Local Corinth teen earns statewide crown
Prentiss Co. Man charged for illegal weapons possession
McNairy Co. County claims 37th straight governor’s award
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Friday Sept. 1,
75 cents
Daily Corinthian Vol. 120, No. 209 •
Humid Today
60% chance of rain
Corinth, Mississippi • 20 pages • Two sections
Corinth continues work on budget
City’s leaders consider splash pad
By Jebb Johnston
By Jebb Johnston
The Corinth Board of Mayor and Aldermen talked about needs such as playground equipment and property redevelopment as budget discussions continue. The finishing touches are going on the budget as it heads to a public hearing during the board’s regular meeting on Tuesday at 5 p.m. Final adoption of the budget will be considered in a special meeting at 8:15 a.m. on Sept. 12. The city proposes to hold the millage rate level with the current year. With this year’s property reassessment, revenue from ad valorem taxes is projected to increase from $2,544,000 to $2,697,500. The desire to see some new playground equipment at Crossroads Regional Park was among the items that surfaced in a budget work session on Wednesday. Alderman Andrew “Bubba” Labas suggested the city consider a five-toone match with the park to purchase new equipment, potentially for two different locations within the park. Input will likely be sought from the county and park board. The city is also looking to have funding in place to move quickly on the Envision Corinth 2040 comprehensive plan. There is the possibility of an additional
The idea of a splash pad in Corinth appears to be getting closer to moving forward. The possibility has been kicked around for some time, and Alderman Andrew Labas suggested in a Wednesday meeting of the Board of Mayor and Aldermen that the city partner with the Corinth Area CVB to fund a dry deck fountain, also commonly referred to as a splash pad, with the city and the tourism office sharing equally in the cost. A splash pad was one of a number of topics the board discussed during a budget work session as they considered items to possibly include in the budget for the upcoming fiscal year. He said it appears a “really nice, feature-rich fountain with seating” can be built for about $300,000. The location has not been decided. Labas has several ideas, but their availability and feasibility are yet to be explored. “There’s other places where we already own the property that might look good,” he said. A rendering of an example splash pad shows a flat, 2,500-square-foot play area area with about 40 nozzles that shoot streams of water out of the ground. Attractive brick seating surrounds the perimeter, and it is anticipated there would also be landscaping.
Please see BUDGET | 2A
Photo courtesy Dale Enderle
This barn in the area of Prentiss County roads 5031 and 5131 sustained serious damage in Thursday’s storms.
Severe weather strikes region
By Brant Sappington bsappington@dailycorinthian.com
The remnants of Hurricane Harvey paid a visit to the Crossroads area Thursday afternoon, damaging trees and structures in Prentiss County and some surrounding areas. A barn and a house in the Wheeler area of southwestern Prentiss County suffered serious damage in the storm which moved through the area around 1:30 p.m. Thursday, said Prentiss County Emergency Management Director Bud Lindsey. Lindsey said numerous trees and power lines were also knocked down due to the heavy winds. The emergency director said
he and others saw cloud rotation during the storm and he believes it’s likely a tornado went through the county. Photos and other information have been sent to the National Weather Service and Lindsey said they are waiting on confirmation of a tornado from the service. The storm took a path from southeast to northwest across the county. Lindsey said he believes there were actually two separate cells of severe weather crossing the county at the same time. Alcorn County Emergency Management Director Rickey Gibens said no damage had been reported Thursday afternoon from the storm system
Local focus begins on quality society By Jebb Johnston jjohnston@dailycorinthian.com
People who are passionate about quality are coming together in Corinth. Caterpillar employee Shaun Sitton, a quality engineer, is spearheading the effort to establish a full section of the American Society for Quality, which will offer professional development and leadership in quality. The group launched a year ago as a subsection of the section based in Jackson, Tennessee, and is now actively seeking members. “In ASQ, we are trying to better the community through
as it moved from Prentiss into Alcorn County. There were also reports of damage from other areas in Northeast Mississippi, including Itawamba County where a mobile home was destroyed and other structures damaged. School districts throughout the area, including Corinth, Alcorn, Prentiss, Booneville, dismissed classes early on Thursday due to the severe weather threat. A chance of thunderstorms continues through 1 p.m. today with a 60 percent chance of rain throughout the day. The precipitation possibility drops to 20 percent tonight in time for high school football action.
People of the Crossroads Former high school and Northeast basketball player Cody Garrett always thought he would be a teacher and coach. He decided to give firefighting a try. “I can’t imagine doing anything else,” said the 26-year-old firefigher with the Corinth Fire Department, a positon he will have held for two years in December. “There is a great reward in helping other people.” The diehard Tennessee football and Pittsburgh Steelers fan also works construction with Byrd Builders. He has a wife of four years, Terra, and they have a 2-year-old son, Grayson. A second son, Gunner, is due on Nov. 3. The son of Timmy Garrett of Walnut and Tina Kiddy, the 2009 Alcorn Central High School graduate still loves to play basketball. When not working his two jobs, he also loves to fish.
quality — that’s quality in your life, quality in your job,” said Sitton. “You can’t help but learn from it and be a better person as well as a better professional.” The group can bring certification, training and education to the manufacturing community. The group has hosted guest speakers and toured different facilities in the community since launching in August 2016. “Through this, personally, I’m becoming a better quality engineer,” said Sitton. Originally from Georgia, he has been with Caterpillar in
By Mark Boehler
Please see QUALITY | 2A
25 years ago
Corinth residents pitch in as Cortelco collects donations to help those affected by Hurricane Andrew in Florida.
10 years ago
The associates degree nursing program of Northeast Mississippi Community College marks its 50th anniversary.
Reserving Now for Summer Vacation!
Please see SPLASH | 2A
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