092617 daily corinthian e edition

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Tishomingo County Iuka man sentenced on drug charges

Tippah County TCDF develops Ripley Master Plan

McNairy County Author entertains Michie students

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Tuesday Sept. 26,


75 cents

Daily Corinthian Vol. 121, No. 230

Warm; humid Today




0% chance of rain

• Corinth, Mississippi • 16 pages • One section

Sales tax ends year slightly down BY JEBB JOHNSTON jjohnston@dailycorinthian.com

After setting sales tax records in recent years, the current fiscal year ends with a slight decrease for Corinth, while the tourism tax holds nearly even. One northeast Mississippi town that did see a banner year in fiscal 2017 is Glen, which en-

joyed a 49 percent spike in its sales tax diversion over the past 12 months, likely as the result of a Dollar General opening in the town. The mid-August diversion for Glen of $3,109.73 brought the year’s total to $36,437.39, up almost $12,000 from the prior year.

Big run honors fallen soldier

Among a dozen area municipalities, Glen was one of only three to post gains for the month, which reflected sales activity during the month of July. Across the state, sales tax diversions increased by a modest 0.9 percent. For the month, Corinth received $489,663.55, a 3.8 per-

cent decline from a year ago. The city closes the fiscal year with $6,208,646.17 from sales tax, a decrease of 1.7 percent, or about $19,300, from the prior fiscal year. The 2 percent tourism tax on prepared food and lodging brought in $111,950.93 for the month, a decrease of 4.1 per-

Leaders sought

BY ZACK STEEN zsteen@dailycorinthian.com

ville native, were on hand to recruit for their respective academies — the U.S. Naval Academy and the U.S. Air Force Academy — as part of

Biggersville High School is now $1,000 richer. The school finished at 100 percent on completed lunch forms in a recent Alcorn School District Advisory Council contest to see which school could complete the most student lunch forms for free and reduced lunch. The money was provided by Magnolia Regional Health Center, Modern Woodman Fraternal Financial and advisory council officers. “The goal of this contest was to bring awareness to how important it is to complete lunch forms in the schools,” said Advisory Council Chairperson Jodi Fiveash. “A lot of parents don’t realize that not completing the free and reduced lunch application could cost the school district Title funds and federal funds. Hopefully after this contest, more people understand the importance.” ASD Food Service Director Peggie Bundy kept track of each school’s number of turned in forms. Fiveash said BHS can decide how to spend the money. The

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BHS wins lunch form challenge


A group of family and friends of fallen Tishomingo County Army Sgt. Jason Vaughn is again preparing for the big run. Vaughn’s mother, ReNae Vaughn, said the group will participate in the 2017 Army Ten-Miler in memory of her son. Named one of the world’s best foot races, the Army TenMiler is the Vaughn second largest ten-mile race in the country. Set for Oct. 8 in Washington, D.C., the race is sponsored by the U.S. Army Military. Vaughn was killed in action on May 10, 2007 in Iraq. He died when an improvised explosive device detonated near the Stryker vehicle he was

cent from a year ago. The tourism tax closes the fiscal year with a total of $1,342,169.76, falling about $2,000 short of the prior year for a decrease of 0.2 percent. The tourism tax had also set new high marks in recent years.

Photo compliments of Michael H. Miller

Ravin Chittom (left) of Booneville talks to Steve Guyton, special projects coordinator for U.S. Sen. Roger Wicker’s office, while Chittom’s father, Danny, a retired member of the Air Force, speaks with Marc Rees of Biggersville about the U.S. Air Force Academy during Congressman Trent Kelly’s Academy Day on the campus of Northeast Mississippi Community College.

Northeast hosts Academy Day BY MICHAEL H. MILLER For the Daily Corinthian

BOONEVILLE — Ryan Pounders and Marc Rees took different paths in life but found their way back to northeast Mississippi on

Saturday as part of U.S. Congressman Trent Kelly’s Academy Day on the campus of Northeast Mississippi Community College. Pounders, a native of Belmont, and Rees, a Biggers-

Corinth Music Club kicks off fall season BY L.A. STORY lastory@dailycorinthian.com

Fall is in the air and it is bringing the sweet strains of music with it. The fall season of the Corinth Music Club’s mid-morning concert series will kick off Thursday at 11 a.m. at the Fillmore Street Chapel. Special guests set to perform Thursday will be the First Baptist Church Men’s Quartet. The quartet members are Colon McGee, tenor; Sammy Allred, lead; Randy Richey, baritone; and Phil Mathis, bass. The quartet has been together

for 12 years, and they sing regularly at First Baptist Church as well as other churches and community events in Corinth and the surrounding areas. Recently, the quartet performed as part the season premiere concert for the Corinth Symphony Orchestra. The group will be accompanied by Cindy Mathis, a music club member. The selections they will sing Thursday are “I Love You, Lord,” “He Touched Me,” “Rise Again,” “Soon and Very Soon,” “Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing,” “Meanwhile, At the

Cross” and “Midnight Cry.” The concert is free to the public. “We have been sponsoring these mid-morning concerts for a few years now because we truly believe that our community enjoys so much the musical experiences we bring in during the year. We have great support from our community shown by their attendance and enthusiasm as they come. Corinth loves the arts, and the Corinth Music Club gladly takes on the challenge of supporting and providPlease see MUSIC | 2

Photo courtesy of the Corinth Music Club

The First Baptist Church Men’s Quartet will be the special guests set to perform Thursday for the kick off of the fall season of the Corinth Music Club’s mid-morning concert series.

25 years ago

10 years ago

The Corinth Symphony hosts a performance of “Music of the American South.”

Former Dallas Cowboys linebacker D.D. Lewis speaks at Oakland Baptist Church’s fourth annual SEC Tailgate event.

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