10-21-11 daily corinthian

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Friday Oct. 21,


50 cents

Daily Corinthian Vol. 115, No. 251

Sunny Today




• Corinth, Mississippi • 22 pages • 2 sections

Trooper urges use of seat belts BY BRANT SAPPINGTON bsappington @dailycorinthian.com

A recent series of tragic traffic deaths in the region has brought a renewed focus to the importance of safety on the highways. There have been three people killed in highway crashes in the Crossroads area so far this month, in-

cluding a pair of Northeast Mississippi Community students in separate accidents over a four-day span. Seat belt use is hands down the best way for motorists to protect themselves in the event of a crash, but Mississippi Highway Patrol Trooper Ray Hall said far too many in Mississippi continue to refuse to buckle up.

“It’s been absolutely proven that seat belts save lives.” Trooper Ray Hall Public information officer, Mississippi Highway Patrol Mississippi currently ranks 38th in the nation in the rate of seat belt use, with approximately 87 percent of motorists strap-

ping in each time they get in their vehicles. That’s still far too low, said Hall. “It’s been absolutely proven that seat belts save

would have likely lived if they had been buckled up. The trooper, who serves as public information officer for MHP Troop F in Northeast Mississippi, said one of the biggest areas of concerns is that the lowest rate of seat belt use is found

lives,” Hall emphasized. Last year in Mississippi 23 people were killed automobile crashes on the state’s highways. This year that number is already up to 29 with more than two months left in the year. Of those 29 deaths so far in 2011, 16 were not wearing seat belts. Hall said statistically 12 of those 16

Please see


Supreme Court denies motion BY JEBB JOHNSTON jjohnston@dailycorinthian.com

The Mississippi Supreme Court denied a motion to rehear the judicial oversight commission’s complaint against Alcorn County Justice Court Judge Jimmy McGee. The decision was made public on Thursday. The judge sought a rehearing in the case following the court’s earlier decision, which imposed a 270-day suspension without pay and a public reprimand for improper use of the prestige of the office. The Mississippi Commission on Judicial Performance pursued sanctions against McGee for two counts of judicial misconduct. Along with Justice Court Judge Steve Little, he was cleared of the DUI ticket-fixing allegation, but the state’s high court agreed with the commission on the other count against McGee and imposed a stiffer penalty. The commisPlease see MCGEE | 2A

Staff photo by Reece Terry

A Corinth woman was seriously injured when the truck she was driving left Proper Street on Thursday.

Pickup strikes concrete culvert BY JEBB JOHNSTON jjohnston@dailycorinthian.com

A Corinth woman was seriously injured Thursday morning when her vehicle left the road and struck a concrete culvert. Linda M. Harris, 53, of 20 County Road 223, was taken from the scene by

air ambulance to North Mississippi Medical Center in Tupelo. Police Chief David Lancaster said it appeared she had broken bones and a substantial cut on her head. At 5 p.m., a hospital spokesman, Scott Costello, said Harris was still in surgery.

The crash happened at 8:53 a.m. as Harris, driving westbound on Proper Street near Noel Street in a 1985 Chevrolet C10 pickup, left the right side of the road, going into a ditch and striking the culvert. “We don’t have any

real reason why she ran off the road,” said Lancaster. “The witness who was behind her said the truck just left the road and struck the culvert in the ditch.” The vehicle was heavily damaged and Harris was not wearing a seat belt.

Civic clubs name York as top citizen BY STEVE BEAVERS sbeavers@dailycorinthian.com

CHEWALLA, Tenn. — There is no time to make excuses for Jeff York. The 51-year-old writer also doesn’t let the word ‘excuse’ get in the way. Those type of qualities earned the Chewalla, Tenn. man the 2011 McNairy County Citizen of the Year award sponsored by the Selmer Rotary Club and Selmer Lions Club. “Jeff has helped so many people in McNairy County that I’m proud to share in an award that he deserves,” said Rotary President Karen Lange. York will be honored at the annual banquet on Tuesday. The banquet will be held at the Selmer Civic Center beginning at 5:30 p.m. The awards cer-

“Jeff has helped so many people in McNairy County that I’m proud to share in an award that he deserves.” Karen Lange President, Slemer Rotary Club emony is slated for 6 p.m. and tickets are $12. “When you think citizen of the year, you think of Jeff,” said Rotarian Jack Cheshier. York will be one of 10 people honored for their humanitarian efforts in the county. Awards are also slated to be presented to the Rotarian of the Year, Volunteer of the Year, Youth Volunteer from McNairy Central High School Adamsville High School, Fireman of

the Year, Law Enforcement Officer of the Year, Educator of the Year, First Responder of the Year and Community Betterment Award. The long-time newspaper writer is known throughout the Crossroads area for his community service. Diagnosed with Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva (FOP) at six months old, the oldest of five children of Marvin and Nell York didn’t let the disease keep him

Index Stocks......9A Classified......5B Comics......4B Crossroads ....3B

Weather......5A Obituaries......3A Opinion......4A Sports....10A

County health department plans flu shot clinic BY JEBB JOHNSTON jjohnston@dailycorinthian.com

The Alcorn County Health Department has scheduled a flu shot clinic for Tuesday. The health department staff will focus solely on seasonal flu vaccinations between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. at 3706 Joanne Drive to help residents get their flu shots quickly. The cost is $25 for adults and $10 for those 18 and under through the Vaccines for Children program. A high-dosage vaccination is available to those 65 and older for $50. Residents can also request a pneumonia vaccination at this time. Medicare and Medicaid recipients need to bring their cards. Please see FLU SHOT | 2A

from staying active in his community or working. FOP is an extremely rare disease of the connective tissue. A mutation of the body’s repair mechanism causes fibrous tissue -- including muscle, tendon, and ligament -- to be ossified when damaged. In many cases, injuries can cause joints to become permanently frozen in place. “I appreciate the Selmer Rotary and the Lions Club for giving me this recognition,” said York. “These two civic clubs do a lot to make McNairy County a better place to live.” The 1978 McNairy Central graduate began working at the Independent Appeal newspaper in Sel-

Main Street Corinth picks 1800s Christmas as 2011 parade theme

Please see YORK | 2A

Please see CHRISTMAS | 2A

BY BOBBY J. SMITH bjsmith@dailycorinthian.com

In December the streets of Corinth fill with the yuletide cheer of Christmas past. Main Street Corinth has announced the theme for the 2011 Corinth/Alcorn County Christmas Parade: 1800s Christmas. The theme was chosen to coincide with the Civil War Sesquicentennial as well as include classic themes such as a Victorian Christmas and the time of Charles Dickens, author of the classic “A Christmas Carol.” “That’s what we’re symbolizing,” said John Oram, president of Main Street Corinth. “To hearken back to when Corinth started and remind people of the 150th.” Prices range for different float types: industrial

On this day in history 150 years ago The Battle of Ball’s Bluff in Virginia is a Confederate victory. The Confederate commander, “Shanks” Evans, is promoted to Brigadier General. By Tom Parsons, National Park Service Ranger

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