Friday Oct. 28,
50 cents
Daily Corinthian Vol. 115, No. 257
Some sun Today
• Corinth, Mississippi • 22 pages • 2 sections
The Pig returns to town Allen criticizes news media after robbery
BY JEFF YORK For the Daily Corinthian
The decision to bring back a familiar name to the Crossroads area is good news for those shopping for groceries. The Pig is back in the grocery market after an absence of 12 years. Piggly Wiggly will open for business on Wednesday, Nov. 2 in the same building of the former Save-aLot store on Harper Road at U.S. 72 at the end of Harper Square Mall. Piggly Wiggly had been an institution as a grocery retailer for many years in Corinth until closing in 1999. The return of The Pig is expected to be well received by consumers in the Crossroads area market. The store will be open from 8 a.m.-8 p.m. Monday-Saturday and from 10 a.m.-8 p.m. on Sunday. “We (store owners) believe that bringing in the Piggly Wiggly brand will be superior to what we had in our other store,” said Charles Carson. “We will have the Piggy Wiggly brand of products and will have them at Sav-aLot low prices.” Carson, with over 40 years of experience in the grocery business, is one of three owners in the Corinth store and many other grocery stores. The other partners are Duran Barnes and W.T. Carson, Charles’ brother.
BY BOBBY SMITH bsmith@dailycorinthian
In a sternly-worded memorandum to college personnel on Thursday, Northeast Mississippi Community College President Johnny Allen criticized recent media reports of the armed robbery of a student. The memo was addressed to “Everyone” and sent via email to the school’s faculty, staff and board members. The doc-
Staff photo by Melanie King
Workers take down the Sav-A-Lot store sign this week to make way for Piggly Wiggly signage. The trio own Piggly Wiggly stores in Henderson, Tenn., Savannah, Tenn., Adamsville, Tenn., Bruce, Miss. and Cherokee, Ala. The partnership closed Sav-a-Lot on Sunday night with the idea of getting the building ready for the change to Piggly Wiggly. Sav-a-Lot opened in Corinth in 2004. “We are excited about opening the new store because we do feel this will be a way to better serve
workforce to almost 20. A new service to begin at Piggly Wiggly will be having a store employee in the parking lot to load the groceries for the customers. Carson explained Piggly Wiggly store owners own a distribution center as a cooperative and that allows their stores to maintain low prices. The co-op is based in Birmingham, Ala. and serves over 300 Piggly Wiggly stores.
our customers,” said C. Carson. “We are adding some variety to our store and needed one week to get ready to reset the building.” Carson said the new store is going to introduce certified Angus beef and will add other specialty meats. Jean Manahan will be the store manager of the Piggly Wiggly in Corinth. They have added six new employees to bring their total
ument was not emailed to NEMCC students. A Northeast student was robbed of $1,500 at gunpoint in the White Hall men’s dormitory on the college’s Booneville campus early Monday. Allen’s memorandum claimed the media coverage of the robbery was hastily assembled from unreliable sources: “Much of the story that Please see ALLEN | 5A
Parents upset over teen strip searches Staff, wire reports
SENATOBIA — Parents of three Mississippi teenagers are demanding answers after the teens were strip searched for trespassing. Cliff Johnson, the attorney for the three teens, told WMC-TV in Memphis Wednesday that children who have never committed a crime should not have received such harsh treatment.
Johnson said a complaint from a neighbor prompted police to pick up the three 15-year-olds and take them to the Senatobia Police Station. There, Tate County Youth Referee Leigh Ann Darby insisted the children be given a drug test. The teens were later driven to the Alcorn County Youth Detention Please see SEARCH | 5A
Hosemann to Crossroads residents: Get out and vote BY ANGELA STOREY
People need to get out to vote on Tuesday, Nov. 8. That’s the message Secretary of State Delbert Hosemann wants Mississippians to remember. During a recent visit to the Crossroads area, Hosemann shared some information about the upcoming general election Nov. 8. In the area, he noted the ballot has not only statewide offices but that of local legislative
races along with several county races to determine. “We want everyone to get out and vote,” he said. Additionally, there will be three initiative measures on the ballot. “This is the first time in Mississippi history we’ve ever had three constitutional initiatives on the ballot,” said Hosemann. The three initiatives appearing on the Nov. 8 ballot address basic constitutional issues: the integrity of our voting (voter
identification); the definition of when life begins; and government’s right to seize private property for non-public use. “Voter identification has been discussed in Mississippi for over a decade. It is whether or not a person should be required to submit a government voter ID in order to vote,” said Hosemann. On the ballot, Initiative Measure No. 27 reads: Should the Mississippi Constitution be amended to require a person to
submit government issued photo identification in order to vote? This would amend the Mississippi Constitution to require voters to submit a government issued photo identification before being allowed to vote; provides that any voter lacking government issued photo identification may obtain photo identification without charge from the Mississippi Department of Public Safety; and exempts certain residents of
state-licensed care facilities and religious objectors from being required to show photo identification in order to vote. Another initiative on the ballot is Initiative #26 — Definition of ‘Person,’ commonly referred to as the Personhood Amendment. It reads on the ballot: Should the term ‘person’ be defined to include very human being Please see HOSEMANN | 2A
Holiday weekend Political foes debate the issues at Northeast brings lots to do BY BRANT SAPPINGTON bsappington
While the city of Corinth is officially observing the Halloween holiday on Monday, Oct. 31, a full slate of activities is planned for the weekend.
Friday ■ “Nightmare on Main Street” in Baldwyn features haunted buildings and terror lurking around every corner. The event continues through Monday from 8 p.m. until midnight in downtown Baldwyn. Tickets are $10 and participants must be 12 and older to enter. The haunted house is sponsored by the Baldwyn Main Street Players, a newly-formed theatre-arts association. ■ The Boys & Girls Club of Corinth Scarecrow display will be part of the “Family First” program. ■ Creepy Cottage will be presented from 6 until 8 p.m. at Country Cottage at 3002 North Polk Street.
Please see EVENTS | 2A
The stark political differences between the two major factions engaged in America’s political debate were on display Thursday at Northeast Mississippi Community College as a pair of activists from each side of the political divide debated the issues. Liberal political activist and political consultant James Hull faced off against Tea Party supporter, author and radio host Dr. Ed Holliday in the debate hosted by the NEMCC Cultural Arts Committee and the Phi Theta Kappa college honor society. In addition to their political activPlease see DEBATE | 2A
Index Stocks....13A Classified......4B Comics....12A Crossroads ....3B
Staff photo by Brant Sappington
Weather......5A Obituaries......3A Opinion......4A Sports....10A
Tea Party activist, author and radio host Ed Holliday of Tupelo (left) visits with Northeast Mississippi Community College student Ed Lucas of Corinth following his debate on Thursday with liberal political consultant and activist James Hull.
On this day in history 150 years ago Confederate Gen. Albert Sidney Johnston relieved Gen. Simon B. Buckner and assumed immediate command of the Army of Central Kentucky at Bowling Green. By Tom Parsons, National Park Service Ranger