9-17-11 daily corinthian

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Saturday Sept. 17,


50 cents

Daily Corinthian Vol. 115, No. 222

Clouds and Sun Today




• Corinth, Mississippi • 26 pages • 2 sections

Stop Ahead Intersection changes to four-way variety on Monday BY JEBB JOHNSTON jjohnston@dailycorinthian.com

Cautious driving is encouraged at Cass and Bunch as the city opens

a new four-way stop at the intersection Monday morning. Street Commissioner Jim Bynum said the

changeover is scheduled for 10 a.m. Monday, and he encourages motorists to drive carefully as people get used to the new

four-way stop. After some wavering on the change, the Board of Aldermen approved it Aug. 2 at the request of

Ward 1 Alderman Andrew Labas, who said nearby residents want more traffic control at the intersection.

For many years, the intersection has been a two-way stop, with trafPlease see STOP | 2A

4-H Promotion Day

Staff photo by Steve Beavers

4-H volunteer Judy Martin gets things ready for today’s 4-H Promotion Day at the Alcorn County Extension Service. There will be exhibits and displays along with carnival games and fun activities. The fun is set for 9 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. The extension ser vice is located at 2200 Levee Road behind the Crossroads Arena.

State finalizes official general election sample ballot BY JEBB JOHNSTON jjohnston@dailycorinthian.com

Mississippi election officials finalized the statewide general election sample ballot this week, which includes three ballot initiatives and a narrowed list of candidates. Alcorn County’s election commissioners will meet Monday to finalize the

county general election lineup for the Nov. 8 ballot. Circuit Clerk Joe Caldwell expects absentee ballots to become available probably during the last week of the month. Voters will see three ballot initiatives, which are worded as follows for a “yes” or “no” response: ■ Initiative Measure No. 26: Should

the term “person” be defined to include every human being from the moment of fertilization, cloning, or the equivalent thereof? ■ Initiative Measure No. 27: Should the Mississippi Constitution be amended to require a person to submit government issued photo identification in order to vote?

■ Initiative Measure No. 31: Should government be prohibited from taking private property by eminent domain and then transferring it to other persons? Some names have dropped from the candidate list for state offices. Mississippi’s election commissioners removed

Please see BALLOT | 2A

McRae has lost Purple Heart replaced BY BOBBY J. SMITH bjsmith@dailycorinthian.com

IUKA — World War II veteran Edward McRae may have lost track of his original Purple Heart, but thanks to a local veterans’ organization McRae can once more proudly display the medal earned by his sacrifice almost 70 years ago. Jim Weaver, commander of Corinth’s Chapter 813 Military Order of the Purple Heart, presented the replacement Purple Heart medal to McRae in a ceremony at the Carrington House on Friday. Weaver learned of McRae a couple months back and made it his mission to get a replacement medal for “a gentleman entitled to a Purple

Heart,” — which is one of his duties as a veterans’ service officer. There would be a roadblock for Weaver’s task, however. The building that housed the service records for McRae and thousands more, the National Personnel Records Center in St. Louis, Mo., burned in 1975. Luckily McRae’s family had held on to enough paperwork to establish the 94-year-old veteran’s record in the army. On Friday Weaver received a letter confirming his success. “I’m happy to make it official,” Weaver said. “These awards have been entered into his permanent record.” Weaver would be sur-

prised to find out that McRae was the recipient of several more important awards — including the Bronze Star for heroism. “You are to be commended for your bravery,” Weaver told the infantry veteran. McRae was born on Christmas Eve, 1917. In 1941 he became one of the first Tishomingo County residents to be drafted into the Army. He was one of five brothers who would fight for America in the Second World War. After training McRae shipped out from the east coast, where he traveled south and then west through the Panama Canal. Please see HEART | 2A

Index Stocks....11A Classified......4B Comics......3B Crossroads ..10A

Weather......5A Obituaries......3A Opinion......4A Sports......1B

Staff photo by Bobby J. Smith

Jim Weaver (right), commander of Corinth’s Chapter 813 Military Order of the Purple Heart, presents a replacement Purple Heart to World War II Pacific Theatre veteran Edward W. McRae, of Iuka, at a ceremony at the Carrington House on Friday.

On this day in history 150 years ago Confederate forces abandon Ship Island, Miss. The Federal Navy destroys enemy fortifications at Ocracoke Inlet, N.C, effectively closing the pass to Southern blockade runners.

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