Thursday Oct. 20,
50 cents
Daily Corinthian Vol. 115, No. 250
Hospital presents report
Mostly sunny Today
• Corinth, Mississippi • 16 pages • 1 section
KHS organizes Pink Out
City turns up heat on overdue court fines
Magnolia Regional Health Center presented its fiscal 2012 budget and quarterly report to the city and county governments this week. Hospital CEO Rick Napper also addressed “some questions in the community” regarding the construction contract for the women’s clinic being built on U.S. Highway 72. “That project was bid out,” he said. “The bids came in about $1 million over. We could not take that bid. We decided to do that project ourselves as the management contractor. What we are doing is purchasing the labor independent of the materials. We are saving about $600,000, which gets us under our budget.” The scope of the project was also reduced somewhat to lower the cost. The hospital’s management of the project has been cleared with state auditors, Napper said. The new construction on the main campus is currently focused primarily on parking expansion and site work. Around March 1, the work will transition to bricks and mortar. On the budget, Napper said the hospital continues to perform well.
The city of Corinth is turning up the heat on outstanding court fines by serving warrants. Police Chief David Lancaster reported to the Board of Mayor and Aldermen this week that his department and the municipal court have been working together during the past month to make a dent in the large amount owed to the city. With two officers concentrating on warrants and with the court mailing letters, the city was able to bring in $14,601, said Municipal Court Clerk Dianne Johnson. She said the efforts seemed to prompt some people to come in voluntarily. Lancaster said officers serve about 30 warrants in a typical month. The past month’s effort saw 110 warrants served on 86 individuals, some of whom had multiple warrants. Holds have also been placed on 17 individuals who are incarcerated in other jurisdictions. The board recently had second thoughts about contracting with Judicial Correction Services to manage the payment of fines by individuals who could not pay the full sum up front and rescinded the contract. In other business: ■ The board approved adopt-
Please see HOSPITAL | 3
Staff photos by Steve Beavers
Kossuth students get ready for the school’s Pink Out set for Friday night versus Alcorn Central. Katie Wilbanks (from left), Kaylee Switcher and Whitney Jones display some of the items that will be used as the Aggies entertain the Bears. Related photos, Page 2.
Kossuth ‘stampedes’ against breast cancer BY STEVE BEAVERS
Kossuth High School is out to Stampede Breast Cancer. KHS is planning a Pink Out for its home contest with rival Alcorn Central as part of the stampede efforts Friday night. “Breast cancer has had such an impact on the community that we are encouraging fans of both teams to wear pink,” said KHS teacher April Cole.
The Aggies enter the Division 1-3A contest sporting an 8-0 mark on the year. Football players are taking part in the pink festivities by wearing some form of the color against the Bears. Members of the band will don pink socks, gloves and ribbons for their halftime performance. Shirts with “Stampede Breast Cancer” will be avail-
able for $10. Tickets for the game will be printed in pink and balloons can be purchased for a $1. Aggie fans can also purchase new pom poms for $1.50 each or $3 for a pair. Some Kossuth students will also be doing face paintings of the breast cancer awareness logo for a $1. Game time for the football contest is 7 p.m. at Larry B. Mitchell Stadium.
Please see FINES | 2
Columnist recovering from surgery BY BOBBY J. SMITH
Lora Ann Huff, writer of the weekly “The Back Porch” column and the Daily Corinthian local columnist with the longest tenure, was in Sunday School class at Holly Baptist Church when she began feeling like something just wasn’t right. “I started feeling funny and having strange feelings in my shoulder — feeling like I couldn’t get a good breath,” Huff said. “After a few minutes my hand started tingling and I wanted to go find out
w h a t was going on.” Since t h e church w a s only five minutes f r o m MagnoHuff lia Regional Health Center, it didn’t take long for Huff to make the trip. When she arrived at the hospital the doctors told her she was having a heart attack. Shortly over an hour after it all start-
ed, Huff was undergoing treatment for the condition that caused the heart attack that interrupted her morning in Sunday School. “They did the catheterization. One artery was blocked. They cleaned it out and put a stint in,” the columnist explained. Following the procedure, Huff was told her outlook was good. Her doctors said she may have protected her heart from serious damage by getting to the hospital so quickly. Please see HUFF | 2
Tourism office seeking filmmakers BY BOBBY J. SMITH
Water in motion Staff photo by Mark Boehler
Water flows freely after the recent heavy rainfall over the stone dam made by CCC workers at Tishomingo State Park. Visitors this time of year enjoy Bear Creek, hiking, disc golf, camping and fall colors at the nearby state park. The weather outook this week looks more like autumn with predicted overnight lows tonight and Friday on the mid 30s. The weekend outlook calls for highs in the 60s with sunny skies.
Director Karen Beth Martin. “It’s an art form that’s not really visible here.” The North Mississippi Film Festival is not limited to the region or the state; all filmmakers are invited to enter. All entries must have been made no earlier than 2010. Films that have won previous awards and
On this day in history 150 years ago
Index Stocks........7 Classified...... 13 Comics...... 12 Crossroads .... 11
The tourism office is seeking filmmakers to participate in the North Mississippi Film Festival, a new event coming to Corinth in 2012. The festival is for short independent films of all varieties — running 40 minutes or less including credits — and will be held at the Corinth Malco Cinema on Saturday, March 24, 2012. “There are lots of filmmakers around here without places to showcase their work,” said Program
contests are eligible for entry. The event is still in the early stages of planning. Applications will be available by November 1. Awards will be given for first through third place out of all films entered. Entry deadline is Friday, Dec. 16, 2011. For additional information or to request updates contact Karen Beth Martin at karenbeth@corinth. net or at 662-287-8300. Keep up with the film festival on Facebook by searching “North Mississippi Film Festival.”
Weather........5 Obituaries........ 3 Opinion........4 Sports........8
“Yesterday I walked to the [Manassas] battlefield. I saw several Yankees partially rooted up by hogs. Never, never, was I so forcibly impressed with the idea that war proceeds from want of humanity, & wickedness of heart.” — Andrew Moore, 18th South Carolina Infantry. By Tom Parsons, National Park Service Ranger
MRHC will be offering *$60.00 DIGITAL MAMMOGRAMS September 19th - November 19th, 2011. Appointments are now being taken. Call Today to Schedule Your MAMMOGRAM!
(662) 293-1026 *Must be 35 years or older. No history. No complications. No augmentation. Made possible by a grant from the North Mississippi Affiliate of Susan G. Komen for the Cure to the MAGNOLIA REGIONAL HEALTH CENTER FOUNDATION.