10-29-11 daily corinthian

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Saturday Oct. 29,


50 cents

Daily Corinthian Vol. 115, No. 258

Sunny Today




• Corinth, Mississippi • 18 pages • 2 sections

Family shares home skills Police urge safety

BY BOBBY J. SMITH bjsmith@dailycorinthian.com

For the Mann family of Oakland, Tenn., sharing their old-fashioned home crafts at the Heritage Festival is a family affair. David and Darla Mann — and their three children, Anna Leigh, 15, Laura, 12, and Joseph, 9 — began demonstrating their arts and crafts at another festival in the region. “We began sharing our family’s love for old-fashioned home skills and doing things together at the University of Tennessee’s Ames Plantation Heritage Festival six years ago. That has become an annual event for our family,” Darla said. The family has also participated in the Milan (Tenn.) Heritage Festival. This is the second year to join the Corinth Heritage Festival. Each year the Mann children bring a variety of skills to demonstrate and items they have made for purchase. This year they are bringing a history of American dolls display; Cornshuck Doll Creations resembling the popular Willow Tree novelty figures; Oldfashioned rag doll kits; lace-making (historically called “tatting”); and much more. They’re also bringing freshly ground corn and wheat with recipes. “This has been a great staple in our family for its nutritional value and the distinctively wonderful taste it gives to the bread,” said Darla. “Children can try out our family’s hand corn-grinder, as well.” In addition to the Mann family, local artists, musicians, storytellers, authors and Civil War educators will be at the Crossroads Museum this weekend for the an-

BY BRANT SAPPINGTON bsappington @dailycorinthian.com

at 221 N. Fillmore St. in downtown Corinth. Admission to the museum is also free during the final day of the festival. “We want visitors to experience history first-hand and increase appreciation for traditional skills,” said Janice Knighton, Crossroads Museum board member and festival organizer. “This will be a wonderful family experience that’s suitable for all ages.” The festival empha-

Little ghouls and goblins will soon be prowling the streets of the Crossroads area in celebration of Halloween and authorities are urging parents to take a few simple steps to ensure the holiday stays safe for all those celebrating. Corinth Police Chief David Lancaster said he wants everyone to have a safe and happy Halloween and he encourages parents to keep a close eye on their children make sure everyone follows the proper safety steps to ensure a happy holiday. Halloween will be celebrated in Corinth on Monday, the traditional day. Lancaster said it’s always best to trick or treat in groups and to go only to homes the parents know. Children should always be accompanied by an adult when out and about. Costumes should be in bright colors or equipped with reflective tape to make them more visible. Parents should also be sure they inspect all treats for safety before allowing the children to eat their candy. Experts say safety starts with the choice of costumes. Whether made at home or purchased at a store, all outfits should be well-fitting and comfortable. Parents should make sure the costume isn’t so long that the child could trip over it and that masks fit correctly and don’t impair vision.

Please see FESTIVAL | 2A

Please see SAFETY | 2A

Staff photos by Steve Beavers

Sonny Boatman portrays a sutler at the Heritage Festival, above. Sharon Williams weaves yarn at the Heritage Festival, left.

nual Heritage Festival. The festival — a free event celebrating

Corinth’s history and traditional handcrafts — will continue today from

10 a.m. until 4 p.m. The museum is in the historic railroad depot

Toy Store program Ag, forestry tour makes stops at cattle farm, kicks off on Tuesday newspaper office, produce-growing operation BY BRANT SAPPINGTON bsappington @dailycorinthian.com

The Lighthouse Foundation is working to make Christmas brighter for those in need in Alcorn County and will open its doors for the start of registration for assistance this week. The Foundation will kick off registration for its annual Toy Store Christmas Toy program on Tuesday and will continue each Monday, Tuesday and Thursday during the month of November, except for the week of Thanksgiving when the foundation will be closed. Registration sessions will be held from 9 a.m. to noon at the foundation’s headquarters on South Johns Street. A pair of


evening registration sessions will be held from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, Nov. 10 and Thursday, Nov. 28, for those who work during the day and can’t make it to the morning sessions. Foundation Executive Director Gary Caveness said the ongoing economic downturn continues to affect area families in a big way and they are seeing more need than ever for help this Christmas. He expects this year to be the biggest in the 15 year history of the Toy Store effort. Those registering need to bring photo identification and proof of residency for themselves, along with a birth certificate


Chuck Follin and Jeff Rencher are staying dry. The two cattle farmers shared the success of their feeding facility during The Alliance 2011 Agriculture & Forestry Tour on Thursday. Twenty-four individuals took part in the tour that also made stops at the Daily Corinthian newspaper office and Kossuth’s Tuscumbia Gardens, where flowers, blueberries and tomatoes are produced. “It has eliminated a lot of toting buckets,” said Follin about his operation. Follin told the tour that they had to carry 44 buckets of grain a day to feed their cattle prior to installing the heavy use feeding area. Now all it takes is the pressing of a button for the feed to fill the troughs. “We wanted something that was functional,” said the farmer. “When we basically started here it was all mud and it isn’t fun slipping down.”

Please see TOY STORE | 2A

Index Stocks...... 7A Classified......5B Comics......4B Crossroads ..10A

Weather......5A Obituaries......3A Opinion......4A Sports...1-2B

Staff photo by Steve Beavers

Daily Corinthian Press Foreman Wayne Hodges explains to Sandy Mitchell how plates are burned from negatives. Follin and Rencher set out to find a better way to feed their cattle. The Alcorn County Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) assisted the cattle feeding facility with

financial assistance through the Environmental Quality Incentives Program to install cross fencing, water Please see AG TOUR | 2A

On this day in history 150 years ago The largest naval armada in American history (to that point), 77 ships, sets sail in a combined Army/Navy joint operation from Hampton Roads, Va. By Tom Parsons, National Park Service Ranger

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