Thursday Oct. 13,
50 cents
Daily Corinthian Vol. 115, No. 244
A.M. t-storm Today
• Corinth, Mississippi • 16 pages • 1 section
Wreck victims in critical condition BY JEBB JOHNSTON
The condition of one person involved in Tuesday’s fatal crash on Highway 45 has been downgraded to critical.
Angela Duderstadt, 46, of Baldwyn, was in critical condition at 4 p.m. Wednesday, according to a Regional Medical Center spokeswoman. The hospital had reported her
condition as serious Tuesday afternoon. Angela Pounds, 18, of Booneville, remained in critical condition, while Jimmy Duderstadt, 47, of Baldwyn, has been re-
leased from the MED. The three were traveling in a 1993 Mercury Cougar along with Annie Dugard, 76, who died at the scene. The car was slowing
down and about to cross the highway median at a gravel turnaround when it was struck from behind by a northbound Peterbilt log truck driven by Rodney Brassfield, 30, of
Bruce, at about 9 a.m. Northbound traffic was stopped for an hour. The Corinth Police Department continued its investigation of the crash on Wednesday.
Head-on crash on Shiloh Road leaves one hurt BY JEBB JOHNSTON jjohnston
A Michie woman was injured in a head-on collision on Shiloh Road Tuesday evening. The crash happened in the curve of the road near Shiloh Ridge golf course about 6:39 p.m. Flora Strickland, 59, of Michie, Tenn., was driving a 1997 Buick LeSabre when her vehicle crossed into oncoming traffic, said Deputy Police Chief Scotty Harville. She was
taken to Magnolia Regional Health Center with injuries categorized as moderate. The Buick collided with a 2010 Chevrolet Silverado driven by Patrick Coln, 27, of Corinth. He was uninjured. A passenger in the Chevrolet, Barbara Coln, 49, had injuries listed as “complaint of pain” but was not transported by EMS. The truck remained in its lane while the car came to rest partly in the shoulder of the road.
Staff photo by Steve Beavers
State Senator Eric Powell (left) and Corinth Mayor Tommy Irwin help Belk Manager Linda Hastings cut the ribbon on the new store.
Hundreds gather for Belk’s grand re-opening at new site
“Casper” is set to close things out. The 1995 American comedy will be the final “Films on Fillmore” presentation of the year on Friday at the CARE Garden near the Crossroads Museum. “Casper” is the fourth free movie to be shown by the combination of Main Street Corinth and the Crossroads Museum. “It has been a real successful event,” said Main Street Board
Belk opened the doors on a new location. Hundreds of customers lined the Southgate Plaza with the line stretching all the way to Dollar General to enter the store at 10 a.m. “It has been fun opening a new store,” said Belk Manager Linda Hastings. “We have received a real positive response from our customers.” Belk, which has been in Corinth since 1946, cut the ribbon on the new 50,000-square foot building with one of its biggest Staff photo by Steve Beavers
Please see BELK | 2
Movie ‘Casper’ hits big screen in ‘Films on Fillmore’
The line to enter Belk on Wednesday morning stretched to Dollar General.
Showdeo horse show heading to Little Creek BY BOBBY J. SMITH
Staff photo by Bobby J. Smith
Alcorn County’s Showdeo 4-H Horse Club members Cody Potts and Jordan Cavaness are saddled up and ready for the club’s final horse show of the year. Registration begins at 6 p.m., and the show will start at 7 p.m at Little Creek Ranch.
GLEN — Coming this weekend is a competitive display of equestrian skills in a setting amidst eastern Alcorn County’s natural beauty that will raise money for a positive youth organization. The Showdeo 4-H Horse Club will host their final horse show of the year at Little Creek Ranch on Saturday. The show will feature a wide range of competitive classes including trail, lead line, gaited halter, quarter halter, showmanship, stick horse, walk/trot, gaited pleasure, western pleasure, racking horse (flat and open shod), barrels, arena race, pole bending, stake race, Please see SHOWDEO | 2
Index Stocks........ 7 Classified...... 13 Comics...... 12 Crossroads .... 11
President John Orman. “Main Street started it as a way to give back to the community and it has turned into a family-friendly event.” The movie will be shown on a 12-foot by seven-foot inflatable screen. Movie goers will be able to purchase popcorn, candy and CocaCola products for the 8 p.m. showing. Attendees need to bring their own lawn chairs or blankets. “Casper” stars Bill Pullman and Christina Please see FILMS | 2
Volunteers being sought for Grand Illumination BY JEBB JOHNSTON jjohnston@
Behind each Grand Illumination is an army of volunteers who make it happen. With the event coming up on Nov. 12, organizers are calling for members of the community to get involved and help make it happen by preparing, placing and lighting luminaries. “If we didn’t have the volunteers, there wouldn’t be a Grand Illumination,” said Tourism Director Kristy White. It has become a popular event with civic and other
groups who adopt a street. “Probably 70 to 80 percent of the volunteers return every year,” said White. “It’s really fun for them. For instance, the Corinth Kiwanis take Fillmore Street, and there’s always people laughing and smiling and having a good time.” Other groups such as Civitans, Crossroads Poetry Project and Corinth Theatre-Arts are participating, and families also get involved. On the day of the event, a group of volunteers will distribPlease see GRAND | 2
On this day in history 150 years ago
Weather........5 Obituaries........ 3 Opinion........ 4 Sports... 8-10
Frustrated with Gen. George McClellan’s reluctance to act, President Lincoln asks, “Are you not being overcautious when you assume that you cannot do what the enemy is constantly doing?” By Tom Parsons, National Park Service Ranger
MRHC will be offering *$60.00 DIGITAL MAMMOGRAMS September 19th - November 19th, 2011. Appointments are now being taken. Call Today to Schedule Your MAMMOGRAM!
(662) 293-1026 *Must be 35 years or older. No history. No complications. No augmentation. Made possible by a grant from the North Mississippi Affiliate of Susan G. Komen for the Cure to the MAGNOLIA REGIONAL HEALTH CENTER FOUNDATION.