093017 daily corinthian e edition

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Prentiss County Supervisors approve jail contract with city

McNairy County Former DA sworn in as U.S. Attorney

Sports Friday night lights, scores and recaps

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Saturday Sept. 30,


75 cents

Daily Corinthian Vol. 121, No. 234

Partly sunny Today




0% chance of rain

• Corinth, Mississippi • 16 pages • One section

One dead, two injured in shooting Buck said he was unable to release the names of the shooter or the victims at this point. The sheriff said not all relatives had been contacted by Friday afternoon. The call to McNairy County’s E-911 came at 12:45 a.m. Friday to report the shooting at 131 Ramer-Selmer Road. Buck said all involved in the shooting lived in the same home in Ramer, a short distance from the

BY JEFF YORK For the Daily Corinthian

RAMER, Tenn. — One person is dead and two seriously injured in a shooting at a Ramer home. A suspect is in custody for the shooting which authorities say occurred due to a family dispute. The shooting took place shortly after midnight on Ramer-Selmer Road in Ramer. McNairy County Sheriff Guy

Derailed building and Tenn. Hwy. 57 W. Buck said there was one person dead when the deputies arrived at the scene of the shooting. He said one victim was airlifted to North Mississippi Medical Center in Tupelo in critical condition and another was flown to The Med in Memphis in serious, but stable condition. The shooter was treated for a superficial head wound

where he had been shot. Buck requested search dogs from Jackson to be brought in to help look for the alleged shooter after he fled the scene. It did not take long for the dogs to discover the suspect on Friendship Road hiding in an old truck. The sheriff said the suspect was only one-half mile away from where the shooting took place. The sheriff said he did not be-

lieve that alcohol or drugs were a motivational factor in the shooting of the three victims. Newly installed District Attorney Mark Davidson will make the decision on any charges against the shooter. The sheriff said he had talked with Davidson multiple times during the day on Friday. Buck said this was the first shooting death in McNairy County in 2017.

Caution urged after data breach BY ZACK STEEN zsteen@dailycorinthian.com

Mississippi House Lottery Study Working Group members visited with Akansas lottery officials recently. Corinth native Rep. Nick Bain joined Rep. Cedric Burnett (Tunica), Akansas Lottery Executive Director Bishop Woosley, Rep. Mac Huddleston (Pontotoc), Rep. Richard Bennett (Long Beach), Mississippi Gaming Commissioner Allen Godfrey and PEER Committee Executive Director James Barber.

Bain, lottery committee look at options for state BY ZACK STEEN


Rep. Nick Bain is sharing what he calls “valuable information” from a recent meeting on the continued study of possibility creating a Mississippi lottery.

Bain and fellow committee members meet in Jackson in the second of three scheduled meetings of the House Lottery Study Working Group. “We were presented information and a comparison of other states and how their lotteries

are setup and operate,” said Bain. The Corinth native was one of several members of the committee who recently visited with Arkansas lottery officials. Other Please see LOTTERY | 2

Locals are being warned this week to use caution when accessing credit information following a massive Equifax data breach earlier this month. Mississippi Attorney General Jim Hood said consumers should make sure that they are accessing the correct website through the correct Equifax link. He said links are being shared that leads consumers to scam websites. Although Corinth Police Chief Ralph Dance and Alcorn County Sheriff Ben Caldwell said no local scam reports concerning incorrect Equifax websites have been reported, Hood said it is still a credible threat that could cause issues for some residents. “We have seen links being shared that are scams, and we want to prevent consumers from having more damage done to their personal information,” said Hood. “The correct link to use to check on potential impact through this breach is equifaxsecurity2017. com. It is a properly registered site, however, scammers are producing hundreds of websites very similar to this link that are not legitimate, with new ones continually popping up.”

Organizers pleased with results of first fundraiser BY L.A. STORY lastory@dailycorinthian.com

It was a first-time fundraiser begun by a young girl’s legacy and organizers declared it a success. Organizers of the First Annual Annalisa Laudadio Love & Encouragement 5K Run/Walk say that this inaugural event— which was held earlier in the month — managed to profit approximately $1,000, which went to the

Annalisa Laudadio Memorial Scholarship. Extension Center 4-H Agent Tammy Parker said there were enough participants in the event that she was “encouraged” by the results. “I am very pleased with the results of the first Annalisa Laudadio Love & Encouragement 5K Run/Walk. We had approximately 70 participants for the race, which

was encouraging for the first year. I feel confident that the number of participants will increase next year. “This was a learning year for us as far as the planning process. I cannot express how appreciative the planning committee is for the support from our city and county officials, amazing sponsors, residents who live on the race route, race participants and our 4-H

families. Our goal is to host the race each year the second Saturday of September,” said Parker. The event has been named in honor of Annalisa Laudadio, a 4-H member who died in 2016 of sudden cardiac arrest at the age of 15. She was the daughter of Paolo and Linda Laudadio of Tippah County. She was an active

Hood said shortly after Equifax established its legitimate website, other domains were registered, tricking consumers into using fraudulent websites and putting their personal information at additional risk. In this instance, websites can be verified by accessing it directly from the Equifax site and by not clicking embedded links in emails or other websites. “It’s a shame that scammers are giving consumers a double whammy after they’ve already been breached,” added the attorney general. “Our office has joined other states in investigating Equifax and the causes of this breach in order to protect consumers and their confidential information.” Equifax’s data breach exposed the personal information of about 143 million people. Hood said approximately 1,299,254 Mississippians were impacted. Equifax disclosed this month that hackers exploited a software flaw that the company didn’t fix to heist Social Security numbers, birthdates and other personal data that provide the keys to identify theft. Please see BREACH | 2

“I cannot express how appreciative the planning committee is for the support from our city and county officials, amazing sponsors, residents who live on the race route, race participants and our 4-H families.” Tammy Parker

Extension 4-H Agent

Please see BENEFIT | 2

25 years ago

10 years ago

Allen Alexander begins the new season as the new director of the Biggersville High School Band.

Tickets go on sale for the return of the legendary Oak Ridge Boys to the Crossroads Arena for their Christmas show.

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