q 120.65 -.08 SeagateT +3.56 iShiBoxIG 8 31.37 -.14 q 126.62 -.03 SibanyeG -.01 iSh20 yrT Linda A. Johnson; J. Paschke • AP Source: FactSet ... 5.77 +.06 q 66.19 +.18 SiriusXM -.15 iS Eafe 37 5.49 +.01 q 87.47 +.13 Skechers s 18 26.95 +.33 iShiBxHYB -.45 q 33.70 +.11 SnapInc A n ... 14.01 +.66 -.13 iShIndia bt q 134.92 -.01 SouthnCo -.11 iShR2K NDEXES 17 48.30 +.38 -.10 SwstAirl +.37 iSUSAMinV q 49.59 14 53.17 +.02 52-Week Net YTD 52-wk q 79.18 -.59 SwstnEngy 48 -.10 iShREst 5.28 +.15 High Low Name Last Chg %Chg %Chg %Chg q 33.54 -.42 SpiritRltC -1.23 iShHmCnst 10 8.41 -.19 q 61.95 +.14 SportsWhs 8 -.14 iShCorEafe 21,674.51 -76.22 -.35 +9.67 +16.83 4.34 +.88 22,179.11 17,883.56 Dow Industrials dd 8.42 +.44 Sprint -.35 Imunmd dd 8.07 -.02 9,763.66 7,712.13 Dow Transportation 9,095.31 -57.14 -.62 +.57 +14.69 15 14.79 -1.14 Square n +.22 Infosys dd 24.83 +.29 740.36 616.19 Dow Utilities 738.38 +3.96 +.54 +11.94 +8.08 15 35.01 -.16 SP Matls +1.42 Intel q 53.71 +.02 12,019.85 10,281.48 NYSE Composite 11,699.83 -12.88 -.11 +5.81 +8.04 11 139.70 -1.00 +.03 IBM SP HlthC q 78.00 -.36 6,460.84 5,034.41 Nasdaq Composite 6,216.53 -5.38 -.09 +15.48 +18.67 ... 1.23 -.06 -.46 IntrpDia rs SP CnSt q 55.20 -.15 2,490.87 2,084.59 S&P 500 2,425.55 -4.46 -.18 +8.34 +11.07 14 32.86 +.09 -.41 Invesco SP Consum q 88.25 -.44 1,795.14 1,475.38 S&P MidCap 1,692.30 -3.84 -.23 +1.91 +8.29 -.05 iShJapan rs q 54.45 +.24 SP Engy q 62.32 +.31 25,848.33 21,583.94 Wilshire 5000 25,107.81 -46.46 -.18 +7.18 +10.78 q 36.26 +.16 +.32 iSTaiwn rs q 24.62 +.01 1,452.09 1,156.08 Russell 2000 1,357.79 -1.15 -.08 +.05 +9.79 q 52.59 +.42 SPDR Fncl +.78 iShCorEM q 67.15 -.27 ... 12.67 +.35 SP Inds +.07 ItauUnibH SP Tech q 57.07 -.06 cc 40.13 -.67 +.06 JD.com 22,200 SP Util q 54.50 +.32 Dow Jones industrials +.02 JPMorgCh 14 90.74 +.09 dd 10.19 -.01 19 29.67 +.19 Staples Close: 21,674.51 +.05 Jabil 21,920 -.34 10 20.28 -.21 Starbucks s 27 52.70 +.24 JetBlue Change: -76.22 (-0.4%) 27 24.86 -.21 20 132.63 -.41 StoreCap -.22 JohnJn 21,640 28 144.29 -1.07 10 DAYS +.08 JohnContl n 25 37.05 +.16 Stryker 22,500 12 15.41 -.25 3.52 +.69 SunstnHtl +.56 Jumei Intl 39 SunTrst 15 56.13 16 27.16 +.21 JnprNtwk dd 8.45 +.25 22,000 7 18.14 +.11 SupEnrgy -.05 KKR dd 28.45 +.41 16 17.59 -.20 Symantec -.67 Keycorp Synchrony 11 30.07 -.03 15 19.34 -.19 21,500 +1.34 Kimco dd 2.91 +.01 64 18.55 +.15 SynrgyPh -3.07 KindMorg 7.70 +.15 TAL Educ s cc 29.45 +1.14 -.02 KindredHlt 21 21,000 20 70.47 +.22 61 4.25 -.12 TJX +.25 Kinross g ... 1.27 -.04 10 37.28 +.17 TOP Shi rs +.24 Kohls 20,500 ... 35.86 +.07 6.91 +.16 TaiwSemi -.62 KosmosEn dd -.26 -.62 TangerFac 10 24.06 -.19 KraftHnz n 34 84.49 20,000 Target 11 55.65 -.47 11 22.86 -.28 Kroger s F M A M J J A 11 36.20 -1.35 TenetHlth dd 14.45 +1.80 -.24 L Brands dd 347.46 -4.46 16 11.91 +.11 Tesla Inc +.25 LaredoPet 8 17.30 +.20 25 60.01 -.10 TevaPhrm +.19 LVSands 23 79.97 -.18 5.96 +.13 TexInst TOCKS OF OCAL NTEREST -.26 LendingClb dd 24 203.53 -1.82 ... 32.39 -.05 3M Co +.11 LibtyGlobC YTD YTD TimeWarn 17 101.19 -.42 37 21.17 +.01 +.18 LibQVC A Div PE Last Chg %Chg Name Div PE Last Chg %Chg ... 50.49 +.61 Name 10 68.02 -.87 Total SA +2.04 LincNat 3.88 20 121.39 -.89 +6.4 1.72 12 79.84 +.01 +14.7 KimbClk 17 54.70 -.22 AFLAC cc 38.38 -.66 TractSupp +.01 LiveNatn ... 3.34 -.02 Transocn 7 7.48 +.20 AT&T Inc -1.49 LloydBkg 1.96 14 37.37 -.23 -12.1 Kroger s .50f 11 22.86 ... -33.8 18 73.64 -.48 Trivago n ... 15.12 -.10 +.07 Lowes ... ... 27.09 +.07 +50.9 Lowes 1.64f 18 73.64 -.48 +3.5 -1.03 LyonBas A 10 87.34 +1.11 21stCFoxA 16 27.26 -.09 AerojetR 3.80 22 145.76 +.22 +1.3 McDnlds +2.39 21stCFoxB 14 26.79 -.10 AirProd 3.76 27 157.76 -.13 +29.6 M-N-O-P -.22 Twitter dd 15.99 +.12 AlliantEg s 1.22 22 42.24 +.47 +11.5 OldNBcp .52 16 16.25 ... -10.5 -.03 MGM Rsts 46 30.71 +.20 TwoHrbInv 10 10.12 +.10 AEP 2.36 19 72.16 +.16 +14.6 Penney ... 9 3.60 +.02 -56.7 Macys 7 19.49 -.13 +.18 U-V-W-X-Y-Z .58 +.09 AmeriBrgn 1.46 13 78.60 -1.34 +.5 PennyMac -.02 MagneG rs ... 1.88 14 17.35 +.04 +6.0 ... 1.46 +.06 US Silica dd 26.10 +.30 ATMOS +1.25 MannKd rs 1.80 25 87.12 -.34 +17.5 PepsiCo 3.22 24 117.60 -.79 +12.4 Manulife g ... 19.47 -.47 UltPetro n ... 8.05 -.40 +.01 1.32f 16 46.12 -.04 -1.9 PilgrimsP dd 10.87 +.05 UndrArm s 30 17.12 2.75e 16 28.17 +.14 +48.3 -.69 BB&T Cp -.02 MarathnO ... .31 +.05 UnAr C wi 2.38 25 34.16 +.06 -8.6 RegionsFn ... 15.64 -.64 BP PLC -.18 MaraPat h .36 15 14.06 +.07 -2.1 -.36 MarathPt s 11 50.11 +.41 UnionPac 19 103.90 +.72 BcpSouth .56f 18 28.40 +.10 -8.5 SbdCp 3.50 15 4344.93 +16.93 +9.9 29 200.54 +.13 UtdContl -.57 MartMM 8 64.75 +.05 +22.8 Caterpillar 3.12 30 113.92 +.78 -.04 MarvellTch 49 15.65 +.10 UPS B 19 113.34 +.42 SearsHldgs ... ... 8.65 +.45 -6.9 4.32 61 106.48 +.56 -9.5 -6.67 MasterCrd 34 131.14 +.26 US Bancrp 16 51.68 -.04 Chevron Sherwin 3.40 27 328.97 -.59 +22.4 Mattel 22 16.82 -.35 -.02 US NGas q 6.51 -.04 CocaCola 1.48 28 45.67 -.19 +10.2 McDrmInt 18 5.75 +.06 US OilFd SiriusXM .04 37 5.49 +.01 +23.4 q 9.97 +.35 Comcast s .63 23 40.52 +.25 +17.4 27 157.76 -.13 USSteel -.06 McDnlds dd 23.70 -.05 SouthnCo 2.32 17 48.30 +.38 -1.8 McEwenM dd 2.34 -.02 CrackerB 4.80f 23 150.51 -1.01 -9.9 +.08 UtdTech 17 115.48 -.62 SPDR Fncl .46e ... 24.62 +.01 +5.9 18 83.41 -.26 UtdhlthGp +.22 Medtrnic 21 190.82 -1.88 Deere 2.40 20 117.31 -6.67 +13.8 16 61.49 -.35 UrbanOut +.23 Merck Torchmark .60 17 76.61 -.24 +3.9 13 19.27 +.33 Dillards .40f 14 55.70 +.87 -11.2 10 47.02 +.07 VF Corp -.24 MetLife 22 62.78 -.31 Total SA 2.71e ... 50.49 +.61 -.9 12 41.96 -1.39 Vale SA Dover 1.88f 24 83.86 -.18 +11.9 -.75 MKors ... 10.03 +.31 1.12 16 51.68 -.04 +.6 10 19.13 -.84 Vale SA pf -.56 Michaels .88 47 69.31 +.09 +2.9 US Bancrp ... 9.32 +.16 EnPro 11 30.38 +.76 ValeantPh -.03 MicronT 2.04 18 79.31 -.39 +14.7 3 14.39 +.05 FordM .60a 11 10.56 -.08 -12.9 WalMart 25 72.49 +.09 ValeroE +.23 Microsoft 21 64.75 +.20 WellsFargo 1.52 13 51.68 -.12 -6.2 ... 43.82 -.19 VanEGold FredsInc .24 ... 6.04 +.04 -67.5 +.37 Momo q 22.93 -.10 32 42.94 -.47 .28 37 15.19 +.12 +12.4 +.05 Mondelez .56 20 49.17 -.17 +1.8 Wendys Co VnEkRus q 20.26 +.16 FullerHB 13 45.39 +.30 +.01 MorgStan .76 20 70.28 +.58 +25.5 VnEkSemi q 85.47 +.19 GenElec .96 23 24.55 -.20 -22.3 WestlkChm 47 19.86 -.24 -.05 Mosaic VEckOilSvc q 22.00 +.24 1.60 ... 56.29 +.22 +10.9 dd 24.03 -.05 9 29.75 -.16 -3.6 WestRck Goodyear .40 +.36 MurphO VanE JrGld q 33.39 -.01 6 30.72 +.16 +.25 Mylan NV 1.24 26 31.17 -.11 +3.6 2.66 20 134.95 -.90 +16.5 Weyerhsr VangTSM q 124.21 -.21 HonwllIntl 25 25.77 +.52 +.22 NRG Egy q 43.03 +.31 Intel .25p 11 31.45 -.40 +36.7 1.09 15 35.01 -.16 -3.5 Xerox rs dd 6.57 +.22 VangEmg -.68 Nabors q 55.96 +.05 Jabil ... 49 11.80 +.02 -11.1 .32 19 29.67 +.19 +25.3 YRC Wwde 72 30.38 +.29 VangEur +.57 NOilVarco q 41.96 +.12 19 39.35 -.21 VangFTSE +.22 NetApp Vantiv 44 72.28 +.57 cc 166.54 +.45 +.15 Netflix s 15 8.38 -.14 57 3.39 -.05 Vereit +.51 NwGold g -.20 -.14 VerizonCm 10 47.69 +.34 NY CmtyB 12 11.94 ViacomB 8 28.59 -.62 -.49 +.56 NewellRub 20 49.66 20 9.86 -.34 MOST ACTIVE ($1 OR MORE) NewfldExp 15 25.31 +.34 Vipshop AINERS ($2 OR MORE) OSERS ($2 OR MORE) 34 102.51 +.35 NewmtM 30 35.83 -.22 Visa s Name Vol (00) Last Chg Name Last Chg %Chg Name Last Chg %Chg Vodafone ... 28.55 -.01 +.11 NiSource s 23 26.79 +.10 36 113.97 -.14 Calpine 2.01 +.46 +29.7 FootLockr 34.38 -13.32 -27.9 718372 14.92 +1.42 NY&Co 22 54.95 -2.51 VulcanM -.07 NikeB s 5 3.24 +.07 WEC Engy 22 64.59 +.53 BkofAm +.71 NobleCorp 589584 23.62 -.02 SportsWhs 4.34 +.88 +25.4 PacSpec n 7.45 -2.25 -23.2 9.75 +.24 SnapInc A n 456462 14.01 +.66 CellectB wt 2.18 +.43 +24.7 Matson -.80 NobleEngy cc 23.65 +.63 WPX Engy dd 22.79 -6.56 -22.4 WalMart 18 79.31 -.39 ... 6.19 -.06 -.07 NokiaCp -.56 -13.5 FordM 429064 10.56 -.08 Jumei Intl 3.52 +.69 +24.4 Valeritas n 3.58 -.86 dd 4.99 -.12 WalgBoots 16 80.03 +.03 NordicAm 2.41 +.39 +19.3 NewAgeB n 3.51 -.49 -12.3 AMD 367986 12.37 +.03 Amyris rs 8.35 -.12 1.46 -.10 WashPrGp 23 -.73 NDynMn g ... 2.00 -.27 -11.9 344833 30.37 -.67 ProDvrs h rs 5.89 +.92 +18.5 DarioHlth dd 4.01 +.15 Cisco -.52 WeathfIntl -.29 NorthropG 23 267.61 -9.7 337407 3.96 +.08 Tapimmu n 3.38 +.48 +16.6 ColonyBk 12.65 -1.35 -.12 ChesEng dd 1.00 +.01 WellsFargo 13 51.68 +.11 Novavax ChiFnOnl 2.31 +.31 +15.5 Unisys 7.15 -.75 -9.5 GenElec 330422 24.55 -.20 12 83.20 +.72 51 161.50 +.03 WDigital +.09 Nvidia 23.90 -2.25 -8.6 327442 34.38 -13.32 Pavmed n 3.90 +.50 +14.7 Gensco -.12 FootLockr dd 7.35 +.19 WstnUnion 11 18.88 -.08 OasisPet -.45 -8.6 325102 14.79 -1.14 PhxNMda 4.50 +.56 +14.2 AppGenTc 4.80 26 31.17 -.11 Infosys ... .85 +.01 Weyerhsr -.24 Obsidian g -.01 dd 59.15 +.23 WheatPr g 24 18.90 +.12 OcciPet 4.43 +.11 11 8.32 +.01 WhitingPet dd +.25 Oclaro YSE IARY ASDAQ IARY 42 29.07 -.01 8 4.12 +.03 WmsCos -.48 OfficeDpt 2,995 Advanced 1,521 Total issues 3,090 1,441 Total issues 1.98 +.06 Advanced 10 30.97 -.81 Windstm rs dd +7.60 OmegaHlt 39 Declined 1,336 New Highs 25 1,382 New Highs dd 2.69 -.05 Declined 29 15.94 -.05 Yamana g -.55 OnSmcnd 161 Unchanged Unchanged 138 New Lows 124 267 New Lows -.73 .07 +.01 ZoesKitchn cc 12.55 +.39 OpexaTh wt ... Volume 3,263,556,114 Volume 1,885,468,496 dd 3.62 +.05 dd 6.12 +.24 Zynga -.48 OpkoHlth

Pfizer’s future








Building up sales

Appetizing results?

its latest quarterly report card.

Williams-Sonoma serves up its fiscal second-quarter results on Wednesday. The seller of cookware and home furnishings is expected to report that its earnings and revenue increased in the May-July quarter from a year earlier. That would be an improvement from the first quarter, when Williams-Sonoma posted a gain in revenue, but a decline in earnings.

TOL $38.15 This year’s spring homebuying $50 season was good to Toll Broth$28.48 40 ers. The nation’s biggest builder of 30 luxury homes said the season ’17 20 was the best in more than 10 years. That’s one reason Toll’s est. Operating $0.61 $0.69 earnings and revenue are runEPS ning higher through the first half Q2 ’16 Q2 ’17 of the company’s current fiscal Price-earnings ratio: 16 year. Did the trend continue in based on past 12-month results the third quarter? Find out Tuesday, when Toll Brothers releases Dividend: $0.32 Div yield: 0.8%

Source: FactSet




YTD Name NAV Chg %Rtn AB DiversMunicipal14.50 +0.01 +3.5 AMG YacktmanI d 23.25 -0.04 +8.7 AQR MgdFtsStratI 8.65 +0.03 -7.5 American Beacon LgCpValInstl 28.87 -0.01 +4.7 SmCpValInstl 26.43 -0.03 -4.3 American Century EqIncInv 9.25 -0.01 +5.9 GrInv 32.37 +0.02 +16.4 UltraInv 41.54 ... +19.1 ValInv 8.67 -0.02 -1.2 American Funds AMCpA m 29.28 ... +9.1 AmrcnBalA m 26.47 ... +7.9 AmrcnHiIncA m10.41 ... +4.9 AmrcnMutA m 39.19 ... +7.4 BdfAmrcA m 13.00 ... +3.4 CptWldGrIncA m49.33 ... +13.8 CptlIncBldrA m61.60 ... +8.6 CptlWldBdA m 20.12 ... +7.1 EuroPacGrA m53.51 ... +21.1 FdmtlInvsA m 59.59 ... +11.2 GlbBalA m 31.63 ... +8.3 GrfAmrcA m 47.66 ... +13.4 IncAmrcA m 22.62 ... +5.9 IntlGrIncA m 32.56 ... +16.5 IntrmBdfAmrA m13.48 ... +1.7 InvCAmrcA m 38.70 ... +7.6 NewWldA m 61.88 ... +20.3 NwPrspctvA m42.07 ... +19.1 SmCpWldA m 52.49 ... +14.2 TheNewEcoA m42.71 ... +18.8 TxExBdA m 13.01 ... +4.1 WAMtInvsA m 42.90 ... +8.3 Angel Oak MltStratIncIns 11.30 ... +4.3 Artisan IntlInstl 31.64 +0.10 +22.9 IntlInv 31.44 +0.11 +22.8 IntlValueInstl 37.55 +0.01 +15.4 IntlValueInv 37.37 +0.01 +15.3 Baird AggrgateBdInstl10.95 ... +3.8 CorPlusBdInstl 11.30 +0.01 +4.1 ShrtTrmBdInstl 9.72 ... +1.6 BlackRock EngyResInvA m15.34 +0.14 -23.2 EqDivInstl 21.76 -0.02 +6.1 EqDivInvA m 21.69 -0.03 +5.9 GlbAllcIncInstl 19.91 ... +9.1 GlbAllcIncInvA m19.80+0.01 +8.9 GlbAllcIncInvC m17.94 ... +8.4 HYBdInstl 7.77 -0.01 +5.5 HYBdK 7.77 -0.01 +5.5 StrIncOpIns 9.92 ... +3.1 Causeway IntlValInstl d 15.95 +0.01 +15.0 ClearBridge AggresivGrA m201.10 +0.01 +6.4 LgCpGrI 41.81 -0.11 +12.1 Cohen & Steers PrfrdScInc,IncI 14.25 -0.01 +9.4 Columbia ContCorZ 25.11 ... +11.6 DivIncZ 20.58 -0.04 +8.7 DFA EMktCorEqI 21.39 +0.11 +23.9 EMktSCInstl 22.39 +0.12 +21.1 EmMktsInstl 28.34 +0.14 +25.2 EmMktsValInstl 29.24 +0.15 +22.4 FvYrGlbFIIns 11.03 ... +2.3 GlbEqInstl 21.11 -0.02 +9.4 GlbRlEsttSec 10.86 -0.05 +4.4 IntlCorEqIns 13.48 +0.01 +17.2 IntlRlEsttScIns 5.16 +0.02 +9.8 IntlSmCoInstl 20.44 +0.01 +19.1 IntlSmCpValIns 22.29 +0.03 +17.5 IntlValInstl 18.74 +0.05 +13.8 OneYearFIInstl 10.31 ... +0.8 RlEsttSecInstl 34.54 -0.32 +1.6 ShTrmExQtyI 10.88 ... +2.2 TAUSCorEq2Instl16.31 -0.02 +5.1 TMdUSMktwdVl28.73 -0.05 +4.5 TwYrGlbFIIns 9.98 ... +1.0 USCorEq1Instl 20.49 -0.04 +7.1 USCorEqIIInstl 19.41 -0.03 +5.1 USLgCo 18.91 -0.03 +9.7 USLgCpValInstl36.54 -0.07 +5.1 USMicroCpInstl20.26 ... -2.7 USSmCpInstl 32.91 +0.01 -2.3 USSmCpValInstl34.83 +0.02 -6.6 USTrgtedValIns22.67 ... -5.1 Davis NYVentureA m31.83 ... +8.2 Delaware Inv ValInstl 19.90 -0.07 +2.0 Dodge & Cox Bal 105.69 -0.11 +5.0 GlbStk 13.34 +0.03 +12.0 Inc 13.86 -0.01 +3.5 IntlStk 44.75 +0.21 +17.5 Stk 190.54 -0.30 +5.6 DoubleLine CorFII 11.05 ... +4.1 TtlRetBdI 10.76 ... +3.5 TtlRetBdN b 10.75 ... +3.3 Eaton Vance AtlntCptSMIDCI30.23 -0.15 +8.5 FltngRtInstl 9.00 ... +3.0 GlbMcrAbRtI 9.12 ... +2.9 Edgewood GrInstl 27.89 -0.07 +25.9 FPA Crescent d 33.66 ... +4.4 NewInc d 10.01 ... +1.8 Federated InsHYBdIns d 10.04 -0.02 +5.4 StratValDivIns 6.26 ... +8.3 TtlRetBdInstl 10.96 ... +3.7 Fidelity 500IdxIns 85.05 -0.15 +9.7 500IdxInsPrm 85.05 -0.15 +9.7 500IndexPrm 85.05 -0.15 +9.7 AsstMgr20% 13.49 ... +4.5 AsstMgr50% 18.00 +0.01 +8.3 BCGrowth 82.22 -0.06 +22.1 BCGrowthK 82.35 -0.07 +22.1 Balanced 23.84 -0.02 +9.1 BalancedK 23.84 -0.02 +9.2 Cap&Inc d 10.07 ... +7.4 Contrafund 117.14 +0.04 +19.8 ContrafundK 117.11 +0.03 +19.8 CptlApprec 35.31 -0.01 +11.5 DivGro 34.63 -0.09 +7.5 DiversIntl 39.55 +0.08 +18.8 DiversIntlK 39.49 +0.07 +18.8 EmMkts 20.06 +0.16 +27.8 EmMktsF 20.12 +0.16 +27.8 EqDividendInc 27.61 -0.08 +4.0 EqIncome 58.54 -0.07 +3.9 ExMktIdxPr 57.48 -0.07 +4.7 FltngRtHiInc d 9.63 -0.01 +2.3 FourinOneIdx 41.73 -0.03 +9.8 Frdm2015 13.12 ... +8.5 Frdm2020 16.10 ... +9.1 Frdm2025 13.88 ... +9.6 Frdm2030 17.25 ... +11.1 Frdm2035 14.38 ... +12.0 Frdm2040 10.09 ... +12.1 FrdmK2015 14.00 ... +8.5 FrdmK2020 14.97 ... +9.1 FrdmK2025 15.77 ... +9.7 FrdmK2030 16.26 +0.01 +11.2 FrdmK2035 17.03 ... +12.1 FrdmK2040 17.06 +0.01 +12.2 FrdmK2045 17.60 +0.01 +12.1 FrdmK2050 17.74 ... +12.1 GNMA 11.46 -0.01 +1.6 GroCo 166.19 -0.27 +21.5 GroCoF 16.29 -0.03 +21.9 GroCoK 166.12 -0.27 +21.6 Growth&Inc 34.37 -0.04 +4.8 IntlDiscv 44.42 +0.09 +21.8 IntlGr 15.34 +0.02 +19.8 IntlGrF 15.38 +0.02 +20.0 IntlIdxInstlPrm 41.17 +0.07 +16.7 IntlIdxPremium 41.17 +0.07 +16.6 IntlVal 10.34 +0.02 +12.9 IntlValF 10.37 +0.02 +13.0 IntrmMuniInc 10.44 ... +4.0 InvmGradeBd 11.33 -0.01 +3.7 InvmGradeBd 7.95 -0.01 +3.4 InvmGradeBdF 11.33 -0.01 +3.7 LargeCapStock30.68 -0.02 +5.9 LatinAmerica d24.40 +0.42 +28.1 LowPrStk 53.72 +0.05 +8.6 LowPrStkK 53.70 +0.04 +8.6 Magellan 97.32 ... +12.8 MidCapStock 36.31 +0.01 +7.4 MuniInc 13.24 ... +5.2 NewMktsInc d 16.35 +0.01 +8.3

Eye on housing

Saturday, August 19, 2017

YOUR FUNDS OTCPortfolio 104.55 -0.10 Overseas 47.77 +0.06 Puritan 22.50 -0.01 PuritanK 22.49 ... ShTrmBd 8.64 ... SmCpDiscv d 29.65 -0.13 StkSelorAllCp 41.11 +0.01 StratInc 11.10 +0.01 TelecomandUtls26.89 +0.11 TotalBond 10.73 ... TtlMktIdxF 69.93 -0.12 TtlMktIdxInsPrm69.91 -0.12 TtlMktIdxPrm 69.92 -0.12 USBdIdxInsPrm11.67 -0.01 USBdIdxPrm 11.67 -0.01 Value 116.36 -0.26 Fidelity Advisor EmMktsIncI d 14.15 +0.01 NewInsA m 30.28 +0.01 NewInsI 30.92 +0.01 Fidelity Select Biotechnology207.21 -0.58 HealthCare 220.06 -0.39 Technology 169.89 +0.42 First Eagle GlbA m 58.15 -0.05 Franklin Templeton CATxFrIncA m 7.50 ... FdrTFIncA m 12.05 ... GlbBdA m 12.10 +0.03 GlbBdAdv 12.06 +0.03 25.84 -0.03 Gr,IncA m GrA m 87.75 -0.22 HYTxFrIncA m10.27 ... IncA m 2.32 -0.01 IncAdv 2.31 ... IncC m 2.35 -0.01 InsIntlEqPrmry 21.27 -0.01 MutGlbDiscvA m32.16 -0.11 MutGlbDiscvZ 32.80 -0.11 MutZ 29.15 -0.09 RisingDivsA m 56.22 -0.06 GE RSPUSEq 54.75 -0.06 GMO IntlEqIV 22.47 +0.05 Goldman Sachs HYMuniInstl d 9.54 ... ShrtDurTxFrIns10.57 ... Harbor CptlApprecInstl 69.31 +0.03 IntlInstl 67.65 +0.06 Harding Loevner IntlEqInstl d 21.27 +0.03 INVESCO ComStkA m 24.07 -0.03 DiversDivA m 19.76 -0.03 EqandIncA m 10.84 -0.02 HYMuniA m 10.07 ... IVA WldwideI d 18.62 -0.02 JPMorgan CPBondR6 8.34 ... CoreBondI 11.70 ... CoreBondR6 11.72 ... DisEqR6 25.74 ... EqIncI 15.84 ... 7.45 ... HighYieldI LCapGrI 39.09 ... MCapValL 38.27 ... USLCpCrPlsI 30.68 ... Janus Henderson BalancedT 31.64 -0.05 GlobalLifeSciT 53.07 -0.13 ResearchD ... John Hancock BdI 16.00 ... DiscpValI 20.51 -0.05 DiscpValMCI 22.41 -0.03 MltMgLsBlA b 15.40 ... MltmgrLsGr1 b16.29 ... Lazard EMEqInstl 18.83 +0.09 IntlStratEqIns 14.51 -0.01 Loomis Sayles 14.25 +0.01 BdInstl GrY 14.44 ... Lord Abbett AffiliatedA m 15.88 -0.06 FltngRtF b 9.15 ... ShrtDurIncA m 4.29 ... ShrtDurIncC m 4.32 ... ShrtDurIncF b 4.29 ... ShrtDurIncI 4.29 ... MFS InstlIntlEq 24.33 +0.01 TtlRetA m 18.91 -0.01 ValA m 38.64 -0.11 ValI 38.86 -0.10 Matthews ChinaInv 21.27 +0.07 IndiaInv 31.71 +0.20 Metropolitan West TtlRetBdI 10.71 ... TtlRetBdM b 10.71 ... TtlRetBdPlan 10.08 ... Northern IntlEqIdx d 12.31 +0.01 StkIdx 29.28 -0.05 Nuveen HYMuniBdA m17.19 ... HYMuniBdI 17.20 +0.01 Oakmark EqAndIncInv 32.08 -0.20 IntlInv 27.38 +0.05 Inv 78.39 ... SelInv 44.37 +0.11 Oberweis ChinaOpps m 14.94 +0.09 Old Westbury GlbSmMdCpStrat16.70 -0.02 LgCpStrats 14.24 -0.02 StratOpps 8.03 ... Oppenheimer DevMktsA m 40.46 +0.04 DevMktsY 39.96 +0.05 GlbA m 90.54 -0.09 IntlGrY 40.74 -0.06 MnStrA m 51.49 -0.09 Osterweis StrInc 11.39 -0.01 PIMCO AlAstAllAthIns 9.01 ... AlAstInstl 12.03 ... CmdtyRlRtStrIns6.57 ... FBdUSDHdgI 10.62 ... HYInstl 8.99 ... IncA m 12.38 ... IncC m 12.38 ... IncD b 12.38 ... 12.38 ... IncInstl IncP 12.38 ... InvGdCpBdIns 10.62 ... LowDrInstl 9.89 ... RlEstRlRtStrC m6.51 ... RlRetInstl 11.03 ... ShrtTrmIns 9.84 ... TtlRetA m 10.33 ... TtlRetIns 10.33 ... PRIMECAP Odyssey AgrsGr 37.37 -0.15 Gr 32.05 -0.09 Stk 28.45 -0.07 Parnassus CorEqInv 41.46 -0.09 Principal DiversIntlIns 13.17 +0.04 Prudential TtlRetBdZ 14.56 ... Putnam EqIncA m 22.46 ... MltCpGrY 90.50 +0.03 Schwab FdmtlUSLgCIdx15.86 -0.03 SP500Idx 37.77 -0.07 Schwab1000Idx58.69 -0.10 TtlStkMktIdx 43.24 -0.07 T. Rowe Price BCGr 89.28 +0.01 CptlAprc 28.59 -0.05 DivGr 40.46 -0.05 EMBd d 12.70 +0.02 EMStk d 40.66 +0.13 EqIdx500 d 65.32 -0.12 EqInc 32.81 ... GlbTech 17.55 +0.04 GrStk 65.16 -0.06 HY d 6.75 -0.01 HlthSci 69.40 -0.21 InsLgCpGr 36.18 ... InsMdCpEqGr 52.50 -0.10 IntlStk d 18.42 ... IntlValEq d 14.75 +0.02 LatinAmerica d24.50 +0.34 MdCpGr 85.72 -0.16 MdCpVal 29.61 -0.02 NewHorizons 50.86 ...

+25.5 +20.8 +10.2 +10.2 +1.3 -2.4 +13.0 +6.2 +10.1 +3.7 +8.8 +8.9 +8.8 +3.2 +3.2 +6.0 +8.3 +15.6 +15.8 +19.1 +19.1 +34.9 +7.2

+5.0 +3.0 +2.7 +2.9 +9.7 +14.5 +3.7 +3.9 +4.5 +4.0 +14.0 +5.2 +5.4 +3.3 +7.4 +11.1 +15.1 +7.6 +2.2 +22.3 +15.8 +19.1 +2.5 +3.1 +3.4 +6.5 +8.3 +3.8 +3.5 +3.6 +9.8 +5.1 +4.6 +23.0 +5.1 +9.1 +9.1 +17.6 +14.9 +4.5 +5.9 +4.4 +8.8 +10.8 +18.0 +16.6 +6.7 +20.4 +4.8 +2.0 +1.9 +1.7 +2.2 +2.3 +20.0 +6.1 +7.9 +8.1 +37.5 +23.6 +3.1 +2.8 +3.1 +16.6 +9.7 +8.1 +8.3 +5.5 +20.6 +8.2 +3.1 +36.6 +9.6 +11.0 +7.9 +24.8 +25.0 +21.2 +17.5 +9.6 +3.9 +8.8 +9.1 -4.8 +2.2 +5.4 +5.9 +5.5 +6.0 +6.2 +6.1 +6.4 +1.6 +0.5 +2.6 +1.4 +4.5 +4.8 +11.7 +11.9 +9.9 +6.1 +19.7 +5.3 +6.4 +16.8 +4.1 +9.7 +9.5 +8.8 +23.0 +9.2 +9.5 +7.7 +28.3 +9.6 +5.1 +32.8 +22.4 +5.1 +17.5 +23.7 +14.3 +20.5 +15.1 +26.5 +13.7 +1.9 +17.4

NewInc 9.54 ... OverseasStk d10.76 +0.01 RlEstt d 27.88 -0.27 Rtr2015 15.33 -0.01 Rtr2020 22.36 -0.01 17.17 ... Rtr2025 Rtr2030 25.18 ... Rtr2035 18.34 -0.01 Rtr2040 26.28 -0.01 Rtr2045 17.72 -0.01 Rtr2050 14.90 ... SmCpStk 46.40 -0.09 SmCpVal d 45.48 -0.06 SpectrumInc 12.74 ... SummitMnIntr 11.96 ... Val 36.52 -0.01 TCW TtlRetBdI 10.05 ... TIAA-CREF BdIdxIns 10.90 ... EqIdxIns 18.05 -0.03 IntlEqIdxIns 19.31 +0.02 LgCpValIdxIns 18.63 -0.04 LgCpValIns 18.50 -0.01 Thornburg InvmIncBldrC m21.00 ... LtdTrmMnI 14.50 ... Tweedy, Browne GlbVal d 27.63 -0.12 Vanguard 500IdxAdmrl 224.59 -0.41 500IdxInv 224.56 -0.41 BalIdxAdmrl 32.86 -0.04 BalIdxIns 32.86 -0.04 CAITTxExAdm 11.87 +0.01 CptlOppAdmrl141.39 -0.23 DevMIdxAdmrl 13.47 +0.01 DevMIdxIns 13.49 +0.01 DivGrInv 25.30 -0.12 EMStkIdxInAdm35.71 +0.15 EMStkIdxIns 27.16 +0.12 EngyAdmrl 88.64 +0.60 EqIncAdmrl 71.87 -0.13 EqIncInv 34.29 -0.06 ExplorerAdmrl 86.74 -0.10 ExtMktIdxAdmrl75.74 -0.09 ExtMktIdxIns 75.74 -0.08 ExtMktIdxInsPls186.91 -0.21 FAWexUSIAdmr31.79 +0.05 FAWexUSIIns 100.79 +0.18 GNMAAdmrl 10.55 -0.01 GNMAInv 10.55 -0.01 GlbEqInv 28.84 +0.03 66.02 -0.10 GrIdxAdmrl GrIdxIns 66.02 -0.10 HCAdmrl 86.05 -0.28 HCInv 203.99 -0.67 HYCorpAdmrl 5.93 -0.01 HYTEAdmrl 11.38 +0.01 HiDivYldIdxInv 30.91 -0.06 InTrBdIdxAdmrl11.52 ... InTrInGdAdm 9.86 ... InTrTEAdmrl 14.25 +0.01 InTrTrsAdmrl 11.26 ... InflPrtScAdmrl 25.89 -0.02 InflPrtScIns 10.55 ... InsIdxIns 221.62 -0.40 InsIdxInsPlus 221.64 -0.40 InsTtlSMIInPls 54.28 -0.10 IntlGrAdmrl 88.00 +0.23 IntlGrInv 27.67 +0.07 IntlValInv 37.15 +0.03 LTInGrdAdm 10.57 -0.01 LTTEAdmrl 11.68 ... LfStrCnsrGrInv 19.44 -0.01 LfStrGrInv 31.50 -0.01 LfStrModGrInv 25.91 -0.01 LgCpIdxAdmrl 56.27 -0.10 LtdTrmTEAdmrl11.03 ... MCpGrIdxAdm 50.07 -0.06 MCpVlIdxAdm 52.74 -0.12 MdCpIdxAdmrl174.72 -0.32 MdCpIdxIns 38.60 -0.07 MdCpIdxInsPlus190.36 -0.34 MorganGrAdmrl88.50 -0.07 PrcMtlsMngInv 10.42 -0.04 PrmCpAdmrl 123.24 -0.11 PrmCpCorInv 24.64 -0.04 PrmCpInv 118.93 -0.11 REITIdxAdmrl 116.48 -1.13 REITIdxIns 18.03 -0.17 SCpGrIdxAdm 50.06 -0.08 SCpValIdxAdm 51.19 -0.06 STBdIdxAdmrl 10.49 -0.01 STBdIdxIns 10.49 -0.01 STBdIdxInsPlus10.49 -0.01 STInfPrScIdAdmr24.77 ... STInfPrScIdIns 24.78 ... STInfPrScIdxInv24.74 -0.01 STInvmGrdAdmrl10.71 ... STInvmGrdIns 10.71 ... STInvmGrdInv 10.71 ... STTEAdmrl 15.83 ... STTrsAdmrl 10.66 ... SeledValInv 30.58 -0.06 SmCpIdxAdmrl 63.18 -0.09 SmCpIdxIns 63.18 -0.09 SmCpIdxInsPlus182.36 -0.26 StarInv 25.93 -0.02 StrEqInv 32.82 -0.01 TMCapApAdm124.48 -0.21 TMSmCpAdm 53.93 -0.09 TrgtRtr2015Inv 15.47 -0.01 TrgtRtr2020Inv 30.49 -0.02 TrgtRtr2025Inv 17.78 -0.01 TrgtRtr2030Inv 31.98 -0.01 TrgtRtr2035Inv 19.55 -0.01 TrgtRtr2040Inv 33.52 -0.01 TrgtRtr2045Inv 21.01 -0.01 TrgtRtr2050Inv 33.80 -0.01 TrgtRtr2055Inv 36.59 -0.01 TrgtRtrIncInv 13.35 -0.01 TtBMIdxAdmrl 10.83 ... TtBMIdxIns 10.83 ... TtBMIdxInsPlus10.83 ... TtBMIdxInv 10.83 ... TtInBIdxAdmrl 21.86 +0.01 TtInBIdxIns 32.80 +0.01 TtInBIdxInv 10.93 ... TtInSIdxAdmrl 28.54 +0.05 TtInSIdxIns 114.13 +0.19 TtInSIdxInsPlus114.15 +0.19 TtInSIdxInv 17.06 +0.03 TtlSMIdxAdmrl 60.48 -0.10 TtlSMIdxIns 60.49 -0.10 TtlSMIdxInv 60.45 -0.11 ValIdxAdmrl 37.55 -0.08 ValIdxIns 37.55 -0.08 WlngtnAdmrl 70.86 -0.07 WlngtnInv 41.03 -0.04 WlslyIncAdmrl 63.95 -0.05 WlslyIncInv 26.40 -0.02 WndsrAdmrl 73.76 -0.14 WndsrIIAdmrl 65.05 -0.14 WndsrIIInv 36.66 -0.08 WndsrInv 21.87 -0.04 Victory SycEsVlI 37.48 -0.05 Virtus VontobelEMOppI11.51 +0.06 Waddell & Reed Adv AcculativeA m 9.86 -0.03 SciTechA m 16.22 +0.03 Western Asset CorBdI 12.66 ... CorPlusBdI 11.90 ... CorPlusBdIS 11.90 ... iShares S&P500IdxK 290.06 -0.52

+3.5 +18.6 -1.1 +8.1 +9.6 +10.8 +11.8 +12.6 +13.2 +13.4 +13.4 +3.3 +0.8 +4.9 +4.0 +8.5 +3.2 +3.2 +8.8 +16.7 +3.4 +2.4 +7.4 +3.2 +10.3 +9.7 +9.7 +6.6 +6.6 +4.7 +13.8 +16.5 +16.6 +9.6 +20.9 +20.9 -11.9 +6.5 +6.5 +7.9 +4.8 +4.8 +4.8 +17.4 +17.4 +1.8 +1.7 +16.2 +15.9 +15.9 +13.5 +13.5 +5.3 +5.9 +4.6 +4.2 +4.2 +4.4 +2.7 +1.8 +1.9 +9.7 +9.7 +8.8 +30.7 +30.6 +17.0 +7.9 +5.0 +6.4 +10.2 +8.3 +9.9 +2.8 +10.5 +5.8 +7.9 +8.0 +8.0 +17.3 +10.9 +13.2 +11.1 +13.2 +1.4 +1.4 +7.4 -0.8 +1.6 +1.6 +1.6 +0.5 +0.5 +0.4 +2.2 +2.2 +2.1 +1.4 +0.9 +6.3 +2.8 +2.8 +2.8 +10.3 +1.4 +10.0 -1.7 +6.6 +7.9 +8.7 +9.5 +10.2 +11.0 +11.2 +11.2 +11.2 +5.1 +3.3 +3.3 +3.3 +3.2 +1.5 +1.5 +1.4 +17.5 +17.5 +17.5 +17.4 +8.8 +8.8 +8.8 +4.9 +4.9 +6.4 +6.4 +5.1 +5.1 +7.4 +5.4 +5.3 +7.4 +4.1 +27.6 +6.5 +18.9 +4.3 +6.1 +6.2 +9.7

Existing home sales Economists project that sales seasonally adjusted annual rate of previously occupied homes 6.0 million edged higher in July from a month earlier. 5.70 The pace of U.S. home sales 5.62 est. slowed in June as homebuyers 5.56 5.52 5.53 5.47 faced surging prices and a 5.5 shrinking number of properties for sale. The National Association of Realtors is expected to report on Thursday that sales 5.0 rose to a seasonally adjusted F M A M J J annual rate of 5.53 million last 2017 month. Source: FactSet

s e l a S GUARANTEEDAuto

Daily Corinthian • Saturday, August 19, 2017 • 13A

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Silver 2014 Toyota corolla S 1.8: Back-up camera; Xenon Headlights; Automatic CVT gearbox; Paddle Shift; 25k miles LOW MILES !!! Up to 37mpg; One owner! Perfect condition!


HO, 5 Speed, Convertible, Mileage 7500 !! Second owner Last year of carburetor, All original. $16,500



LIKE BRAND NEW! LIKE BRAND NEW! ONLY 44,000 MILES ONLY 44,000 MILES AND GETS 34 MPG!AND GETS 34 MPG! $10,000 662-287-0145 662-287-0145


2004 GMC Explorer conversion van, 246,000 miles,one owner lady driven. Loaded, leather, heated seats, new transmission, ready to tailgate. $ 00 obo. 662-287-4848


2001 DODGE DAKOTA 130K Miles, Fully Loaded GREAT Condition!

official pace car convertible, automatic 90,000 miles, 350 motor red in color air and heat lots of new parts $7500.00 obo $6500. OBO

2013 Z71 1973 CUTLASS Chevy 2 DOOR Silverado ••••• Crew Cab $4,500.00 49,000 miles 662-415-5071 Asking $26,000.00 662-415-4396

white, V-6, with 4-door extended cab, in great cond., cold air, very clean, plus new tires. MUST SEE & DRIVE


CALL 662-284-6724

2010 Chevy Equinox LS

2002 Honda Accord EX Runs great, 30 mpg, $1500.00. 662-415-2305

1986 Corvette

BLACK / 4 DOOR 200K MILES CLEAN, 1 OWNER $2500.00 OBO 662-284-5901


2002 Chevy Trailblazer

Blue, runs good Maintained regularly New front tires 250K Miles

$1,250 662-808-4079

2007 Lexus IS 250 loaded sunroof, CD, leather, AWD, GPS, Bluetooth, V6, $7500 firm, only 2 owners

Call 662-720-6661


Cargo Van Good, Sound Van



2016 GMC TERRAIN SLE 7000 MILES $21,500.00 CALL OR TEXT 662-212-3510

1970 MERCURY COUGAR FOR SALE Excel. Cond. 2014 Nissan Pathfinder SV

70K Miles 57,000 Miles, back up camera, towing package, Bluetooth and in Excellent Condition. Asking $16,800 $19,500. Call 662- 594-5271

Inside & Out All Original


6,900 8,9000000 662-415-0453 662-664-0357

1989 Corvette Black/Red Int. 350 Motor Auto Trans. 101,500 Miles Good Cond. REDUCED $5500 $6000. Call for Pictures 662-223-0942

2006 Ford F-150 Extended cab truck 175,000 miles $8,400. 662-808-7677 2008 Ford Focus SES One Owner Red, 4-door, CD Player, Sync System, Power windows & door locks, Excellent Condition 155,000 miles Price: $4200. OBO Call: 662-415-0313 or 662-643-7982

1998 Cadillac DeVille Tan Leather Interior Sunroof, green color, 99,000 miles


(662) 603-2635 212-2431

2011 SILVER NISSAN MURANO Black interior, Leather seats 98,000 miles Heated seats front and back Electronic trunk opener sunroof and moonroof blue tooth for phone navigation system Wanting $15,000


1993 Chevy Explorer Limited Extra Clean Exc. Condition $4000.00 OBO 284-6662

06 Chevy Trailblazer 1995 GMC Z-71 1987 Power $5800.00 FORD 250 DIESEL everything! UTILITY SERVICE TRUCK GOOD COND. Good heat $4000. NEEDS TIRES and Air IN GOOD CONDITION FOR MORE INFO. $3,250 OBO 731-645-8339 OR CALL 662-415-3408 662-319-7145 731-453-5239 832 Motorcycles/ATV’S

2006 HONDA VTX 1800

2001 Ford Explorer Sport Trac 4WD Truck 2002 Chevy Silverado Z71 2 Person Owner Heat & Air, 4 Wheel Drive, Works Great New Tires, 5.1 Engine Club Cab and Aluminum Tool Box AM/FM Radio, Cassette & CD Player Pewter in Color Great Truck for $7000.00 662-287-8547 662-664-3179






750 OBO

Call: 662-286-1717 or 662-808-4464




with winch, front and back baskets very good shape 690 hrs


also 2003 HONDA Foreman 350 with baskets, 464 hrs, new tires, $1,850.00 or both for $5,000.00

Contact Paul 901-486-4774 Walnut, MS.



24,000 miles, Ultra Classic Nice, $23,500. REDUCED

2,650 OBO Call: 662-286-1717 or 662-808-4464 $

662-415-7407 662-808-4557

2WD TWO SETS TIRES WHEELS & RACK $2000.00 662-603-8749

Leather seats with sunroof and low miles.

2006 Toyota Camry LE Silver, Clean Well Maintained Good Air & Tires 185K - $3800. 286-3979

662-415-5071 2006 YAMAHA 1700 GREAT CONDITION! APPROX. 26,000 MILES $4350 (NO TRADES) 662-665-0930 662-284-8251

2008 Harley Davidson FXDF 14K MILES EXC. COND. RADIO, USB PORT $6500. OBO OBO $5500. CASH TALKS!!! NO TRADES

Bought New, One Adult Owner 2,139 Miles Many Harley Accessories SHOW ROOM CONDITION Oil & Filter changed annually SCREAMING EAGLE SYN 3

2nd Owner, Great Condition Has a Mossy Oak Cover over the body put on when it was bought new. Everything Works. Used for hunting & around the house, Never for mud riding. $1500 Firm. If I don’t answer, text me and I will contact you. 662-415-7154

D OLD L OMILES S 22,883 S $2,350.00 YAMAHA V STAR 650



2005 EZ GO 36 Volt

Golf Cart with 4" Jake Lift and Cargo

Seat. New batteries.



2005 Heritage Softail 32,000 Miles Super Bike Super Price

$7800.00 OBO 662-212-2451



03 Harley Davidson Ultra

1990 Harley Davidson Custom Soft-Tail $9000

2013 Arctic Cat

1949 Harley Davidson Panhead $9000 OBO

308 miles 4 Seater w/seat belts Phone charger outlet Driven approx. 10 times Excellent Condition Wench (front bumper)



100th Anniversary Edition 22000 miles. New tires, battery and brake pads. Regular maintenance checks. $8,000. 901-606-7985 call or text. no voicemails.


07 HONDA RANCHER ES 2005 HONDA 500 Rubicon


Victory Vegas red-silver, Mint Condition, 2004, 41k, new tires, lots of extras, 1520 cc's, $3995.00 obo, 662-396-1531 or 662-665-2701 Call any time

2008 Yamaha V-Star 1300 Touring Edition New Tires, New Battery and New Hard Bags, less than 18000 miles. $5900.00 Great Bike, Road Ready call Kevin at 662-772-0719


5’x10’ Wells Cargo Motorcycle Trailer $ 2,500 662-287-2333 Leave Message

14A • Saturday, August 19, 2017 • Daily Corinthian


MS CARE CENTER is looking for

Full time 3-11 RN Charge Nurse & L.P.N.s PRN Please apply in person. 3701 Joanne Dr. • Corinth Mon. – Fri. 8 – 4:30 E.O.E.

s e l a S GUARANTEEDAuto Advertise your CAR, TRUCK, SUV, BOAT, TRACTOR, MOTORCYCLE, RV & ATV here for $39.95 UNTIL SOLD! Ad should include photo, description and price. PLEASE NO DEALERS & NON-TRANSFERABLE! NO REFUNDS. Single item only. Payment in advance. Call 287-6147 to place your ad. 816 RECREATIONAL VEHICLES

FOR SALE 2002 Keystone Sprinter 31’



662-808-2629 662-808-1645



PHAETON 2004 MOTOR HOME 40’ with 3 slides. Less than 50K miles Cat. Diesel

REDUCED $103,000. $90,000. OBO 662-284-5925 662-284-5925 LEAVE MESSAGE




Good condition $10,000 or make us a good offer.

662-415-1026 or 662-286-8948


WINNEBAGO MOTOR HOME 1989 40' Queen Size Bed • 1 Bath Sleeps 6-7 people comfortably




ASKING $11,700

CALL 662-415-9188 OR 662-665-9606

Excaliber made by Georgi Boy 1985 30’long motor home, new tires, Price negotiable.







$7500 $8995

CALL RICHARD 662-416-0604 Call Richard 662-664-4927





$4500.00 $3950.00 731-926-0006



662-415-0399 662-419-1587

$4300 662-415-5247






$6500. CALL 662-279-3683


850 John Deere tractor 1664 hrs all original & 6’John Deere finishing mower



2x5 tube frame 2500 lb axles with breaks. Brand New 6ply tires and led lights. 52 inch ramp All metal deck, sides, ramp. No wood. 1,950 obo. 662-286-1717 or 662-808-4464.


8,500 OBO

Call: 662-286-1717 or 662-808-4464



1,500 OBO

CALL: 662-286-1717 OR 662-808-4464




662-286-1519 662-287-9466


good grass cutter

CALL 662-665-8838

662-286-1717 or 662-808-4464

$5000.00 $3500.00

Gravely zero turn, one owner, 650 obo.

$ 0.00

86 chevy 4 wdr,

57 Chevy 4 door.

1 ton, miliary, diesel, new battery, 54,000 miles. 1,850 obo.

No motor or trans. Original title. No bad rust, good glass, most all parts there. Come get it. 2,500 obo.

1993 model, 30 ft, 4 cyl., gas powered sissor lift with 6x12 work deck and heavy duty tilt trailer $8500-OBO

662-286-1717 or 662-808-4464

662-286-1717 or 662-808-4464

662-286-1717 662-808-4464


5000.00.00 6000



662-286-6571 662-286-3924

1956 FORD 600



$4,200 662-287-4514


FOR SALE 7x19 heavy duty trailer



5x10 aluminum box trailer, ramp door, out rigger supports, stainless steel side and bottom, side and rear awnings, roof vent. 12 gallon portable water tank on roof with faucet. 1,750 obo 662-286-1717 or 663-808-4464

For sale, like new Husqvarna 54" cut lawn tractor. Only 105 hours. Always garage kept. Save $1000 versus new. $1200/OBO. $1500/OBO. Call 662-415-7552/leave msg.


$1000.00 662-462-5525 662-415-9306



$3500.00 GOOD COND. VERY NICE 662-210-1707



$1800 662-415-9461

18’ long, 120 HP Johnson mtr., trailer & mtr., new paint, new transel, 2 live wells, hot foot control.

$4500. 662-596-5053

2014 Nitro Z7 boat, motor and trailer for sale. Dual consoles, 75 pound thrust Motor Guide, 24 volt digital trolling motor, 3 bank charger, custom paint with keel guard, 3 Lowrance graphs, HDS7, Mark 5 Pro, and Elite 5XHD. Under warranty until 2019. Been in water 6 times. 75 hours. $25000 OBO. 662-284-6233



2001 Crownline 202 BR Ski Boat w/ Prestige trailer. Mercruiser V8 inboard/ outboard. ONLY 75 HOURS! Like New! Must see to appreciate MSRP over $60,000. new. $19,950 OBO. Donnie 415-0119, Chad 665-1140

FOR SALE RIVER TRAIL BOAT Model 1551 with brand new 25 H.P. Yamaha 4 stroke motor with electric start, Minn Kota trolling motor, Avery pop up blind with camouflage,storage box, marine battery. Priced to sell $5,500.00. Call 901-486-4774 Walnut, Ms.

for only



Call John Bond of Paul Seaton Boat Sales in Counce, TN for details.

731-689-4050 or 901-605-6571



15 FT Grumman Flat BOAT Bottom Boat BOAT MOTOR 25 HP Motor TRAILER $2700.00 $6,00000 Ask for Brad: 731-453-5521 284-4826

2000 MERCURY Optimax, 225 H.P. Imagine owning a likenew, water tested, never launched, powerhouse outboard motor with a High Five stainless prop,


2012 Lowe Pontoon 90 H.P. Mercury w/ Trailer Still under warranty. Includes HUGE tube $19,300 662-427-9063



$17,500. OBO JOE R. MILLER 662-660-4151 662-423-8874

BOAT & TRAILER 13 YR OLD M14763BC BCMS Includes Custom Trailer Dual 19.5 LONG Axel-Chrome BLUE & WHITE Retractable Canopy $4500.00 REASONABLY PRICED 662-660-3433 662-419-1587 1985 Hurricane-150 Johnson engine

Daily Corinthian • Saturday, August 19, 2017 • 15A


NEW SEALY queen size elevating head foundation with attached controller. $100.00. Phone 662-2860725

2&&$6,21$/ &+$,5 :,7+ &86+,21(' 6($7 (;& &21' %87/(5 '28* )RXQGD 21/< WLRQ IORRU OHYHOLQJ &$// EULFNV FUDFNLQJ URWWHQ ZRRG EDVHPHQWV R G 32 revolver VKRZHU IORRU 2YHU $150. \UV H[S )5(( (67,0 Call 662-720-6855. $7(6 RU



REVERSE YOUR AD FOR $1.00 EXTRA Call 662-287-6111 for details.


62/,' 2$. $50 &+$,5 6($7 +,*+ %$&. $5( 3$''(' (;& &21' 0867 6(( &$//

)5, 6$7 &5 0HQV :PQV WR 7 %R\V &ORWKLQJ 6KRHV + + ,WHPV %HGGLQJ 7R\V 029,1* 6$/(






87,/,7< 75$,/(5 )7 ; )7 :,7+ )7 6,'(6 :22' %(' 5(' (;& &21' 0867 6(( &$//



RENT : &ORYHU /Q 7KXUV )UL 6DW )DP 2BR, 1B.,TVRHA Wel/RWV /RWV RI 6WXII 2OG come $600./$600. REF 1HZ &KHDS 3ULFHV REQ. New. Appl 287-6752

,1'225 <287+ )XQG 5DLVHU $XJ WK WR .HPSV &KDSHO &KXUFK +Z\ 5LHQ]L *5($7 ,7(06

Don’ wait it won’t last long! If interested please text or call Steven at 662-415-9427




+8*( ,16,'( (67$7( 6$/( : &/29(5 /1 )5, 6$7 )851 &87 */$66 &+,1$ 6,/ 9(5 6(59,1* 3&6 1,&(

2,450 sq ft 4 bedroom, 3 bath , bonus room , lots of storage, gas fireplace, security system, 2 car garage, sprinkler system, 36X40 insulated shop 2 years old, pond stocked with fish ,1.5 acres, home only 8 years old. Extremely nice home located 1 mile from Kossuth High School on CR 617.







CALL 662-415-6331 OR 662-286-6746

CALL 662-415-9187









0232 GENERAL HELP CAUTION! ADVERTISEMENTS in this classification usually offer informational service of products designed to help FIND employment. Before you send money to any advertiser, it is your responsibility to verify the validity of the offer. Remember: If an ad appears to sound “too good to be true�, then it may be! Inquiries can be made by contacting the Better Business Bureau at 1-800-987-8280.

0240 SKILLED TRADE ',(6(/ 0(&+$1,& 0XVW KDYH \HDUV H[S RU



MISC. ITEMS FOR 0563 SALE *(50$1 7$%/( :,7+ $ &(17(5 '523 /($) 9(5< 81868$/ &$// J C Higgins 22 bolt action $125. Call 662-720-6855. /* 6725$*( 6+,33,1* &217$,1(5 ; ; &$//

:$17 72 PDNH FHUWDLQ \RXU DG JHWV DWWHQWLRQ" $VN DERXW DWWHQWLRQ JHWWLQJ JUDSKLFV NEW ENGLAND 410 single shot shotgun $175. Call 662-720-6855.



It’s back! Corinthian


& Business

– Run Your Ad On This Page For $165 Mo. –

Buddy Ayers Rock & Sand

Going somewhere? Pack your Daily Corinthian print edition and have a photo taken with your paper on the trip. Try to take photos at fun, unexpected places or with famous landmarks in the background. The Daily Corinthian in the past has been to the top of Pike’s Peak, to the bottom of the Great Barrier Reef.

We Haul:

• Driveway Slag (Any Size Rock) • Crush and Run • Iuka Gravel • Masonry Sand • Top Soil • Rip-Rap • Washed Gravel • Pea Gravel

Loans $20-$20,000

This feature returning by popular DEMAND!

Submit information about when and where photo was taken, who is in the photo, and describe the trip. Send the photo and contact information to: editor@dailycorinthian.com

HUD PUBLISHER’S NOTICE All real estate advertised herein is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or intention to make any such preferences, limitations or discrimination. State laws forbid discrimination in the sale, rental, or advertising of real estate based on factors in addition to those protected under federal law. We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis.

• • • • • • •

We also do: Dozer Back-Hoe Track-Hoe Demolition Dig Ponds and Lakes Tree Removal Service Crane Service

662-286-9158 or 662-287-2296

Bill Phillips Sand & Gravel

Hat Lady

1299 Hwy 2 West (Marshtown) Structure demolition & Removal Crushed Lime Stone (any size) Iuka Road Gravel Washed gravel Pea gravel Fill sand Masonry and sand Black Magic mulch Natural Brown mulch Top Soil “Let us help with your project� “Large or Small�

Bill Jr., 284-6061 G.E. 284-9209

Mary Coats Thank you for

17 YEARS!! Call me with your vehicle needs, new, certified, and pre-owned. Come by, text or call today!!! Long Lewis Ford Lincoln of Corinth (662)664-0229 Cell / (662)287-3184 Office mcoatsllf@yahoo.com


Looking to clear some land or clean up a property but don’t want to deal with a bulldozer, dump truck, burn piles, etc? Call us. We have a forestry mulcher that will turn a 6� to 8� tree into mulch. It’s great for cleaning up underbrush, cutting fire lanes in timber, clearing out spaces for food plots, and cleaning up property. Call us for a free estimate today! 662-287-2828





Transform your existing concrete


Staining - Scoring Interior - Exterior Brick & Tile Designs


STORAGE, INDOOR/ OUTDOOR $0(5,&$1 0,1, 6725$*(

2007 Roundelay Corinth, MS 38834

Brett McDuffy



(662) 415-4396

0255,6 &580 0,1, 6725$*(

Dr. Richard Alexander 3263 N Polk Street Corinth, MS 662-415-5432 Now Accepting New Patients Committed To Your Complete Health with A Natural Method of Care.



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16A • Saturday, August 19, 2017 • Daily Corinthian

Snapshot Saturday Eight-year-old Presleigh Spence, daughter of Jamie Vanderford, recently took advantage of the hot weather to sell lemonade and cookies on Brentwood Drive in Corinth. Also pictured is Presleigh’s grandmother, Peggy Vanderford. Have a photo to share for Snapshot Saturday? Email it to us, along with information on the photo, to news@ dailycorinthian.com.

Back to school time Carson Doles, Gracey Muse, Anna Grace Meeks, Carter Doles, Kaleea Wright, Bella Doles, and Macy Muse were ready to get the school year off right at Alcorn Central recently.

Stalemate leaves health insurance in limbo By Trudy Lieberman Rural Health News Service

What should you expect now that the drive to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act appears dead – at least for the moment? Given how legislation gets made in Washington, I wouldn’t be surprised to see some elements of the repeal and replace bill surface again, possibly tacked onto what’s known as must-have legislation. All that, though, is speculation at this point! What’s more important to millions of families who must buy health insurance for next year is how much will it cost and what will it cover? It’s safe to say that Obamacare will be around for awhile meaning that people without employer coverage, Medicare, or Medicaid will have to buy their insurance through their state’s shopping exchange or choose a policy insurers may be selling in the individual market. At the moment the state exchanges are fraught with uncertainty that will affect what your family will have to pay. Insurance companies are not sure

whether the federal government will enforce Obamacare’s individual mandate. Recall that the mandate requires nearly every American to carry insurance. It was a point of contention in last month’s Congressional failure to repeal the health law. Without the mandate, there’s no way to compel people to buy health insurance, and that means fewer people in an insurer’s pool to share the risk of insuring the sick who will be among those signing up for coverage. If the mandate is not enforced in the coming year, some insurers say they must price their policies high enough to cover the claims of people who need medical care. Their other big worry is that the Trump administration will not continue the cost-sharing subsidies for people with low incomes who buy on the exchanges. The Affordable Care Act assumed that people with low incomes – 250 percent of the federal poverty level or less – that’s about $30,000 for a single person and $61,000 for a family of four – would need

help paying the deductibles and other out of pocket costs. So it provided for a system of subsidies for people whose incomes qualified them and who purchased a silver plan in their state exchange. This year some 58 percent of Americans buying on the exchanges received subsidies, which reduced their deductibles and other out-of-pocket costs by between $700 and $3,400. If the administration takes that help away, it’s a good bet those people won’t be able to buy insurance. That’s exactly why the prospect of losing subsidies worries insurance companies as well as policy makers. It means the risk pool will shrink even more. That, in turn, will cause premiums to rise, perhaps more than they otherwise would. Because of all this uncertainty, insurers are taking no chances and are pricing their 2018 policies to account for the possibility of no enforcement of the mandate and loss of costsharing subsidies for individuals and families. In early August the Kaiser

Family Foundation began to quantify what the uncertainty could mean for families buying in the state exchanges this fall. In 15 of the 20 states Kaiser looked at, insurers have proposed double-digit increases. In Michigan, for example, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan requested an average rate increase of 26.9 percent while in New Mexico, New Mexico Health Connections asked for 32.8 percent. While those proposed increases offer a flavor of what’s to come for policyholders in some states, it’s important to remember that few, if any, people pay average rates, and actual premiums for some people could be lower. Furthermore, insurance regulators often approve lower rates than the ones insurers ask for. Still, in some states, residents are likely to be paying more because of the uncertainty. Keep in mind that paying a higher monthly premium isn’t the only way the uncertainty can hit your pocketbook. If an insurer chooses to charge lower premiums, most likely it will compensate by making you pay

You are invited to a birthday reception celebrating 75 years of the

Honorable William J. (Billy) McCoy on Sunday, August 20, from 1:30-3:30 at Gaston Baptist Church 1908 Gaston Road, Booneville. No gifts, please. Only lots of laughter.

higher deductibles, coinsurance, and copays. For 2018 the maximum pay out-of-pocket amount is $14,700 for families and $7,350 for individuals, which includes spending for deductibles, copays, and coinsurance, but not the premium. Paying those amounts is tough, so those buying on the state exchanges this year will have to carefully consider the trade-offs between paying higher premiums up front or more later if they get sick. It’s a choice that comes down to a family’s tolerance for risk. What about the 156 million Americans with insurance from their employers? They’re not immune from higher cost-sharing either as their employers shift more of the burden of the growing cost of medical care to them. Using Kaiser data, Axios Vitals, a Washington health newsletter, estimated that deductibles for HMOs have increased 70 percent and for PPOs, preferred provider plans; they’ve gone up 41 percent from 2010 to 2016. Just about everyone is feeling the pinch one way or another.

The Daily Corinthian • Saturday, August 19, 2017 • 1C NOTICE OF ALCORN COUNTY DELINQUENT TAX SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT I, LARRY G. ROSS, BY VIRTUE OF THE AUTHORITY VESTED IN ME AS TAX COLLECTOR FOR ALCORN COUNTY, MISSISSIPPI, WILL SELL ALL LAND IN ALCORN COUNTY UPON WHICH THE TAXES DUE FOR THE YEAR 2016 HAVE NOT BEEN PAID. SALES WILL BE MADE TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH. THE MINIMUM BID SHALL BE THE AMOUNT OF TAXES AND PENALTIES DUE AS REQUIRED BY LAW. THE SALE WILL BE CONDUCTED IN THE COURTROOM OF THE ALCORN COUNTY COURTHOUSE ON MONDAY, AUGUST 28TH, 2017 AT 8:30 A.M. LARRY G. ROSS TAX COLLECTOR ** SPECIAL NOTE, NO PERSONAL CHECKS WILL BE ACCEPTED IN PAYMENT OF 2016 TAXES STARTING AUGUST 7TH – CASH, CREDIT OR DEBIT CARDS, OR CERTIFIED FUNDS ONLY. LARRY LRMSAL13 08/14/2017 14:25 Alcorn County Tax Current Year PAGE 1 Processed Using Sale File Updated 8/14/2017 by LARRY with 843 Records ----------------------------------ADAIR HOLDINGS LLC Receipt No. PPIN 8358 Sec-12 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 1 LOTS 5-6-7 & 8 BLK 1 LINCOLN PLACE SUB NO ADDRESS ON DB 200902520 BLOCK B Deed Book-2010 Deed Page-2629 Parcel# - 0801124 B 05900 **TOTAL TAX & COST 372.97 ----------------------------------ALDRIDGE J L ETUX ROSE MARY Receipt No. PPIN 8152 Sec-12 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-4110 Sale Sequence 2 PT BLK 411 MITCHELL & MASK SURVEY BLOCK F Deed Book-2007 Deed Page-4947 Parcel# - 0801122 F 01000 **TOTAL TAX & COST 20.97 ----------------------------------ALEXANDER DIANE S (1/2) & WILBANKS Receipt No. PPIN 24101 Sec-32 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-3000 Sale Sequence 3 Deed Book-2013 Deed Page-5240 Parcel# - 090932 01103 Acres 1.34 **TOTAL TAX & COST 75.38 ----------------------------------ALEXANDER JUNIOR ESTATE Receipt No. PPIN 18150 Sec-18 Twnship-01 Rng-08 TD-1110 Sale Sequence 4 PT NW 1/4 SW 1/4 TRCT 7 ALLIE F BARNETTE 10AC Deed Book-2012 Deed Page-1236 Parcel# - 020418 01106 Acres 1.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 16.47 ----------------------------------ALEXANDER TAMMY & ERIN M (DAUGHTER) Receipt No. PPIN 13848 Sec-31 Twnship-02 Rng-09 TD-2000 Sale Sequence 5 TRACT SE 1/4 NE 1/4 E RD Deed Book-292 Deed Page-6-7 Parcel# - 100931 02800 **TOTAL TAX & COST 30.98 ----------------------------------ALGEE ERIC Receipt No. PPIN 26916 Sec-21 Twnship-01 Rng-07 TD-1000 Sale Sequence 6 PT SW OF SE 1/4 & PT S 1/2 OF SE 1/4 OF SW 1/4 Deed Book-2008 Deed Page-3957 Parcel# - 030521 03402 Acres 3.96 **TOTAL TAX & COST 355.49 ----------------------------------ALL AMERICAN DINER Receipt No. PPIN 23048 Sec-14 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 7 IMPROVEMENT ONLY Parcel# - 0904182 B 01803 **TOTAL TAX & COST 44.48 ----------------------------------ALLEN CLARENCE C SR & SHERILYN D Receipt No. PPIN 20488 Sec-19 Twnship-03 Rng-07 TD-3000 Sale Sequence 8 PT NE 1/4 Deed Book-2013 Deed Page-5371 Parcel# - 130419 00104 Acres 10.36 **TOTAL TAX & COST 1385.97 ----------------------------------ALLEN MURRELL Receipt No. PPIN 8357 Sec-12 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 9 LOTS 9LINCOLN PLACE SUB BLOCK B Deed Book-230 Deed Page-396 Parcel# - 0801124 B 05800 **TOTAL TAX & COST 73.46 ----------------------------------ALLEN MURRELL ETUX ADELIA Receipt No. PPIN 7984 Sec-12 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 10 LOTS 2 & 3 BLK 674 ANDERSON ADDN SUB DICKEY ST LOT BLOCK I Deed Book-219 Deed Page-463 Parcel# - 0801121 I 02800 **TOTAL TAX & COST 29.94 ----------------------------------ANDERSON GENEVA (HARVELL) Receipt No. PPIN 8228 Sec-12 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 11 LOT NE 1/4 SE 1/4 BLOCK A Deed Book-131 Deed Page-286 Parcel# - 0801124 A 01400 **TOTAL TAX & COST 29.94 ----------------------------------ANDERSON JOHN ESTATE Receipt No. PPIN 6758 Sec-01 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-4110 Sale Sequence 12 PT BLK 20 GRAHAM’S ADDN SUB BLOCK F Deed Book-293 Deed Page-700 Parcel# - 0801014 F 04200 **TOTAL TAX & COST 29.94 ----------------------------------ARNOLD JANALEE Receipt No. PPIN 17412 Sec-01 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-4110 Sale Sequence 13 PT LOT 16 MITCHELL & MASK BLOCK 55 BLOCK D Deed Book-333 Deed Page-285 Parcel# - 0801013 D 02901 **TOTAL TAX & COST 68.49 ----------------------------------ARNOLD NINA J & WANDA THOMPSON

Receipt No. PPIN 469 Sec-22 Twnship-01 Rng-08 TD-1000 Sale Sequence 14 W 1/2 NE 1/4 S RD Deed Book-145 Deed Page-18 Parcel# - 0205221 02800 Acres 1.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 272.22 ----------------------------------AUSTIN FORREST Receipt No. PPIN 5106 Sec-13 Twnship-02 Rng-06 TD-4000 Sale Sequence 15 LOT NW 1/4 SW 14/ W RD Deed Book-195 Deed Page-82 Parcel# - 070613 02200 **TOTAL TAX & COST 35.83 ----------------------------------B&C FARMS Receipt No. PPIN 8298 Sec-12 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 16 PT NW 1/4 SE 1/4 BLOCK B Deed Book-2014 Deed Page-5215 Parcel# - 0801124 B 00300 **TOTAL TAX & COST 190.98 ----------------------------------BADEAUX ERIC & TIFFANY KING Receipt No. PPIN 16417 Sec-02 Twnship-04 Rng-07 TD-3300 Sale Sequence 17 LOT 11 BLK 54 75 X 70 IRR BUTLER & WILLIAMS SURVEY SUB BLOCK C Deed Book-2014 Deed Page-4947 Parcel# - 1801021 C 01800 **TOTAL TAX & COST 914.10 ----------------------------------BAGGETT EUGENE ESTATE ETUX ALINE Receipt No. PPIN 7144 Sec-02 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-5110 Sale Sequence 18 LOT 2 BLK 1 NELSONS ADDN SUB BLOCK E Deed Book-148 Deed Page-495 Parcel# - 0801021 E 01900 **TOTAL TAX & COST 192.24 ----------------------------------BAIN HERMAN Receipt No. PPIN 14521 Sec-14 Twnship-03 Rng-08 TD-2000 Sale Sequence 19 TRACT N 1/2 N RD Deed Book-113 Deed Page-412 Parcel# - 120614 00200 Acres 4.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 306.56 ----------------------------------BALDWIN PHIL Receipt No. PPIN 7345 Sec-02 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-4110 Sale Sequence 20 PT SE 1/4 SE 1/4 S HWY 45 Deed Book-333 Deed Page-582 Parcel# - 0801024 02800 **TOTAL TAX & COST 663.21 ----------------------------------BALDWIN PHIL Receipt No. PPIN 7376 Sec-11 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-4110 Sale Sequence 21 PT BLK 231 WEST CORINTH SURVEY SUB BLOCK B Deed Book-333 Deed Page-582 Parcel# - 0801111 B 00100 **TOTAL TAX & COST 9.28 ----------------------------------BANCORPSOUTH BANK TRUSTEE* (3/4) Receipt No. PPIN 12684 Sec-13 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-2000 Sale Sequence 22 PT NE 1/4 NE 1/4 JAMES D DURM PRO Deed Book-2012 Deed Page-0735 Parcel# - 090613 00200 Acres 1.20 **TOTAL TAX & COST 5.61 ----------------------------------BANKHEAD LERON F ESTATE Receipt No. PPIN 11237 Sec-06 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-5110 Sale Sequence 23 LOT 20 & PT LOTS 19 & 21 BLK C WOODLAND HEIGHTS SUBD BLOCK C Deed Book-200 Deed Page-446 Parcel# - 0903062 C 03200 **TOTAL TAX & COST 181.83 ----------------------------------BANNON CHARLOTTE H Receipt No. PPIN 5743 Sec-01 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-5110 Sale Sequence 24 BLK 589 WALKER ADDN SUB BLOCK H Deed Book-2007 Deed Page-8164 Parcel# - 0801011 H 00700 **TOTAL TAX & COST 209.65 ----------------------------------BARNES SCOTT W Receipt No. PPIN 25600 Sec-02 Twnship-002 Rng-008 TD-1000 Sale Sequence 25 PT SW 1/4 OF SE 1/4 Deed Book-335 Deed Page-501 Parcel# - 090102 01306 Acres 1.54 **TOTAL TAX & COST 58.95 ----------------------------------BARNETT DAMIEN H Receipt No. PPIN 6253 Sec-01 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-4110 Sale Sequence 26 BLK PT 122 MITCHELL & MASK SUB BLOCK A Deed Book-314 Deed Page-246 Parcel# - 0801013 A 05600 **TOTAL TAX & COST 196.84 ----------------------------------BARNETT DAMIEN HEATH Receipt No. PPIN 27538 Sec-24 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-2000 Sale Sequence 27 PT S 1/2 NE 1/4 Deed Book-2015 Deed Page-1564 Parcel# - 090624 00503 Acres 14.08 **TOTAL TAX & COST 74.88 ----------------------------------BARNETT WILLIAM A

Receipt No. PPIN 19929 Sec-28 Twnship-03 Rng-07 TD-3000 Sale Sequence 28 LOT SW 1/4 SW 1/4 Deed Book-251 Deed Page-39 Parcel# - 130828 02100 **TOTAL TAX & COST 165.27 ----------------------------------BARNETT WILLIAM A ETUX MARTHA Receipt No. PPIN 15457 Sec-28 Twnship-03 Rng-07 TD-3000 Sale Sequence 29 PT SW 1/4 SW 1/4 Deed Book-244 Deed Page-129 Parcel# - 130828 02200 Acres 1.10 **TOTAL TAX & COST 98.75 ----------------------------------BASCOMB JAMIE Receipt No. PPIN 24176 Sec-02 Twnship-04 Rng-07 TD-3000 Sale Sequence 30 LOT IN SE 1/4 OF SE 1/4 Deed Book-320 Deed Page-797 Parcel# - 1801024 00902 **TOTAL TAX & COST 141.57 ----------------------------------BASWELL JOHN THOMAS II Receipt No. PPIN 14519 Sec-13 Twnship-03 Rng-08 TD-2000 Sale Sequence 31 TRACT S 1/2 SE 1/4 Deed Book-2014 Deed Page-0719 Parcel# - 120613 00900 Acres 7.70 **TOTAL TAX & COST 29.35 ----------------------------------BASWELL JOHN THOMAS II Receipt No. PPIN 19028 Sec-19 Twnship-03 Rng-09 TD-2000 Sale Sequence 32 PT OF NW 1/4 Deed Book-2014 Deed Page-0497 Parcel# - 110419 01501 Acres 1.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 30.98 ----------------------------------BASWELL JOHN THOMAS II Receipt No. PPIN 20252 Sec-19 Twnship-03 Rng-09 TD-2000 Sale Sequence 33 PT NW 1/4 NW 1/4 Deed Book-2014 Deed Page-0846 Parcel# - 110419 01503 Acres 1.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 86.06 ----------------------------------BASWELL JOHN THOMAS II Receipt No. PPIN 28376 Sec-24 Twnship-03 Rng-08 TD-2000 Sale Sequence 34 TRACT NE 1/4 NE 1/4 THOMAS Deed Book-2014 Deed Page-0719 Parcel# - 120624 00106 Acres 2.30 **TOTAL TAX & COST 9.43 ----------------------------------BASWELL JOSH Receipt No. PPIN 19016 Sec-34 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-2000 Sale Sequence 35 YESOF NW 1/4 OF 34-2-8 Deed Book-2014 Deed Page-4928 Parcel# - 090834 01601 Acres 1.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 30.98 ----------------------------------BASWELL LARRY J AND RITA G Receipt No. PPIN 549 Sec-22 Twnship-01 Rng-08 TD-1000 Sale Sequence 36 LOT NW 1/4 SE 1/4 BLOCK A Deed Book-329 Deed Page-364 Parcel# - 0205224 A 06700 **TOTAL TAX & COST 255.55 ----------------------------------BASWELL THOMAS Receipt No. PPIN 13981 1 Sec-18 Twnship-03 Rng-09 TD-2000 Sale Sequence 37 PT SW 1/4 SW 1/4 Deed Book-2014 Deed Page-0323 Parcel# - 110418 01700 **TOTAL TAX & COST 182.06 ----------------------------------BEAN ALLIE JR Receipt No. PPIN 7959 Sec-12 Twnship-03 Rng-08 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 38 LOT S 1/2 4 BLK 668 ANDERSON ADDN SUB(SCALE ST) BLOCK I Deed Book-316 Deed Page-300 Parcel# - 0801121 I 00300 **TOTAL TAX & COST 117.34 ----------------------------------BEAN ALLIE JR Receipt No. PPIN 18873 Sec-12 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 39 PT BLK 390 MITCHELL & MASK SURVEY BLOCK A Deed Book-243 Deed Page-131 Parcel# - 0801122 A 03601 Acres 1.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 25.45 ----------------------------------BEAN ALLIE WILLIAM JR Receipt No. PPIN 7862 Sec-12 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 40 LOT S 1/2 BLK 660 LOT 16 ANDERSON ADDN SUB BLOCK G Deed Book-324 Deed Page-36 Parcel# - 0801121 G 01400 **TOTAL TAX & COST 19.17 ----------------------------------BEAN LEE ANNA Receipt No. PPIN 7863 Sec-12 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 41 LOT 15 BLK 660 ANDERSON ADDN SUB OFFIE ASBERRY PROPERTY MEIGG BLOCK G Deed Book-235 Deed Page-389 Parcel# - 0801121 G 01500 **TOTAL TAX & COST 25.45 ----------------------------------BEAVERS DANNY R & PAM Receipt No. PPIN 13108 Sec-36 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-2400 Sale Sequence 42

PT E 1/2 N RR Deed Book-2008 Deed Page-1555 Parcel# - 090736 00200 Acres 31.76 **TOTAL TAX & COST 377.28 ----------------------------------BEAVERS DARRELL Receipt No. PPIN 7948 Sec-12 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 43 LOT 3 BLK 658 ANDERSON ADDN SUB BLOCK H Deed Book-2015 Deed Page-4961 Parcel# - 0801121 H 07100 **TOTAL TAX & COST 134.83 ----------------------------------BEENE ANDREA L Receipt No. PPIN 13458 Sec-29 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-3000 Sale Sequence 44 YESNW 1/4 SE 1/4 Deed Book-2014 Deed Page-3748 Parcel# - 090929 02500 **TOTAL TAX & COST 475.19 ----------------------------------BELL CHARLOTTE Receipt No. PPIN 11039 Sec-06 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 45 LOT 46 TOWN & COUNTRY SUBD PB 3 PG 18 BLOCK C Deed Book-2014 Deed Page-6174 Parcel# - 0903061 C 01900 **TOTAL TAX & COST 676.14 ----------------------------------BENJAMIN DAVID C Receipt No. PPIN 24716 Sec-32 Twnship-003 Rng-007 TD-3000 Sale Sequence 46 PT SE 1/4 Deed Book-324 Deed Page-706 Parcel# - 130932 01001 Acres 2.40 **TOTAL TAX & COST 243.65 ----------------------------------BENNETT ASHLEY C Receipt No. PPIN 18939 Sec-29 Twnship-01 Rng-08 TD-1110 Sale Sequence 47 LOT 36 CEDAR CREEK S/D PHASE III BLOCK A Deed Book-2013 Deed Page-0700 Parcel# - 0209292 A 00636 **TOTAL TAX & COST 765.46 ----------------------------------BENNETT SONYA & EARNEST HURD Receipt No. PPIN 28501 Sec-12 Twnship-03 Rng-08 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 48 PT BLK 608 ANDERSON ADDN SUB BLOCK B Deed Book-2015 Deed Page-3855 Parcel# - 0801121 B 01401 **TOTAL TAX & COST 225.10 ----------------------------------BERRY JAMES M Receipt No. PPIN 13488 Sec-30 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-4000 Sale Sequence 49 PT NW 1/4 SE 1/4 Deed Book-313 Deed Page-429 Parcel# - 090930 01900 Acres 4.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 737.69 ----------------------------------BERRY JAMES M Receipt No. PPIN 13573 Sec-30 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-4000 Sale Sequence 50 LOT 18 CEDAR HEIGHTS SUB BLOCK B Deed Book-298 Deed Page-144 Parcel# - 0909303 B 04900 **TOTAL TAX & COST 40.31 ----------------------------------BISHOP BRANDON ETUX TAMMY Receipt No. PPIN 17202 Sec-11 Twnship-2 Rng-8 TD-2500 Sale Sequence 51 PT NE 1/4 SW 1/4 Deed Book-2005 Deed Page-6646 Parcel# - 0901113 00201 Acres 1.50 **TOTAL TAX & COST 565.90 ----------------------------------BIVENS DUSTIN Receipt No. PPIN 11251 Sec-06 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-5110 Sale Sequence 52 LOTS 21 & 22 BLK D WOODLAND HEIGHTS SUBD BLOCK C Deed Book-2012 Deed Page-2156 Parcel# - 0903062 C 04500 **TOTAL TAX & COST 175.83 ----------------------------------BIVINS LAJEANIE CHERYL Receipt No. PPIN 23569 Sec-20 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-3000 Sale Sequence 53 LOT IN NE 1/4 OF NW 1/4 Deed Book-2007 Deed Page-1481 Parcel# - 0904202 B 01308 **TOTAL TAX & COST 266.17 ----------------------------------BLACKMAN SHERRY DEE Receipt No. PPIN 1875 Sec-20 Twnship-01 Rng-07 TD-1000 Sale Sequence 54 LOT NE 1/4 NW 1/4 M JO DOUGAN DIED 12/2008 Deed Book-2014 Deed Page-2931 Parcel# - 030420 01300 **TOTAL TAX & COST 285.62 ----------------------------------BLAND JASON L Receipt No. PPIN 19376 Sec-36 Twnship-01 Rng-07 TD-1110 Sale Sequence 55 LOT 3 WOODLAWN S/D Deed Book-WB23 Deed Page-162 Parcel# - 0307362 02103 **TOTAL TAX & COST 171.94 ----------------------------------BLAND JASON L Receipt No. PPIN 19399 Sec-36 Twnship-01 Rng-07 TD-1110 Sale Sequence 56 LOT 9 WOODLAWN S/D Deed Book-WB23 Deed Page-162 Parcel# - 0307362 02124 **TOTAL TAX & COST 188.35 ----------------------------------BLUE SKY CAPITAL LLC Receipt No. PPIN 8036 Sec-12 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 57 PT BLK 384 (1005 MEIGG ST) MITCHELL & MASK SURVEY BLOCK A Deed Book-2014 Deed Page-3146 Parcel# - 0801122 A 03200 **TOTAL TAX & COST 157.04 ----------------------------------BLUNT MICHAEL ALAN Receipt No. PPIN 13254 Sec-27 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-2000 Sale Sequence 58

PT W 1/2 SE 1/4 BLOCK B Deed Book-2006 Deed Page-4376 Parcel# - 0908274 B 01800 Acres 3.02 **TOTAL TAX & COST 383.84 ----------------------------------BLUNT MICHAEL ALAN ETUX KIMBERLY S Receipt No. PPIN 20297 Sec-27 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-2000 Sale Sequence 59 SE 1/4 BLOCK B Deed Book-317 Deed Page-693 Parcel# - 0908274 B 01801 Acres .68 **TOTAL TAX & COST 27.47 ----------------------------------BOBO GENE RUDELL Receipt No. PPIN 3943 Sec-34 Twnship-01 Rng-05 TD-5000 Sale Sequence 60 TRACT S 1/2 SE 1/4 N RD Deed Book-251 Deed Page-204 Parcel# - 050834 01800 Acres 13.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 723.57 ----------------------------------BOBO JEFF Receipt No. PPIN 8848 Sec-05 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-5000 Sale Sequence 61 PT S 1/2 SE 1/4 Deed Book-2015 Deed Page-0326 Parcel# - 080305 01400 Acres 12.31 **TOTAL TAX & COST 4602.74 ----------------------------------BOBO PEARL ESTATE Receipt No. PPIN 4084 Sec-02 Twnship-02 Rng-05 TD-5000 Sale Sequence 62 TRACT W 1/2 SW 1/4 Deed Book-270 Deed Page-667 Parcel# - 060102 03500 Acres 10.50 **TOTAL TAX & COST 840.38 ----------------------------------BORDENKIRCHER MICHAEL C Receipt No. PPIN 11313 Sec-06 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-5110 Sale Sequence 63 PT LOTS 5 & 6 BLK 4 SPEEDWAY ANND PB 2 PG 40 BLOCK A Deed Book-WB24 Deed Page-259 Parcel# - 0903063 A 02000 **TOTAL TAX & COST 213.31 ----------------------------------BORDENKIRCHER MICHAEL C Receipt No. PPIN 11445 Sec-06 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-5110 Sale Sequence 64 LOT 10 C D ARMSTRONG SUBD PB 2 PG 22 BLOCK D Deed Book-WB24 Deed Page-259 Parcel# - 0903063 D 02200 **TOTAL TAX & COST 462.42 ----------------------------------BORDENKIRCHER MICHAEL C Receipt No. PPIN 14717 Sec-30 Twnship-03 Rng-08 TD-3000 Sale Sequence 65 LOT NE 1/4 NE 1/4 W OF RD Deed Book-WB24 Deed Page-259 Parcel# - 120930 00901 **TOTAL TAX & COST 399.79 ----------------------------------BORDENKIRCHER MICHAEL C Receipt No. PPIN 24290 Sec-32 Twnship-01 Rng-09 TD-1000 Sale Sequence 66 PT NW 1/4 OF NW 1/4 Deed Book-2005 Deed Page-8671 Parcel# - 010932 00507 Acres 1.66 **TOTAL TAX & COST 606.13 ----------------------------------BOSTIC VICTORIA LEE EST Receipt No. PPIN 7474 Sec-11 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-4110 Sale Sequence 67 PT COLLEGE LOT H MITCHELL SURVEY SUB BLOCK A Deed Book-WB17 Deed Page-216 Parcel# - 0801112 A 03900 **TOTAL TAX & COST 20.97 ----------------------------------BOWLES EDGAR ANTHONY & APRIL EADS Receipt No. PPIN 7619 Sec-12 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 68 PT BLK 607 ANDERSON ADDN SUB BLOCK B Deed Book-2013 Deed Page-2834 Parcel# - 0801121 B 00800 **TOTAL TAX & COST 89.63 ----------------------------------BOX JAMES V ETUX JANIE C Receipt No. PPIN 4172 Sec-04 Twnship-02 Rng-05 TD-5000 Sale Sequence 69 TRACT SE COR NW 1/4 NE 1/4 Deed Book-239 Deed Page-128 Parcel# - 060204 01000 Acres 3.20 **TOTAL TAX & COST 24.57 ----------------------------------BOYD CLARENCE Receipt No. PPIN 15622 Sec-11 Twnship-03 Rng-06 TD-3000 Sale Sequence 70 TRACT NE 1/4 SW 1/4 (11-9-92) ONLY HEIR PER CLARENCE BOYD OF IDA GWYN BOYD Deed Book-146 Deed Page-374 Parcel# - 140111 01600 Acres 6.60 **TOTAL TAX & COST 24.98 ----------------------------------BOYD CLARENCE Receipt No. PPIN 15636 Sec-11 Twnship-03 Rng-06 TD-3000 Sale Sequence 71 TRACT N 1/2 SE 1/4 W RD Deed Book-97 Deed Page-454 Parcel# - 140111 02900 Acres 9.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 35.05 ----------------------------------BRADDOCK J W ESTATE Receipt No. PPIN 14014 Sec-19 Twnship-03 Rng-09 TD-2000 Sale Sequence 72 LOT NW 1/4 SW 1/4 Deed Book-194 Deed Page-597 Parcel# - 110419 02000 **TOTAL TAX & COST 54.74 ----------------------------------BRADLEY DARCIE NICOLE Receipt No. PPIN 27750 Sec-15 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-2500 Sale Sequence 73 S 1/2 NE 1/4 NE 1/4 W HWY Deed Book-2011 Deed Page-0660 Parcel# - 0905151 00715 Acres 1.00

2C • Saturday, August 19, 2017 • The Daily Corinthian **TOTAL TAX & COST 620.00 ----------------------------------BRANTLEY GEORGE SCOTT ET UX CHRISTY Receipt No. PPIN 23893 Sec-29 Twnship-01 Rng-08 TD-1110 Sale Sequence 74 LOT 65 CEDAR CREEK PHASE IV Deed Book-2006 Deed Page-8062 Parcel# - 0209292 A 00651 **TOTAL TAX & COST 698.35 ----------------------------------BRASSFIELD JOSEPH T Receipt No. PPIN 9765 Sec-28 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-4000 Sale Sequence 75 LOT NE 1/4 SW 1/4 S RD HSE AT RT 5 BOX 92 Deed Book-270 Deed Page-364 Parcel# - 080828 02800 **TOTAL TAX & COST 291.61 ----------------------------------BRAWNER BOBBY REID Receipt No. PPIN 9418 Sec-14 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-4000 Sale Sequence 76 PT SE 1/4 SE 1/4 Deed Book-248 Deed Page-70 Parcel# - 080614 00900 Acres 1.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 791.85 ----------------------------------BROOKS ELISHA M Receipt No. PPIN 3120 Sec-27 Twnship-01 Rng-07 TD-1010 Sale Sequence 77 TRACT SW 1/4 NW 1/4 Deed Book-294 Deed Page-322 Parcel# - 030827 00500 **TOTAL TAX & COST 79.28 ----------------------------------BROOKS JOHN MARTIN Receipt No. PPIN 745 Sec-26 Twnship-01 Rng-08 TD-1000 Sale Sequence 78 PT E 1/2 NW 1/4 & PT S 1/2 NW 1/4 TRACT FROM M HUGH JACKSON Deed Book-2013 Deed Page-1333 Parcel# - 020726 01100 Acres 10.50 **TOTAL TAX & COST 210.74 ----------------------------------BROOKS WESLEY C ETUX CASSIE LEIGH Receipt No. PPIN 15667 Sec-03 Twnship-03 Rng-06 TD-4000 Sale Sequence 79 TRACT S END SE 1/4 NW 1/4 Deed Book-2007 Deed Page-1819 Parcel# - 140203 00900 Acres 5.81 **TOTAL TAX & COST 453.30 ----------------------------------BROOKS WESLEY C ETUX CASSIE LEIGH Receipt No. PPIN 20512 Sec-03 Twnship-03 Rng-06 TD-4000 Sale Sequence 80 PT SW 1/4 Deed Book-330 Deed Page-367 Parcel# - 140203 01501 Acres 20.19 **TOTAL TAX & COST 37.32 ----------------------------------BROSE MICHAEL S & LAURA A Receipt No. PPIN 12896 Sec-23 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-2000 Sale Sequence 81 PT SW 1/4 SE 1/4 Deed Book-2012 Deed Page-0945 Parcel# - 090623 02900 Acres 6.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 339.92 ----------------------------------BROSE MICHAEL S & LAURA A Receipt No. PPIN 12942 Sec-23 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-2000 Sale Sequence 82 PT SE 1/4 OF SW 1/4 Deed Book-2012 Deed Page-0945 Parcel# - 0906233 04200 Acres 2.92 **TOTAL TAX & COST 9.42 ----------------------------------BROWN JOHN & AMY Receipt No. PPIN 14552 1 Sec-23 Twnship-03 Rng-08 TD-2000 Sale Sequence 83 TRACT SW 1/4 SE 1/4 Deed Book-2008 Deed Page-1538 Parcel# - 120623 01000 Acres 5.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 570.41 ----------------------------------BRUNELL AVERY LEIGH Receipt No. PPIN 24997 Sec-10 Twnship-02 Rng-05 TD-5000 Sale Sequence 84 PT OF NE 1/4 10-2-5 Deed Book-2014 Deed Page-3012 Parcel# - 060210 00402 Acres 55.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 208.99 ----------------------------------BUGG KRISTIE K Receipt No. PPIN 11766 Sec-07 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-2110 Sale Sequence 85 PT N 1/2 SE 1/4 INSIDE CITY Deed Book-2010 Deed Page-1261 Parcel# - 0903074 00300 Acres 9.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 18.08 ----------------------------------BURCHAM DAVID CLAYTON & TIMOTHY JOE Receipt No. PPIN 8404 Sec-03 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-5110 Sale Sequence 86 A PARCEL W OF PUBLIC RD IN THE SW 1/4 OF THE NE 1/4 Deed Book-315 Deed Page-331 Parcel# - 0802031 00300 Acres 2.70 **TOTAL TAX & COST 409.19 ----------------------------------BURCHAM MAXINE M ESTATE Receipt No. PPIN 19037 Sec-10 Twnship-003 Rng-008 TD-2000 Sale Sequence 87 PT OF NW 1/4 OF 10-3-8 Deed Book-247 Deed Page-334 Parcel# - 120210 00701 Acres 1.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 46.88 ----------------------------------BURCHAM REGINALD SCOTT Receipt No. PPIN 13751 Sec-18 Twnship-02 Rng-09 TD-2000 Sale Sequence 88 TRACT SE COR SW 1/4 SE 1/4 S RD Deed Book-WB21 Deed Page-72 Parcel# - 100418 02800 **TOTAL TAX & COST 272.70 ----------------------------------BURDINE ELLA ETVIR JONATHAN Receipt No. PPIN 11626 Sec-07 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-2110 Sale Sequence 89 LOTS 27 & 28(121 HARRIS CIR) EASTLAWN PB 2 PG 12

BLOCK A Deed Book-327 Deed Page-202 Parcel# - 0903071 A 01600 **TOTAL TAX & COST 181.89 ----------------------------------BURNETT BILLY E JR Receipt No. PPIN 16440 Sec-02 Twnship-04 Rng-07 TD-3300 Sale Sequence 90 PT BLOCK 20 BUTLER & WILLIAMS SURVEY SUB BLOCK D Deed Book-2015 Deed Page-0876 Parcel# - 1801021 D 00600 **TOTAL TAX & COST 57.57 ----------------------------------BURNETT LANA KAY Receipt No. PPIN 16045 Sec-28 Twnship-03 Rng-06 TD-3000 Sale Sequence 91 PT S 1/2 NE 1/4 Deed Book-295 Deed Page-378 Parcel# - 140828 00700 Acres 4.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 57.47 ----------------------------------BURNS RICKY D & TERESA L Receipt No. PPIN 5037 Sec-16 Twnship-02 Rng-06 TD-4000 Sale Sequence 92 LOT NE COR NE 1/4 SE 1/4 Deed Book-2015 Deed Page-1724 Parcel# - 070516 01300 Acres 1.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 7.05 ----------------------------------BURNS RICKY D & TERESA L Receipt No. PPIN 10631 Sec-09 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-2000 Sale Sequence 93 LOT NW 1/4 NW 1/4 BLOCK C Deed Book-2013 Deed Page-4530 Parcel# - 0902092 C 00300 **TOTAL TAX & COST 1174.70 ----------------------------------BURNS TITUS L ETAL Receipt No. PPIN 2246 Sec-24 Twnship-01 Rng-07 TD-1110 Sale Sequence 94 TRACT NW 1/4 NE 1/4 BLOCK A Deed Book-265 Deed Page-626 Parcel# - 0306241 A 00200 Acres 10.08 **TOTAL TAX & COST 16.09 ----------------------------------BURRESS CORRINE & JAMES MCLELLAN Receipt No. PPIN 16556 Sec-02 Twnship-04 Rng-07 TD-3300 Sale Sequence 95 LOT NW 1/4 SW 1/4 Deed Book-2011 Deed Page-2503 Parcel# - 1801023 01000 **TOTAL TAX & COST 81.57 ----------------------------------BURROW RICKY L Receipt No. PPIN 26673 Sec-15 Twnship-001 Rng-005 TD-5000 Sale Sequence 96 PT S E1/4 Deed Book-2007 Deed Page-6892 Parcel# - 050515 00202 Acres 22.07 **TOTAL TAX & COST 90.81 ----------------------------------BUSH ANTHONY E-SHIRLEY NICHOLSReceipt No. PPIN 28441 Sec-18 Twnship-03 Rng-07 TD-3000 Sale Sequence 97 TRACT SW COR NE 1/4 Deed Book-2014 Deed Page-1803 Parcel# - 130418 02602 Acres 31.74 **TOTAL TAX & COST 123.14 ----------------------------------BUTLER WILLIAM C JR Receipt No. PPIN 3542 Sec-19 Twnship-01 Rng-06 TD-5000 Sale Sequence 98 PT OF SW 1/4 Deed Book-WB26 Deed Page-534-537 Parcel# - 040419 01700 Acres 1.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 5.86 ----------------------------------BUTLER WILLIAM C JR Receipt No. PPIN 3738 Sec-30 Twnship-01 Rng-06 TD-5000 Sale Sequence 99 PT E 1/2 NE 1/4 Deed Book-WB26 Deed Page-534-537 Parcel# - 040930 00100 Acres 40.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 409.19 ----------------------------------BUTLER WILLIAM C JR Receipt No. PPIN 3740 Sec-30 Twnship-01 Rng-06 TD-5000 Sale Sequence 100 TRACT NW COR NE 1/4 W RD Deed Book-WB26 Deed Page-534-537 Parcel# - 040930 00300 Acres 6.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 23.59 ----------------------------------BUTLER WILLIAM C JR Receipt No. PPIN 21069 Sec-19 Twnship-01 Rng-06 TD-5000 Sale Sequence 101 PT SE 1/4 OF SW 1/4 Deed Book-WB26 Deed Page-534-537 Parcel# - 040419 01601 Acres 2.63 **TOTAL TAX & COST 12.08 ----------------------------------C & A LLC Receipt No. PPIN 6962 Sec-01 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 102 PT BLK 16 BELL, YOUNG & MCCORD SURVEY BLOCK K Deed Book-2013 Deed Page-4747 Parcel# - 0801014 K 02600 **TOTAL TAX & COST 522.76 ----------------------------------CALLAHAN SHERRY Receipt No. PPIN 12399 Sec-15 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-2500 Sale Sequence 103 PT E 1/2 NE 1/4 NW 1/4 Deed Book-2007 Deed Page-4761 Parcel# - 0905152 00800 Acres .70 **TOTAL TAX & COST 31.66 ----------------------------------CALLENDER JESSE & BEVERLY Receipt No. PPIN 18659 Sec-02 Twnship-04 Rng-07 TD-3300 Sale Sequence 104 BLOCK B Deed Book-2009 Deed Page-1764 Parcel# - 1801021 B 00302 **TOTAL TAX & COST 152.31 ----------------------------------CALVERY BRETT & JADE Receipt No. PPIN 27753 Sec-07 Twnship-02 Rng-09 TD-2000 Sale Sequence 105 PT SW CORNER NE 1/4 AND PT NW

CORNER SE 1/4 Deed Book-WB26 Deed Page-51-57 Parcel# - 100307 01302 Acres 26.10 **TOTAL TAX & COST 74.67 ----------------------------------CALVERY BRIAN H Receipt No. PPIN 26729 Sec-07 Twnship-002 Rng-009 TD-2000 Sale Sequence 106 PT E 1/2 NE 1/4 Deed Book-2007 Deed Page-5136 Parcel# - 100307 00102 Acres 2.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 43.73 ----------------------------------CALVERY THOMAS C Receipt No. PPIN 7137 Sec-02 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-5110 Sale Sequence 107 LOTS 1 & 2 BLK 8 NELSONS ADDN SUB BLOCK E Deed Book-236 Deed Page-274 Parcel# - 0801021 E 01200 **TOTAL TAX & COST 34.43 ----------------------------------CALVERY THOMAS C JR & ELIZABETH Receipt No. PPIN 7140 Sec-02 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-5110 Sale Sequence 108 LOT 5 BLK 1 NELSONS ADDN SUB BLOCK E Deed Book-2006 Deed Page-1323 Parcel# - 0801021 E 01500 **TOTAL TAX & COST 214.69 ----------------------------------CALVERY THOMAS C JR & ELIZABETH Receipt No. PPIN 7151 Sec-02 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-5110 Sale Sequence 109 LOT 8 BLK 2 NELSON ADDN SUB BLOCK E Deed Book-2006 Deed Page-1323 Parcel# - 0801021 E 02600 **TOTAL TAX & COST 20.97 ----------------------------------CARMACK RON Receipt No. PPIN 11459 Sec-06 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-5110 Sale Sequence 110 PT LOT 1 BLK D OAKVIEW SUBD PB 2 PG 49 BUNCH ST BLOCK E Deed Book-2010 Deed Page-5075 Parcel# - 0903063 E 00100 **TOTAL TAX & COST 310.66 ----------------------------------CARMACK RON ETUX DENISE Receipt No. PPIN 6184 Sec-01 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-5110 Sale Sequence 111 LOT W/S WASHINGTON ST BLK 519 WALKER ADDN SUB BLOCK J Deed Book-2011 Deed Page-0289 Parcel# - 0801012 J 00900 **TOTAL TAX & COST 172.26 ----------------------------------CARMON VICKI M Receipt No. PPIN 2893 Sec-36 Twnship-01 Rng-07 TD-5110 Sale Sequence 112 BLK 4 PT LOTS 1-2 HYLAND PARK ADDN SUB BLOCK C Deed Book-2009 Deed Page-1431 Parcel# - 0307363 C 00300 **TOTAL TAX & COST 90.29 ----------------------------------CARNATHAN KEITH EDWIN Receipt No. PPIN 28362 Sec-22 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-2000 Sale Sequence 113 PT NW 1/4 SE 1/4 BLOCK C Deed Book-2014 Deed Page-1743 Parcel# - 0905224 C 00105 Acres .30 **TOTAL TAX & COST 590.41 ----------------------------------CARPER RICKY L & KELLY S Receipt No. PPIN 4796 Sec-09 Twnship-02 Rng-06 TD-4000 Sale Sequence 114 TRACT SE 1/4 SE 1/4 PRIOR OWNER DAVID TURNER Deed Book-2015 Deed Page-1210 Parcel# - 070209 03400 Acres 1.40 **TOTAL TAX & COST 258.38 ----------------------------------CARROLL JOE JR Receipt No. PPIN 5668 Sec-01 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-5110 Sale Sequence 115 BLK PT 585 WALKER ADDN SUB (ESTHER DECEASED 12/11/97) (JOE CARROLL SR DECEASED) BLOCK F Deed Book-167 Deed Page-38 Parcel# - 0801011 F 00100 **TOTAL TAX & COST 84.66 ----------------------------------CHAMBERS CLAYTON J Receipt No. PPIN 20052 Sec-35 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-2400 Sale Sequence 116 PT OF NW 1/4 OF SW 1/4 Deed Book-2007 Deed Page-7091 Parcel# - 090735 00207 Acres 2.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 354.66 ----------------------------------CHAMBERS GREG Receipt No. PPIN 7761 Sec-12 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 117 LOT 6 BLK 610 ANDERSON ADDN SUB ONLY HEIR BLOCK D Deed Book-2005 Deed Page-8322 Parcel# - 0801121 D 06100 **TOTAL TAX & COST 29.94 ----------------------------------CHAMBERS GREG Receipt No. PPIN 7777 Sec-12 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 118 LOTS 1-2 BLK 677(202 N JOHNS ANDERSON ADDN SUB BLOCK E Deed Book-2006 Deed Page-4708 Parcel# - 0801121 E 01200 **TOTAL TAX & COST 25.45 ----------------------------------CHAMBERS MICHAEL ETUX PENNY Receipt No. PPIN 21493 Sec-25 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-2000 Sale Sequence 119 PT NE 1/4 Deed Book-294 Deed Page-105 Parcel# - 090725 00201 Acres 1.78 **TOTAL TAX & COST 127.73

----------------------------------CHAMBERS MICHAEL TYLER Receipt No. PPIN 15844 Sec-16 Twnship-03 Rng-06 TD-3000 Sale Sequence 120 RACT E 1/2 SW 1/4 S RD Deed Book-2014 Deed Page-1551 Parcel# - 140516 00900 Acres 3.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 1244.64 ----------------------------------CHAMBLISS GWENDOLYN BISHOP ETAL Receipt No. PPIN 8050 Sec-12 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 121 PT BLK 376 MITCHELL & MASK SURVEY BLOCK B Deed Book-2014 Deed Page-2424 Parcel# - 0801122 B 01000 **TOTAL TAX & COST 34.43 ----------------------------------CHASE LINDA KAY Receipt No. PPIN 7790 Sec-12 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 122 PT BLK 679 ANDERSON ADDN SUB BLOCK E Deed Book-305 Deed Page-677 Parcel# - 0801121 E 02500 **TOTAL TAX & COST 18.27 ----------------------------------CHILDERS ALEX JACOB Receipt No. PPIN 569 Sec-22 Twnship-01 Rng-08 TD-1000 Sale Sequence 123 LOT NE 1/4 SE 1/4 BLOCK A Deed Book-2012 Deed Page-1045 Parcel# - 0205224 A 08700 **TOTAL TAX & COST 306.22 ----------------------------------CHILDERS JESSE AND KAMI Receipt No. PPIN 1918 Sec-16 Twnship-01 Rng-07 TD-1000 Sale Sequence 124 TRACT SE 1/4 E RD IN FRACTIONAL SEC 16 Deed Book-330 Deed Page-493 Parcel# - 030516 00400 Acres 4.50 **TOTAL TAX & COST 641.18 ----------------------------------CHILDERS MICHAEL J JR Receipt No. PPIN 23481 Sec-22 Twnship-01 Rng-08 TD-1000 Sale Sequence 125 PT NE 1/4 Deed Book-314 Deed Page-304 Parcel# - 0205221 01301 Acres 1.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 404.83 ----------------------------------CHRONISTER DENNIS Receipt No. PPIN 11381 Sec-06 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-5110 Sale Sequence 126 LOTS 13 14 & 15 BLK 5 EASTLAND HEIGHTS SUBD PB 2 PG 44 BLOCK C Deed Book-2011 Deed Page-3021 Parcel# - 0903063 C 01200 **TOTAL TAX & COST 5.78 ----------------------------------CHRONISTER DENNIS Receipt No. PPIN 11382 Sec-06 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-5110 Sale Sequence 127 LOTS 16 17 & 18 BLK 5 EASTLAND HEIGHTS SUBD PB 2 PG 44 BLOCK C Deed Book-2011 Deed Page-3021 Parcel# - 0903063 C 01300 **TOTAL TAX & COST 104.07 ----------------------------------CLARK MICHAEL D Receipt No. PPIN 19557 Sec-18 Twnship-01 Rng-08 TD-1110 Sale Sequence 128 PT OF SW 1/4 Deed Book-267 Deed Page-129 Parcel# - 020418 00904 **TOTAL TAX & COST 20.97 ----------------------------------CLARK THERION Receipt No. PPIN 7981 Sec-12 Twnship-03 Rng-08 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 129 LOT 3 N 1/2 4 BLK 673 ANDERSON ADDN SUB 1406 DICKEY ST BLOCK I Deed Book-2015 Deed Page-0629 Parcel# - 0801121 I 02500 **TOTAL TAX & COST 228.70 ----------------------------------CLIFTON HARRY ARTHUR Receipt No. PPIN 11652 Sec-07 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-2110 Sale Sequence 130 PT NE 1/4 NE 1/4 BLOCK C Deed Book-2012 Deed Page-6843 Parcel# - 0903071 C 00500 Acres .67 **TOTAL TAX & COST 241.20 ----------------------------------COFFMAN VERNICE LEE ESTATE Receipt No. PPIN 12452 Sec-16 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-2500 Sale Sequence 131 LOT NE 1/4SE 1/4 Deed Book-224 Deed Page-113 Parcel# - 090516 03201 **TOTAL TAX & COST 525.66 ----------------------------------COLEMAN OVERIA Receipt No. PPIN 5562 Sec-01 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-5110 Sale Sequence 132 PT BLK 576 WALKER ADDN SUB BLOCK B Deed Book-149 Deed Page-238 Parcel# - 0801011 B 02900 **TOTAL TAX & COST 166.73 ----------------------------------COLLIER MARGARET HARWELL & LEIGH Receipt No. PPIN 13800 Sec-29 Twnship-02 Rng-09 TD-2000 Sale Sequence 133 W 1/2 NW 1/4 Deed Book-297 Deed Page-57 Parcel# - 100929 00400 Acres 80.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 262.03 ----------------------------------COLLINS TOM *ESTATE* Receipt No. PPIN 7893 Sec-12 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 134 LOT 18 BLK 665 ANDERSON ADDN SUB BLOCK H Deed Book-42 Deed Page-256 Parcel# - 0801121 H 01700 **TOTAL TAX & COST 22.75 ----------------------------------COOKSEY BENNY T

Receipt No. PPIN 7146 Sec-02 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-5110 Sale Sequence 135 LOT 1 BLK 2 NELSON ADDN SUB BLOCK E Deed Book-2014 Deed Page-4244 Parcel# - 0801021 E 02100 **TOTAL TAX & COST 140.70 ----------------------------------COOMBS JEFF Receipt No. PPIN 5539 Sec-10 Twnship-20 Rng-07 TD-5110 Sale Sequence 136 LOT 27 BLK 586 BLK 586 WALKER ADDN SUB BLOCK B Deed Book-2006 Deed Page-0339 Parcel# - 0801011 B 00700 **TOTAL TAX & COST 142.13 ----------------------------------COPELAND DONALD Receipt No. PPIN 778 Sec-35 Twnship-01 Rng-08 TD-1000 Sale Sequence 137 TRACT W 1/2 NW 1/4 Deed Book-224 Deed Page-146 Parcel# - 020735 00800 Acres 32.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 153.53 ----------------------------------CORBIN MATTHEW Receipt No. PPIN 15188 Sec-08 Twnship-03 Rng-07 TD-3000 Sale Sequence 138 TRACT SE 1/4 SE 1/4 Deed Book-2015 Deed Page-2852 Parcel# - 130308 03000 **TOTAL TAX & COST 397.82 ----------------------------------CORINTH PROPERTIES LLC Receipt No. PPIN 11659 Sec-07 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-2110 Sale Sequence 139 PT NE 1/4 S RR INSIDE CITY LIM BLOCK C Deed Book-2006 Deed Page-7585 Parcel# - 0903071 C 01100 Acres 25.53 **TOTAL TAX & COST 46.91 ----------------------------------CORINTHIAN FUNERAL HOME INC Receipt No. PPIN 6886 Sec-01 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 140 PT BLK 1 BELL, YOUNG & MCCORD SURVEY BLOCK J Deed Book-264 Deed Page-222 Parcel# - 0801014 J 01000 **TOTAL TAX & COST 887.29 ----------------------------------COY ROBERT ANDREW & SHAWN Receipt No. PPIN 27267 1 Sec-30 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-4000 Sale Sequence 141 W 1/2 N RD & W 1/2 SE 1/4 N RD Deed Book-2015 Deed Page-3801 Parcel# - 080930 00601 Acres 2.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 4075.43 ----------------------------------CRIDER JAMES MCKINLEY Receipt No. PPIN 6749 Sec-01 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-4110 Sale Sequence 142 PT BLK 19 GRAHAMS ADDN SUB BLOCK F Deed Book-196 Deed Page-120 Parcel# - 0801014 F 03300 **TOTAL TAX & COST 22.75 ----------------------------------CROTTS BRAD ETUX RHONDA H Receipt No. PPIN 26722 Sec-26 Twnship-002 Rng-008 TD-2000 Sale Sequence 143 PT NE 1/4 Deed Book-2007 Deed Page-0409 Parcel# - 0907261 01205 Acres 3.26 **TOTAL TAX & COST 40.39 ----------------------------------CROW ASHLEY Receipt No. PPIN 11207 Sec-06 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-5110 Sale Sequence 144 LOT 6 BLK AA WOODLAND HEIGHTS SUBD BLOCK C Deed Book-2011 Deed Page-2537 Parcel# - 0903062 C 00100 **TOTAL TAX & COST 447.26 ----------------------------------CRUM JAMES M ETUX SHIRLEY T Receipt No. PPIN 3158 Sec-27 Twnship-01 Rng-07 TD-1010 Sale Sequence 145 TRACT W 1/2 SW 1/4 N RD Deed Book-250 Deed Page-592 Parcel# - 0308273 01400 Acres 1.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 217.88 ----------------------------------CRUM L D & L C Receipt No. PPIN 20747 Sec-01 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-4110 Sale Sequence 146 PT BLK 56 MITCHELL & MASS 103 S FILLMORE ST BLOCK D Deed Book-2008 Deed Page-6306 Parcel# - 0801013 D 00402 **TOTAL TAX & COST 156.37 ----------------------------------CRUM LORI Receipt No. PPIN 6988 Sec-01 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 147 LOTS PT 44 & 45 ADAMS ADDN SUB BLOCK M Deed Book-323 Deed Page-34 Parcel# - 0801014 M 00500 **TOTAL TAX & COST 191.34 ----------------------------------CRUM LORRIE DIANNE Receipt No. PPIN 6358 Sec-01 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-4110 Sale Sequence 148 BLK PT 89 MITCHELL & MASK SUB BLOCK D Deed Book-320 Deed Page-768 Parcel# - 0801013 D 00400 **TOTAL TAX & COST 233.19 ----------------------------------CRUM MICHAEL ETUX BETH Receipt No. PPIN 26425 Sec-01 Twnship-002 Rng-005 TD-5000 Sale Sequence 149 PT W 1/2 OF SE 1/4 Deed Book-2006 Deed Page-7752 Parcel# - 060101 00903 Acres 2.41 **TOTAL TAX & COST 258.65 ----------------------------------CRUM OLA BLANCH ESTATE Receipt No. PPIN 5278 Sec-35 Twnship-02 Rng-06 TD-4000 Sale Sequence 150 LOT NE 1/4 NE 1/4 S RD Deed Book-303 Deed Page-134 Parcel# - 070735 00200

The Daily Corinthian • Saturday, August 19, 2017 • 3C **TOTAL TAX & COST 85.58 ----------------------------------CRUM SAMUEL COREY Receipt No. PPIN 18797 Sec-29 Twnship-01 Rng-08 TD-1110 Sale Sequence 151 LOT 3 CEDAR CREEK PHASE I BLOCK A Deed Book-278 Deed Page-438 Parcel# - 0209292 A 00603 **TOTAL TAX & COST 787.91 ----------------------------------CRUM VERONICA Receipt No. PPIN 20581 Sec-06 Twnship-02 Rng-05 TD-5000 Sale Sequence 152 PT SW 1/4 Deed Book-2015 Deed Page-5282 Parcel# - 060306 01502 Acres 3.98 **TOTAL TAX & COST 87.44 ----------------------------------CRUZ PAMELA N & BOBO SUSIE M Receipt No. PPIN 21185 Sec-23 Twnship-01 Rng-05 TD-5000 Sale Sequence 153 PT SW1/4 & SE 1/4 W OF RD Deed Book-299 Deed Page-625 Parcel# - 050623 00508 Acres 5.63 **TOTAL TAX & COST 79.73 ----------------------------------CRUZ ROBERT EMANUEL-EMILY INA LEWIS Receipt No. PPIN 2875 Sec-36 Twnship-01 Rng-07 TD-5110 Sale Sequence 154 PT BLK 18 TYRONE HEIGHTS SUB BLOCK A Deed Book-2013 Deed Page-3307 Parcel# - 0307363 A 04001 **TOTAL TAX & COST 144.02 ----------------------------------CULP DON ETUX PAT Receipt No. PPIN 11804 Sec-08 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-2110 Sale Sequence 155 LOT 5 & 6 SHADY HEIGHTS SUB MH IN CANDLEWOOD BLOCK A Deed Book-2005 Deed Page-8020 Parcel# - 0903081 A 01000 **TOTAL TAX & COST 130.99 ----------------------------------CULP DON-PAT Receipt No. PPIN 11805 Sec-08 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-2110 Sale Sequence 156 LOT 3 & 4 SHADY HGTS SUB PB 3 PG 23 LOT IN CANDLEWOOD BLOCK A Deed Book-2005 Deed Page-8020 Parcel# - 0903081 A 01100 **TOTAL TAX & COST 25.45 ----------------------------------CUMMINGS JODY L Receipt No. PPIN 27294 Sec-04 Twnship-03 Rng-08 TD-2000 Sale Sequence 157 W 1/2 NE 1/4 Deed Book-2013 Deed Page-3193 Parcel# - 120204 00214 Acres .75 **TOTAL TAX & COST 408.05 ----------------------------------CUMMINGS LACY D Receipt No. PPIN 27323 Sec-23 Twnship-03 Rng-06 TD-3000 Sale Sequence 158 SE 1/4 LESS TRACTS Deed Book-2013 Deed Page-0776 Parcel# - 140623 01004 Acres 11.78 **TOTAL TAX & COST 103.90 ----------------------------------CUMMINGS LACY D Receipt No. PPIN 27771 Sec-23 Twnship-03 Rng-06 TD-3000 Sale Sequence 159 SE 1/4 LESS TRACTS Deed Book-2013 Deed Page-0777 Parcel# - 140623 01005 Acres 3.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 206.01 ----------------------------------CUMMINGS LACY DANIELLE & CODY LEE Receipt No. PPIN 28040 Sec-23 Twnship-03 Rng-06 TD-3000 Sale Sequence 160 SE 1/4 LESS TRACTS Deed Book-2012 Deed Page-2175 Parcel# - 140623 01006 Acres 2.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 71.45 ----------------------------------CURTIS DALTON BRECK & CHARLOTTE P Receipt No. PPIN 1081 Sec-29 Twnship-01 Rng-08 TD-1110 Sale Sequence 161 W 1/2 SW 1/4 LESS TRACTS BLOCK A Deed Book-2009 Deed Page-6893 Parcel# - 0209293 A 00100 Acres 1.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 305.63 ----------------------------------CURTIS GUY N Receipt No. PPIN 24581 Sec-19 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-4000 Sale Sequence 162 PT SE 1/4 OF NE 1/4 Deed Book-2014 Deed Page-5784 Parcel# - 080419 03802 Acres 2.24 **TOTAL TAX & COST 319.64 ----------------------------------D & A LAWN AND PROPERTIES LLC Receipt No. PPIN 5654 Sec-01 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-5110 Sale Sequence 163 LOT 4 BLK 572 S D BRAMLITTS BLOCK E Deed Book-2008 Deed Page-4033 Parcel# - 0801011 E 02900 **TOTAL TAX & COST 228.76 ----------------------------------DAMRON BILLY W JR & BERNADETTE Receipt No. PPIN 6820 Sec-01 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-4110 Sale Sequence 164 PT BLK 15 GRAHAM’S ADDN SUB BLOCK H Deed Book-2014 Deed Page-3355 Parcel# - 0801014 H 02200 **TOTAL TAX & COST 169.43 ----------------------------------DAVIS JAMES & WILLIE L ESTATE Receipt No. PPIN 16550 Sec-02 Twnship-04 Rng-07 TD-3300 Sale Sequence 165 PT SW 1/4 N CREEK Deed Book-245 Deed Page-96 Parcel# - 1801023 00400 **TOTAL TAX & COST 789.27 ----------------------------------DAVIS MILDRED Receipt No. PPIN 3192 Sec-33 Twnship-01 Rng-07 TD-1110

Sale Sequence 166 NE 1/4 N & E RR Deed Book-216 Deed Page-557 Parcel# - 030833 00100 Acres 4.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 9.79 ----------------------------------DAVIS OSCAR D ET UX HELEN SUE EST Receipt No. PPIN 16529 Sec-02 Twnship-04 Rng-07 TD-3300 Sale Sequence 167 LOT SW 1/4 NW 1/4 BLOCK B Deed Book-141 Deed Page-511 Parcel# - 1801022 B 01000 **TOTAL TAX & COST 819.65 ----------------------------------DAVIS OSCAR ETUX HELEN ESTATE Receipt No. PPIN 16534 Sec-02 Twnship-04 Rng-07 TD-3300 Sale Sequence 168 PT SW 1/4 NW 1/4 BLOCK B Deed Book-297 Deed Page-536 Parcel# - 1801022 B 01400 Acres 3.20 **TOTAL TAX & COST 15.92 ----------------------------------DAVIS TANESHA ETVIR KEITH Receipt No. PPIN 18573 Sec-02 Twnship-003 Rng-006 TD-4000 Sale Sequence 169 PT SW 1/4 SW 1/4 W ROAD PT TROY MARICLE TRACT Deed Book-2006 Deed Page-8194 Parcel# - 140102 02001 Acres 2.60 **TOTAL TAX & COST 91.02 ----------------------------------DAVIS WILLIE L-LINDA EATONMELWAYNE Receipt No. PPIN 3262 Sec-34 Twnship-01 Rng-07 TD-1110 Sale Sequence 170 LOT SW 1/4 NE 1/4 BLOCK B Deed Book-302 Deed Page-468 Parcel# - 0308341 B 01900 **TOTAL TAX & COST 435.29 ----------------------------------DEES JEREMIAH CALEB Receipt No. PPIN 129 Sec-30 Twnship-01 Rng-09 TD-1000 Sale Sequence 171 PT SE 1/4 NE 1/4 Deed Book-2012 Deed Page-1376 Parcel# - 010930 02500 Acres 2.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 235.41 ----------------------------------DEFOOR C W Receipt No. PPIN 17871 Sec-35 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-2400 Sale Sequence 172 PT NE 1/4 LYING BETWEEN HWY 72 AND OLD HWY 72 (REMAINDER OF 4 ACRES AFTER CONVEYANCE TO HWY DEPT IN 1987 FOR 4 LANING ACQUISITION) WAS GOING TO 1904 N PARKWAY Deed Book-130 Deed Page-64 Parcel# - 0907351 00301 **TOTAL TAX & COST 4.87 ----------------------------------DEJUAN JUAN ESTATE Receipt No. PPIN 7793 Sec-12 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 173 LOT 5 BLK 679 ANDERSON ADDN SUB 1415 TATE ST BLOCK E Deed Book-2014 Deed Page-0058 Parcel# - 0801121 E 02800 **TOTAL TAX & COST 125.31 ----------------------------------DELLINGER LUPE Receipt No. PPIN 8446 Sec-03 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-5110 Sale Sequence 174 A TRACT ON W SIDE SW 1/4 Deed Book-288 Deed Page-387 Parcel# - 0802033 00500 **TOTAL TAX & COST 1728.89 ----------------------------------DELLINGER MICHAEL W Receipt No. PPIN 4716 Sec-03 Twnship-02 Rng-06 TD-5000 Sale Sequence 175 Deed Book-2007 Deed Page-3895 Parcel# - 070203 01400 Acres 2.20 **TOTAL TAX & COST 746.83 ----------------------------------DELLINGER MICHAEL W Receipt No. PPIN 19307 Sec-03 Twnship-02 Rng-06 TD-5000 Sale Sequence 176 PT OF NW 1/4 Deed Book-299 Deed Page-386 Parcel# - 070203 01401 Acres 2.43 **TOTAL TAX & COST 320.59 ----------------------------------DERRYBERRY JANICE ET AL Receipt No. PPIN 3668 Sec-28 Twnship-01 Rng-06 TD-1000 Sale Sequence 177 TRACT SE COR SE 1/4 Deed Book-2015 Deed Page-5503 Parcel# - 040828 01200 Acres 3.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 212.63 ----------------------------------DILWORTH CHRISTOPHER CARL & Receipt No. PPIN 7731 Sec-12 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 178 LOT 8 BLK 612 ANDERSON ADDN SUB BLOCK D Deed Book-2014 Deed Page-1377 Parcel# - 0801121 D 03100 **TOTAL TAX & COST 159.43 ----------------------------------DILWORTH EMMA ESTATE Receipt No. PPIN 2799 Sec-36 Twnship-01 Rng-07 TD-1110 Sale Sequence 179 PT SE 1/4 NW 1/4 Deed Book-173 Deed Page-348 Parcel# - 0307362 01000 **TOTAL TAX & COST 312.75 ----------------------------------DILWORTH KATHERINE ESTATE Receipt No. PPIN 11230 Sec-06 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-5110 Sale Sequence 180 PT LOT 13 & 14 BLK B WOODLAND HEIGHTS SUBD BLOCK C Deed Book-22 Deed Page-160 Parcel# - 0903062 C 02400 **TOTAL TAX & COST 11.98 ----------------------------------DILWORTH LONNIE ET UX SANDRA J Receipt No. PPIN 7803 Sec-12 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 181 LOT 4 BLK 676 ANDERSON ADDN SUB BLOCK E

Deed Book-216 Deed Page-304 Parcel# - 0801121 E 03800 **TOTAL TAX & COST 76.27 ----------------------------------DILWORTH LOUISE ESTATE Receipt No. PPIN 8309 Sec-12 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 182 LOT 13 SPENCE SUB * GARRY DILWORTH (3/5) RECEIVED ALICE JIMMAR AND J K WYKE’S INT BY 200901073 (DOUGLAS DILWORTH & MILDRED COLEMAN PREDECEASED LOUISE DILWORTH - DO THEY HAVE HEIRS?) BLOCK B Deed Book-2009 Deed Page-1073 Parcel# - 0801124 B 01300 **TOTAL TAX & COST 446.43 ----------------------------------DILWORTH MARTY Receipt No. PPIN 28371 Sec-04 Twnship-03 Rng-08 TD-2000 Sale Sequence 183 E 1/2 NE 1/4 Deed Book-2014 Deed Page-4443 Parcel# - 120204 00115 Acres 39.73 **TOTAL TAX & COST 156.00 ----------------------------------DILWORTH MARY Receipt No. PPIN 2834 Sec-36 Twnship-01 Rng-07 TD-1110 Sale Sequence 184 LOT NE 1/4 SW 1/4 BLOCK A Deed Book-208 Deed Page-446 Parcel# - 0307363 A 00201 **TOTAL TAX & COST 29.94 ----------------------------------DILWORTH TONY LAMAR SR Receipt No. PPIN 7736 Sec-12 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 185 ZOT 3 & PT LOTS 2 BLK 612 ANDERSON ADDN SUB BLOCK D Deed Book-WB26 Deed Page-107-110 Parcel# - 0801121 D 03600 **TOTAL TAX & COST 20.97 ----------------------------------DILWORTH WILLIAM & REGINA Receipt No. PPIN 17566 Sec-36 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-4000 Sale Sequence 186 Deed Book-227 Deed Page-506 Parcel# - 080736 00501 Acres 1.50 **TOTAL TAX & COST 42.17 ----------------------------------DILWORTH WILLIAM H Receipt No. PPIN 7614 Sec-12 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 187 PT LOTS 10 & 11 ARCHIE SUB BLOCK B Deed Book-151 Deed Page-503 Parcel# - 0801121 B 00300 **TOTAL TAX & COST 424.16 ----------------------------------DILWORTH WILLIAM JR ETUX MARY L Receipt No. PPIN 3280 Sec-34 Twnship-01 Rng-07 TD-1110 Sale Sequence 188 LOT NE 1/4 NW 1/4 Deed Book-162 Deed Page-81 Parcel# - 0308342 00600 **TOTAL TAX & COST 16.47 ----------------------------------DILWORTH YOLANDA R Receipt No. PPIN 15199 Sec-17 Twnship-03 Rng-07 TD-3000 Sale Sequence 189 TRACT N 1/2 NW 1/4 Deed Book-2012 Deed Page-2970 Parcel# - 130417 00500 Acres 4.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 358.52 ----------------------------------DIRT RHOADS REAL ESTATE & HOLDING Receipt No. PPIN 5723 Sec-01 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-5110 Sale Sequence 190 BLK 578 (1518 BUCHANAN ST) WALKERS ADDN SUB BLOCK G Deed Book-2013 Deed Page-0434 Parcel# - 0801011 G 02000 **TOTAL TAX & COST 34.43 ----------------------------------DIRT RHOADS REAL ESTATE & HOLDING Receipt No. PPIN 6907 Sec-01 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 191 PT BLK 14(1422 E WALDRON) BELL, YOUNG & MCCORD SURVEY BLOCK J Deed Book-2013 Deed Page-0432 Parcel# - 0801014 J 03000 **TOTAL TAX & COST 174.52 ----------------------------------DIRT RHOADS REAL ESTATE & HOLDING Receipt No. PPIN 6991 Sec-01 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 192 LOT 47 AND W 20’ LOT 48 ADAMS ADDNS UB BLOCK M Deed Book-2013 Deed Page-0433 Parcel# - 0801014 M 00800 **TOTAL TAX & COST 176.25 ----------------------------------DIRT RHOADS REAL ESTATE & HOLDING Receipt No. PPIN 11314 Sec-06 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-5110 Sale Sequence 193 LOT 1 & 2 BLK 5 SPEEDWAY ADDN PB 2 PG 40 BLOCK A Deed Book-2012 Deed Page-0381 Parcel# - 0903063 A 02100 **TOTAL TAX & COST 238.75 ----------------------------------DIXON ANTHONY WAYNE Receipt No. PPIN 4877 Sec-06 Twnship-02 Rng-06 TD-5000 Sale Sequence 194 PT S 1/2 SW 1/4 E RD Deed Book-268 Deed Page-166 Parcel# - 070306 02600 **TOTAL TAX & COST 345.44 ----------------------------------DIXON GREGORY HUGH & SONJA J Receipt No. PPIN 26935 Sec-31 Twnship-01 Rng-05 TD-5000 Sale Sequence 195 PT SW 1/4 Deed Book-2008 Deed Page-2930 Parcel# - 050931 02802 Acres 17.30 **TOTAL TAX & COST 815.98 ----------------------------------DIXON JAMES W III & LINDSEY B Receipt No. PPIN 12913 1 Sec-23 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-2000

Sale Sequence 196 LOT W 1/2 NW 1/4 SE 1/4 Deed Book-288 Deed Page-542 Parcel# - 090623 02600 Acres 1.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 86.93 ----------------------------------DIXON JAMES W III & LINDSEY B Receipt No. PPIN 18506 1 Sec-23 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-2000 Sale Sequence 197 PT NE 1/4 OF SW 1/4 Deed Book-2015 Deed Page-1394 Parcel# - 0906233 01400 Acres 1.60 **TOTAL TAX & COST 603.38 ----------------------------------DIXON JAMES W III & LINDSEY B Receipt No. PPIN 20056 Sec-23 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-2000 Sale Sequence 198 PT OF W 1/2 NW 1/4 SE 1/4 Deed Book-2015 Deed Page-1394 Parcel# - 090623 02400 Acres 9.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 33.99 ----------------------------------DOLLAR DAZE LLC Receipt No. PPIN 1276 Sec-31 Twnship-01 Rng-08 TD-1110 Sale Sequence 199 LOT 10 NORTH HAVEN PB 3 PG 5 BLOCK A Deed Book-2015 Deed Page-0813 Parcel# - 0209311 A 01200 **TOTAL TAX & COST 447.69 ----------------------------------DONNA LOVETT BENJAMINE Receipt No. PPIN 20927 Sec-35 Twnship-03 Rng-06 TD-3000 Sale Sequence 200 PT SW 1/4 Deed Book-2012 Deed Page-1661 Parcel# - 140735 00901 Acres 4.24 **TOTAL TAX & COST 59.20 ----------------------------------DORAN JAMES L JR ETUX MICHELLE L Receipt No. PPIN 12496 Sec-21 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-2000 Sale Sequence 201 PT E 1/2 SW 1/4 HOME ON RIDGEWAY DRIVE Deed Book-298 Deed Page-65 Parcel# - 0905213 02800 Acres 6.60 **TOTAL TAX & COST 2285.84 ----------------------------------DORAN JAMES L JR ETUX MICHELLE L Receipt No. PPIN 12507 Sec-21 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-2000 Sale Sequence 202 LOT IN SE 1/4 SW 1/4 EAST OF RIDGEWAY DRIVE Deed Book-298 Deed Page-65 Parcel# - 0905213 03900 Acres 2.40 **TOTAL TAX & COST 11.18 ----------------------------------DOWNS GLORIA JEAN (LE) (1/2) Receipt No. PPIN 15975 Sec-25 Twnship-03 Rng-06 TD-3000 Sale Sequence 203 TRACT SW 1/4 SE 1/4 E RD Deed Book-302 Deed Page-507 Parcel# - 140725 01700 Acres 1.15 **TOTAL TAX & COST 49.64 ----------------------------------DREWERY CLINTON NICHOLAS Receipt No. PPIN 3805 Sec-20 Twnship-01 Rng-05 TD-5000 Sale Sequence 204 TRACT SW 1/4 SE 1/4 E RD Deed Book-2013 Deed Page-3059 Parcel# - 050420 01500 Acres 2.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 221.72 ----------------------------------DREWERY CLINTON NICHOLAS Receipt No. PPIN 3946 Sec-29 Twnship-01 Rng-05 TD-5000 Sale Sequence 205 PT NE 1/4 E RD Deed Book-2013 Deed Page-3059 Parcel# - 050929 00200 Acres 7.25 **TOTAL TAX & COST 14.99 ----------------------------------DRIVER JIMMY ETUX ANN Receipt No. PPIN 17765 Sec-18 Twnship- 2 Rng-8 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 206 PT NE 1/4 SE 1/4 GUNSHOP Deed Book-234 Deed Page-69 Parcel# - 0904184 01601 **TOTAL TAX & COST 394.64 ----------------------------------DRIVER JIMMY L Receipt No. PPIN 12139 Sec-18 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 207 LOT NE 1/4 SE 1/4 Deed Book-264 Deed Page-561 Parcel# - 0904184 01600 **TOTAL TAX & COST 382.97 ----------------------------------DRIVER JIMMY R & PATRICIA A Receipt No. PPIN 19529 Sec-32 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-3000 Sale Sequence 208 PT OF NW 1/4 Deed Book-2014 Deed Page-5017 Parcel# - 090932 00801 Acres 10.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 1759.05 ----------------------------------DRIVER SAMMY L Receipt No. PPIN 19997 Sec-29 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-5000 Sale Sequence 209 PT SW 1/4 OF SE 1/4 Deed Book-300 Deed Page-557 Parcel# - 090929 03402 Acres 3.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 424.00 ----------------------------------DUFFY TONYA Receipt No. PPIN 17708 Sec-01 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-5110 Sale Sequence 210 PT SW 1/4 NE 1/4 PT 569 WALKER ADDN BLOCK E Deed Book-2014 Deed Page-1465 Parcel# - 0801011 E 03701 Acres 1.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 310.24 ----------------------------------DUNCAN BRENDA J (NULL) Receipt No. PPIN 18717 Sec-19 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-4000 Sale Sequence 211 LOT IN NW 1/4 NW 1/4 Deed Book-2010 Deed Page-5540 Parcel# - 080419 03626 **TOTAL TAX & COST 114.91 ----------------------------------DUNCAN CHRISTOPHER J Receipt No. PPIN 9523

Sec-23 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-4000 Sale Sequence 212 PT E 1/2 NE 1/4 Deed Book-2011 Deed Page-2811 Parcel# - 080623 03300 Acres 13.60 **TOTAL TAX & COST 330.06 ----------------------------------DUNN CHRISTOPHER RAY Receipt No. PPIN 8829 Sec-10 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-4110 Sale Sequence 213 LOT SE 1/4 SE 1/4 W RD MALONE HOUSE Deed Book-306 Deed Page-157 Parcel# - 0802104 01700 Acres 2.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 133.33 ----------------------------------DUNN EDDIE CLYDE & BRENDA Receipt No. PPIN 27732 Sec-10 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-4110 Sale Sequence 214 PT S 1/2 OF SE 1/4 W OF RD Deed Book-2011 Deed Page-04961 Parcel# - 0802104 01603 Acres .51 **TOTAL TAX & COST 54.66 ----------------------------------DUNN JAMES LEE Receipt No. PPIN 4950 Sec-08 Twnship-02 Rng-06 TD-4000 Sale Sequence 215 TRACT W 1/2 NE 1/4 E RD Deed Book-2015 Deed Page-1709 Parcel# - 070308 02300 Acres 1.40 **TOTAL TAX & COST 3197.16 ----------------------------------DUNN JERAMY Receipt No. PPIN 7504 Sec-11 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-4110 Sale Sequence 216 PT NW /14 SW 1/4 W HWY 45 SALVAGE YARD Deed Book-2014 Deed Page-6112 Parcel# - 0801113 00900 Acres 13.30 **TOTAL TAX & COST 1049.17 ----------------------------------DUNN JERAMY Receipt No. PPIN 19663 Sec-10 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-4110 Sale Sequence 217 PT OF SE 1/4 HOMESTEAD Deed Book-2014 Deed Page-6112 Parcel# - 0802104 01901 Acres 10.93 **TOTAL TAX & COST 1359.87 ----------------------------------DUNN JERAMY Receipt No. PPIN 23511 Sec-10 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-4110 Sale Sequence 218 PT SE 1/4 W OLD HWY 45 Deed Book-2014 Deed Page-6112 Parcel# - 0802104 01902 Acres 8.09 **TOTAL TAX & COST 15.44 ----------------------------------DUNN JIMMY EDWARD Receipt No. PPIN 18795 Sec-21 Twnship-01 Rng-07 TD-1000 Sale Sequence 219 NE 1/4 SOUTH ROAD Deed Book-2005 Deed Page-9372 Parcel# - 030521 00339 Acres 1.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 46.74 ----------------------------------DUNN RONALD Receipt No. PPIN 28174 Sec- Twnship- Rng- TD-4000 Sale Sequence 220 PT SW 1/4 - WEST OF CR 546 Deed Book-2013 Deed Page-6063 Parcel# - 140203 01506 Acres 1.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 711.27 ----------------------------------DUNN RONALD L Receipt No. PPIN 28353 Sec-19 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-4000 Sale Sequence 221 4OT IN S 1/2 NW 1/4 Deed Book-2014 Deed Page-2035 Parcel# - 080419 01901 Acres 3.40 **TOTAL TAX & COST 4998.92 ----------------------------------EAST JORDAN & SHAUNA Receipt No. PPIN 10858 Sec-10 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-2500 Sale Sequence 222 LOT 10 HONEY CREEK ESTATES BLOCK B Deed Book-2014 Deed Page-2730 Parcel# - 0902104 B 01900 **TOTAL TAX & COST 2418.14 ----------------------------------ECKFORD TERRY LEE ETUX NEELY M Receipt No. PPIN 28557 Sec-11 Twnship-03 Rng-06 TD-3000 Sale Sequence 223 TRACT S 1/2 S 1/2 SW 1/4 OAK GROVE RD TRACT Deed Book-2015 Deed Page-4108 Parcel# - 140111 02304 Acres 11.50 **TOTAL TAX & COST 88.18 ----------------------------------EDGE AUSTIN JOHN EDGE Receipt No. PPIN 8129 Sec-12 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 224 PT BLK 301 MITCHELL & MASK SURVEY BLOCK D Deed Book-WB22 Deed Page-598 Parcel# - 0801122 D 02900 **TOTAL TAX & COST 25.45 ----------------------------------EDGE AUSTIN JOHN EDGE & Receipt No. PPIN 20339 Sec-12 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 225 PT LOTS 5 & 6 ANDERSON ADDN BLOCK H Deed Book-WB22 Deed Page-598 Parcel# - 0801121 H 04002 Acres 1.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 20.97 ----------------------------------EDWARDS CYNTHIA ANN Receipt No. PPIN 16607 Sec-03 Twnship-04 Rng-07 TD-3000 Sale Sequence 226 LOT S 1/2 NE 1/4 Deed Book-2007 Deed Page-7122 Parcel# - 1802031 00300 **TOTAL TAX & COST 68.28 ----------------------------------EDWARDS MICHAEL DR & SHERRI Receipt No. PPIN 25952 Sec-33 Twnship-01 Rng-08 TD-1000 Sale Sequence 227 PT NW 1/4 Deed Book-2012 Deed Page-2209 Parcel# - 020833 01101 Acres 1.11 **TOTAL TAX & COST 77.61

4C • Saturday, August 19, 2017 • The Daily Corinthian ----------------------------------EDWARDS TERENCE CRAIG Receipt No. PPIN 11690 Sec-07 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-2110 Sale Sequence 228 LOT NE 1/4 NW 1/4 LESS STRIP TO RR BLOCK A Deed Book-2006 Deed Page-1233 Parcel# - 0903072 A 02900 **TOTAL TAX & COST 34.43 ----------------------------------EMERSON AARON & CARRIE CRUM Receipt No. PPIN 3146 Sec-27 Twnship-01 Rng-07 TD-1110 Sale Sequence 229 LOT E 1/2 SW 1/4 W RD Deed Book-2007 Deed Page-0384 Parcel# - 0308273 00200 **TOTAL TAX & COST 219.27 ----------------------------------ENGLAND LEIGH ELLEN Receipt No. PPIN 11045 Sec-06 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 230 LOT 52 TOWN & COUNTRY SUBD PB 3 PG 18 BLOCK C Deed Book-WB18 Deed Page-208 Parcel# - 0903061 C 02500 **TOTAL TAX & COST 747.62 ----------------------------------ESSARY MARY E ESTATE Receipt No. PPIN 925 Sec-33 Twnship-01 Rng-08 TD-1000 Sale Sequence 231 LOT 7 COLONIAL HEIGHTS SUBD BLOCK C Deed Book-265 Deed Page-709 Parcel# - 0208333 C 00500 **TOTAL TAX & COST 880.37 ----------------------------------ESSARY RONNIE E ET UX LYNDA A Receipt No. PPIN 245 Sec-19 Twnship-01 Rng-08 TD-1110 Sale Sequence 232 LOT NE 1/4 SW 1/4 Deed Book-187 Deed Page-10 Parcel# - 0204193 00900 **TOTAL TAX & COST 162.11 ----------------------------------ETHRIDGE SCOTTY & JENNIFER Receipt No. PPIN 1272 Sec-31 Twnship-01 Rng-08 TD-1110 Sale Sequence 233 TRACT NW 1/4 NE 1/4 BLOCK A Deed Book-2015 Deed Page-3484 Parcel# - 0209311 A 00800 Acres 7.47 **TOTAL TAX & COST 1264.71 ----------------------------------EUBANKS STEVEN & TASHA Receipt No. PPIN 27485 Sec-06 Twnship-02 Rng-05 TD-5000 Sale Sequence 234 TRACT N 1/2 NE 1/4 Deed Book-2013 Deed Page-5158 Parcel# - 060306 00601 Acres 1.30 **TOTAL TAX & COST 150.22 ----------------------------------EVANS MELISSA Receipt No. PPIN 20420 Sec-30 Twnship-02 Rng-05 TD-5000 Sale Sequence 235 PT SW 1/4 Deed Book-2014 Deed Page-0036 Parcel# - 060930 00901 Acres 14.87 **TOTAL TAX & COST 733.35 ----------------------------------FAIRCHILD KENNETH R Receipt No. PPIN 23437 Sec-34 Twnship-01 Rng-07 TD-1110 Sale Sequence 236 LOTS 20 &23 KIMBERLY HGTS Deed Book-2005 Deed Page-5277 Parcel# - 0308343 B 00401 **TOTAL TAX & COST 62.87 ----------------------------------FARRIS GREGORY RAY Receipt No. PPIN 12816 Sec-14 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-2500 Sale Sequence 237 LOT 15 CENTRAL PLACE #1 SUB PB 4 PG 3 BLOCK D Deed Book-332 Deed Page-537 Parcel# - 0906142 D 00200 **TOTAL TAX & COST 610.77 ----------------------------------FARRIS MARGARET E *LE* Receipt No. PPIN 11193 Sec-06 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-5110 Sale Sequence 238 LOT 18 DOYLE SUBD BLOCK B Deed Book-2015 Deed Page-3097 Parcel# - 0903062 B 02800 **TOTAL TAX & COST 470.62 ----------------------------------FARRIS REGINA Receipt No. PPIN 13152 Sec-36 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-2400 Sale Sequence 239 PT SE 1/4 SW 1/4 Deed Book-2010 Deed Page-1813 Parcel# - 090736 04400 Acres 15.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 887.80 ----------------------------------FEAZELL ASHLEY & KAMI JONES Receipt No. PPIN 16286 Sec-01 Twnship-04 Rng-06 TD-3000 Sale Sequence 240 PT E 1/2 SE 1/4 S RD FILING WITH HUSBAND ROY DEES ON PARCEL #180306-02303 Deed Book-2011 Deed Page-2186 Parcel# - 170101 01000 Acres 1.26 **TOTAL TAX & COST 434.16 ----------------------------------FELKS GWENDOLYN LEE ETUX AMANDA L Receipt No. PPIN 18604 Sec-27 Twnship- 1 Rng- 7 TD-1010 Sale Sequence 241 PT SW 1/4 NW 1/4 PT NW 1/4 Deed Book-268 Deed Page-409 Parcel# - 030827 00802 **TOTAL TAX & COST 69.60 ----------------------------------FIRTH MARY L ESTATE Receipt No. PPIN 27588 Sec-10 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-4110 Sale Sequence 242 PT SW 1/4 NE /14 Deed Book-2010 Deed Page-6162 Parcel# - 0802101 01101 Acres 1.47 **TOTAL TAX & COST 65.86 ----------------------------------FLAKE STEPHEN LEE Receipt No. PPIN 3912 Sec-33 Twnship-01 Rng-05 TD-5000 Sale Sequence 243 TRACT NW 1/4 NW 1/4

Deed Book-305 Deed Page-430A Parcel# - 050833 00900 **TOTAL TAX & COST 113.67 ----------------------------------FOLLIN RYAN Receipt No. PPIN 19882 Sec-29 Twnship-01 Rng-07 TD-1000 Sale Sequence 244 PT OF NE 1/4 Deed Book-2012 Deed Page-4036 Parcel# - 030929 01002 Acres 1.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 955.73 ----------------------------------FORD JOLENE Receipt No. PPIN 22014 Sec-30 Twnship-02 Rng-05 TD-5000 Sale Sequence 245 PT SW 1/4 Deed Book-315 Deed Page-570 Parcel# - 060930 00917 Acres 3.19 **TOTAL TAX & COST 26.22 ----------------------------------FOWLER EDWARD ETUX JACQUELINE Receipt No. PPIN 12144 Sec-18 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 246 PT NE 1/4 SE 1/4 Deed Book-300 Deed Page-204 Parcel# - 0904184 01300 Acres 2.24 **TOTAL TAX & COST 70.26 ----------------------------------FRANKS ALMA JEANETTE Receipt No. PPIN 7026 Sec-02 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-5110 Sale Sequence 247 LOT SW 1/4 BLK 16 SAM SHARP SUB WALTER WATSON EST TRACT BLOCK B Deed Book-2012 Deed Page-1919 Parcel# - 0801021 B 00700 **TOTAL TAX & COST 162.60 ----------------------------------FRANKS HOYT JUNIOR & WILLIAM Receipt No. PPIN 6348 Sec-01 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 248 BLK PT 372 MITCHELL & MASK SUB BLOCK C Deed Book-2006 Deed Page-3722 Parcel# - 0801013 C 03000 **TOTAL TAX & COST 154.94 ----------------------------------FRANKS KATHYLEEN F Receipt No. PPIN 5235 Sec-26 Twnship-02 Rng-06 TD-4200 Sale Sequence 249 PT NW 1/4 SW 1/4 BLOCK B Deed Book-2008 Deed Page-7262 Parcel# - 0707263 B 00800 Acres .30 **TOTAL TAX & COST 1263.86 ----------------------------------FRANKS RONALD Receipt No. PPIN 15692 Sec-04 Twnship-03 Rng-06 TD-4000 Sale Sequence 250 TRACT SW 1/4 NW 1/4 W HWY Deed Book-2012 Deed Page-4416 Parcel# - 140204 01300 Acres 2.40 **TOTAL TAX & COST 294.65 ----------------------------------FREEMAN JODIE LEE Receipt No. PPIN 12618 Sec-22 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-2000 Sale Sequence 251 PT NE 1/4 SE 1/4 120 X 260 BLOCK A Deed Book-298 Deed Page-642 Parcel# - 0905224 A 00900 **TOTAL TAX & COST 503.13 ----------------------------------GAILLARD RONDA Receipt No. PPIN 5422 Sec-33 Twnship-02 Rng-06 TD-4000 Sale Sequence 252 PT SW 1/4 Deed Book-2013 Deed Page-5032 Parcel# - 070833 02100 Acres 1.59 **TOTAL TAX & COST 281.35 ----------------------------------GANN COLUMBIA A Receipt No. PPIN 17445 Sec-17 Twnship- 2 Rng-8 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 253 Deed Book-120 Deed Page-282 Parcel# - 0904174 01500 Acres 3.40 **TOTAL TAX & COST 12.14 ----------------------------------GANN COLUMBIA ALONZO ET UX Receipt No. PPIN 11971 Sec-17 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 254 LOT IN SE 1/4 SW 1/4 BLOCK A Deed Book-115 Deed Page-139 Parcel# - 0904173 A 03900 **TOTAL TAX & COST 42.80 ----------------------------------GANN EVELINE N Receipt No. PPIN 12886 Sec-23 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-2000 Sale Sequence 255 PT NE 1/4 NW 1/4 Deed Book-331 Deed Page-613 Parcel# - 090623 02000 Acres 4.50 **TOTAL TAX & COST 811.32 ----------------------------------GANN EVELINE N Receipt No. PPIN 17788 Sec-23 Twnship-2 Rng-8 TD-2000 Sale Sequence 256 PT N 1/2 NW 1/4 Deed Book-332 Deed Page-33 Parcel# - 090623 02001 Acres 1.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 30.98 ----------------------------------GANN EVELINE N Receipt No. PPIN 21135 Sec-23 Twnship-02 Rng-03 TD-2000 Sale Sequence 257 PT NE 1/4 OF NW 1/4 Deed Book-287 Deed Page-560 Parcel# - 090623 02002 Acres 1.20 **TOTAL TAX & COST 49.64 ----------------------------------GARDNER WILLIE Receipt No. PPIN 7649 Sec-12 Twnship-03 Rng-08 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 258 LOT IN STRICKLAND ADDN SUB BLOCK B Deed Book-240 Deed Page-49 Parcel# - 0801121 B 03800 **TOTAL TAX & COST 198.52 ----------------------------------GARRETT DIANE S Receipt No. PPIN 17122 Sec-35 Twnship-02 Rng-06 TD-4000 Sale Sequence 259

175 X 280 BLOCK A Deed Book-250 Deed Page-702 Parcel# - 0707352 A 00700 **TOTAL TAX & COST 710.21 ----------------------------------GARRETT ROBERT E ESTATE Receipt No. PPIN 8247 Sec-12 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 260 LOT 27 LAKE RD SUB BLOCK A Deed Book-2012 Deed Page-0201 Parcel# - 0801124 A 03300 **TOTAL TAX & COST 340.65 ----------------------------------GARVIN DANIEL & BRITTANY Receipt No. PPIN 27250 Sec-14 Twnship-02 Rng-06 TD-4000 Sale Sequence 261 NW 1/4 LESS TRACT SE COR Deed Book-2015 Deed Page-3234 Parcel# - 070614 00403 Acres 22.35 **TOTAL TAX & COST 142.90 ----------------------------------GARY FREEDA JOYCE Receipt No. PPIN 15483 Sec-29 Twnship-03 Rng-07 TD-3000 Sale Sequence 262 TRACT NE COR SW 1/4 Deed Book-289 Deed Page-249 Parcel# - 130929 00800 Acres 1.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 351.38 ----------------------------------GARY FREIDA NELMS Receipt No. PPIN 20382 Sec-29 Twnship-03 Rng-07 TD-3000 Sale Sequence 263 SE 1/4 NW 1/4 PT SW 1/4 Deed Book-289 Deed Page-246 Parcel# - 130929 00900 Acres 94.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 597.80 ----------------------------------GATEWOOD JOHNEY M & BRENDA J Receipt No. PPIN 6119 Sec-01 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-5110 Sale Sequence 264 BLK 536 WALKER ADDN SUB BLOCK H Deed Book-2010 Deed Page-6190 Parcel# - 0801012 H 02700 **TOTAL TAX & COST 180.09 ----------------------------------GAULT WILLIAM LEE JR & TAYLOR Receipt No. PPIN 6942 Sec-01 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 265 PT BLK 10 BELL, YOUNG & MCCORD SURVEY BLOCK K Deed Book-2009 Deed Page-3351 Parcel# - 0801014 K 00600 **TOTAL TAX & COST 26.35 ----------------------------------GAY FRANKLIN (LE)* Receipt No. PPIN 4023 Sec-32 Twnship-01 Rng-05 TD-5000 Sale Sequence 266 PT SW 1/4 NE 1/4 Deed Book-248 Deed Page-194 Parcel# - 050932 00700 Acres 2.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 33.73 ----------------------------------GHOUL AMOR B Receipt No. PPIN 27022 Sec-09 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-2500 Sale Sequence 267 PT S1/2 SE 1/4 Deed Book-2008 Deed Page-5822 Parcel# - 090209 00602 Acres 4.13 **TOTAL TAX & COST 96.38 ----------------------------------GIBBS JESSE M ETUX BEATRICE C Receipt No. PPIN 12823 Sec-14 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-2500 Sale Sequence 268 LOT 22 CENTRAL PLACE #1 BLOCK D Deed Book-254 Deed Page-373 Parcel# - 0906142 D 00900 **TOTAL TAX & COST 1789.49 ----------------------------------GILLIAM WILLIAM R JR & ANGELA Receipt No. PPIN 28144 Sec-12 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 269 PT NE 1/4 OF SW 1/4 Deed Book-2013 Deed Page-1839 Parcel# - 0801123 02203 **TOTAL TAX & COST 105.37 ----------------------------------GINN BYRON - BRYANT - BLAKE ESTATE Receipt No. PPIN 5111 Sec-13 Twnship-02 Rng-06 TD-4000 Sale Sequence 270 PT S 1/2 Deed Book-305 Deed Page-565 Parcel# - 070613 02700 Acres 41.50 **TOTAL TAX & COST 749.96 ----------------------------------GINN BYRON K & KATHRYN P MANKER Receipt No. PPIN 21707 Sec-29 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-4000 Sale Sequence 271 LOT 8 SMITH CREEK S/D Deed Book-333 Deed Page-213 Parcel# - 080929 00708 Acres 1.60 **TOTAL TAX & COST 582.91 ----------------------------------GLEASON RUBY HUNTER Receipt No. PPIN 7965 Sec-12 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 272 PT LOTS 3-4 BLK 666 ANDERSON ADDN SUB BLOCK I Deed Book-83 Deed Page-381 Parcel# - 0801121 I 00900 **TOTAL TAX & COST 13.77 ----------------------------------GLIDEWELL BETTY S MCDOWELL Receipt No. PPIN 10376 Sec-03 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-1500 Sale Sequence 273 LOT SW 1/4 SE 1/4 BLOCK B Deed Book-2005 Deed Page-5507 Parcel# - 0902034 B 00900 **TOTAL TAX & COST 666.82 ----------------------------------GLOVER ROY LEE Receipt No. PPIN 9741 Sec-28 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-4000 Sale Sequence 274 NW 1/4 NE 1/4 E CANAL Deed Book-2011 Deed Page-1393 Parcel# - 080828 00400 Acres 10.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 47.99 ----------------------------------GOAD PATRICK D Receipt No. PPIN 10085

Sec-11 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-2500 Sale Sequence 275 LOT 44 GRACELAND ACRES UNIT 3 PB 3 PG 51 BLOCK B Deed Book-2005 Deed Page-7924 Parcel# - 0901112 B 00600 **TOTAL TAX & COST 596.80 ----------------------------------GODWIN WILLIAM M *LE* Receipt No. PPIN 5675 Sec-01 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-5110 Sale Sequence 276 BLK 585 WALKER ADDN CAUSE #28756 BLOCK F Deed Book-273 Deed Page-483 Parcel# - 0801011 F 00800 **TOTAL TAX & COST 380.64 ----------------------------------GOLDEN SHARRA OMAR & TRETOBIA RAYNE Receipt No. PPIN 6330 Sec-01 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 277 BLK PT 120 MITCHELL & MASK SUB BLOCK C Deed Book-2015 Deed Page-2362 Parcel# - 0801013 C 01300 **TOTAL TAX & COST 277.60 ----------------------------------GRAY CHRIS & MEG Receipt No. PPIN 1895 Sec-20 Twnship-01 Rng-07 TD-1000 Sale Sequence 278 PT SW 1/4 NE 1/4 Deed Book-2012 Deed Page-2122 Parcel# - 030420 03300 Acres 4.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 308.80 ----------------------------------GRAY HOUSTON AND GRAY KEVIN Receipt No. PPIN 25518 Sec-02 Twnship-002 Rng-008 TD-1000 Sale Sequence 279 PT SE 1/4 Deed Book-331 Deed Page-331 Parcel# - 090102 01302 Acres .57 **TOTAL TAX & COST 29.61 ----------------------------------GRAY WILLIAM L ETUX DEBORAH J Receipt No. PPIN 6223 Sec-01 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-4110 Sale Sequence 280 BLK PT 225 (CASS ST DUP) MITCHELL & MASK USB 917 919 921 CASS ST BLOCK A Deed Book-2005 Deed Page-8919 Parcel# - 0801013 A 02700 **TOTAL TAX & COST 1238.28 ----------------------------------GRAY WILLIAM L JR ETUX DEBORAH J Receipt No. PPIN 25046 Sec-29 Twnship-001 Rng-008 TD-1110 Sale Sequence 281 LOT 56 CEDAR CREEK PHASE IV ADD1 Deed Book-2006 Deed Page-0245 Parcel# - 0209292 A 00678 **TOTAL TAX & COST 855.62 ----------------------------------GRAYSON WILLIAM ET UX OLLYE Receipt No. PPIN 8045 Sec-12 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 282 PT BLK 385 MITCHELL & MASK SURVEY BLOCK B Deed Book-205 Deed Page-135 Parcel# - 0801122 B 00500 **TOTAL TAX & COST 674.64 ----------------------------------GREEN ELAINE Receipt No. PPIN 16068 Sec-28 Twnship-03 Rng-06 TD-3000 Sale Sequence 283 PT E 1/2 SE 1/4 Deed Book-235 Deed Page-621 Parcel# - 140828 03000 Acres 20.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 1067.95 ----------------------------------GREEN QAVIS Receipt No. PPIN 7832 Sec-12 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 284 LOT 6 ANDERSON ADDN SUB BLOCK F Deed Book-2010 Deed Page-6080 Parcel# - 0801121 F 02200 **TOTAL TAX & COST 20.97 ----------------------------------GREEN QAVIS Receipt No. PPIN 7842 Sec-21 Twnship-03 Rng-08 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 285 LOT 25 BLK 651 ANDERSON ADDN SUB BLOCK F Deed Book-2011 Deed Page-0176 Parcel# - 0801121 F 03200 **TOTAL TAX & COST 20.97 ----------------------------------GREER RICHARD ZACHARY (GRIER) Receipt No. PPIN 1614 Sec-31 Twnship-01 Rng-08 TD-5110 Sale Sequence 286 LOT 12 EAST ACRES SUB PB 2 PG 4 2012 DEED HAD MIS SPELLING GREER SHOULD OF BEEN GRIER BLOCK A Deed Book-2012 Deed Page-2648 Parcel# - 0209314 A 02300 **TOTAL TAX & COST 204.59 ----------------------------------GRIFFIN BRYAN KEITH & JOEL W -JOINT Receipt No. PPIN 6887 Sec-01 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 287 PT BLK 1 BELL, YOUNG & MCCORD SURVEY 504 KILPATRICK ST BLOCK J Deed Book-2012 Deed Page-3336 Parcel# - 0801014 J 01100 **TOTAL TAX & COST 865.56 ----------------------------------GRIGSBY ARVID Receipt No. PPIN 6647 Sec-01 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 288 LOTS PT 7 PT 9 BLK 1 COTTON ADDN SUB PB 2 PG 48 BLOCK C Deed Book-2012 Deed Page-3582 Parcel# - 0801014 C 02700 **TOTAL TAX & COST 29.94 ----------------------------------GRIMES JERRY ALLEN ETUX LORRIE J Receipt No. PPIN 16633 Sec-04 Twnship-04 Rng-07 TD-3000 Sale Sequence 289 PT NW 1/4 SW 1/4 N HWY

Deed Book-2005 Deed Page-6504 Parcel# - 180204 00700 **TOTAL TAX & COST 657.61 ----------------------------------GURLEY LARRY Receipt No. PPIN 11573 Sec-06 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-2110 Sale Sequence 290 LOT 37 MELODY PARK SUBD PB 3 PG 3 BLOCK B Deed Book-337 Deed Page-481 Parcel# - 0903064 B 03300 **TOTAL TAX & COST 428.83 ----------------------------------GURLEY SHAWN ETUX PATRICIA Receipt No. PPIN 17376 Sec-16 Twnship-2 Rng-8 TD-2500 Sale Sequence 291 PT NE 1/4 SE 1/4 Deed Book-241 Deed Page-518 Parcel# - 090516 03202 Acres 1.50 **TOTAL TAX & COST 1822.75 ----------------------------------HALL KATHY Receipt No. PPIN 16758 Sec-02 Twnship-04 Rng-08 TD-2000 Sale Sequence 292 PT NW 1/4 SW 1/4 Deed Book-321 Deed Page-694 Parcel# - 190102 01800 Acres 1.40 **TOTAL TAX & COST 188.27 ----------------------------------HALL LATASHA Receipt No. PPIN 7674 Sec-12 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 293 LOT 10 PT 9 BLK 669 ANDERSON ADDN SUB BLOCK C Deed Book-2006 Deed Page-2108 Parcel# - 0801121 C 01501 Acres 1.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 143.57 ----------------------------------HAMM KEITH & YVETTE Receipt No. PPIN 18297 Sec-23 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-2000 Sale Sequence 294 PT S 1/4 NE 1/4 Deed Book-272 Deed Page-509 Parcel# - 090623 01001 Acres 3.50 **TOTAL TAX & COST 187.29 ----------------------------------HAMMOND GERALD Receipt No. PPIN 11799 Sec-08 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-2110 Sale Sequence 295 PT NE 1/4 NE 1/4 CANDLEWOOD BLOCK A Deed Book-286 Deed Page-597 Parcel# - 0903081 A 00500 Acres 16.80 **TOTAL TAX & COST 663.08 ----------------------------------HAMMOND GERALD Receipt No. PPIN 26994 Sec-23 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-4000 Sale Sequence 296 PT NE 1/4 OF SE 1/4 Deed Book-2015 Deed Page-5350 Parcel# - 080623 02902 Acres 2.70 **TOTAL TAX & COST 561.06 ----------------------------------HAMMOND GERALD Receipt No. PPIN 28635 Sec-24 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-4000 Sale Sequence 297 PT SW 1/4 SEC 24 & PT SE 1/4 SEC 23 Deed Book-2015 Deed Page-5351 Parcel# - 080624 01001 Acres 4.23 **TOTAL TAX & COST 19.70 ----------------------------------HAMMOND GERALD ETUX JANE H Receipt No. PPIN 6067 Sec-01 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-5110 Sale Sequence 298 LOT N/S 6TH ST BLK 566 WALKER ADDN 1603 POLK STREET BLOCK G Deed Book-277 Deed Page-491 Parcel# - 0801012 G 01900 **TOTAL TAX & COST 207.51 ----------------------------------HAMMOND GERALD ETUX JANE H Receipt No. PPIN 10730 Sec-10 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-2500 Sale Sequence 299 LOT IN SW 1/4 NE 1/4 338 CR 218 BLOCK A Deed Book-237 Deed Page-182 Parcel# - 0902101 A 03300 **TOTAL TAX & COST 615.57 ----------------------------------HAMMOND KIM Receipt No. PPIN 1395 Sec-31 Twnship-01 Rng-08 TD-1110 Sale Sequence 300 LOT 35 HILLCREST HEIGHTS PB 3 PG 35 BLOCK B Deed Book-2008 Deed Page-1579 Parcel# - 0209312 B 01600 **TOTAL TAX & COST 433.20 ----------------------------------HANNON JESSIE *ESTATE* Receipt No. PPIN 6755 Sec-01 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-4110 Sale Sequence 301 PT BLK 20 GRAHAM’S ADDN SUB BLOCK F Deed Book-40 Deed Page-190 Parcel# - 0801014 F 03900 **TOTAL TAX & COST 29.94 ----------------------------------HANNON NORA *ESTATE* Receipt No. PPIN 6757 Sec-01 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-4110 Sale Sequence 302 PT BLK 20 GRAHAM’S ADDN SUB BLOCK F Deed Book-48 Deed Page-171 Parcel# - 0801014 F 04100 **TOTAL TAX & COST 4.80 ----------------------------------HARDIN CONSTANCE LYNN ESTATE Receipt No. PPIN 13306 Sec-28 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-2000 Sale Sequence 303 LOT 20 OAK FOREST EST SUB UNIT #2 PB 3 PG 79 Deed Book-2013 Deed Page-0602 Parcel# - 0908281 02800 **TOTAL TAX & COST 1074.87 ----------------------------------HARMON TERRY L ETUX WANDA Receipt No. PPIN 10866 Sec-10 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-2500 Sale Sequence 304 LOT 18 HONEY CREEK ESTATES SUB PB 4 PG 17 BLOCK B

The Daily Corinthian • Saturday, August 19, 2017 • 5C Deed Book-240 Deed Page-48 Parcel# - 0902104 B 02700 **TOTAL TAX & COST 1046.55 ----------------------------------HARMON TERRY LEE ETUX WANDA Receipt No. PPIN 24348 Sec-15 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-2500 Sale Sequence 305 PT SE 1/4 OF NE 1/4 Deed Book-322 Deed Page-657 Parcel# - 0905151 01701 **TOTAL TAX & COST 357.60 ----------------------------------HARRIS ARVIN & ANDREA LYNN RICE Receipt No. PPIN 8255 Sec-12 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 306 LOT 19 LAKE RD SUB LOCATED AT 1504 FRAZIER DR BLOCK A Deed Book-2015 Deed Page-2735 Parcel# - 0801124 A 04100 **TOTAL TAX & COST 228.02 ----------------------------------HARRIS JAMES A ESTATE Receipt No. PPIN 16610 Sec-03 Twnship-04 Rng-07 TD-3000 Sale Sequence 307 LOT SE 1/4 NE 1/4 Deed Book-256 Deed Page-388 Parcel# - 1802031 00600 **TOTAL TAX & COST 242.25 ----------------------------------HARRIS SHELIA Receipt No. PPIN 19420 Sec-19 Twnship-02 Rng-05 TD-5000 Sale Sequence 308 PT OF NE 1/4 Deed Book-2010 Deed Page-5311 Parcel# - 060419 00103 Acres 16.50 **TOTAL TAX & COST 190.56 ----------------------------------HART WILLIAM JOEL ETUX MARIANA G Receipt No. PPIN 18946 Sec-29 Twnship-001 Rng-008 TD-1110 Sale Sequence 309 LOT 42 CEDAR CREEK S/D PHASE III BLOCK A Deed Book-332 Deed Page-441 Parcel# - 0209292 A 00642 **TOTAL TAX & COST 70.35 ----------------------------------HARVELL JAMES ETUX CASANDA & Receipt No. PPIN 20232 Sec-06 Twnship-04 Rng-07 TD-3000 Sale Sequence 310 PT N 1/2 SE 1/4 1/2 INT EACH Deed Book-270 Deed Page-83 Parcel# - 180306 00404 Acres .55 **TOTAL TAX & COST 76.74 ----------------------------------HARVEY CHARLIE & MARY L ESTATES Receipt No. PPIN 623 Sec-14 Twnship-01 Rng-08 TD-1000 Sale Sequence 311 PT NE 1/4 SE 1/4 Deed Book-156 Deed Page-576 Parcel# - 020614 00200 Acres 2.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 666.66 ----------------------------------HAYES JOEL M Receipt No. PPIN 7480 Sec-11 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-4110 Sale Sequence 312 PT BLK 25-26 H MITCHELL S/D COLLEGE HILL BLOCK B Deed Book-2014 Deed Page-2326 Parcel# - 0801112 B 00600 **TOTAL TAX & COST 294.13 ----------------------------------HAYES TRACEY Receipt No. PPIN 1110 Sec-29 Twnship-01 Rng-08 TD-1110 Sale Sequence 313 LOT 33 SHILOH SUB BLOCK B Deed Book-2011 Deed Page-1920 Parcel# - 0209294 B 00400 **TOTAL TAX & COST 843.16 ----------------------------------HAYNES ALICE Receipt No. PPIN 20697 Sec-20 Twnship-01 Rng-07 TD-1000 Sale Sequence 314 PT SW 1/4 WENASOGA FAMILY MARKET Deed Book-2014 Deed Page-5509 Parcel# - 030420 02804 Acres 1.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 583.43 ----------------------------------HAYNES ALICE D Receipt No. PPIN 3394 Sec-29 Twnship-01 Rng-07 TD-1000 Sale Sequence 315 TRACT N 1/2 NE 1/4 W RD Deed Book-2013 Deed Page-3354 Parcel# - 030929 01100 Acres 2.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 8.47 ----------------------------------HAYNES ALICE D Receipt No. PPIN 9501 Sec-23 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-4000 Sale Sequence 316 LOT SE 1/4 SE 1/4 Deed Book-2015 Deed Page-0512 Parcel# - 080623 01100 **TOTAL TAX & COST 935.21 ----------------------------------HAYNES JOHN W IV Receipt No. PPIN 404 Sec-21 Twnship-01 Rng-08 TD-1000 Sale Sequence 317 PT NW 1/4 W HWY & E CREEK Deed Book-2013 Deed Page-3159 Parcel# - 0205212 01800 Acres 2.56 **TOTAL TAX & COST 1025.62 ----------------------------------HAYNES JOHN W IV Receipt No. PPIN 6973 Sec-01 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 318 PT BLK 17 PROPER ADDN SUB BLOCK L Deed Book-2013 Deed Page-3496 Parcel# - 0801014 L 00900 **TOTAL TAX & COST 247.91 ----------------------------------HAYNES KEITH ETUX ALICE Receipt No. PPIN 20203 Sec-20 Twnship-01 Rng-07 TD-1000 Sale Sequence 319 PT SW 1/4 SE 1/4 Deed Book-324 Deed Page-525 Parcel# - 030420 04501 Acres 3.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 159.54 ----------------------------------HAYNES KEITH G SR & ALICE Receipt No. PPIN 1900 Sec-20 Twnship-01 Rng-07 TD-1000

Sale Sequence 320 PT E 1/2 SW 1/4 E RD Deed Book-2014 Deed Page-5184 Parcel# - 030420 03900 Acres 5.70 **TOTAL TAX & COST 22.40 ----------------------------------HAYNES KEITH GARLAND I & ALICE Receipt No. PPIN 18914 Sec-20 Twnship-01 Rng-07 TD-1000 Sale Sequence 321 PT OF SE 1/4 OF 20-1-7 Deed Book-2012 Deed Page-2986 Parcel# - 030420 04401 Acres 1.02 **TOTAL TAX & COST 561.06 ----------------------------------HAYNES LLOYD DANIEL JR & NOLA E Receipt No. PPIN 23069 Sec-11 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-2500 Sale Sequence 322 PT NEC OF NE 1/4 Deed Book-WB26 Deed Page-393-399 Parcel# - 0901111 00401 Acres 3.36 **TOTAL TAX & COST 3494.57 ----------------------------------HAYNIE GEORGE S Receipt No. PPIN 13255 Sec-27 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-2000 Sale Sequence 323 PT SW 1/4 SE 1/4 BLOCK B Deed Book-2007 Deed Page-8059 Parcel# - 0908274 B 01900 Acres 3.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 1370.85 ----------------------------------HAYNIE GEORGE S Receipt No. PPIN 19038 Sec-03 Twnship-003 Rng-008 TD-2000 Sale Sequence 324 S 1/2 SW 1/4 Deed Book-279 Deed Page-472 Parcel# - 120203 00702 Acres 5.63 **TOTAL TAX & COST 754.96 ----------------------------------HEINS ELIZABETH E Receipt No. PPIN 5902 Sec-01 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-5110 Sale Sequence 325 BLK 526 LOT S/S SECOND ST WALKER ADDN SUB BLOCK C Deed Book-2005 Deed Page-5015 Parcel# - 0801012 C 00200 **TOTAL TAX & COST 162.18 ----------------------------------HENDERSON JUDY L ESTATE Receipt No. PPIN 11399 Sec-06 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-5110 Sale Sequence 326 LOT IN BLK 16 PHILLIPS SURVEY BLOCK C Deed Book-276 Deed Page-455 Parcel# - 0903063 C 03000 **TOTAL TAX & COST 396.44 ----------------------------------HENDRIX OZZY RAY & CRYSTAL LYNN Receipt No. PPIN 14120 Sec-31 Twnship-03 Rng-09 TD-2000 Sale Sequence 327 TRACT SE 1/4 NW 1/4 W RD Deed Book-2010 Deed Page-1661 Parcel# - 110931 00800 Acres 2.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 478.73 ----------------------------------HENRY WILLADEAN Receipt No. PPIN 13919 Sec-08 Twnship-03 Rng-09 TD-2000 Sale Sequence 328 NE 1/4 E CREEK Deed Book-265 Deed Page-286 Parcel# - 110308 00100 Acres 140.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 557.08 ----------------------------------HENSON PHILLIP R & PATSY L Receipt No. PPIN 27299 Sec-27 Twnship-03 Rng-08 TD-2000 Sale Sequence 329 E 1/2 NW 1/4 LESS TRACT N RD Deed Book-2009 Deed Page-4621 Parcel# - 120827 00704 Acres 2.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 70.26 ----------------------------------HICKMAN MIKA RAYNA Receipt No. PPIN 10499 Sec-04 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-1000 Sale Sequence 330 PT SW 1/4 SW 1/4 NW 1/4 BLOCK B Deed Book-2011 Deed Page-3609 Parcel# - 0902042 B 01700 **TOTAL TAX & COST 21.65 ----------------------------------HICKS AMANDA Receipt No. PPIN 18532 Sec-34 Twnship-002 Rng-008 TD-2000 Sale Sequence 331 PT NW 1/4 NW 1/4 Deed Book-323 Deed Page-502 Parcel# - 090834 02702 **TOTAL TAX & COST 85.39 ----------------------------------HICKS DANIEL & RHONDA HICKS HALL Receipt No. PPIN 27992 Sec-09 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-2500 Sale Sequence 332 PT S1/2 SE 1/4 Deed Book-2014 Deed Page-2984 Parcel# - 090209 00604 Acres 19.66 **TOTAL TAX & COST 144.48 ----------------------------------HICKS DANIEL L Receipt No. PPIN 16971 Sec-29 Twnship-002 Rng-007 TD-4000 Sale Sequence 333 NE 1/4 Deed Book-258 Deed Page-504 Parcel# - 080929 01801 **TOTAL TAX & COST 102.13 ----------------------------------HICKS KATHEY Receipt No. PPIN 27883 Sec-34 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-2000 Sale Sequence 334 PT NW 1/4 OF NW 1/4 Deed Book-2012 Deed Page-4379 Parcel# - 090834 02706 Acres .50 **TOTAL TAX & COST 21.65 ----------------------------------HICKS KATHY DARLENE Receipt No. PPIN 13371 Sec-33 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-2000 Sale Sequence 335 Deed Book-267 Deed Page-453 Parcel# - 090833 01500 Acres 3.70 **TOTAL TAX & COST 39.21 ----------------------------------HICKS ORVILLE R ETUX CHRISTY R Receipt No. PPIN 20867 Sec-34 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-2000

Sale Sequence 336 PT NW 1/4 Deed Book-287 Deed Page-580 Parcel# - 090834 02705 **TOTAL TAX & COST 110.35 ----------------------------------HILL CARLO Receipt No. PPIN 7754 Sec-12 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 337 LOT 3 BLK 609 ANDERSON ADDN SUB BLOCK D Deed Book-316 Deed Page-199 Parcel# - 0801121 D 05400 **TOTAL TAX & COST 58.51 ----------------------------------HILL CARLO A Receipt No. PPIN 7812 Sec-12 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 338 LOT 24 ADAMS ADDN SUB BLOCK F Deed Book-328 Deed Page-534 Parcel# - 0801121 F 00200 **TOTAL TAX & COST 32.04 ----------------------------------HITE JOSH L & CHRISTIE N Receipt No. PPIN 22958 Sec-36 Twnship-03 Rng-07 TD-3000 Sale Sequence 339 PT NE 1/4 W OF RD Deed Book-2011 Deed Page-0756 Parcel# - 130736 00502 Acres 1.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 200.73 ----------------------------------HODUM BRIAN KEITH Receipt No. PPIN 22714 Sec-17 Twnship-01 Rng-05 TD-5000 Sale Sequence 340 PT SE 1/4 Deed Book-2006 Deed Page-2263 Parcel# - 050417 00504 Acres 1.39 **TOTAL TAX & COST 200.36 ----------------------------------HODUM KEITH & TAMISHA RENAE SLAYTON Receipt No. PPIN 27482 Sec-17 Twnship-01 Rng-05 TD-5000 Sale Sequence 341 PT W 1/2 OF SE 1/4 Deed Book-2010 Deed Page-0949 Parcel# - 050417 00507 Acres 2.10 **TOTAL TAX & COST 27.47 ----------------------------------HODUM KEITH ET UX TAMISHA RENAE Receipt No. PPIN 20714 Sec-17 Twnship-01 Rng-05 TD-5000 Sale Sequence 342 PT SE 1/4 Deed Book-2010 Deed Page-0928 Parcel# - 050417 00502 Acres 1.53 **TOTAL TAX & COST 27.47 ----------------------------------HOLLAND JEFFERY L Receipt No. PPIN 13253 Sec-27 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-2000 Sale Sequence 343 PT W 1/2 SE 1/4 E RD BLOCK B Deed Book-2008 Deed Page-5637 Parcel# - 0908274 B 01700 **TOTAL TAX & COST 212.98 ----------------------------------HOLLAND KENNY Receipt No. PPIN 13001 Sec-26 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-2400 Sale Sequence 344 PT S 1/2 SW 1/4 S RR Deed Book-282 Deed Page-721 Parcel# - 090726 00800 Acres 3.31 **TOTAL TAX & COST 1119.83 ----------------------------------HOLLEY CLIFFORD VARDAMAN Receipt No. PPIN 15915 Sec-13 Twnship-03 Rng-06 TD-3000 Sale Sequence 345 SW 1/4 LESS TRACT NE COR Deed Book-2015 Deed Page-2076 Parcel# - 140613 02000 Acres 156.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 659.30 ----------------------------------HOLLEY STUART Receipt No. PPIN 28421 Sec-12 Twnship-03 Rng-06 TD-3000 Sale Sequence 346 PT S 1/2 S 1/2 E RD Deed Book-2014 Deed Page-5861 Parcel# - 140112 01305 Acres 14.12 **TOTAL TAX & COST 40.92 ----------------------------------HOLLOWAY HAFFORD (EST) & LILLIAN Receipt No. PPIN 14749 Sec-31 Twnship-03 Rng-08 TD-3000 Sale Sequence 347 TRACT S 1/2 NE 1/4 Deed Book-189 Deed Page-257 Parcel# - 120931 00500 Acres 2.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 9.91 ----------------------------------HOLLOWAY TIMOTHY ETUX MARY ALYCE Receipt No. PPIN 20900 Sec-31 Twnship-03 Rng-08 TD-3000 Sale Sequence 348 PT NE 1/4 Deed Book-281 Deed Page-214 Parcel# - 120931 00201 Acres 1.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 365.96 ----------------------------------HOLLOWELL RODNEY D ETUX TRACY Receipt No. PPIN 9635 Sec-26 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-4000 Sale Sequence 349 PT NE 1/4 NE 1/4 Deed Book-281 Deed Page-588 Parcel# - 0807261 00300 Acres 5.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 203.24 ----------------------------------HOLMES MEGAN J Receipt No. PPIN 28224 Sec-34 Twnship-03 Rng-06 TD-3000 Sale Sequence 350 NE 1/4 NW 1/4 SW 1/4 Deed Book-2013 Deed Page-5515 Parcel# - 140834 02801 Acres 5.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 683.43 ----------------------------------HOLTSFORD TROY O ETUX DOROTHY Receipt No. PPIN 11408 Sec-06 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-5110 Sale Sequence 351 LOT IN BLK 17 PHILLIPS SURVEY BLOCK C Deed Book-331 Deed Page-303 Parcel# - 0903063 C 03900 **TOTAL TAX & COST 731.76

----------------------------------HOME OPPORTUNITY LLC Receipt No. PPIN 6953 Sec-01 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 352 PT BLK 4 BELL, YOUNG & MCCORD SURVEY BLOCK K Deed Book-2014 Deed Page-5507 Parcel# - 0801014 K 01700 **TOTAL TAX & COST 262.65 ----------------------------------HOOPER JOHN Receipt No. PPIN 6142 Sec-01 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-5110 Sale Sequence 353 LOT S/S 3RD ST BLK 534 WALKER ADDN SUB BLOCK I Deed Book-2014 Deed Page-1156 Parcel# - 0801012 I 00700 **TOTAL TAX & COST 281.68 ----------------------------------HOPKINS DONNA RUTH Receipt No. PPIN 2006 Sec-13 Twnship-01 Rng-07 TD-1110 Sale Sequence 354 TRACT NE COR SW 1/4 BLOCK A Deed Book-276 Deed Page-525 Parcel# - 0306133 A 00100 Acres 2.30 **TOTAL TAX & COST 61.37 ----------------------------------HOPKINS JAMES A ETUX JENNIE K Receipt No. PPIN 18095 Sec-09 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-2000 Sale Sequence 355 PT SW 1/4 NE 1/4 Deed Book-2006 Deed Page-2982 Parcel# - 0902091 02801 Acres 6.69 **TOTAL TAX & COST 103.60 ----------------------------------HOPKINS TERRY M Receipt No. PPIN 281 Sec-20 Twnship-01 Rng-08 TD-1110 Sale Sequence 356 TRACT NE 1/4 SW 1/4 Deed Book-2008 Deed Page-7534 Parcel# - 020420 02100 Acres 4.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 318.43 ----------------------------------HOPPER CHANNING ETUX TIFFANY Receipt No. PPIN 3773 Sec-17 Twnship-01 Rng-05 TD-5000 Sale Sequence 357 TRACT SE 1/4 FRACTIONAL SEC 17 W RD Deed Book-2012 Deed Page-5722 Parcel# - 050417 00400 Acres 9.21 **TOTAL TAX & COST 295.72 ----------------------------------HOWELL JOHNNY STEPHEN Receipt No. PPIN 8863 Sec-08 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-4000 Sale Sequence 358 YES1/4 N & W CREEK Deed Book-2014 Deed Page-4806 Parcel# - 080308 00300 Acres 38.53 **TOTAL TAX & COST 192.16 ----------------------------------HOYLE WILLIE ETUX ANGELA E Receipt No. PPIN 7738 Sec-12 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 359 LOTS 10 & 11 PT LOT 9 BLK 611 ANDERSON ADDN SUB BLOCK D Deed Book-289 Deed Page-546 Parcel# - 0801121 D 03800 **TOTAL TAX & COST 38.92 ----------------------------------HUBBARD STANLEY Receipt No. PPIN 6796 Sec-01 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-4110 Sale Sequence 360 LOT 6 HOYT HORN SUB PB 2 PG 27 COR BUNCH ST & FULTON BLOCK G Deed Book-275 Deed Page-269 Parcel# - 0801014 G 02900 **TOTAL TAX & COST 29.94 ----------------------------------HUBBARD STANLEY J SR & LORETTA Receipt No. PPIN 14387 Sec-17 Twnship-03 Rng-08 TD-3000 Sale Sequence 361 PT E 1/2 Deed Book-2013 Deed Page-1081 Parcel# - 120417 00400 Acres 42.49 **TOTAL TAX & COST 930.68 ----------------------------------HUDE JOHN IV Receipt No. PPIN 13325 Sec-28 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-2000 Sale Sequence 362 PT NW 1/4 NW 1/4 BLOCK A Deed Book-2013 Deed Page-5134 Parcel# - 0908282 A 00300 Acres 1.23 **TOTAL TAX & COST 858.05 ----------------------------------HUFF INDUSTRIES INC Receipt No. PPIN 19669 Sec-24 Twnship-01 Rng-07 TD-1110 Sale Sequence 363 PT OF SW 1/4 Deed Book-2015 Deed Page-2713 Parcel# - 030624 01502 Acres 1.40 **TOTAL TAX & COST 75.92 ----------------------------------HUFF NELDA J TRUSTEE OF NJH REV TRU Receipt No. PPIN 12161 Sec-19 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-3000 Sale Sequence 364 PT E 1/2 SE 1/4 Deed Book-2013 Deed Page-6221 Parcel# - 090419 00300 Acres 20.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 72.95 ----------------------------------HUFF WILLIAM E ETUX RACHEL T Receipt No. PPIN 2241 Sec-24 Twnship-01 Rng-07 TD-1110 Sale Sequence 365 TRACT SE 1/4 SW 1/4 LESS TRCT TO WM HUFF 237/475 Deed Book-263 Deed Page-38 Parcel# - 030624 01500 **TOTAL TAX & COST 514.97 ----------------------------------HUFF WILLIAM E ETUX RACHEL Receipt No. PPIN 18509 Sec-24 Twnship-1 Rng-7 TD-1110 Sale Sequence 366 HWY 45 N-RHOADES PROP BASE AREA FOR APT + 2 IN INCL IN STORE Deed Book-237 Deed Page-475 Parcel# - 030624 01501 Acres 1.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 712.90 -----------------------------------

HUGGINS J M Receipt No. PPIN 14729 Sec-30 Twnship-03 Rng-08 TD-3000 Sale Sequence 367 TRACT SE 1/4 NW 1/4 Deed Book-2015 Deed Page-1513 Parcel# - 120930 02100 Acres 1.50 **TOTAL TAX & COST 303.92 ----------------------------------HUGGINS JOHNNY ALLEN Receipt No. PPIN 28192 Sec-31 Twnship-03 Rng-09 TD-2000 Sale Sequence 368 TRACT SE 1/4 NW 1/4 W RD-EAST OF RD Deed Book-2015 Deed Page-5052 Parcel# - 110931 00802 Acres 1.10 **TOTAL TAX & COST 33.84 ----------------------------------HUGGINS JOHNNY ALLEN Receipt No. PPIN 28592 Sec-31 Twnship-03 Rng-09 TD-2000 Sale Sequence 369 TRACT SE 1/4 NW 1/4 W RD-EAST OF RD Deed Book-2015 Deed Page-5052 Parcel# - 110931 00803 Acres 1.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 30.98 ----------------------------------HUMBERS GARY LEE Receipt No. PPIN 4451 Sec-16 Twnship-02 Rng-05 TD-5000 Sale Sequence 370 TRACT SW 1/4 SE 1/4 REM: LORI L HOPKINS Deed Book-327 Deed Page-346 Parcel# - 060516 01700 Acres 4.70 **TOTAL TAX & COST 201.56 ----------------------------------HURT L H ETUX CHRISTIE Receipt No. PPIN 9906 Sec-31 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-4000 Sale Sequence 371 LOT S 1/2 SW 1/4 S RD SOUTH (KOSSUTH) Deed Book-332 Deed Page-649 Parcel# - 0809313 02900 **TOTAL TAX & COST 308.71 ----------------------------------HUSSEY CARL R JR Receipt No. PPIN 521 Sec-22 Twnship-01 Rng-08 TD-1000 Sale Sequence 372 LOT NE 1/4 SE 1/4 S RD BLOCK A Deed Book-2011 Deed Page-5078 Parcel# - 0205224 A 03800 **TOTAL TAX & COST 872.41 ----------------------------------HUTCHESON ANTHONY Receipt No. PPIN 14319 Sec-05 Twnship-03 Rng-08 TD-3000 Sale Sequence 373 TRACT NE COR SE 1/4 SE 1/4 Deed Book-2007 Deed Page-7162 Parcel# - 120305 01900 Acres 1.30 **TOTAL TAX & COST 53.95 ----------------------------------HUTCHESON ANTHONY ETUX RHONDA Receipt No. PPIN 14317 Sec-05 Twnship-03 Rng-08 TD-3000 Sale Sequence 374 TRACT SE 1/4 SE 1/4 Deed Book-329 Deed Page-235 Parcel# - 120305 01700 Acres 2.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 47.76 ----------------------------------IRONS ERIC S ETUX STEPHANIE M Receipt No. PPIN 6869 Sec-01 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-4110 Sale Sequence 375 PT BLK 11 GRAHAM’S ADDN SUB BLOCK I Deed Book-297 Deed Page-499 Parcel# - 0801014 I 01900 **TOTAL TAX & COST 31.74 ----------------------------------IRVIN DANNY ETUX BARBARA Receipt No. PPIN 18279 Sec-9 Twnship-2 Rng-7 TD-4000 Sale Sequence 376 S 1/2 SW 1/4 SW 1/4 SE 1/4 Deed Book-239 Deed Page-343 Parcel# - 080209 00401 Acres 3.03 **TOTAL TAX & COST 102.09 ----------------------------------IRVIN PAULINE Receipt No. PPIN 8602 Sec-09 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-4000 Sale Sequence 377 S 1/2 SW 1/4 & SW 1/4 SE 1/4 Deed Book-197 Deed Page-102 Parcel# - 080209 00400 Acres 117.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 493.15 ----------------------------------J & N PALLETS INC Receipt No. PPIN 20721 Sec-05 Twnship-002 Rng-005 TD-5000 Sale Sequence 378 PT NW 1/4 Deed Book-285 Deed Page-397 Parcel# - 060305 00701 Acres 33.19 **TOTAL TAX & COST 1557.65 ----------------------------------JACKIE’S INTERNATIONAL INC Receipt No. PPIN 17764 Sec-18 Twnship-2 Rng-8 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 379 PT SE 1/4 NW 1/4 BUMPERS AND LOS AMIGOS BLOCK B Deed Book-230 Deed Page-563 Parcel# - 0904182 B 00101 **TOTAL TAX & COST 1761.22 ----------------------------------JACKSON FRANKIE Receipt No. PPIN 27483 Sec-31 Twnship-01 Rng-05 TD-5000 Sale Sequence 380 S 1/2 SE 1/4 LESS PT NW COR Deed Book-2010 Deed Page-4662 Parcel# - 050931 03903 Acres 3.80 **TOTAL TAX & COST 442.76 ----------------------------------JACKSON JUNIOR Receipt No. PPIN 11299 Sec-06 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-5110 Sale Sequence 381 LOTS 7 8 & 9 BLK 1 SPEEDWAY ADDN PB 2 PG 40 BLOCK A Deed Book-50 Deed Page-98 Parcel# - 0903063 A 00600 **TOTAL TAX & COST 154.22 ----------------------------------JAMES ALISHA ANN Receipt No. PPIN 5712 Sec-01 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-5110 Sale Sequence 382 BLK 588

6C • Saturday, August 19, 2017 • The Daily Corinthian WALKER ADDN SUB BLOCK G Deed Book-2012 Deed Page-4081 Parcel# - 0801011 G 00900 **TOTAL TAX & COST 230.03 ----------------------------------JARMAN KOREY ELIZABETH *LE* Receipt No. PPIN 11004 Sec-06 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 383 LOT 6 TOWN & COUNTRY SUBD ADD 1 *GARDEN LANE* PB 3 PG 42 309-753-8259 PHONE # BLOCK B Deed Book-2015 Deed Page-3210 Parcel# - 0903061 B 03400 **TOTAL TAX & COST 317.30 ----------------------------------JOBE DONALD BRENT Receipt No. PPIN 11164 Sec-06 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-2110 Sale Sequence 384 LOT NE 1/4 NW 1/4 BLOCK A Deed Book-239 Deed Page-324 Parcel# - 0903062 A 01100 **TOTAL TAX & COST 746.01 ----------------------------------JOHNSON DAMON L & RENEA YATES Receipt No. PPIN 16346 Sec-04 Twnship-04 Rng-06 TD-3000 Sale Sequence 385 TRACT SW 1/4 NW 1/4 Deed Book-2008 Deed Page-4928 Parcel# - 170204 01300 Acres 2.50 **TOTAL TAX & COST 9.24 ----------------------------------JOHNSON DAMON L & RENEA YATES Receipt No. PPIN 16360 Sec-05 Twnship-04 Rng-06 TD-3000 Sale Sequence 386 TRACT SE 1/4 NE 1/4 Deed Book-2014 Deed Page-5261 Parcel# - 170305 00700 Acres 1.20 **TOTAL TAX & COST 749.62 ----------------------------------JOHNSON DEBRA K (CRABB) Receipt No. PPIN 1834 Sec-18 Twnship-01 Rng-07 TD-1000 Sale Sequence 387 PT N 1/2 SE 1/4 Deed Book-2011 Deed Page-2203 Parcel# - 030418 00500 Acres 4.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 1694.04 ----------------------------------JOHNSON GRADY ESTATE Receipt No. PPIN 6605 Sec-01 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 388 LOT 7 & 8 BLK B JOHNSON SUB BLOCK B Deed Book-183 Deed Page-243 Parcel# - 0801014 B 00500 **TOTAL TAX & COST 378.54 ----------------------------------JOHNSON JEFF M Receipt No. PPIN 3590 Sec-14 Twnship-01 Rng-06 TD-1000 Sale Sequence 389 Deed Book-22 Deed Page-136 Parcel# - 040614 00300 Acres 6.58 **TOTAL TAX & COST 250.44 ----------------------------------JOHNSON KIMBERLY Receipt No. PPIN 9705 Sec-36 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-4000 Sale Sequence 390 PT SE 1/4 NE 1/4 JAMES WHITTEN IS DECEASED Deed Book-2012 Deed Page-1425 Parcel# - 080736 02200 Acres 4.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 537.06 ----------------------------------JOHNSON LIZZIE AND MANN WILLIE Receipt No. PPIN 7696 Sec-12 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 391 LOT 8 BLK 671 ANDERSON ADDN SUB BLOCK C Deed Book-220 Deed Page-357 Parcel# - 0801121 C 03600 **TOTAL TAX & COST 129.44 ----------------------------------JOHNSON WENDY L AND MAHMOUD MOUSA A Receipt No. PPIN 26606 Sec-04 Twnship-002 Rng-007 TD-5000 Sale Sequence 392 PT SW 1/4 Deed Book-2006 Deed Page-2365 Parcel# - 080204 00504 Acres 5.77 **TOTAL TAX & COST 119.02 ----------------------------------JOHNSTON PAMELA H Receipt No. PPIN 15132 Sec-06 Twnship-03 Rng-07 TD-4000 Sale Sequence 393 LOT NE 1/4 SW 1/4 Deed Book-288 Deed Page-583 Parcel# - 130306 03500 **TOTAL TAX & COST 105.74 ----------------------------------JOLLY PHILLUP BRANDON Receipt No. PPIN 5642 Sec-01 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-5110 Sale Sequence 394 BLK 572 WALKER ADDN SUB BLOCK E Deed Book-2010 Deed Page-3591 Parcel# - 0801011 E 01700 **TOTAL TAX & COST 327.36 ----------------------------------JONES BRANDON L Receipt No. PPIN 26750 Sec-04 Twnship-03 Rng-08 TD-2000 Sale Sequence 395 PT SE 1/4 NW 1/4 Deed Book-2009 Deed Page-1166 Parcel# - 120204 00601 Acres 1.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 147.54 ----------------------------------JONES COLTON ELI Receipt No. PPIN 19198 Sec-20 Twnship- 02 Rng-06 TD-4000 Sale Sequence 396 PT OF SE 1/4 OF 20-2-6 Deed Book-305 Deed Page-319 Parcel# - 070420 01204 Acres 1.10 **TOTAL TAX & COST 51.50 ----------------------------------JONES DANNY LEE II & CHRISTY Receipt No. PPIN 9126 Sec-15 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-4110 Sale Sequence 397 LOT NE 1/4 E OLD HWY 45 Deed Book-2010 Deed Page-5884 Parcel# - 0805151 01700 **TOTAL TAX & COST 118.28 ----------------------------------JONES E WAYNE ETUX SHIRLEY Receipt No. PPIN 14948

Sec-04 Twnship-03 Rng-07 TD-4000 Sale Sequence 398 LOT 37 SOUTH MEADOW PB 3 PG 66 Deed Book-334 Deed Page-604 Parcel# - 1302041 00100 **TOTAL TAX & COST 473.07 ----------------------------------JONES E WAYNE ETUX SHIRLEY Receipt No. PPIN 14949 Sec-04 Twnship-03 Rng-07 TD-4000 Sale Sequence 399 LOT 36 SOUTH MEADOWS PB 3 PG 66 Deed Book-334 Deed Page-604 Parcel# - 1302041 00200 **TOTAL TAX & COST 21.65 ----------------------------------JONES LARRY CLINTON JR & JANE MARIE Receipt No. PPIN 4280 Sec-06 Twnship-02 Rng-05 TD-5000 Sale Sequence 400 TRACT N 1/2 NE 1/4 Deed Book-324 Deed Page-514 Parcel# - 060306 00600 Acres 2.40 **TOTAL TAX & COST 285.32 ----------------------------------JONES MICHAEL SETH Receipt No. PPIN 18326 Sec-04 Twnship-03 Rng-08 TD-2000 Sale Sequence 401 SE COR NE 1/4 NW 1/4 Deed Book-2015 Deed Page-3769 Parcel# - 120204 00401 Acres .16 **TOTAL TAX & COST 30.98 ----------------------------------JPMORGAN CHASE BANK Receipt No. PPIN 2215 Sec-23 Twnship-01 Rng-07 TD-1110 Sale Sequence 402 LOT NW 1/4 SE 1/4 Deed Book-2012 Deed Page-1205 Parcel# - 0306234 01300 **TOTAL TAX & COST 381.42 ----------------------------------JUSTICE JOHN THOMAS *LE* Receipt No. PPIN 12307 Sec-20 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-3000 Sale Sequence 403 PT E 1/2 NE 1/4 S HWY Deed Book-2015 Deed Page-0556 Parcel# - 0904201 02600 Acres 4.21 **TOTAL TAX & COST 445.92 ----------------------------------KEE MERRIDITH L Receipt No. PPIN 3914 Sec-33 Twnship-01 Rng-05 TD-5000 Sale Sequence 404 TRACT NW 1/4 NW 1/4 COMBINED 326 X 105 Deed Book-2015 Deed Page-0031 Parcel# - 050833 01100 Acres 2.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 96.07 ----------------------------------KEE MERRIDITH L Receipt No. PPIN 18606 Sec-33 Twnship-01 Rng-05 TD-5000 Sale Sequence 405 PT NW 1/4 NW 1/4 Deed Book-2015 Deed Page-0031 Parcel# - 050833 01001 Acres .50 **TOTAL TAX & COST 30.98 ----------------------------------KEITH ANITHA F Receipt No. PPIN 11001 Sec-06 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 406 LOT 9 TOWN & COUNTRY SUBD ADD 1 *GARDEN LANE* PB 3 PG 42 BLOCK B Deed Book-336 Deed Page-432 Parcel# - 0903061 B 03100 **TOTAL TAX & COST 41.19 ----------------------------------KEITH GEORGIA M Receipt No. PPIN 23711 Sec-26 Twnship-001 Rng-007 TD-1110 Sale Sequence 407 PT SE 1/4 OF SW 1/4 Deed Book-316 Deed Page-80 Parcel# - 030726 01501 Acres 6.41 **TOTAL TAX & COST 23.64 ----------------------------------KEITH VASCO ET UX GEORGIA Receipt No. PPIN 7687 Sec-12 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 408 LOT 3-4 BLK 672 ANDERSON ADDN SUB BLOCK C Deed Book-159 Deed Page-36 Parcel# - 0801121 C 02700 **TOTAL TAX & COST 29.94 ----------------------------------KEITH VASCO ETUX GEORGIA Receipt No. PPIN 3237 Sec-34 Twnship-01 Rng-07 TD-1110 Sale Sequence 409 LOT NE 1/4 NE 1/4 BLOCK A Deed Book-285 Deed Page-239 Parcel# - 0308341 A 02400 **TOTAL TAX & COST 173.98 ----------------------------------KEY EDWARD JACOB Receipt No. PPIN 18527 Sec-34 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-2000 Sale Sequence 410 SE 1/4 SE 1/4 PT CLIFFORD HAYNIE TRACT Deed Book-2009 Deed Page-1305 Parcel# - 090834 03804 Acres 3.50 **TOTAL TAX & COST 14.91 ----------------------------------KIDDY ENTERPRISES INC Receipt No. PPIN 9466 Sec-14 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-4110 Sale Sequence 411 PT NE 1/4 NW 1/4 INSIDE CITY Deed Book-206 Deed Page-282 Parcel# - 0806142 00500 Acres 5.20 **TOTAL TAX & COST 751.69 ----------------------------------KIDDY JIMMY LOYD ET UX BRENDA Receipt No. PPIN 706 Sec-24 Twnship-01 Rng-08 TD-1000 Sale Sequence 412 PT SW 1/4 SE 1/4 Deed Book-203 Deed Page-598 Parcel# - 020624 01100 Acres 8.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 1274.90 ----------------------------------KIDDY JIMMY LOYD ETUX BRENDA Receipt No. PPIN 716 Sec-25 Twnship-01 Rng-08 TD-1000 Sale Sequence 413 PT NE 1/4 PT NE 1/4 SE 1/4 Deed Book-232 Deed Page-241 Parcel# - 020725 00800 Acres 2.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 95.50 -----------------------------------

KIDDY JIMMY LOYD ETUX BRENDA Receipt No. PPIN 28300 Sec-25 Twnship-001 Rng-008 TD-1000 Sale Sequence 414 PT S 1/2 OF NE 1/4 Deed Book-232 Deed Page-241-243 Parcel# - 020725 00802 Acres 156.94 **TOTAL TAX & COST 540.99 ----------------------------------KILLOUGH PORTIA C Receipt No. PPIN 7289 Sec-02 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-5110 Sale Sequence 415 A TRACT IN THE NW PT OF SW 1/4 Deed Book-2011 Deed Page-2168 Parcel# - 0801023 00400 Acres 1.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 216.19 ----------------------------------KING EDNA MAXINE Receipt No. PPIN 14619 Sec-27 Twnship-03 Rng-08 TD-2000 Sale Sequence 416 TRACT NW 1/4 NW 1/4 W RD Deed Book-2005 Deed Page-7104 Parcel# - 120827 00900 Acres 2.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 34.44 ----------------------------------KING JAMES JR Receipt No. PPIN 8066 Sec-12 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 417 PT BLK 377 MITCHELL & MASK SURVEY BLOCK B Deed Book-WB15 Deed Page-79 Parcel# - 0801122 B 02600 **TOTAL TAX & COST 100.69 ----------------------------------KING JESSICA D Receipt No. PPIN 19712 Sec-26 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-2000 Sale Sequence 418 PT OF NE 1/4 Deed Book-2011 Deed Page-1570 Parcel# - 0907261 01201 Acres 10.14 **TOTAL TAX & COST 343.46 ----------------------------------KING LOYD ETUX REVA JANE Receipt No. PPIN 13330 Sec-28 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-2000 Sale Sequence 419 PT NW 1/4 NW 1/4 BLOCK A Deed Book-2006 Deed Page-6732 Parcel# - 0908282 A 00800 Acres 2.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 1329.87 ----------------------------------KING WILLIAM Receipt No. PPIN 18114 Sec-02 Twnship-04 Rng-07 TD-3300 Sale Sequence 420 LOT 5 BLK 23 BUTLER SURVEY PT SUB 4(ARTHER STAFFORD EST) BLOCK E Deed Book-120 Deed Page-377 Parcel# - 1801021 E 02000 **TOTAL TAX & COST 43.92 ----------------------------------KIRK DEBORAH R Receipt No. PPIN 21163 Sec-17 Twnship-03 Rng-09 TD-2000 Sale Sequence 421 PT E 1/2 OF NW 1/4 OF SW 1/4 Deed Book-2012 Deed Page-6436 Parcel# - 110417 02901 Acres 2.59 **TOTAL TAX & COST 36.36 ----------------------------------KIRKLAND ASHLEY D & ALISHA D Receipt No. PPIN 10865 Sec-10 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-2500 Sale Sequence 422 LOT 17 HONEY CREEK ESTATES SUB PB 4 PG 17 BLOCK B Deed Book-2013 Deed Page-3010 Parcel# - 0902104 B 02600 **TOTAL TAX & COST 2908.01 ----------------------------------KNIGHT JASON & ALISHA Receipt No. PPIN 866 Sec-33 Twnship-01 Rng-08 TD-1000 Sale Sequence 423 TRACT NW 1/4 NE 1/4 N RD Deed Book-2012 Deed Page-3705 Parcel# - 020833 00500 Acres 1.47 **TOTAL TAX & COST 1039.23 ----------------------------------KNIGHT JOHN R ETUX DEBRA V Receipt No. PPIN 19975 Sec-19 Twnship-03 Rng-09 TD-2000 Sale Sequence 424 SW CORNER OF SE 1/4 Deed Book-265 Deed Page-111 Parcel# - 110419 04604 Acres 1.10 **TOTAL TAX & COST 193.78 ----------------------------------KNIGHT STEVEN M Receipt No. PPIN 13 Sec-18 Twnship-01 Rng-09 TD-1000 Sale Sequence 425 LOT 21 PICKWICK ROAD ESTATES SUB Deed Book-247 Deed Page-572 Parcel# - 010418 00900 Acres 2.30 **TOTAL TAX & COST 566.08 ----------------------------------KOZAM GOUNI Receipt No. PPIN 8017 Sec-12 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 426 N 1/2 BLK 383 MITCHELL & MASK SURVEY ROSS ST COR HSE & 211 PIERCE BLOCK A Deed Book-308 Deed Page-206 Parcel# - 0801122 A 01401 **TOTAL TAX & COST 95.26 ----------------------------------KRASNER MICHAEL Receipt No. PPIN 7798 Sec-12 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 427 BLK 679 ANDERSON ADDN SUB BLOCK E Deed Book-2013 Deed Page-4863 Parcel# - 0801121 E 03300 **TOTAL TAX & COST 53.77 ----------------------------------KYLE JESSIE Receipt No. PPIN 5807 Sec-01 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-5110 Sale Sequence 428 BLK 528 WALKER ADDN SUB BLOCK K Deed Book-2014 Deed Page-1540 Parcel# - 0801011 K 00600 **TOTAL TAX & COST 103.22 ----------------------------------LAHER ROBERT S Receipt No. PPIN 6453 Sec-01 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-4110 Sale Sequence 429 BLK NW 1/4 81

MITCHELL & MASK SUB BLOCK F Deed Book-2012 Deed Page-5474 Parcel# - 0801013 F 01400 **TOTAL TAX & COST 1010.55 ----------------------------------LAKEVIEW LOAN SERVICING LLC Receipt No. PPIN 20400 Sec-27 Twnship-01 Rng-07 TD-1010 Sale Sequence 430 PT E 1/2 OF NW 1/4 Deed Book-2015 Deed Page-5274 Parcel# - 030827 00201 Acres 1.94 **TOTAL TAX & COST 841.93 ----------------------------------LAMB CATHERINE & LISA SMITH Receipt No. PPIN 543 Sec-22 Twnship-01 Rng-08 TD-1000 Sale Sequence 431 LOT N 1/2 SE 1/4 CHANGED TO % PENNINGTON AS PER MS. LAMB 3-96 HER ADDR RT 3 BOX 625 CORINTH BLOCK A Deed Book-266 Deed Page-313 Parcel# - 0205224 A 06000 **TOTAL TAX & COST 75.24 ----------------------------------LAMBERT DONNIE Receipt No. PPIN 19379 Sec-36 Twnship-01 Rng-07 TD-1110 Sale Sequence 432 LOT 16 WOODLAWN S/D Deed Book-278 Deed Page-329 Parcel# - 0307362 02106 **TOTAL TAX & COST 120.45 ----------------------------------LAMBERT GENEVA & JAMES MILLER Receipt No. PPIN 18028 Sec-17 Twnship-03 Rng-09 TD-2000 Sale Sequence 433 PT NW 1/4 Deed Book-2014 Deed Page-6289 Parcel# - 110417 01101 Acres 2.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 794.57 ----------------------------------LAMBERTH ANGELA DENISEReceipt No. PPIN 6932 Sec-01 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 434 PT BLK 11 BELL, YOUNG & MCCORD SURVEY BLOCK J Deed Book-287 Deed Page-322 Parcel# - 0801014 J 05500 **TOTAL TAX & COST 233.72 ----------------------------------LAMBERTH LISA & RICKY J Receipt No. PPIN 18529 Sec-34 Twnship-002 Rng-008 TD-2000 Sale Sequence 435 SE 1/4 SE 1/4 PT CLIFFORD HAYNIE TRACT Deed Book-243 Deed Page-536 Parcel# - 090834 03801 Acres 2.80 **TOTAL TAX & COST 12.60 ----------------------------------LANCASTER BONNIE FAYE Receipt No. PPIN 27369 Sec-26 Twnship-02 Rng-06 TD-4200 Sale Sequence 436 PT NW 1/4 SW 1/4 BLOCK B Deed Book-2010 Deed Page-0026 Parcel# - 0707263 B 00801 Acres 1.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 58.95 ----------------------------------LANCASTER NOLA WINNETTE Receipt No. PPIN 20262 Sec-03 Twnship-03 Rng-08 TD-2000 Sale Sequence 437 PT S 1/2 NE 1/4 Deed Book-272 Deed Page-290 Parcel# - 120203 01004 Acres 1.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 47.76 ----------------------------------LAND INVESTMENTS INC Receipt No. PPIN 2833 Sec-36 Twnship-01 Rng-07 TD-1110 Sale Sequence 438 LOT NE 1/4 SW 1/4 MADISON ST BLOCK A Deed Book-331 Deed Page-751 Parcel# - 0307363 A 00200 **TOTAL TAX & COST 95.61 ----------------------------------LANGSTON JERRY L Receipt No. PPIN 27479 Sec-29 Twnship-01 Rng-07 TD-1000 Sale Sequence 439 TRACT N 1/2 NE 1/4 W RD Deed Book-2010 Deed Page-1837 Parcel# - 030929 01101 Acres 1.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 49.64 ----------------------------------LASLEY CARLINE & BOBBIE SUE Receipt No. PPIN 8349 Sec-12 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 440 LOTS 5 & 18 BLK 2 LINCOLN PLACE SUB BLOCK B Deed Book-308 Deed Page-286 Parcel# - 0801124 B 05100 **TOTAL TAX & COST 168.95 ----------------------------------LASLEY CARLINE WHITE Receipt No. PPIN 8348 Sec-12 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 441 BLK 2 LOTS 6 &17 LINCOLN PLACE SUB BLOCK B Deed Book-94 Deed Page-78 Parcel# - 0801124 B 05000 **TOTAL TAX & COST 16.47 ----------------------------------LASTER BRAD & DAWN Receipt No. PPIN 2665 Sec-36 Twnship-01 Rng-07 TD-5110 Sale Sequence 442 LOT 36 CANDLER HEIGHTS BLOCK D Deed Book-2013 Deed Page-2149 Parcel# - 0307361 D 00200 **TOTAL TAX & COST 450.99 ----------------------------------LATCH MICHELLE Y Receipt No. PPIN 21416 Sec-23 Twnship-03 Rng-08 TD-2000 Sale Sequence 443 PT SE 1/4 Deed Book-295 Deed Page-196 Parcel# - 120623 01801 Acres 5.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 35.35 ----------------------------------LAWSON MELODY DAWN Receipt No. PPIN 22269 Sec-18 Twnship-03 Rng-08 TD-3000 Sale Sequence 444 PT E 1/2 OF NE 1/4 OF SE 1/4 Deed Book-301 Deed Page-234 Parcel# - 120418 00102

Acres 28.25 **TOTAL TAX & COST 105.19 ----------------------------------LEATHERWOOD ZACH Receipt No. PPIN 6035 Sec-01 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-5110 Sale Sequence 445 LOT S/S 6TH ST BLK 555 WALKER ADDN SUB BLOCK F Deed Book-2015 Deed Page-0544 Parcel# - 0801012 F 02100 **TOTAL TAX & COST 281.32 ----------------------------------LEETH GINGER SUZANNE Receipt No. PPIN 28443 Sec-33 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-4000 Sale Sequence 446 S 1/2 SE 1/4 Deed Book-2014 Deed Page-2767 Parcel# - 080833 02003 Acres 2.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 12.57 ----------------------------------LENTZ SAMUEL *LE* Receipt No. PPIN 18096 Sec-25 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-2000 Sale Sequence 447 PT N1/2 NW1/4 Deed Book-2015 Deed Page-5176 Parcel# - 090725 00801 Acres 1.80 **TOTAL TAX & COST 223.10 ----------------------------------LETSON ROY KEITH LETSON LOUIS Receipt No. PPIN 10524 Sec-04 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-1000 Sale Sequence 448 CAUSE #97-0598(02) Deed Book-2014 Deed Page-2551 Parcel# - 0902043 00700 **TOTAL TAX & COST 368.18 ----------------------------------LETSON WANDA *LE* Receipt No. PPIN 11793 Sec-08 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-2110 Sale Sequence 449 PT NW 1/4 SW 1/4 Deed Book-274 Deed Page-67 Parcel# - 090308 01500 **TOTAL TAX & COST 52.39 ----------------------------------LEWIS PHILLIP JR Receipt No. PPIN 3407 Sec-29 Twnship-01 Rng-07 TD-1000 Sale Sequence 450 TRACT IN SE 1/4 NW 1/4 W OF RD Deed Book-2013 Deed Page-1844 Parcel# - 030929 02400 **TOTAL TAX & COST 339.02 ----------------------------------LEWIS RICKY ETUX KIM Receipt No. PPIN 23839 Sec-02 Twnship-003 Rng-005 TD-5000 Sale Sequence 451 PT S 1/2 OF NE 1/4 Deed Book-311 Deed Page-649 Parcel# - 150102 00401 Acres 2.76 **TOTAL TAX & COST 233.32 ----------------------------------LINDSEY RHONDA M LEWIS Receipt No. PPIN 1151 Sec-29 Twnship-01 Rng-08 TD-1110 Sale Sequence 452 LOT E/S SHILOH RD INSIDE CITY LIMITS BLOCK C Deed Book-2009 Deed Page-0855 Parcel# - 0209294 C 00900 **TOTAL TAX & COST 256.54 ----------------------------------LIPFORD JAMES BRENT Receipt No. PPIN 17163 Sec-36 Twnship-01 Rng-07 TD-1110 Sale Sequence 453 LOT 76 & PT OF LOT 81 BELL BRO & ORTON SURVEY Deed Book-2009 Deed Page-3511 Parcel# - 0307362 02501 **TOTAL TAX & COST 29.94 ----------------------------------LIPFORD JERRY C ESTATE & LINDA Receipt No. PPIN 2812 Sec-36 Twnship-01 Rng-07 TD-1110 Sale Sequence 454 PT LOT 85-86-87-88-89 BELL BROS & ORTON SURVEY *AUSTIN SURVEY* Deed Book-160 Deed Page-67 Parcel# - 0307362 02300 **TOTAL TAX & COST 151.23 ----------------------------------LITTLEJOHN PATRICIA Receipt No. PPIN 1624 Sec-31 Twnship-01 Rng-08 TD-5110 Sale Sequence 455 LOT 31 EAST ACRES SUB PB 2 PG 4 BLOCK A Deed Book-148 Deed Page-179 Parcel# - 0209314 A 03300 **TOTAL TAX & COST 494.57 ----------------------------------LOCKE RICHARD P Receipt No. PPIN 5521 Sec-01 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-5110 Sale Sequence 456 LOTS 36-37-38 BLK 577 WALKER ADDN SUB BLOCK A Deed Book-2014 Deed Page-6085 Parcel# - 0801011 A 03200 Acres 1.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 316.70 ----------------------------------LOCKE RICHARD P Receipt No. PPIN 5751 Sec-01 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-5110 Sale Sequence 457 BLK 579 WALKER ADDN SUB BLOCK H Deed Book-2007 Deed Page-8196 Parcel# - 0801011 H 01500 **TOTAL TAX & COST 589.57 ----------------------------------LOCKE RICHARD P Receipt No. PPIN 5760 Sec-01 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-5110 Sale Sequence 458 BLK 579 WALKER ADDN SUB BLOCK H Deed Book-2008 Deed Page-6083 Parcel# - 0801011 H 02300 **TOTAL TAX & COST 208.40 ----------------------------------LOCKE RICHARD P Receipt No. PPIN 6214 Sec-01 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-4110 Sale Sequence 459 BLK PT 510 (1/2 RENTED/DUPLEX) 11-17-03 WALKER SUB BLOCK A Deed Book-2015 Deed Page-2717 Parcel# - 0801013 A 01800 **TOTAL TAX & COST 264.26 ----------------------------------LOCKE RICHARD P Receipt No. PPIN 6542 Sec-01 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-4110

The Daily Corinthian • Saturday, August 19, 2017 • 7C Sale Sequence 460 LOT 4 BLOCK 52 MITCHELL & MASK SUB MR GREEN JEANS BUILDING BLOCK C Deed Book-2014 Deed Page-1259 Parcel# - 08010131 C 02500 **TOTAL TAX & COST 446.08 ----------------------------------LONG LAND INVESTMENTS INC Receipt No. PPIN 11670 Sec-07 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-2110 Sale Sequence 461 PT NE 1/4 NW 1/4 BLOCK A Deed Book-2012 Deed Page-6450 Parcel# - 0903072 A 01000 **TOTAL TAX & COST 142.37 ----------------------------------LUCE LESLIE KENNETH ET UX Receipt No. PPIN 11849 Sec-08 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-2110 Sale Sequence 462 PT SE 1/4 NE 1/4 BLOCK A Deed Book-277 Deed Page-46 Parcel# - 0903081 A 05500 Acres 1.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 20.97 ----------------------------------LUKER MARK & REBECCA Receipt No. PPIN 21732 Sec-01 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-5110 Sale Sequence 463 REMAINDER OF POLK ST Deed Book-2014 Deed Page-3313 Parcel# - 0801012 G 02001 **TOTAL TAX & COST 7.49 ----------------------------------LUKER MARK W & REBECCA S Receipt No. PPIN 6068 Sec-01 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-5110 Sale Sequence 464 LOT W/S POLK ST BLK 566 WALKER ADDN SUB BLOCK G Deed Book-2010 Deed Page-3574 Parcel# - 0801012 G 02000 **TOTAL TAX & COST 212.06 ----------------------------------MABRY GUSS *ESTATE* Receipt No. PPIN 7473 Sec-11 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-4110 Sale Sequence 465 PT COLLEGE LOT H MITCHELL SURVEY SUB BLOCK A Deed Book-55 Deed Page-495 Parcel# - 0801112 A 03800 **TOTAL TAX & COST 77.65 ----------------------------------MADDEN MICHAEL-THOMAS-MARY Receipt No. PPIN 7340 Sec-02 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-5110 Sale Sequence 466 Deed Book-258 Deed Page-139 Parcel# - 0801024 02300 Acres 8.50 **TOTAL TAX & COST 148.86 ----------------------------------MADDOX JAMES A ET UX FRANCES R EST Receipt No. PPIN 8102 Sec-12 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 467 PT BLK 301 MITCHELL & MASK SURVEY BLOCK D Deed Book-249 Deed Page-467 Parcel# - 0801122 D 00200 **TOTAL TAX & COST 144.53 ----------------------------------MAIRIDITH ANITA Receipt No. PPIN 8118 Sec-12 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 468 PT BLK 303 MITCHELL & MASK SURVEY BLOCK D Deed Book-223 Deed Page-558 Parcel# - 0801122 D 01800 **TOTAL TAX & COST 290.72 ----------------------------------MANLEY JOHN HENRY JR Receipt No. PPIN 27050 Sec-18 Twnship-03 Rng-09 TD-2000 Sale Sequence 469 PT SE 1/4 SE 1/4 Deed Book-2008 Deed Page-3605 Parcel# - 110418 02801 Acres 1.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 30.98 ----------------------------------MANUEL ELMER H SR ET UX Receipt No. PPIN 16441 Sec-02 Twnship-04 Rng-07 TD-3300 Sale Sequence 470 BLK PT 20 BUTLER & WILLIAMS SURVEY SUB BLOCK D Deed Book-149 Deed Page-25 Parcel# - 1801021 D 00700 **TOTAL TAX & COST 43.92 ----------------------------------MANZI DAVID V Receipt No. PPIN 12082 Sec-18 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 471 LOT SE 1/4 NW 1/4 BLOCK B Deed Book-2009 Deed Page-2819 Parcel# - 0904182 B 00400 **TOTAL TAX & COST 228.05 ----------------------------------MARLAR REBECCA P Receipt No. PPIN 13719 Sec-08 Twnship-02 Rng-09 TD-2000 Sale Sequence 472 TRACT SW 1/4 Deed Book-265 Deed Page-221 Parcel# - 100308 00900 Acres 25.13 **TOTAL TAX & COST 106.23 ----------------------------------MAROLT KEITH ET UX HEATHER Receipt No. PPIN 12193 Sec-19 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-4000 Sale Sequence 473 LOT 42 NORTH ROLLING HILLS SUB PB 3 PG 37 BLOCK A Deed Book-2011 Deed Page-2982 Parcel# - 0904191 A 01000 **TOTAL TAX & COST 1178.43 ----------------------------------MARSH CINDY Receipt No. PPIN 27648 Sec- Twnship- Rng- TD-5110 Sale Sequence 474 IMPROVEMENT ONLY SLUGBURGER CAFE Parcel# - 0802033 04599 **TOTAL TAX & COST 129.98 ----------------------------------MARSH CINDY DUNN Receipt No. PPIN 24027 Sec-10 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-4110 Sale Sequence 475 PT S 1/2 OF SE 1/4 W OF RD Deed Book-2011 Deed Page-4961 Parcel# - 0802104 01602 Acres 1.49 **TOTAL TAX & COST 268.86

----------------------------------MARTIN RONNIE L & PENNIE ROGERS Receipt No. PPIN 21531 Sec-31 Twnship-02 Rng-09 TD-2000 Sale Sequence 476 PT NE 1/4 Deed Book-2016 Deed Page-00489 Parcel# - 100931 02401 Acres 1.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 30.98 ----------------------------------MASSENGILL ALEXANDER S Receipt No. PPIN 18748 Sec-11 Twnship-02 Rng-06 TD-4000 Sale Sequence 477 SW COR NW 1/4 Deed Book-312 Deed Page-407 Parcel# - 070111 00704 Acres 1.50 **TOTAL TAX & COST 450.77 ----------------------------------MASSENGILL CECIL JR ET UX Receipt No. PPIN 7557 Sec-11 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-4110 Sale Sequence 478 LOT NW 1/4 SE 1/4 BLOCK B Deed Book-175 Deed Page-592 Parcel# - 0801114 B 01500 **TOTAL TAX & COST 151.29 ----------------------------------MASTERPIECE ENGINEERING INC Receipt No. PPIN 22178 Sec-13 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-3000 Sale Sequence 479 PT S 1/2 OF SW 1/4 Deed Book-307 Deed Page-393 Parcel# - 080613 01101 Acres 4.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 3483.78 ----------------------------------MATHIS BOBBY R ETUX DIANA L Receipt No. PPIN 7458 Sec-11 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-4110 Sale Sequence 480 PT BLK 18 PT 19 H MITCHELL SURVEY SUB BLOCK A Deed Book-300 Deed Page-247 Parcel# - 0801112 A 02300 Acres .50 **TOTAL TAX & COST 81.30 ----------------------------------MATHIS KENNETH SCOTT ETUX MELANIE C Receipt No. PPIN 10716 Sec-10 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-2500 Sale Sequence 481 LOT IN NE 1/4 NW 1/4 NE 1/4 BLOCK A Deed Book-323 Deed Page-7 Parcel# - 0902101 A 01900 **TOTAL TAX & COST 398.85 ----------------------------------MATTOX BRADFORD LEE Receipt No. PPIN 15707 Sec-09 Twnship-03 Rng-06 TD-4000 Sale Sequence 482 NW 1/4 SW 1/4 & S 1/2 SW 1/4 Deed Book-313 Deed Page-377 Parcel# - 140209 00500 Acres 22.66 **TOTAL TAX & COST 441.24 ----------------------------------MATTOX BRADFORD LEE Receipt No. PPIN 15777 Sec-17 Twnship-03 Rng-06 TD-3000 Sale Sequence 483 TRACT E 1/2 W RD Deed Book-332 Deed Page-398 Parcel# - 140417 01000 Acres 1.60 **TOTAL TAX & COST 782.27 ----------------------------------MATTOX BRADFORD LEE Receipt No. PPIN 23812 Sec-08 Twnship-03 Rng-06 TD-4000 Sale Sequence 484 PT E 1/2 OF SE 1/4 Deed Book-313 Deed Page-377 Parcel# - 140308 02001 Acres 2.34 **TOTAL TAX & COST 10.36 ----------------------------------MATTOX BRADFORD LEE Receipt No. PPIN 28222 Sec-16 Twnship-03 Rng-06 TD-3000 Sale Sequence 485 PT E 1/2 SW 1/4 Deed Book-2013 Deed Page-0627 Parcel# - 140516 00803 Acres 19.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 61.44 ----------------------------------MATTOX BRADFORD LEE & Receipt No. PPIN 15767 Sec-08 Twnship-03 Rng-06 TD-4000 Sale Sequence 486 TRAT E SIDE SE 1/4 & PT NE 1/4 E RD Deed Book-260 Deed Page-387 Parcel# - 140308 02000 Acres 53.66 **TOTAL TAX & COST 135.50 ----------------------------------MATTOX BRADFORD LEE & MICHAEL Receipt No. PPIN 15840 Sec-16 Twnship-03 Rng-06 TD-3000 Sale Sequence 487 N 1/2 NW 1/4 Deed Book-260 Deed Page-387 Parcel# - 140516 00500 Acres 80.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 315.54 ----------------------------------MATTOX BRADFORD LEE & MICHAEL Receipt No. PPIN 15847 Sec-21 Twnship-03 Rng-06 TD-3000 Sale Sequence 488 E 1/2 NE 1/4 Deed Book-260 Deed Page-387 Parcel# - 140521 00100 Acres 80.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 255.97 ----------------------------------MATTOX BRADFORD LEE & MICHAEL Receipt No. PPIN 15873 Sec-22 Twnship-03 Rng-06 TD-3000 Sale Sequence 489 NW 1/4 NW 1/4 NW 1/4 Deed Book-260 Deed Page-387 Parcel# - 140522 00500 Acres 10.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 46.63 ----------------------------------MATTOX BRADFORD LEE & MICHEAL Receipt No. PPIN 23815 Sec-09 Twnship-03 Rng-06 TD-4000 Sale Sequence 490 PT S 1/2 OF SW 1/4 Deed Book-263 Deed Page-78 Parcel# - 140209 00501 Acres 97.39 **TOTAL TAX & COST 345.32 ----------------------------------MATTOX LADRON Receipt No. PPIN 15769 Sec-17 Twnship-03 Rng-06 TD-3000

Sale Sequence 491 TRACT NE 1/4 E RD Deed Book-183 Deed Page-257 Parcel# - 140417 00200 Acres 1.70 **TOTAL TAX & COST 10.14 ----------------------------------MATTOX LADRON Receipt No. PPIN 23485 Sec-23 Twnship-03 Rng-05 TD-5000 Sale Sequence 492 NWC OF SW 1/4 Deed Book-2006 Deed Page-0115 Parcel# - 150623 00303 Acres 2.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 9.91 ----------------------------------MATTOX LUTHER L-MICHAEL LADRON Receipt No. PPIN 15828 Sec-15 Twnship-03 Rng-06 TD-3000 Sale Sequence 493 PT S 1/2 SW 1/4 Deed Book-2005 Deed Page-6356 Parcel# - 140515 00800 Acres 50.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 143.48 ----------------------------------MAYES JEARLEAN ESTATE Receipt No. PPIN 9594 Sec-25 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-4000 Sale Sequence 494 PT SW 1/4 SW 1/4 Deed Book-177 Deed Page-164 Parcel# - 080725 01200 Acres 5.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 13.05 ----------------------------------MAYES JEARLEAN ESTATE Receipt No. PPIN 13631 Sec-31 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-4000 Sale Sequence 495 PT SW 1/4 NW 1/4 LESS TERRY SPENCE TRACT Deed Book-263 Deed Page-365 Parcel# - 090931 02500 Acres 1.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 597.86 ----------------------------------MAYES JEARLEAN ESTATE Receipt No. PPIN 13636 Sec-31 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-4000 Sale Sequence 496 PT SW 1/4 NW 1/4 Deed Book-134 Deed Page-409 Parcel# - 090931 03000 Acres 1.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 21.65 ----------------------------------MCCOY MICHAEL D ETUX JANA L Receipt No. PPIN 20558 Sec-12 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-2000 Sale Sequence 497 PT E 1/2 NE 1/4 Deed Book-278 Deed Page-262 Parcel# - 090112 00202 Acres 2.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 752.93 ----------------------------------MCCOY MICHAEL D ETUX JANA L Receipt No. PPIN 21113 Sec-12 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-2000 Sale Sequence 498 PT NE 1/4 Deed Book-286 Deed Page-555 Parcel# - 090112 00203 Acres 3.28 **TOTAL TAX & COST 68.28 ----------------------------------MCCOY SHENNA S Receipt No. PPIN 12860 Sec-14 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-2000 Sale Sequence 499 PT SE 1/4 SW 1/4 Deed Book-2005 Deed Page-5250 Parcel# - 0906143 01000 **TOTAL TAX & COST 328.94 ----------------------------------MCDONALD DARRELL R & SUSAN K Receipt No. PPIN 19552 Sec-06 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 500 LOT 2 BLK 1 LEE HWY ADD BLOCK F Deed Book-2008 Deed Page-2536 Parcel# - 0903063 F 00303 **TOTAL TAX & COST 29.94 ----------------------------------MCDONALD DARRELL R ETUX SUSAN K Receipt No. PPIN 2743 Sec-36 Twnship-01 Rng-07 TD-5110 Sale Sequence 501 LOT 234 CANDLER HEIGHTS ADDN 3 PB 4 PG 18 BLOCK H Deed Book-307 Deed Page-45 Parcel# - 0307361 H 01200 **TOTAL TAX & COST 587.66 ----------------------------------MCDONALD DARRELL R ETUX SUSAN K Receipt No. PPIN 11490 Sec-06 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 502 LOTS 5 8 9 & 10 BLK 1 LEE HIGHWAY ADDN BLOCK F Deed Book-312 Deed Page-33 Parcel# - 0903063 F 00600 **TOTAL TAX & COST 124.05 ----------------------------------MCDONALD WETONIA ESTATE Receipt No. PPIN 11226 Sec-06 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-5110 Sale Sequence 503 PT LOTS 17 & 18 BLK B WOODLAND HEIGHTS SUBD BLOCK C Deed Book-92 Deed Page-52 Parcel# - 0903062 C 02000 **TOTAL TAX & COST 76.64 ----------------------------------MCEWEN MELISA R Receipt No. PPIN 13773 Sec-19 Twnship-02 Rng-09 TD-2000 Sale Sequence 504 TRACT W 1/2 NW 1/4 Deed Book-2013 Deed Page-4927 Parcel# - 100419 01800 Acres 2.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 273.55 ----------------------------------MCGEE JACQUELYNN Receipt No. PPIN 23892 Sec-29 Twnship-01 Rng-08 TD-1110 Sale Sequence 505 LOT 64 CEDAR CREEK PHASE IV Deed Book-2011 Deed Page-6005 Parcel# - 0209292 A 00650 **TOTAL TAX & COST 894.72 ----------------------------------MCKEWEN JOE M ET UX DORIS FIRTH Receipt No. PPIN 8730 Sec-10 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-4110 Sale Sequence 506 LOT SW 1/4 NE 1/4 Deed Book-125 Deed Page-379 Parcel# - 0802101 01000 **TOTAL TAX & COST 256.77 -----------------------------------

MCLAURIN MARTY (LE) Receipt No. PPIN 4858 Sec-06 Twnship-02 Rng-06 TD-5000 Sale Sequence 507 PT W 1/2 NW 1/4 S RD Deed Book-336 Deed Page-174 Parcel# - 070306 00900 Acres 14.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 384.02 ----------------------------------MCLAURIN MARTY W (LE) Receipt No. PPIN 21321 Sec-06 Twnship-02 Rng-06 TD-5000 Sale Sequence 508 PT W 1/2 OF NW 1/4 Deed Book-2007 Deed Page-3354 Parcel# - 070306 00401 Acres 3.35 **TOTAL TAX & COST 15.98 ----------------------------------MCLEMORE GLENDA TURNER Receipt No. PPIN 14164 Sec-01 Twnship-03 Rng-08 TD-2400 Sale Sequence 509 LOT SE 1/4 NW 1/4 Deed Book-2010 Deed Page-1262 Parcel# - 120101 01600 **TOTAL TAX & COST 49.64 ----------------------------------MEEKS PAMELA WILLIAMS Receipt No. PPIN 6092 Sec-01 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-5110 Sale Sequence 510 LOT W/S JACKSON ST BLK 554 WALKER ADDN SUB(1521 JACKSON) BLOCK G Deed Book-2015 Deed Page-5152 Parcel# - 0801012 G 04400 **TOTAL TAX & COST 397.94 ----------------------------------MELTON JAMES C Receipt No. PPIN 8517 Sec-04 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-5000 Sale Sequence 511 PT SW 1/4 LEISURELAND MAIN PROPERTY Deed Book-322 Deed Page-79 Parcel# - 080204 00500 Acres 55.84 **TOTAL TAX & COST 4811.04 ----------------------------------MELTON JAMES C Receipt No. PPIN 8847 Sec-05 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-5000 Sale Sequence 512 TRACT SE COR NE 1/4 SE 1/4 LEISURELAND EXTRA ACRE Deed Book-322 Deed Page-79 Parcel# - 080305 01300 Acres 1.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 7.94 ----------------------------------MERCER JIMMY & SANDRA Receipt No. PPIN 20033 Sec-16 Twnship-02 Rng-05 TD-5000 Sale Sequence 513 PT SE 1/4 Deed Book-2014 Deed Page-4813 Parcel# - 060516 02702 Acres 56.06 **TOTAL TAX & COST 214.74 ----------------------------------MICHAEL ROBBIE Receipt No. PPIN 13442 Sec-29 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-3000 Sale Sequence 514 LOT SW 14/ NW 1/4 Deed Book-302 Deed Page-607 Parcel# - 090929 01000 Acres 1.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 6.32 ----------------------------------MICHAEL ROBBIE Receipt No. PPIN 13445 1 Sec-29 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-3000 Sale Sequence 515 PT SW 1/4 NW 1/4 Deed Book-302 Deed Page-607 Parcel# - 090929 01300 **TOTAL TAX & COST 142.51 ----------------------------------MID SOUTH REAL ESTATE SALES Receipt No. PPIN 7851 Sec-12 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 516 PT BLK 652 ANDERSON ADDN SUB BLOCK G Deed Book-2012 Deed Page-5796 Parcel# - 0801121 G 00300 **TOTAL TAX & COST 16.47 ----------------------------------MID-SOUTH FOREST PRODUCTS LLC Receipt No. PPIN 6227 Sec-01 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-4110 Sale Sequence 517 BLK PT 225 MITCHELL & MASK SUB BLOCK A Deed Book-305 Deed Page-590 Parcel# - 0801013 A 03100 **TOTAL TAX & COST 172.54 ----------------------------------MILAM BOBBY R ETUX JOYCE Receipt No. PPIN 14318 Sec-05 Twnship-03 Rng-08 TD-3000 Sale Sequence 518 TRACT E 1/2 SE 1/4 S & E RD Deed Book-274 Deed Page-402 Parcel# - 120305 01800 Acres 1.50 **TOTAL TAX & COST 45.12 ----------------------------------MILLER BILLY Receipt No. PPIN 28339 Sec-20 Twnship-02 Rng-06 TD-4000 Sale Sequence 519 PT OF NW 1/4 Deed Book-2014 Deed Page-0922 Parcel# - 070420 00718 Acres 5.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 51.00 ----------------------------------MILLER EDDIE ETUX CINDY Receipt No. PPIN 8903 Sec-18 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-4000 Sale Sequence 520 PT SE 1/4 NE 1/4 BLOCK A Deed Book-260 Deed Page-375 Parcel# - 080418 A 00300 Acres 1.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 86.93 ----------------------------------MILLER EDDIE ETUX CINDY ETAL Receipt No. PPIN 8886 Sec-17 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-4000 Sale Sequence 521 Deed Book-260 Deed Page-375 Parcel# - 080417 01500 **TOTAL TAX & COST 136.79 ----------------------------------MILLER WILLIAM D Receipt No. PPIN 2876 Sec-36 Twnship-01 Rng-07 TD-5110 Sale Sequence 522 PT BLK 18 TYRONE HEIGHTS SUB BLOCK A Deed Book-2007 Deed Page-4568 Parcel# - 0307363 A 04002 **TOTAL TAX & COST 121.80 -----------------------------------

MILLS BEN & LINDY J Receipt No. PPIN 27719 Sec-22 Twnship-02 Rng-05 TD-5000 Sale Sequence 523 TRACT NE 1/4 Deed Book-2011 Deed Page-0848 Parcel# - 060522 01001 Acres 1.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 344.58 ----------------------------------MILLS LARRY Receipt No. PPIN 6248 Sec-01 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-4110 Sale Sequence 524 BLK NE 1/4 228 MITCHELL & MASK SUB BLOCK A Deed Book-2012 Deed Page-6874 Parcel# - 0801013 A 05200 **TOTAL TAX & COST 573.59 ----------------------------------MILLS LORA F & LISA A CHILDERS Receipt No. PPIN 63 Sec-19 Twnship-01 Rng-09 TD-1000 Sale Sequence 525 PT SW 1/4 NW 1/4 Deed Book-2013 Deed Page-1540 Parcel# - 010419 01800 Acres 32.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 136.86 ----------------------------------MINCEY DANNY R II Receipt No. PPIN 5480 Sec-32 Twnship-02 Rng-06 TD-4000 Sale Sequence 526 PT E 1/2 NE 1/4 N RD Deed Book-2015 Deed Page-3026 Parcel# - 070932 00100 Acres 1.60 **TOTAL TAX & COST 933.60 ----------------------------------MINCY BILLY KEITH Receipt No. PPIN 13202 Sec-27 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-2000 Sale Sequence 527 LOT NW 1/4 NE 1/4 Deed Book-2014 Deed Page-0270 Parcel# - 0908271 02900 **TOTAL TAX & COST 748.70 ----------------------------------MITCHELL JAMES M Receipt No. PPIN 6781 Sec-01 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-4110 Sale Sequence 528 PT BLK 18 GRAHAM’S ADDN SUB BLOCK G Deed Book-337 Deed Page-665 Parcel# - 0801014 G 01400 **TOTAL TAX & COST 215.22 ----------------------------------MITCHELL JAMES M Receipt No. PPIN 6785 Sec-01 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-4110 Sale Sequence 529 LOT 19 HOYT HORN SUB PB 2 PG 27 BLOCK G Deed Book-333 Deed Page-519 Parcel# - 0801014 G 01800 **TOTAL TAX & COST 20.97 ----------------------------------MITCHELL JAMES M ETUX PAMELA M Receipt No. PPIN 19671 Sec-01 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-4110 Sale Sequence 530 PT OF BLK 18 GRAHAM ADDN BLOCK G Deed Book-210 Deed Page-190 Parcel# - 0801014 G 01401 Acres 1.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 7.49 ----------------------------------MOMENT ANTHONIO Receipt No. PPIN 7843 Sec-12 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 531 LOT 24 BLK 651 ANDERSON ADDNSUB RONNIE PITTMAN PROPERTY BLOCK F Deed Book-2013 Deed Page-4767 Parcel# - 0801121 F 03300 **TOTAL TAX & COST 33.17 ----------------------------------MONROE KENNETH D & LINDA I ET AL* Receipt No. PPIN 16836 Sec-05 Twnship-04 Rng-08 TD-3000 Sale Sequence 532 PT NW 1/4 NW 1/4 Deed Book-2014 Deed Page-0458 Parcel# - 190305 01200 Acres 2.32 **TOTAL TAX & COST 923.50 ----------------------------------MONROE SCOTT & MEGAN Receipt No. PPIN 1258 Sec-30 Twnship-01 Rng-08 TD-1110 Sale Sequence 533 LOT NW 1/4 SW 1/4 BLOCK B Deed Book-2012 Deed Page-5393 Parcel# - 0209303 B 03100 **TOTAL TAX & COST 236.33 ----------------------------------MOORE DAVID J Receipt No. PPIN 7809 Sec-12 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 534 LOTS 10-11-12 BLK 676 ANDERSON ADDN SUB BLOCK E Deed Book-2015 Deed Page-3186 Parcel# - 0801121 E 04400 **TOTAL TAX & COST 125.31 ----------------------------------MOORE LARRY D ETUX PATSY Receipt No. PPIN 17951 Sec-9 Twnship-2 Rng-7 TD-4110 Sale Sequence 535 PT SE 1/4 NW 1/4 Deed Book-244 Deed Page-284 Parcel# - 0802092 01305 Acres 3.50 **TOTAL TAX & COST 723.50 ----------------------------------MOORE MARY D Receipt No. PPIN 7796 Sec-12 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 536 LOTS 1-2 BLK 679 ANDERSON ADDN SUB BLOCK E Deed Book-212 Deed Page-458 Parcel# - 0801121 E 03100 **TOTAL TAX & COST 108.36 ----------------------------------MORROW JOHNNY WAYNE ESTATE Receipt No. PPIN 12406 Sec-15 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-2500 Sale Sequence 537 LOT S 1/2 NW 1/4 & LOT N 1/2 SW 1/4 Deed Book-260 Deed Page-91 Parcel# - 0905152 01500 Acres 1.30 **TOTAL TAX & COST 99.92 ----------------------------------MOSS FELICIA R Receipt No. PPIN 21124 Sec-09 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-2500 Sale Sequence 538

8C • Saturday, August 19, 2017 • The Daily Corinthian PT SE 1/4 Deed Book-286 Deed Page-349 Parcel# - 090209 00203 Acres 7.64 **TOTAL TAX & COST 73.82 ----------------------------------MULLINS BENJI & WENDI Receipt No. PPIN 27990 Sec-32 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-4000 Sale Sequence 539 NE 1/4 SE 1/4 Deed Book-2012 Deed Page-3688 Parcel# - 080932 04703 Acres 5.53 **TOTAL TAX & COST 16.33 ----------------------------------MYLES ARLETHA S ETVIR ISOM Receipt No. PPIN 17157 Sec-12 Twnship-2 Rng-7 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 540 TRACT 2 FORMERLY KNOWN AS TRACT 5 OF DROKE RD EXT SUB PB-4 PG-37 BLOCK A Deed Book-240 Deed Page-578 Parcel# - 0801124 A 00202 **TOTAL TAX & COST 210.54 ----------------------------------NAILS JIMMY Receipt No. PPIN 4301 1 Sec-06 Twnship-02 Rng-05 TD-5000 Sale Sequence 541 PT E 1/2 N CREEK Deed Book-250 Deed Page-47 Parcel# - 060306 02600 Acres 75.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 1339.57 ----------------------------------NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC DBA Receipt No. PPIN 13150 Sec-36 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-2400 Sale Sequence 542 LOT SE 1/4 SW 1/4 Deed Book-2015 Deed Page-4878 Parcel# - 090736 04200 **TOTAL TAX & COST 611.41 ----------------------------------NEAL DAVID BENNETT & BRITTNIE MICHE Receipt No. PPIN 12572 Sec-22 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-2000 Sale Sequence 543 LOTS 44 & 45 PB 3 PG 53 EAST EVERGREEN SUB BLOCK C Deed Book-2009 Deed Page-4419 Parcel# - 0905221 C 01100 **TOTAL TAX & COST 498.21 ----------------------------------NEAL MATTHEW C Receipt No. PPIN 7666 Sec-12 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 544 LOT 5 BLK 670 ANDERSON ADDN SUB C E MASSEY BLOCK C Deed Book-2015 Deed Page-0082 Parcel# - 0801121 C 00800 **TOTAL TAX & COST 154.76 ----------------------------------NEAL XAVIER P Receipt No. PPIN 16677 Sec-06 Twnship-04 Rng-07 TD-3000 Sale Sequence 545 PT NW 1/4 SW 1/4 N HWY Deed Book-2013 Deed Page-0376 Parcel# - 180306 00900 Acres 3.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 55.16 ----------------------------------NELMS DONALD WADE Receipt No. PPIN 6058 Sec-01 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-5110 Sale Sequence 546 LOT N/S 6TH LOTS 1/3 OF 7-8 BLK 567 WALKER ADDN SUB BLOCK G Deed Book-22 Deed Page-345 Parcel# - 0801012 G 01000 **TOTAL TAX & COST 86.32 ----------------------------------NELMS GRADY I Receipt No. PPIN 12894 Sec-23 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-2000 Sale Sequence 547 PT SW 1/4 SE 1/4 Deed Book-290 Deed Page-409 Parcel# - 090623 02701 Acres 10.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 136.68 ----------------------------------NELMS GRADY I Receipt No. PPIN 20272 Sec-03 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-1500 Sale Sequence 548 PT SE 1/4 SW 1/4 BLOCK A Deed Book-285 Deed Page-529 Parcel# - 0902033 A 00101 Acres .78 **TOTAL TAX & COST 5.39 ----------------------------------NELMS JIMMY D Receipt No. PPIN 12902 Sec-23 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-2000 Sale Sequence 549 LOT 47 SOUTH CENTRAL SUB Deed Book-2006 Deed Page-356 Parcel# - 0906233 00300 **TOTAL TAX & COST 14.19 ----------------------------------NELMS JIMMY D Receipt No. PPIN 12905 Sec-23 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-2000 Sale Sequence 550 LOT 44 SOUTH CENTRAL SUB Deed Book-2006 Deed Page-0356 Parcel# - 0906233 00600 **TOTAL TAX & COST 14.19 ----------------------------------NELMS JIMMY D Receipt No. PPIN 12906 Sec-23 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-2000 Sale Sequence 551 LOT 43 SOUTH CENTRAL SUB Deed Book-2006 Deed Page-356 Parcel# - 0906233 00700 **TOTAL TAX & COST 14.19 ----------------------------------NELMS JIMMY D Receipt No. PPIN 12907 Sec-23 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-2000 Sale Sequence 552 LOT 42 SOUTH CENTRAL SUB Deed Book-2006 Deed Page-356 Parcel# - 0906233 00800 **TOTAL TAX & COST 14.19 ----------------------------------NELMS JIMMY D Receipt No. PPIN 12908 Sec-23 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-2000 Sale Sequence 553 LOT 41 SOUTH CENTRAL SUB Deed Book-2006 Deed Page-356 Parcel# - 0906233 00900 **TOTAL TAX & COST 14.19 ----------------------------------NELMS JIMMY D Receipt No. PPIN 12909 Sec-23 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-2000 Sale Sequence 554

LOT 40 SOUTH CENTRAL SUB Deed Book-2006 Deed Page-356 Parcel# - 0906233 01000 **TOTAL TAX & COST 14.19 ----------------------------------NELMS JIMMY D Receipt No. PPIN 12910 Sec-23 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-2000 Sale Sequence 555 LOT 39 SOUTH CENTRAL SUB Deed Book-2006 Deed Page-356 Parcel# - 0906233 01100 **TOTAL TAX & COST 14.19 ----------------------------------NELMS JIMMY D Receipt No. PPIN 12911 Sec-23 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-2000 Sale Sequence 556 LOT 38 SOUTH CENTRAL SUB Deed Book-2006 Deed Page-356 Parcel# - 0906233 01200 **TOTAL TAX & COST 14.19 ----------------------------------NELMS JIMMY D Receipt No. PPIN 12929 Sec-23 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-2000 Sale Sequence 557 LOT 5 SOUTH CENTRAL SUB Deed Book-2006 Deed Page-4201 Parcel# - 0906233 03000 **TOTAL TAX & COST 49.64 ----------------------------------NELMS JIMMY D Receipt No. PPIN 26470 Sec-23 Twnship-002 Rng-008 TD-2000 Sale Sequence 558 PT NE 1/4 OF SW 1/4 Deed Book-2006 Deed Page-356 Parcel# - 0906233 03601 Acres 5.50 **TOTAL TAX & COST 21.92 ----------------------------------NELMS JIMMY D ETUX AMY L Receipt No. PPIN 12893 Sec-23 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-2000 Sale Sequence 559 PT SW 1/4 SE 1/4 Deed Book-290 Deed Page-407 Parcel# - 090623 02700 Acres 18.01 **TOTAL TAX & COST 1867.18 ----------------------------------NELMS JIMY D Receipt No. PPIN 28642 Sec-22 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-2000 Sale Sequence 560 LOTS 3-4 SOUTH CENTRAL SUB BLOCK A Deed Book-2015 Deed Page-1848 Parcel# - 0905224 A 01402 **TOTAL TAX & COST 49.64 ----------------------------------NEWCOMB ELIZABETH Receipt No. PPIN 16060 Sec-28 Twnship-03 Rng-06 TD-3000 Sale Sequence 561 TRACT NW 1/4 SW 1/4 SE 1/4 Deed Book-2015 Deed Page-4129 Parcel# - 140828 02200 **TOTAL TAX & COST 257.12 ----------------------------------NEWSOM JAMES ET UX FRENCHSHELL Receipt No. PPIN 5584 Sec-01 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-5110 Sale Sequence 562 BLK 583 WALKER ADDN SUB BLOCK C Deed Book-208 Deed Page-345 Parcel# - 0801011 C 00500 **TOTAL TAX & COST 294.61 ----------------------------------NICHOLS JOE D Receipt No. PPIN 8958 Sec-18 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-4000 Sale Sequence 563 LOT N 1/2 SW 1/4 BLOCK A Deed Book-311 Deed Page-46 Parcel# - 080418 A 05700 **TOTAL TAX & COST 452.63 ----------------------------------NIX JO ANN Receipt No. PPIN 23674 Sec-23 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-2000 Sale Sequence 564 PT NE 1/4 Deed Book-316 Deed Page-27 Parcel# - 090623 00208 **TOTAL TAX & COST 298.96 ----------------------------------NORMAN JAMES G JR ETUX LEA ANN Receipt No. PPIN 12899 Sec-23 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-2000 Sale Sequence 565 SE 1/4 SE 1/4 Deed Book-306 Deed Page-220 Parcel# - 090623 03200 Acres 6.01 **TOTAL TAX & COST 304.51 ----------------------------------NORMAN JAMES GREGORY III-KEN JAMESReceipt No. PPIN 24351 Sec-19 Twnship-02 Rng-09 TD-2000 Sale Sequence 566 LOT IN NW 1/4 OF NW 1/4 Deed Book-2014 Deed Page-2144 Parcel# - 100419 01701 Acres 2.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 46.52 ----------------------------------NORTON LINDA RICKMAN & WILLIAM Receipt No. PPIN 37 1 Sec-18 Twnship-01 Rng-09 TD-1000 Sale Sequence 567 PT SE 1/4 SE 1/4 Deed Book-2015 Deed Page-0997 Parcel# - 010418 03300 Acres 2.02 **TOTAL TAX & COST 744.71 ----------------------------------NULL JEFFERY D ETUX KAREN L Receipt No. PPIN 25752 Sec-06 Twnship-002 Rng-005 TD-5000 Sale Sequence 568 PT W 1/2 OF SW 1/4 Deed Book-337 Deed Page-494 Parcel# - 060306 01302 Acres 6.96 **TOTAL TAX & COST 795.30 ----------------------------------NULL JEFFREY D & JASON T Receipt No. PPIN 4288 Sec-06 Twnship-02 Rng-05 TD-5000 Sale Sequence 569 W 1/2 SW 1/4 LESS TRACT Deed Book-277 Deed Page-291 Parcel# - 060306 01300 Acres 61.73 **TOTAL TAX & COST 213.57 ----------------------------------NULL NOLA WINETTE Receipt No. PPIN 14244 Sec-03 Twnship-03 Rng-08 TD-2000 Sale Sequence 570 TRACT E 1/2 W RD Deed Book-234 Deed Page-561 Parcel# - 120203 01000 Acres 2.83 **TOTAL TAX & COST 611.10

----------------------------------NULL SUMMER JOI CULVER Receipt No. PPIN 21943 1 Sec-32 Twnship-01 Rng-08 TD-1110 Sale Sequence 571 LOT 4 WYNBROOKE S/D PHASE I Deed Book-2015 Deed Page-2266 Parcel# - 0209321 01304 **TOTAL TAX & COST 362.86 ----------------------------------NUNLEY ASHLEY STEWART Receipt No. PPIN 24579 Sec-20 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-4000 Sale Sequence 572 LOT IN N 1/2 OF SE 1/4 Deed Book-2008 Deed Page-2240 Parcel# - 080420 00602 Acres 2.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 1099.04 ----------------------------------NUNLEY LOREN ETUX AMANDA Receipt No. PPIN 16738 Sec-01 Twnship-04 Rng-08 TD-2000 Sale Sequence 573 PT SE 1/4 SE 1/4 Deed Book-2005 Deed Page-6617 Parcel# - 190101 04100 Acres 1.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 367.07 ----------------------------------OSBORNE CAROL Receipt No. PPIN 14811 Sec-32 Twnship-03 Rng-08 TD-3000 Sale Sequence 574 TRACT NE 1/4 SE 1/4 14 CR-453 Deed Book-207 Deed Page-435 Parcel# - 120932 02700 Acres 3.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 330.36 ----------------------------------OWENS WILLIAM E ETUX ANGELA Receipt No. PPIN 26879 Sec-30 Twnship-001 Rng-008 TD-1110 Sale Sequence 575 PT NE 1/4 WEST OF BRIDGE CREEK Deed Book-2006 Deed Page-4877 Parcel# - 0209301 B 00202 Acres 1.40 **TOTAL TAX & COST 6.06 ----------------------------------OWENS WILLIAMS E ETUX ANGELA Receipt No. PPIN 1214 Sec-30 Twnship-01 Rng-08 TD-1110 Sale Sequence 576 S 1/2 NE 1/4 NW 1/4 & SE 1/4 NW 1/4 LESS LOTS NW COR BLOCK A Deed Book-2006 Deed Page-4877 Parcel# - 0209302 A 03000 Acres 32.43 **TOTAL TAX & COST 58.51 ----------------------------------OWINGS JESSICA A AND AUST AMANDA Receipt No. PPIN 2736 Sec-36 Twnship-01 Rng-07 TD-5110 Sale Sequence 577 LOT 239 (903 DOGWOOD COVE) CANDLER HEIGHTS ADDN 3 PB 4 PG 18 BLOCK H Deed Book-333 Deed Page-8 Parcel# - 0307361 H 00500 **TOTAL TAX & COST 426.01 ----------------------------------OXNER DONNA GAIL Receipt No. PPIN 14640 Sec-28 Twnship-03 Rng-08 TD-2000 Sale Sequence 578 W 1/2 NW 1/4; PT N 1/2 SW 1/4 W CREEK Deed Book-2009 Deed Page-4302 Parcel# - 120828 00900 Acres 4.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 270.84 ----------------------------------PACE WALLACE Receipt No. PPIN 7262 Sec-02 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-5110 Sale Sequence 579 LOT 1 PT 2-3 & 4 BLK F LASSITER ADDN SUB WALLACE PACE ONLY HEIR BLOCK C Deed Book-285 Deed Page-4 Parcel# - 0801022 C 02000 **TOTAL TAX & COST 113.73 ----------------------------------PAGE LORI S Receipt No. PPIN 6132 Sec-01 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-5110 Sale Sequence 580 LOT W/S JACKSON ST BLK 538 WALKER ADDN SUB BLOCK H Deed Book-2014 Deed Page-0934 Parcel# - 0801012 H 04000 **TOTAL TAX & COST 234.24 ----------------------------------PALMER TONY W ESTATE Receipt No. PPIN 24968 Sec-25 Twnship-003 Rng-007 TD-3000 Sale Sequence 581 PT SE 1/4 OF SE 1/4 Deed Book-333 Deed Page-56 Parcel# - 130725 00602 Acres 8.80 **TOTAL TAX & COST 24.04 ----------------------------------PANNELL RYAN H & ALIVYA D Receipt No. PPIN 27332 Sec-26 Twnship-02 Rng-06 TD-4000 Sale Sequence 582 PT NE 1/4 & NW 1/4 Deed Book-2014 Deed Page-2014 Parcel# - 070726 00429 Acres 1.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 303.82 ----------------------------------PARENTI LINDA Receipt No. PPIN 12457 Sec-21 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-2000 Sale Sequence 583 PT SE 1/4 NW 1/4 Deed Book-2005 Deed Page-7857 Parcel# - 090521 00101 **TOTAL TAX & COST 315.85 ----------------------------------PARKER BRYAN SHANE Receipt No. PPIN 435 Sec-21 Twnship-01 Rng-08 TD-1000 Sale Sequence 584 LOT SW 1/4 SW 1/4 Deed Book-323 Deed Page-297 Parcel# - 0205213 00900 **TOTAL TAX & COST 307.17 ----------------------------------PARKER DEWAYNE Receipt No. PPIN 8691 Sec-09 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-4110 Sale Sequence 585 PT LOT 10 BLK B MATHIS SUB BLOCK D Deed Book-2014 Deed Page-1690 Parcel# - 0802091 D 02200 **TOTAL TAX & COST 111.12 ----------------------------------PARKER DEWAYNE L SR Receipt No. PPIN 4042 Sec-01 Twnship-02 Rng-05 TD-5000

Sale Sequence 586 SE 1/4 NE 1/4 & PT S 1/2 NE 1/4 NE 1/4 DEED DATED 4/88 IS WRONG DESCP DOES NOT REFLCT 35 A ON NORTH END Deed Book-259 Deed Page-59 Parcel# - 060101 00300 Acres 45.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 713.14 ----------------------------------PARKER DURAN ETUX GENEVA Receipt No. PPIN 22938 Sec-03 Twnship-03 Rng-08 TD-2000 Sale Sequence 587 PT NE 1/4 Deed Book-305 Deed Page-524 Parcel# - 120203 00102 Acres 13.48 **TOTAL TAX & COST 591.26 ----------------------------------PARNELL SHIRLEY T Receipt No. PPIN 5805 Sec-01 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-5110 Sale Sequence 588 BLK 528 WALKERS ADDN SUB BLOCK K Deed Book-218 Deed Page-384 Parcel# - 0801011 K 00400 **TOTAL TAX & COST 271.68 ----------------------------------PATTERSON ADDIE LOU & MARY L CLARK Receipt No. PPIN 11228 Sec-06 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-5110 Sale Sequence 589 LOT 15 BLK B WOODLAND HEIGHTS SUBD BLOCK C Deed Book-2009 Deed Page-5218 Parcel# - 0903062 C 02200 **TOTAL TAX & COST 340.88 ----------------------------------PATTERSON HENRY LEE ETUX MANDY EST Receipt No. PPIN 13637 Sec-31 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-4000 Sale Sequence 590 PT SW 1/4 NW 1/4 Deed Book-149 Deed Page-265 Parcel# - 090931 03100 **TOTAL TAX & COST 247.34 ----------------------------------PATTERSON SKYLAR L *LE* Receipt No. PPIN 15028 Sec-09 Twnship-03 Rng-07 TD-3000 Sale Sequence 591 LOT NW 1/4 NW 1/4 S RD Deed Book-2012 Deed Page-6872 Parcel# - 130209 04100 **TOTAL TAX & COST 253.40 ----------------------------------PATTON EDDIE W Receipt No. PPIN 8151 Sec-12 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-4110 Sale Sequence 592 PT BLK 428 MITCHELL & MASK SURVEY BLOCK F Deed Book-326 Deed Page-371 Parcel# - 0801122 F 00900 **TOTAL TAX & COST 4.80 ----------------------------------PATTON EDDIE W Receipt No. PPIN 9697 Sec-36 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-4000 Sale Sequence 593 LOT SE 1/4 NE 1/4 Deed Book-326 Deed Page-371 Parcel# - 080736 01500 **TOTAL TAX & COST 21.65 ----------------------------------PATTON EDDIE WAYNE & ALONZO JEFF Receipt No. PPIN 9710 Sec-36 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-4000 Sale Sequence 594 LOT NE 1/4 SE 1/4 Deed Book-2012 Deed Page-1284 Parcel# - 080736 02700 **TOTAL TAX & COST 368.12 ----------------------------------PEDEN VIOLA Receipt No. PPIN 6081 Sec-01 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-5110 Sale Sequence 595 LOT W/S WASHINGTON ST BLK 552 WALKER ADDN SUB BLOCK G Deed Book-124 Deed Page-294 Parcel# - 0801012 G 03300 **TOTAL TAX & COST 25.45 ----------------------------------PETERS LEROY ETUX NELDA ESTATE Receipt No. PPIN 13844 Sec-31 Twnship-02 Rng-09 TD-2000 Sale Sequence 596 TRACT W SIDE SE 1/4 N RR & PT SW 1/4 NE 1/4 S RD Deed Book-300 Deed Page-363 Parcel# - 100931 02400 Acres 23.35 **TOTAL TAX & COST 280.48 ----------------------------------PETERS TYLER Receipt No. PPIN 9783 Sec-33 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-4000 Sale Sequence 597 LOT N 1/2 NE 1/4 NW 1/4 Deed Book-2011 Deed Page-3603 Parcel# - 080833 01200 **TOTAL TAX & COST 4.87 ----------------------------------PHILLIPS CLAUDETTE & CLYDENE Receipt No. PPIN 7583 Sec-11 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-4110 Sale Sequence 598 PT LOTS 3 & 4 BLK A MATHEW SUB BLOCK C Deed Book-221 Deed Page-422 Parcel# - 0801114 C 02500 **TOTAL TAX & COST 73.52 ----------------------------------PHILLIPS WILLIAM M JR Receipt No. PPIN 1661 Sec-31 Twnship-01 Rng-08 TD-1110 Sale Sequence 599 PT SW 1/4 SE 1/4 KENDERICK/PINECREST TULL LOT BLOCK B Deed Book-2012 Deed Page-6468 Parcel# - 0209314 B 01000 **TOTAL TAX & COST 137.70 ----------------------------------PHILLIPS WILLIAM M JR Receipt No. PPIN 1665 Sec-31 Twnship-01 Rng-08 TD-1110 Sale Sequence 600 LOT SW 1/4 SE 1/4 PINECREST LOT BLOCK B Deed Book-2012 Deed Page-6468 Parcel# - 0209314 B 01300 **TOTAL TAX & COST 56.89 ----------------------------------PHILLIPS WILLIAM M JR Receipt No. PPIN 26668 Sec-02 Twnship-002 Rng-006 TD-5000 Sale Sequence 601 PT W 1/2 SW 1/4 Deed Book-2007 Deed Page-1811 Parcel# - 070102 00901

Acres 60.61 **TOTAL TAX & COST 1804.30 ----------------------------------PITTMAN BRANDON Receipt No. PPIN 3531 Sec-19 Twnship-01 Rng-06 TD-5000 Sale Sequence 602 PT NE 1/4 SW 1/4 Deed Book-2012 Deed Page-6695 Parcel# - 040419 00603 **TOTAL TAX & COST 157.44 ----------------------------------PITTMAN BRENDA SUE BURROW Receipt No. PPIN 26672 Sec-15 Twnship-001 Rng-005 TD-5000 Sale Sequence 603 PT SE 1/4 Deed Book-2007 Deed Page-6891 Parcel# - 050515 00201 Acres 22.07 **TOTAL TAX & COST 92.52 ----------------------------------PITTMAN RICKEY LEE Receipt No. PPIN 3824 Sec-13 Twnship-01 Rng-05 TD-5000 Sale Sequence 604 PT FRACTIONAL SE 1/4 SEC 13 Deed Book-274 Deed Page-330 Parcel# - 050613 00100 Acres 41.50 **TOTAL TAX & COST 93.55 ----------------------------------PITTMAN RICKY LEE ET UX BRENDA B Receipt No. PPIN 3529 Sec-19 Twnship-01 Rng-06 TD-5000 Sale Sequence 605 PT NW 1/4 OF SW 1/4 Deed Book-215 Deed Page-113 Parcel# - 040419 00601 Acres 6.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 219.96 ----------------------------------PITTMAN TYLER & ASHLEY Receipt No. PPIN 11098 Sec-06 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 606 LOT 38 TOWN & COUNTRY SUBD ADD 1 *GARDEN LANE* PB 3 PG 42 BLOCK G Deed Book-2009 Deed Page-1412 Parcel# - 0903061 G 00200 **TOTAL TAX & COST 385.55 ----------------------------------PITTMAN WENDY Receipt No. PPIN 11796 Sec-08 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-2110 Sale Sequence 607 PT NE 1/4 NE 1/4 BLOCK A Deed Book-239 Deed Page-127 Parcel# - 0903081 A 00200 Acres 4.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 134.81 ----------------------------------PITTMAN WENDY K Receipt No. PPIN 3401 Sec-29 Twnship-01 Rng-07 TD-1000 Sale Sequence 608 LOT NE 1/4 NW 1/4 E RD Deed Book-317 Deed Page-106 Parcel# - 030929 01800 **TOTAL TAX & COST 106.33 ----------------------------------PLAVKA JACLYN & FRANK Receipt No. PPIN 28016 Sec-17 Twnship-03 Rng-08 TD-3000 Sale Sequence 609 N 1/2 SW 1/4 LESS TRACT & PT SE 1/4 SW 1/4 Deed Book-2012 Deed Page-6809 Parcel# - 120417 01101 Acres 2.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 454.80 ----------------------------------PLAXCO REBECCA JUNE Receipt No. PPIN 6004 Sec-01 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-5110 Sale Sequence 610 LOT E/S JACKSON ST BLK 539 WALKER ADDN SUB BLOCK E Deed Book-333 Deed Page-514 Parcel# - 0801012 E 02200 **TOTAL TAX & COST 287.06 ----------------------------------PLAXCO ROY E (LE) & REBECCA JUNE Receipt No. PPIN 2804 Sec-36 Twnship-01 Rng-07 TD-1110 Sale Sequence 611 LOT 1 THRU 10 & 43 THRU 51 BELL BROS & ORTON’S SURVEY *AUSTINS SURVEY* PB 2 Deed Book-2010 Deed Page-5675 Parcel# - 0307362 01500 Acres 5.24 **TOTAL TAX & COST 11.86 ----------------------------------POINDEXTER TIMOTHY E Receipt No. PPIN 28105 Sec-20 Twnship-01 Rng-09 TD-1000 Sale Sequence 612 PT SW 1/4 Deed Book-2013 Deed Page-1231 Parcel# - 010420 00501 Acres 73.79 **TOTAL TAX & COST 319.32 ----------------------------------PORTER JERRY Receipt No. PPIN 7963 Sec-12 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 613 LOTS 1 & 2 BLK 666 ANDERSON ADDN SUB BLOCK I Deed Book-312 Deed Page-708 Parcel# - 0801121 I 00700 **TOTAL TAX & COST 265.70 ----------------------------------POTTS SHON Receipt No. PPIN 1340 Sec-31 Twnship-01 Rng-08 TD-1110 Sale Sequence 614 LOT 34 PARKWAY VILLAGE SUB BLOCK A Deed Book-325 Deed Page-374 Parcel# - 0209312 A 02900 **TOTAL TAX & COST 10.18 ----------------------------------PRESLEY MARGARET J Receipt No. PPIN 16476 Sec-02 Twnship-04 Rng-07 TD-3300 Sale Sequence 615 PT BLK 8 BUTLER & WILLIAMS SURVEY SUB PB 2 PG 38 BLOCK F Deed Book-2009 Deed Page-2673 Parcel# - 1801021 F 00500 **TOTAL TAX & COST 635.86 ----------------------------------PRESLEY MELODIE CARR IRREV TRUST Receipt No. PPIN 27979 Sec-15 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-4110 Sale Sequence 616 PT NE 1/4 E OLD HWY 45 Deed Book-2012 Deed Page-1022 Parcel# - 0805151 01401 Acres 9.31

The Daily Corinthian • Saturday, August 19, 2017 • 9C **TOTAL TAX & COST 54.84 ----------------------------------PRICE ERIC Receipt No. PPIN 8907 Sec-18 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-4000 Sale Sequence 617 PT E 1/2 NE 1/4 BLOCK A Deed Book-2011 Deed Page-4805 Parcel# - 080418 A 00700 Acres 5.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 26.87 ----------------------------------PRICE ERIC Receipt No. PPIN 18014 Sec-22 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-2000 Sale Sequence 618 LOT ON LAKEWOOD DR LAKEWOOD 43 LOT N OF T WILLIAMS & JOINS WRENS Deed Book-0337 Deed Page-210 Parcel# - 0905223 00209 **TOTAL TAX & COST 589.28 ----------------------------------PRICE ERIC Receipt No. PPIN 18017 Sec-22 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-2000 Sale Sequence 619 LAKEWOOD 43 LOT ON LAKEWOOD DR Deed Book-0337 Deed Page-210 Parcel# - 0905223 00210 **TOTAL TAX & COST 589.28 ----------------------------------PRICE ERIC Receipt No. PPIN 25448 Sec- Twnship- Rng- TD-4000 Sale Sequence 620 PT E 1/2 NE 1/4 Deed Book-335 Deed Page-83 Parcel# - 080418 A 00703 Acres 6.01 **TOTAL TAX & COST 1642.36 ----------------------------------PRICE ERIC Receipt No. PPIN 26982 Sec-18 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-4000 Sale Sequence 621 PT NE 1/4 EAST OF AIRPORT BLOCK A Deed Book-2012 Deed Page-0583 Parcel# - 080418 A 01604 Acres 1.11 **TOTAL TAX & COST 86.93 ----------------------------------PRICE PHILLIP ERIC & SARAH BETH Receipt No. PPIN 8905 Sec-18 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-4000 Sale Sequence 622 LOT E 1/2 NE 1/4 JAY BAKER BLOCK A Deed Book-2009 Deed Page-3027 Parcel# - 080418 A 00500 **TOTAL TAX & COST 828.65 ----------------------------------RAGIN JOHN & MARY Receipt No. PPIN 18882 Sec-02 Twnship-04 Rng-07 TD-3300 Sale Sequence 623 LOT NE 1/4 SW 1/4 Deed Book-295 Deed Page-295 Parcel# - 1801023 00101 **TOTAL TAX & COST 572.49 ----------------------------------RAINES LESLEY & LINDA Receipt No. PPIN 16434 Sec-02 Twnship-04 Rng-07 TD-3300 Sale Sequence 624 BLK PT 14 BUTLER & WILLIAMS SURVEY SUB BLOCK D Deed Book-2015 Deed Page-4186 Parcel# - 1801021 D 00100 Acres 1.70 **TOTAL TAX & COST 976.84 ----------------------------------RAINES LINDA Receipt No. PPIN 22933 Sec-30 Twnship-03 Rng-09 TD-2000 Sale Sequence 625 PT W 1/2 OF SW 1/4 Deed Book-2008 Deed Page-1505 Parcel# - 110930 01102 Acres 1.40 **TOTAL TAX & COST 40.31 ----------------------------------RAINES LINDA M *LE* Receipt No. PPIN 22931 Sec-30 Twnship-03 Rng-09 TD-2000 Sale Sequence 626 PT W 1/2 OF SW 1/4 Deed Book-306 Deed Page-687 Parcel# - 110930 01101 Acres 1.67 **TOTAL TAX & COST 255.55 ----------------------------------RASBERRY JO ANN Receipt No. PPIN 2943 Sec-36 Twnship-01 Rng-07 TD-5110 Sale Sequence 627 LOT 37 CANDLER PARK ADDN SUBD BLOCK B Deed Book-WB18 Deed Page-108 Parcel# - 0307364 B 01600 **TOTAL TAX & COST 80.40 ----------------------------------RAY SHARON SUE Receipt No. PPIN 27231 Sec-16 Twnship-02 Rng-05 TD-5000 Sale Sequence 628 TRACT NW 1/4 SE 1/4 Deed Book-2010 Deed Page-1652 Parcel# - 060516 00501 Acres 2.29 **TOTAL TAX & COST 138.31 ----------------------------------RENCHER JERRY WAYNE Receipt No. PPIN 16663 Sec-05 Twnship-04 Rng-07 TD-3000 Sale Sequence 629 PT E 1/2 SE 1/4 Deed Book-2014 Deed Page-6215 Parcel# - 180305 01400 Acres 16.50 **TOTAL TAX & COST 674.14 ----------------------------------RENCHER LARRY W ETUX MYRA D Receipt No. PPIN 22177 Sec-02 Twnship-02 Rng-06 TD-5000 Sale Sequence 630 PT SE 1/4 OF SW 1/4 Deed Book-324 Deed Page-101 Parcel# - 070102 01707 Acres 2.24 **TOTAL TAX & COST 52.29 ----------------------------------RENCHER MYRA D Receipt No. PPIN 18612 Sec-02 Twnship-02 Rng-06 TD-5000 Sale Sequence 631 PT SE 1/4 SW 1/4 N OF RD M H 040700-1150 Deed Book-274 Deed Page-456 Parcel# - 070102 01701 Acres 1.37 **TOTAL TAX & COST 71.52 ----------------------------------RHODES THOMAS *LE* Receipt No. PPIN 17371

Sec-33 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-2000 Sale Sequence 632 YESS 1/2 S 1/2 Deed Book-2014 Deed Page-3823 Parcel# - 090833 01001 **TOTAL TAX & COST 154.08 ----------------------------------RICE ANDREA Receipt No. PPIN 1473 Sec-31 Twnship-01 Rng-08 TD-5110 Sale Sequence 633 N 1/2 LOT 34 PB 3 PG 17 MAGNOLIA DRIVE SUB BLOCK A Deed Book-2014 Deed Page-5600 Parcel# - 0209313 A 05600 **TOTAL TAX & COST 7.49 ----------------------------------RICE ANDREA Receipt No. PPIN 1474 Sec-31 Twnship-01 Rng-08 TD-5110 Sale Sequence 634 N 1/2 LOT 32 PB 3 PG 17 MAGNOLIA DRIVE SUB BLOCK A Deed Book-2014 Deed Page-5600 Parcel# - 0209313 A 05700 **TOTAL TAX & COST 7.49 ----------------------------------RICE ANDREA Receipt No. PPIN 1475 Sec-31 Twnship-01 Rng-08 TD-5110 Sale Sequence 635 LOT 28 PB 3 PG 17 MAGNOLIA DRIVE SUB BLOCK A Deed Book-2014 Deed Page-5600 Parcel# - 0209313 A 05800 **TOTAL TAX & COST 459.18 ----------------------------------RICE ANDREA Receipt No. PPIN 5594 Sec-01 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-5110 Sale Sequence 636 BLK 583 WALKER ADDN SUB BLOCK C Deed Book-2014 Deed Page-1815 Parcel# - 0801011 C 01500 **TOTAL TAX & COST 356.93 ----------------------------------RICE ANDREA LYNN Receipt No. PPIN 7732 Sec-44 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 637 LOT 7 BLK 612 (ROBERT G LEECH) ANDERSON ADDN SUB BLOCK D Deed Book-2012 Deed Page-5793 Parcel# - 0801121 D 03200 **TOTAL TAX & COST 142.01 ----------------------------------RICHARDSON LOYD Receipt No. PPIN 3155 Sec-27 Twnship-01 Rng-07 TD-1010 Sale Sequence 638 PT NW 1/4 SW 1/4 Deed Book-114 Deed Page-193 Parcel# - 0308273 01100 **TOTAL TAX & COST 142.86 ----------------------------------RICKMAN BRIAN D & DEMETRA J Receipt No. PPIN 15165 Sec-08 Twnship-03 Rng-07 TD-3000 Sale Sequence 639 PT N 1/2 N 1/2 E RD Deed Book-2014 Deed Page-5803 Parcel# - 130308 00700 Acres 7.42 **TOTAL TAX & COST 1015.48 ----------------------------------RICKMAN ILENE Receipt No. PPIN 81 Sec-20 Twnship-01 Rng-09 TD-1000 Sale Sequence 640 LOT SE 1/4 SW 1/4 Deed Book-2006 Deed Page-7092 Parcel# - 010420 01000 **TOTAL TAX & COST 70.52 ----------------------------------ROACH TIMOTHY J (LE) Receipt No. PPIN 20836 Sec-19 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-2000 Sale Sequence 641 PT NE 1/4 NW 1/4 Deed Book-335 Deed Page-75 Parcel# - 0904192 02102 **TOTAL TAX & COST 125.99 ----------------------------------ROBERSON BILLY JOE Receipt No. PPIN 5763 Sec-01 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-5110 Sale Sequence 642 BLK 573 WALKER ADDN SUB BLOCK I Deed Book-2014 Deed Page-1463 Parcel# - 0801011 I 00100 **TOTAL TAX & COST 114.17 ----------------------------------ROBERSON CHELSEA Receipt No. PPIN 23060 Sec-29 Twnship-03 Rng-07 TD-3000 Sale Sequence 643 PT SW 1/4 OF NW 1/4 Deed Book-2015 Deed Page-3563 Parcel# - 130929 01504 **TOTAL TAX & COST 185.29 ----------------------------------ROBERSON JOHN TODD (2/3) & TIMOTHY Receipt No. PPIN 5662 Sec-01 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-5110 Sale Sequence 644 LOT S/S MAIN ST BLK 569 WALKER ADDN SUB BLOCK E Deed Book-2014 Deed Page-1464 Parcel# - 0801011 E 03700 **TOTAL TAX & COST 315.99 ----------------------------------ROBINSON KATRINA Receipt No. PPIN 17851 Sec-08 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-2110 Sale Sequence 645 BLOCK A Deed Book-2009 Deed Page-2407 Parcel# - 0903081 A 00801 **TOTAL TAX & COST 118.10 ----------------------------------ROBY HAROLD & KWAME LATREZ ROBY Receipt No. PPIN 7939 Sec-12 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 646 LOT 16 BLK 658 ANDERSON ADDN SUB VACANT LOT ON SCALES ST BETWEEN WHITE & HORTON BLOCK H Deed Book-313 Deed Page-200 Parcel# - 0801121 H 06200 **TOTAL TAX & COST 31.55 ----------------------------------RODGERS NATHANIEL Receipt No. PPIN 11449 Sec-06 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-5110 Sale Sequence 647 LOT 9 BLK B OAKVIEW SUBD PB 2 PG 49 BLOCK D

Deed Book-2006 Deed Page-7069 Parcel# - 0903063 D 02600 **TOTAL TAX & COST 25.45 ----------------------------------ROGERS TERRY LEN Receipt No. PPIN 17910 Sec-19 Twnship-02 Rng-05 TD-5000 Sale Sequence 648 PT SW 1/4 OF SE 1/4 Deed Book-2013 Deed Page-0685 Parcel# - 060419 00803 Acres 1.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 368.07 ----------------------------------RORIE KAYLA Receipt No. PPIN 28017 Sec-18 Twnship-03 Rng-08 TD-3000 Sale Sequence 649 NE 1/4 SW 1/4 & NW 1/4 SE 1/4 LESS TRACT & S 1/2 SW 1/4 NE 1/4 Deed Book-2012 Deed Page-3748 Parcel# - 120418 00902 Acres 4.60 **TOTAL TAX & COST 43.87 ----------------------------------RORIE LONNIE WADE Receipt No. PPIN 14394 Sec-17 Twnship-03 Rng-08 TD-3000 Sale Sequence 650 TRACT SW COR NW 1/4 SW 1/4 Deed Book-2013 Deed Page-4773 Parcel# - 120417 01000 **TOTAL TAX & COST 161.39 ----------------------------------RORIE LONNIE WADE Receipt No. PPIN 28237 Sec-17 Twnship-03 Rng-08 TD-3000 Sale Sequence 651 N 1/2 SW 1/4 LESS TRACT & PT SE 1/4 SW 1/4 Deed Book-2013 Deed Page-4773 Parcel# - 120417 01104 Acres 29.77 **TOTAL TAX & COST 112.55 ----------------------------------ROSE FAYE BURCHAM ESTATE Receipt No. PPIN 24727 Sec-14 Twnship-03 Rng-08 TD-2000 Sale Sequence 652 PT NE 1/4 OF 14-3-8 Deed Book-2009 Deed Page-2898 Parcel# - 120614 00701 Acres 1.75 **TOTAL TAX & COST 21.65 ----------------------------------ROSS F SCOTT Receipt No. PPIN 16871 Sec-05 Twnship-04 Rng-09 TD-2000 Sale Sequence 653 PT NW COR SE 1/4 Deed Book-121 Deed Page-181 Parcel# - 200305 00500 Acres 1.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 6.45 ----------------------------------ROSS M C Receipt No. PPIN 16870 Sec-05 Twnship-04 Rng-09 TD-2000 Sale Sequence 654 SW 1/4 Deed Book-121 Deed Page-181 Parcel# - 200305 00400 Acres 160.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 458.04 ----------------------------------RUTHERFORD MATTIE Receipt No. PPIN 6763 Sec-01 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-4110 Sale Sequence 655 PT BLK 25 GRAHAM’S ADDN SUB BLOCK F Deed Book-2005 Deed Page-10197 Parcel# - 0801014 F 04700 **TOTAL TAX & COST 19.17 ----------------------------------SAENZ ROSENDO Receipt No. PPIN 420 Sec-21 Twnship-01 Rng-08 TD-1000 Sale Sequence 656 LOT NE 1/4 NW 1/4 BRIARWOOD WEST Deed Book-306 Deed Page-511 Parcel# - 0205212 03200 **TOTAL TAX & COST 302.82 ----------------------------------SAENZ ROSS A & MARTHA S Receipt No. PPIN 421 Sec-21 Twnship-01 Rng-08 TD-1000 Sale Sequence 657 LOT NE 1/4 NW 1/4 BRIARWOOD WEST Deed Book-2008 Deed Page-2688 Parcel# - 0205212 03300 **TOTAL TAX & COST 740.74 ----------------------------------SAGELY ROGER D (1/2) & LORA F Receipt No. PPIN 61 Sec-19 Twnship-01 Rng-09 TD-1000 Sale Sequence 658 PT SE 1/4 NW 1/4 Deed Book-2010 Deed Page-1832 Parcel# - 010419 01600 Acres 7.20 **TOTAL TAX & COST 439.65 ----------------------------------SANDERS FRANCES Receipt No. PPIN 5692 Sec-01 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-5110 Sale Sequence 659 BLK 575 WALKERS ADDN BLOCK F Deed Book-2008 Deed Page-3672 Parcel# - 0801011 F 02500 **TOTAL TAX & COST 196.01 ----------------------------------SANDERS FRANCES D Receipt No. PPIN 6941 Sec-01 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 660 PT BLK 10 BELL, YOUNG & MCCORD SURVEY BLOCK K Deed Book-280 Deed Page-371 Parcel# - 0801014 K 00500 **TOTAL TAX & COST 16.47 ----------------------------------SANDERS RONALD R ETUX TAMMY A Receipt No. PPIN 20015 Sec-23 Twnship-01 Rng-08 TD-1000 Sale Sequence 661 LOT 10 PB 4 PG 31 BROOKLYN HILLS S/D Deed Book-320 Deed Page-59 Parcel# - 0206232 01400 **TOTAL TAX & COST 30.98 ----------------------------------SANDERS RYAN ETUX STACEY Receipt No. PPIN 22240 Sec-20 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-3000 Sale Sequence 662 PT NW 1/4 OF NW 1/4 Deed Book-2006 Deed Page-1226 Parcel# - 0904202 B 01307 **TOTAL TAX & COST 255.14 ----------------------------------SAVAGE JOHNNY RAY Receipt No. PPIN 15491 Sec-29 Twnship-03 Rng-07 TD-3000 Sale Sequence 663 TRACT SW 1/4 SE 1/4

Deed Book-177 Deed Page-558 Parcel# - 130929 01600 Acres 7.50 **TOTAL TAX & COST 30.83 ----------------------------------SAVAGE JOHNNY RAY Receipt No. PPIN 15524 Sec-32 Twnship-03 Rng-07 TD-3000 Sale Sequence 664 PT W 1/2 NE 1/4 Deed Book-177 Deed Page-558 Parcel# - 130932 00300 Acres 60.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 246.80 ----------------------------------SCALES MELISSA Receipt No. PPIN 1945 Sec-21 Twnship-01 Rng-07 TD-1000 Sale Sequence 665 LOT SW 1/4 NE 1/4 S RD DAVID L WILLIS IS SON OF GLENDA Deed Book-2013 Deed Page-6123 Parcel# - 030521 00900 **TOTAL TAX & COST 30.98 ----------------------------------SCALES STANLEY EUGENE Receipt No. PPIN 1953 Sec-21 Twnship-01 Rng-07 TD-1000 Sale Sequence 666 TRACT NE 1/4 NW 1/4 Deed Book-2010 Deed Page-5613 Parcel# - 030521 01700 Acres 1.70 **TOTAL TAX & COST 381.00 ----------------------------------SCALES STANLEY EUGENE Receipt No. PPIN 27513 Sec-21 Twnship-01 Rng-07 TD-1000 Sale Sequence 667 TRACT NE 1/4 NW 1/4 Deed Book-2010 Deed Page-5911 Parcel# - 030521 01701 Acres 1.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 40.31 ----------------------------------SCARBROUGH ROBERT ARCHIE & AMANDA L Receipt No. PPIN 11616 Sec-07 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-2110 Sale Sequence 668 LOTS 6 & 7 EASTLAWN PB 2 PG 12 BLOCK A Deed Book-2013 Deed Page-5738 Parcel# - 0903071 A 00600 **TOTAL TAX & COST 789.59 ----------------------------------SEAGO JANET LYNN *LE* Receipt No. PPIN 5442 Sec-34 Twnship-02 Rng-06 TD-4000 Sale Sequence 669 LOT NW 1/4 NE 1/4 OUTSIDE CITY LIMITS Deed Book-2014 Deed Page-0250 Parcel# - 0708341 00600 **TOTAL TAX & COST 367.38 ----------------------------------SEAWRIGHT GINGER A Receipt No. PPIN 24685 Sec-35 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-2400 Sale Sequence 670 LOT IN W 1/2 OF NW 1/4 OF SW 1/4 Deed Book-2012 Deed Page-2550 Parcel# - 090735 00217 Acres .64 **TOTAL TAX & COST 49.64 ----------------------------------SEILER WILLIAM A JR ETAL Receipt No. PPIN 5519 Sec-01 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-5110 Sale Sequence 671 LOT 4 & PT LOTS 1-2-3 BLK 577 WALKER ADDN SUB BLOCK A Deed Book-227 Deed Page-196 Parcel# - 0801011 A 03000 Acres 1.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 202.72 ----------------------------------SEILER WILLIAM A JR-LINDA S EDWARDS Receipt No. PPIN 3024 Sec-36 Twnship-01 Rng-07 TD-5110 Sale Sequence 672 LOT 19 & PT LOT 20 BORROUM S/D PB 2 PG 60 DONALD SEILER FILES H/S ON THIS BLOCK G Deed Book-307 Deed Page-733 Parcel# - 0307364 G 01400 **TOTAL TAX & COST 393.33 ----------------------------------SELLERS GARY Receipt No. PPIN 12000 Sec-17 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 673 LOT 37 LAKE HEIGHTS SUB PB 3 PG 54 BLOCK B Deed Book-307 Deed Page-647 Parcel# - 0904173 B 02800 **TOTAL TAX & COST 16.47 ----------------------------------SELLERS GERALD Receipt No. PPIN 6352 Sec-01 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 674 LOT 3 ADAMS ADDN SUB BLOCK C Deed Book-2008 Deed Page-5890 Parcel# - 0801013 C 03400 **TOTAL TAX & COST 25.45 ----------------------------------SELLERS GERALD Receipt No. PPIN 7982 Sec-12 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 675 LOT 4 S 1/2 BLK 673 ANDERSON ADDN SUB BLOCK I Deed Book-2008 Deed Page-5887 Parcel# - 0801121 I 02600 **TOTAL TAX & COST 13.77 ----------------------------------SELLERS LINDA L Receipt No. PPIN 13378 Sec-33 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-2000 Sale Sequence 676 Deed Book-207 Deed Page-36 Parcel# - 090833 02200 Acres 6.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 136.52 ----------------------------------SELMON VIRGINIA Receipt No. PPIN 17019 Sec-12 Twnship-002 Rng-007 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 677 LOT 16 17 BLK 651 ANDERSON ADDN SUB BLOCK F Deed Book-306 Deed Page-63 Parcel# - 0801121 F 03700 **TOTAL TAX & COST 180.45 ----------------------------------SETTLEMIRES BRENDA GERALD Receipt No. PPIN 7061 Sec-02 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-5110 Sale Sequence 678 LOT SE 1/4 BLK 22 SAM SHARP SUB BLOCK C Deed Book-2009 Deed Page-1459

Parcel# - 0801021 C 00400 **TOTAL TAX & COST 45.33 ----------------------------------SETTLEMIRES WELDON Receipt No. PPIN 4142 Sec-03 Twnship-02 Rng-05 TD-5000 Sale Sequence 679 SW 1/4 SW 1/4 LYING S & W HWY 72 Deed Book-114 Deed Page-194 Parcel# - 060203 02300 Acres 10.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 386.78 ----------------------------------SHADBURN KELLIE W Receipt No. PPIN 16564 Sec-02 Twnship-04 Rng-07 TD-3300 Sale Sequence 680 PT E 1/2 SE 1/4 E RR Deed Book-323 Deed Page-177 Parcel# - 1801024 00400 Acres 3.40 **TOTAL TAX & COST 410.34 ----------------------------------SHARP ROBERT TRENT Receipt No. PPIN 4650 Sec-02 Twnship-02 Rng-06 TD-5000 Sale Sequence 681 TRACT NW COR NW 1/4 Deed Book-2005 Deed Page-9009 Parcel# - 070102 00500 Acres 15.50 **TOTAL TAX & COST 74.68 ----------------------------------SHARP ROBERT TRENT Receipt No. PPIN 4651 Sec-02 Twnship-02 Rng-06 TD-5000 Sale Sequence 682 TRACT NW 1/4 W CREEK Deed Book-318 Deed Page-306 Parcel# - 070102 00600 Acres 4.60 **TOTAL TAX & COST 25.01 ----------------------------------SHARP ROBERT TRENT Receipt No. PPIN 4657 Sec-02 Twnship-02 Rng-06 TD-5000 Sale Sequence 683 LOT SW COR SE 1/4 SW 1/4 Deed Book-2005 Deed Page-5511 Parcel# - 070102 01200 **TOTAL TAX & COST 194.99 ----------------------------------SHARP ROBERT TRENT Receipt No. PPIN 4658 Sec-02 Twnship-02 Rng-06 TD-5000 Sale Sequence 684 TRACT SE 1/4 SW 1/4 S HWY 72 Deed Book-2005 Deed Page-5512 Parcel# - 070102 01300 Acres .48 **TOTAL TAX & COST 4.11 ----------------------------------SHARP ROGER Receipt No. PPIN 4704 Sec-03 Twnship-02 Rng-06 TD-5000 Sale Sequence 685 TRACT N 1/2 NE 1/4 Deed Book-2015 Deed Page-5373 Parcel# - 070203 00100 Acres 18.50 **TOTAL TAX & COST 183.29 ----------------------------------SHARP ROGER Receipt No. PPIN 4706 Sec-03 Twnship-02 Rng-06 TD-5000 Sale Sequence 686 TRACT E 1/2 E 1/2 E CREEK Deed Book-2015 Deed Page-5372 Parcel# - 070203 00300 Acres 2.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 12.57 ----------------------------------SHELBY WILL ET UX MARY Receipt No. PPIN 8001 Sec-12 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 687 LOT 7 BLK 673 ANDERSON ADDN SUB 1316 DICKEY ST BLOCK I Deed Book-135 Deed Page-172 Parcel# - 0801121 I 04500 **TOTAL TAX & COST 20.97 ----------------------------------SHELLEY THOMAS & DORIS Receipt No. PPIN 15025 Sec-09 Twnship-03 Rng-07 TD-3000 Sale Sequence 688 PT NW 1/4 NW 1/4 Deed Book-2015 Deed Page-5579 Parcel# - 130209 03800 Acres 1.50 **TOTAL TAX & COST 676.48 ----------------------------------SHELTON LINDA Receipt No. PPIN 5694 Sec-01 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-5110 Sale Sequence 689 BLK 575 WALKERS ADDN SUB BLOCK F Deed Book-228 Deed Page-187 Parcel# - 0801011 F 02700 **TOTAL TAX & COST 145.21 ----------------------------------SHIPMAN JAMES Receipt No. PPIN 6759 Sec-01 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-4110 Sale Sequence 690 PT BLK 20 GRAHAM’S ADDN SUB DL ANDREWS FOOTE STREET LOT BLOCK F Deed Book-2007 Deed Page-6305 Parcel# - 0801014 F 04300 **TOTAL TAX & COST 29.94 ----------------------------------SHIPMAN JAMES L Receipt No. PPIN 7174 Sec-02 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-5110 Sale Sequence 691 LOT 5 BLK 6 NELSON’S ADDN SUB BLOCK F Deed Book-2008 Deed Page-0255 Parcel# - 0801021 F 00900 **TOTAL TAX & COST 153.81 ----------------------------------SHIPMAN JAMES L Receipt No. PPIN 8073 Sec-12 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 692 PT BLK 395(1221 WHITE ST) MITCHELL & MASK SURVEY BLOCK B Deed Book-2008 Deed Page-1003 Parcel# - 0801122 B 03300 **TOTAL TAX & COST 25.45 ----------------------------------SHIPMAN JAMES L Receipt No. PPIN 8220 Sec-12 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 693 LOT NE 1/4 SE 1/4 (VIOLA LUSK) BLOCK A Deed Book-2013 Deed Page-5163 Parcel# - 0801124 A 00600 **TOTAL TAX & COST 25.45 ----------------------------------SHIPMAN JAMES L Receipt No. PPIN 13630 Sec-31 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-4000 Sale Sequence 694

10C • Saturday, August 19, 2017 • The Daily Corinthian PT SW 1/4 NW 1/4 Deed Book-2014 Deed Page-5266 Parcel# - 090931 02400 **TOTAL TAX & COST 21.65 ----------------------------------SHIPMAN JAMES L & DAVID Receipt No. PPIN 5843 Sec-01 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-5110 Sale Sequence 695 LOT N/S 6TH ST BLOCK A Deed Book-2015 Deed Page-2393 Parcel# - 0801012 A 00400 **TOTAL TAX & COST 394.17 ----------------------------------SIMMONS ALAN M Receipt No. PPIN 12049 Sec-18 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 696 SE 1/4 SW 1/4 18-2-8 Deed Book-220 Deed Page-278 Parcel# - 090418 00600 Acres 2.50 **TOTAL TAX & COST 341.57 ----------------------------------SIMMONS ALAN M Receipt No. PPIN 21633 Sec-18 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 697 LOT 3 LIDDON HILLS Deed Book-2008 Deed Page-5001 Parcel# - 090418 00216 **TOTAL TAX & COST 70.35 ----------------------------------SIMMONS ALAN M Receipt No. PPIN 21638 Sec-18 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 698 LOT 4 LIDDON HILLS Deed Book-2008 Deed Page-5001 Parcel# - 090418 00213 Acres 1.40 **TOTAL TAX & COST 92.81 ----------------------------------SIMMONS ALAN M Receipt No. PPIN 25822 Sec-18 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 699 PT E 1/2 OF SW 1/4 Deed Book-2012 Deed Page-0846 Parcel# - 090418 00217 Acres 2.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 6.36 ----------------------------------SIMMONS ALAN MCCULLAR Receipt No. PPIN 20947 Sec-18 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 700 LOT 5 LIDDON HILLS Deed Book-WB25 Deed Page-149-151 Parcel# - 090418 00207 Acres 1.20 **TOTAL TAX & COST 92.81 ----------------------------------SIMMONS ALAN MCCULLAR Receipt No. PPIN 20948 Sec-18 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 701 LOT 16 LIDDON HILLS Deed Book-WB25 Deed Page-149-151 Parcel# - 090418 00208 Acres 1.30 **TOTAL TAX & COST 92.81 ----------------------------------SIMMONS ALAN MCCULLAR Receipt No. PPIN 21640 Sec-18 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 702 LOT 17 LIDODN HILLS Deed Book-WB25 Deed Page-149-151 Parcel# - 090418 00215 Acres 1.50 **TOTAL TAX & COST 92.81 ----------------------------------SIMMONS CHRISTINE C ETVI JT Receipt No. PPIN 12036 Sec-17 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 703 PT W 1/2 SE 1/4 LYING SW OF RR Deed Book-175 Deed Page-479 Parcel# - 0904174 00900 Acres 8.50 **TOTAL TAX & COST 17.47 ----------------------------------SKINNER TINA MULLINS Receipt No. PPIN 21997 Sec-35 Twnship-01 Rng-05 TD-5000 Sale Sequence 704 PT NE 1/4 OF SE 1/4 (E 1/2) Deed Book-2011 Deed Page-1923 Parcel# - 050735 01703 Acres 2.20 **TOTAL TAX & COST 33.78 ----------------------------------SMALL VIOLA S Receipt No. PPIN 5706 Sec-01 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-5110 Sale Sequence 705 BLK 588 WALKER ADDN SUB ADDRESS CHANGED AS PER BRANDY AT CITY HALL BLOCK G Deed Book-WB21 Deed Page-258 Parcel# - 0801011 G 00300 **TOTAL TAX & COST 344.00 ----------------------------------SMART PATSY K Receipt No. PPIN 28555 Sec-08 Twnship-03 Rng-06 TD-5000 Sale Sequence 706 PT E/2 NE/4 S OF HWY Deed Book-2015 Deed Page-5613 Parcel# - 140308 00502 Acres 2.77 **TOTAL TAX & COST 71.80 ----------------------------------SMITH BRANDY L Receipt No. PPIN 955 Sec-33 Twnship-01 Rng-08 TD-1000 Sale Sequence 707 LOT 32 FOREST MEADOW SUBD PB 3 PG 45 BLOCK D Deed Book-2011 Deed Page-1809 Parcel# - 0208333 D 01600 **TOTAL TAX & COST 402.34 ----------------------------------SMITH CATRINA D Receipt No. PPIN 657 Sec-23 Twnship-01 Rng-08 TD-1000 Sale Sequence 708 LOTS 12 & 13 PB 4 PG 31 BROOKLYN HILLS SUB Deed Book-2011 Deed Page-3031 Parcel# - 0206232 01100 **TOTAL TAX & COST 611.67 ----------------------------------SMITH DONNA & NELSON TONY DESHAUN Receipt No. PPIN 19573 Sec-35 Twnship-03 Rng-07 TD-3000 Sale Sequence 709 PT SE 1/4 SE 1/4 Deed Book-2007 Deed Page-2304 Parcel# - 130735 01901 Acres 1.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 417.07 ----------------------------------SMITH JAMES C Receipt No. PPIN 7746 Sec-12 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-3110

Sale Sequence 710 LOTS 10-11-12 BLK 610 ANDERSON ADDN SUB BLOCK D Deed Book-328 Deed Page-154 Parcel# - 0801121 D 04600 **TOTAL TAX & COST 133.57 ----------------------------------SMITH JAMES RUSSELL (LE) Receipt No. PPIN 6012 Sec-01 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-5110 Sale Sequence 711 LOT N/S 3RD ST BLK 540 WALKER ADDN SUB BLOCK E Deed Book-2006 Deed Page-8050 Parcel# - 0801012 E 03000 **TOTAL TAX & COST 290.66 ----------------------------------SMITH RABON ESTATE Receipt No. PPIN 15891 Sec-22 Twnship-03 Rng-06 TD-3000 Sale Sequence 712 TRACT SE 1/4 SE 1/4 SEC 22 & PT NE 1/4 NE 1/4 SEC 27 Deed Book-254 Deed Page-202 Parcel# - 140522 02200 Acres 1.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 52.11 ----------------------------------SOUTH BENJAMIN J ETUX JENNIFER J Receipt No. PPIN 1364 Sec-31 Twnship-01 Rng-08 TD-5110 Sale Sequence 713 LOT 58 PARKWAY VILLAGE SUB BLOCK A Deed Book-297 Deed Page-184 Parcel# - 0209312 A 05300 **TOTAL TAX & COST 357.35 ----------------------------------SOUTHWARD MAYOLA Receipt No. PPIN 7742 Sec-12 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 714 LOTS 17-18 BLK 610 ANDERSON ADDN SUB BLOCK D Deed Book-2015 Deed Page-0837 Parcel# - 0801121 D 04200 **TOTAL TAX & COST 186.67 ----------------------------------SPEARS DANNY D & GAYLE Receipt No. PPIN 10897 Sec-05 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-1110 Sale Sequence 715 PT NW 1/4 Deed Book-311 Deed Page-522 Parcel# - 090305 01100 **TOTAL TAX & COST 43.41 ----------------------------------SPEARS DANNY D ETUX GAYLE K Receipt No. PPIN 23559 Sec-05 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-1110 Sale Sequence 716 PT NW 1/4 Deed Book-311 Deed Page-518 Parcel# - 090305 01104 Acres 24.49 **TOTAL TAX & COST 266.15 ----------------------------------SPEARS JAMES H ET UX GENEVA Receipt No. PPIN 7957 Sec-12 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 717 LOTS 1-2 BLK 668 ANDERSON ADDN SUB BLOCK I Deed Book-198 Deed Page-475 Parcel# - 0801121 I 00100 **TOTAL TAX & COST 253.19 ----------------------------------SPENCER ROGER D & AMANDA L Receipt No. PPIN 27313 Sec-03 Twnship-03 Rng-07 TD-4000 Sale Sequence 718 PT OF NW /14 NW 1/4 Deed Book-2009 Deed Page-6046 Parcel# - 130203 00602 Acres 1.50 **TOTAL TAX & COST 1291.27 ----------------------------------SPRINGFIELD L A A/D/A LLOYD A Receipt No. PPIN 7695 Sec-12 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 719 LOT 6 & 7 BLOCK 671 ANDERSON ADDN SUB BLOCK C Deed Book-2013 Deed Page-0570 Parcel# - 0801121 C 03500 **TOTAL TAX & COST 624.36 ----------------------------------STAFFORD LORETTA & KIMBERLY Receipt No. PPIN 15895 Sec-13 Twnship-03 Rng-06 TD-3000 Sale Sequence 720 TRACT NE 1/4 NE 1/4 LORETTA & SISTER KIMBERLY Deed Book-293 Deed Page-401 Parcel# - 140613 00100 **TOTAL TAX & COST 124.82 ----------------------------------STALLINGS TOMMIE JR Receipt No. PPIN 6712 Sec-01 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 721 PT DERRYBERRY LOT SUB BLOCK E Deed Book-330 Deed Page-566 Parcel# - 0801014 E 03000 **TOTAL TAX & COST 158.25 ----------------------------------STEVE LITTLE PROPERTIES LLC Receipt No. PPIN 6746 Sec-01 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-4110 Sale Sequence 722 PT BLK 19 GRAHAMS ADDN SUB 1405 FOOTE ST BLOCK F Deed Book-2009 Deed Page-0872 Parcel# - 0801014 F 03000 **TOTAL TAX & COST 25.45 ----------------------------------STEVE LITTLE PROPERTIES LLC Receipt No. PPIN 6750 Sec-01 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-4110 Sale Sequence 723 PT BLK 19 GRAHAMS ADDN SUB 1421 FOOTE ST BLOCK F Deed Book-2009 Deed Page-0872 Parcel# - 0801014 F 03400 **TOTAL TAX & COST 13.77 ----------------------------------STEVE LITTLE PROPERTIES LLC Receipt No. PPIN 6994 Sec-01 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 724 LOTS 51-52-53-54 & PT LOT 50 (ROBERT KING) ADAMS ADDN SUB BLOCK M Deed Book-2009 Deed Page-0872 Parcel# - 0801014 M 01100 **TOTAL TAX & COST 20.97 ----------------------------------STEVE LITTLE PROPERTIES LLC Receipt No. PPIN 6999 Sec-01 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 725 LOTS 56-57-58 (ROBERT KING) ADAMS ADDN SUBD

BLOCK M Deed Book-2009 Deed Page-0872 Parcel# - 0801014 M 01600 **TOTAL TAX & COST 16.47 ----------------------------------STEVE LITTLE PROPERTIES LLC Receipt No. PPIN 7522 Sec-11 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-4110 Sale Sequence 726 LOT 42 NEW SOUTHERN HEIGHTS SUB BLOCK A Deed Book-2009 Deed Page-0872 Parcel# - 0801114 A 00700 **TOTAL TAX & COST 20.97 ----------------------------------STEVE LITTLE PROPERTIES LLC Receipt No. PPIN 7779 Sec-12 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 727 LOT 14 BLK 676 ANDERSON ADDN SUB 1512 WICK ST BLOCK E Deed Book-2009 Deed Page-0872 Parcel# - 0801121 E 01400 **TOTAL TAX & COST 20.97 ----------------------------------STEVE LITTLE PROPERTIES LLC Receipt No. PPIN 7801 Sec-12 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 728 PT LOT 2 BLK 676 ANDERSON ADDN SUB 1505 TATE ST BLOCK E Deed Book-2009 Deed Page-0872 Parcel# - 0801121 E 03600 **TOTAL TAX & COST 18.27 ----------------------------------STEVENS AMANDA Receipt No. PPIN 13826 Sec-31 Twnship-02 Rng-09 TD-2000 Sale Sequence 729 TRACT NW 1/4 NW 1/4 NE 1/4 Deed Book-2010 Deed Page-0737 Parcel# - 100931 00600 Acres 3.87 **TOTAL TAX & COST 865.91 ----------------------------------STEVENS CHRISTIE R Receipt No. PPIN 10592 Sec-09 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-2500 Sale Sequence 730 PT NW 1/4 NE 1/4 Deed Book-2013 Deed Page-5874 Parcel# - 0902091 02201 Acres 1.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 865.15 ----------------------------------STEWART EDDIE Receipt No. PPIN 6322 Sec-01 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 731 MITCHELL & MASK SUB 216 N PENN ST BLOCK C Deed Book-2012 Deed Page-5088 Parcel# - 0801013 C 00500 **TOTAL TAX & COST 16.47 ----------------------------------STEWART JACKIE ETUX DARLENE Receipt No. PPIN 20191 Sec-16 Twnship-02 Rng-05 TD-5000 Sale Sequence 732 Deed Book-293 Deed Page-593 Parcel# - 060516 02703 Acres 8.67 **TOTAL TAX & COST 126.22 ----------------------------------STEWART RONNIE Receipt No. PPIN 8982 Sec-18 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-4000 Sale Sequence 733 PT SE 1/4 SE 1/4 BLOCK A Deed Book-243 Deed Page-475 Parcel# - 080418 A 08000 Acres 3.22 **TOTAL TAX & COST 2339.70 ----------------------------------STEWART RONNIE JAMES & CAMMY DALE Receipt No. PPIN 26584 Sec-10 Twnship-03 Rng-06 TD-4000 Sale Sequence 734 PT W 1/2 OF SW 1/4 Deed Book-2009 Deed Page-3710 Parcel# - 140210 00802 Acres 2.01 **TOTAL TAX & COST 3168.94 ----------------------------------STONECREST INCOME AND OPPORTUNITY Receipt No. PPIN 7707 Sec-12 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 735 PT LOT 8 BLK 611 1502 TATE ANDERSON ADDN SUB OPAL WINSDOR TRACT BLOCK D Deed Book-2012 Deed Page-6775 Parcel# - 0801121 D 00700 **TOTAL TAX & COST 24.55 ----------------------------------STRICKLAND DAVID O Receipt No. PPIN 2751 Sec-36 Twnship-01 Rng-07 TD-5110 Sale Sequence 736 LOT 203 CANDLER HEIGHTS ADDN 2 PB 3 PG 82 BLOCK H Deed Book-2011 Deed Page-3471 Parcel# - 0307361 H 02000 **TOTAL TAX & COST 452.84 ----------------------------------STRICKLAND JOEL & SHARON Receipt No. PPIN 10138 Sec-11 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-2500 Sale Sequence 737 PT N 1/2 SE 1/4 Deed Book-290 Deed Page-164 Parcel# - 0901114 00100 Acres 1.65 **TOTAL TAX & COST 697.08 ----------------------------------STRICKLAND JOEL & SHARON Receipt No. PPIN 11657 Sec-07 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-2110 Sale Sequence 738 PT W 1/2 NE 1/4 BLOCK C Deed Book-2013 Deed Page-5022 Parcel# - 0903071 C 00900 Acres 3.47 **TOTAL TAX & COST 962.18 ----------------------------------STRICKLAND JOEL & SHARON Receipt No. PPIN 27997 Sec-07 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-2110 Sale Sequence 739 PT W 1/2 NE 1/4 BLOCK C Deed Book-2013 Deed Page-3731 Parcel# - 0903071 C 00902 Acres 2.04 **TOTAL TAX & COST 259.47 ----------------------------------STRICKLAND JOEL B ETUX SHARON Receipt No. PPIN 20780 Sec-11 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-1500 Sale Sequence 740 PT N 1/2 SE 1/4

Deed Book-280 Deed Page-370 Parcel# - 0901114 01201 Acres 2.30 **TOTAL TAX & COST 201.45 ----------------------------------STRICKLAND ROSCOE ETUX PAULINE Receipt No. PPIN 6910 Sec-01 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 741 BELL, YOUNG & MCCORD SURVEY BLOCK J Deed Book-122 Deed Page-221 Parcel# - 0801014 J 03300 **TOTAL TAX & COST 223.91 ----------------------------------STUART JOYCE H (2/32) ET AL Receipt No. PPIN 6756 Sec-01 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-4110 Sale Sequence 742 PT BLK 20 GRAHAM’S ADDN SUB BLOCK F Deed Book-WB26 Deed Page-486-489 Parcel# - 0801014 F 04000 **TOTAL TAX & COST 7.49 ----------------------------------SUMMITT ELISHA MARLENE BROOKS Receipt No. PPIN 18614 Sec-27 Twnship- 1 Rng- 7 TD-1010 Sale Sequence 743 TRACT SW 1/4 NW 1/4 Deed Book-254 Deed Page-369 Parcel# - 030827 00600 Acres 1.50 **TOTAL TAX & COST 57.89 ----------------------------------SWANSON DAVID Receipt No. PPIN 4853 Sec-06 Twnship-02 Rng-06 TD-5000 Sale Sequence 744 TRACT E 1/2 W 1/2 NW 1/4 Deed Book-2005 Deed Page-8926 Parcel# - 070306 00400 Acres 16.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 80.70 ----------------------------------SWINNEY DEXTER Receipt No. PPIN 7789 Sec-12 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 745 PT BLK 679 ANDERSON ADDN SUB B B SMITH PROPERTY BLOCK E Deed Book-302 Deed Page-429 Parcel# - 0801121 E 02400 **TOTAL TAX & COST 66.93 ----------------------------------SWITCHER BILL & ESTHER Receipt No. PPIN 11344 Sec-06 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-5110 Sale Sequence 746 LOTS 1-5 BLK 6 SPEEDWAY ADDN PB 2 PG 40 BLOCK B Deed Book-290 Deed Page-32 Parcel# - 0903063 B 01300 **TOTAL TAX & COST 251.14 ----------------------------------SWITCHER BILL ET UX ESTHER Receipt No. PPIN 14808 Sec-32 Twnship-03 Rng-08 TD-3000 Sale Sequence 747 TRACT NE 1/4 SE 1/4 Deed Book-2007 Deed Page-04130 Parcel# - 120932 02400 **TOTAL TAX & COST 430.87 ----------------------------------SWITCHER BILL ETUX ESTHER Receipt No. PPIN 6786 Sec-01 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-4110 Sale Sequence 748 LOT 18 HOYT HORN SUB PB 2 PG 27 BLOCK G Deed Book-266 Deed Page-330 Parcel# - 0801014 G 01900 **TOTAL TAX & COST 155.66 ----------------------------------SWITCHER BILL ETUX ESTHER LEE Receipt No. PPIN 6787 Sec-01 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-4110 Sale Sequence 749 LOT 17 HOYT HORN SUB PB 2 PG 27 BLOCK G Deed Book-266 Deed Page-707 Parcel# - 0801014 G 02000 **TOTAL TAX & COST 184.40 ----------------------------------SWITCHER BILL ETUX ESTHER Receipt No. PPIN 11319 Sec-06 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-5110 Sale Sequence 750 LOTS 13-14 & E 1/2 LOT 12 BLK 5 SPEEDWAY ADDN PB 2 PG 40 BLOCK A Deed Book-290 Deed Page-330 Parcel# - 0903063 A 02600 **TOTAL TAX & COST 320.83 ----------------------------------SWITCHER BILLY W & ESTHER L Receipt No. PPIN 19649 Sec-01 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-4110 Sale Sequence 751 PT OF BLK 18 GRAHAM ADDITION BLOCK G Deed Book-2008 Deed Page-0674 Parcel# - 0801014 G 00901 **TOTAL TAX & COST 189.43 ----------------------------------SWITCHER CRANSTON Receipt No. PPIN 9086 Sec-15 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-4110 Sale Sequence 752 PT S 1/2 SE 1/4 Deed Book-2014 Deed Page-5653 Parcel# - 080515 01500 Acres .54 **TOTAL TAX & COST 645.79 ----------------------------------SWITCHER CRANSTON Receipt No. PPIN 28150 Sec-15 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-4110 Sale Sequence 753 PT OF S 1/2 SE 1/4 Deed Book-2014 Deed Page-5668 Parcel# - 080515 01502 Acres .43 **TOTAL TAX & COST 298.80 ----------------------------------SWITCHER ESTHER Receipt No. PPIN 21175 Sec-32 Twnship-03 Rng-08 TD-3000 Sale Sequence 754 PT SE 1/4 Deed Book-285 Deed Page-562 Parcel# - 120932 02501 Acres 1.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 30.98 ----------------------------------SWITCHER HAROLD Receipt No. PPIN 5211 Sec-26 Twnship-02 Rng-06 TD-4000 Sale Sequence 755 PT S 1/2 NW 1/4 Deed Book-337 Deed Page-451 Parcel# - 070726 02400 Acres 1.10 **TOTAL TAX & COST 140.15 -----------------------------------

SWITCHER WAYNE ETUX SHARON Receipt No. PPIN 10196 Sec-12 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-2000 Sale Sequence 756 PT E 1/2 NE 1/4 SE 1/4 E RD Deed Book-130 Deed Page-72 Parcel# - 090112 04300 **TOTAL TAX & COST 49.64 ----------------------------------TALLEY KENNETH ETUX TAMMY Receipt No. PPIN 19746 Sec-26 Twnship-02 Rng-06 TD-4000 Sale Sequence 757 PT OF SW 1/4 BLOCK C Deed Book-263 Deed Page-411 Parcel# - 0707263 C 01001 **TOTAL TAX & COST 204.97 ----------------------------------TATE STEPHANIE A Receipt No. PPIN 20866 Sec-34 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-2000 Sale Sequence 758 PT NW 1/4 Deed Book-328 Deed Page-497 Parcel# - 090834 02704 **TOTAL TAX & COST 30.98 ----------------------------------TAYLOR SHARON C Receipt No. PPIN 19434 Sec-33 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-2000 Sale Sequence 759 PT OF SE 1/4 Deed Book-2006 Deed Page-4686 Parcel# - 090833 01801 Acres 6.99 **TOTAL TAX & COST 511.27 ----------------------------------TAYLOR WILLIAM C ET UX EARLENE Receipt No. PPIN 14772 Sec-31 Twnship-03 Rng-08 TD-3000 Sale Sequence 760 TRACT SE 1/4 SW 1/4 Deed Book-189 Deed Page-360 Parcel# - 120931 02800 **TOTAL TAX & COST 512.94 ----------------------------------TAYLOR WILLIAM RUSSELL ETUX Receipt No. PPIN 7786 Sec-12 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 761 LOTS 6-7 BLK 679 ANDERSON ADDN SUB BLOCK E Deed Book-286 Deed Page-88 Parcel# - 0801121 E 02100 **TOTAL TAX & COST 29.94 ----------------------------------TEL-EYE INDUSTRIES INTERNATIONAL Receipt No. PPIN 7344 Sec-02 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-4110 Sale Sequence 762 PT E 1/2 SE 1/4 Deed Book-328 Deed Page-677 Parcel# - 0801024 02700 **TOTAL TAX & COST 943.33 ----------------------------------THARP MARILYN Receipt No. PPIN 4496 Sec-22 Twnship-02 Rng-05 TD-5000 Sale Sequence 763 TRACT N 1/2 SE 1/4 Deed Book-2008 Deed Page-1916 Parcel# - 060522 02100 Acres 5.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 277.97 ----------------------------------THOMAS EFFIE DAWN Receipt No. PPIN 20923 Sec-11 Twnship-03 Rng-06 TD-3000 Sale Sequence 764 PT N 1/2 SW 1/4 Deed Book-2012 Deed Page-2366 Parcel# - 140111 01706 Acres 1.46 **TOTAL TAX & COST 816.47 ----------------------------------THOMAS EUGENE ETUX JANE Receipt No. PPIN 23580 Sec-23 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-2000 Sale Sequence 765 PT NE 1/4 OF NE 1/4 Deed Book-334 Deed Page-146 Parcel# - 090623 00207 Acres 2.48 **TOTAL TAX & COST 898.16 ----------------------------------THOMPSON GLADYS MARIE *LE* Receipt No. PPIN 10037 Sec-11 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-2500 Sale Sequence 766 PT OF NE 1/4 OF NE 1/4 Deed Book-2012 Deed Page-0007 Parcel# - 0901111 01400 **TOTAL TAX & COST 145.43 ----------------------------------THOMPSON JAMES M Receipt No. PPIN 7053 Sec-02 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-5110 Sale Sequence 767 LOT SW 1/4 BLK 15(707 W 8TH ST SAM SHARP SUBD BLOCK B Deed Book-2009 Deed Page-4390 Parcel# - 0801021 B 03300 **TOTAL TAX & COST 93.73 ----------------------------------TIMMS ENTERPRISES LLC Receipt No. PPIN 3047 Sec-36 Twnship-01 Rng-07 TD-5110 Sale Sequence 768 PT LOT 41 BORROUM SUBD BLOCK H Deed Book-2015 Deed Page-2384 Parcel# - 0307364 H 00800 **TOTAL TAX & COST 160.07 ----------------------------------TIMMS ENTERPRISES LLC Receipt No. PPIN 5634 Sec-01 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-5110 Sale Sequence 769 BLK 582 WALKER ADDN SUB BLOCK E Deed Book-2015 Deed Page-0602 Parcel# - 0801011 E 00900 **TOTAL TAX & COST 476.90 ----------------------------------TIMMS ENTERPRISES LLC Receipt No. PPIN 5650 Sec-01 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-5110 Sale Sequence 770 BLK 572 WALKER ADDN SUB (1102 BUCHANAN) ***WASHINGTON MUTUAL MCO SHOULD NOT REQUEST*** BLOCK E Deed Book-2008 Deed Page-3049 Parcel# - 0801011 E 02500 **TOTAL TAX & COST 346.33 ----------------------------------TREECE JORY ETUX TRACIE Receipt No. PPIN 28658 Sec-04 Twnship-04 Rng-07 TD-3000 Sale Sequence 771 PT E/2 SW OF NW 1/4 Deed Book-2015 Deed Page-3129 Parcel# - 180204 00402 Acres 4.50

The Daily Corinthian • Saturday, August 19, 2017 • 11C **TOTAL TAX & COST 77.94 ----------------------------------TRICE ELIJAH Receipt No. PPIN 5678 Sec-01 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-5110 Sale Sequence 772 BLK 585 WALKER ADDN SUB BLOCK F Deed Book-2012 Deed Page-0663 Parcel# - 0801011 F 01100 **TOTAL TAX & COST 237.32 ----------------------------------TROXELL RON LEE & CAROL ANN Receipt No. PPIN 20047 Sec-14 Twnship-03 Rng-07 TD-3000 Sale Sequence 773 PT SE 1/4 Deed Book-2014 Deed Page-1330 Parcel# - 130614 01502 Acres 1.72 **TOTAL TAX & COST 282.08 ----------------------------------TUCKER JENNIPHER LYNN Receipt No. PPIN 1065 Sec-34 Twnship-01 Rng-08 TD-1000 Sale Sequence 774 LOT IN SW 1/4 OF SE 1/4 Deed Book-2015 Deed Page-0427 Parcel# - 0208344 01600 **TOTAL TAX & COST 384.46 ----------------------------------TURNER GLENDA Receipt No. PPIN 3665 Sec-28 Twnship-01 Rng-06 TD-1000 Sale Sequence 775 PT NE 1/4 SE 1/4 Deed Book-2008 Deed Page-4162 Parcel# - 040828 00901 **TOTAL TAX & COST 30.98 ----------------------------------TWITTY SUE (BIVINS) ESTATE Receipt No. PPIN 10045 Sec-11 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-2500 Sale Sequence 776 PT SW 1/4 SW 1/4 NE 1/4 Deed Book-276 Deed Page-115 Parcel# - 0901111 02200 **TOTAL TAX & COST 741.14 ----------------------------------TYSON DANNY K Receipt No. PPIN 3072 Sec-36 Twnship-01 Rng-07 TD-5110 Sale Sequence 777 LOT 10 NORTH MADISON SUBD PB 3 PG 80 BLOCK J Deed Book-WB24 Deed Page-349 Parcel# - 0307364 J 00400 **TOTAL TAX & COST 398.24 ----------------------------------USARA LLC Receipt No. PPIN 5522 Sec-01 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-5110 Sale Sequence 778 LOT 35 BLK 577 WALKER ADDN SUB BLOCK A Deed Book-2012 Deed Page-4932 Parcel# - 0801011 A 03300 **TOTAL TAX & COST 79.21 ----------------------------------VAN MITCHELL ETUX AMBER Receipt No. PPIN 6747 Sec-01 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-4110 Sale Sequence 779 PT BLK 19 GRAHAMS ADDN SUB BLOCK F Deed Book-2006 Deed Page-4198 Parcel# - 0801014 F 03100 **TOTAL TAX & COST 25.45 ----------------------------------VANDERBILT MORTGAGE AND FINANCE Receipt No. PPIN 556 Sec-22 Twnship-01 Rng-08 TD-1000 Sale Sequence 780 LOT NE 1/4 SE 1/4 TRAILER & LOT IN COUNTY BLOCK A Deed Book-2015 Deed Page-2497 Parcel# - 0205224 A 07400 **TOTAL TAX & COST 70.40 ----------------------------------VANDERBUILT MORTGAGE & FINANCE Receipt No. PPIN 9537 Sec-24 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-4000 Sale Sequence 781 PT SW 1/4 SEC 24 & PT SE 1/4 SEC 23 Deed Book-2015 Deed Page-5350 Parcel# - 080624 01000 Acres 1.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 282.40 ----------------------------------VANDIVER KENNETH & WANDA Receipt No. PPIN 7213 Sec-02 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-5110 Sale Sequence 782 LOT 1 BLK E SPEARS ADDN SUB BLOCK A Deed Book-2013 Deed Page-1515 Parcel# - 0801022 A 00600 **TOTAL TAX & COST 16.47 ----------------------------------VARNADO DARRIS G Receipt No. PPIN 12453 Sec-16 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-2500 Sale Sequence 783 PT NE 1/4 SE 1/4 S RD Deed Book-2010 Deed Page-2598 Parcel# - 090516 03300 Acres 4.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 90.87 ----------------------------------VARNADO DEREK GLEN Receipt No. PPIN 27274 Sec-16 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-2500 Sale Sequence 784 PT NE 1/4 SE 1/4 S RD Deed Book-2009 Deed Page-2764 Parcel# - 090516 03301 Acres 1.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 736.28 ----------------------------------VESELKA BUFFIE CAMERON SHREFFLER Receipt No. PPIN 11671 Sec-07 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-2110 Sale Sequence 785 \T NE 1/4 NW 1/4 SEE PRC ON 0903072 A 01300 BLOCK A Deed Book-WB24 Deed Page-605 Parcel# - 0903072 A 01100 **TOTAL TAX & COST 34.43 ----------------------------------VESELKA BUFFIE ETAL Receipt No. PPIN 11673 Sec-07 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-2110 Sale Sequence 786 PT NE 1/4 NW 1/4 SEE ALSO ADDENDUM FOR MORE INFO BLOCK A Deed Book-WB24 Deed Page-605 Parcel# - 0903072 A 01300 **TOTAL TAX & COST 104.23 ----------------------------------VICK MATTHEW STEVEN

Receipt No. PPIN 6775 Sec-01 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-4110 Sale Sequence 787 PT BLKS 16-17-18 GRAHAM’S ADDN SUB BLOCK G Deed Book-2013 Deed Page-0610 Parcel# - 0801014 G 00800 Acres .50 **TOTAL TAX & COST 101.59 ----------------------------------VILLAGE CREEK PROPERTIES INC Receipt No. PPIN 28677 Sec-08 Twnship-002 Rng-007 TD-4000 Sale Sequence 788 PT NE 1/4 Deed Book-2007 Deed Page-2591 Parcel# - 080308 00301 Acres 9.47 **TOTAL TAX & COST 48.13 ----------------------------------VOYLES DEBORAH G Receipt No. PPIN 11911 Sec-17 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-2110 Sale Sequence 789 PT SW 1/4 NE 1/4 Deed Book-247 Deed Page-273 Parcel# - 0904171 01401 **TOTAL TAX & COST 77.54 ----------------------------------WALKER BETTY EST Receipt No. PPIN 5912 Sec-01 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-5110 Sale Sequence 790 BLK 526 LOT W/S WALKER ADDN SUB BLOCK C Deed Book-261 Deed Page-149 Parcel# - 0801012 C 01101 **TOTAL TAX & COST 29.94 ----------------------------------WALKER THADDEUS D Receipt No. PPIN 15905 Sec-13 Twnship-03 Rng-06 TD-3000 Sale Sequence 791 1 AC IN NE/4 Deed Book-2015 Deed Page-0471 Parcel# - 140613 01100 Acres 1.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 30.98 ----------------------------------WALL JOHN E Receipt No. PPIN 641 Sec-23 Twnship-01 Rng-08 TD-1000 Sale Sequence 792 PT E 1/2 SE 1/4 Deed Book-2013 Deed Page-1740 Parcel# - 020623 01300 Acres 15.40 **TOTAL TAX & COST 281.48 ----------------------------------WALLS TONY Receipt No. PPIN 5855 Sec-01 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-5110 Sale Sequence 793 LOT N/S 4TH ST BLOCK A Deed Book-2012 Deed Page-3214 Parcel# - 0801012 A 01600 **TOTAL TAX & COST 351.01 ----------------------------------WALLS TONY Receipt No. PPIN 7788 Sec-12 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 794 PT BLK 679 ANDERSON ADDN SUB BLOCK E Deed Book-2009 Deed Page-3242 Parcel# - 0801121 E 02300 **TOTAL TAX & COST 101.96 ----------------------------------WAMSLEY ROY MICHAEL ETUX JANICE Receipt No. PPIN 14173 Sec-01 Twnship-03 Rng-08 TD-2400 Sale Sequence 795 TRACT S 1/2 SW 1/4 Deed Book-333 Deed Page-536 Parcel# - 120101 02500 Acres 5.80 **TOTAL TAX & COST 435.53 ----------------------------------WARE CHRIS O Receipt No. PPIN 26688 Sec-12 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 796 S 1/2 LOT 18 BLOCK 662 ANDERSON’S ADD Deed Book-2015 Deed Page-0631 Parcel# - 0801121 H 04401 **TOTAL TAX & COST 11.98 ----------------------------------WARE CHRISTOPHER O Receipt No. PPIN 7923 Sec-12 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 797 LOT 17 BLK 662 ANDERSON ADDN SUB(605 KING ST) BLOCK H Deed Book-2015 Deed Page-0631 Parcel# - 0801121 H 04600 **TOTAL TAX & COST 173.68 ----------------------------------WASHINGTON DOROTHY BURNS ESTATE ETA Receipt No. PPIN 5558 Sec-01 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-5110 Sale Sequence 798 LOT 15-16 BLK 586 WALKER ADDN SUB 5/8 DOROTHY BURNS WASHINGTON (PER DONALD DOWNS) BLOCK B Deed Book-WB18 Deed Page-510 Parcel# - 0801011 B 02600 **TOTAL TAX & COST 479.83 ----------------------------------WATSON BETTY L Receipt No. PPIN 18772 Sec-33 Twnship-01 Rng-08 TD-1000 Sale Sequence 799 PT NW 1/4 NE 1/4 NE 1/4 Deed Book-304 Deed Page-301 Parcel# - 020833 00502 Acres 3.83 **TOTAL TAX & COST 19.17 ----------------------------------WATSON JAMES ANDREW JR Receipt No. PPIN 19071 Sec-10 Twnship-03 Rng-06 TD-4000 Sale Sequence 800 PT OF SE 1/4 Deed Book-280 Deed Page-27 Parcel# - 140210 01601 Acres 7.95 **TOTAL TAX & COST 349.11 ----------------------------------WEBB CHRISTOPHER G ETUX SANDRA N Receipt No. PPIN 11969 Sec-17 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 801 LOT IN SE 1/4 SW 1/4 BLOCK A Deed Book-2006 Deed Page-2552 Parcel# - 0904173 A 03700 **TOTAL TAX & COST 251.02 ----------------------------------WEGMAN L P Receipt No. PPIN 8771 Sec-10 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-4110 Sale Sequence 802

PT NW 1/4 NW 1/4 RENT HOUSES BEHIND BULL MARKET Deed Book-314 Deed Page-727 Parcel# - 0802102 00800 Acres 9.40 **TOTAL TAX & COST 271.62 ----------------------------------WELLS FARGO BANK NA Receipt No. PPIN 330 Sec-21 Twnship-01 Rng-08 TD-1000 Sale Sequence 803 LOT NW /14 NE 1/4 BRIARWOOD EAST Deed Book-2015 Deed Page-3350 Parcel# - 0205211 00600 **TOTAL TAX & COST 834.74 ----------------------------------WELLS OPAL VIRGINIA Receipt No. PPIN 6934 Sec-01 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 804 PT BLK 14 BELL, YOUNG & MCCORD SURVEY BLOCK J Deed Book-308 Deed Page-96 Parcel# - 0801014 J 05700 **TOTAL TAX & COST 165.00 ----------------------------------WHEELER MICHAEL A Receipt No. PPIN 5207 Sec-26 Twnship-02 Rng-06 TD-4000 Sale Sequence 805 PT S 1/2 NW 1/4 Deed Book-268 Deed Page-430 Parcel# - 070726 02000 **TOTAL TAX & COST 81.41 ----------------------------------WHEELER ROBERT M Receipt No. PPIN 22416 Sec-21 Twnship-01 Rng-07 TD-1000 Sale Sequence 806 PT NE 1/4 Deed Book-2011 Deed Page-0613 Parcel# - 030521 01502 Acres 1.10 **TOTAL TAX & COST 292.84 ----------------------------------WHEELER ROBERT MATTHEW Receipt No. PPIN 5210 Sec-26 Twnship-02 Rng-06 TD-4000 Sale Sequence 807 PT S 1/2 NW 1/4 Deed Book-2006 Deed Page-0458 02 Parcel# - 070726 02300 Acres 2.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 202.55 ----------------------------------WHITE JEFFERY & SUSAN Receipt No. PPIN 6145 Sec-01 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-5110 Sale Sequence 808 LOT S/S 3RD ST BLK 535 WALKER ADDN S/D (HAYES HSE) BLOCK I Deed Book-2012 Deed Page-1512 Parcel# - 0801012 I 01000 **TOTAL TAX & COST 46.61 ----------------------------------WHITFIELD RICKY H Receipt No. PPIN 6803 Sec-01 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-4110 Sale Sequence 809 PT BLK 6 GRAHAM’S ADDN SUB BLOCK H Deed Book-2014 Deed Page-1502 Parcel# - 0801014 H 00400 **TOTAL TAX & COST 276.47 ----------------------------------WHITLEY RHONDA Receipt No. PPIN 18549 Sec-30 Twnship-03 Rng-08 TD-4000 Sale Sequence 810 PT E 1/2 NE 1/4 Deed Book-333 Deed Page-491 Parcel# - 120930 00605 Acres 9.81 **TOTAL TAX & COST 407.17 ----------------------------------WICKER WILBURN Receipt No. PPIN 22827 Sec-19 Twnship-01 Rng-08 TD-1110 Sale Sequence 811 PT SE 1/4 OF SW 1/4 Deed Book-2008 Deed Page-3503 Parcel# - 0204193 01201 Acres 1.26 **TOTAL TAX & COST 398.30 ----------------------------------WILBANKS JAMES Receipt No. PPIN 4234 Sec-09 Twnship-02 Rng-05 TD-5000 Sale Sequence 812 LOT SW 1/4 SW 1/4 S RD Deed Book-2015 Deed Page-1029 Parcel# - 060209 02800 **TOTAL TAX & COST 4.87 ----------------------------------WILBANKS JERRY C Receipt No. PPIN 24643 Sec-34 Twnship-01 Rng-05 TD-5000 Sale Sequence 813 PT SE 1/4 OF SE 1/4 Deed Book-327 Deed Page-350 Parcel# - 050834 01903 Acres 2.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 104.34 ----------------------------------WILBANKS RHONDA H Receipt No. PPIN 7091 Sec-02 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-5110 Sale Sequence 814 LOT NW 1/4 BLK 6 SAM SHARP SUB BLOCK C Deed Book-321 Deed Page-364 Parcel# - 0801021 C 03400 **TOTAL TAX & COST 34.43 ----------------------------------WILBURN JUSTIN Receipt No. PPIN 14714 Sec-30 Twnship-03 Rng-08 TD-3000 Sale Sequence 815 TRACT NE 1/4 NE 1/4 Deed Book-334 Deed Page-36 Parcel# - 120930 00700 Acres 2.50 **TOTAL TAX & COST 84.25 ----------------------------------WILBURN PHILLIP A ETUX MARGARET Receipt No. PPIN 19566 Sec-23 Twnship-01 Rng-08 TD-1000 Sale Sequence 816 PT OF NW 1/4 KENDRICK HEADSTART Deed Book-2007 Deed Page-4005 Parcel# - 0206232 03201 Acres 2.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 1193.97 ----------------------------------WILKES LARRY G Receipt No. PPIN 12928 Sec-23 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-2000 Sale Sequence 817 LOT 6 SOUTH CENTRAL SUB Deed Book-232 Deed Page-531 Parcel# - 0906233 02900 **TOTAL TAX & COST 486.57 ----------------------------------WILLIAMS BAILEY Receipt No. PPIN 1181 Sec-30 Twnship-01 Rng-08 TD-1110 Sale Sequence 818

LOT 12 BEAUREGARD PARK SUB PB 4 PG 1 BLOCK A Deed Book-236 Deed Page-324 Parcel# - 0209301 A 02100 **TOTAL TAX & COST 7.49 ----------------------------------WILLIAMS BAILEY ET AL Receipt No. PPIN 1180 Sec-30 Twnship-01 Rng-08 TD-1110 Sale Sequence 819 LOT 13 BEAUREGARD PARK SUB PB 4 PG 1 ET AL - CHARLES ALBRIGHT & TRAVIS WALLACE BLOCK A Deed Book-201 Deed Page-545 Parcel# - 0209301 A 02000 **TOTAL TAX & COST 7.49 ----------------------------------WILLIAMS F C JR TRUSTEE Receipt No. PPIN 21184 Sec-36 Twnship-01 Rng-05 TD-5000 Sale Sequence 820 NE 1/4 OF SW 1/4 Deed Book-290 Deed Page-638 Parcel# - 050736 00503 Acres 40.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 139.65 ----------------------------------WILLIAMS JACK SR ETUX VETRICE Receipt No. PPIN 18679 Sec-31 Twnship-01 Rng-08 TD-1110 Sale Sequence 821 LOT 23 NORWOOD ESTATES BLOCK A Deed Book-332 Deed Page-213 Parcel# - 0209312 A 00823 **TOTAL TAX & COST 537.72 ----------------------------------WILLIAMS JAMES E ETUX ELOISE ESTATE Receipt No. PPIN 3234 Sec-34 Twnship-01 Rng-07 TD-1110 Sale Sequence 822 LOT NE 1/4 NE 1/4 BLOCK A Deed Book-189 Deed Page-511 Parcel# - 0308341 A 02100 **TOTAL TAX & COST 271.68 ----------------------------------WILLIAMS LEON Receipt No. PPIN 6736 Sec-01 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-4110 Sale Sequence 823 PT BLK 19 GRAHAMS ADDN SUB 1420 CHILDS ST BLOCK F Deed Book-285 Deed Page-569 Parcel# - 0801014 F 02000 **TOTAL TAX & COST 46.46 ----------------------------------WILLIAMS PROPERTY HOLDINGS LLC Receipt No. PPIN 24703 Sec-22 Twnship-001 Rng-005 TD-5000 Sale Sequence 824 PT S 1/2 NE 1/4 & SE 1/4 N & E OF CR 763 Deed Book-321 Deed Page-200 Parcel# - 050522 00701 Acres 79.00 **TOTAL TAX & COST 285.01 ----------------------------------WILSON ROBERT M ETUX IRENE K Receipt No. PPIN 1187 Sec-30 Twnship-01 Rng-08 TD-1110 Sale Sequence 825 LOT 41 & PT LOT 42 BEAUREGARD PARK SUBD PB 4 PG 1 BLOCK A Deed Book-238 Deed Page-267 Parcel# - 0209302 A 00300 **TOTAL TAX & COST 100.40 ----------------------------------WINDOM ANNIE RUTH Receipt No. PPIN 5681 Sec-01 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-5110 Sale Sequence 826 BLK 585 WALKERS ADDN SUB BLOCK F Deed Book-181 Deed Page-303 Parcel# - 0801011 F 01400 **TOTAL TAX & COST 112.45 ----------------------------------WINDOM BEN ET UX BEA ESTATE Receipt No. PPIN 8031 Sec-12 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 827 PT BLK 375 MITCHELL & MASK SURVEY BLOCK A Deed Book-154 Deed Page-450 Parcel# - 0801122 A 02700 **TOTAL TAX & COST 20.97 ----------------------------------WINDOM CARRIE ESTATE Receipt No. PPIN 7701 Sec-12 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 828 LOT 1 BLK 611 ANDERSON ADDN SUB BLOCK D Deed Book-194 Deed Page-349 Parcel# - 0801121 D 00100 **TOTAL TAX & COST 185.60 ----------------------------------WONG TAMMY Receipt No. PPIN 22041 Sec-30 Twnship-01 Rng-08 TD-1110 Sale Sequence 829 LOT 4 SHILOH RIDGE GARDEN LAKE EST PHASE I Deed Book-317 Deed Page-50 Parcel# - 0209304 00204 **TOTAL TAX & COST 771.09 ----------------------------------WOOD PHYLLIS EATON Receipt No. PPIN 7734 Sec-12 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 830 LOT 4&5 BLK 612 ANDERSON ADDN SUB BLOCK D Deed Book-282 Deed Page-705 Parcel# - 0801121 D 03400 **TOTAL TAX & COST 95.29 ----------------------------------WOODS LETICIA M Receipt No. PPIN 6906 Sec-01 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 831 PT BLK 14 BELL, YOUNG & MCCORD SURVEY BLOCK J Deed Book-2012 Deed Page-1229 Parcel# - 0801014 J 02900 **TOTAL TAX & COST 96.24 ----------------------------------WOODSON GREGORY ETUX ANNETTE Receipt No. PPIN 18400 Sec-9 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-2000 Sale Sequence 832 N 1/2 OF SW 1/4 OF NW 1/4 LOT 4 S/S ALLISON LANE BLOCK F Deed Book-2006 Deed Page-5124 Parcel# - 0902092 F 00400

**TOTAL TAX & COST 237.08 ----------------------------------WORLEY DEANNA Receipt No. PPIN 21439 Sec-10 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-2500 Sale Sequence 833 PT NE 1/4 Deed Book-294 Deed Page-636 Parcel# - 0902101 A 00305 Acres 1.28 **TOTAL TAX & COST 389.61 ----------------------------------WREN SONJA M Receipt No. PPIN 7886 Sec-12 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 834 LOT 3 BLK 664 ANDERSON ADDN SUB BLOCK H Deed Book-2014 Deed Page-3436 Parcel# - 0801121 H 01000 **TOTAL TAX & COST 20.97 ----------------------------------WREN SONJA M Receipt No. PPIN 8276 Sec-12 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-3110 Sale Sequence 835 LOT 58 (1702 MEADOW DR) LAKE RD SUB BLOCK A Deed Book-2014 Deed Page-3436 Parcel# - 0801124 A 06200 **TOTAL TAX & COST 461.28 ----------------------------------WREN SUSAN LEIGH Receipt No. PPIN 28187 Sec-08 Twnship-03 Rng-09 TD-2000 Sale Sequence 836 NW 1/4 N & E CREEK Deed Book-2013 Deed Page-2769 Parcel# - 110308 00301 Acres 20.01 **TOTAL TAX & COST 77.24 ----------------------------------WROTEN ELIZABETH ESTATE Receipt No. PPIN 15889 Sec-22 Twnship-03 Rng-06 TD-3000 Sale Sequence 837 TRACT SE 1/4 SE 1/4 W RD MR NUNLEY DECEASED AS PER MS ELIZABETH NUNLEY WROTEN Deed Book-162 Deed Page-339 Parcel# - 140522 02000 **TOTAL TAX & COST 385.99 ----------------------------------WYATT JAMES R (LE) Receipt No. PPIN 3061 Sec-36 Twnship-01 Rng-07 TD-5110 Sale Sequence 838 BLK 11 TYRONE HGTS S/D BLOCK I Deed Book-2007 Deed Page-0419 Parcel# - 0307364 I 00400 **TOTAL TAX & COST 230.65 ----------------------------------YARBROUGH MAMIE Receipt No. PPIN 6421 Sec-01 Twnship-02 Rng-07 TD-4110 Sale Sequence 839 BLK 503 LOT E 1/2 OF E 1/2 WALKER ADDN SUB BLOCK E Deed Book-137 Deed Page-53 Parcel# - 0801013 E 01900 **TOTAL TAX & COST 454.69 ----------------------------------YEAGER THOMAS H III Receipt No. PPIN 14171 Sec-01 Twnship-03 Rng-08 TD-2400 Sale Sequence 840 TRACT NW 1/4 SW 1/4 W RD Deed Book-2015 Deed Page-1880 Parcel# - 120101 02300 **TOTAL TAX & COST 270.78 ----------------------------------YNOJOS TERESA & DANIEL Receipt No. PPIN 19382 1 Sec-36 Twnship-01 Rng-07 TD-1110 Sale Sequence 841 LOT 24 WOODLAWN S/D Deed Book-2015 Deed Page-1981 Parcel# - 0307362 02109 **TOTAL TAX & COST 145.72 ----------------------------------YOUNG MARGARET Receipt No. PPIN 22856 Sec-22 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-2000 Sale Sequence 842 PT NW 1/4 OF SW 1/4 Deed Book-2005 Deed Page-3160 Parcel# - 0905223 02401 **TOTAL TAX & COST 15.44 ----------------------------------2113 INC Receipt No. PPIN 22163 Sec-06 Twnship-02 Rng-08 TD-5110 Sale Sequence 843 PT NE 1/4 OF NW 1/4 Deed Book-2015 Deed Page-3119 Parcel# - 0903062 A 00803 **TOTAL TAX & COST 275.57 County City School Total Assessed Value.. 3,280,463 Advalorem......... 196,706.52 7,207.51 91,473.60 295,387.63 - Regular Homestead. 18,283.00 11,482.00 29,765.00 - Spec Homestead.... 7,096.58 267.25 3,403.61 10,767.44 + Forest............ 205. 61 205.61 + Levee............. + Drainage.......... + Special Assessment = Sub-Total....... 171,532.55 6,940.26 76,587.99 255,060.80 - Partial Payments.. = Net Balance Due. 171,532.55 6,940.26 76,587.99 255,060.80 + Interest.......... 12,007.40 485.82 5,361.13 17,854.35 + Print Fee......... 2,529 .00 2,529.00 = *TOTAL AMOUNT DUE 186,068.95 7,426.08 81,949.12 275,444.15 To be Sold Count....... 843 42 471 Parcels Not Published.... in the amt of Total Records Processed. 843 ********************************** ********************************** *********** * 275,444.15 Total amount Published for sale. 843 Parcels Published ********************************** ********************************** *********** Options for this Report.... LRMSAL13 Tax Year 2016 Output Print file for Newspaper Y

12C • Saturday, August 19, 2017 • The Daily Corinthian

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