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Thursday Oct. 19,
75 cents
Daily Corinthian Vol. 121, No. 250
Sunny Today
0% chance of rain
• Corinth, Mississippi • 16 pages • One section
State inspection closes bridge Fugitive sought
The Tate Street bridge that was closed on Saturday is one of many across the state currently subject to inspection. The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) began a more rigorous federal inspection program in recent years. The bridge was closed based on recommendations of bridge inspection consultants hired by the Mississippi Department of Transportation as mandated by the FHWA. Included in the inspections are all timber and complex bridges that are more than 20 feet in length and are on the National Bridge Inventory System. More than 2,600 bridges across the state are included and are to be inspected within a two-year cycle. All bridges in Alcorn County and the City of Corinth that Please see BRIDGE | 2
Staff photo by L.A. Story
The Tate Street bridge was closed as the result of an inspection which found problems with the pilings.
‘Proud location’
A man known to frequent the Corinth area is wanted by U.S. marshals. Patrick Dillon Butler, a 24-year-old from Michie, Tenn., is considered armed and extremely dangerous. He is wanted on charges of Butler methamphetamine possession and evading arrest by the McNairy County Sheriff’s Department. A cash reward is being offered by the Gulf Coast Regional Fugitive Task Force for any information which leads Please see FUGITIVE | 2
Annual tour highlights importance of agriculture BY L.A. STORY
Staff photo by Jebb Johnston
Actor Chris Bosarge (left) and producer/actor Matthew Horton speak with the audience at the screening of “Blood Country” at the Jacinto Courthouse on Saturday.
Movie shown inside Jacinto courthouse Despite his Tippah County roots, he admitted to being unfamiliar with Jacinto when he was searching online for locations and came across a photo of the old courthouse. “This place was way farther away than we anticipated going when we first started this, but it was worth it,” said actor Chris Bosarge, who portrays one of the main characters, Joe Loftin. The movie had 21 filming days in March and April with a budget of about $50,000. “We really did it on a small budget compared to most films,” said Bosarge. “I think this film would be considered around a $1 million to $3 million budget type film.” With rural Mississippi settings throughout, the 80-min-
JACINTO — Spectators lined the wooden benches of a warm Jacinto courtroom Saturday night, swishing paper fans back and forth as drama unfolded before them. The spectacle at hand was not a trial but a screening of the movie “Blood Country,” which filmed at Jacinto and about eight other settings across the state earlier this year. It is now the second film credit for the Jacinto Courthouse, alongside “Tomorrow,” the 1972 adaptation of the William Faulkner story starring Robert Duvall. “This was, by far, the location I’m most proud of,” said producer and actor Matthew Horton.
ute film is a Western-style thriller about conflict and murder among brothers in south Mississippi. The local extras who participated are among about 100 background actors who appear in the film. Nick Bain was one of a small number to get a speaking role after he got a surprise phone call from Jacinto Foundation Director Beth Whitehurst. “I was actually in court in Itawamba County … She said they needed somebody to play a lawyer,” said the attorney. Everyone involved with the production has had high praise for the local extras. “I know we asked a lot of Please see SCREENING | 2
25 years ago
Mikki Mitchell of Kossuth is crowned homecoming queen at Northeast Mississippi Community College.
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The annual Alliance Agriculture & Forestry Tour emphasizes just how vital agriculture is to a community. “The tour highlights the importance of agriculture and forestry related industry and spotlights their importance to us. They provide a tremendous economic impact in the area,” said Patrick Poindexter, Extension Agent IV/Coordinator, Alcorn County Mississippi State University Extension Service. Planned annually by the agriculture committee and The Alliance staff, the tour has been going on for over 30 years and has showcased many farms and industries within the Crossroads area. There were three stops along the tour this year with presentations made along the way. The first stop was at the RailHub site. Clayton Stanley, President and COO of The Alliance of Corinth and Alcorn County, provided a RailHub, Dual Rail Industrial Site Overview. “The RailHub site is in a phase of development right now from a raw site to a marketable area,” said Poindexter. Tom Parson, National Park Service Ranger, provided a tour of the Corinth Civil War Interpretive Center. “Tom does a tremendous job,” said Poindexter. Keith Coleman of Circle C Farms gave a Baleage Demonstration. The MSU agent explained that Coleman had purchased a McHale haylage baler/wrapper. Material can be baled and wrapped individually in plastic sheeting within the baler before being kicked back out.
Photo Courtesy of Patrick Poindexter
Sandy Coleman Mitchell was presented with The Alliance Agriculture Stewardship Award by Brian McCullen, CEO of the Alliance. “If you have seen hay baled this way, it looks like a field of marshmallows,” said Poindexter. The sheeting increases the moisture content of the bale up to around 12 to 14 percent and seals it airtight to cause anaerobic fermentation which can increase protein value and palatability, he explained. “Cows love the taste of it,” he said. The tour ended with an awards banquet at the MSU Alcorn County Extension Center where the 2017 awards were presented. Mike and Pattie Wilbanks were the recipients of the John Vaughn Memorial Award for their efforts in protecting and enhancing forestry and wildlife habitat on their farm in the Sandhill community of Alcorn County. The Alliance Agriculture Stewardship Award was presented to Sandy Coleman Mitchell for her efforts in promoting agricultural events and providing leadership and assistance to many organizations Please see TOUR | 2
10 years ago
Petey Pace and Leland Hendrix star in Corinth TheatreArts’ production of “God and Mammon”.
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