Friday Nov. 11,
50 cents
Daily Corinthian Vol. 115, No. 269
Sunny Today
• Corinth, Mississippi • 22 pages • 2 sections
Gallery gears up for holiday shoppers BY JEBB JOHNSTON
The art gallery will host an open house along with Saturday’s illumination activities to kick off its annual Christmas sale. Saturday’s open house from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. will spotlight fabric crafts with three practitioners demonstrating their skills — Sharon Williams will show weav-
ing on a loom; Patricia Holmberg will demonstrate spinning; and Linda Newberry will show her knitting techniques. The exhibit featuring the work of Booneville artist Oneta Cole also continues. “The gallery is gearing up for Christmas shoppers,” said Guild President Sonny Boatman. “We have a great selection of unique
gifts made here in Corinth and the surrounding area.” The guild beefs up its gift selection each year in November and December, offering a variety of inexpensive items that have some local flavor and artistry. “In addition to paintings and prints of the current featured artist are the works of many other artists from the surround-
ing area,” said Boatman. “There is also a great selection of pottery, jewelry, wood turnings and handmade fabric crafts.” Gayle Moore’s scarves, children’s sweaters, dog sweaters and knitted baby caps are included. The gallery at 507 Cruise is supported by dues-paying guild members and donations from
sales of art displayed at the gallery. The guild aims to encourage an appreciation of art through monthly special exhibits and educational programs such as workshops for adults and art camp for children. The gallery is open Tuesday through Saturday from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. Call 665-0520 for more information.
Tennessee teachers
Cooking up some stew
New evaluation system could be modified
Tradition continues at Legion
BY JEFF YORK For the Daily Corinthian
Tennessee Education Commissioner Kevin Huffman has announced he will ask the state board to modify the state’s new teacher evaluation system. The adjustment allows principals to conduct two of the required observations in succession, and thereby hold only one pre- and post-conference meeting for the combined observation. This will streamline the process and give greater scheduling flexibility to both teachers and principals. “We have said from the beginning that we will listen and respond to feedback from educators on this evaluation model, and that is exactly what we’re doing. This adjustment made sense, and, if approved, our evaluation system will be stronger because of it,” Huffman said. Huffman said he anticipates making additional modifications to the evaluation system next summer after reviewing data from this year’s results. The Tennessee Organization of School Superintendents recently approved a resolution supporting the state’s teacher evaluation model. “As directors of schools, we recognize that TEAM is an effective way to improve instruction among all teachers,” said Keith Brewer, TOSS executive director. “We appreciate the
Staff photo by Jebb Johnston
Steam billowed from three giant drums of cooking meat at the American Legion on Thursday morning in preparation for today’s stew tradition. Gary Briggs, a member of post 6 for 48 years, said the making of stew for Veterans Day goes back “as far as I can remember.” “We’ve got 250 pounds of beef, 250 pounds of chicken, 250 pounds of pork,” said Briggs. “We cook them separate and pour the broth off.” But that’s just the beginning of the ingredients. “Then we’ve got 72 gallons of tomatoes, 72 gallons of corn, 200 pounds of onions, 400 pounds of fresh potatoes,” said Briggs. “We’ve been peeling potatoes out here for five hours.” The Legion invites people to join them for a bowl of stew at no charge following the Veterans Day parade. The post fed more than 1,100 people last year. Some people like to take home big quantities — Briggs had received one request for 10 gallons and another for five. It’s an event that brings many friends together.
Please see TEACHERS | 2A
The aroma of cooking meat filled the air Thursday morning as the American Legion began preparing the annual stew. It is available after the parade today at Post 6 on South Tate Street.
Please see STEW | 2A
Highway patrol urges motorists to watch out for deer BY JEFF YORK For the Daily Corinthian
As part of its traffic safety education campaign, the Tennessee Highway Patrol is reminding motorists to be vigilant of deer on the roadways. The fall is the most active time of the year for deer due to mating and hunting season, and State Troopers caution that an increase in deer-related crashes
is likely through December. “As the weather turns colder, the chances of seeing deer on or near our roadways increase dramatically,” said THP Colonel Tracy Trott. “November is usually the worst month for deer-related crashes. We want to remind all motorists to be especially alert at dawn and after sunset, and to exercise extra caution when not traveling on
major thoroughfares.” In Tennessee, between 2006 and 2010, 9.2 percent of deerrelated crashes occurred on interstate highways. In 2010, there were 5,406 deer-related crashes, including 281 that involved injuries and one that was fatal. That was up by 1.6 percent from 5,320 the previous year. However, since 2006, deer-related crashes in Tennes-
see have decreased 7.7 percent. Additionally, State Farm, the nation’s leading auto insurer, estimates 2.3 million collisions between deer and vehicles occurred in the U.S. between July 1, 2008, and June 30, 2010. That’s 21.1 percent more than five years earlier. The Department of Safety and Homeland Security and the Tennessee Wildlife Resources
Agency has the following tips to help prevent deer-related crashes during peak mating and hunting seasons: ■ Remember that mating season puts deer on the move and deer tend to move at dawn and dusk. ■ Whenever you see deer cross the road, expect more Please see DEER | 2A
Smokers encouraged to participate in Great American Smokeout BY JEFF YORK For the Daily Corinthian
The Tennessee Department of Health urges smokers to join the Great American Smokeout on Thursday, an opportunity to participate with millions of others in saying “no thanks” to tobacco for 24 hours. Tennessee smokers can get their plan to quit in place now with the help of the Tennessee Tobacco QuitLine. “The Smokeout gives smok-
ers an opportunity to take a positive step toward a healthier life for their families and themselves,” said Health Commissioner John Dreyzehner, MD, MPH. “It’s tough to break the addiction to tobacco, and studies show those who get counseling have a better chance at success. The QuitLine is a wonderful free resource to help people transition to a life free of tobacco and its health and financial costs.”
Statistics show Tennesseans increasingly want to lead healthier lives free from tobacco. Data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for 2010 show 20.1 percent of Tennesseans smoke regularly or occasionally. That’s a significant drop from 2001, when statistics showed 24.4 percent of Tennesseans identified as smokers. CDC now lists Tennessee as having the 11th highest rate of daily smokers in the
Index Stocks......9A Classified......5B Comics......4B Wisdom......3B
Weather......5A Obituaries......3A Opinion......4A Sports....10A
United States. The Tennessee Tobacco QuitLine offers personalized support for Tennessee residents who want to quit smoking by connecting them with trained quit coaches to guide them through the quitting process. Clients will receive ongoing professional coaching via individually scheduled calls with a quit coach personally assigned to them. Contact the QuitLine at
1-800-QUIT-NOW (1-800784-8669), or visit online at This convenient and confidential service is free and available to Tennessee residents in both English and Spanish. The service is also available for the deaf and hardof-hearing at TTY:1-877-5593816. Clients say the QuitLine has been a key to their success in Please see SMOKEOUT | 2A
On this day in history 150 years ago A large caliber cannon violently exploded while being tested at the Confederate fortress at Columbus, Ky., on the Mississippi River. Seven soldiers were killed. By Tom Parson, NPS Ranger