Local Alcorn Central to present stage drama
Tishomingo Co. Corinth woman arrested for drugs
Tippah County 11-year-old dies in shooting
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Wednesday Oct. 4,
75 cents
Daily Corinthian Vol. 121, No. 237
Sunny Today
0% chance of rain
• Corinth, Mississippi • 20 pages • Two sections
Jury views store surveillance footage
Capital murder trial continues BY JEBB JOHNSTON jjohnston@dailycorinthian.com
Jurors viewed surveillance footage showing events leading to the shooting of store clerk Kris Ledlow as prosecutors sought to tie Micah Allan Bostic to the crime on Tuesday in Alcorn County Circuit Court. Defense Attorney Greg Mey-
er, meanwhile, aims to cast doubt on the presence of Bostic on the morning of Feb. 1, 2016, when Ledlow was fatally shot at the Mapco Express gas station on Highway 72 East. He said the various expert witnesses who will testify can’t say the defendant was present. “The only person that can tell
you Micah Bostic was there is Brooklyn Traylor, and he is not credible,” said Meyer. In opening remarks, Meyer said there is “no credible evidence” proving beyond a reasonable doubt that Bostic, who is on trial for capital murder, was at the gas station. In a darkened courtroom, jurors viewed several minutes of surveillance footage and heard the dramatic bursts of gunfire
Run With Rotary
and cries from the store clerk. Later, they viewed a videotaped interview of Bostic by detectives with the Corinth Police Department. In his opening remarks, Assistant District Attorney David Daniels set the scene, describing how another customer had come and gone and no one was around when Traylor and Bostic entered the store about 5:38 a.m., with Traylor wearing
a striped, hooded sweatshirt and Bostic wearing a solid blue sweatshirt. After the two picked up a couple of items in the store, Daniels said Traylor made a mistake as he said to his accomplice, “What did you get, Drop?” Bostic is said to be known as “Drop.” With Traylor standing in front of the cashier while Bostic Please see TRIAL | 2A
County considers hospital board seat BY JEBB JOHNSTON
“The ball is in your court at this point as to how to respond.”
Staff photo by Mark Boehler
Check-in for the Austin’s Shoes’ Run With Rotary 5K is Saturday morning at Farmers and Merchants Bank at 515 Fillmore Street. The race will begin at 8:30 a.m.
Charity footrace is Saturday BY ZACK STEEN zsteen@dailycorinthian.com
Registration for Saturday’s Austin’s Shoes’ Run With Rotary 5K is wrapping up. Organizer Greg Cooley said signups have been brisk for the ninth annual footrace. “We’re looking at possibly having more runners than ever this year,” said Cooley. Registration for the 3.1-mile
run is $30, plus a $2.50 service fee and can be completed at corinthrotary5k.com. Each pre-registered runner will receive an adult-sized long sleeve tech shirt. Cooley said runners should check-in or register on Saturday morning at Farmers and Merchants Bank at 515 Fillmore Street. The race will begin at 8:30 a.m.
This year’s race charity is Havis’ Kids, a nonprofit focused on special needs children in the community. “Havis’ Kids is a great local charity that we are honored to help out again,” added Cooley. Founded by Havis Hurley five years ago, Havis’ Kids helps make dreams come true for Please see RACE | 2A
The Alcorn County Board of Supervisors will deliberate on candidates for a joint appointment to the hospital board following the city’s nomination of a new trustee. The board on Monday tabled action on an appointment to the seat currently held by Myrna McNair. The Corinth Board of Mayor and Aldermen in its last meeting voted to appoint Tim Smith, chief executive officer of Avectus Healthcare Solutions, to the seat. The current term runs through Nov. 15. In light of the city’s action, it appears the reappointment of McNair is off the table as an option, said Board Attorney Bill Davis. “If you want to propose another candidate either now or later, you can do that,” he told the supervisors. “The ball is in your court at this point as to how to respond.” District 2 Supervisor James Voyles suggested someone such as a retired accountant might be a good candidate. The seat is the only joint appointment to the seven-member hospital board. Supervisors did make several reappointments to other boards — Robert Wolfe, Michael McCalla, Scott Lemons and Danny Turner to The Alliance Board of Directors; Brett Marlar and Sharon Franks for
Board attorney Bill Davis Crossroads Arena; and Pauline Sorrell and Billy Taylor for the Corinth Area Convention and Visitors Bureau. The two Corinth Area CVB seats are joint appointments and have also been approved by the city. In other business: • The board approved a resolution authorizing the exchange of properties set to take place between the county and the city. The city will take full ownership of the Corinth Coliseum Civic Center and the Crossroads Museum, and the county will take full ownership of Crossroads Arena and the Northeast Mississippi Business Incubator. • The board approved a public records request policy giving the county seven days to respond to requests. • Supervisors accepted Trustmark Bank’s financing bid of 2.05 percent for six months for a $600,000 negoPlease see SEAT | 2A
Local rock painting group chooses awareness theme for drop BY L.A. STORY lastory@dailycorinthian.com
They are hidden in the shadows beneath trees, flowering plants and bushes. They are hidden in windowsills, beside doorsteps and at the base of signs. They are hidden everywhere in the spaces where most fail to look, but it’s time to bring them out into the light of awareness. #662 Rocks Corinth — a local rock painting group — chose last Saturday, Sept. 30, as their “Drop a Rock Day” and the theme was “awareness.” “We decided to create a ‘drop a rock day’ as something for all
to drop a like-minded theme on the same day. We allowed members to vote for what they wanted to paint and the awareness theme won by a landslide,” said Whitney Langston, one of the administrators for the rock painting group. The admin went on to add that she, and the other administrators, did not want the awareness theme to be based only on cancer. “There are so many personal stories in our small town that we wanted all their voices to be heard. We explained to them that they were allowed to paint any awareness that was near
Photo courtesy of Whitney Langston
and dear to their hearts and if they had a personal testimony on why they chose that awareness, they were welcome to share,” Langston said. The group members responded with awareness brought to a variety of things such as autism, cerebral palsy, diabetes and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. Tracie Ann Morphis, of Corinth, painted a rock to bring awareness to Kidney Cancer in honor of her husband, Bobby Morphis. She said, in June 2015, her
Whitney Langston painted rocks for lymphoma awareness in honor of her cousin, Ginger Jordan Jones.
Please see ROCKS | 2A
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