10-26-11 daily corinthian

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Wednesday Oct. 26,


50 cents

Daily Corinthian Vol. 115, No. 255

Clouds and sun Today




• Corinth, Mississippi • 22 pages • 2 sections

Northeast student robbed at gunpoint Non-student entered victim’s dorm room, stole $1,500 cash BY BRANT SAPPINGTON bsappington @dailycorinthian.com

BOONEVILLE — A Northeast Mississippi Community College student was robbed at gunpoint in his dorm room early Monday and authorities say they are close to making an arrest in the case. The unidentified resi-

dent of the White Hall men’s dormitory on the college’s Booneville campus had recently sold his car and had approximately $1,500 in cash in his possession. NEMCC Dean of Students Ricky G. Ford said the student had shown the cash around to several other students. Ford said it appears

a non-student entered the victim’s dorm room around 12:15 a.m. A small number of other students were present in the room when the suspect pulled out a weapon and demanded the student give him the cash. The student complied and the suspect took the money and left the building.

The college’s police department and the Booneville Police Department are working together on the investigation and Ford said they expect to have a suspect in custody very soon. The situation has prompted concerns about security on campus and Ford said the college’s administration takes the

Judgement House

security and safety of students very seriously. He said the doors to the dormitory are supposed to be locked from 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. each day. Campus police will now be checking those doors every hour. They also plan to convert two of the exits to the building to emergency only exits

during overnight hours and equip them with an alarm system that will sound if they are opened during this time. A card reader system will also be installed at the dorm’s main, central entrance to restrict entry to student’s with proper identification cards during the overnight hours.

Papa John’s makes return Pizza chain returns to Corinth on Nov. 3, will feature delivery Staff report

Staff photo by Steve Beavers

Omar Bakeer, as the Jesus character, receives Tami Kennedy into heaven during Judgement House. See more photos on page 13A.

Seven-scene walk-through drama begins tonight BY JEFF YORK For the Daily Corinthian

SELMER, Tenn. — The always popular Judgement House will begin tonight at First Baptist Church in Selmer for the first of four nights. First Baptist will present JH again on Saturday and Sunday with the final per-

formance Monday. This will be the eighth year of Judgement House at FBC and the program has attracted many people to the church over the past years. The Christian alternative to haunted houses has seen over 14,000 people attend the walk-thru drama. Over

900 people have become Christians after talking with a FBC counselor following a JH performance. The performances will be held from 6-9 p.m. tonight. On Saturday and Sunday, the drama will be held from 4-9 p.m. and from 6-9 p.m. on Monday, Oct. 31. JH is not recom-

mended for any child under 10. Interested people can make reservations by calling the church during the day at 731-645-5326. Walk-ins are welcome, but it is helpful to make a reservation for the free drama. Judgement House’s theme Please see HOUSE | 13A

Club sheds light toward officials on positive role

Papa John is back in the house — at least he will be soon. Papa John’s Pizza will celebrate the opening of its new Corinth addition on Thursday, Nov. 3, with a morning ribbon cutting ceremony. Papa John’s was previously in Corinth and is attempting a comeback. The chain pizza restaurant will offer carry out and full-time delivery within a five-mile radius with meeting points at the four points of the compass. Meeting points have not yet been determined. Its menu will include 10-, 12-, 14- and 16-inch pizzas, breadsticks, cheese bread, garlic parmesan breadsticks and two dessert pizzas — cinnamon and apple pie flavored. Papa John’s was founded in Jeffersonville, Ind., in 1984 by John F. Schnatter, whose “secret of success” rested in fresh, high quality ingredients. Corinth’s Papa Johns is owned by MM & Daughters Inc., of Savannah, Tenn. Mike Scott is the operating owner and Dennis Parrot is the General Manager. Papa John’s will be Corinth’s fourth pizza chain, joining Little Ceaser’s, Pizza Hut and Pizza Inn, along with independent downtown eateries Pizza Grocery, Tad’s Pad and Corner Slice. After the grand opening next Thursday Corinth residents can call Papa John at 287-7272.

30 vendors on tap for Heritage Festival BY BOBBY J. SMITH bjsmith@dailycorinthian.com

The light was on the Boys & Girls Club of Northeast Mississippi. Local leaders along with the public got a chance to see the importance the Corinth Unit has on children during its Lights on Afterschool event at the Crossroads Museum. The Lights on Afterschool is a national program held around the country to let state and local leaders experience firsthand the Club’s afterschool program. “The hours between 3-7 p.m. are very important,”

Staff photo by Steve Beavers

The 16th Annual Heritage Festival is coming up this weekend at the Crossroads Museum. Approximately 30 vendors have signed on to sell traditional handcrafted wares and perform demonstrations of their art. “It’s a way to spotlight Corinth’s history, heritage and traditions — and hopefully to remember and carry on these traditional crafts,” said festival volunteer Cathy Wood. “That’s the focus of the Heritage Festival.” The festival’s traditional Cathy Wood crafts will include spinVolunteer ning, weaving, canning, pottery making, quilting, knitting, canning, soap making and much more. A Civil War-era camp will be in place with demonstrations of cooking and camp life. A sutler’s shop will be open with period wares available for purchase. Several period weapon demonstrations will be

Please see CLUB | 2A

Boys & Girls Club members Michael McIntosh (left) and Damon Brown take in a skit by fellow clubbers during the Lights on Afterschool event at the Crossroads Museum.

Please see FESTIVAL | 2A

BY STEVE BEAVERS sbeavers@dailycorinthian.com

“It’s a way to spotlight Corinth’s history, heritage and traditions ...”

Index Stocks....11A Classified......4B Comics......3B Crossroads ....2B

Weather......5A Obituaries......3A Opinion......4A Sports...8-9A

On this day in history 150 years ago The cruiser CSS Nashville evades the Union blockade out of Charleston, S.C., and heads for the Southampton, England, the first vessel to display the Confederate flag in those waters. By Tom Parsons, National Park Service Ranger

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