111817 daily corinthian e edition

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Local C.A.R.E. Foundation adds board members

Snapshot Saturday Veterans teach students about patriotism

Sports Corinth Warriors battle in playoffs

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Saturday Nov. 18,


75 cents

Daily Corinthian Vol. 121, No. 276

Showers/storms Today




90% chance of rain

• Corinth, Mississippi • 18 pages • One section

Massive fire began in ventilation fan BY MARK BOEHLER editor@dailycorinthian.com

GLEN — An electrical fire inside a wall mount ventilation fan is believed to be the cause of the massive blaze which destroyed an Alcorn County business on Thursday. Six employees were present inside the Palmer-Handrail Custom Millwork building when the fire began in the vent and workers were able to get the fire out with a fire extinguisher inside the building, said Alcorn County Deputy Fire Coordinator Jackie Farr. “The fire had moved outside, went up a wall and into the roof,” said Farr. The blaze spread quickly and destroyed the millwork facility, described as a total loss.

Firefighters representing eight departments and providing at least 12 trucks remained on the scene from about 12:30 p.m. until 7 p.m. The blaze at 35 Alcorn County Road 324 just west of Glen provided a potentially dangerous situation due to possible chemical explosions, but fire units were able to contain major developments. “It was a bit hectic for quite awhile,” said Farr on Friday morning. “Everything turned out well despite the conditions and given the fire load we had.” Due to stains and varnishes inside the building, there were several minor explosions. It was one of the more major Please see FIRE | 5

Staff photo by Mark Boehler

Firefighters had major flames knocked down by 2 p.m. during Thursday’s massive blaze, but they were on the scene battling the fire until 7 p.m. The structure was destroyed. Please see related photo on Page 2.

Work in city will improve drainage

Metal sculpture by Ralph Barnes and Christmasthemed art by Bruce Bigelow are among the items in the gallery’s “Christmas Gift Headquarters” event.

BY JEBB JOHNSTON jjohnston@dailycorinthian.com

Art gallery celebrates with gift options by local artists BY JEBB JOHNSTON jjohnston@dailycorinthian.com

Like busy elves, local artists have decked the halls of the Corinth Art Gallery with plenty of gift-worthy items. As it does each year, the artist guild has put together a

collection of locally produced items to entice holiday shoppers. The gallery will hold an opening reception for the collection today from 2 to 4 p.m. at 609 North Fillmore Street. “We have art from floor to ceiling,” said Guild Presi-

dent Sonny Boatman, “with all kinds of subject matter. It pretty much represents all of the artists that show their work at the gallery.” More than 20 crafters are Please see GALLERY | 5

Corinth is currently making drainage infrastructure improvements on several residential streets in the east part of the city, where flooded yards have been common for some residents. Bridle Path, Orchard Lane and Garden Lane are the focus of the work, which follows a previous phase of improvements several years ago to address ongoing problems with getting water out of the area. The project will fix street ditches and driveway culverts. “There are yards there that looked like ponds after it rained because water couldn’t escape,” said Public Works Director Clayton Mills. Work began last week with moving materials in and getting some of the driveways cut. “We’re putting in all the driveway culverts that’s bad, getting the grade right to where the water can flow, and opening up the ditch line to be able to direct that water to where it needs to go to hit the main creek,” said Mills. It ultimately flows into Bridge

“There are yards there that looked like ponds after it rained because water couldn’t escape.” Clayton Mills

Public Works Director Creek. The work should near completion in about seven to eight weeks. Driveways are being repoured as the culverts go in, and there will be some landscaping such as sodding the ditches after they are cleaned out that will take a little longer. “It’s going to look really nice when this project is completely finished,” said Mills. Ward 3 Alderman Chip Wood is excited about the project, which should decrease the ponding of lawns in the area. “It’s not going to prevent it completely, but it’s certainly going to help the water flow to get out of there quicker,” he said.

Author shares memories of her mother Staff reports

Former Corinth resident Tamie K. Smith is sharing memories of her mother. Now a resident of Trussville, Ala., she will be at the Corinth Art Gallery today from 2 to 4 p.m. to sign copies of her book “My Name Is Irene” during the gallery’s reception for its Christmas season sale at 609 North Fillmore.

Smith, a 1981 Alcorn Central High School graduate, wanted to know more about her mother’s life and began to collect her stories. “I asked Mama to help me write a book about her,” said Smith. “She agreed, although unsure why I would write a book about her. Night after night, we talked about her childhood and young life with our Dad. Sometimes, the sto-

ries she told me were so surprising that I would forget to type as she spoke. We shared a lot of laughs during those evening chats. She shared stories of a young girl born in 1930 who lost her Mama at just eight years old. A girl that was shy, too tall for her age and no Mama to help her through her teen years.” Her mother became very ill soon after Smith started work-

25 years ago

Katie Southward serves as chair of the annual Corinth Junior Auxiliary/Corinth Fire Department toy drive.

Dr. John Shipp M.D.

ing on the book and passed away six months later. Smith was not sure she would finish the book, but family and friends encouraged her to complete what she had begun. “The heart of this book is all about our Mama before she was our Mama — a girl that loved school and eventually fell in love with a young sailor,” said Smith. “I hope the readers will enjoy reading her story.”

10 years ago

Famed photojournalist Timothy T. Isbell makes an appearance at the Corinth Civil War Interpretive Center to sign copies of his latest book featuring images of monuments at Shiloh and Corinth.

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